how i met my wife
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Christmas passed quickly — too quickly — with presents and dinners and long, quiet walks and general dating fun. They ate out, went bowling, hung out with Lotty and her friends, hung out on their own and caught up with a few old friends — Shawna's friends mainly — from school.
He gave her the ear-rings he'd bought her for Christmas, thankful that he'd taken the time to pack them before he left. She tried — futilely — to convince him she'd bought him his present before they'd left; he knew from experience that she never bought presents until the three days before Christmas, loving to rush through the packed streets.
They spent Christmas morning with their separate families, then met up for the afternoon, spending the remainder of the day down by the stream, lying close, kissing and touching, and generally being together.
Shawna's horniness was slowly cranking up. She'd watched him set off for his run that morning, from her bedroom as he went passed, and saw him come back hot and sweaty a half-hour later looking wonderful. His hair had grown longer, slightly unkempt especially after he'd been sweating his way around the town, and she dressed and trekked round to his house. She had to invite him to a New Year's Eve party — which she knew he'd be reluctant about — and thought she'd start early.
When she arrived, though, he was in the yard, working through his martial-arts regime. She knew he did it in the mornings, but it was the first time she'd been up early enough to watch, and she was mesmerised.
Ally came out with a cup of tea for her, and he carried on oblivious, spinning and dancing through the sequences like an acrobat. He jumped, kicked, punched, weaved and flitted through the lot, and she couldn't believe anything human could look so good.
"He's incredible..." she whispered, and Ally nodded.
"He is good. Better than Nick."
"Nick does this?"
"Something similar... to hear Nick tell it, this style isn't for him, he's the wrong shape? Whatever that means."
"It means," Marcus interjected, slowing to a halt, settling into his stance with a comfortable familiarity, "that Nick's heavier-set than I am, and my centre of gravity's too high to concentrate on the throws and ground-work he likes."
"And I don't have the agility to jump like that, either..." Nick put in, with a smile, from the porch.
"Oh, right, that... yeah..." Shawna nodded, feigning understanding. "Of course."
"Which is better?" Ally asked.
"Depends on the man." Marcus replied, instantly.
"Which in this case means him." Nick admitted, the pride evident on his face. "I'm too slow, and too out of shape, and even when I wasn't, it didn't come as naturally to me as it does him."
"Come on," Ally chivvied them inside. "Breakfast's nearly ready. You staying, Shawna?"
"If that's OK?"
"I need a shower first." Marcus put in.
"You can sit down hot and sweaty by me, if you like?" Shawna offered, forcing a swallow out of Marcus as he almost tripped up the steps.
"You're shameless." Ally nudged her shoulder, as they entered, and Marcus fled up the stairs.
"You're a bit full on..." Nick agreed, a little more cautiously, as he sat at the table, trying to strike the balance between lecturing and not being overbearing.
"Oh shut up, Nick." Ally flung her arms around him, squeezing his shoulders. "You thought I was a bit full on at first... I soon loosened you up."
"I know, but..."
"Marcus isn't made of china, either... he'll survive." Ally unwrapped herself, and winked at Shawna. "Probably." She couldn't help but laugh, and Nick smiled too.
"I worry, I'm sorry."
"I'm going to try my level best not to hurt him, Nick." She assured him, sitting next to him. "Really... I know you don't think much of me, which is my fault, but... I like him. I really like him, in a way I haven't really felt for anyone else."
"That's the first time you've admitted that, isn't it?" Ally asked, putting the plates down, cutting across Nick as he was about to speak. "And you," she looked up at Nick, "I know what you're thinking, and you need to be very, very careful how you phrase it."
"I know..." he nodded, looking back at the stairs as the sound of the shower started up. "Shawna... I don't think badly of you, really I don't. I think you've made some unwise choices, sure... ones that you should probably have seen coming. I... it hurts me that you've overlooked Marcus for so long, too... What worries me most of all, though, is that every day you're here you tell us all the things that are your fault, all the things you've done wrong, all the bad things about you, like you're trying to convince us to step in and stop this."
"You do..." Ally confirmed, stirring the eggs, not looking back. "And you're doing much, much better than I expected, honey. Extra bacon for you..." He smiled, shook his head gently as the seriousness of the conversation just drained away.
