GAIA s Granddod GALIA Great Granddad 2
- 2 years ago
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“What did you say?” Bert asked, flabbergasted at what he’d just learned.
“The barrier that was protecting the land had weakened enough to where it was fading...” Sheena reiterated, before Bert cut her off.
“I can’t believe it! It’s impossible!!” the man gasped.
“Well, it is. On top of which, the evil contained there has only festered and become vengeful,” Jason stated. He then launched into a detailed account of their fight with the children and what they tried to do to them. Sophia and Jackson clasped their children, fearful that their babies would become like those beasts.
“So, we need to know what exactly it is that we’re dealing with. Any insight you could give us would be a welcome reprieve from knowing nothing about our enemy,” Sheena said.
“Sadly, I don’t know of any history or people who might know what it is you’re dealing with. These things ... children ... they are the very stuff of nightmares, and I have no idea on how to fight them or what to do about them. I’m sorry,” Bert replied.
“Damn! I guess we’re going to be fighting these things the hard way. They are susceptible to fire, thank Gaia, so we have that on our side,” Jason groaned.
“There ... might be ... something that ... you can try,” Bert suggested.
“Which is what?” Sheena asked.
“To speak to the souls of the Shaman directly,” Bert told the couple.
“Wait, we can do that?” Jason asked, surprised.
“It’s a rare talent from what I understand. I haven’t been able to do it myself, because I have had no one to show me how to do it,” Sheena grumbled.
“How would you speak to the souls of the Shaman directly? Wouldn’t they be one with Gaia right now?” Sophia interjected.
“Normally, they would be. Because of the sacrifice they made to protect the tribe and contain the evil, their souls are still here on this world. It is their souls that help keep the barrier up to keep us all safe from whatever lies in the forest,” Bert replied.
“Because they did that, we could theoretically summon them?” Jason asked.
“Yes. Since you have all empowered the barrier with your magics, it will be easier to commune with the Shaman. There is a catch though,” Bert went on.
“Of course there’s a catch, there’s always a catch,” Jackson mumbled, which earned him a withering look from his wife. Smiling sheepishly, Jackson mimed zipping his lips shut before Bert continued.
“In order to summon the spirit of those who have passed away, but not moved on, one of their blood must be present for the summoning. It’s easier if the summoning is done by their own blood, but being present will also do the job,” Bert stated.
“How do you know this?” Sheena queried.
“It is something that is spoken of among those who were of the Shaman bloodlines. I am among those bloodlines,” Bert replied with a smile.
“You are one of the descendants of the original Shaman who used their lives to cage the evil?” Jason wondered in awe.
“That’s right. The warrior survivor was my great, great grandfather, who was the son of the lead Shaman. The story of what happened back then had been passed down from generation to generation. We were lucky that we held onto that story, with what the whites did to our people,” Bert sighed.
“Maybe Gaia could help you in reclaiming what was once lost,” Jason replied.
“How do you mean?” Sheena questioned.
“If we could speak to the souls of ages past, maybe you could ask them questions of how things were back then. The stories and traditions of your people could be restored. If you were speaking to such a soul, yes?” Jason asked.
“I ... I think it could!” Bert replied, his eyes lighting up in wonder.
“Do you think ... might you be willing to help us commune with these spirits? If you could, we could all benefit from speaking to them. Us, knowing what kind of foe we face, and you restoring your tribe’s lost histories and traditions,” Jason suggested.
“Absolutely! I would be delighted to help!” Bert enthused, sounding like a kid at Christmas. Sophia looked at Jason and chuckled to herself, shaking her head.
“What?” Sheena asked, eyeing her aunt with mild suspicion.
“No, it’s just ironic, is all. Whites put our people through hell with the cultural genocide, and here is a white boy, looking to bring it all back,” Sophia smiled. “You might want to keep him. I know if I was you, I would.”
“Oh, that’s the plan, auntie. Any woman who tries to take him from me will have to pry him away from cold, dead hands,” Sheena grinned.
“Says who they’d be successful?” Jason remarked. “I spent years pining for you, hoping I’d find you again. Now that I have you back, don’t expect that any woman would just take me from you that easily.”
“Oh ... you...” Sheena gushed, before she pasted her mouth to his, kissing her man fervently.
The couple lost themselves in the kiss, enjoying the moment. A polite cough snapped them out of it, and they turned to see Bert, Jackson and Sophia almost laughing at them, while Phalmina smirked. Sophia, though, looked a bit flushed and fanned herself with her hand for a few moments, while shooting smoldering looks Jackson’s way.
“If you two are done? We kind of have some work to do,” Phalmina huffed, while shooting a glance at Jason.
“Aw, come now. No need to be jelly. You get just as much sugar as I do,” Sheena told the fairy while booping her on the nose. The fairy woman wrinkled her nose, but smiled warmly at the Shaman, knowing that she spoke the truth.
“Before we leave, there is a very important matter that needs to be addressed. Your family’s safety,” Jason said, speaking to Jackson and Sophia. He detailed the threat that the wraith represented, which left them fearful, until he mentioned the protection that could be given to them.
