Paul's RedemptionChapter 16 free porn video

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Paul threw a couple of loads of clothes into the Spyder. He had the house rented for the summer, but he didn't want Alice to stay there alone. All right, admit it, you're feeling sorry for yourself and you want her around. It was a good way to kill two birds with one stone. He wasn't worried what his mom would think, but gays and lesbians had never come up in a conversation with Dad. He could be as homophobic as Reitz. Not likely, he wasn't the asshole that Reitz was.

The drive home was short. That gave him little time to think about Jane. That was a good thing.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!"

"Stop yelling," his father answered, "we're in the kitchen." Like many homes, most of life revolved around the kitchen.

Paul had been able to convince his parents that they didn't want a two story house. Stairs are Hell when you are old. Paul had suggested a large living area in the middle of the house, a master bedroom and study on one side, kitchen and dinning room on the other side, another living room (the so-call den) on that side and three bedrooms. It keeps the grandchildren away from the grandparents at night.

"I need to ask a favor of you," Paul said while he fixed a cup of coffee. His parents were sitting at the table drinking coffee and working crossword puzzles. Paul loathed crossword puzzles.

"What is it?" There was no concern in his dad's voice.

"Do you remember me talking about my friend Alice?"

"The girl you said is your best friend," his mother replied.

"Yes ma'am, that's the girl. She needs my help. Since she has helped me so much I really want to help her. It goes beyond being obligated. She is my best friend and I don't want to let her down."

"Now you're getting me worried," Mr. Lawton said, "What's the favor?"

"I want her to live with us this summer." If that stunned them what are they going to say when I tell them she is a lesbian?

"Paul, that wouldn't be proper."

"Mom, nothing will happen between the two of us. I can guarantee that."

"Paul, I know you think you can, but a man and a woman your age living together unsupervised much of the time, things can happen even with the best of intentions," Mr. Lawton answered for her.

"No sir, it can't. Alice is a lesbian. That's why she needs a place to stay. Her parents kicked her out of her home. This is a very hard time for her and I don't want her to be alone."

It took a moment for his parents to digest the information. "This would only be for this summer, right?" his father said after a long pause.

Yes! "Yes sir, just this summer."

His parents looked at each other. Mr. Lawton finally shrugged his shoulders; Mrs. Lawton looked at Paul and nodded yes.

"Thank you so much."

"I'm going to unload my car and go get the rest of our stuff."

"How are you going to get all three vehicles back with just the two of you driving?"

"I'll rent a trailer, Dad, and use it to carry the bike."

"Nonsense, I'll come back with you."

Paul unloaded the car. "You can wash your own clothes when you get back," Mrs. Lawton reminded him that he would have house work this summer.

"Yes ma'am."

"You don't seem as happy as I thought you would be. What's the matter?" Mr. Lawton was driving the Spyder and Paul was staring ahead.

"Jane broke up with me."

"I'm sorry, she seemed like a nice girl."

"She is and she isn't. She has a problem she needs to address and she doesn't know how to do it. I know from experience that it's a hard thing to do."

"But whatever your problem was, you've addressed it. I can see that in your eyes. You're no longer a boy and I don't mean that you're bigger, although you are. You're more mature. What happened?"

"Good things and bad things, Dad. I'm not out of the woods yet, but I'm doing a lot better. I've got three good friends and I feel pretty good about myself. This thing with Jane hurts, but it'll pass. You know Steve, he's a good friend and Arthur is too. I'll have to get Arthur to visit us."

"Are either of them..."

"No Dad, they both like girls and so do I. None of us has found the girl yet."

"Paul, I know I'm not really your father."

"I don't want to hear that crap. I never knew my father and you make Mom happy. You treat me as if I'm your son. You can tell me what to do anytime you want. I'll ignore you just like I do Mom."

Mr. Lawton chuckled. "You shouldn't be looking for the girl. You should be dating for fun. That's what college is for."

"It seems kind of pointless. Like just dating to get laid. One of the girls I dated told me how important a family was. I want to have that."

"Did you plan to marry her?"

"No sir."

