Pink Houses free porn video

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It was a slow night at Kelsey's Bar and Grill when the woman walked in right at dusk.

Kelsey's was a combination roadhouse/steakhouse several miles outside of town on the main highway. It had once been a strip club that had an illicit casino in the back, but those days were long past.

Kelsey was an ex-Marine who had seen the potential in the site and bought it for a song. He'd converted the casino into a dance floor where he had up-and-coming local bands perform on weekends. He also had a crackerjack cook whose steaks and seafood platters were the best around.

The place was usually hopping on weekend nights when the local university was in session, and even many weeknights, there was a good crowd. But weeknights in the summer were pretty slow, and Kelsey was manning the bar himself, with just one waitress waiting tables on this particular night.

Right from the moment she walked through the door, Kelsey had an odd feeling.

For one thing, single, unaccompanied women rarely visited his bar. Women in pairs or in groups on a girls night out? Sure. Women with dates? All the time. But not many wandered in alone, because the bar was known to be a meat market most nights.

For another, she had hesitated just inside the door, as if unsure whether she wanted to be there or not.

Moreover, she didn't look like the usual predatory woman on the make. She was dressed quite casually, in denim capris and a thin knit shirt with three-quarter sleeves, both of which were snug but not tight.

Kelsey took the moment of hesitation to give her the once-over, and that deepened the puzzle.

She was quite tall, probably around 5-10, and slender, but with definite curves to her figure. She had red hair that fell straight past her shoulders and was cut with slight bangs in the front. From across the bar, Kelsey could see that she looked well-kept, and very pretty in a soccer-momish way.

But it wasn't until she set her shoulders, walked in and sat down at the bar that he noticed her most striking feature -- the deepest blue eyes he'd ever seen -- and they were eyes that seemed ... not sad exactly, but definitely somber.

Kelsey had tended bar long enough to know that this was a woman carrying a burden.

"What can I get you?" Kelsey asked.

"What do you have on draft?" she replied. Kelsey went through the choices and she settled on a Bud Light. When he placed it in front of her, she took a big drink then set it down and stared into the mug.

Yes, something about the woman unnerved Kelsey. She was definitely a fish out of water, and courting trouble.

Already, he could smell the land sharks sniffing around, and he'd already caught sight of the rings on her left hand indicating she was married. There weren't any women for the single guys looking to score to choose from on this night and her appearance had set the game in motion.

There were only three other women in the bar that night. One was a barfly regular who was sharing her time with a couple of bikers in the far corner, and the other two were soldiers drinking with a half-dozen guys from their unit.

Kelsey's wasn't far from the main entrance to the large Army training base that prepared National Guard and Army Reserve units for deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan.

The two women in his bar that night had the short hair and hard look of career soldiers about to go to war. They were there to unwind after a hard day of training and were not in the mood to be trifled with.

That left the soccer mom at the bar as the only prey in sight, and the more Kelsey saw, the more he realized just how striking she was, even without the smile.

He knew it wasn't any of his business to protect some fool woman who was out looking for trouble, but he got the sense that this one wasn't out for a night of illicit activity -- at least not intentionally.

But a lot of things could happen in an alcohol-fueled environment, especially on a hot, steamy night like this one. And, too, he was curious as to why a woman like this one chose to wander into his bar at this particular moment in time.

So, to protect her as much as possible and to satisfy his curiosity, Kelsey decided to engage the woman in conversation.

"So, tell me, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" he said. "I know, it is a cheesy line, but I really am curious. You don't strike me as the type that would frequent a place like this."

"Why? Do I look too much like a ... mommy?" the woman practically spat before draining the mug and pushing the glass toward Kelsey, indicating she wanted a refill.

"Sorry, lady, I didn't mean to pry," Kelsey said, handing her a fresh beer. "You just seem a little troubled, and I was just trying to lighten you up a little."

"I'm sorry," she said, and her face softened, but she didn't smile. "I didn't mean to snap at you. It's not your fault."

"Lady, I'm a good listener," Kelsey said in a kindly voice. "Why don't you tell me about it. It might make you feel better to get things off your chest."

"Oh ... I guess," the woman sighed, and she began to tell Kelsey about her day...

^ ^ ^ ^

The music of Pink Floyd suddenly blaring out of the alarm clock was the last thing Rebecca Murphy wanted to hear at a quarter to six in the morning.

