DóchasChapter 40 free porn video

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In the week following their move to the ship, Ann's Clan relocated there. Even though they hadn't worked out all the details regarding the Enclave's farm, the time for Marsha's and Gina's babies to arrive was rapidly approaching. With the doctors all on the ship, that's where they wanted to be when it was time. They continued to monitor the Enclave's farm by Cathy, Sam and several others switching off on daily trips there. Besides them, several bots, Jean, Andy, Diane and Barbara assisted with accomplishing all the tasks needed to get the work done.

As Judy entered the dining room, she saw Marsha and Gina siting by the kitchen door. "How are you all doing?"

"Tired," replied Gina. "I'll be glad when the children are born."

"It won't be long," replied Judy.

"Well I'm ready," responded Marsha. "It would be better if it wasn't for a couple of weeks yet."

"Why is that?"

"There are several crops that need to be harvested in the next two weeks. They've matured faster than we anticipated."

"So let it be known that you need help after dinner tonight. I am sure you will have plenty of offers."

"We've talked about doing that but..."

"You weren't sure if it would really be help," added Judy with a smile.


"I suspect there are crew members who've done it or have seen it done. It doesn't hurt to ask."


"I'd do it soon, because I suspect both of you will be delivering before long."

"Gina, how are you doing on help in the kitchen?"

"Very well. There are quite a few who like cooking and have a knack for doing it, well. Many don't want to do it all the time, but there are enough that we've worked out a rotation."


It was four days later when Ann stood and tapped her glass as breakfast was finishing. When it was quiet she said, "It gives me great pleasure to tell you that Gina and Marsha had their babies last night." There was a loud cheer. "The six girls and two boys are doing fine, as are their mothers."

Li Min said, "The other day Marsha asked for assistance in harvesting. Is there still a need?"

"Not today," said Sam. "Likely tomorrow, but we won't know until later today."

"I know it is difficult to say then a crop is ready ahead of time. From what I've heard said, quite a few of us would like to help if we had some advance warning. From my perspective, it doesn't need to be firm request. Perhaps with that information, we could juggle our activities so we can help."

"We can do that but we've had some difficulty forecasting as the crops are maturing faster than we expected, so it has been a little hard to predict timescales. Fortunately we've managed to get them picked in a timely fashion by rearranging our schedule."

"I have a suggestion," said Christine. "I presume you have a few days to harvest a crop, so how about posting a range of dates for each harvest? Then adjust the dates as necessary."

"We can do that."

Ursula said, "Now that I've heard this it raises several questions."

"I'll bet I know what they are," responded Sam, "but ask anyway."

"There is a lot of work to do here, so why are we spending resources on growing our food?"

"Because we like to eat," said Keira. After the laughter died down she added, "Sorry, it was just too big of a temptation."

"Seriously," said Ann, "when we arrived at the Enclave, we intended to grow a large part of our food. We can still do that but Ursula asks a good question. We can probably produce enough food on the island to feed everyone here, but it takes time to get it started. While we were at the resort, we ordered food as if the resort was fully occupied. The extra food is either here or at the Enclave and should carry us for a few months.

"Why do this? It adds variety to our diet. We do have the replicators, and the hydroponic beds are being restarted but, the missing piece is meat. Although not absolutely necessary, it is something most of us like. The replicators do a good job but ... So we've been evaluating how to obtain frozen food from Earth. All the issues have been solved except for making it disappear without drawing attention. Our goal is to have it vanish like we did from the resort. If anyone has any ideas, please let us know."

"We will get with you tomorrow," said Ursula. "I don't know that we have the answer, or a magic solution, but we've had some discussions regarding similar issues."

Seeing the topical discussion was complete Terry said, "Does anyone else have a contribution?"

Dorothy and Maria stood and said, "We would like to let everyone know that we have become a part of Amy's Clan." Almost immediately people began applauding as they stood. During the applause Amy, Jim, Erica, Betsy and Connie went to stand with them.

When the applause died down Sarah's Clan said, "That's great!"