"So maybe just dating can teach you things you need to know. Just don't lie or get a girl drunk to get in her pants."

"I won't Dad."

"They won't admit it, but women like sex almost as much as men. It's just more dangerous for them. It can ruin their reputations and even ruin their lives. It isn't fair but the world isn't fair."

After a brief pause, Mr. Lawton continued. "If the girl comes along, you need to know how to understand her. You can only learn that by practicing. So date for fun. Take a girl to the movies. It doesn't have to be about sex and it doesn't have to be about love. It's practice. Women are different."

"That's for damn sure."

"Did you call Alice?"

"No sir."

"So she is sitting at your house worried that we might say no?"

"There's a phone booth across the street!'

"I know," Mr. Lawton said patiently.

"Thank you for letting me stay here Mrs. Sheppard."

"It's Lawton now, dear."

"I'm sorry, I think of you as Sheppard because you're Paul's mother."

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter." Paul and his dad had gone to buy bedroom furniture. Paul had slept on the couch last night. "How did you and Paul meet?"

"I sometimes go to the stadium to think, so does Paul. One night he was acting strange and I was worried about him. I went over to him to make sure he wasn't going to jump."

"Was he going to?" She was worried.

Alice smiled, "he said that it was a good idea but he couldn't do that to you. I hope you know how much he loves you."

"Stay here. I'm going to need a box of Kleenex for this talk."

She was blowing her nose as she came back into the room. "You'll need these too." She put the Kleenex on the table. "Why was he so upset?"

"There are some things I can't tell you. I didn't promise him but it was implied." Alice looked into her face.

"OK." She nodded.

"He was confused. He thought he was a bad person. He thought all his decisions were selfish. He knew he only thought of himself. He didn't realize that we all do that. I went over to help him because it made me feel good about myself. I can delay gratification and get more out of life rather than by being impulsive. That doesn't mean I'm bad. That means I'm human."

Mrs. Lawton nodded and waited for Alice to continue.

"He put you up on a pedestal. He hasn't figured this out yet, but he will. He thinks that you dropped everything in life to take care of him and he may be right. But you did it because you wanted to. You did it because it makes you feel better about yourself than you would if you hadn't done it. You are a very good person, but you aren't Saint Lawton," Alice laughed, "and it has been worth it, hasn't it?"

"Yes. It was worth it when he didn't fit in. Now," she paused, "I can't describe how good it is." She blew her nose again. "What are you going to do this summer?"

"Paul gave me two choices. I either have to have surgery on my scar or I have to show him my boobs."


"It's true. Your son is a pig." They both laughed.

"So you're having surgery?"

"Yes ma'am."

"We hesitated to invite you because... well you know, but Paul said that you were special. He's right even if he is a pig."

"Thank you. Can I make a long distance call? I want my parents to suffer but not too much."

"Of course dear, you'll be our daughter this summer. After your call we can go shopping, I want to talk about Jane. "

Jane was getting it from all sides. Her parents and even her brother wanted to know what Paul had done. They didn't believe it was nothing. Her brother was going to go kick Paul's ass.

"He did not do anything wrong. I decided that I wasn't going to date him this summer."

"Why?" Her mother asked.

"I'm not explaining myself to you. I can date whomever I want. It's my life. Leave me alone." She walked out onto the porch. Her brother followed.

"If he hurt you I'm going to..."

"Oh, fuck you." Crap. My parents heard that. Jane walked around the lake but it didn't help her anger.

That night Jane drove her parent's car to the Burger Queen. Most kids there were high school kids but some of her old friends were sitting inside. The Juke Box was playing Alley-oop as she walked in.

"Well look what the cat drug in," a blond girl with her hair piled up high and glasses like Jane used to wear was sitting next to a boy with a plaid shirt and blue jeans. The girl's dress was pink.

"Hi Carol; hi Bobby."

"You sound unhappy."

"Carol, I'm mad at my parents."

"That's never happened before," observed Bobby.

"Fuck you."

"What are they doing?"

"They're upset I broke up with my boyfriend."

"Boy, he must have been a drag if your parents liked him." Carol and Bobby laughed.

