KittyChapter 17: Tina free porn video

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As we entered our junior year, Claire focused her attention on her chosen career field. She was attracted to elementary education because of her work with the children over several summers. I knew what I wanted to do, but since there was no degree program for town management, I settled on majoring in liberal arts. Maxine was a communications major, planning to become a newspaper columnist. She'd taken the town management courses in case she was assigned to cover town meetings. Her backup plan was to become a television news writer. For that, she'd taken courses in history and political science.

I'm sure that others wondered how we got along so well. Maxine said it was because we abided by two simple rules. Claire and I were careful not to reveal that one time when we'd broken one of the rules. We tried to forget about it, but that was impossible. There was always lingering concern that one of us would crack in a time of extreme passion.

It was clear that some guys envied me, saying they didn't know how I could keep two women happy. Claire said they were giving me too much credit, that it was she and Maxine who kept me happy. They were quite open about sharing me. We often joked that we were stuck with each other. The room was too small to add a fourth person, and four people in Maxine's truck would have been illegal.

I suppose that if we had added a fourth person to our triangle, it would have been Tommy. He was now a sophomore, and I don't think he's had a date since high school. Without Tina, he was like a lost puppy. Jane always invited him to the monthly parties she and Cory held at the house they shared with Peter and Mia. She said that since I brought two girls, she needed Tommy to balance the boy versus girl count.

Maxine and Claire tolerated the tall blonde kid from Perryville. I think it was a game they played to get a reaction from me. I warned them that they were playing with fire. Tommy had enjoyed frequent sex with Tina while they were in high school. That was nearly two years ago, and I could see signs that he was about to explode. Claire said I was acting juvenile, and Maxine accused me of being jealous.

She eventually changed her mind when Tommy became more and more adventuresome. Maxine gave me a look, pleading for me to do something. I took him aside and told him to keep his hand off her ass.

"She didn't say anything," he said, in a cocky tone.

"She doesn't need to say anything. That's my job."

"What right do you have to tell me what I can do?"

"Tommy, I shouldn't have to tell you to show some respect for my girlfriend."

He smirked. "Like you showed respect for Tina? I couldn't do anything to keep you away from her then, and you can't do anything to keep me from screwing Maxine now."

Was he implying that I'd screwed Tina? "You're wrong. I turned Tina down out of respect for your relationship with her. That's what friends do, and that's what I expect from you."

He stalked away and I thought he'd gotten my point. We talked about declining the invitation to the next month's party, but in the end, we decided that Tommy was harmless. We were wrong.

Jane's parties were always orchestrated to expose the core group to a revolving list of newcomers. In addition to her housemates, Maxine, Claire, me, and Tommy, she'd invited two new couples. The first hour was spent draining the punchbowl, consuming the snacks, and getting to know the new people.

It was a spring evening, and as we took seats on the floor of the crowded living room, I noted that the standard dress was cut-offs, sneakers, and T-shirts. I also noted that I was the only guy without a girl sitting in front of me. Maxine and Claire were on the other side of the circle with Claire leaning back against Maxine. Tommy was missing, probably going through one of the girls' panty drawers. That thought was cruel of me; I had no idea what he was doing.

After two cups of punch, everyone was in a mellow mood. Soft music was playing in the background, and a breeze was blowing through the open windows. The main topic of conversation was graduation and the seniors' plans for the future. After we'd heard how they were going to conquer the world, Mia set out to embarrass me.

"Mickey, we're planning to keep the house next year, and we'd like you and Claire to live here with us."

I saw that Peter was nodding his agreement, but I was more interested in what Claire had to say about sharing the house with the other couple. From the way she was concentrating on her sneakers, I could tell that she was not in favor of accepting the invitation. Mia must have thought my lack of response called for encouragement from her.

"Remember how you liked for me to join you in your bed last year?"

All eyes moved from Mia to me, and then to Peter, who was laughing at his girlfriend's attempt to make me uncomfortable. Mia, seeing the surprised look on all the faces, attempted to clarify her statement.

"It wasn't like what you are thinking. Peter didn't like for me to stay in his bed after he fucked me. I knew Mickey was harmless because he had a girlfriend. What was her name, Mickey?" she asked, looking at me for help. When I didn't respond, she continued.