"Marcus likes you — maybe even loves you as much as he thinks he does — and he's a good judge of character when he actually goes out on a limb and makes a judgement. If you were that unworthy, he'd see it, and he doesn't. So if he doesn't, and we don't... why do you?" She didn't have an answer, and before she could find one — it seemed like seconds but obviously wasn't — Marcus was back and settled down to breakfast apparently oblivious.
Once they'd finished, outside the house and watching the shadows on the lawn in the last morning of the year, nestled together on the swinging seat in the garden, she asked him what he thought.
"Of you?"
"Yeah, what do you think about me?"
"I'm not sure I know what you mean?"
"Neither am I?" she confessed, cuddling in.
"Did Ally speak to you this morning?"
"And Nick, why?"
"They were talking about it last night — I don't think they thought I could hear."
"What were they saying?"
"Well... Ally thinks you have 'self-esteem issues', she's been talking to one of her friends who's a counsellor, looking for advice on how to help you... us? Nick things you're basically too good a person for the situations you've found yourself in. Personally, I'm with Nick."
"I don't get it." She squeezed him for the compliment anyway.
"Well... the psychologists and psychiatrists and psychotherapists — all the psycho's, really — they all want to classify me as a syndrome and say that I'm something wrong. It's... my personality doesn't fit their world-view, so I must be an aberration — I don't have much time for that way of thinking, obviously."
"That's why you're with Nick's point of view? Because you don't like psychology?"
"No, not just that. Look... Nick taught me the difference between good people and bad people a long time ago. Bad people have a tendency to blame situations on other things, regardless of whether it's their fault or not, because they're looking out for themselves first and foremost, and they don't want the guilt. Good people have a tendency to take the blame for bad things, regardless of whether it's their fault or not, because they feel guilty that they didn't stop it happening.
You feel like all the bad things that happen around you are your fault — whether they happen to you or to someone else, whether you had a hand in them or not — because you don't like to see people get hurt.
When... On the hill, with Connor. Part of you stepped in because you didn't want him to get hurt any more for what you thought was your fault. I hated you for that, right then, standing up for him, but... but it's a big part of you, and it's a part that I like, most of the time. Just because it doesn't agree with me every single time doesn't mean I shouldn't accept it. That was wrong of me."
"I'm not sorry you hit him, you know." She confirmed, remembering the way he'd been that evening, and pressing her legs together at the thought.
"Me neither. It was all I could do not to punch him every time I saw him before that... I just... he gave me an excuse, when he took a swing, and it all came out."
"You're going to have to keep it in check when we get back. I don't know if you'll have driven him off or not, but there's still the courts to worry about... you don't need any more trouble."
"I know... I'll manage."
"So... what are you up to tonight?"
"Tonight? Not much, why?"
"It's New Year's Eve, you must have been invited to a party somewhere."
"Nope. Never happened before, why should it happen now."
"Because, party-virgin, you're my boyfriend now."
"I like the sound of that." He mumbled, nuzzling her neck, and she giggled, squirming away, even as she pressed her legs tighter together. If they didn't move soon she was going to start dripping.
"So, we need to go shopping."
"We do? Why?"
"The party."
"You need another dress?"
"No!... Well, yes... but... you need something, to."
"Yes, you. Chantelle invited us to her house for their bash, and she said I could bring my boyfriend, when I asked."
"Chantelle Cripps?"
"She's not in your usual crowd..."
"I don't have a usual crowd round here, any more."
"Alright, but she wasn't, either."
"No, but..."
"But she's more likely to be amenable to having me around than any of the people that were in your crowd."
"I know we hung with different crowds at school — you wouldn't have been comfortable with Amy and Helen and Jimmy and their bonfire down on the beach."
"I didn't have a crowd at school... You brushed them off, didn't you?"
"Amy... yeah."
"Did you tell them why?"
"Sort of..."
"Sort of?"
"I was going to say yes, but... they didn't want you there. They knew why I said no."
"I wasn't going to tell you..."
"Because I didn't want to guilt trip you into coming to Chantelle's..."
