Stupid Boy - Sophomore YearChapter 34: Birthday Week / Uncle John's Wedding free porn video

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It felt good to be home for the week. I didn't have to fly out to Oregon for the Elite 11 camp until Saturday night. Of course, that was the same day as my birthday, and also Uncle John and Bonnie's wedding.

Last year Beth had staged a Birthday Week that would be hard to top. She had introduced me to a different girl each day. The kicker was the blindfold ... now that was fantasy. I wasn't planning on trying to top that, because I had Bo Harrington in town. He was preparing for the Elite 11 camp. I was the youngest participant to ever be selected to the finals.

I started to realize what a big deal this camp really was.

Bo had talked to Coach Trent and he shared some interesting information. Ten of the past eleven quarterbacks who won the Heisman Trophy had attended the Elite 11 finals or an Elite 11 regional. Thirty-five of the top forty-nine NFL passers in 2014 had attended the Elite 11 finals or an Elite 11 regional. While it was no guarantee for success, it seemed they were pretty good at identifying talent at their invitation only camps.

I talked to Bo about the difference between the Elite 11 camp and the Elite camp I was going to later in the summer. While Nike was involved in both, they were put on by different groups. Elite 11 was originally put on by Student Sports. Later Nike and ESPN-HS (High School) got involved.

Bo was not really a fan of Elite 11, because of the ESPN-HS tie in. He felt it was more of a reality TV event, even though the coaching was outstanding. He felt it put too much pressure on high school kids because of all the attention they received. Football was hard enough without a camera following you around. One bad decision (and what seventeen or eighteen year old guy has never made a bad decision?), and it would be magnified at least a hundred times. The sad part was: drama sells.

He much preferred the Elite Quarterback Camp in Houston. I had really enjoyed that camp, last year, and was looking forward to it again. You received plenty of quality instruction, without having ESPN-HS follow you around.

I went downstairs with Duke, and found Tami and Tim Foresee waiting for me. It hadn't taken Tami long to get back into good enough shape to ride her bike, while Tim and I ran.

"So?" Tim asked.

"They offered," I answered, letting him know Alabama had offered a scholarship to play football.

Tim and I began to stretch.

"Guys kill me. You say three words to each other, and that is supposed to explain your week," Tami huffed.

"Don't blame us for being efficient," I said with a straight face.

I knew Tami was going nuts. She was a girl, after all, and I think they all think we are brain damaged because we can say a couple of words where hundreds are needed in their opinion. He asked. I answered. Simple.

"Am I going to have to drag everything out of you," she said sounding exasperated.

"I had a sexy threesome with a little bondage action, but you told me not to brag about things like that."

She threw her hands up in the air, and snatched Duke's retractable leash from me. She called him over, and he sat as she put it on him. She had a little talk with him about leaving the evil squirrels alone, while she rode her bike. We began our run. Tim seemed to drift closer than normal to me.

"I don't have a problem with you bragging about your threesome," he said trying to reassure me.

I gave him a one armed shove, and laughed at him. Now he wanted details, too!

After we lifted, I met Bo and the skill players on the football field. Alan and Tami were there, also. Alan was showing Bo our new software, and the offense we would be running next year. I was surprised when Tami was contributing to the conversation. I knew she had been watching us in practice. I just hadn't realized she was learning the offense.

While I was at Alabama, Ty Wilson's family had finally closed on their house and moved to our town. I was happy to see my friend, the star running back from Washington, joining us.

"Alan tells me you have been learning the playbook David has for his Elite 11 camp," Bo Harrington said.

"What? Why are you guys learning that playbook?" I asked.

Elite 11 had sent all the participants a playbook with one hundred twenty-five plays. One of our tasks before we arrived at camp was to learn them all. Everyone was given two weeks, so we were on equal footing. Before I left to go to Alabama, Alan had copied my playbook. He did me a huge favor by putting all the plays in the software we used. It didn't have videos of the plays, or coaches' comments, but it was in a format I was used to, now.

"Tami explained we are a team. You winning the Elite 11 will reflect on us as a team. The more we can help you, the more it helps us. We want a chance to play college ball, too. When this place is crawling with college recruiters, maybe we get a look," Mike told me.

Leave it to Tami to be working on my behalf while I was gone. I felt myself tearing up, because I was overwhelmed my friends and teammates would go this far to help me out. Bo didn't give me a chance to be emotional. He put us to work.

Bo called it a day a little after one that afternoon. He and Alan were going to take the video we had shot, and put it into the software. I found I learned the plays faster if I could see them actually run.

The rest of us were going to Beth Anderson's house for lunch, and to go swimming. Tami smirked when Ty stopped to take in the pool area. Beth had invited Suzanne and Cindy. Then, we also had the usual suspects. It looked like all the cheerleaders, my female friends, and the guys' girlfriends were there.

Ty came up to me and hugged me.

"I knew moving here was a good idea," he said.

"You remember that later today, when we get done with sixty minutes of hell," I shot back.

Beth saw us, and got the girls attention.

"It's David's birthday week! Be sure to wish him a happy birthday," she said with a smirk.

Kylie wasn't missing chance, and about knocked Tami down, to get to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and put me in a lip lock. When she let me go she leaned in and whispered to me.

"I'm single, and a year older."

I thought about it for a moment. While the freshman all seemed young, they were older, now. They had done a lot of growing up over the past year. I looked at Kylie, and I wasn't getting the vibe she was too young anymore. It might have had something to do with the kiss and her bikini. The kiss was not that of an innocent girl.

"We'll talk," I told her with a smile. "Now tell the other guys hi."