"We don't need no educaaaa-shun," the radio sang, and just as abruptly as it started, it went silent as her husband, Larry, reached over and rapped the snooze button.

Nine minutes later, though, just about the time she'd dozed back off, it was the Rolling Stones.

"But it's aaaaaaaaaallllllllrrrrrrright, right, in fact it's a..." Mick Jagger's voice was silenced by a hand punching the snooze again.

This time, Larry got up, shut the alarm off and climbed slowly out of bed to start another day. Rebecca rolled back over, pulled the covers over her head and tried to go back to sleep.

All too soon, one or more of her four children would come bouncing in wanting this or that from their mother, and Rebecca wasn't sure she could face another day of motherhood.

She needed some quality time alone with her husband, but he'd been working extra -- including Saturdays and even a few Sunday afternoons -- on this new building project his firm was working on.

Larry worked for an up-and-coming architectural company in the mid-sized city where they'd settled, and they were bidding on a major industrial plant, which would put their company in the forefront of design firms in their area -- if they won the contract.

And it would mean bonus money and possibly a promotion for Larry. In other words, it would mean the realization of the dreams they'd had when he took the job, not long after they had married.

But the cost in extra work was proving to be harder and harder to accept, especially as the weeks had dragged on and on. The company had hoped to have the bid ready several weeks earlier, but some hang-ups -- some on their end, others on the contractor's end -- had delayed the process. It seemed like every day Larry told Rebecca he thought they'd get it done the next day, and then the next day would come with more work still to be done.

Larry and Rebecca had been married for 11 years, and they hadn't wasted any time starting a family. They'd really wanted to wait, but that was not to be. Now they had four children under the age of 9, and the duty of raising the kids had fallen mostly on her.

Rebecca was a middle-school teacher at the Catholic school where her children would all attend. It wasn't so bad during the school year, when there was something to occupy their time, and hers.

But the summers were increasingly maddening, especially with their youngest approaching the Terrible Twos. The girl was actually just a year and a half, but she was proving to be headstrong and fussy -- far more so than the others -- and the other three weren't exactly shy.

Larry was a good father -- when he was around -- but he wasn't around much lately because of work. Besides working late, he was having to travel out of town to the headquarters city of the company with whom they were negotiating on the building bid.

Rebecca couldn't help but worry that Larry was fooling around while on the road. She knew in her heart that the idea was preposterous. She loved Larry and he loved her. Of that she had no doubt.

But their sex life had declined noticeably in recent months, plus a coolness had grown up between them, and her background was not conducive for trusting the man she loved.

Everything was conspiring to make Rebecca's mind, body and soul restless.

They had met at college, when they were both juniors, and the attraction had been immediate and intense. Larry was a little over 6-feet tall and he kept himself in good shape.

Despite the attraction, it took a long time, far longer than it had ever taken Larry before, to get Rebecca into his bed. They would get close, but invariably she would pull away, and finally, he insisted on some answers.

Rebecca realized that if she was to have the future she wanted with Larry, she had to tell him everything about her past.

And the sordid secret she kept well-hidden, the one that still colored her sexuality right to the present was an incident that happened when she was 14.

She'd been staying for two weeks with her grandparents, her father's people, while her mom and dad took a two-week cruise to try and re-stitch together a fraying marriage.

Rebecca was the second-oldest child in the family, with an older sister and two younger brothers. Her sister Mary Beth was three years older and away at band camp, and her brothers were off at Boy Scout camp at the time.

One night while her grandparents were out of the house playing bingo, her Uncle Dave, who was 23 at the time and still living at home, slipped into the bedroom where she was staying and tried to rape her.

Actually, he only managed to kiss her, pull her pants down, fondle her and expose himself, before she managed to fight him off with a well-placed kick to the crotch. As her uncle writhed on the floor in pain, she vowed that she'd kill him if he tried it again.

The next night, she slipped a fillet knife into the bedroom with her, but Dave didn't bother her again. She debated telling her grandparents about it, but chose not to.

When she got back home, though, her sister pried loose the information on what had happened and Mary Beth had insisted she tell their mother, and that was the spark that finally torched her parents' marriage.