"You know I probably won't feel very comfortable there, either."
"Maybe... maybe we can loosen you up a little."
"I'll... I'll try."
"You will!" She squealed, jumping off the seat so quickly he almost fell off the back as it swung. "I thought it'd take me all day to convince you."
"For you... I'll try it."
"Let me go tell Ally — she owes me a tenner for this, by the way — and then we can head into town to get some stuff."
"Ally owes you ten pounds?"
"She said there was no way I'd get a yes before lunch."
"Nick owes me fifty — he said there was no way I'd get you to say yes at all." She danced up the path, and he watched her with his usual smile, scared to death on the inside at the very prospect.
Shopping was a curious mixture of heaven and nightmare. He hated the press of the mall, especially at this time of year, with the sales on, and the wilted memorials of Christmas still barely clinging to festivity in the middle of it all.
Clothes shopping wasn't like this. You went in, found your size on the rack, bought three of what you needed, and left. Simple... until Shawna joined in.
They checked out the first shop, and found three things she liked — and a handful of things he'd quite happily have bought and then gone home with — but she put them all back and headed into the next shop.
"I thought you liked the black one."
"I did. Did you?"
"Yeah, I thought it was nice."
"Um... good? It looked good on you. Everything looks good on you."
"It does."
"I believe you — you aren't impartial, but I believe you."
"So... why are we going to the next place?"
"They might have something better."
"Why not just get the nice dress and be done?"
"Because that's not how you shop."
"Yes it is."
"Alright then, it's not how I shop... now hold this while I go try on these shoes." Six shops later and he'd already passed by more t-shirts than he'd bought in his life, and had to turn down lilac shirt after lilac shirt pressed up against him, complete with frills, stripes, patterns and all sorts.
"Pink, again? Why is it all pink or purple?"
"It's lilac," she corrected, "and it goes well with your eyes."
"So does black." He pointed out. "T-shirts."
"Are you going to turn this into our first official fight, or are you going to trust me?"
"Princess, I love you... but... purple? Please... I can tolerate black, really I can."
"Alright... we'll look for black. But with a collar..." He grumbled, but conceded, wondering what was happening to him. Nick was going to have kittens — him in a collar.
"Alright, hold these." So far she had a pair of shoes to show for their troubles, and she disappeared into the changing room in an attempt to add to that. He stood around, feeling more than a little uncomfortable stuck in the no-man's land between frilly underwear and ladies shoes, but kept his head down and kept breathing until she suddenly returned, unchanged.
"Didn't fit?" he asked.
"Fitted perfectly." She confirmed.
"You aren't going to show?"
"You'll see it tonight, when it's done properly."
"If you were going to do that... Why did you show me all the others if you knew you weren't going to get them?"
"I showed you others, Marcus, to find out what you liked — I'd see what you were looking at, and then look for more dresses with those bits. You liked bits and pieces from most of the shops... so I leave it to your imagination what it's like..." She smiled, pecked his cheek, and strolled off towards the counter, her bum waving invitingly in her tight jeans as she went. "Are you coming?"
"Oh..." he managed, and followed. It was still another four shops before she found something she liked well enough - that he could tolerate - for him to wear.
"Looking sharp." Nick observed as he reached the bottom of the stairs, which earned him a sour look.
"Don't be nasty." Ally flung the tea-towel at him, and turned to lean on the counter. "Did you actually bother bringing the comb anywhere near your hair?"
"And I was being nasty?" Nick chuckled, moving to the wet dishes.
"Come here." Ally beckoned him, grasping the brush from the mantelpiece. "Let me see what I can do with this... you need a haircut." She tugged the brush through it, struggling. "What the hell have you got in this?"
"I don't know... some gloopy stuff Shawna made me get this afternoon." Nick and Ally shared a look at that — 'gloopy' was one of Marcus' words for textures he didn't like to have near him.
"And you put gloopy stuff in your hair for her..." Ally observed, with a smile. "It's that serious."
"Yeah... yeah it is." He scowled, not sure they weren't just poking fun at him.
"Well, first off, don't be so caught up in it being that serious that you forget to have fun." She reminded him, with a reassuring smile. "And second, go and scrape all the gloopy stuff back out of your hair, and bring the rest down here so I can do it properly."