"Anyway, she didn't allow him to stay all night, so he would come back to the room and be asleep before I got in bed with him. Admit it, Mickey. You liked waking up and feeling my warm tits next to your back, didn't you?"

"I've heard enough," Claire said, before jumping up and running down the hall to the bathroom.

Maxine crawled across the room and frowned at Mia as she took a seat in front of me. I put my arms around her and felt her lean back against me. "I don't think Claire's interested in living here with you. She has her heart set on moving in with other senior girls," she said to Mia, before turning to see the shock on my face. I don't know what I'd been thinking about our future living arrangements, but I didn't like the idea of having to visit Claire at one of the senior girls' apartments.

Mia was unperturbed. "You can still have the second bedroom, Mickey. We'll invite lots of eligible girls to our parties, and you can have your pick. Think of how good it will be to wake up and feel my tits against your back. You won't mind, will you, Babe?" she asked, looking at Peter. He just smiled at her.

I don't know if the strangers took Mia seriously or not. Their looks of dismay were interrupted by Claire's scream. It invaded the room like a sandstorm, prickling our ears with a gritty substance.

I jumped, and felt Maxine's hand grip my thigh. I'm not sure how the others reacted to Claire's plea for help, because I was running down the hallway with only one thought in mind, rescuing Claire.

She was doing her best to fight Tommy off, but he already had her cut-offs and panties pulled down and was ramming his finger into her pussy. He turned his head, and I saw that his lip was bleeding. His eyes showed a combination of fear and rage. I don't think he recognized that it was me. He had Claire's right hand pinned to the wall, but she was using the other one very effectively, aiming it at his face, mainly.

I reached up, got a fistful of blond hair, and slammed his head against the far wall. I was pounding his stomach when Peter and someone else pulled me away. From that moment, my mind went blank. The only things I remember were Tommy's attempt to convince others that fair was fair, something about him getting even with me for fucking his girlfriend, and Maxine taking over. She consoled Claire and ushered us to the door.

Back in our room, Maxine undressed us, and put Claire between us in my bed. It was too cramped to be comfortable. I don't think any of us got much sleep. Claire alternated between shaking and crying, and I was still too infuriated by Tommy's actions to relax. Maxine tried to quiet her, saying that it was all over, and that we should put it behind us. I think that even she knew her words were said in vain.

Claire didn't need to make a formal announcement. We could tell by her actions that she'd sworn off sex. All we could do was to accept her resolution and hope that it would end soon. I couldn't imagine that it would last until the end of the school year, but after the first week had gone by, I could only hope that things would change during the other two weeks. They didn't.

Tommy fared better than me. The one time we spoke, he told me that his headache had only lasted one night, and my blows to his stomach hadn't hurt. I had to admit that his face had healed nicely. He introduced me to the little brunette on his arm, but I didn't try to remember her name. The next time I saw them together, they ignored me like I didn't exist. Jane told me that Tommy was in love and that he and the brunette were planning to remain at school for the summer.

It became Claire's practice to alternate between beds. She wanted my arm around her waist, but movement in either direction was fiercely discouraged. I could tell that she was the same with Maxine, and since Claire needed a nightly companion, it gave Maxine and me no opportunity to occupy the same bed. By the end of the second week of Claire alternating beds, I became more and more fidgety, and if I was not mistaken, Maxine was being affected the same as me.

I was studying for finals when Maxine came into the room carrying her cap and gown. She smiled, but didn't say anything until she saw me watching her hang up her graduation outfit.

"How's it going?" she asked.

"I'm having trouble concentrating," I admitted.

"I know what you mean," she said, and fell silent.

I went back to studying my notes and she took a seat at the other desk. I heard her sigh, and looked up from my notebook.

"We'd have to tell her," Maxine said, without looking at me.

"Would we?" I asked, remembering how Claire and I had kept our brief relapse secret from Maxine.

"She'd be ... hurt."

"Yes," I agreed, "but she'd understand. Anyway, you'll be leaving soon, and I need to get through finals."

Maxine nodded, but that was all. She returned to her book and I tried to study my notes. I was doodling when I heard her chair move.

"Hell with her. From the way she's been acting, she won't care anyway."

We met at my bed, stripping each other and kissing with more passion than ever before. We were naked and I was adjusting the condom when she stopped me.

"Are you sure?"