Her mom believed her, but her father didn't, claiming his brother would never do anything like that and accusing Rebecca of making it up. Worse, he insinuated that she'd enticed David into doing something and that whatever happened was her fault.

The divorce was ugly and painful, as Rebecca's infuriated mother went for the jugular. Unfortunately, her father was the main wage-earner in the family, plus he had connections and got a ridiculously low child support tab.

Her mother ended up having to go to work as a checker at a local supermarket to help make ends meet.

Although her mom initially got custody of Rebecca's brothers, her father so badly undercut her authority and turned them against their mother and their sisters, that they rebelled.

As soon as they were old enough, they turned their back on their mother and sisters and moved in with their father. And, to be honest, neither Rebecca, Mary Beth or their mom were sorry to see them go.

Nevertheless, even though her mother tried incessantly to convince her otherwise, Rebecca even now believed that if she'd just kept her mouth shut, her family would have stayed together and all the deprivation and ill feeling they'd suffered through during her high school years would have been avoided.

As a result, although not a shy person by nature, Rebecca turned inward during her teen years and sought refuge in books. She became a straight-A student and earned a full-ride scholarship to attend college.

If there was any silver lining in the whole sorry episode, she mused, it was that the three women -- Rebecca, Mary Beth and their mom -- became close confidantes.

Mary Beth was a psychologist and had done wonders with Rebecca's state of mind. Still there would always be those shadows in her psyche that would never quite go away.

After hearing that story, Larry knew he'd have to tread lightly where Rebecca's sexuality was concerned, and she remained a virgin until their wedding night.

Despite her past, she had given herself to her husband willingly -- even eagerly -- because it was an expression of the love they shared.

Now, however, after 11 years and four children, their love life was flagging and she wasn't sure what to do about it. What she and Larry needed was some time alone together, without the kids.

But how? Larry couldn't get away and school would be starting in two weeks. There was no way they could take off, especially on short notice like that.

It was about 7:30 that morning when Larry kissed Rebecca goodbye and started off to work. She sleepily responded and he gazed down at his wife, his brow furrowed. Like Rebecca, he sensed that something was amiss in their marriage, but he couldn't put a finger on what it was.

Finally, he shrugged and headed off to work.

It wasn't a half-hour later when the first sounds of children reached Rebecca's ears. The sound of the bedroom door opening and the sleepy, "Mommy? I'm hungry," from her second-youngest child, a 4-year-old son, got Rebecca up slowly to begin her day.

This was probably the worst time of year for a family with a lot of kids. Swimming lessons and other summer activities were over, but school was still a few weeks off. So the kids were at home, under foot, with pent-up energy and few outlets.

On this particular day, the kids were more of a handful than normal. The youngest was constantly whining about something or another, and the two oldest, a 9-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son, were at each other's throats all morning.

The Murphys lived on a corner lot in town, as opposed to a subdivision in an outlying area. Larry had wanted it that way, because his office was downtown and he liked to walk to work. It was part of his way of staying in shape.

It was an older house, built around 1910, with two stories plus an extensive attic, with a decent-sized back yard -- fenced, of course -- and painted pink with green shutters.

They had bought it not long after their first child was born and they had painstakingly made it a home they could be proud of.

Around noon, Rebecca had put on her swim suit and had gotten the sprinkler out for the kids, while she tried to get a little bit of air. She knew her fair skin couldn't take much sun, but she just needed to be outside, hopefully to quell the explosion that was building in her heart and soul.

The kids were just about on her last nerve, she was frustrated and starting to feel like she'd traded in her wife's role for that of a mother.

And when the two oldest got into a screaming fight about some stupid thing, she'd had enough.

She screamed at them to shut up, then marched all four of them into the house, told them to get dressed and start gathering up some clothes, that they were going to Grandmother's house.

Rebecca's mother had developed muscular dystrophy, so she couldn't work, and lived with Mary Beth and her husband in a city two hours away.

By the time Rebecca got her mom on the phone, she was sobbing.

"I just can't take it, Mother," she cried into the phone. "Larry ignores me and the kids are driving me crazy. If I don't get away from them, I'm going to do something awful. I just know it."

"Calm down, sweetheart," her mother said. "It's going to be all right. Come on down, bring the kids and let them stay here for a couple of days. I think you and Larry need to work on your marriage, and you can't do it with four youngsters running around. Go out of town somewhere, just the two of you and if he doesn't want to go, go by yourself."