I hadn't expected her to kiss all of them too. She did give them quick kisses, but no tongue. I could see Ty's eyes get big. The poor guy was about to die by the time all the girls at the party had repeated Kylie's example. Of course most of them just kissed the guys on the cheeks.

The one group of girls who I was surprised to see, were the JV cheerleaders. They would be on the varsity squad, this coming year.

I had never hung out with the cheerleaders in my own class, because of what happened in middle school. Jan Duke, their captain, had dumped me to go out with Justin. She had also introduced me to drugs and alcohol at parties. Jan was joined on the varsity cheerleading squad with her best friends Ella and Ronda. The three of them cornered me while I was helping Jeff get the grill going.

Jan had always been the best looking of the group. She had developed first and now sported a solid 'C' cup on her five-nine frame. Ronda was the plain Jane of the three. I had always liked her, because she was bright and had a friendly personality. I had stopped talking to her after Jan dumped me. Ella was cute. She wasn't the beauty that Jan was, but she did catch your eye. She had developed since the last time I'd seen her. She was almost as busty as Jan, now. It looked good on her athletic frame.

When they came up Jeff groaned. He knew the history, and I don't think he wanted to be anywhere near us if this blew up. I was a little pissed when he mumbled something about getting the hot dogs, and left me alone with them. I looked for Tami, but she was getting to know Kylie. I was a little afraid what they were getting up to.

"Hey, David," Jan said, confirming she was still the ring leader.

"Hey, girls."

"Now that we are on varsity next year, do you plan on being our friends?" Jan asked.

"Do you still get high?" I asked.

"Sure, want to sneak out and get a buzz on?"

I didn't need to be anywhere near these three girls, especially now, with football camps coming up.

"I don't touch the stuff, now, so I'll pass. I would also ask you to not try to corrupt any of the guys. We are in training," I said as explanation.

Jan stuck her bottom lip out to pout. I think she thought she was being cute. I wasn't the same middle schooler she had wrapped around her finger when we were younger. She gave me a confused look.

"Are you still mad about me breaking up with you? If I had it to do over again, I would have stuck with you instead of Justin."

I really wanted to be a jerk and tell her off. I had several lines jump into my head which begged to be said. I took a deep breath, and got my emotions under control. It really said something she was able to get a rise out of me, still, after our breakup over three years ago. In teenage years, that was a lifetime.

What stopped me was what both Tami and Coach Trent, from Elite 11, had said about being an example. This was doubly true for me, because I didn't have to just be a quarterback. I had to be careful because of the movie coming out, and my modeling. I didn't need to give people a reason to think I was a jerk.

The final reason was simple: she wasn't worth it.

"Jan, that's ancient history. You decided Justin was the better man, and I respect your decision. I would hope we both moved on," I said.

I seriously doubt she ever looked back once Justin agreed to go out with her again. I couldn't help the subtle jab about her picking the guy who took her virginity, and dumped her, over me. I was sixteen going on seventeen after all. I saw Ronda flinch, but Jan seemed okay with what I said.

"I agree, we both moved on," she said, dismissing I could still be irritated by how she dumped me. "We are having a small get-together tonight. I would love for you to come."

"Will there be drugs at this event?" I asked.

"You and drugs! I remember when you would take, or smoke, anything I put in front of you," she said.

"I'm not the same guy trying to impress you, anymore."

She stepped forward, and ran her hand over my chest. Thankfully Pam picked that moment to come latch onto my arm. Jan took a step back, and gave me a coy smile.

"If you're free, stop by," she said and then the three of them left me.

"What did they want?" Pam asked.

"To join them at a get-together tonight," I answered.

"I might have a better offer."

"Don't hold out on me."

"I thought you could take me out on the date you have been promising me."

"Can't we just go have sex," I teased her.

"No. Remember, you like me."

She cracked me up. We both knew we were just friends-with-benefits. She had been slowly showing the true Pam as she got to know me better. I liked that she had a sense of humor.

"Did I really say that? An actual promise? I bet it was after sex. Talk to Cindy about the twenty-four hour rule. You can't be held to anything you say, right after sex," I said.

She jabbed me in the ribs.

"Hey," I protested.

"Do I need to plan everything?"

"I only have one question. Am I allowed in your house after what happened with Cora?"

She had hooked up with Devin Range, and they were now engaged. Cora had worked quickly to lock him up. I hoped Devin and Cora made it, but I had my doubts. I was betting it would cost him a pretty penny to get rid of her.

"Dad is still a little twitchy when your name is mentioned, but I think he knows it wasn't your fault. Devin is starting to grow on him. The jet water board he gave Dad went a long way to appeasing him."

"I hope Cal doesn't think I have to buy him gifts, too. I always thought it was the girl who had to come up with the dowry."

"Did you just propose to me?" she said jumping up and down.

"Uhhh," was my witty response.

"I think you did. It's also not during your twenty-four hour grace period. I'll tell Daddy. The two of you can talk before our date," she said, and then went to tell her friends.

I hoped to God she was kidding.

I had a great afternoon catching up with my friends. Ty decided he was no longer my friend after sixty minutes of hell. I had warned him.

Alan sent me a text saying the plays, and Bo's comments, were loaded into the software. I logged onto the internet when I got home, and opened it up. The most helpful part was Bo's description of the plays. One of the hardest parts was learning the terminology they used to name the plays. Bo did a good job explaining what they meant with the play naming conventions. The first part of the play name was the formation, then any pre-snap movement, and finally where each player went.

Once I understood that, it became easier to figure out the play. I then could watch the video of each time we ran it today. I spent an hour studying, and then went down to see Mom and Dad. I found them talking to Angie as she cooked dinner.

"Dad, I need you to call Pam's dad, Cal," I said.

"Why's that, David?" Dad asked.

"It has something to do with arranging a dowry for Pam."