"Honey you need a new boyfriend but you aren't going to get asked out with that snarl on your face. Hmm, James Wallace isn't going with anybody."

"He's stupid."

"Yeah, but he's cute."

"Do you know any college men?"

"None you would want."

"Who is that guy in the corner next to Dean?"

"Some new guy in town, Josh Coulter is his name. You interested?"


"Then smile for a change."

"Hello Mom."

"Alice, where are you? We've been so worried about you."

"I know, that's why I called."

"Where are you?"

"I'm in Palatka."

"What are you doing there?"

"I'm staying with a friend."

"Is it that girl?"

"No Mom and her name is Barbara. I'm staying with the family of a boy I know."

"A boy?"

"Don't get your hopes up Mom, he's just a friend. More like a very good friend, but I'm not attracted to him."

"You need to come back and see Dr. Akins."

"Dr. Akins can't change me if I don't want to change and I don't want to change. I want you to accept me."

"Please come back and try it for two weeks, that's all I'm asking."

"There's no point in going over the same stuff again and again. I love you Mom, tell Daddy that I love him. Let me give you the phone number here so you can reach me if there's an emergency. Please don't get angry with the Lawtons, they're good people. They'll keep me safe this summer."

Paul came back from Europe for Ann's wedding in Palatka. It was two weeks before Rachel's. That gave Ann and Bill time to have a honeymoon and still get back in time for Ann to help with Rachel's wedding. Paul, Alice, and Steve went to both weddings. Paul found he was able to sincerely wish Ann all the happiness in the world without any regret. He had needed to fuck-up some before he began to get things right. At least Ann hadn't had to suffer with him.

Arthur and Barb came over the weekend of Rachel's wedding. Paul returned to see them. Alice's face was healing from surgery and she was cranky for a change. Arthur pretended to be Barb's boyfriend. Arthur, Paul, and Steve had great fun with it. Alice, not so much.

Arthur and Paul were in good humor waiting to see what the sleeping arrangements would be at the house. Paul's parents knew that Barb was Alice's girlfriend, not Arthur's.

Alice looks tense, Paul thought. She's horny and she has a bad case of goo-goo eyes.

"Paul, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, Mom."

"Paul, what do I do about the sleeping arrangements?"

"Mom, do you want the truth?"

"No. Yes."

"It doesn't matter where you put us. Those two girls are going to be in the same bed tonight. Pretend they're normal girls. Give them a room together. At least Arthur and I will get a good night's sleep."

"Paul I don't know."

"It's hard for you, isn't it? I don't know Barb that well but Alice may have saved my life. She deserves any happiness I can give her as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Will it hurt you for them to be together tonight?"

"I don't know."

"Gross, huh?"


"If I tell Alice and Barb to stay in their rooms or they'll hurt you, they'll stay in their rooms. Do you want me to tell them that?"


"Then I suggest that you meet Dad dressed in the little negligee that you have."


"Don't you think I went through your drawers as a kid? As I was saying, give him something to think about tonight. It will keep your mind off other things."

"Paul Sheppard I may ground you."

"I love you too."

Jane had her second date with Josh Coulter that night. He was taking her to a party in Bartow. Their first date had been a good one. He took her to Winter Haven to see Butterfield 8 starring Elizabeth Taylor. It was a good movie. They made out in the car for some time before he took her home and she only had to take his hand off her breast once. He kissed like a man, not like a high school kid. He was going to get to second base tonight if he played his cards right. She hadn't had sex for 4 weeks and she didn't plan to go 2 months without it.

Josh was six feet tall, thin, and elegant. He was a Business major (bad) but he went to school at Harvard (good!). He was handsome and smart. He opened the door of his 1960 Thunderbird for her. They talked about the economy as they drove. She reminded herself, again, not to compare him with Paul. Josh wasn't better and he wasn't worse, he was different and she needed something different.

"What are your plans for after graduation?" Jane asked.

"My father can get me a job on Wall Street. I'll move to New York, and you?"

"Probably graduate school, it's hard to do research unless you have an advanced degree."

"You're kidding?"

"No. Why?"