"OK, see you in a few," Rebecca said. "And thanks, Mom."

"Just get a grip on yourself, child," her mom said. "I know you love those children, so quit talking nonsense. I love you."

"Love you too," Rebecca said, feeling calmer already.

Twenty minutes later, she had the kids packed up and in the minivan, and they were off. In her haste, she left no note for her husband indicating where she'd gone, and by the time she thought about it, it was too late to turn around.

And it was just her luck, when she went to call him on her cell phone, she realized that the battery was dead.

^ ^ ^ ^

Larry Murphy sat on the wicker rocker in the screened-in porch at his house listening to the crickets and watching the bugs flutter around the streetlight that blazed from the opposite corner of his house. His house which sat silent and dark behind him.

He was nursing his third beer since arriving home, and since he'd not had dinner, he was already starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

And that was good in a way, because it numbed him to the gnawing possibilities that his dark and silent house posed.

Larry's first inkling that things were amiss at home came in the mid-afternoon, when he'd called the house and gotten the answering machine. That wasn't unusual, but when he called an hour later, and got the same message, he began to get a little concerned.

He'd had good news he wanted to share with his wife. He was going to be a couple of hours late coming home from work that night, but it would be because they were putting the final package together on the bid proposal, and they would be sending the specs out by special courier that night.

Larry and his team were confident that they would win the contract, and if so, that would mean one more trip to the company's headquarters city, where the contract would be signed and the announcement would be made.

It would be the highlight of his career thus far, but the joy of that achievement was being diminished with each passing hour that his house remained dark and silent.

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Pinky Sahita Sedina Odia 8211 Part I

Writing the story first time, so please forgive me if you find anything wrong and let me know – Samasta odia toka toki mananku moro namaskar.Mo naa rohit ,age-24,height-5’8”, mun gote m.Tech student . Mu 2-3 barsa hela iss ra regular reader .Mu aji apana mananku mora gote sata ghatana kahibaku jauchi ,mu iss re bahut guda story padhichi, mate starting starting re maximum story micha bhalia laguthila.But after ei ghatana mu bhi jani parili je eisabu emiti kichi asambhaba nuhe. Ebe sidha mu moro...

3 years ago
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Pinky and Deepa

Hi, I am Neel 22 years old from Mumbai and I will narrate you my experience with two sexy sisters. It is really a true story, and it happened with me around 6 months’ back. I was in Pune and not too far from house lived two girls Pinky and Deepa. Let me describe you Pinky a little. She is 5″ 7′ very fair and sexy, cute and decent with long black hairs till her waist and she is really very beautiful. Actually, I was thinking of proposing Pinky, who is 20 years old and very beautiful. One day I...

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Pinky In Threesome Action

It’s a mystery on how I missed this website for such a long time. Anyway I’ve been on this site for almost a month now. I always wanted to share my real experience online. For a long time, it dint happen cause of one reason or the other. Anyway, finally decided that I will share one of my experiences for the first time. I am Manu, a Keralite (name changed) 32 yrs 5’9 inch tall with a good physique. My marriage was a disaster as it lasted only for a month as my ex-wife was still in love with her...

2 years ago
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pinky bhavi ki chudai

Hi friends. How are you..I hope ki sablog ache honge Jaisa ki aaplog mera name jante he honge. For new readers , It’s rakesh kumar, age 23. Average and fit body with handsome face. Actually I am from assam but abhi mai bihar me rahta hu and bussines karta hu.. If any aunty, bhavi or girl want real sex Then you can mail me. Aaj mai story batane Ja raha hu yeh story 3 months pahle ki hai ki kaise maine padosh ke bhavi ko choda.. Uska name thi pinky. Age 27. Size 36-30-36. Dekhne me bahut h...

4 years ago
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Pinky has no pants on

"What, WHOA!" Natalie paused, then flinched back. Then freezed. She saw a thing. It was a butt. Pinky's butt. It took her a moment to recognize his frame, head and clothes from behind. "...Pinky?" Pinky reflexively twitched, his left buttock then his right slightly clenching in turns as his feet shuffled. Didn't he hear her walking? She pondered. She thought back vaguely to stories about kids who got spanked and waited in the corner, but was otherwise ignorant of his predicament. "Heh." She...