Mom fixed me with a look, and I couldn't keep a straight face.

"Devin gave Cal a jet water board to buy Cora. I explained to Pam they had it backwards. The father of the bride was supposed to pay the groom to get the troublesome girl from out of their house," I explained.

"So you're planning on marrying Pam?" Angie asked.

"If the price is right, sure. That's why Dad needs to call Cal. Maybe we could get some goats," I said.

"Why would we want goats?" Mom asked.

"From looking at the yard, your oldest son has been falling down on the job. The goats would help keep it trimmed up," I said.

This time Dad shot me a look. I got out my cell phone and called Wolf. He agreed to mow the yard, and whatever else my parents decided to pile onto him.

I arrived at Pam's, and rang the doorbell. Cal answered.

"I hear you are looking for a dowry," he said with a straight face.

"If you expect me to get rid of this one too, I need to get paid," I said.

"Every now and then there are days when I think her mother and I would consider it. Today she has been bearable, so I think we'll keep her," he said letting me in the house.

"What's the plan for my youngest daughter tonight?" Lacy said, as Cal and I walked into the kitchen.

"Tonight is an official date night. I guess we can't do group dates anymore, not after the last one," I said, reminding them of us taking Cora with us. "Pam said she was planning this one, so you'll have to get the details from her. I was just supposed to show up. Hey, if she is picking where we go, shouldn't she pay?" I asked.

"You poor thing! Were you dropped on your head as a baby?" Lacy asked.

"Actually, I was. My Dad did it."

She patted my hand. Cal was staying out of it. Pam joined us. I was glad I wore jeans and a nice shirt to match her. I had hoped she would be wearing something similar. There just weren't that many places a teen would want to go, where you got dressed up.

"Are you sure you want to go out with David?" Cal asked.

"I'm right here," I complained.

"Don't worry, I think our daughter sees other things in him," Lacy said, causing Cal and me to blush.

Who knew Lacy could be naughty. I was ready to leave! Like, right now. I grabbed Pam's hand and we made a hasty exit.

"What was that all about?" Pam asked as we got into the Charger.

"Your parents being goofs. Where are we going?" I asked.

We ended up going to the diner by the hospital, because Pam wanted pie. They had fresh peach, so we both picked that. It was something special. Then Pam wanted to break in the Charger. I took her to the lake, and we opened the back doors and got into the back seat. There was much more room than in the Jeep!

On my way home from my date I got a text from Brock Callahan. He asked me to come to Jan's party. I was a little concerned when I saw he was there, which meant other football players were there. I really didn't want them mixing with people doing drugs.

I drove by the party, and the place was packed. I didn't want the Charger anywhere near drunk teenagers, so I drove down the block and parked on the side street. I made the walk to the party already knowing I wasn't staying. I just needed to check on my guys. As I walked up I saw one of the guys I knew from my drug days peeing in the neighbor's bushes. It wasn't going to be long before the police were called.

When I walked in, I saw half the team there. I was most disappointed to see Tim. As my co-captain, he should know better. Then I heard a girls voice saying 'No, no, no', but muffled. I made a beeline to see what was going on. One of my ex-drug buddies was guarding the door.

"Hang on, David, they're just having a little fun."

"Move," was all I said, and he stepped out of the way.

I opened the door and found Wayne and Ray holding down Kylie. They had her t-shirt pushed up around her neck and her bra pulled down as they mauled her breasts. Ray had his hands shoved down the front of her shorts and you could tell he had his hand in her crotch. Wayne and Ray were two of the guys I used to have lunch with first semester last year. They were both going to be on the JV team this year.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I boomed.

Wayne and Ray's eyes got big as they saw their death written in my look. Both guys let Kylie go and she scrambled off the bed. By then Tim had joined me.

"Watch them," I ordered Tim.

Kylie had me in a death grip, and was shaking. Emma and Piper showed up and took her off my hands. I walked into the living room and turned off the music.


There was a mad scramble to get outside. The team had never seen me like this. Tim walked Wayne and Ray out. I made them stand next to me and sent Tim back in to find any guys we missed. He came back out with Brock and Bryan Callahan.

"They were having sex with Jan," Tim said, so only I could hear.

"Was it consensual?" I asked.

"She was either drunk or high. So, technically, probably not."

"What are we going to do about this?" I asked.

"Emotions are running high, right now. I suggest we talk, tomorrow, and then have a team meeting on Wednesday. We need to find out if Kylie and Jan want to press charges. If they do, this could turn into a shit storm," Tim said.

"You better talk to the team, right now, because I will say some things I shouldn't," I said.

Tim told them there was going to be a full team meeting on Wednesday and sent them home. I made the four guys who I considered rapist to stay.

"You guys crossed a line tonight. First of all, Wayne and Ray, NO MEANS NO!" I said.

"But she went with us willingly," Wayne said.

"I could hear her saying no from the other side of the door. If she as so willing, why did you have to hold her down, and why did she run as soon as you let her up?" I asked.

Neither one would look at me. Then I turned on the Callahan twins.

"What's your story?" I asked.

"Jan was up for it. She wanted you to join in. That was why we sent you the text," Brock said.

"Guys, it is one thing if a girl is sober, and she wants to play. She has to be able to give consent. If she is drunk or stoned, she is off limits. I hope I don't have to explain this more than once to you two. Think how you would react if two guys were spending time with your sister," Tim said.

I was glad to see Tim was getting the seriousness of this.

"We are State Champions. The microscope is going to be on us. There was a deal in LA not too long ago, where fourteen guys were arrested. The sex ranged from consensual to assault. I will string you up if we have something like that happening here. As leaders in the community, we have to stay above board, and not be seen as clichés: the jocks that victimize innocent girls," I said.

