Tim And Abbie 71 Brian s Matchmaking
- 4 years ago
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At least I had turned the corner. Barbara was no longer hostile toward me. She called me often, wanting to become my confidant.
"Where are you taking her?" she asked.
I had the evening planned. I even had a late model car reserved, having given specific instructions to Millie and Herman to steer customers away from it. "I'm making reservations for dinner at Barossa, and then we'll go to one of the motels on the outskirts of town."
Barossa was the fanciest restaurant in town, and I could see that Barbara approved. "Don't take her to a seedy motel. Bring her to the house. I'll go out, but you'll have to help me."
"Help you?" I asked.
"I'll need a date. You must have a friend that won't mind keeping me entertained until one AM," she said, becoming silent, letting her request sink in.
I pictured her, waiting for my reaction. Barbara was a tall, big-boned woman, probably in her early-thirties. She had a pretty face, but I'd never seen her show interest in men. To me, she was Danny's older sister, overly-protective sister-in-law of Ginny.
"My friends are nineteen, twenty and twenty-one," I said, really thinking out loud. She wouldn't be interested in a kid my age, would she?
"You must know someone in his late twenties or early thirties."
There was something in her voice that grabbed me. It came to me; Barbara was using my night with Ginny to get herself fixed up. She had yearnings of her own, and she was making me want to help her. Trouble was, I didn't know a single male in that age range.
"Would twenty-six qualify?" I asked, remembering that Herman was twenty-six, and I seemed to recall that he was single. Twenty-six and single; did he like girls?
"I don't think so," she said, sounding thoughtful. "What does he look like?"
"I'll bring you a picture," I offered, and Barbara, although she didn't sound excited about the prospects of meeting someone twenty-six, didn't reject the idea entirely.
Driving home from school the next day, I saw why Barbara was opposed to my taking Ginny to a motel. Even after a romantic meal, finding the room number, inserting the key in the lock, opening the door, and stepping inside a room that reeked of disinfectants would be a turn-off.
I had to find someone who would keep Barbara out until after midnight, someone she approved of.
Herman, as it turned out, had a girlfriend. I didn't ask him; Millie told me.
"I need to find a date for Ginny's roommate," I said.
She glanced at me, and then looked out to see a couple get out of a car. "Go ahead, it's your turn," I said.
"You take them. They're more your style," she said, and I saw her looking at a couple of guys who were getting out of a BMW, and heading toward the car I planned to use on our big night, the only Mercedes Coupe on the lot.
Both parties wanted to take a car for a test drive. Millie made copies of their drivers' licenses while I attached the dealers' plates to the vehicles.
"Blind dates are my worst nightmare. They never work out," Millie said while we were waiting for our customers to return.
"It's only one night. Anyway, she wants to see a picture before she'll agree to go out with someone."
"How old is she? I may know someone," Millie offered.
"She's about thirty-two or three, five-nine, and a little overweight."
"I know just the guy. I'll get you a picture," Millie said.
The cars returned, and both customers gave us the standard line, "We'll be back," and left.
It was time for Millie to leave for the day, and I didn't find out who she had in mind to keep Barbara busy while Ginny and had the house to ourselves for a few hours.
It was Saturday, the eleventh of October, and I couldn't get it out of my mind that it was Edie's eighteenth birthday. I considered calling her to wish her a happy birthday, only deciding against it when I remembered that in only one more week it would be Ginny's twenty-fourth birthday.
"Here's the guy I was telling you about," Millie said, shoving a photograph under my nose. "His name is Clifford. I spoke to him about keeping your girlfriend's roommate busy, and he's up for it. Let me know if you want to reserve him for next Saturday."
Clifford looked enormous. "How do you know him?" I asked.
"He's a mechanic at the agency where I worked before I came here."
They had worked together, but I sensed something more. "How well do you know him, Millie?" I asked, still looking at Clifford's huge frame. He had to be six-four, and weigh two-fifty.
"He's the right age, and he's free next weekend," Millie said, in a take-it-or-leave-it tone of voice.