“You can ... protect us?” Jackson wondered, awe tinging his voice.
“Yes, we can. Let’s start with some stones,” Sheena stated, before she walked out the front door. She returned a few minutes later, with several smooth, gray stones she grabbed from outside.
Jason started chanting, bringing out the magic of the Earth Mother to empower the stones. Phalmina joined in the chant, and the stones floated out of Sheena’s hands. At that moment, Sheena chanted as well, adding her power to the spell Jason had started. The stones shone and glimmered in the green light that emanated from the three Gaians. As they chanted, the magic of Gaia slowly etched the five stones that hovered there.
It didn’t take long, as all three of them were familiar with the spell. The moment the etchings were complete, magic filled the recesses, feeding the stones the power they needed to protect their bearers. The magic faded, and the stones moved towards Bert, Sophia and Jackson, each one of them receiving one stone each. Sheena’s aunt and uncle got an extra stone each meant for their children.
“That will keep you safe when you’re out and around. Now, we will make sure that your home truly is a sanctuary,” Phalmina told them as she started up the next spell.
The chant on this one was clearer, more strident as the runes came into being around Phalmina. Jason and Sheena joined in, bring their runes to life as they intertwined with the fairy’s. Bert, Sophia and Jackson watched in awe as the magic was worked and brought to a crescendo before it was released. It spread across the house like wildfire, embedding itself into the home so every square inch was protected.
“It is done. Your home is now protected against all who practice Dark Magic,” Jason stated as he took a seat, catching his breath. Sheena sat next to him, taking a beat.
“You two OK?” Sophia asked worriedly.
“We’ll be OK, auntie. Using protective magic like that, it can be a bit draining. Just some water and we should be right as rain,” Sheena told her. Sophia dashed into the kitchen and came back with a trio of tall glasses filled with water. Jason, Sheena and Phalmina accepted the water gratefully, drinking them down in a flash.
“Thank you!” Phalmina said to her.
“No problem,” Sophia smiled.
“Make sure you keep those stones on you at all times. It’s the only way that you and the kids will stay protected whenever you’re outside of the house,” Sheena reiterated.
“We’ll make them into necklaces or bracelets or something. Thank you for warning us about what’s out there,” Jackson replied as he hugged his niece. The couple said their goodbyes to the Gaians and Bert, who promised to stop by later when he got back. As they left, Sophia shook her head, thinking about everything she had learned in the last few days.
“What is it, hon?” Jackson asked.
“It’s just both amazing and terrifying, finding out that the world is more than what we thought it was,” Sophia stated.
“It is. When you think about it, the world always was like this. We just didn’t know how or why. At least now, we know,” Jackson told her.
Sophia smirked as she mulled over her husband’s words, thinking how he wasn’t wrong. Though there was great beauty and amazing things to the world they lived in, there was also a measure of genuine danger. At least, with her niece as a Shaman, she was confident that they, at least, would be safe from any danger that came knocking.
The wraith-child stood in an apartment, standing over a rapidly dying man. He gasped, trying to beg the creature for his life, but the plea fell on deaf ears, as it drained the last of his lifeforce from him. The last of his essence was taken and fed the hunger of the creature, giving it the energy it needed to continue its existence. It breathed, which seemed a strange action to it, but ... interesting, as it surveyed its surroundings.
The apartment itself was a lavish affair, decorated with many expensive things, from classical paintings, to the latest electronics and trendy gadgets. It was also painstakingly tidy, which the wraith-child found as ... odd. When it originally went with the man, it sensed the darkness within him and hoped that the human could lead it to a source, like the Dark Heart, to help its new ally claim her freedom.
Instead, the darkness it sensed was of another nature entirely. The nature of the man was that of a predator, one who preyed upon small children for his own ends. It sensed the stench of death upon him, which told it what he did with the children when he was done with them.
It could have had a use for this man, if he had known its true nature and payed it the respect it was due. Instead, he had thought it was a lost child and had brought her to his home, thinking to use her. Now that he was gone, the wraith-child thought to use this home as its own. It had no other place of safe harbor, aside from the forest, but that was surrounded by a barrier that was ... troublesome to cross.
It would have dearly loved to invoke Dark Magic to place protections that Gaians could not penetrate, but it lacked the power to do so. Still, there was no way the Gaians could know absolutely everything, so the apartment as it was would do. It looked around, not knowing how everything worked, but it was intelligent enough to read. It would learn how to work everything in the apartment, eventually.
But for now, it would have to find a way to blend in and not stand out. If it stood out, then the Gaians would surely come looking for it. Though it had additional power to draw from, the wraith-child would prefer to avoid them if possible. For the moment, at any rate, until it became powerful enough to confront them and win.
The wraith-child searched the apartment, starting with the kitchen and living room, but found nothing of use. It continued its search to the bathroom and spare room, before concluding its search in the owner’s bedroom. It felt a ... strange sensation that felt like emotion, yet not. The creature searched around until it found a curious thing. A box, hidden beneath the bed, stored in a way that made it seem irrelevant.