"Stopping now would be the waste of a perfectly good condom."

She giggled and jumped onto the bed, landing conveniently on her back. There was no more talk of stopping. Maxine was ready and eager; I was, too. Her pussy was glistening with moisture and her eyes were glistening with excitement as my cock found her opening. The urgency was so strong that we were lost in the moment, struggling to get the timing down, and forgetting to be concerned that we were breaking a rule. If I was too rough, Maxine never let on that she minded. If I bit her, she bit me back, and when I tired, she flipped me onto my back and finished the job.

It took a few minutes for us to regain our breathing. We lay on our backs and looked at the ceiling. I wondered what she was thinking, and she probably wondered the same about me.

"That was..."

"Awesome?" I finished her sentence. She turned her head and grinned at me.

"We should always wait two weeks between ... what's the word I'm searching for?"


"No, silly."


"That's worse than beddings."


"Fucks, that's it. We should always wait two weeks between fucks."

"You'll be gone in a few days," I reminded her.

"Hmmm, I forgot. You made me forget that we won't see each other again. Do you think we'll see each other again, Mickey?"

"I hope so."

"To fuck?"

"Yeah, to fuck," I said, grinning at her.

She peeked at my cock. "It looks ... tired. Did I make it that way?"

The mere mention that she may have made my cock tired was enough to bring it back to life. I found a new condom and was back in the bed before she could change positions. This time, I stroked her entire body, kissed her tenderly, and paid particular attention to her breasts. Maxine was a willing recipient to my caresses, let me take my time, and responded with moans of encouragement.

We made love, slowly and thoroughly. I enjoyed every second, and could tell that Maxine was enjoying our union just as much as I was. There was no talk about the rule that we were breaking, or speculation about the repercussions. Maxine would be leaving in a few days, and we were making this time memorable.

"That may be our last time; my parents are coming tomorrow. I'm going to miss you," she said. Her admission that she was going to miss me was as close as either of us came to showing emotion.

We got up, dressed, and opened the windows to air out the room. When Claire came in, I was deep in study, and Maxine was reading her book. We went through the rest of the evening as if nothing had happened, and when bedtime came, Claire said she preferred to sleep alone.

"Do you think she knows?" Maxine whispered, as she slipped into bed next to me.

"She knows, but she's trying very hard not to show that she knows."

Maxine sighed. I kissed her. She said goodnight and turned her back to me. When her parents arrived, Maxine introduced us, and that was the last that we saw of her until much later that night. Claire and I crammed for our finals all day, saying very little to each other. It was like she was on the verge of exploding, and I was on the verge of confessing, not a pleasant day at all. We walked to and from the cafeteria in silence, and at the end of the day, we took separate beds.

I was still awake when Maxine came into the room. I heard her get in the other bed, and heard Claire's rejection. Maxine's body sliding into bed next to me was a pleasant surprise. "It looks like we're going to have one more chance to get it right, Mickey."

That's all she needed to say. It only took seconds to find a condom and get between her legs. Our last time was memorable indeed. Maxine kept up a constant stream of giggles and instructions, letting her voice rise and fall as the mood struck her. If Claire was trying to sleep, Maxine's giggles and our gleeful chatter kept her awake. I guess we were trying to disguise our sadness at knowing this was our last time.

Before she left to join her parents for breakfast, Maxine handed me the keys to her truck. "I want you guys to have it," she said. "Think of me each time you get behind the wheel."

I was overwhelmed by her generosity. Claire was not. She chose that moment to unload the burden she'd been carrying for two days.

"Do you think that wreck of a truck will make up for you cheating on me? What do you have to offer, Mickey? Don't tell me it was all Maxine's idea. You're an experienced cheater. I don't know how either of you can live with your conscience."

I tried to reason with Claire. She'd sulked for two weeks, feeling sorry for herself and monopolizing our attention, alternating between our beds every night. Just because she'd sworn off sex didn't entitle her to stop us from enjoying each other. Her reaction to my argument was to pretend to be deaf.

Maxine had only heard one part of Claire's tirade. "You cheated?" she asked, in a vicious voice that was new to me.

I didn't know what to say. All I knew was that I didn't like where this was headed. Claire responded to the question.