"How well do you know him, Millie?" I repeated, wanting some assurance that Barbara would be save with this giant.
"Okay, we had something going for a time, but I had to put a stop to it. He's just too big for me."
Millie's admission that Clifford was too big sounded totally out of character. She was a fighter. It wasn't like her to back off from anything. "I'm small," she added.
True, she was only five-three, and weighed less than half of Clifford's two-fifty, but she was definitely not petite. Millie could use her wits to hold her own with any male. My blank stare must have told her that I needed further explanation.
"Down there," she said, smiling meekly as she opened the door to go out to the lot.
"Down there," I repeated, feeling like a complete dunce when I got it. Millie, who laughed at crude jokes and usually responded with one of her own, had just admitted that she was small, down there.
Did that mean what I thought it meant? Was Clifford big, down there? Would I make a mistake by introducing Clifford to Barbara?
I looked at the photo again. He had a kindly looking face, not handsome, but gentle, even jovial perhaps. I rationalized, telling myself that it was only one date. On the back of the picture was a telephone number. I would show the photo to Barbara. Should I warn her that Clifford was big, down there? No, it was only one date. If she liked what she saw, I would talk to him, just to set the record straight; it was only to be one date.
"He's a mechanic," I said as I handed Barbara the photo.
"He's ... big," she remarked.
'In more ways than one, ' I thought, but didn't say it out loud. "It's only one date."
"Okay," she said, agreeing to go on a blind date with Clifford.
I called Clifford on Sunday, and we talked for an hour, about cars, about people we knew in the business, and finally, about Barbara Stapleton. I wondered if Millie had revealed my reason for setting up the blind date.
"Would you like to meet her?" I asked.
"Ah, sure," he said. I thought I had heard hesitation in his voice. Was he nervous about going out on a blind date? We made arrangement to meet later that day.
Ginny was unaware of the blind date. I saw no reason for telling her what I had been up to. What if the meeting didn't go well?
"Let's go to the park," I said.
"I have to prepare for next week's classes," Ginny objected. Sunday was our date night, but she hadn't expected me to show up so early, mid-afternoon.
"It's a warm, fall afternoon. There won't be many more days like this," I argued.
"I'll go with you," Barbara offered, seeming to know that I had something up my sleeve.
Ginny came to kiss me goodbye, and decided to go along. I don't know if the kiss was that pleasant, or that she didn't want to miss out on anything.
It really was a nice day. The girls were dressed alike, in knee-length pants, T-shirts, and light-weight sweaters. We walked through the city park, admired the fall plantings, and stopped to watch the tennis matches in progress before I found an empty bench.
"Are you tired all ready?" Ginny asked when she saw me take a seat. I motioned for her, and she happily joined me, practically sitting on my lap. A bored look came to Barbara's face, but when I winked at her, she joined us on the bench.
"Clifford," I called out when I recognized the man in the photograph.
"Who's that?" Ginny asked when I jumped up to shake hands with the big man.
He grinned, and it was like shaking hands with an old friend. After spending an hour on the phone together, his voice was familiar, and I decided his laugh suited him. As we chatted, he tapped me on the shoulder a couple of times, and sort of danced around, like guys do when they're happy to see an old friend. I noticed him glace at the girls sitting on the bench, but turned his attention back to me, looking nervous.
I introduced Ginny as my girlfriend, and Barbara as her roommate. "Clifford is a mechanic at the Toyota Agency. We know a lot of the same people in the business," I explained.
We talked about the good weather, and when Barbara said that she taught third grade, Clifford commented that if his third grade teacher had looked like her, he wouldn't have made it to the fourth grade. Otherwise, he acted nervous, and made some excuse about needing to be someplace.
Ginny never did catch on to my devious way of setting up a blind date. I knew she wanted to work on her class plan so we left the park right after Clifford made his departure.
Ginny took her seat at the dining room table, and I followed Barbara outside to the covered patio.
"He didn't like me," Barbara said as soon as we were alone.
"He was nervous," I countered. "He's a nice guy. Did you like him?"
"It's only one date," she said, repeating my argument.
