SaralindaChapter 48: Saralinda free porn video

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Long airplane rides suck, even if you're in first-class. I mean, it wasn't that bad, really, especially since I was with Jake, and of course he arranged everything. I still feel so clueless sometimes, and Jake is so not clueless. Mostly. He helped me pack, and I wouldn't have remembered I even had a passport, or that I needed to bring it. Same goes for the credit cards that Gary got in my name for me. And my meds. I might even have forgotten a raincoat, which would be bad since we were going to Seattle. He even reminded me to take my binoculars and a bird book, which was just, like, really ... wow.

Dr. Anna says he's a Generally Competent Person, and that they're useful. Really, really useful.

But it was still a long flight, and Jake only let me have one glass of wine, even though he had three. I know, I know...

We watched movies. We slept as best we could. It still sucked.

I had weird dreams on the flight too. I dreamed of Mamma. Sometimes I was a little girl, and sometimes I was, like, me now. Jake was even in them, talking with Mamma, and Moira and Gary were there too sometimes. What was really weird was that Mamma was dirty, and her clothing was ripped. And she kept complaining about how cold she was. And I couldn't touch her. Every time I tried to go to her and hug her, something happened so that I couldn't.

Once, I woke up crying, and it was really nice that Jake was there to hold me.

The clouds were very low over Seattle when we got close to landing, but once we got below them, I stared out the window. This was home, but I'd never seen it from the air before. It looked as strange, and different as Hawaii or Fiji, with all of the mountains and water and trees. No palm trees though.

The hotel was, well, hotel-ish. We got there, and I took a shower and went to bed. I thought I'd sleep forever, but at about 5 a.m., I was awake. Like, awake awake. I felt kind of crappy, like I was worn out, but I couldn't sleep. I kind of woke up Jake by accidentally kissing him, and he took the hint. He's so sweet to me, always telling me I'm beautiful, which I know is a lie. Moira is beautiful. But Jake doesn't look like he's lying when he says it, so I don't know. The way he looks at me...

We did eventually get up. It was still hours and hours before we could go to Mamma, even after we showered and went down for some breakfast.

"We could go birding," Jake said, when I was finishing my coffee.

"What? Here? Where?"

"I don't know. There are lots of parks in Seattle. Maybe Seward Park – it's not far from the M.E.'s, and it's on the lake. Maybe there are ducks there or something. Even if there aren't a lot of birds, I think it's a nice walk."

The M.E. – Medical Examiners. I shuddered. My mother's body was there, somewhere inside their building. I'd asked Gary about it, before we even found out for sure that it was her. He said that it was really more like her remains, and that I couldn't expect to go see her. She'd been dead a while before anyone found her. I didn't want to think about rot, or rats or ... And Gary said she'd probably be in a bag in a freezer. No. Her remains would be there. Not Mamma. Not really. But I still wanted to get her out of there, even if it was just her remains.

"That sound good, Jake. I don't want to sit around waiting."

The park wasn't far, and it wasn't raining, just cloudy. Seward Park is almost an island, and there's a trail all the way around it, down along the lakeshore. So we had good looks at the birds on the water, though there weren't that many. There were the ducks I remembered, which I realized were Mallards. I'd never known they had a name. There were black duck-things that we couldn't find in the bird book at first, because we were looking only in the duck section of the book. But Jake found them further back with the rails – American Coots. And there were little brown birds on the water that we figured were Pied-billed Grebes. I asked Jake what 'Pied-billed' meant, because I couldn't figure out how their bills could be like pies, but he said that 'pied' means, like, black-and-white.

There were other birds, some of which I remembered seeing before, but I never knew what they were. Steller's Jays, which I always had called Blue Jay, but that's not right. And Northern Flickers, which I found out are a kind of woodpecker. And we saw two kinds of chickadee, Black-capped and Chestnut-backed. All of these bird names seemed kind of funny to me. There were robins too, and European Starlings, and a little brown bird named a Bewick's Wren. There were other birds too, and I wished Gary was there. It's so much easier having him tell me what I'm seeing and hearing, rather than to have to look in the book.

By the time we finished our walk, after a couple of hours, I'd added nine species to my Life List! That was pretty cool. And Jake seemed just as happy to look at the birds as me, though he didn't get quite as excited, maybe.

"No, it's fun," he told me. "It's kind of like a treasure hunt, and a puzzle at the same time, trying to figure out what they are. Plus they're cool looking. I never knew there were so many kinds." I hadn't known either.

And then we got into the car, and Jake drove us to the M.E.s.

"But he killed her!" I blurted out, irate.

