Quiet Ones
- 4 years ago
- 25
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As we took our places in the courtroom, Aunt Margie was dressed conservatively in a medium gray two-piece suit and low-heel, sensible black shoes. She looked every bit the piano teacher and church lady we all know and love.
Before the proceedings got started, I maneuvered Harley off to the side and asked him a big favor. It was in the big category because it might be construed as shady, if not downright illegal, and Harley is one of the most honest men I know. It took some tall explaining to convince him that, while it might seem on the surface to be ethically iffy, it was the right thing to do. He finally agreed to grant my favor, but he made it very clear that he wasn’t entirely comfortable with it. I owed him.
The bailiff called out “All rise!” and Judge Wilmer strode briskly in and took her seat. She banged her gavel and said, “This court is now in session. Bailiff, what is our first case?”
“The people vs. Margaret Brenner, Your Honor.”
That was my cue. I rose and called out, “Your Honor!”
She nodded in recognition and answered, “Mr. Brenner.”
“Your Honor, my client wishes to change her plea.”
Judge Wilmer corrected me. “Since I asked Chief Davidson to gather more information about these charges at our last session, the court hasn’t actually accepted a plea from Miss Brenner yet. I now have the information I requested, and I might add, Counselor, that you’d better have some sound reasoning for some of the very graphic evidence I was shown. But for now, how does your client plead to the three counts of sexual assault on a minor?”
“Your Honor, my client must plead ‘Not guilty’ because it is our contention that she is not the person who committed those offences. And if Your Honor pleases, we would like an opportunity to explain the evidence already in the court’s possession in her chambers.”
Naturally, this is where old Bullock jumps to his feet, nearly apoplectic, and objects. “Your Honor, the people have a right to hear all the evidence in open court!” He wasn’t about to pass up his chance to grandstand for the press without a fight.
Wilmer fixed the stink-eye on him. “Read the law, Mr. Bullock! The people have no such right. Are you now representing the fourth estate? The defendant has a right to trial by jury, but if you will recall, this is not yet a trial, it’s a continuation of Miss Brenner’s arraignment. If she has evidence to show the charges against her are in error, then the court will hear that evidence. So, Mr. Bullock, Mr. Brenner, Miss Brenner, in my chambers. Now, please!”
As Bullock was stuffing his notes into his briefcase, Harley tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Mr. Bullock, someone handed me this note and said it was important that I pass it on to you.”
Bullock looked irritated at the interruption, but he took the note, opened it and read. Then he went very pale in the face and looked around frantically, like he was expecting to see a ghost.
I passed by his table, ushering Aunt Margie toward the Judge’s chamber. I looked at Bullock, and doing my best to appear concerned, asked, “Is something wrong, Mr. Bullock? You don’t look at all well. Is there anything I can do to help?”
He looked at me and glowered. “You’re behind this, Brenner!”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Bullock. Behind what?”
He rasped out, barely above a whisper, “You’re trying to blackmail me! I’ll see you disbarred for this!”
“Mr. Bullock,” I said in mock indignation, “I have no idea what you’re so upset about, but idle threats are unbecoming a man of your stature. I’m afraid I’ll be forced to take legal action if you persist!”
By now, Bullock was so red in the face that I was afraid he’d have a stroke.
As Aunt Margie and I made our way to the judge’s chambers, I saw Dr. Milton enter the courtroom, and I gave him a discreet thumbs-up, signaling him that all was going according to plan.
Once we were all settled in our chairs around Wilmer’s desk, she looked at me with a suspicious eye and demanded, “Okay, Marty, what the hell are you up to? And what do you mean asking Harley to hand me a video like that? That’s bordering on contempt!”
I said, “Your Honor, let me explain it from the beginning. After an extensive examination, a highly regarded psychiatrist, Dr. Francis Milton, has determined that my client, Margaret Brenner is suffering from a rare condition known as DID, or dissociative identity disorder. It’s seems that the complainants were indeed seduced into having sex, but not by Margaret Brenner. No, the guilty party was her alter ego who calls herself Dagmar.