I took that as her consent to go out with him if Clifford was okay with it.
"What' going on out here? Aren't you going to help me with my lesson plan?" Ginny asked.
She knew that I would be more of a distraction than help, but I followed her back inside, and sat next to her, watching as she filled in the timeslots on a worksheet.
I wanted to talk to Clifford, but every time I tried to leave, Ginny stopped me, first saying that she wasn't finished with her lesson plans, then inviting me to stay for dinner, and finally suggesting that a make-out session would be the perfect ending to the day.
It was the twelfth of October, one day after Edie's eighteenth birthday, and six days before Ginny's birthday, the night we'd been looking forward to since we'd decided that we were meant for each other.
In addition to needing to speak with Clifford about his entertaining Barbara the following Saturday night, I really did need to study.
Time got away from me. I would like to say that after watching her fill in the blocks of her lesson plan, that I helped Ginny prepare dinner, enjoyed a pleasant meal, did the dishes, retired to her room for a long make-out session, fell asleep, and made it home in time to return Clifford's telephone calls before he was to be at work, and I was to be in class.
All of the above would be accurate; except for one detail that I failed to mention.
We must have both been tired. Who falls asleep while making out? I was suddenly warm, and my arm was wrapped around Ginny's waist. As I learned later, she had pulled my pants off, and covered us with a blanket.
I have no idea what time it was when I became aware that my shorts were around my thighs and there was a small hand wrapped around my cock, which was incredibly hard.
At first, I thought I was having a dream, a very exciting dream. I didn't want to wake up, but when I moved my hand, and felt a bare ass, I knew that this was no dream.
We didn't talk, but I heard her gasp when the head of my cock came in contact with her pussy. It felt wet, open and receptive. After one more swipe of her slit, I was between her legs, and thrusting. I heard her gasp again as I felt my cock enter her cavern. Her hands were on my back and her legs were wrapped around my thighs.
What a way to wake up! Ginny tried her best to remain quiet, making me wonder if she thought I was sleeping through the most exciting night of my life. She met my thrusts, pulling me into her, gasping and whimpering at the same time.
I didn't last very long. It was over before we really got into rhythm. Ginny shushed my weak apology with a kiss, letting me roll off. I pulled her to me, and I held her close, silently cuddling before drifting back to sleep.
We overslept, which was good because it spared us from facing each other. She jumped out of bed the second Barbara knocked on the door. I dressed and was out the door while she was still in the bathroom.
My grandmother gave me quizzical look, told me she was glad to see that I was alive, and handed me a piece of paper with Clifford's telephone number. "He's been calling for you since yesterday afternoon."
I took a quick shower, dressed for school, and spoke to Clifford while I had my breakfast, a slice of toast and cup of coffee.
After settling the big guy down, I was able to convince him that Barbara was willing to go on a blind date. He said that he planned to take her to Barossa.
"That's where I'm taking Ginny," I objected.
"That's great! We'll have dinner together," he said, excitedly.
I didn't want to be late for school, and I knew he needed to report for work soon, so I didn't argue about his plans to sit with us at Barossa. I made a mental note to change the reservations I'd made, and left for school.
Monday was a workday for me, and I definitely needed to study, but I also wanted to talk to Ginny. She sounded nervous, but talkative.
"Have you been trying to call me? Clifford called twice. They've been tying the line up for hours. I understand you're taking me to Barossa. Why didn't you tell me? I'll need a dress and ... Randy, are you sure you can afford Barossa?"
"Clifford wanted to join us, and I couldn't turn him down. He seems unsure of what he and Barbara will talk about."
"That was nice of you. It may be fun to have company on our special night."
Special night? Had she forgotten about the night before? I didn't remind her about waking up to find my shorts around my thighs and her hand around my cock.
"I don't have to work tomorrow night," I said, hoping to be invited to her house.
"We're going shopping for dresses," she said. "Anyway, you need to study. I'll call you at eleven-thirty."
During the next few days, I changed from walking with a swagger to someone with his tail between his legs.