The clerk had just told me that my father should determine the disposition of the body, not me. "Spouse before children, I'm sorry, Miss."

"Saralinda, we don't know your father killed her," Jake reminded me,

"But they're investigating," I insisted.

"Well, actually, we don't know even that for certain..."

"But..." I couldn't believe this was happening. We'd come all this way, and it wasn't fair. I glared at the clerk, then glared at Jake. If only Gary were here, he'd ... Shit. That wasn't fair to Jake. Like, what would Gary do? What could Gary do?

I took a deep breath, then turned back to the clerk. "Sorry, " I said, giving the clerk a sad smile. "This is really hard for me. Look, my father never even reported her missing or anything, even though she's been gone for years. He's not going to pick up her body. I'm sure he'd never be willing to even come down here or anything. Isn't there some way that I could get Mamma?"

"Miss – there's only two options here. Either you get an affidavit from her husband granting you custodial authority, or you could try going to a judge and getting a court order. I'm sorry, Miss, but my hands are tied here."

"Um, is there a, like, standard form or something for the affi-david thing?"

And he reached under the counter and pulled one out! Just like that, I had a form. And all I had to do was get my father to sign it. Fuck!

Then Jake spoke up. "Excuse me, but what if he refuses to sign, but also refuses to collect the, uh, remains? Saralinda doesn't want her mother to just stay here forever."

"No sir. That's where a court order might be necessary."

This was sounding like it might take days, or weeks, or months...


"Where is she?" I suddenly asked the clerk.

He pointed to a wall with doors all over it. "The remains are in cold storage there, but they're not viewable, Miss."

"I know, I know. But they're in a bag or a case or something, right? Can I see that? I just want to be near her, one last time. It's been so long..." I felt Jake's hands on my shoulders give me a gentle squeeze.

"Of course, Miss." He said quietly. "Give me a few minutes, and I'll arrange things."

I was sitting on the bed in the hotel, staring out the window, which had a view of Elliot Bay. The ferries were going back and forth to Bainbridge and Bremerton. Container ships occasionally would cross their paths, moving to and from the port, where the huge cranes loomed over the ships.

The form lay next to me on the bed, blank. There was no way I was going to go see my father. None. He was bad enough, but what if the bitch answered the door??? No way. No fucking way. I stopped thinking about them, which only meant I thought about that cold, gray, vinyl bag. Mamma... I wanted Moira, then. I wanted to crawl into her lap and bawl my eyes out. She'd sing to me. She'd sing sad songs. She'd love me. I thought about calling Dr. Anna. It would probably be a good idea, but if I called her, I'd have to talk. I looked over my shoulder at Jake, but he was looking stuff up on his laptop. I swallowed hard to keep from crying. Crying more wouldn't help, and my throat was still sore from all of the crying I'd done at the M.E. place. I turned back and stared out the window again.

The ferries were going back and forth...

"Boodely boodely boodely Bee. Boodely boodely boodely Bee" It was Jake's cell, and it made me jump.

"Hello, Jake here," I heard him say. "Oh, hello – what's up?" "What? Oh, ... oh, ... oh my ... How? What happened? Oh my god. Both of them? Yeah, yeah."

I'd turned all the way around to face Jake, who looked stunned, like he'd been punched or something. Both of who??? Please, let it not be Simone and Tori! Or Gary and Moira!!

"Jake, who? What?" But he waved me silent.

"Were the officers hurt? Thank goodness for that. No, I can't believe it ... although from everything Saralinda's told me, I guess I can believe it. No, I think it's better if I tell her, but I don't know how she'll take it. Thanks, I'll pass that on. Yes, and thanks for letting us know. No, absolutely. The TV would have been a totally surreal way to find out, as if the story isn't surreal enough."

WHAT STORY, I wanted to scream. How I'll take WHAT???

"Okay, yes. We should be able to come by tomorrow. What time? Two? Okay, see you then. Bye."

Jake closed he phone and stared at it a moment before looking up at me.

"Saralinda, that was Detective Winchester. I don't know how to say this. Honey, your father's dead. And Marsha Bates too..." The bitch.