“Chief Davidson, who you charged with investigating the complaints against Miss Brenner, has interviewed all three boys plus several more, and found them all in agreement that the person who enticed them to have sex, looked like Miss Brenner, but she didn’t act like Miss Brenner. I believed Your Honor would see that personality change take place in the video I gave Harley, uh, Chief Davidson as evidence. I am not an exhibitionist, and I would have gladly edited out the, um, racy parts, but I was afraid that altering the video in any way would call the whole thing into question.”
It was at this point that I halfway expected Aunt Margie to have a fit, allowing Dagmar to make an appearance, if she was going to, but the moment passed, and my aunt didn’t seem the least bit disturbed.
I let out a small sigh of relief and continued, “Now, Dr. Milton, who is in the courtroom now, if Your Honor wishes to ask his opinion, will testify that Margaret Brenner and her alternate personality, Dagmar, are in fact, and for all intents and purposes, different people. Dr. Milton will also testify that, since Margaret has been under medical treatment, that alternate personality has been effectively suppressed and no longer represents a threat to the youth of our community. Considering these revelations, the defense asks the prosecution to reconsider the charges against my client.”
Judge Wilmer rubbed her forehead and mumbled, “Why me, Lord?”
Then she looked at Bullock and said, “Can I assume you’re going to strongly object to this?”
The County Attorney leaned forward in his chair looking read for battle, but before he could begin his diatribe, I interjected, “I would hope that a man of such strong moral character as Mr. Bullock could find it in his heart to see that Margaret has serious medical and mental health issues, and should therefore be given every opportunity to seek appropriate treatment; treatment that would most certainly not be available to her in our penal system.”
Wilmer cut me off with, “You’ve had your say, Brenner! Proceed, Mr. Bullock.”
Once again, he started to object, but he was keeping one eye on me, and I guess he read the threat in my expression. It brought himself up short. Knowing damn well that I could and would destroy his career and his reputation, he dropped his voice and said, “Your Honor, under the circumstances, the people would consider withdrawing the charges against Miss Brenner on the condition that she remain under the care of Dr. Milton for the foreseeable future. The truth is, none of the boys involve in this case voiced any complaints against Miss Brenner. It was one of the mothers, Mrs. Wilson, Jeremy’s mom who insisted that I bring charges, as she had every right to do. I’m sure she will appreciate that Miss Brenner suffers from a rare medical condition and is deserving of our compassion.”
Judge Wilmer sat there shaking her head. “Well, people, I’ve got to say, this is one for the books.” She looked at Aunt Margie, then at me, and said, “I have no choice but to release you to Dr. Milton’s care, Margaret, but before I make it official, I’ll want to have a long talk with him and Chief Davidson. I know you’re not an evil person, Margaret. I know that for a fact. But I will not allow anyone free reign to take advantage of the youth of this community. If I hear of even one complaint against you for having sexual relations with a person under the age of eighteen, I’ll order you committed to the state psychiatric facility for an indefinite stay, do you understand?”
Aunt Margie looked up, smiled, and nodded her understanding. “Thank you, Your Honor. That’s more than fair.”
Wilmer stood and directed us back to the court room. Back in session, she bangs the gavel and announces, “This case is dismissed! Chief Davidson, Dr. Milton, in my chambers. NOW!”
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If you enjoyed this story, feel free to visit my website at http://stores.lulu.com/jmplays - There you will find the entire 34,500 word Novella ?Amanda Grows Up.? Also, check out the full 33,000 word novella ?The Intern.? If you like Femdom humiliation, you’ll love these stories. Coming Soon: ?The Johnson Family.? It’s another enjoyable tale of Female Domination and Male Humiliation. Cheers!(Disclaimer: This story is not for the squeamish. It depicts rape and violence. If that type...
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IncestI haven’t told you a lot about my brother John, but he is a very unique individual. We don’t really know why he is different. Our doctor simply said his brain was wired differently than ours. As I’ve explained, he isn’t lacking intelligence ... in fact, quite the opposite. Inside that head of his is an IQ that is far above mine. It’s just that he doesn’t take many opportunities to show it. So far, only his school work reveals just how smart he really is. I’m sure part of it is his amazing...