It pulled the box out and opened it, seeing clothes that were sized for children within it. The wraith-child now knew why this box reeked of emotion. The clothing that lay inside were those of the children the apartment’s former owner had killed. The terror of each child’s final moments lay upon those garments and inhaled the scent, reveling in it.
It wasn’t the soul of the dead children in question, but it would do as a source of comfort for it. This man, whoever he was, wasn’t a true acolyte of the darkness, but a pretender. One who used the darkness for their own ends. They didn’t embrace the darkness and become it, thus they were nothing in its eyes.
The creature rummaged through the clothing, looking for something that fit. After a few minutes of trying on differing clothes, it finally found an outfit that fit and suited its needs. The wraith-child needed to look innocent and harmless, which would keep any of its hunters off its scent. At the bottom, it found several pairs of shoes and after selecting the largest pair; it slipped them on, its disguise complete.
It stood up and left the room, shutting off the light. Though it could have left it on, it knew from what memories it absorbed about what would and would not draw attention. Many of the memories it had found from the souls of its victims were useless, but there were small bits of wisdom here and there.
It walked back to where the corpse of the man was and started breaking it down, snapping the corpse’s limbs like twigs. This bit of information came from the soul it had just consumed; never leave a body lying around. It draws attention and uncomfortable questions. It then hunted for garbage bags, finding them beneath the kitchen sink.
The wraith-child loaded the bags with the remnants of the man. Being a dried out corpse made disposing of him much easier and far less messy than a regular corpse. Once he was stowed in the garbage bags, the creature grabbed the keys and walked out with the bags. After disposing them in the dumpster behind the building, the wraith-child left, resuming its search for any who practiced the dark arts.
“There’s nothing!” Konstantin growled as he watched the footage yet again. Meera Sadeghi cursed in Arabic, angry that the CCTV camera had delivered nothing. There was no one on the recorded video and no sign of their passing.
“How the fuck did he do that?” Meera grumbled.
“He must have had the CCTV on a time loop. Bastard’s quite clever,” Thermopolous rumbled. Sadeghi continued to curse, and had Konstantin been able to understand them, he would have blinked in surprise. As it was, he just smirked at Meera as she kept swearing. Doing this earned him a hard glare, which should have withered his manhood, but Thermopolous just smiled wider.
“Why the fuck are you smiling?” she seethed.
“What? You look cute when you get all huffy and angry,” the man chuckled. Meera bristled and rolled her eyes at the comment. Though a part of her did admit that she liked the thought of Konstantin finding her cute like that. The same part of her wondered what he thought of her when she smiled. Meera then put her focus on trying to figure out who had been in the morgue before they were.
“Any ideas on who our mystery guest could be?” she asked.
“None, but I think there is something that we could do to find out. Mind you ... it’s not exactly legal. Per se,” Konstantin offered.
“What’s the idea?” Sadeghi asked, already knowing that she was going to regret asking.
“We bug the morgue. We won’t be able to see who it is, but we will know what they sound like and if we’re lucky, they’ll identify themselves next time they visit,” Thermopolous offered.
“Off the books surveillance? On one of our own? Are you crazy?” she groused, more than a little uncomfortable with the idea.
“Do you have any better ideas? We’re fresh out of leads, have no fresh evidence, and no persons of interest have popped up on our radar. Unless you know something that I don’t?” Konstantin reminded her.
“No, I don’t. If there’s nothing else, then it’s our only option. It’s still a horrible idea, though. If we get caught, it’s our butts in the sling and there will be no coming back from it,” Meera told her partner.
“You don’t have to tell me that. No one else will be looped in on this. Just you and me and that’s the way it’s going to stay,” Konstantin reassured her.
“Good! How are you going to bug the morgue without Randy noticing?” Sadeghi questioned. “It’s not like either of us can just get our hands on the equipment we need without being noticed.”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that detail. I have a few friends who owe me some favors, so I’ll handle it,” Detective Thermopolous told her.
Meera was a little leery about going down this route, but they had little choice in the matter. They needed to turn up something on this case, as the captain was up their asses on finding any new leads. She only hoped that what they found would help close this case, as it was getting to her. Sadeghi sighed as she couldn’t shake the feeling of a dark presence overshadowing this case.
“That was ... wow!” Bert breathed as the car passed through the barrier to the house.
“I know! I’ve been back and forth through it and I’m still not used to it!” Sheena agreed as she drove the car up to the old building.
“You’ll want to come in and meet up with everyone who’s here then?” Jason asked.
“Um, yeah! It’s not every day that you get to meet beings such as yourselves!” Bert enthused, as he smiled at Phalmina.
“FYI, I’m not the only fairy here,” Phalmina smirked as she got out of the car.
“There are more? I thought your kind were nearly extinct!” Bert breathed.
“Not quite. And there is hope for our kind yet,” she replied as she caressed her belly protectively.
“You have...”
“Yup! I’m not the only one carrying a new life within me either,” she smiled as the quartet entered the house.
“ ... something happened there, but we have yet to determine what exactly. There were traces of Dark Magic, but we have no idea of what happened there,” Emalia finished.