1 year ago
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Pink Passion

Nobody knew at first how it all came about, whether it was a natural occurrence of evolution or if maybe even the government was behind it? Regardless of how it happened; it happened all at once... Approximately half of the male population started ejaculating pink sperm instead of white! And it wasn’t just a slight pink hue, it was unmistakably all pink. Every man affected by it was both confused & concerned, not knowing why it happened or what to do about it. Most men just figured it was...

2 years ago
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ALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. ‘Wake up, Eugene!’ Eugene ‘Pinky’ Pinkham opened his eyes and looked around the dark bedroom. The female voice was familiar. A brisk night breeze fluttered and stirred the window curtains against the wall and glass panes. Pinky’s eyes adjusted to the dark quickly because the room was bathed in moonlight and laid strange white silhouettes around the room. He listened patiently for the voice but only heard a dog barking far away. ‘I must have been dreaming,’ he...

4 years ago
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Pink Christmas

Pink Christmas ? by: Christopher Prim "Wakey, wakey, Neal, baby," my stepmother's honey dipped voice summoned me from dreamland, "It's time to get up and about on your big, big day." "Go 'way, Monica, 'm sleepy," I grumbled in reply. "No whining now, sleepyhead," Monica cheerfully countered, grabbing the coverings I had been attempting to pull over my head and yanking them down. "Okay, okay, I'll be down in a few minutes," I said, giving in to the inevitable. I feebly sat up...

2 years ago
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Pink Panties part 2

Pink Panties Part-2 By Princess Pantyboy Chris/Me 10-years-old boy Cindy 5-year-old little sister Pam 16-year-old big sister Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20 (Author's note: I started this chapter with a couple paragraphs from Part 1. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy) Mommy smacks my bottom as I run past her and to the front door as I see Cindy, smiling so big it looks like she is...

3 years ago
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Pink for a Girl Part 1

PINK FOR A GIRL - Part 1 George McIntyre was furious. He had only taken delivery of his long awaited Mazda RX-8 three days before and now his splendid new, slate- grey car was a wreck. He cursed the drunken idiot who had jumped the lights and driven straight into the side of the car. The fact that the other driver was now in police custody charged with drunken driving was of little recompense. George stood forlornly by the side of the road waiting for the tow-truck from his Mazda...

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 “Alamak! So sexy what!” grins Aini, eyes squinting against the tropical afternoon light as she looks up from the pool. Her bathing costume is a modest maroon one-piece affair, melding into the rich dark skin of her short round body, carefully conserving her full breasts from view.Her friend Heidi grins in reply, pulling off her towel and giving her tight buttocks a brief twerk, as if to prove a point. She wears a bright pink bikini, the ruched top barely covering her small pert breasts, the...

First Time
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Pink for a Girl Part 2

PINK FOR A GIRL - Part 2 "Pink for a Girl" was conceived as a stand-alone story. Then, as I approached the end, I realised that there was the potential for spin-off ideas. I have therefore written "Part 2" as a short linking piece to set up future opportunities. Even as a linking piece, however, I think it stands up as a story in its own right. I hope you enjoy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was some ten days later and Georg(ina) was back home from...

4 years ago
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Pink Pajamasd

Pink Pajamas Katie Leone Published by Katie Leone at Amazon Copyright 2014 Katie Leone Kindle edition -1- Francine was tired of being depressed and down in the dumps and was looking for anything to feel productive once again. The year had been a hard one, she was consistently at odds with her fifteen year old son, but he decided to leave her, and she didn't know when they would see each other again. She looked up the stairs, hoping that by raising her chin she could...

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Pink Ribbons

PINK RIBBONS A story by Satinmaid under direction from Mistress Lisa. Like 'My First School Skirt' this story is loosely based on things Mistress Lisa did when she was young. One day, when he was eleven, Alan was taken round to his mother's friend's house. His mother often went there but Alan did not usually go with her. However, as it was school holidays and there was no-one to look after him at home and his mother refused to leave him by himself, he accompanied her. When...