"Here! Here!" roared everyone.

When it was possible Terry said, "Anyone else?" After a few moments she added, "See you at dinner."

It was a few days later that Donna began receiving messages from candidates who had initially declined the offer of a visit. Each message, while differing in content, asked if the offer was still available. After discussing it with Sarah's and Amy's Clans, Donna replied that there were still openings. She noted that the location for the interviews had changed. Her note included a request for the contact team to meet with them again to review the opportunity.

While several groups expressed surprise at the request they all agreed and presentations were scheduled. The visits by the contact teams were arranged so that there was sufficient time to check the areas for possible threats. After the survey was completed drones and spiders were deployed to monitor each group's location.

Several of the Command Staff were visiting the Security department just after the monitoring was setup. Rusty said, "If I didn't know better, I would say that it would appear that we are paranoid."

Lydia of Shannon's Clan laughing said, "Cautious fits better. Besides this time we are not reacting."

"Nice plan," said Sally with Rusty and the others nodding. "Has the number of candidates changed?"

"Yes. It is now 117. We suspect it will be higher."

"Why is that?"

"Several in each group have close friends outside the group we are meeting with. We are being proactive and checking them out as they become known to us."

"What if they don't meet the criteria?"

"Good question. One we will need to ask the boss," said Lydia with a smile.

Sarah looked at her spouses then said, "Providing they meet with the contact team, let them come. Meeting with a contact team should be a requirement. If they are really close and important friends, then it's likely they would be invited to the meeting anyway as we've not put any restrictions on who is present."

"If there are more than a couple of additions," said Bob, "we will add additional resources."

"Good. We need to remember that we initially focused on science and computer majors due to the specific needs we saw at that time. Our staff is now at a level we didn't expect to have for a year or more. From that perspective, it seems we should diversify the skill sets we are seeking. Intelligence and physical attributes shouldn't be lessened however."

"That is just exactly the impression I had when I reviewed how the criteria were established," said Stacey of Muireann's Clan.

"Let us know if you need our assistance," said Rusty as the group prepared to leave.

"Thanks for the offer," said Zoe. "Are you planning to monitor these visits?"

"Hadn't thought about it."

"Well I would like for some of you to do that."

"Okay. Let us know your schedule."

It was two days later, in the middle of the night, when Alison came back into the bedroom and nudged Judy. After several nudges Alison sensed her waking up and said, "Judy, I am heading for the clinic."

"What's wrong?" she responded groggily.

"Nothing. My water just broke, and fortunately not in bed."

Their activity had caused several of their spouses to begin waking up as Judy slowly sat up. She edged off the bed and as she stood she said, "Let's go. I can use the loo there. Star, would you alert the clinic?"

"Already done. Patricia was on duty. Betsy, Eily, and Sonja are either on their way or are there now."

"Thank you," said Alison. "How did you know so quickly?"

"I didn't, the Medical-AI actively monitors pregnancies when they are a couple of days from expected delivery."

Alison saw several of her spouses getting up and said, "Hey guys. I appreciate the effort but get some more sleep. I am in good hands." She smiled as she watched them cuddle back up next to each other. By the sensations she felt, she knew their bodies would get some rest but their mind-link with her was quite active.

When Sarah's Clan arrived for breakfast the next morning, they noticed several raised eyebrows and second looks. It took them a moment to realize the reason, which caused them to chuckle. This was likely the first time the crew hadn't seen all of them together for a meal as only a few of them were around when Erin's and Tara's babies were born.

Once Sarah was sure everyone was in the dining room she tapped a glass and said, "As many of you have noticed, Alison and Judy didn't come in with us. They are occupied with the delivery of Alison's babies. Star will make an announcement when they are born."

When Rusty and Sally entered the hanger, Briana, Colleen, Melody and four bots were putting on their gear. Sally said, "I am glad you all are wearing the shield generators."

"They actually make me a little nervous," replied Briana.

"Why is that?"

"It is probably because even though we've done all the drills, I am not totally comfortable with them yet."