Same as Saralinda
Chapter 48: Saralinda Videos

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“Here will work just fine,” Eduardo pointlessly shouted to Felicity, over the deafening howl of the wind. His face was covered with a scarf, snood and goggles, which made it impossible to see what he was saying. His muffled words were picked up by the wind and carried away, but in that moment it was fear that caused Felicity’s deafness to intensify. All around her, the world had turned to a blur of fast moving, piercingly cold, needles of snow and ice. The huge Antarctic mountain they had...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

3 years ago
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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 5

“He’s not responding still?” Susannah told the others as they walked in a pack towards Ron’s office. He had fled the end of the period like a bat out of hell. “I’d been getting my texts returned.” “Me too,” Joss frowned. “Well, maybe this is the no evidence thing he was talking about?” Aly suggested. “Wouldn’t make sense to have us blowing up his phone twenty four seven.” “I guess not,” Susannah said. “But we had tried on all of those clothes and lingerie. He hadn’t seemed to get any of...

2 years ago
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In Pursuit of Jade Pt2

In my previous story I spoke of my friend Jade who I'd had a crush on for a few years. After knowing her 2 years I realised she reciprocate these feelings. I was in a relationship so I had to find the right moment to act on my desires. She wasand always has been my weakness, I'd do anything for the girl.In our first encounter we had gone down on each other and made each other come, I think I was just testing the waters as I'd never cheated before. It was both horrifying yet exhilarating at the...

2 years ago
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This pussy belongs to MErsquoShe said she

She’s been telling me she wants to…. So I text her and tell her to come over with a dress on… no pantiesShe follows instructionsI tell her to come and sit with me on the couch4 ½ glasses of Henn, 2 blunts, one comedy special and one 90min dyke flick later, she’s kissing on my neck…Stroking and rubbing on the outside of my shorts like she would do her ex-boyfriend… I see I need to remind her I am ALL woman!I grab her hips, thrust her over so that she’s straddling meI bring her in close to kiss...

3 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 5 A Change in Command

I arrived at the hotel conference room a half-hour early to find that almost three quarters of the sales group was already there. Ten minutes later, the whole group was there. It appeared I had their attention and their interest. "Good morning, Gentlemen. I'm very pleased to see you here so promptly and ready to get at it. I have a nice surprise for you this morning. Thanks to Jan, we have all the customers loaded on our database and separated by individual groups and categories. Jan, Sue...

1 year ago
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Taboo Comes To A South Seas Island

Once upon a time there lived a wee lad named Derek who was an orphan that lived with a Cloister of Nuns who believed they were the brides of Christ. Beyond their religion, they believed in the most-strict discipline for themselves, and of course Derek.They lived on a south seas island among the natives. They were tasked with bringing Christianity to the pagan natives. They were currently without a priest as Father Timothy had recently been laid to rest beneath the swaying coconut palms next to...

2 years ago
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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] By the way, most of the August concert’s original premise was thrown out. Instead of just girls, we made it co-ed, but integrated students from both schools. This made for some remarkable choices of music. The concept of two songs from shows we hadn’t done anything from was maintained, sort of. There were two songs each from CHICAGO, GUYS & DOLLS, JEKYLL & HYDE, A LITTLE NIGHT...

4 years ago
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It Turns Out Some of Those Letters Must Have Been True After All Part III

“Rookie! Hell, you suck cock like a pro!  But now it’s my turn.”I stood up and went to wipe Steve’s cum from my chin, but he stopped me.  He leaned in and licked his own cum from my chin and then came in for a kiss.  I hesitated for just a second and then went with it.  I mean hell, I just had his cock in my mouth after all.  We intertwined tongues as his hands tugged and tore at my clothes.  He had me completely naked in what felt like seconds and his mouth never left mine. He finally broke...

1 year ago
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Brendas Got Game

Ethan: “Little help Bren?” She smiled, then reached down and picked up the basketball with her hands and brought it up to her body. It looked as big as a giant beach ball next to her 5’4” petite frame and almost hid her completely and momentarily from his view. Ethan stood about twenty-five feet from her waiting for her to throw him the ball, which she did after a few seconds. She then smiled again and continued on the path on her morning jog. Ethan watched her little ass wiggle in her...

3 years ago
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Rented House

My parents had rented a house for the week. My brother (the second oldest of four) was graduating from the academy and his wedding was planned to coincide. There was going to be a gathering of family, most staying at the rented house and just a few deciding to opt out for motels. We arrived at the house in the afternoon and were greeted by some of the celebrants who had arrived before us. Others continued to show up throughout the afternoon and into the evening. There was much catching up on...

2 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 18

"Darling, do you realize that this will be the longest time I have worn clothes in over two weeks?" Margaret said while slipping her dress up. "And you look lovely as always" David said, as he moved to zip her up. "You hound you. I can't help but feel sorry that our friends can't come out as well." "If they could, we wouldn't have the hold over them that we do. And they might not be so helpful on their own hook." David said, while nuzzling Margaret's neck on the left...