“What happened where?” Sheena asked, startling the chattering group.
“Mina! Glad you are here! Something happened here this morning,” Emalia stated.
She then went into explaining what Xaera had sensed and how they both went to see what it was. What they found at the spot where there was a resonance of Dark Magic, but little else. They had found nothing specific, but if it involved Dark Magic, it couldn’t be good.
“Hearing this kind of news is never good. But we have some news of our own. Everyone, this is Bert Redhead, a tribal elder who will help us in finding out about what lies within the forest,” Phalmina told everyone there.
Bert met everyone there, one by one, and though he was disturbed at the sight of Xaera, he quickly got over his fear. After they made introductions, Bert then explained what he had in mind, so they could learn of their enemy.
“So wait a minute. You’re saying that it’s possible to speak to the souls of those who have passed on?” Karla asked, her interest in the possibility evident.
“Yes, but only if they haven’t become one with Gaia and are still wandering the earth. Only those who still have purpose here or who have refused to move on will still be here,” Bert explained.
“How do you know who is still here and who isn’t?” she pressed.
“That is something I do not know. Only those tied into the primal power of the Great Spirit would know,” Bert replied.
“OK. Thank you for answering my questions though,” Karla thanked the man.
“You lot going to head out back to perform this ritual?” Luke questioned.
“Yeah. Why, you bored?” Jason wondered.
“A little and I’d like to see this ritual performed. It’s not exactly something you get to see happen everyday you know,” the young man stated. The rest of the group agreed, and they all asked if it was OK to tag along.
“I don’t see the harm in it. As long as everyone stays quiet and doesn’t interfere. It’s a very delicate ritual that requires absolute concentration,” Sheena told them.
“You don’t have to worry about anything from us. Hell, I’d treat this as a history class from beyond, and I’m sure my auntie will attest to how much I love history!” Karla enthused. The others there echoed her sentiment, and both Bert and Sheena allowed them to come along. Xaera joined them as well, after casting her daylight resistance spell, so she could walk out in the sun.
“So, Bert, where do we start?” Sheena asked.
“According to this book, we have to find the exact spot where the Shaman performed the protection ritual,” Bert replied as he pulled a thick, leather bound tome from a satchel he was wearing.
“May I have a look?” Sheena asked, gesturing to the book that Bert held. He nodded and handed it to her. She looked through it and leafed through several pages, so she understood what it was she was supposed to do.
“All right. Jason, I’m going to need your help with this. It’s going to require a lot of magic to invoke the spirits,” Sheena told him.
The redheaded man nodded and let her start by tapping into the primordial power of Gaia. She directed the flow of it, seeking the spot where the Shaman enacted their spell. The magic slithered along the ground, heading for the spot like a heat-seeking missile. It then stopped, pulsing as it waited for Sheena to come and wield it.
“Bert, if you would join me, please? I will need you as part of the ritual in order to bring them forth,” she asked.
“I would be honored,” Bert smiled as he walked over to the spot where the ball of magic waited.
Sheena was right behind him, as was Jason, who kept his magic handy for when Sheena would need it. The moment they stepped onto the spot, the magic burst outwards, like a firework, lines and runes illuminating the ground. They were flickering slightly, and that’s when Jason took his cue, feeding what magic he had to empower the runes and outlines.
“Wha ... this is ... in the language of our people!” Bert stuttered.
“Can you read it?” Sheena asked.
“Yes ... yes, I can!” he replied excitedly. He looked over at one passage, mumbling to himself, before his face lit up.
“This is a summoning that anyone can do, provided they are of the bloodlines needed to enact it!” Bert gibbered.
“It’s going to have to be you, Bert. Jason and I are doing what we can to hold the runes in place,” Sheena told him.
“Why can’t you let it go?” he asked.
“I can sense the magic here and its purpose. It was hidden and done so for a reason. The only way it stays illuminated is if we keep feeding magic to it!” Sheena replied.
“It’s also taking considerable concentration to keep it illuminated! Almost like it wants to hide again!” Jason replied, straining slightly.
“Ok! Let me find the start of the ritual!” Bert yipped as he scrambled to find its beginning. He found it a few minutes later and followed it around to be sure he was headed the right way. Once he was certain he had the sequence correct, Bert began doing the ritual, chanting in the tongue of his ancestors. He did the motions that went with each sequence, imploring the souls of the lost Shaman to come forth.
Jason kept his focus on the flow of magic, so Bert could see what he had to do. He was watching Bert go through the motions out of the corner of his eye, and what he saw made him smile. It looked like a rain dance of sorts, blended with something almost like a Maori Haka. Though he wanted to watch, Jason had to keep his concentration absolute, if this was to work.
Bert finally moved to the center, calling upon the spirits of the departed to make themselves known to the living. How blood called them and demanded that they show themselves. Moments after the ritual was completed, a deep thrumming sounded from the ground beneath them. The lines brightened, and the runes flared, giving light and life to the ritual that had been completed.