As she spoke, Melody smiled then said, "I keep telling her that is a good thing, but I don't think she believes me."

Rusty said, "What do you mean by comfortable?"

"I guess it is because they are a constant reminder of the potential risks. I know they will do what I ask and they are great at that, but..."

"Being on edge is a good thing as long as you can maintain a normal appearance. It looks like you are doing that. Keep a loose link with the others and you will be fine."

"Thanks," said Briana and gave him and Sally a hug. The others did the same before entering the shuttle.

Rusty and Sally watched through the hanger door as the shuttle moved out the opening. Once it was gone Sally said, "So what are you thinking?"

"About the first time I went on a mission. Melody and the bots will keep them on an even keel, and you?"

"Sort of the same thing. You're right about them. They fit together very well. Did you notice the bots hesitate before participating in the hugs?"

"Yes. It really is not much different to how teenagers would act."

"Good point," replied Sally as they entered the Security department. Both smiled when they saw both the Intelligence and Security groups watching the monitors.

"Any surprises?"

"Not really. There are three more people at the first group's house than there were the first time."

"Do we know anything about them yet?"

"Only that they seem to mesh well with the others."

When Briana, Colleen, Melody, bot11 and bot12 stepped on the porch, someone was at the door before they could ring the doorbell. They were clearly receiving a warm welcome and it surprised them. Their first welcome had been a little on the cool side. As they exchanged greetings, several expressed regret that they were not more receptive the first time. After hearing an updated presentation, no one was bothered by the changes but they had a multitude of questions. It seemed like the questions were going to continue forever so Colleen said, "You know, going there would answer many of your questions. If you don't want to stay, we will bring you back when you ask. I will warn you that if you ask within a day, we will encourage you to stay a bit longer. However it will be your choice. So when would you like to visit?"

Darby said, "Kind of pushy aren't you?"

Before Colleen could reply Estelle said, "Darby, you're an idiot. How would this evening be?"

"We can do that. If it is after dark, we can pick you up in the backyard."

"In the backyard?" responded Darby. "That is preposterous."

Several rolled their eyes and Colleen continued with, "So your home doesn't appear to be empty, we can have a couple stay here during your visit."

Matt said, "We don't live here. Can we still come?"

"Yes. Where do you live?"

"In an apartment a short distance from here."

"Give me the address before we leave. Were you planning on meeting us here or do you want us to pick you up there?"

"Here is fine. What do we bring?"

"Whatever you want. We generally don't wear clothes but do wear shoes. How you dress is up to you."

Briana said, "If there aren't any more questions, we will see you about 10:30 tonight."

Darby started to speak but several just glared at him.

Melody said, "Darby, there is nothing wrong with doubting but those on Earth don't know everything. So we'll see you tonight, right?" He nodded slightly.

Contact teams visited three other groups before it was time for Briana and Colleen's group to make the pickup at Estelle's. As the shuttle descended into the backyard the AI said, "Due to the power lines, there isn't enough room. We could use the front yard."

"Okay. What about neighbors seeing them leave?" said Melody.

"We can deal with that."

When the shuttle settled over the yard, Briana went up to the door with two bots. A few moments later Estelle opened the door. "We were waiting for you out back."

"Well I hate to say this, but Darby was right even if for the wrong reason. The power lines are too close. Our transportation is out here."

Estelle looked over where Briana looked then smiled on seeing Colleen and Melody. "Come with me to tell the others. Who is this with you?"

"These two ladies will be house sitting for you." Briana then introduced them.

When Darby saw Briana with Estelle, he started to gloat but hesitated.

Briana said, "Good evening. It turns out the power lines are too close back here so we are in the front yard. When you step out the front door, you will see the outline of a door, please walk directly toward it. This way no one will see you disappear."

"I don't understand," said Darby.

"Our transportation is a shuttle. It is cloaked and hovering in the front yard. There is a shielded path to the shuttle you will not be visible to any on-lookers. Come on, let me show you." Briana took his hand and led him back through the house and out the front door. "See the lighted door, just walk right to it." After she let go of his hand and he just stood there with his mouth open. Several people edged past him.