"I wanted to tell you, but Mickey said you'd never know. I'm glad you know the truth about us. We cheated soon after the rule was made, and I've felt badly about it ever since. Mickey hasn't. He was born without a conscience."

I tried to apologize to Maxine, but she was too upset to listen. She refused to accept the keys to the truck, saying that its best days were behind it. "It suits you," she added, implying that my best days were behind me, too.

Graduation was a joyful occasion for some, but for me, it was saying goodbye to old friends. I took pictures of the Coughlin sisters, along with Cory and Janet's new husband. Janet told me that she'd gotten pregnant while they were on their honeymoon.

Cory gave me the keys to his car, saying that he was going to ride home with his parents and couldn't hang around until we finished our exams. "Take good care of it," he warned, adding that he would be leaving Perryville for good and would need the car to get him to his new job.

I sat for my last exam on Wednesday, but waited until the next morning when Claire was to finish her finals. I offered to take some of her stuff in the truck, but she insisted on cramming everything she owned in Cory's car.

"Follow me in case I break down," I said, and watched her nod her head. That was the last I saw of her for two days. What should have been a four hour trip took me until Saturday to reach Perryville. The radiator overheated at the same time the brakes failed, and when I dialed Claire's cell phone, I got voicemail.

I sat on the side of the road thinking, 'This serves me right. It must be what Maxine meant when she said, 'Think of me when you're behind the wheel'.

The mechanic at the nearest service station claimed to know what needed to be done to get me back on the road. The parts didn't arrive until the next day, and in the meantime, he offered me fifty dollars for the truck. I arrived at home on Saturday, angry at Claire, Maxine, and most of all, myself.

The town had grown. In addition to a new motel, two construction companies were kept busy building homes, and for the first time in years, Brooks Brothers Café had competition. Ben said the owners of the new restaurant didn't know what they were doing, but I noticed their parking lot was often filled to capacity. Kitty had two surprises; in addition to having opened a third gift shop, she proudly reported that she was expecting.

I was to work five days at the café and one day at the town offices. Berry welcomed me to his office, telling me that he was now wearing four hats. "The old man is driving me crazy. I can't wait for you to finish school and take over," he said.

"You're not leaving town?"

"I'll stick around until you get your feet on the ground, but it's going to be your turn to take over. I've done my duty."

In the coming days, I saw what Berry meant about the old man driving him crazy. Mr. Perryman had always been a hands-on type of person, but he now demanded to be kept abreast of every detail, no matter how minuscule. Berry complained that he spent more time explaining why he was doing things a certain way, than actually doing them.

Same as Kitty
Chapter 17: Tina Videos

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4 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Tina

The evening was a blast. I had broken up with my wife and was supposed to be feeling miserable, but I wasn't. If the stupid cunt needed to go and 'find herself' good fucking riddance, she was a lousy cook anyway. Not bad in bed, but the silly bitch couldn't boil water. I was still having a hard time believing that after ten years of marriage she had come up to me and said, "There is something missing in my life. I feel that there is a void in me, that I am lacking something, that I am...

4 years ago
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Wedding BetChapter 4 Meeting the InLaws and Tina

We arrived at Gary and Nora Marlow’s bungalow about eleven a.m. on Saturday morning. Mindy had telephoned ahead to tell them she wanted to pay a visit and to be sure they’d be home. There were two cars in the driveway. Mindy led the way to the front door and rang the bell. Her mother answered the door and let us in. I was a novelty, and Mindy introduced me as we came into the house. Gary Marlow appeared a second later, and gave his daughter a perfunctory hug. Nora offered us coffee and we...

4 years ago
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Adventures behind the lens 1 Tina

Striking up conversations in public is easy enough in the States, but even if I have a few lines memorized in this different language, it all goes out the window when she responds with words that you don’t recognize. This brings me to the internet, where I can use a translator to get to know a woman. Unfortunately the website that is their version of what Craigslist used to be is completely useless. You can spend months writing to women and making ads, and come up with nothing but fake...

2 years ago
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About Tina

She towered over me, all 6 foot-3 inches of her. I looked straight up. She had her hands on her hips. "Sarah needs another half hour," she said. "God damn it. I want to get out of here." I looked sideways at her full big beautiful legs, no more than inches from me. I slipped my hand under her skirt and stroked her ass. She pressed her belly to my head. "O-oh," she said. "Well, tell her to hurry up." "I asked. She needs to close up the books." I gave her a pat on the butt and...