"Aren't you going to have kids?"

"Sure, but not right away."

"That's why women don't get paid as much as men."


"Because if you hire a young woman and spend time training her, it's all wasted when she quits to raise her children."

"What if I decide not to have children?"

"Then you'd be a rare woman. Grab the hand-drawn map from the glove compartment, will you?"

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Paul and his thick cum

Paul and his unusual cockI first met Paul many years ago and we became friends immediately. We both freely admitted we enjoyed wanking and it wasn’t long before we began wanking each other. We graduated on to sucking each other’s cock but Paul had a real problem with this – he simply didn’t like the taste of cock.Paul’s cock was very unusual, fair enough it was uncut and about 7 inches when hard but his foreskin was so tight that it simply would pull right back to expose the bell end. Even more...

1 year ago
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Pauls Granny

This is a true story told to me by Paul, a swinger friend of ours. Paul is a good guy and I had the honor of fucking his granny recently. Granny Mary confirmed the truth of this story. Please enjoy! Granny Mary is a real pistol of a woman. She had had my mother when she was only fifteen, the result of an encounter with a couple of married stranger men in her neighborhood. Granny had had several husband who died and left her pretty well set up. Every summer I would go visit her and stay for a...

1 year ago
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Paul Everhard 1

He watched her from the other side of the classroom. Corryn was one of the sexiest girls he’d ever seen, whenever he plucked up the courage to go and speak to her she would say “hi” and he would go shy and go back to his seat. Paul had a rare abnormality, he was forever hard, his cock was never satisfied, he never went soft, and the girls who knew about it were mad for him. Meanwhile Corryn had noticed he always had that lump in his trousers and had, by now, guessed what it was. Every time she...

Erotic Fiction
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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 11

Ryan stared at the raven haired beauty. “Julie?” he finally said. Julie raised arched an eyebrow at him. “And I thought you were supposed to be a genius. Five years living together and you can barely remember my name?” “But what are you doing here anyway?” This made no sense. She didn’t go to either Mt. View or Ryan’s school - she was going to some private all girls school last he had heard. Julie nodded her head at her father Gary. Samantha and Janet were already grilling him angrily....

3 years ago
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Working up the nerve

And that’s exactly what I did for the first semester of school, though the pussy was weak. I only had sex twice, and it was pretty bad both times. The chicks were drunk, I was drunk. It was just a waste of time, pretty typical frat party sluts. However, at the fall football games I had noticed Abby, one of the cheerleaders. She was small (the flyer for the squad) and blonde, with a nice build. Large B to Small C rack but the ass is really what got my attention. In the cheerleader...

4 years ago
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Black Cannon of Aberdeen

In the late 70's I met a handsome and hung black soldier from Aberdeen Proving Grounds in a bar that catered to mostly a black clientele.EXACTLY my kind of place.I had prepared carefully before I sashayed in that night swinging my creamy white ass atop 4 inch heels.Smoky eye shadow above a dark green that brought out and emphasized my hazel eyes,red lip-stick matching my toes and long acrylic fingernails.My bra was filled with Double DD silicone breast forms,that when warmed by my body...

2 years ago
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 2

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 19th December 2014:With Donovan having flown off to college in the UK, Sue threw herself into her community work with a vengeance to help fill the hole left by our only child leaving home. Donovan, Sue and I normally volunteered at the local shelter and soup kitchen on Friday’s, and Sue was now doing an additional two evenings a week, which were usually Tuesdays and Thursdays. And this is where she met the man who was about to have a major impact on our marriage and...

Wife Lovers
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Ultimate Seduction Of My Cousin VimalPt 2 Fucked Rachana

After a great fucking session with my sister Vimal the other night, we had slept hugging each other’s sweaty bodies very tightly which helped us to stay warm in that chilly Shimla weather. Please read the first part to know about how it all started. Coming to the story, I got up in the morning at around 6 am with my morning wood (hard dick) or my pee boner resting between the milky thighs of my sister. My horny naked sister was asleep. Without disturbing her I pulled my dick and went to pee....