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Pink Impermeable

In England from time to time, 'crazes' appear amongst teenagers seemingly from nowhere for certain items of clothing or ornamentation, ice blue jeans, winklepicker shoes, Burberry caps for example. The 'crazes' flourish for a few months and then die out. The most recent 'craze' was for tough teenage girls to go round in groups dressed in pink translucent plastic raincoats. Donald found this very exciting, he didn't know why but it stimulated him in ways he had never experienced before....

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Pink Plastic Sissy

Pink Plastic Sissy Caroline Richards 29 Nov 2006 I have my head buried in her lap facing her as usual. She lifts her skirt and exposes her nakedness and guides my head in closer to her. I begin to lick and suck just as she has taught me for the past three years. I feel her move and the moistness of her on my lips as my tongue probes gently inside of her. She reaches inside my plastic panties and my nappy. I now wear them at all times I am with her like this, and I feel her touch...

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Pink Mist III A SisterzinArmz Story

Pink Mist III (A Sisterz-in-Armz Story) By Bluedust Hi gals! So, here's the final instalment of the story of Andrea, Kylie and Roxy in our new fictitious TG universe! If you haven't read the earlier parts of this story, please do so first and comment as per usual. After this, I hope we can explore the rest of the Sisterz-in-Arms universe. Well then, please do enjoy and be sure to comment. Remember: the goal is to make this a new category on the site so I'm really hoping...

4 years ago
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Pink Goo

Pink Goo A brief diversion into a spot of sci-fi. This one starts slow but escalates quickly. "Grey Goo" is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all suitable matter on Earth while building more copies of themselves. But what if the "goo" was pink rather than grey... (As always, please let me know if you enjoyed this story and leave some feedback or a review to help me improve in future...

3 years ago
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Pink Panties

Pink Pantie's By Princess Pantyboy Chris/Me 10-years-old boy Cindy 5-year-old little sister Pam 16-year-old big sister Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20 "Okay mom I am going to get in the shower already. I am not a baby ya know, I heard you like the first 100 times you were yelling at me from downstairs." I cannot believe mom; sometimes she treats me like I am a little kid like my baby sister who is only five years...

4 years ago
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Pink Short Shorts

For Miniskirt-boyIt's a lazy Wednesday getting close to noon and I'm still lying in bed when Sammy walks in. She's cold. Summer has been pretty underwhelming this year to say the least. The sky is as dirty as the gutter and overflowing, rain hammering the windows. 'Hey,' I smile invitingly and she sees just beneath the covers that I'm still naked too. 'What are you doing?''I just came for my knee high socks, my feet are cold,' says Sammy, parading her ass and lean legs in those pink short...

1 year ago
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Pink Panties part 3

Pink Panties Part-3 By Princess Pantyboy Chris Taylor/Me 10-years-old boy Cindy Taylor 5-year-old little sister Pam Taylor 16-year-old big sister Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20 Tammy & Lisa 5-years-old twin sisters from school Ms. Huntington kindergarten teacher (Author's note: I started this chapter with a couple paragraphs from the end of Part 2. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy) We...

2 years ago
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Pink and White Dress

A Pink and White Dress Janet L. Stickney [email protected] If you were to say that I was scared, you would be right. I stood there completely dressed as girl, complete from the skin out, including panties, white pantyhose, a bra stuffed with socks, and a party style dress that did nothing but scream femininity. Pink, with white lace trim, short enough to reveal my knees, pushed out by the three petticoats enough to make it sway with every step I took. My hair, once...

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Pink Salon Fuck Pig

Linda’s jaw felt sore, and she was relieved when the taxi-driver filled her mouth with his seed. She swallowed out of resignation, and not because she enjoyed it. The flash from the cab-drivers cell phone camera blinded her as he took a picture of her with his dick in her mouth. Her c-cups had popped out of teddy and the posts that went through her nipples scraped and caught against the fabric of the car seat as her Japanese boyfriend plowed her aching vagina from behind. He was standing...

3 years ago
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Pink Carnation

Bill Gossage was a married man. Thirty years. In which time his wife has gone through menopause. Bill was hoping her desire for sex and the lack of a period would be a blessing. But instead it was a curse. The curse of depleted desire. In other words, she's gone cold. Sexually anyway. So, Bill still loves her and hides his frustration. He reads and writes dirty stories and tries to pleasure himself but it gets old. His imagination has created some great fantasies and he thinks about acting...