Estelle stood next to Briana with a smile, watching Darby. It wasn't often they had seen him uncertain. Ceana took his arm and said, "Our chariot awaits." Estelle, Briana and several others watched the two walk out to the shuttle. Briana thought he must be a character.

"He is," said Melody and Colleen.

"Did you say something?" said Estelle.

"I was just thinking Darby must be a character."

"Oh, he is. A lovable one at times and at others..."

Matt said, "A pain in the ass." Estelle lightly smacked him. "Sorry, but he is at times."

"Yea, but you shouldn't say it."

"Estelle, are there any special instructions?" said Bot12.

"I left a list on the kitchen table with the keys. Some are expecting letters and the list has who they will be from."

"We'll watch for them, if they arrive we will let you know. Have a great time."

"It will be interesting," replied Estelle as she walked with Briana and Matt to the shuttle. They were the last ones to board. After greeting Colleen and Melody they all entered the craft. Many of the group spent as much time watching Darby's expressions as they did looking out the windows or at the monitor.

When they arrived at the ship, they were met by a doctor and a physician's assistant who guided them through the autodoc to complete their initial screening. They were surprised by how quickly their physicals were completed. The contact team then introduced them to Nancy and several from Sarah's Clan. They were given a review of safety procedures, noting that many of the crew were telepathic and the advantages of that in space. The quick orientation was completed by providing each one with personal communicator. As they were finishing up, Joyce said, "I think most, if not all of you, have read stories that took place in space. We ask that you not roam the ship without an escort. This is solely for safety as we want to know where to find you if an emergency arises. Correctly responding in an emergency will likely be the difference between life and death. Your contact team will give you a briefing on the emergency procedures in your suite. Listen carefully. Now that I've said all that, welcome aboard."

"Are you trying to scare us?" asked Darby.

"Nope. We find the space ship a very comfortable environment, but it is easy to forget just how fragile that environment is."

Estelle said, "Thanks for the opportunity. This is so amazing, it is hard to believe."

"It is," said Darby causing many surprised expressions.

Colleen said, "Since it is so late why don't we show you the compartments we have set aside for your stay. Tomorrow after breakfast, we will show you around."

While Estelle's group chose to come the same day as meeting the contact team, not all did. Of the other groups seeing a presentation that day, two had opted to come the following evening and the third in three days' time. Beyond that they had six more visits scheduled over the next two days.

Based on their experiences, it was decided to hold the video presentations on their background and plans until the second day of a visit. This would give visitors time to get over some of the excitement of being in space and adjust to the new environment. Some thought was given to redoing the presentations, due to the errors made in the early ones due to lack of knowledge. Instead, they decided to just correct the errors after the presentations were complete. Sarah's Clan was always present to answer questions after the presentations.

The visits went smoothly and after a few days the new candidates were mingling with, and in some cases assisting, the crew with projects. Many were shocked by the experiences of some of the crew members before coming to the ship. In many cases, it was hard to distinguish the candidates from the crew due to the way they interacted with the crew and their interest in ship operations.

Cathy, Mary, and Ann of Ann's Clan delivered their babies about a week after the last of the new candidates arrived at the ship. This brought the number of small babies to 24, with 8 more due to arrive in three weeks or so. Even with the additional nannies, the care givers at times felt overwhelmed, but the earlier prediction by Sarah's Clan proved to be true. Many of the crew never passed up an opportunity to help with the babies. The nannies were thankful for the assistance as it sometimes seemed like all of them wanted attention at the same time.

With more babies, the difference in the way the babies responded toward their birth mother versus other people was more noticeable. Their response to their mother's spouses or nannies differed little from their mothers. The response to those outside the clan was much more noticeable as there was a hesitancy on first contact which then mostly disappeared.

Karen was talking to Betsy when she remembered their observation and described it.