"The rest?"
"You used it all?"
"Well I wasn't going to use it again..." Nick almost dropped the plate he was drying, and put the cloth down. "I'll go get some of mine..." he chuckled, as Marcus took over dragging the brush through his own hair, sending dried flakes into the air in clouds as he did.
Ten minutes later, with a bit of good-natured ribbing from the pair of them, they had his hair presentable, and Ally dragged him back to the full-length mirror in the hallway.
"There, what do you see?"
"Right... And?"
"Alright, me in a stupid bloody shirt, with gloop in my hair." Ally laid a calming hand on his shoulder, peering at him from alongside his arm.
"You look good in that shirt. It shows off your physique — you keep forgetting that you have one — at least you don't slouch so much any more. The gel lets you do something with your hair other than hiding behind in... the trousers show off your shape, too — they accentuate your broad shoulders and narrow hips."
"I'm a woman, Marcus, we know these things. Trust me, you look good."
"Do I look good, too?" He turned away from the mirror at Shawna's voice, and stopped stunned in the hallway.
Her hair shone, tucked up behind her head in a big winding spiral except for two winding tendrils just before her ears. Her eyes were huge, sparkling, twinkling green behind even bigger eyelashes, and the ear-rings he'd gotten her for Christmas swung just clear of her bare shoulders.
The dress was pink, wrapped around the upper part of her arms and sat tightly around her bust, cupping her breasts and drawing attention to the deep-green amulet on the necklace that settled into her cleavage. Slit high up one side, it didn't go far down the other, showing off her long, trim legs, and as she spun he saw that it clung to each and every curve like a second skin.
"Oh, Princess... wow..." he breathed, and she squealed.
"I'll take that as a yes." She giggled, and spun for them again, clutching tightly at the matching purse in her hand.
"Hell yes." He finally managed, any reservations he felt just drained away at the sight of her.
"Well, you kids have a good time." Ally told them, as Nick piled along the hallway to see them off.
"Go, have fun. We'll still be up when you get back, so don't be afraid to make some noise."
"Thanks. Later..." he called to them, and they set off down the hall. "You're going to freeze in that." He pointed out, and she clutched at his arm.
"I have a coat, and if it gets too chilly I'll just wrap myself around you, you never get cold."
It wasn't far, so they were walking, and Marcus slipped into place beside her slipping his hand into hers.
"Hang on," she said, dipping into her purse and pulling out a hip-flask. "Want some?"
"No!" he stopped, a little shocked.
"What? It's a party... loosen up."
"I don't want to be that loose... do you?"
"It makes things easier."
"Do you need it?"
"Need? No, of course not."
"Then don't."
"Because I think I'd be insulted if I felt you found it easier to make it through an evening with me by drinking."
"Is that what you think?"
"You've been to parties before."
"I usually drink at them, too."
"Does everyone?"
"I doubt it."
"If you don't enjoy the parties, why go?"
"I do enjoy them."
"But you need to drink first?"
"No, not need... it... it helps. Do you have a problem with that?"
"Don't be like that..."
"Like what?"
"Defensive. I'm not trying to force you. I'm asking you... please?"
"OK." She screwed the top back on, shoving it into her purse a little hesitantly.
"I'm sorry... I just... I'm going to need you tonight."
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After some time, my mother and ruppis mother sensed I was depressed they both started looking out for a suitable girl for me as by now my elder brother’s marriage was also fixed and they wanted both of us to get married together as soon as possible Soon ruppis mother found a suitable match for me (jyoti) she was a young petit girl she was very shy a very protected girl such kind of very innocent girl, I didn’t feel anything for her but on their insistence I agreed to marry her After marriage I...
Hi friends, I am Kumar. I am 32 yrs old, 5’ 10” with good looks. I am living in Hyderabad. I am a great fan of ISS. I have recently started reading stories and would like to share one of my experiences which happened with my girlfriend 13 years ago. It’s more of a love story than a sex story. I apologize for any mistakes and for the length of the story. Women who want to contact me can contact me at Please share your valuable feedback and suggestions. Looking for a date as I am not at all...