"But," Bryan started.

"No buts! I don't care if she is the biggest skank in school. You will be seen as the bad guys, and it could derail what we are doing, here. Just so you know, if either, or both girls pursue charges ... David and I will assist in any way we can to see you get convicted! I want you all to know this is serious shit!" Tim said.

Tim and I went back into the party to make sure all the girls who wanted to leave had a ride. I ended up taking Emma, Piper and Kylie home. I dropped off the sisters first. I pulled up in front of Kylie's home, and turned my car off.

"I'm so embarrassed," Kylie said.

"Do you want me to go in with you to talk to your parents about what happened?" I asked.

"No! Please, don't do that to me," she begged.

"Okay, but I am going to have Tracy talk to you. She has some insight into what happened to you, tonight. You need to be able to talk to someone, and she will keep your confidence."

"Thank you, David. I owe you so much ... just ... thank you," she said and went inside.

Even though it was late, I called Tracy and told her what happened. I didn't trust Kylie to make the call. I also told her about Jan. She thanked me, and planned to talk to both of them. She had gone through much worse. She could at least offer a sympathetic ear.

Wednesday July 1

Tim, Jim and I met prior to the team meeting to decide what to do. We talked to Jan and Kylie before our meeting. Jan felt it was no big deal. Kylie was devastated. It was sad to see the once outgoing girl afraid to go out alone. Tracy talked to her, and all she would say was they were taking care of it. Whatever Kylie was doing was not really my business. I was not sure who they were either.

I told Tracy that Tim, Jim and I had a meeting with the team scheduled. I wasn't really surprised when Mona showed up. There were a hundred and eighteen guys waiting on us when we entered the gym. I was surprised when the coaching staff quietly went to the top of the bleachers and sat down. Tim was about to have a meltdown, and Jim was pissed, so it was decided I would talk.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning," the team answered.

"I'm sure you have heard rumors of what happened, Monday night. Let's get everything out in the open, so we can deal with it. Jan Duke had a party at her home, in which alcohol, and drugs were available. I have asked around, and there are no reports of football players using any drugs. If I am incorrect about the drugs, please tell me now," I said, and waited for someone to tell me differently.

I wasn't expecting anyone would, but I had to ask.

"So no big deal, right?" I asked and got several head nods. "Here is where things get complicated. We have two instances where team members were with cheerleaders, behind closed doors, at the party. No one is denying the girls went into the rooms voluntarily. In one instance the girl in question was clearly under the influence. She further states, after the fact, the encounter was consensual.

"The other girl clearly verbalized her desire to not have the encounter continue, by loudly telling the two guys no. Loud enough that I heard it, through a closed door. I entered the room to stop the encounter. The cheerleader in question is having a very rough time of it, after the fact.

"Some would argue both instances were sexual assault. A sixteen year old girl who is under the influence can't give consent. There are some who say her state of mind doesn't matter, she is too young, period. I have a feeling if I asked all of you, we would each come up with our own opinion. I'm not going to try and put my beliefs on you all. What I do want you to hear is what Mona has to say," I said and sat down.

I did not know what she was going to say, but I felt she had a right to address the guys.

"Thanks, David. I know you didn't have to allow me to talk to the team. I appreciate the opportunity. First of all, the cheerleaders are your biggest supporters. We have many friends on the football team, and our hope is we can continue to remain close.

"What David, Tim and Jim don't know is that we all met yesterday to discuss what happened. The two encounters show how complex these types of situations are. For me, I think we cross the line the moment there is coercion. For me, that is the moment someone begins to feel pressured, even if they don't say so. It sickens me to think your biggest supporters can't count on you to protect them. We now have to be on our guard, because the guys we thought were our friends have turned out to be our attackers.

"I know that sounds harsh, but we now have an emotionally traumatized young woman who knows two young men on our football team, who don't understand the word No! She actually had lunch with these guys for almost a year. She was held down, had herself exposed, and groped, before David walked in and stopped the attack. No girl, or woman, should have to go through something like that, regardless if she is a cheerleader!" Mona said as she began to pace.

She took a deep breath to get ahold of her emotions. She stopped pacing and squared her shoulders and took a moment to look every guy in the eye who would meet it. I looked to the back, and Moose and Coach Hope looked like they were going to blow a gasket. I was glad to see the other coaches were holding them in their seats to see what we were going to do about it.

"I hate to do this to David, especially, but the cheerleaders decided they can't let this slide. As long as the two individuals who assaulted one of ours are on the football team, we will not be on the sidelines supporting you, as a protest. We hope you, as a team, handle this internally; but, if it isn't, we will be forced to make public allegations," she finished.

I got up, and hugged her.

"Thanks. I know that was hard to do," I said quietly.

I waited until she left the gym before I continued.

"We are a team. I'm now going to open it up, so that if you want to say something you can. Please, only the person up front can talk. I don't need you all talking at once. Who would like to start?" I asked.

There were many hands in the air. I saw Wayne and Ray look at each other, and then Ray raised his hand. I motioned them both to the front. Wayne was an emotional wreck. I saw Ray's lower lip quiver.

"If you haven't figured it out yet, we are the two who were involved," Ray said, and then looked at Wayne and he nodded. "Kylie is one of our best friends. Both of us would never do anything to hurt her, and yet we did. I'm so ashamed. I wasn't brought up like that, not even close. I know that no means no. All it took was a blink of an eye, and we went from being one of you, to you all looking at us as if we were some kind of serial rapist. If there was any way I, and I know Wayne feels the same, could go back in time and change things, I would.