I worked on Wednesday night, and when I offered to stop by her house after school the following day, she gave me the excuse that she and Barbara would be busy doing alterations to their new dresses. She sounded apologetic, but I began to wonder if she'd enjoyed our spontaneous union as much as she'd pretended.
I spoke to Clifford, reminding him that he was to keep Barbara busy after we had dinner. He sounded doubtful about being able to carry out the assigned task.
Ginny called at eleven-thirty, saying she was looking forward to out special night. "Clifford calls Barbara every night. They talk for hours. I think they like each other."
We'd spoken every day on the phone, but neither of us had mentioned how we had 'come together' on the previous Sunday night. Was it something she wanted to forget? Had she slept through it?
I worked Friday night, and the mid-day shift on Saturday without making a single sale. In fact, my last sale had been on Monday, when I was walking on air.
"You've lost your touch," Millie said, as I was leaving.
"I've lost my confidence," I confided.
"Go see my friend, Patti. She'll give you a make-over that will restore your confidence," Mille said, handing me a card.
"This is a ladies' salon," I objected.
"I'll call her and say that you're on your way. Patti has a back room where she takes care of shy guys like you," she assured me.
I had to wait fifteen minutes in a room of curious females, but once Patti got me settled in the back room, she gave me her full attention.
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Thanks to all of you for the kind reviews and the notes you've sent encouraging me to continue the story. I love sharing my twisted imagination, but it takes more than a few hours to write each chapter, so your encouragement is greatly appreciated! Thanks again to my collaborator, Mikki, who deserves credit for much of this chapter. I hope you enjoy. There's more to come if the interest is still out there:) *** College Changes a Boy - Part 8 Taylor Jordon Back in California, Chris...
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Then our niece Mackenzie began visiting us often when she was 12. She was right at five foot tall, dishwater blonde hair and a gymnasts’ body. She had small breasts, small waist and the most perfectly shaped ass I'd ever seen. She always wore the tightest shorts and they always allowed her ass cheeks to protrude from them in the most seductive way possible. Her thighs were perfect and when seen from behind they mated perfectly with her ass cheeks, leaving a small opening one can see...
It was Christmas Eve, the snow gently cascaded down blanketing the home Jamie shared with his loving wife Shelly. Jamie sat in the den a cup of hot cocoa at his side looking at his computer. His home was alive with the sounds and smells of the holiday season, but it was anxiety, not the Christmas spirit that filled his heart as his trembling fingers worked across the keyboard. Jamie's mind wandered to a dark place. A land filled with regret, and misery. He tortured himself with its sadness....
Hello folks, this story is continuation of my encounter with business class lady, later i got chance of enjoying her maid who is also a perfect women with little extra fat which made me fall for it. She has an perfect ass which can impress anyone with her blissful ass. People who dont know me well let me tell you about myself first, I am harsha from hyd a successful male escort since 2yrs with pretty more clients and had sexual intercourse with women of different ages,teens of my age and have...
The next day, she left her ‘nightdress’ on again as she did her chores. Kit helped her and, when she started the milking, he got down on the other side from her and held the bucket. She grinned. “You like looking where you shouldn’t look, don’t you?” He was less shy now. “Well, you don’t seem to mind, and you are beautiful. And I am a man, after all.” He sounded puffed up. “Oh, so now I’m beautiful all of a sudden,” she said, teasing him. “You’ve always been beautiful,” he said simply....
This story is 75% fiction and 25% true.It all happened on July 16,2013. I'm at my girlfriend's motel room to see if she was doing ok. During the week. I haven't seen her to the fact I was working 16 hour days. So, I go in the motel and get a copy of her room key from the owner. The owner was cool about it since I did computer work for him in the past.So once I came in her room,I immediately put up pinhole cameras in the smoke detectors, the lamp above the bed,and the picture facing the table....
August – October – Year 3 The lights came down and the host walked to the microphone. Behind him Bobby Cee, our drummer, walked out and took his place behind his kit. Leon James, the bass player was standing in the wings. Gery Zobbert, the keyboard player, was behind him. Ryan was behind him and I was behind Ryan. “Hello Woods!” The Host yelled into the mic. The crowd roared. “The Eagle and Budweiser welcome you to tonight’s show. We want to welcome our first band. All the way from the...