A bluish mist rose out of the runes, climbing upwards to form a humanoid shape. It coalesced, becoming more defined in its shape and form. Seconds afterwards, it finished forming and the soul of the long dead Shaman stood in front of them. He was bare chested, with several necklaces dangling off his neck. He wore deerskin pants, with tassets in the front and back, decorated with ornamental beadwork.
A staff topped with a wolf skull was in his hands and a larger wolf skull was perched on his head. His features were that of an older man, with weathered lines and sharp eyes that had seen much. His hair was two toned, which suggested that he was graying when he died, but it was difficult to tell, as he was all blue.
“Who has summoned me?” he asked, his voice ethereal and spooky. Bert hesitated and gulped, never having seen, much less performed, a summoning before. Yet he was also in awe that he was in the presence of his ancestor, whom he could speak to.
“I ask again, who has summoned me? Did you, Shaman?” he asked, directing the question to Sheena.
“No, I haven’t. Bert?” she called. The Shaman blinked, then turned to regard Bert, taking the sight of the man in. He then sighed, which sounded odd, coming from a spirit.
“So, my son did go as I told him to,” the Shaman said.
“He did. You know who I am?” Bert asked.
“I do. I can see it in your features. You are descended of my son, who carried news of what we had done to contain the evil here,” the Shaman replied.
“He did bring the news, but it wasn’t known what lay within the forest,” Bert told him.
“That was my son’s duty. To stay behind and tell of the sacred charge that was laid upon him and his children,” the Shaman stated. “I have sensed the lifeblood, which holds the evil, weakening. Why is this?”
“Because the evil you hoped to contain is far more powerful than you thought,” Jason replied.
“That’s impossible! We knew we would be called, but the evil should not be this strong! It hasn’t had enough time to become like this!” the spirit rebuffed.
“Well, it has had over a century to grow its power, and going by the creatures we battled in the forest, I’d say its power is ... considerable,” Sheena told him.
“More than a century?!? Why were we not called before then?? Why was the evil allowed to stay here for so long?!?” the spirit raged.
“So much has changed since those days, honored ancestor. Because of what the whites have done to our people, we couldn’t come back and finish what they started. We didn’t have the power and didn’t know how to find it again,” Bert told him.
“Because of men like him!” the Shaman accused. “Brothers! Join me in expelling this stain upon our lands!”
The Shaman chanted, and the spirits of other Shaman materialized out of the same blue mist. They were all garbed much like he was, but each represented a different animal. One was garbed in raven feathers, while another wore the furs of a bear. The third had the pelt of a caribou draped all over him, while the fourth sported eagle feathers, as part of his motif.
They all joined their fellow Shaman in the chant, building a spell of power to destroy Jason where he stood. Sheena began a chant of her own, leaping to Jason’s defense, but he waved her off. Without a single word, Jason embraced the primordial power of Gaia, letting it flow through him like a river. The sheer might of magic that he commanded got the attention of the Shaman who stopped their chant and stared in awe.
“H ... how??” the lead Shaman gasped.
“It was a gift, bestowed by Gaia herself. It wasn’t just your people who were betrayed. Many centuries before, my own people of ancient Scandinavia wielded this power in Gaia’s name. We were happy, peaceful and in balance with the Earth Mother. Until the missionaries came with their message of conversion. They called us blasphemous and evil, stating how their way and their God was the only true way to believe,” Jason stated.
“A message we know all too well. You lost the fight against them as well?” the Wolf Shaman asked, knowing the answer.
“We did, with much bloodshed on both sides. We were driven to near extinction but were held fast and persevered. Today, the message of these people now rings hollow and the true followers of Gaia can be as they wish to be, without fear of death or persecution,” Jason told him.
“It is heartening to know that the old ways are coming back. We apologize for taking action against you, Great Envoy. Whites had done much to destroy us and our people and are the ones responsible for the calamity you now face,” the spirit apologized.
“It’s all right. You have much to be angry about and you weren’t aware of everything going on out here. Just know that there are more out there like me, who are done with the nonsense of the old world,” Jason told him. This made the Shaman smile, and they bowed to Jason respectfully.
“If I may steer the conversation back to why we’re here?” Sheena asked. “We need to know what lies within the forest, so we can fight it and defeat the evil that resides here for good.”
“You wish to know of the creatures you face and the dark power that gives them ... life?” the Wolf Shaman asked.
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John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...
Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...
“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...
At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...
Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...
Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...
More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....
War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...
The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...
A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...
An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...
Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...
A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...
Sometimes, a relationship just doesn't work out and both parties split amicably and without any lingering tears or anger. And sometimes a boyfriend, while drunk, cheats on his girlfriend with her best friend, also drunk, and gets caught sleeping together by the aforementioned girlfriend. To say that Amber was furious would be a massive understatement, the biggest reason being that Hayden and her had been having relationship issues recently, but things seemed to finally be looking up....