"I'm so glad David walked through that door, and stopped us. I am also glad that David didn't kick our asses, even though I know we deserved it. Wayne and I agree there needs to be some kind of punishment for what we did. We think what Mona suggested, is getting off easy. You won't have to ask us to step down from the football team, we will do it voluntarily.

"The only thing we ask is you give us a chance to redeem ourselves. I know it will take time, but I consider you all my friends. I hope to someday rebuild that trust. We will also reach out to Kylie. We don't ever expect forgiveness from her," he said, and then had to stop because he got choked up.

Both boys had tears streaming down their faces. I got up and wrapped them both into a hug as they buried their faces into my chest and cried. You could have heard a pin drop. Jim, whose sister Suzanne, was a former cheerleader, who wanted to take them out back and beat them within an inch of their lives, came out and joined me in hugging them. He also had tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes.

I know it is cliché to say it, but there are two sides to every story. You could feel the heartbreak these two guys were feeling. The damage two teenage boys had done to one girl they knew and liked as a friend. It reminded me how one lapse in judgement could change your life. Jim walked them out of the gym.

"Anyone else want to talk?" I asked.

The guys were much more subdued. I looked at Bryan and Brock and motioned for them to come up. We needed to clear the air, even if they were not volunteering.

Same as Stupid Boy - Sophomore Year
Chapter 34: Birthday Week / Uncle John's Wedding Videos

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 19 Making a Movie

Tracy had another breakdown, mid-week. Her depression didn't seem to be getting any better. Tom talked to me, and there was talk where she would drop out of school for a semester and get some extensive treatment. He never came out and said it, but I suspected they were worried she might do something stupid. I had gone over to see her Thursday night, but she was asleep. I never got a chance to talk to her. One unexpected result from last Saturday night, was Brit's new bodyguards: her...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 38 Elite Camp

I was packed and ready to go to camp. The plan was for Tami to pick me up to take me to the airport. I had loved up on Duke, and explained I would only be gone a few days. I was surprised when Harper walked in the back door. I didn't ask any questions until we were in the car. "Where's Tami?" I asked. "She'll see you when you get back. You get to talk to me on the way to the airport." "Okay, what am I talking to you about?" "My job is to talk you out of being Tami's boyfriend....

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 35 Elite 11 Part 1

Today was the beginning of one of the most important weeks of my football future. The camp was being held at Nike's Corporate Campus, in Beaverton, Oregon. Beaverton was located just seven miles from downtown Portland. I woke up with an uneasy stomach, which was a good sign. It meant I was ready. All I needed now was to puke, and I was good to go. Tami was in my bed and I watched her sleep. I was still confused about us having sex last week. There was something in the back of my mind trying...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 8 Halloween Dance

I got up to run and was stretching in the drive when Peggy came out our back door. She had a big meet on Wednesday for Districts. If she did well, there, she was going to State. She came up to me and gave me a kiss. "I want to say thank you, again," she said. "You need to thank Mom. She's the one that did it," I said. Peggy had slept nearly fifteen hours Saturday night and Sunday. Mom finally woke her up so they could go to lunch, after Mom returned from church. After lunch, Mom sat...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 37 Women Troubles

It was good to be home, and to sleep in my own bed. I was sick of dorm and hotel beds. You just seem to sleep better at home. I was also happy to see Duke. You would have thought I'd been gone for years by the way he acted when I got home. I would have to a talk with Brit and Precious about what they had done to my poor boy. As I walked down the stairs to go run, I went through a mental checklist of what I needed to do before I left for my last football camp. I wanted to get the oil changed...

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Johns Wife Angie Lee episode 4

Angie Lee was due in from the states soon and John was certainly happy about seeing his wife after a five month separation. He was a bit apprehensive about how she was going to fit in with his new friends. He was sexually involved with my wife Dot and her best friend Goody. At twenty-something she was engaged to be married, but he disappeared one day. Much as she tried, she didnt think she would ever find her Prince Charming. All of the good men were married. She was easily attracted to men....

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Johns Dream Girl chapters 21 through 22

Introduction: Johns lifelong quest to find the girl of his dreams takes some very unexpected twists and turns along the way. * * * * * Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the authors imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Authors...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 16 Holidays

I was kissed awake. "You're so cute when you sleep," Nancy said as she ran her fingers through my hair. I looked at the clock. There was an hour before my alarm was to go off. I grinned, having an idea why she had awakened me. "Good morning, Sunshine. Why are you so happy this morning?" "Because my man was so good to me last night I couldn't see sending him off to the salt mines without a little loving," she almost purred. I rewarded her by giving her a deep soulful kiss. Nancy...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 6 Northwestern

I had called Peggy last night and we arranged to run this morning. She explained that since I was now dating her, I should come pick her up. That was why I found myself jogging up to her house. Mr. Pratt was coming out the back door to go to work. "Morning," I said in way of a greeting. "I want to talk to you," he said in an unfriendly way. I just stopped, and tried to figure out what his deal was. "Who do you think you are taking my daughter out and getting her drunk?" he...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 22 Stryker

I was on my way to the airport with Kendal. We were going to be gone for a four day weekend to finish up the on-site work for the movie. Our destination was the Northwest Territories. We would be staying in the small town of Yellowknife. It was called The Gateway to the North. I was excited about finishing up my portion of the movie. There would be some big chase and fight scenes that would allow me to use my newly acquired gun skills. Craig had called me earlier in the week and told me he...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 28 Alternate Prom

Duke and I walked out my backdoor to run, when he darted into the backyard to do his business. I heard the low rumble of him growling, so I decided to go investigate. I found Precious guarding something, something furry. Oh Dear Lord, she caught one of Duke's squirrels. You have to understand, there was a sacred bond between dog and squirrel. It was the squirrel's job to torment the dog by bouncing around and then running up trees. The squirrel then twitches its tail and chirped at the...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 39 Tami and David