4 years ago
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Jenny was really tired of it, but it had become so much of a routine, she had long ago quit fighting it. Jenny was forty. Her husband was in his sixties. She had married him after a disastrous first marriage. Jenny was a late bloomer. She was fairly tall as an eighth grader; very skinny; no boobs; but could run like a deer. Her face was as good as any model. She was as good as the two youngest Jenner girls, only she had reddish brown hair. She was pretty insecure in junior high, but soon began...

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Pink Panties The Video Tape

blackmailed – maledom – forced feminization – husband – married – domination – spankingIt was our first apartment and we were very proud of it. It was a few small rooms, but it was ours and that made all the difference. I lived with my fiancée, Julie, a few miles outside of town in a small apartment building that had about a dozen units.I worked in a garage fixing everything from mufflers, to fuel systems, and to drive shafts. I'd always been a monkey wrench, taking things apart and fixing...

2 years ago
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Pinky ko pink kiya

Hi dosto ye meri 1st kahani hai isliye agar galti ho to maf kar dena, mera pahla sex anubhav mai yahan pe aap logo ke sath bant raha hun, i hope aap log pasand karenge. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai 11th class me tha, class me sabse sidha bachha jise sex ki abc nahi aati thi, Mere ghar me do kiraye dar aaye ek ka naam pinky aur dusri ka naam sweety pinky bahoot gori aur sweety sawali thi, dono hi kafi jaldi mujhse bahoot ghul mil gayin, vo log mujhse 2-3 sal hi bade the, isliye koi bhi baat...

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Pink Lacerations Performance

(After some hiatus, I've returned to writing. In light of having a more busy job life of, well, writing, I've decided to focus on actually finishing some of these scenarios rather than having the originally intended 50-100 endings. I've always intended to have a focus on choice, but honestly, I just don't have time for that. So! Over the next couple months expect my stories to actually have some finished choices, and I can expand from there. Thanks!) Zelda is the lead singer to Pink...

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Pink Lipstick 3

PINK LIPSTICK 3 by Throne Mike hesitated at the door. In that filmy nightie, with his modest breasts on display, and his face made up the way it was, he didn't want anyone to look at him. But he had no choice. If he disobeyed, his wife Tammy could make the changes in his body permanent. That possibility chilled him. He put his trembling hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly, then swung open the door. His eyes went wide. It was his boss from the...

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A white rich bitch falls for a well endowed black forklift operator who works at one of her husband8217s warehouses

Hello, my name is Charlotte. I know you won’t believe this and normally I wouldn’t admit to it, but I am Otis’ cock slave. There really isn’t any other way to put it. And the really strange part, the really, really strange part, is that I come from a straight-laced New England family and Otis is barely educated and was just a worker in one of my husband’s warehouses. This is a strange tale, one that I find hard to believe even though I am living it. I first met...

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Pink Rose Chapter 2 ldquoKinkChat ver201Prime

Chapter 2 – “KinkChat ver.2.0.1″3:45am==KinkChat ver.2.0.1==Members::~WaveBird~:”Bishop”“Okay. That is kinda’ freaky how close you guessed where I live here in town from 3 little clues!”~Hahah, I’m sorry. I just know the city pretty well.~________________Mari hadn’t felt so enthusiastic to talk to someone in ages. Even though she had been awake nearly 24 hours at this point, she couldn’t get enough of the conversation. She hadn’t ran any of her PC games, she hadn’t went trolling through porn...

1 year ago
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Pink and Wet The Corner View

I had been talking with Chris on-line for a few weeks. Although we didn't know each other well he brought out an insatiable drive inside of me that I was a slave to. We often played a game where I would describe how I would play with my pussy, he could type whatever he wanted, and I would do what he said. I would even send him pictures, but he wasn't allowed to touch that throbbing cock. Not until I said so, he would beg and I would get to decide when he would finally get sweet release. After...

Straight Sex
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Pink Envy

Pink Envy [Warning R18 content: contains minor incest] While some boys might complain that girls get Penis envy, Gilbert Bromley had a very different kind of envy in his life. To explain Gilbert's special type of envy we have to go back to the very early days of his childhood. Where we find Gilbert age 6 playing dress ups with his 10-year-old sister Phoebe. Phoebe was defiantly not a tomboy at all, but she certainly was the one in charge of this little game. They where...

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