It was the spring of 1980. Kelly and I were a couple of years out of high school. Scott, who you met previously, was a senior. He had been dating Gina for the past few months. She was a sixteen-year-old sophomore.Kelly and Gina both worked part-time at a local bakery. They got along well and Kelly had taken Gina under her wing like a little sister. Gina had started the job around the same time she started dating Scott. Scott, true to his word, never said anything about Kelly giving him his...
Group SexMy wife and I had always been in the swinging lifestyle. She had an itch that needed to be scratched from time to time. Her "itch" was several men. We keep our transgressions pretty discreet. We live in a small Cul-de-sac where everyone knows everyone elses business. My wife is a nurse and somewhat a a curvier build. Some men like it some men don't. She has large hips with a nice sized ass and large breasts. This is the story of one of her many frenzied states. She puts an ad on craigslist...
Laundry rooms make me horny. When I first started college I came home unexpectedly and saw my Mom getting fucked hard by a neighbor in our laundry room, bent over the dryer and moaning with each stroke. Then she turned around and jerked him off until he came all over her tits. It was shocking, but also exciting. My pussy was instantly wet. I started to press my pussy against the dryer at the dorm after that, letting the vibration make my pussy wet and hot before sliding one or two fingers deep...
ExhibitionismHi, I am Niket 25 year old again with my good looking and beautiful mom, Nila, 52 year old with a 35 + boobs and nice round ass. We were in the resort room at Lonavala and decided to have sexual pleasure during our stay in the resort. I sucked and played with her pussy and made her cum. I asked her to play and suck my cock. She agreed and asked me to sit in bed. She hold my cock in her hand and placed her palm on my balls. After holding my cock, she looked at my cock and said Niket nice tight...
IncestHello all! I apologize for yet another extremely long lapse between the release of the previous story and this one. I’ve been extremely busy. I genuinely appreciate the continued support and interest in my stories, though. I hope you all are doing well, and I very much hope you enjoy this next chapter. There are two characters in this chapter, Kristen and Jordan, who are relatively new. Both of them made an appearance in the last chapter, and they are also found in another story/series,...
I think everyone will agree; buying a bra is the worst! Well, not everyone, but at least everyone who’s ever tried to buy a bra. They come in hundreds of sizes and styles, and none of them ever fit. Even if they’re labeled the same, they’re never even close to the same size. And nobody makes one my size.Last week, I went after work to try to buy a bra. I went to one of the national department stores at our local mall. The ladies intimate apparel department was in the back of the store, and...
LesbianSummary: Thursday, 8:00 PM - She checked herself in the mirror. She had meticulously dressed according to the recommendations of the other girls. ‘Oh, how I hope this all goes well!’ She gave herself one final look over. Her hair was just as she wanted it; parted on the side, carefully pulled back in a soft tie, topped with a pink ribbon. Her shimmering gray dress was conservative but alluring. The wrap-around look made it appear somewhat flimsy; but, it covered a lot of skin. Her tan made it...
After a couple of weeks of continuous sexual engagement between the three of us, we got into a regular routine of who was going where and when. I would normally see Nan a couple of times a week, but still end up in Mom’s bed at the end of the night, if only to cuddle, as she had to work the next day. Saturday night was our real fun night. We would have dinner and the three of us would all settle down to watch some videos. Mom would then go to have a bath to relax, and I would follow her after...
IncestA very solidly busted student called Philippa Boyd was assigned to show Katrina and Angela around the College. Philippa’s breasts were big and bounced along very happily with every step and movement of her body. They looked just great as they swung along and bumped into each other. Philippa always got admiring looks and smiles from the male students and staff as she passed. Angela and Katrina were delighted and entranced at her bubbly and buoyant attitude to everything. “You know,” she said,...
I was 16 and found a diary of my mums in a drawer. The centre pages were photos of naked men posing . I'd never given any thought to dicks before, but these were amazing. It was a time when gays were shunned by society. I kept my thoughts to my self.The advent of the internet helped with my sexual development.I only watched straight porn. I’m not gay. But I realised I was focussing more on the dick, than the girl sucking it. Discovered dicks are beautiful.Tentative I typed “gay” into my search...