And also my only anal. We were (and still are friends) and there had always been some sexual tension. MSNs started to get dirty, he told me that he liked to be in charge in bed and I told him that I was absolutely the opposite and for the first time since we'd known one another, we were both single. We lived in different parts of the country. One thing led to another and I had found myself on a train and we spent the weekend fucking. Bliss. Fucking and friendship. We knew nothing more should...
AnalBattle of the SexesAngi and Mike Dawes trudged up the dirt path, eyes hopeful for the first time in days as they eyed the faint structure in the distance. From this far away, they couldn’t tell what it was, exactly, but any kind of structure - any shelter from the rain - was more than welcome. It had been nearly a week now since they’d last slept in a bed, safe from the elements. That felt like a lifetime ago to the weary couple – Mike especially. ‘How far do you think?’ Angi gasped out, bone...
Michelle’s Day Off Michelle was leaving work on Tuesday evening when she heard the car horn. She walked over, heels clicking on the pavement, and leaned in. “Get in,” Faris Dara ordered. Pulling open the passenger door Michelle did so. Faris looked at her, his hand immediately sliding up her stockinged thigh. Automatically Michelle opened her legs to allow him access to her pussy. He probed her roughly. “Very nice,” he commented, setting the car in gear. Five minutes later they were on the...
It was on a mid-summer day - one of those hot, heavy summers, where the sweat clings to every inch of you. Where it's always beading on your forehead, and no matter how high you turn the air-con, it won't go away. I was home alone when it happened. I often was as a young girl - me and my parents lived in this big country house, out in the middle of nowhere, and with both of them away on business a lot, I often had it to myself. Sometimes, in the summer, they'd leave me alone for days -...
There's nothing sexual much on this short story. Since this incident involved with my f*ther few weeks ago.___________________________________________________I gotten extremely sick and weak from all these medications my doctor prescribed me that all I could do is lay in bed. What happened was I fell down the stairs at home while carrying my laundry and I fell and roll really bad I was taken to the hospital with some major broken ankle and fingers and neck. It was and enough I was knocked out...
Author: jeevan ഇതൊരു സംഭവ കഥ ആണ് .അത് കൊണ്ട് പേര് ശരിക്കും പറയുന്നില്ല.പ്രിയ വായനക്കാര് ക്ഷമിക്കുമല്ലോ…………. എന്റെ പേര് ജീവന് വയസ്സ് 29.ഇപ്പോള് മെഡിക്കല് റെപ് ആയി ജോലി ചെയ്യുന്നു.എന്റെ കോളേജ് പ്രണയകഥ ഞാന് നിങ്ങളോട് വിവരിക്കാം…എനിക്ക് ഒരു സ്നേഹിതന് ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു സ്നേഹിതന് എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞാല് ആത്മാര്ത്ഥ സ്നേഹിതന് അല്ല എന്റെ ക്ലാസ്സ് മേറ്റ് ,പേര് സുനില് അവനു ഒരു പെണ്ണിനോട് കലശലായ പ്രേമം,പക്ഷെ ആ പെണ്ണിന് അവനോടു തീരെ ഇഷ്ടമില്ല..ഒടുവില് അവന്റെ ഹംസമാവാന് അവന് എന്നെ നിയോഗിച്ചു.അതിനു കാരണവും ഉണ്ട് .മലയാളം...
Rachel heard the last of what her friend had said but didn’t reply immediately. Turning back to a group of five guys on the other side of the lawn. One in particular she was watching intently. His name is Zack, the one guy who really doesn’t give a shit what you think. “Have you ever noticed that Zack is always a different person entirely when he is with his friends?” Rachel asked hoping that her friends wouldn’t recognize the eagerness in her voice at bringing him up. She looked to...
Um zu erfahren wie ich auf diese Idee gekommen bin und als Leitfaden für Mitautoren bitte das "Zur Geschichte" lesen. Für die ganze Story, einschliesslich dem Lebenslauf des Handlungsträgers bitte die "Vorgeschichte" anwählen. An deren Ende geht es dann mit der eigentlichen Story weiter. "Batgirl's Vernichtung" springt gleich zur eigentlichen Story, aber es fehlen einige wesentliche Informationen für den Leser. Allerdings kürzt es den Weg ab und man ist gleich in der eigentlichen Geschichte...