It’s time to ditch all of your crusty porno mags with stuck-together pages and wrinkled covers. There’s a better way to find fap-worthy content of busty lesbian sluts. And, trust me, I get it. Old habits die hard. But there is so much more content out there for you to blow loads to. There are sites jam-packed with a nearly infinite number of pictures and videos of horny sluts scissoring each other. That shit would cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars if you were to get it from a bunch of...
Lesbian Porn SitesLights flashed, whistles and rumbling music echoed off the tiled ceiling. The atmosphere of Richards Treasures rocked with sultry chaos. The establishment was packed with so many patrons it was hard to see an empty seat anywhere. This was the first time Lacey had ever been in a strip club. It was no where near what she would have expected. Tobacco smoke, alcohol, all assortments of perfume and colognes choked the room confusing her fragile senses. In different points of the room women danced in...
BDSMHi iss readers well about me im from patna average built fair 5’10 in height. Well i want to give few suggestions to all great writers of iss dont write false you say that u have fucked ur mother ur sister & other family members so easily its all rubbish its not so easy to fuck just by showing ur pennis, showing tv accidentally touching her breasts going inside bathroom while she is taking bath. Dont fool people. There should be a proper planning to abuse any women to have a passionate fuck....
The story begins in a small house, where this daughter lived with her parents, who can never make out the noises that came out of her room but always were too afraid of going in. The woman that made the noises? Her name is Jennifer, 20, going to college and looking for a steady, decent job that she could just move out and move on with her life. It felt like it was a century and a half spending time with her parents and her family get-togethers. She always thought to herself, "why do i always...
LesbianThe smell of Audra's hair as I held her in my arms stayed with me for the remainder of that evening and colored my dreams far into the night - when I was finally able to get to sleep. Getting my mind to slow down so I could drift off to sleep was difficult knowing that she was lying there all alone with only two doors and 20 feet separating us. With my feelings towards her firmly settled, at least in my own mind, I could have and probably should have pushed things to the next level but for...
Touching on your pussy running my fingers up to your breast while im spraying whipped cream down your stomach and kiss your lips. I stick my fingers in your pussy and lick down ya stomach licking all the whipped cream off and around your belly button then take my fingers out your pussy taste it, then play with your clit with my lips. As my tongue comes out to lick around ya pussy lips i touch the clit and start vibrating my tongue as i lick closer to your hole. You moan grabbing my head...
He said to me, in all of his beautiful innocence, "I want to please you."I stared. He was delicate.My hand felt so good against his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. Lips parting slightly, as if to accept some unwarranted caress.Leaning forward, I shut my eyes and whispered what I was feeling."I do want you to please me.""Yes..." his breath came out with one word."And how do you want to please me, my little victim?" The word -- alone -- said it all. But he did not hear it."Let...
Jolee just wanted to enjoy her shower and maybe just masturbate a little bit. However, Angelo Godshack had other intentions. While she was making herself cum in the bathtub, he began spying on her. As he watched her, he started masturbating as well. Soon enough, she realized someone was watching him. After her initial shocked reaction, he ran away but she chased him and confronted him. But Jolee was to horny to be mad, so instead she decided to let him fuck her. Her asshole was stretched...
xmoviesforyouVanakam kama kodurargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en ilamaiyaana marumagalai naan eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren.En peyar Veerasami, vayathu 50 aagugirathu. Naan intha vayathilum vaatasatamaaga irupen, en manaivi iranthu iru varudam aagugirathu. Enaku oru paiyan irukiraan, avanuku naan 6 mathathirku munbu thaan thirumanam seithu vaithen. Avan thirumanam seithu vaitha udan, vada manilathil velai seithu kondu irunthaan. Marumagal devi avanudan thangi irunthaal. Naan ennai...