Hello Nancy, please come in to the room. What seems to be the problem today? Well, I don’t know how to say it or describe it. I have been having these urges to do things that are not normal. I see, well please describe to me what you are having trouble with and if I can help in anyway. She locks the door and dims the lights so no one interrupts us. Doctor Michelle why did you lock the door and dim the lights? So you can feel comfortable and relaxed. Now lie down on the bed and just close your...
TUESDAY, May 31, 2016 On the bus ride in, which was now longer due to the circle route the bus took from the new house, Carly and Mikki tried as hard as possible to get Rachael to change her mind and run for Top Girl. Well, maybe not so much Carly, who said her Mom offered her a new wardrobe if she won. But Rachael was adamant, and would not be swayed. When they finally got to school, Rachael realized that it would have taken less time to walk from Grandpa's house to school than the...
This is Dan’s story…. I had gone into town this morning to pick up a couple parts that I needed for my truck. I also had stopped in the local restaurant and had a big breakfast. I was pretty content and figured I would have an easy day working on the truck. I pulled it into the shop and decided I would let it cool off a bit and walked over to the house. I entered the kitchen through the back door and it appeared that there was nobody home but me. I was headed back to my room to get an old...
After the Tuesday cruise, I headed home for dinner and a long soak in the tub. My body was a little sore, but my ass needed a thorough soaking if I was going to continue this three days a week. I have had my share of gang-bangs at college but usually took more time off in between them. With these cruises, I was going to have to learn to pace myself better, or I may not be able to last through the rest of the summer. The problem was with no one other than myself; Grandpa was right when he...
MoneyI hesitated to move because usually when my dad says he has news it doesn’t go well. One example was that we were going to America for a while. Okay I’ll admit eventually I grew to love that decision. So I decided to give this a chance it could be good. I nodded my head and said, “I’m doing great Dad. I hope you are too.” I gave him a hug after I sat down next to him. “Well there are a few things I actually need to talk about. One I need to go back to Japan for a while. My sister just...
My ex breezed past me like she used to own the place, the very picture of calm and sexual confidence. It was comfortably warm that Friday evening in the Atlanta suburbs. She was wearing what a guy might call a T-shirt except it was made with some kind of gauzy material. I suppose that makes it a blouse. Whatever it was, it was sheer and her nipples poked through sans bra. Her blue jean shorts were very worn and pale blue, the hems rolled up against her ass cheeks. Her long legs were toned and...
Hi to all Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is Arjun. I’m here to submit my ravish experience when I was doing my UG. A little bit introduction about me, my name is Arjun, 26 years old, 5’8 ft tall and slim built guy and to an extent energetic or enthusiastic most of the time or a careless mindset guy with an enthu always. I’ll try to post all my ravish experience in a series and will try to narrate it in an interesting way. Let’s begin the sex story here it’s going to be a bit lengthy,...
Hello readers main Sameer Sharma hoon aur 22 saal ka hoon aur navi Mumbai mey rehta hoon. Peshey se mey engineer hoon aur ek vikhyat MNC mey kaam karta hoon. Mey ek achchi family se belong karta hoon. Mera kad 5 ft 9 inch hai aur rang gora hai. Mai gujrat ka rehne vala hoon. Vaise mey dikhne mey achacha hoon par meri dikkat yeh hai ki mere aage se baal thode kam hai. Iske karan mujhe ladkiyon ko approach karne mey dikkat hoti hai is liye hi shayad mey porn stories padne ka aadi hoon. Yeh kahani...
Alice was never the sort of person to care much what other people thought about her strange appearance. The tattoos and the piercings were certainly her business and not a concern for others. The fact that she liked black best of all and always wore a silver cross around her pretty neck didn't make her a freak like the druggies over on Mission. Her parents had pretty much disowned her ever since the accident with the fire at the day-care center. No matter how much she protested her innocence...
As Jacki was freeing the two freshly whipped young girls from their suspension, Sara and Beth came over and whispered into her ear. As soon as the two girls were free, Jacki, Sara, and Beth began doing the same to Marion. First, they freed Marion's legs, then her arms. Only as her arms came free from their cuffs, Sara and Beth grabbed Marion's wrists, pulled them tightly behind her back, and forced her over to the now empty dangling cuffs. There the three of them quickly forced Marion to...