4 years ago
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Complex Relationships 8211 The Indian Context 8211 The Discovery

By : Criticalmass Synopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife’s younger sister is said to be ‘Almost Half Wife’. Although like a joke, many Indian men fantasize about their wife’s younger sister. However for the lucky some, this becomes a reality. This story is a narration by one such lucky man. Disclaimer: The story is purely a fantasy, but put in this situation would love to do the same. I am 28 years old and run a 5 star class boutique Hotel in Delhi, I got...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Kay Lovely Distracted By Tits

Tyler is feeling pretty down about himself since he just lost his job. His girlfriend, Kay, tries to make him feel better by coming up with some options he can look into for new work. However, her giant, perky, perfect tits are making it hard for him to focus. Who needs a job when you got some A+ boobies right infront of you, that shits worth a million bucks right there! He can’t help his urges so he starts to rub up her tits and get them nice and oiled up. She starts to get really horny...

2 years ago
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The beginning of my life as a fuck slut

We stumbled through the front door into the empty house. It was 2am and we were just home from the best night out we had had in a long time. We had hardly wanted to leave our friends house but once the police turned up we knew it was time to leave. As I began the impossible task of removing my four inch heels I watched Emily swaying down the corridor. She was wearing the cutest pink summer dress that complemented her lightly tanned skin and short blonde hair. “Do you want anything to drink?”,...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 9 Amanda GriggsChapter 3

November and December came and went, with the Dalton family holiday gatherings, which now included Prudence, Constance and the twins. Tim too, since he and Constance had become engaged. Bev was three months pregnant, and radiant. Bill was bursting with pride. Mary was five months pregnant with her second child, and happy that this one was conceived with Fred, her husband. Linda had Paul over for Thanksgiving dinner, and it was obvious they were completely caught up in each other....

4 years ago
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Code Lolite

I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Aqua, Yen Sid or any of its related copyrights. These are the property of the Walt Disney Company, Disney Interactive Studios, Square Enix, Tetsuya Nomura and their respective affiliates. Code: Lolite It had been a long and hot day; the once clear and bright sky now beginning to dull, the lingering humidity at last beginning to soften. Though still fairly bright, the first hints of dusk were gathering and would soon mark the end of another day. As...

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Khadus Behen Ko Badi Mushkil Se Choda

Hi, mera naam Nazim hai aur mai pune ka rehne wala hu meri age 19 hai.. Hum ghar mai 4 log rehte the mummy daddy main aur simran humlog ka ghar bohot he purana hai aur ek moholle mai hai. Aur ground floor par kitchen aur hall aur ek bedroom hai aur upar 2 bedroom hai niche ke bedroom mai mummy daddy rehte hai aur upar ek room mai main aur meri didi aur ek room mai sab saman store kar ke rakhe hai. Mummy school mai teacher hai aur unki ek friend ke ghar par wo tuitions bhi leti hai aur mummy...

3 years ago
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She wears the pants over her cock

I stepped off the plane after three days travelling and was looking forward to going home after a long few weeks of travelling for work. My work regularly has me travelling and I don’t seem to get home as much as I would like anymore.   But it does make it even more enjoyable when I do get home.   Leaving the gate, I walked down the corridor, past the last security checkpoint, and toward the baggage claim area.   I don’t typically check bags, but with the new charges that all the airlines...

3 years ago
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Enslaved by friends part 1

“Yes master” Ratchel in pain said sobbing into tears with a gag ball in her mouth that made the words out of her mouth less comprehensible. Gary had the thickest cock over all three of the boys. She always made her scream loudest whenever they compete over making her scream loudest, but that’s only when the competition is about fucking in the cunt, the one who truly made her eyes red with tears and throat whimpered with scream was Helen whenever she takes charge of ratchel. Ratchel had the...

2 years ago
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Spanking Club Ruse

Lisa glared at the granny aged woman and demanded, “Stop. I need to check what’s in your bag.”The older woman did stop, blushing, turned and looked at Lisa, and stood still.Lisa was the nineteen-year-old manageress of the lady’s clothes department in the retail outlet. She was dressed for the hot summer weather in a short-sleeved white blouse and dark blue skirt with bare legs. Right then she had a very stern look on her young-looking face and her eyes blazed.The older woman looked in her...