4 years ago
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Love with Tina

There should be a law about people sending you work on a Friday afternoon, but there isn’t. I checked the time, about 6 pm, I lifted the receiver of my phone and dialed home and spoke to my wife Liz. “Are you still working?” Liz asked. “Yes still working,” I knew that tone in Liz's voice. “When are you coming home?" “Well, I thought I'd leave in about 40 minutes.” “Oh! Could you get some painkillers? I've got migraine, and you get what ever you want for dinner; I ate with the kids and I...

3 years ago
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Impregnating Tina

This is the story of my wife Tina and I concieving our 5th c***d. We have been married for 18 years and have always had a great sex life. After the 4th baby Tina has been on the pill for the last five years. Tina is 5 foot 1, about 120 pounds. She is a brunette. She has a great ass and c-cup tits with big brown areola like pepperoni slices and huge eraser-tip nipple. I could suck on them for days. After 4 births her body is not perfect but to me it is a turn on knowing the changes motherhood...

4 years ago
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Taking Michelle and Tina

© Copyright My name is Hank. I just turned 43 years old, I'm six feet tall, and weigh 180 pounds. One of my best assets is my long, thick cock. I guess it's about ten inches, I've never measured it. All I know is, when I fuck a woman they know they've been fucked. I own a large construction company in the town of Savannah Georgia. My company builds homes for the very rich. The kind of homes that you see on T.V. I'm also the proud father of a wonderful 21 year old daughter. She won...

3 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Tina

I was was lounging around in my underwear last Saturday morning, browsing at some nude pictures on the internet, which is one of my favorite pastimes. Tina called and invited me over for some coffee. I told her I was busy and declined and got back to playing with myself at the computer. I was adding pics to one of my galleries on xhamster and even added a couple nude photos of myself. I like to be included among the many different beautiful middle aged women, and sneaking in a couple pics of...

2 years ago
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Birthday with aunt Tina

My 16th BirthdayWoman showing boobsAuthor: DeepProbsix Contact: [email protected] ▶ i****t/TabooPublished: 30-May-14Screen readers & Print: Print This StoryAunt Tina took my cock from her mouth and just looked at it as she pulled the foreskin back and forth over the head just flicking it every now and again.* * * * * * *First can I say I was sixteen and completely innocent I knew about sex but never wanked off or even had a girlfriend or kissed a girl on the lips for that mater,...

2 years ago
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Tina came home from college. Slamming the door of her bedroom, she fell onto her bed with tears streaming from her eyes. I was dozing off in the chair and was startled by the slamming of the door. "Tina is that you?"Coming to the bottom of the stairs I listened and heard her sobbing. Climbing the stairs I entered her room to find her lying on the bed, her eyes red from crying. Taking her in my arms and cuddling her to my chest, I asked, "What is it, love?"She told me it had been parents Day at...

3 years ago
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Tommy to Tina

Tommy to Tina It all started for me when I was 4. Growing up in a Catholic family of five three boys' mom and dad me being the youngest. I was the hope my mother had of having the daughter she desperate wanted. I was a little different then my brothers and didn't fit in with the sports they loved to play. Growing up in the sixties my mother would go to grandma's house three times a week so they could set each other's hair. My grandmother was the family barber so when we needed a...

3 years ago
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Meetup with Ted and Tina

The door opened and a woman with long blonde hair and big brown eyes cautiously opened the door. I introduced myself and she opened the door further and invited me in. She was no stranger, in that we had been chatting for over a year on But we had never met. In fact, we had never shared pictures of our faces.She was rounder than I had expected. That was not bad. She was barely 5 feet tall and even though she was wearing black lingerie and a red satin robe, it was obvious that her...

2 years ago
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My Daughter Tina

Let me introduce myself. I'm Tom, a 45 year old divorced construction worker. This is the story of my young daughter Tina, and how our wonderful sexual relationship started.Tina was just 16, 5-2, about 115lbs, with long flowing dark brown hair reaching down to her beautiful heart-shaped ass, and pert 34B tits and slightly puffy nipples. Always the active athlete, Tina is slim and solid.Tina's mother and I divorced when she was 2. Her mom just up and took off to who-knows-where after the divorce...