Tami: I saw David as he walked out of the terminal and into the pick-up area. I waved, and when he saw me he gave me one of his dazzling smiles. I was sometimes amazed I knew this boy who was in all the magazines. I'd not been prepared for how good-looking he had become. He had really grown into a sexy young man. Before the summer of his growth spurt, he had been a slightly pudgy nerd. David was now six-four and a hunk. He had a lean, muscular build and a noticeable bulge in his loose...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 17 Tinsel Town

When we got up, Nancy and I walked to the main house so I could say goodbye to everyone. We all had breakfast together, and they told me their plans for the day. Devin was taking them all horseback riding in the morning. In the afternoon, the guys were going to watch football bowl games. The girls were going to go to another movie. I caught a ride with Sandy to the airport, after Nancy gave me a kiss or three. It was a bittersweet ending to the vacation. I liked her a lot, but we were in...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 6 Boobie Day With Vijay Uncle

Hi Friends, thank you for all the nice words and encouragement you gave me through emails. They pushed me to continue my story. I explained to you in the last couple of parts how I lost my virginity to Sharma uncle. My other two uncles were the only people in the world who knew what was going on. And how supportive they were to me! Later, as I explained in the last chapter, that Sharma uncle had to leave overseas for a few months. Vijay uncle helped me overcome the feeling of loneliness by...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 23 Baseball Tryouts

When I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...

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My Uncle Wallys Boy Wife

My Uncle Wally's Boy Wife Penned by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh Johnson aka Miss Karen-Anne Brown One I did not know what I could expect, as the Greyhound pulled into the bus station. I did not know a whole lot in fact, as I was a rebellious know it all, fifteen year old brat. My parents were pretty good as far as parents went. I had not locked a roof over my head, or enough food on the table, but I had always resented the fact that my parents were not rich enough to give...

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My Uncle Wallys Sissy Boy Wife

Penned by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh JohnsonOneI did not know what I could expect, as the Greyhound pulled into thebus station. I did not know a whole lot in fact, as I was a rebelliousknow it all, fifteen year old brat.My parents were pretty good as far as parents went. I had not locked aroof over my head, or enough food on the table, but I had alwaysresented the fact that my parents were not rich enough to give meeverything that I wanted. I knew in the back of my mind that this wasa pretty...

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Uncle Jims Birthday Present

The adventure of a lifetime, that was what she wanted to do. Go on the adventure of a lifetime. Men, dancing, booze, exotic places, easy work and no parents, and most of all, men.  She had just turned sixteen and had gotten a ticket to wherever she wanted to go from her Uncle Jim who said he would chaperone if her parents thought she needed one.They said yes. So she and Uncle Jim, who was in his forties, had their heads together pouring through the atlas trying to decide which country they...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 30 Tami Returns

Tim, Kim and Pam had been invited to Tracy's lake house for the day. There wasn't going to be a repeat of our last trip, because her parents were coming. The five of us played on the Jet Water Board all morning. Pam taught us some tricks she had learned skateboarding. I was going to New Orleans next week for a Range Sports shoot, and they planned on filming all afternoon with me on the Jet Water Board. Naturally, I was trying to learn everything I could. Sandy told me the more wild things...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 4 Gifts From And For Uncle

Vijay uncle pulled me close to him and buried his face into my neck, sniffing deeply. It caused tingling shivers in my body that originated at my neck and radiated all over my body. I loved the sensation. “Ah, Sweta,” he said in a guttural voice, “I have waited for so long to enjoy your body.” I could not help but reply, “Me too, uncle.” He laughed and turned my face towards him. He kissed my lips lightly and replied, “You smell so nice Sweta, like a flower in its bloom.” I giggled at the way...

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Johns Dream Come True Lauren

Introduction: This is a continuation of Johns Dream Come True. It is not neccesary to read it but please do if you wish. I greatly appreciate any and all suggestions and comments that can help me improve my writing. Please enjoy the story and please comment or pm me at any time. 16 years later -Lauren It had been sixteen years since that wonderfully fateful day. Sixteen years that John had been thrusting his 7 inch cock into his wifes cunt. Sixteen years of pure bliss and erotic pleasure. And...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 26 Spring Break

My phone woke me up, and when I checked it was Tami. "Happy Easter!" I heard her and her host family call out. I looked at the clock. It was six-thirty in the morning. I tried to remember if she was five or six hours different. Anyways, it was too damn early for Sunday morning. "You are all evil. You do realize it is the crack of dawn here," I complained. "I know, but you love me, anyway. We are off to see historic folk dancing by the Morris Dancers. They assure me it is an English...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 25 Fresh Meat

Spring had arrived in our sleepy little town. Mom's tulips were in full bloom, and the trees were greening up. I was taking in the signs of change of season as I saw my first robin. It was predicted to be in the low 60s this weekend. I was looking forward to the warmer weather, because we had our baseball tournament. Lincoln High lost their first game on Wednesday. Our record stood at 7 – 1. I had started three games and my record was 2 – 0 with a 1.37 ERA. Justin was also 2 – 0 with a 2.43...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 24 Season Starts

When I went to school in morning, I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done for now, and best of all, we would play our first baseball game this week. I had just finished lifting with Wolf, when Jeff came in. "Moose posted the varsity team on his door." Wolf and I followed Jeff, and checked the list. Varsity – Starters (batting order) (8) Tim Foresee – Catcher (4) Wolf Tam – 1st Base / Right Field (5) Mike Herndon – 2nd Base / Pitcher (3)...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 29 Babies