4 years ago
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Dave and Sugar ch3

Its 9:40pm at night and I am lying on my bed reading a magazine. The phone rings and for a brief moment I wonder who would be calling me this late at night. I pick it up and say, "Hello." “Hi baby, I miss you, do you know who this is?" My eyes got big and my body started to tingle from my lips towards the center of my pussy. “Dave, darling, where are you? I miss you so much,” I uttered with a noticeable quiver in my voice. I love talking to you; your phone calls are so...

1 year ago
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My bucket list 1 My Mature neighbor

My Bucket List Fantasy #1. All the pictures used, represent what I find sexy, and beautiful! If you like the story let me know. If you have the same fantasy / bucket list, let me know. If you like the story and would like to someday make it true, let me know. I am not a professional scammer. I neither seek money nor want to pay money for fantasies. I write these for my fantasies and the hope that others will enjoy them. Send me note and let me know. If you are local, we can exchange bucket list...

2 years ago
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Life can be very exciting and challenging

She was married with 3 k**s, aged 35 but with a husband who preferred his 'beer' ( most of the time) get drunk immediately want quick sex.Once a very pretty lady, nice figure, long hair, but the lack of finance over years some of that engaging appeal had been covered up and deep inside her.Having been friends for many years I had noticed the strain.She was standing at the sink doing the dishes after making a lovely dinner, when I approached and asked could I help. ( Hubby drunk and asleep)She...

1 year ago
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She had caught my attention on a website I favored, a new face with a talent for writing that had me hard and throbbing by the end of the first paragraph. I sent her a message about her stories, and to my surprise she answered. After a few more messages back and forth, we moved to Instant Messaging, where she invited me to come down for a visit; as she put it in reference to my tagline, to help ease my loneliness for a little while. As we chatted back and forth, I began to realize that this...

2 years ago
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Another Letter to My Friend Keith About My Neighb

Hi Keith. To make a long story short I'm pretty sure that I'm sexually addicted to my neighbor. It all started when I ran into him where he works. He started small talk with me and then invited me back into his office. Actually, he told me to pretend that I was leaving and that he would sneak me in around back and that we would have sex in his office, on his desk, until right before his relief arrived. I probably would not have done it but he said that he was a white man in need of some hot...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 214

The vehicles slowed as they got to the house and then parked. There were more than a dozen. Men and a couple women exited the trucks, twisting and stretching from a long ride. A man and a lady from the SUV that had led the procession walked over, "Hi, I'm Thomas Hammond, everybody calls me Tony. This is Katelyn Black and she likes Kathy; we are the chief engineers from Jones & Jones." "You're BJ - I recognize you from your pictures we have in the office - I am so pleased to finally...

2 years ago
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Chudakkad Housewife Padosi Saheli K Sath 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, mera name Snehal h, 5.4”, figure 36.30.38 , mai 32years ki housewife hu from Mumbai, meri English jyada achhi nhi h isliye me story hindi+English me likh rahi hu, hop u all can understand me, jyada bore na karte hue sidhi story par aati hu, meri shadi ko 5year ho chuke h or muje 3yrs ka beta b h, shadi hone k baad humari sex life bohot mazedaar chal rahi thi fir jaise jaise samay badhne laga waise hi mere pati sex me apna interest khone lage, mai apne pati k bare me to batana hi...

3 years ago
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The Evacuee part 3

As the train pulled into each new station, David looked excitedly out of the window wondering if this was his stop. All the station boards had been taken down to stop the Germans finding their way around when they invaded and he had to rely on announcements on the train so he listened carefully. Suddenly he heard the name of his stop and quickly dragged his suitcase down from the rack and peered out of the window. The train pulled in and he quickly alighted, looking both ways up and down...

3 years ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 14

ANNA Friday was better and worse. Fear and worry had turned into restless anticipation. I couldn't wait to see John but the hours dragged on and on. I swear I was ready to flip my desk over and set fire to the place by the time 5pm came around. As soon as I got home, I started getting ready. Shower, shave, I must've brushed my hair 300 times. I picked out my outfit a few times, before finally settling on a nice navy skirt (with panties this time, shit I still needed to get my dress clean I...

3 years ago
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Loire Valley Chronicles Dane the Merchant

He had been born Dane of Normandy. He was not particularly small but his features were fine and what would be concidered beautiful by some, but too slight to be handsome by Norman standards. He like his brothers and sisters were blessed with golden blonde like the rays of the sun that came down from the heavens. He was often teased by his brothers as Dane the Beautiful, Dane the Slight, Dana, and many other jokes at his expence. Even his sisters and the girls of his town treated him more...

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