Cherie Deville is a hot big titty mylf who takes her workouts seriously. She always remembers to stretch every single muscle she can before she starts to get physical. She usually documents her workout on her blog, but today she was lucky enough to have one of her sons hot friends film it for her. They got to filming and all this kid could focus on was Cheries ass and tits. After the shoot they go inside to review the footage, and Cherie is appalled by how preoccupied this young man was with...
xmoviesforyouBy : Rexyboy Hi to all ISS readers, hope you are all fine! I’m from Chennai, came up with a story here then guys I need your suggestions to post my future writings. This happened very recently when I was travelling in bus, one day I missed my cab in the office and my next cab is after two hours, so I thought to go home by bus, so from my office I walked to a nearby bus stop and was waiting there, thinking that it’s been so long that I went in bus and I was praying that that the bus which I...
“Aunty, I need your advice, I can’t go to my mother for this because she would just get upset. You know her.” “What is it my dear niece?” “It’s about sex. My mother won’t talk about it at all. I think she hates it.” “Ah, yes! I am surprised my youngest sister even had a child. I know her husband is unhappy.” “I’m an only child, you’ll notice. That was a good excuse to cut my father off. I do think he has another woman though, but I don’t know who it is.” Aunty got back to the original...
I have a very beautiful wife so as my friends. I have a great friend circle and all are married too. Giving parties is a weekend plan for us. It all happened just after a fantasy. I and my wife love to do fantasies to make our sexual life more erotic and pleasure and during such a fantasy, one night I asked my wife to create such a fantasy which she ever imagined as the hottest and most exploring to her feminism. She is open to me in all this and so she told me a fantasy of her which she wants...
Sunday morning breakfast turned out to be quite an occasion. Nancy made the coffee. She'd always been able to entice the percolator to do its best. Since our divorce, my breakfast coffee had never been quite the same. I broiled the steaks, fried the eggs, fixed the potatoes and the toast. Nancy had a half-pound top sirloin steak. I needed a pound and a half. After we'd put that away, sitting at the kitchen nook next to the rain-splattered window, I brought out the champagne I'd had in the...
The next day I started framing the roof. I dragged some of the plywood up to give me something to stand on and got down to business. The morning had gone well and I’d made a lot of progress, but I felt like the nail gun had been glued to my hand. I’d had my shirt off since nine and was dripping sweat, dehydrated and ready for a break, so when I saw Kayla coming down the hill with lunch, I climbed down the ladder and plopped into a chair on the veranda to wait. We greeted, she handed me a...
Matt wiped his brow on his T-shirt and looked down the line of soil that he had turned over. He still had a load to do and it felt like it was taking forever. If at least he could get half way by tea time he would feel like he had broken the back of his job. His friend’s mum, Judy Morris, peered out of her kitchen window and admired Matt’s six pack, which he had revealed on mopping his perspiration. As Larry was in hospital with a broken leg and Judy’s husband was in Scotland on business, Matt...
Dear reader This is my story on this site and it is a true story. Story that marked my induction into the beautiful world of sex and one which is responsible for making me fucking horny bastard, whose dick is always in search of a hole. The story dates back to almost 30 years ago when I was about 8 year old. I was staying in a small industrial town in India where my father was working in a local industrial unit in the capacity of an executive. He was a simple nice gentle man with perfect...
IncestI kicked the Holdian, I had to admit with a dark sense of satisfaction and flung the small being right into the face of the approaching barkeep, ducked once again under a hefty swing of the bald-headed brawler, but could not completely evade the fist of the Triple Strong that scraped along the side of my jaw and made me see white flashes. I was sure a Bandrupo would have felt that uppercut, but this wasn’t my first bar fight and if I managed to get out of this one, most likely not my last. I...
Susan nibbled on his ear, taking small nips at it as well as licking his earlobe. "You deserve a break too. I know you desire me. I've seen how you look at my legs and tonight, how you looked at where my legs join my body. I know what you were seeing in your mind. I want to show you that part of me..." more licking, "I know how to please men especially someone I like." Jon felt some wetness on his underwear and knew it was his precum leaking due to her licking and words, which were...
My fetish for sniffing women’s panties all started when I was about 18. I was hanging out at the pool of one of my friends with a couple of the guys from school. My friend’s mom, Mrs. P, was a very hot looking woman, about 45 years old and lounging at the other end of the pool. She was wearing a red 2-piece bikini with sunglasses and her legs were propped up to support the book she was reading. I would purposely swim over close to her to hopefully get a better glimpse of her body, especially...
My greatest sexual experience was with my momI was 17 and a senior in high school. I had made out with a number of girls. but had never had sex with any. I wanted to, but just never could get past the fear of getting some girl pregnant. Needless to say I was getting a lot of experience masturbating.My mother was 23 years older than I was. She was 5'7", black hair and dark eyes. She wasn't a centerfold but she looked good. She had a nice small waistline, pretty legs and what looked like perky...
Here's another story from my archives, updated slightly, friends...Because my lover has such a big cock I can't refuse him anything, least of all his arousing fetish for sniffing my ass and crotch while I wear my shiny black full bottomed skintight panties under gleaming sheer to waist high gloss pantyhose!It all started when I needed a wardrobe putting up in my new flat and my sister recommended her boyfriend, Kev, to come round to do the job.On this day when Kev came around to put the...