Betsy said, "It is likely due to their telepathic ability. The link with their birth mother was created while they were in the womb. They know their mother's spouses through their mother's link. The others in the crew are a more disperse group, so it takes them longer to decide what to think of them."

"Looking at it that way, it makes sense," replied Karen. "We hadn't thought of that aspect."

"Even though they sometimes all want attention at the same time," said Sonja, "they are really easy to care for."

Luiseach laughed then said, "Yea, all they need to do is make a noise in a group and there is a crowd wanting to help with whatever. I hope Sarah's Clan's other babies are as pleasant."

"Me too," responded Judy. Luiseach blushed as the others chuckled.

"I didn't mean..."

"I know you didn't," added Judy interrupting her comment. Smiling she added, "However, I'll let you continue if you want to see how much deeper you can dig the hole you've started."

"Thank you very much, but I think it is already deep enough," responded Luiseach smiling. Judy gave her a hug. The babies watching them smiled and gurgled.

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Chapter 2 Eager as Kal had been for some more intimate time with Ikuno, the knight’s talk of food had gotten to him. As they walked back into the main cavern’s living area his stomach growled noisily. He stopped in embarrassment, his hands covering the offending body part. Ikuno kept walking over to a small set of wooden shelves that appeared to be made from lashed-together saplings with crude planks fitted in for holding items. She grabbed a cloth-wrapped bundle and tossed it to Kal. “Here...

3 years ago
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Taking A Quick Break

I kissed you as soon as Lisa and Peter stepped out for lunch, pressing my lips hard against yours as my arms encircled your neck.You tasted so good, our tongues sliding against each other as you grabbed hold of my ass and gave it a good squeeze."God, I've missed this ass," you landed a hard spank on the left cheek, the loud smacking sound echoed in the small office, followed by another spanking on my other ass cheek. And another. It hurt. The sharp sting travelled from my ass cheeks to my...

Straight Sex
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The Perfect Game

The Perfect Game By nanomage Loosing the Division championship was the lowest day of my life, at least I thought so then. That night I sat in the corner of the country club hall at the party thrown by a few alumni of Jefferson High. No one was in a mood to party at all, I guess the teams that had loosing seasons have the consolation of just not being good enough, but nothing bites more than being second best. Instead of partying I replayed in my mind, then as I have done a...

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White Slut Training Academy Orientation part 3

part 3 The white Slut Training Academy has some rather interesting and historical background along with the colorful and interesting way it came into being. Mitchaela Desade Van Semen is the philanthropist and benefactor of this all girls collage, and was the one, who's vision made it Possible. Mitch as a young girl was incredibly naive and innocent. This was a result of being raised in an indescribably brutally repressive and cloistered Catholic household by an absolutely...

4 years ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 17

After Jason had spent a pleasant afternoon fucking Sarah, it was time to sort out what he had planned for the rest of the evening. It was still early and there were hours until his mother would arrive home - more than enough time to arrange matters. He had been mulling over the possibilities ever since he had seen his mother and aunt interacting together. Sarah’s hesitant and almost cringing reaction to everything was something that he really wanted to explore further. So, in the midst of...

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Fulfilling Lust

Victoria let out a loud moan of pleasure “OOOOO” as she rode Evaron up and down his cock slipping in and out of her making slurping sounds from the constant plunging down on him. This elf was something else, the words kept echoing through her head, at times images of Allen, whom she knew had feelings for K'lara. Occasionally images of the time she spied on Allen as he would dive in and out of her sister would flash in her mind. The man she had loved and still might love had chosen her sister...

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CounselorsChapter 2

Chenosh welcomed Sabanet and Grace to her lab with a hug and a smile. "You both seem well. I have enjoyed the mail you sent me." Chenosh said. "As I have yours." Sabanet said arriving in female form. "I was interested in your organ and bone growth theory. I have even begun running tests. The initial findings have been exciting. You have one upped me child." Chenosh said. Sabanet smiled at the mention of the word "child". In no way was it intended as an insult, in fact quite the...