4 years ago
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Taking Amys little sister Tina

Even though Tina was younger she had a little fuller body than Amy. What I mean is more shapely. She had larger titis and rounder butt. Amy was slimmer built. No complaints though.. I just couldnt get over the way Tina would do her sister. If Amy went to the bathroom, Tina would be all over me trying to get me to do something. She even took my hand and put it on her tits, or she would get my hand and rub it between her legs. I'm sure you have guessed I didnt resist much. There were...

3 years ago
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Sexy Tina

This happened a few months ago. I was having serious marriage problems, my wife, a nurse worked the day shifts I a factory worker had night shifts just to avoid each other. We were passing each on the downswing of our life together. Neither of us getting anything remotely satisfying out of the marriage anymore. I had already had two affairs and know for sure she has been fooling around too.I started noticing the barely legal girl in our building who lives on the 2nd floor, her father is a...

3 years ago
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A Baby for Tina

This is a work of fiction, and a collaboration between me and my fantastic husband, Brian. I wrote the first part, and Brian contributed everything from the beginning of the Bahamas section to the end of the story. I did my best to blend the two parts together as seamlessly as possible, but if the story seems like it was written by two separate authors, that’s because it was. If you like one part better than the other, now you know who to blame for the part you didn’t like. Brian took the story...

4 years ago
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My First Client Tina

I woke up alone as Amanda had slept in Lisa’s room which although I knew Lisa was bisexual it conformed that Amanda swung both ways too which is always a nice sign. I threw on a pair of boxers and went down for some coffee noticing that Lisa’s door was shut so I left them to it.Lisa was first to show walking into the kitchen in just her panties with a big smile on her face, “Morning Dad” she said, “Where did you find her from?” she asked with a cheeky grin on her face which told me they had a...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e20 Tina

We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a crowded sandy beach – kids building sandcastles, parents sunbathing ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Now we’re looking at a sandy beach on a perfect summer’s day – small waves rolling...

2 years ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 19 Tina

Jack smiled as he pulled into the parking lot at the ad agency. It had been an exhausting night for him, very enjoyable but exhausting. Even with his new lower requirements for sleep, and his increased stamina in the sex department, the three women had used him relentlessly for hours! At one point he had jokingly complained that they were simply using him for sex, and Sharley had drolly replied that was simply what men had done to women for years, so what was sauce for the goose was sauce for...

4 years ago
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sexs with my aunt tina

hi friend iam ajay from jabalpur sending a new story i got good response by all of us you thanks now i am sendingFAVORITE AUNT TURNED TO BEST AUNT By ajay It was when I was a young Teenager that I started developing sexual feelings for my Aunt Tina. Aunty Tina was always the flirty open sexual type. She has long dirty hair; she was always on the thick side, not fat, thick. Nice big ass and big beautiful tits and all the meat in the right places. I m ajay the good things started happening when I...

5 years ago
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Little Tina

"Don! Don! Ah fink a wed, don," Tina (18 months) garbled out. I threw off my covers and ran into the nursery dress only in my briefs. "What's that, honey? I can't understand you when you have your paci in," I said with a smirk. I knew what the toddler had said, but enjoyed pointing out her pacifier addiction. Looming over her, I waited for the improved annunciation. The little girl yanked the pacifier from her mouth, a long strand of saliva flung onto her tiny porcelain arm. "I tink...

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I met my beautiful Tina at the Garden Club in June. I was home for the summer from college and available to take care of small chores. My mother insisted that I attend that month's club meeting to get the guidelines for the neighborhood enrichment project. It seems the Garden Club sponsors an annual contest, judged by four of the founding ladies. Its purpose is to encourage more up-scale landscaping. Tina was there for the same purpose as myself. Each of our mothers, busy with other...

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It had been another hot and muggy day in the city. Mike had been through a rotten week at the office and was looking for some recreation on Friday night as he walked up to the steel doors emblazoned with the words "World of Fantasy". There are those who believe that so-called juice bars featuring all nude dancers are only frequented by the dregs of society; On the other hand, there are those that believe they can be a wonderful place to get some affection from the opposite sex, while...