Our senior school was a bit behind on the premise of sexual education lessons. In the three years I had been there we had only ever had one lesson, which never really explained much. Of course most of us at our age knew plenty, thanks to porn and cheap alcohol. Some students however were a little behind on the knowledge, my friend Rose was one of them. She had done as much research as she could and even tried a few things, but she had confided in me she had only ever had sex once, and it never...
I woke up grumpy. I couldn’t eat or pee this morning. I had a physical scheduled for first thing this morning. Even worse, the doctor had warned me that today I even got a prostate exam. Oh well, I hope his hands aren’t too big. I arrived at the doctor’s office early and waited for my turn. The nurse ushered me into the exam room and drew blood then gave me the little plastic cup I had to pee in. I relieved myself and gave the cup to the nurse, and then I waited for the doctor’s arrival. He...
Last week was the final hot week of an Indian summer that stretched all the way into April. The still, humid air made the school week hell, especially in the un-air-conditioned classrooms of the old wing. You go to a posh private boarding school and you'd think the expensive fees would stretch at least as far as air conditioning, but Mr Gallows (headmaster and ... secret boyfriend?) has been trying to get the Trustees to fund a refurbishment of the old wing for years. By the time the weekend...
After my first anal experience, my brother Tom and I began to have a closer relationship in all aspects. I kind of moved to his room as we started sleeping together every night. We would have sex constantly, and we would go around New York holding hands and kissing as if we were a couple.We agreed we could date other people, but Tom immediately broke up with Diane, his girlfriend at the time, as he felt really guilty about cheating on her. Of course, he didn't confess he had been unfaithful,...
IncestCopyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Monday, December 14th, 1931 James Ewart’s home El Segundo, California Eliza served breakfast and settled into her chair at the other end of the table next to the high chair that mysteriously appeared sometime during the night. It was well-used but well-loved. Someone’s child… Bethany Rose sat next to James as if she was entitled. He said nothing while he ate but occasionally glanced at her with a slight smile. Eliza stared at Bethany… her...
What got me into trouble was wanting what i couldn’t have. She was no different. Her name was ‘Day,’ Dayanara Ramos and she was fine as all hell. 5’7” with hazel eyes, a swimmer’s body, and a Brooklyn attitude that never ceased to light my fire. Day and I had gone to school together since seventh grade, though I’m certain she couldn’t tell you my name. My name’s Jaime by the way, Jaime Anne Charist, most people call me Jay. Token lesbian of Delmar Senior High. Day, she wasn’t...
Well since the quarintine we have been staying at home. I work from home and that helps. But after a month without going out was getting to me. Before when i got horny i would call my friends. We would go bar hopping, and find a good looking man for a one nite stand. It seems like i masturbate every chance i get. Alex is loveing being stuck here; we have a good size peice of property. He rides his bike and plays his games. It was late on evening and I was laying on my bed. ...
The first thing you should know about this story is that it's long - very long! Don't let these first few chapters fool you. As the story becomes more complex, the chapters become much longer. When taken as a whole, my official word count for this version of the story is 1,159,450 words. If you do a little bit of research (such as at ) you will find that if this was a legitimate piece of printed published literature, it would stand...
Hey there.!!! It's me Arjun back again with my real life experience but this one's a gay experience. Well I didn't described how I look so I'll do that now. Actually I'm 5'11 tall and having weight 70kg and do workout daily so I'm fit and have good shaped body having whitish complexion and a 6" long dick. Well to start with I must say that I'm almost straight and I like girls but I don't mind making out with a good looking guy at all. So coming to the story. When this incident happened I was in...
First TimeDaddy and I have been lovers since the day that my mother, the bitch, walked out on us and never looked back. That was my sophomore year in college, the summer I turned 20. I was there to ease Daddy's pain and he has rewarded me with the loving touch only a Daddy can give his little girl. I know that some of you may be thinking that this is wrong, but how can something that feels so right be wrong? It is not wrong in our eyes and it works for us. After we became lovers, Daddy moved us out of...
Prelude Part 4: Volund 4999, OTT The crumbling walls of Olafson Burg were no longer on his mind. Volund was now the steward of Ragnarsson Rock. Erik Gustav had kept his word and had given him the stewardship and rule of all that was Ragnarsson on this world. There were tanneries in the extensive basements, several Nubhir farms on the permanent ice of the southern polar region, and large Fangsnapper herds. Best of all, there were five modern and well-kept fishing boats and three hunting...
LukeIt’s funny how quickly you can get used to something, how quickly you can get used to someone new in your life. When you just seem to click with that someone, everything feels comfortable with them. It is so easy to get used to little things, like having a hand to hold, an ear to whisper into, a head resting on your chest.Lying here, spooning behind Tina, my head propped on my hand, stroking her hair, it felt like it had been an age since we had been like this, uninterrupted, not just over...
Love StoriesRay and his 18-year old son were more like friends than father and son. Greg was advanced for his age and Ray wasn't able to give up the wild days of his youth. They were into the same activities and liked the same sports and music. Ray sometimes joined Greg on a Saturday night out with friends. Greg's friends were queasy at first but soon learned that Ray was discrete, thought the same way, and acted more like a virile teenager than an older married man: downing the suds, telling dirty jokes...