Finals week! Just the whisper of that phrase caused the brightest of students to tremble. I sat at our lunch table and watched everyone lose their minds. I had never seen such stage fright since I was twelve, and had to piss off the back of my uncle's fishing boat, while everyone watched. This was ridiculous. We had all survived finals before. I didn't understand why everyone was suddenly freaked out. Being a man of action, I needed to solve this. "You're all a bunch of wimps," I...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 31 New Orleans

I was beginning to understand the meaning of the word entourage. I was a little embarrassed when I saw how many people were boarding the plane to New Orleans for my Range Sports photo shoot. From Ford modeling I had Tiffany, my agent, and Deb Thomas, their Vice President of Talent Development for their Chicago office. Deb arranged to join us, because she wanted to talk to Devin and Sandy Range about their corporate relationship. It had been on shaky ground ever since our shoots in the UK,...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 10 State Playoffs

I'd gone out with Peggy Sunday night to celebrate her coming in third at State on Saturday. Mitch had come in second for the boys. She admitted he'd tried to hit on her again, and I was free to kick his ass. I saw him in the parking lot before school about the same time he saw me coming, and made it inside before I caught him. Peggy gave me a reward for being her hero. The kiss was nice, but she was still confused. She asked why all the varsity cheerleaders flirted with me, while we talked...

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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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Cheating with my boyfriends uncle

I've done such depraved and immoral things in my life (despite being cripplingly shy) and I do feel shame about them, but I also love the fact that I did them. No matter how bad something makes me feel after I do it, it always seems worth it. I just love being naughty. I have so many stories to share with you all and I'm kind of surprised I'm going to do it. Being in Covid lockdown has been really hard on me, though. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I live with, and we're in a serious...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 3 Football Heats Up

I went to lunch and found Wayne and Ray at our table, again. This time they had been invited. I had gotten to know them over the past few days. Wayne had been a snot, at first, but soon learned that I could kick his ass (mostly due to Cassidy's teaching). Once that was established, he was a much nicer guy. I was less happy to see Maggie was back, and unfortunately nothing had changed on that front. I still felt she was too young, and I was not interested in letting her practice her games on...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 20 Dakora

Peggy and I walked up to the front of the school. Pam saw me and hurried over. She didn't look happy. "Tracy withdrew from school," she blurted out. "Okay, I take it she is in treatment," I said. "Her parents took her, Friday. She is in a depression treatment center." "What can we do to help?" Peggy asked. "I don't know. I wish there was something," Pam said. "Have you talked to her or her parents?" I asked. "I talked to Mary for a minute. They were a little busy, so I...

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Birthday Weekender

I really don’t know what possessed me to take this trip. I know it was Josh’s 16th birthday and bringing his younger brother Simon was a given, why on earth did I let them invite 4 of their friends as well. Driving from our home in Hertfordshire UK to our Spanish villa was long enough without having a car load of excited teens. I suppose after the last year when my husband had decided to leave us they both deserved a break, and lets be honest just having your mother to celebrate with, is not...

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Uncle John

(This story contains scenes of v******e and has been written to satisfy a particular fetish of a particular individual. Some of what is depicted is not indicative of either mine or the protagonist's fetishes, but merely to convey the depravity and "perviness" of Uncle John. Reader discretion is advised)I was bored. It was always the same with these kind of things. Family weddings were ok for an hour or so, catching up with relatives you hadn't seen for years was nice but the novelty soon wore...

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Birthday Boy

BIRTHDAY BOY Carmenica Diaz Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Ross, Happy birthday to you…Birthday Boy! 01 of 12: Just another Saturday night. Rosshung his head, his heart was pounding and an overwhelming sick feeling threatenedto swamp his stomach. Naked, gagged and huddled on the floor in the cornerof his own bedroom with his hands handcuffed behind his back, Ross couldn'tbelieve this washappening! He couldn't believe that his wife, Debra was doing ...

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Tess and Uncle John part 2

Tess kissed her Uncle John on the lips and closed her palm around the thickness of his raging boner. I think you'll like my explanations Uncle John, she purred. On the top floor the elevator doors opened and the two of them stepped out. In almost a trance John walked to the Honeymoon Suite. He opened the door and stood to the side as Tess walked inside. Oh My God, she gasped. This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Opening her coat, Tess dropped it on the floor and turned to face her...

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Tess and Uncle John part 1

Tess had just turned 20. As a sophomore at the local university she planned on getting her masters in elementary education. Tess has long honey blonde hair, big flashing blue eyes and a set of 36C's that sit high on her chest. She is 5'9, with a tiny waist, and long sexy legs. Tess is a beauty in any man's eyes. With her tight little ass tucked inside her jeans, Tess is the type of girl who can make any man's head turn. Tess likes that. Oh yes. Sweet little Tess loves attention. John...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 15 Modeling

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" Kara shouted as she ran into my room and bounced on my bed. I think somebody was a little over excited for six-thirty in the morning. Of course somebody had flown in from Italy, and her internal clock was messed up. I guess I should feel lucky that I got to sleep this late. "Should we go wake everyone up?" I asked getting into the spirit of things. She nodded with a gleam in her eye. I got up and went to put on my boxers. "No, let's go naked and wake them...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 27 Baseball Ends

I opened the door to my apartment to let Duke out. I was surprised when he went towards the back of the garage, like he was stalking something. I had a mission though, so I let him have his fun. Mom bought doughnuts yesterday. She always bought us two each and only two Bavarian Creams. Dad and I had made a game of hiding them, because they were our favorites. We both knew we were not allowed to eat them, because Mom explained what would happen if we did. As I walked across the front of the...