2 years ago
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Vacation Part 4 Tina

Like Janet, I hear Sue get out of bed. I wait for her to leave the room before I move close to the door. I listen as she tells everyone that I do make sure my partner receives as much pleasure as I get. I take this as a cue. I enter the room and grab Sue. Pulling her over to the table I say, “Now slut, I am going to give you what you were supposed to get before you left the room.” Spreading her legs, I reach down and finger her pussy. “Now bitch you are going to get it.” I shove my cock hard...

Straight Sex
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Out of town milf wife Tina

A few years ago I was working out of town with the construction company I was with at the time. We were building new condos in a town about 8 hours from home. Me and a few of my coworkers were staying at a nearby hotel until the project was completed. In the evenings I usually went to the hotel lounge/restaurant for some dinner and drinks. One evening I noticed an attractive blonde sitting at the bar alone. She looked to be about 50, with short blonde hair and wearing a tight black dress. I...

2 years ago
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Second Chance At LovePart 7 Tina

I had been having sex regularly for the last nine months. I got incredibly horny. I jerked off every morning before I dressed for school and every night before I went to sleep. That wasn't enough some days. I started work at the scout camp a week after school ended. I had a job as a Counselor-in-Training or CIT. I didn't get paid, but would be able to get a paying job the next summer. The camp staff worked crazy hours. We had to be up, dressed in uniform and at the flag pole for flag...

3 years ago
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Tyrone Jamal and Tina

Subject: Tyrone, Jamal and Tina Tyrone and Jamal were two hunky black high school niggers who were tooling around town in Tyrone's car. When I say high school niggers, I mean high school age. They seldom went to school unless it was to check out the freshman cunt available. They did, however hang around the middle and lower schools a great deal. You see, Tyrone and jamal had a thing for really young twat. They love to bust fresh virgin pussy with their huge black fuckers. This was a favorite...

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Fucking my stepsr Tina

Our parents met when I was 15 – Tina was 13. At the time Tina lived with her mom. Three years later, her b*****r James and I both graduated High School – he went off to college, and I remained home, choosing Community College because I knew I was just not a good student, and didn’t want to waste the money. Once James left, Tina moved in. She was really cute – about 5’4′, 125lbs with light brown curly hair, and brown eyes. She had some B cups, but they were really nice. And she had a...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 10 Raptor and Tina

Montana, back in the day “I HATE YOU, BITCH.” The girl who would become Raptor gave Tina the finger and walked away. She’d had it with a girl who didn’t play fair. Who didn’t care about anyone else’s feelings, not even Tony’s. Not that Raptor really cared about Tony, either. He wasn’t Chinese and that put him out of bounds as far as her parents were concerned, even if he was OK as a friend and more than welcome as a customer in their restaurant. Tony had asked her to the prom and she’d...

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I turned my head to see a woman I knew from work, hands on her hips, staring at me. Of course being startled, my dick did it's amazing vanishing act, and the woman saw this and laughed! "I feel at quite a disadvantage here, why don't you join me? Perhaps you might see the real me if I had some company." She (her name is Tina) looked kind of nervous, sggesting she come back another time. But I insisted she join me and hinted at her prudishness being quite out of character from...

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Dreams of Tina

Throughout their life, men and women seek their complimentary, their ideal sex partner. So many fail, in bed, yes, very sensual, but passons differ. Some need but rarely, then, there are those, a small core in comparison with the billions of people throughout the world, who can be truly called oversexed.Ive been consumed with sexual lust throughout my life. Sexual adventures a-pleanty, though, something was always lacking, generally the drive to match my own.Content to dwell in the world of...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! My Sister-in-Law, Tina, short for Albertina, now 41, had always maintained her figure. Her breasts were never as large as her other two sisters but they are perky and well rounded. She is slightly taller than me at 5’ 10”, probably a 34C, a very slim waist, with a real nice ass. When she would come over I would admire her assets because she would wear the most skin tight clothing I had ever seen. Her blouse would either be very low cut or at least two...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Cousin Tina

Hi all ISS readers..this is my second submission and thanks for the response to my first story. I am Akhil from Delhi age 22. I play sports so i am fit and have a lot of stamina. Now coming straight to the story. This is about how i made love to my sexy cousin. For privacy let’s put her name as Tina. My cousin Tina is 1 year younger to me and is very sexy and appealing. She is 36c-30-38. Lovely tits and a round curvy ass. I always used to stare at her and somehow I realize that she doesn’t mind...


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