As I headed towards the kitchen I could hear moaning from within. I stepped into the kitchen to see my older brother having sex with our mom. My dad sitting reading the news paper, drinking his coffee at the kitchen table. Tom my brother is two years older then me, his athletic body was built like a Greek god. He has short brown hair and deep brown eyes. He has the second biggest dick I have ever seen only beaten by a little by my father. My mom was sitting on the counter with her legs...
I eventually lost my virginity to one of the boys named Anthony when I was **-years-old and he was 18 after he "popped my cherry" I pretty much went wild and let 6 other 18-year-old boys in that group fuck me within the first month. I kept on fucking and sucking this group of guys all summer long, but when high school started, I began partying with other group of guys who were in their 20's. In junior high I either got fucked or sucked off the high school boys mainly in the back seat of...
I’m a 59 year rather distinguished looking silver-haired guy who recently lost about 25 pounds. Ever since, MILF’s and GILF’S have been eyeing me wherever I go, some even approach me and strike up a conversation whether it is at the grocery store, the casino and even in waiting rooms. Finally, Kathy a busty 27 year old co-worker said hey Tom “you silver-haired devil” since you lost that weight you look really handsome, if I was thirty years older I’d bed you down”. I was surprised, but I...
Somewhere in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy The Indomitables’ Ship - The Harbinger 06:00 SET (14:00 EDT) August 16, 12610 (August 15, 2019) Omeron didn’t know what happened. One moment he was getting ready to thrust into his sex slave, Beria, and the next he appeared in a room he recognized as the brig on The Harbinger. The largest cell, to be precise. He looked around and saw many other people, including his XO. Unembarrassed by his state of dress, he stalked over to his XO. “What the fuck...
My ex in law, Jill, has been separated/divorced from my son for over a year. We stay close with her since she's the mother of our granddaughter and both my wife and I think she's a nice person. Jill will, on occasion, come down to our place and stay the week-end. She's 5'4" tall and used to have a nice figure. Since she got married, she let herself go and weighed up toward 200 pounds at one point, though lately she's been trying to get her weight under control. She's doing some exercises and I...
EroticAs you step out of the house, the wind blows up against your black skirtGoing out with no knickers again, you are such an awful but daring flirtWith the cold, your nipples stand hard and erect through your thin topYou knew it was chilly, but even so for this meeting you would not stopWith just a jacket and shoes the only other clothes you were wearingYou felt turned on by the naughtiness and knew it was daringAs you cross the street, you feel as if everyone knows where you are goingBut the...
ExhibitionismI looked into her eyes, and softly whispered “Mei Ling, I also want to sleep with you. But not as a customer.” “No Di, you not understand. I want to sleep with you, not as a customer but as a friend. I want us to make love, or just hold each other. Whatever you want, I want to be yours tonight. And maybe other nights if you like me.” I pulled her over, and she slipped right into my lap. She snuggled right against me, and our lips found each other. We kissed, and my fingers caressed the back...
I ran Faye home at ten, after pointing out that if her parents started to worry where she was it could risk everything. Though by then even her strong young body was exhausted, having finally orgasmed itself to a standstill. My body was finished as well, in spite of being pretty fit and rather well practised. I told her I’d pick her up the next morning, then she could spend as much time here as she had permission to be out for. “Permission,” I emphasised, “so there’s not the slightest...
I remember feeling very sad when we found out we were going to be moving once more. Dad had notched another rung for his ladder and we would be heading for Buffalo, New York. North Tonawanda actually. 4th grade is a bit of a blur for me. I know we started at St. B's. So, I'm thinking it was September, 1968. We moved in the winter time. I recall seeing big chunks of ice in the river when we visited Buffalo. I really liked my friends in Springfield and recall asking my teacher if there...
Day 14 (Continued) Back at my place, I take rest till the evening. After a light dinner, I, along with Mom and Liza, decide to watch a movie. Rachel quietly goes to her room. Bella joins us later after she has showered. She was wearing a cropped t-shirt and bikini shorts at the bottom. God, I’m surrounded by beautiful women. Bella looks stunning in that t-shirt. The smell of her bath soap is mesmerizing. The curves of her ass. Those beautiful breasts. It’s a shame we’re not alone. We could...
IncestHER BROTHER, PART THREE Inside her head, Laura still had a pathetic hope that her brother would save her. He would get to her house, see what a horrible degrading nightmare it was, and realise she couldn't possibly be doing all this of her own free will. He would pay off her debt, he would tell the police, he would move her and Erica to a new house and hold her and tell her everything would be all right. She thought all this even as she was masturbating in public, in the passenger seat...
So my name is Mike and i am 20 years old. I was out cutting the grass the other day and me nighbor asked me if i could cut hers when im done. She said she’d pay me. So i did and i knocked on the door to get the money and she invited me in. She claimed not to have any money but she said she can pay me another way. i asked how and she said she could suck my dick. i of course agreed. well one thing led to another and we were fucking. and not that slow fucking you see in movies. im talking about me...