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ADVENTURES OF A MILKBOY The story of a birthday surprise for a 16yr old milk delivery boy

Like every teenage boy I had fantasies about scantily clad ladies opening their door early in the morning just as I was delivering their milk, no such luck, the best I’d get would be the man of the house in his vest and work jeans complaining that I was late and should have delivered his milk earlier so he could have his breakfast before leaving for work, how they thought a 14 yr. old could be bothered to get up at 6am so they could have their cereal before catching the bus to their workplace...

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Jeannie and I thank Uncle John 2

Once inside, Jeannie and I pressed our naked bodies together and kissed. Long and slow we shared our passion allowing John to watch and then turned our attention to John. I had him out of his shoes in the next five seconds, and Jeannie had already dropped his jacket to the kitchen floor. I watched as Jeannie and John kissed and I unzipped and wrestled his tight jeans to the floor exposing his rigid cock. Jeannie and I naked, except for our amazingly sexy heels, (as God intended) and John...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 12 The Storm

Coach Hope called me before I went to church. He wanted to talk to me, and my parents, before he made his final decision about what to do with the drinking issue from last night. We had agreed to go to Granny's for a late breakfast, after Mom and I came back from church. When we walked in, Granny spotted me. She made a big fuss about my chin and thought I needed a cinnamon roll to make it better. "I see why you come here," Mom chided me. Before I could respond, the Hope family joined us....

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 14 Christmas Dance

I truly enjoyed my Sunday morning. I didn't have anything to do except go to church with Mom. I even skipped running, and slept in causing Mom to have to wake me up. Church was a little bit of a mad house with everyone wanting to talk about the football game. I was dismayed when I was noted for helping during the storm as part of the sermon. It had not been done it to gain notoriety. I had done it for the pies. None of us felt like cooking brunch, so we went to Granny's. My day got even...

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18th Birthday for Mommyrsquos Special little boy

(This story contains consensual ageplay, baby talk, and first time, bisexual intercourse between a special little 18 yr old boy, his Mommy, and his Mommy’s new Male friend.)
Ever since I can remember Mommy spoke to me in a tone that never changed. A tone of sweetness and affection that made me melt in her arms. The more I obliged her with a c***dish tone of my own, the more she showered me with this motherly love. She called it “agePlay” and said it was perfectly normal for a mother and son in...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 7 Trick Played On Ravi Uncle

Now I was really looking forward to sleeping with Ravi uncle. It was a few weeks later that Vijay uncle called me on a Sunday evening. He told me that he and his wife are coming over to pick me up to take me to the party. Vijay uncle’s birthday party! I wore a nice pink ghagra choli and accessorized it with necklace, bangles, and anklets. I looked nice but conservative. We went to a high-end restaurant where Ravi uncle was already in a full-fledged party mode. Vijay uncle managed to keep Ravi...

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A Fresh StartChapter 37 Sophomore Year

Sophomore year is an interesting year for most students, in that this is their first really independent year, at least academically speaking. Not in lifestyle, of course, since that occurs freshman year. Freshman year is a huge change for the average college student. For the vast majority that are now living away from home for the first time, this is a massive culture shock. They are now treated as adults and need to learn discipline quickly. Mommy and Daddy are no longer going to be there to...

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uncle John

Uncle John by Cynthia GreenThis story is total fiction. This happened about five years ago when I was 16 and a junior in high school. It would probably be best if I told you a little about myself first. I was, what you might call a late bloomer. I grew up in a protected household. Not exposed to boys much. Not really interested in boys until after what happened in this story. I went to a private all girl high school and was more interested in sports and academics than boys. Suddenly, or so it...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 8 Ravi Uncle Is Truly Amazing

Ravi uncle was doing things to my boobs that I couldn’t even imagine. I just had an orgasm! All over uncle’s lap! From being played with my boobs! Without even touching my pussy!  How amazing is that! I figured I was in for a fantastic treat! I began apologizing to him, “Oh uncle, I am so sorry, I never even realized I -” But uncle caught my lips with his again to shut me up. “Oh shut up Sweta,” he said pulling back, “Do you know how long I had been fantasizing about making you do this in my...

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Tanyas visits uncle John

My older brothers daughter Tanya was coming to visit again, just like she had since she was a young. Now she had turned 18 and it was maybe the tenth time she came over during the last years. She had always been looking up to me alot not ever causing any trouble. If I said I used to listen to a certain band that would be the next thing she listened to when she came over next year etc.. Quite a lot had happened to her last year, now before me stood a cute blond and skinny teen with a more mature...

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The Birthday Boy

Chapter 1 "Mom, I'm home" I yelled as I walked in the door having just gotten home from a long and boring day at school, dropping my backpack on the floor as was my usual routine, and headed for the fridge. "Mom?" No answer, which normally meant she was either out, or in a part of the house where she couldn't hear me, so after grabbing a soda from the fridge, I proceeded to search the house to find her. After searching the house from top to bottom, checking both inside and out back by...

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Money is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 23 The Week Before The Wedding

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 3 Invited Vijay Uncle

Vijay uncle laughed and replied, “As I said, you should have called me if you needed company.” I was taking a sip of water and the statement hit me so hard that I choked on the water. Uncle was sitting with a smile while it took me a few minutes to get my coughing under control. I was about to reply something, but Aunty came at that moment to say that dinner was ready. We had a quiet dinner together at which time I could not look at Vijay uncle without getting a blush. Aunty probably must have...

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Jeannie and I thank Uncle John 1

My beautiful young friend, Jeannie and I had just returned home from our first weekend together as lovers. At eighteen, Jeannie was the image of a healthy happy, confident young woman. She was a blue eyed blonde, barely 4'11" and I am sure she was under 90 lbs. She was and still is very fit, muscular and flexible from years of gymnastics. She was always so upset that she was mistaken for being much younger and at 18 she could easily pass for 14. She is the daughter of one of my best friends...

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