1 year ago
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Mind Control Heroes turned Feminine

Superheroes are constantly in danger of being mind controlled and transformed. In this story superheroines will be transformed from strong willed individuals into the ideal feminine beauties. But don’t think the male superheroes are safe. Villains can easily do the same to them. Turning even the most masculine Superhero into a sexy woman. (Dear reader, as you read this story please remember that if you like any of the chapters that you read please take a second to click "Like". It only takes a...

1 year ago
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Just a Little RideChapter 2

Lisa Alcott. In many respects, I’m a lucky girl. Blessed with good looks, above average intelligence, and parents well-off enough that I’ve never had to worry about money. I’ve always been fascinated with history, so an archaeology degree was an easy choice. Thanks to Dad, a studio flat in West One, half a mile from the university, became my home away from home. I’m on an upper floor, so the view is terrific. There are shops not too far away, and there’s an indoor car-park forming the ground...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Mother In Law 8211 Part II

Hello dear readers….First of all i express my gratitude to this wonderful site where you share emotions with like mind people and also gives us a forum to share and inform the wonderful life that god has given us to “Enjoy”.Hats off to this wonderful site once again. Coming to the point : I am Prasad working for a government agency living in hyderabad aged 38 happily married with one daughter and one son aged 10 and 7 respectively. I have a very lovely wife (although lean) and have a fairly...

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Mom Aunt Dick Sucking

"Knock, knock," came my mother's voice. When we turned around towards the doorway both Robert and I were floored."Would you guys like to come down and watch TV with us?" my mom asked. We didn't answer. How could we? Both mom and Barbara were wearing only their pajama tops that barely covered their panties. Why they were half-naked we had no idea. Robert and I couldn't get enough of my mom's, athletic, creamy white thighs and calves, and his mother's long, lean, darker legs, but they were quite...

4 years ago
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The Office XXX Christmas Party

It was going to be a long night. I love my husband so much but the annual office Christmas party was tonight and it was just for office personal. He never liked those things anyway but I told him before I left the house how much I would miss him.My husband fits me to a key. We are so perfect together. We are not a couple that goes out for one reason; we love to have sex with each other. Oh, don’t get me started on us now, tee hee. His cock is the perfect size for me. I know I have had many...

1 year ago
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Doing it with my girlfriend and her daughter

Roxanne just grinned, and I knew that face. She made it many times during our relationship, and it was always good. It was mostly when I ate her pussy, and she was about to cum all over my face. She kept that face, and slowly walked over towards us. She didn't seem mad, but she was something. I didn't commit to being sorry, or entitled to fuck her daughter, I just let her say whatever she needed to say. She actually leaned towards Sofie, and not me. She took a good look at her naked body, and...

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Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb CockRiding Slut

This is the story of...جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb Cock-Riding SlutOne fine day, Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut's mother called her to come downstairs. She had just finished preparing her a basket of X-rated goodies for her to take to her beloved old Grandpa, in his cottage, in the woods. Of course, as we all know, Grandpa wasn't Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut real grandfather. He was just a lonely old man whom she had known, and been visiting, ever since she...

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Are You My Darcy

Authors note: Sadly, this story is basically true, with details modified to protect or enhance the story. I am left wondering: did I lose Darcy or never have her? ———- Are You My Darcy? I lost her – my Darcy. Not like losing a pen or car keys. I had Darcy and I lost her. Maybe if I describe her you can help me find her again… Darcy is a shoulder-length brunette with sultry, sexy, come fuck me now brown eyes. Her eyes were innocent too – when she wanted — and icy hard at other times....

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Brotherly love

100% fiction! It was just after my brother moved back to town, he had been away for almost ten years. It started out as a game we played while having sex, I would talk to my wife about her sucking my brothers cock as I would go down on her. She started getting into it and said that she would like it if I helped her perform oral on my brother, since we were only talking I told her that would be fun. I have had a couple of bi encounters and was wanting to get another one started, so this played...


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