If you've ever been on a date site, you'll know that there is often a big difference between how people present themselves in their profile, and what they are like 'in the flesh'. One lady I met through a site about a year ago was Denise. Her profile was brief - VERY brief. 'Just come and fuck me' is all it said. Hmmmmm, what do I make of that????? I inboxed her and asked to see a photo (after including mine of course - well, one HAS to be a Gentleman in such matters.... ;-) and when I saw what...
Sharri knocked on Kelly’s office door and opened the door enough to stick her head around. “Kelly, Karen hasn’t come in this morning.” She said. Kelly sighed heavily, “I know, I expect she stiffened up overnight and couldn’t make it out of bed.” “I’m a little bit worried about her, it’s not like her not to ring in if she can’t work. I tried her phone and didn’t get any answer. Do you mind if I pop out for an hour and go check on her?” “Shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve got Julie in the...
I watched her for some time before she finally got up to pay for her drink. She was a beautiful young woman. Early 20s. Light beautiful tan skin. Big brown eyes. Red hair. About 5'11". Big round ass that would drive any guy crazy. Big round breasts that I fantized about sucking and playing with most of the time. The rest of the time I imagined how much more beautiful she would look tied up and gaged. She got up and paid for her drink. I drank the last of my vodka and coke and paid for my drink...
As living in an Asian country where sex is very personal thing and no body wants to share any thoughts regarding that.Me as a person wants to try it in a different way and which took me to another level of that,which I had never thought of.Being a young 18 year old boy I use to see porn just to control my thoughts and body,like every guy use to do.Then while searching on net I came to know a word called shemale.I had heard that word earlier also when I was 14-15 but didn't paid attention...
By : Arundev Dayal Ramratan has a wonderful career. A Chemical Engineer, with a specialization in Powdered Metallurgy, he has been doing wonders at Philadelphia. His parents arranged a marital negotiation for their only child. Moments of bridal night came at its normal course. Manorama was brought to the newly decorated bedroom for the couple. The groom was also ushered in the room. One of his colleagues commented Bachchoo, yeh raat fir kabhi wapaas nahi ayegi. Zarah hoshiari se isse paal...
Sexy Stars! What the fuck is it about deepfakes that makes you simultaneously laugh your ass off and pop a boner? I don’t understand how something could be so hilarious yet sexually appealing (depending on the subject of the deepfake) to make you keep browsing for more. It’s a mystery, but one that I’m keen on investigating!Well, if you enjoy deepfakes that way, I invite you to check out Sexy Stars. But this is not just a porn picture site to visit when you want deepfakes; you can also find...
Deepfake Porn SitesWhere does this story come from? A prim and proper British video on PBS showed this woman walking through an English Garden, hell old men are as horny as young men, so why not write a dirty story about it? There is nothing true about this story, no real people, no real activities, but image fucking a stranger that is begging for it!It was early spring, the weather was warming enough to venture out to the parks without a jacket, but still cool enough to remind a person that summer had not yet...
By Incest Veteran. To be honest with you folks ,missed out on u for a long time , with our host having technical problems , hoping it never occur again. My true sex story continues into next episode XV. Readers if really interested to know how a young guy can be initiated into incest can follow from episode I . My queen INDRU, lay as said before closing her face partly with folded right arm covering her face unable to face her two friends ,that is LAKSHMI & RUKMINI, , and now they had...
IncestI rang the doorbell to Bethany's house. I was over at her place right after school three times a week, at Mikayla's house the other two days, and I still had sex with Jenny about once a week. Sex with Kelly was no more, but between Bethany and Mikayla I was a very satisfied guy. Bethany's 14-year old sister Beverly answered the door. "Is Bethany home yet?" I asked. "Yeah..." Before Beverly could say more, Bethany appeared behind her. "Hi, Greg!" "Hi!" I said to the beautiful...
My wife just let herself get fucked by a complete stranger. She had met him through a Craigslist ad and communicated a few times before through emails, but this was the first time they had met in person. His name is Brandt. Laura had surprised me with a weekend getaway to northern Georgia and he had been waiting in the cabin my wife had rented. In less than ten minutes after arriving, my wife had her pussy filled with his cock. Within twenty Brandt was shooting his hot cum down her throat. I...
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