Part 1 I couldn't believe it, yet I knew it was slowly happening. I was becoming enamored, completely taken, with my daughter's college room mate. She was twenty years my junior, the same age as my daughter, yet it was happening in spite of all of my obvious misgivings. In spite of, or maybe because of, all the things I had recently learned about Linda and Jane, my daughter. What an old fool, I thought, she is much too young for you... but I didn't really want to believe that... I met...
"Wow! Jackie, your house is like humongous!" Jenny exclaimed, "O ... M ... G! Look at that TV!" I hated being called Jackie, but if I could get some of this most cock worthy chick, it would be worth it. I also hated when chicks used 'like' like she did, but again, my dick didn't care one bit. "I know, right?" I replied with pride, even though it was my mom and dad's house. Jenny and I met on day one of the school year, just one week earlier. I was a senior and she was a sophomore....
It wasn’t that long ago that he forewarned me. Chatting casually about all the nasty things we wanted to do to each other online, his statement flashed in my mind word for word … “I’m going to find you and fuck you, when you least expect it … whether you want me to or not.” Now pinned face down on the hood of my car, with my legs spread apart and a hard cock pounding my pussy from behind, I knew he was making good on his prediction. At least I thought it was him. Just moments before, as I...
I am 20 years old now, having been through english prep school then public school over the ages of 8-13 and 13-18 respectively. These schools were both well-established and well-known all boys schools, and it was here where my first sexual experiences took place. First of all, I don't think it to be natural for boys at that age to all be kept together with no female contact, as it is the age where the boy's mind changes most and sexuality becomes a part of one's every day thoughts. I...
Hi Guys and Girls… Sidd here again. Hope you have all read the first of this story where me and Riya had some awesome oral sex. We left Masai and were heading to another destination called Naivasha. It was a time to relax before we headed on to the third destination. Rima (Riyas Mom) was sitting in the first row. I had kept my camera and my lenses on the seat next to her and so did Riya when she came to car. So we both went on the back seat. Rima was talking with us but was not able to see what...
I went over to the desk and pulled Linda’s profile up on Facebook. Becky walked over and handed me my glass of wine and then bent down to see the picture displayed on the screen. Obviously, she was very interesting in seeing them. She pushed me back in the armless desk chair, sat down on my lap, took the mouse and started clicking through the pictures. “Linda still looks pretty hot. She was such a slut when we where in school though,” Becky stated. “I’m having a hard time believing that you’re...
Wife LoversIt was the night before Halloween and Jeremy was deciding where to go the following night. He had been invited to a party that promised to be filled with hot girls but he also wanted to spend some time with his family since he had been too busy with school to do so recently. He was in his room thinking about what to do when suddenly he heard a noise that scared the shit out of him. There was a tapping at the window and when he turned nothing was there. “That was weird”, Jeremy thought. He...
This story is mostly true as i can recall it from my mind. As you recall from reading part 1, My c***dhood girl friend Carol and i were progressing well with our sexual exploits. We were eleven and a half now. A lot of this was due to the fact that our Mothers allowed us to sl**p together at least one night every week-end while they played cards and got them selfs pretty boozed up. This had went on for a couple of years. We were also still going up to the old shed everyday after school. What...
The Twin Sunlight barely filtered through the dirty window. The few weak rays awakened Arabella Warren. She had not slept very well because of the loud arguing heard through the thin walls of the run-down apartment she shared with her twin sister, Alexis, and their mother. Her sister slept peacefully and she hated to wake her up. However, it was time to go to school. Momma was snoring on the other side of the small room. She had been working till the wee hours of the morning and finally...
I am nandhu ( changed ), I loved a girl name priya (changed ). She was a closed friend of my close friend Yamini, they studied in a same college in Chennai. She was one year elder than me. Priya was a fair girl,with a structured with slight chubby girl. We three are close,friends and will,roam,always together. I,was doing my second year,college. I always hold Yamini hand when ever we walk, but priya will be jealous and she cant say anything as Yamini was the one who intro me to her, days...