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Nanny Diaries

“See you Sunday night!”Joan waved at the kids and her parents as she pulled away from her childhood home. She had just dropped off Tasha and Jerome Jr. (JJ) for a weekend with “Gramma and Grampa.” She looked at her watch … 3:30... with luck and minimal traffic she could be home by 5:30. She was pretty sure Amber would still be around.It was a perfect early summer day, mid-70’s and not a cloud in the sky. She turned on Spotify and began the drive back. She wished she had her BMW convertible, but...

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Noelle Easton 200 246000

Noelle Easton was born in Louisiana on December 17th, 1994. Not much is known about her time in high school, but she dove directly into adult entertainment at the age of eighteen by becoming a stripper. As an eighteen-year-old stripper, Noelle made hand over fist. She could never go back to regular employment.Stripper To Porn Star HighwayThe stripper-to-porn star highway is as well paved as it's ever been. Dancing gives ladies a taste of the money and attention adult entertainment brings, but...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Step mom

Hi everybody iam harshini and iam 30 yrs old now. Iam married and have no kids. My hubby is now in gulf for the past 3 yrs. Tks for all your comment on my previous two story. I really love enjoying reading this mail in my mail box I was 24 years old when i started having an intimate relationship With my step mom. We are a middle class bengali family. My step mom Was married at the age of 21 to my dad 46. She had given birth to a Boy just a few months before it started. It was the baby...

1 year ago
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Love Solid as an Oak

"There is unrest in the forest, there is trouble with the trees..." Getty Lee, The Trees, RUSH Hemispheres She was coming home... It could feel her drawing nearer, her unique self shining out towards home, drawing nearer and soon to be in the house again, her own special voice calling out to her parents, but luck of all luck, they had had to leave unexpectedly, and it had her all to itself for the time she spent here, even if just one night... It could not fail now, it had to be...

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Cara Kirkpatrick Child Lawyer Part 2 Surprising Sleepover with Slut Preteen Niece

Introduction: I shilfed to thrird person for this one…more latitude to make things happen. Enjoy Devoting oneself to the law is a choice few women make at an early age. But Cara Kirkpatrick did did straight out of college when she graduated summa cum laude from an Ivy League college. Cara is a statuesque 57, so that her 127-lbs. are not skinny. She wears her deep brown hair short and curly, and dresses for business tight leather skirts and low cut blouses that show off her ample tits. If she...

1 year ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 38

The President went through her morning routine of struggling, with Steve's help, to get washed and dressed, while listening to the news to find out the latest developments in the world before starting to read her daily briefing reports. In those, she read about more terrorism throughout southern Europe, especially in Greece, Italy and Spain. Troop buildups were continuing in Germany, Turkey and southern Saudi Arabia. Iranian backed troops were moving from their meeting points in Azerbaijan,...

2 years ago
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Little Plain Elaine

Description: Little plain-faced Elaine goes unnoticed by the boys although she’s desperate for sex! She ropes in her brother James for some action but it takes dear ‘ole dad to really sort young Elaine out! Our daughter Elaine had been a rather plain skinny girl through childhood but then her looks vaguely began to blossom when at fourteen she had some sexy curves; small breasts onto which her fair hair fell, but she was still plain faced and childlike. My interest in her was triggered. Her...

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Lust God

Deities. They exist! ‘Tis true enough! You see, once upon a time, it was common knowledge to mankind that there were several deities. Greeks knew it. So did the Romans. And the Egyptians. And so on and so forth. For some unknown reason, most of these deities were forgotten. The reason for that may be many, and it’s not for us to discuss. What IS important is the fact that some of these deities would, from time to time, allow one of their offspring to walk among humans, probably as a way to...

4 years ago
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Surviving 3Chapter 5 Scotts vision

Having given orders as to what to do with Murdoch's body, Scott at last took the time to go and investigate what had happened to his tent and the few meagre things he had managed to bring back from the twenty-first century. He walked behind the shell of his former home and could see immediately that something was out of the ordinary here. For a start the little stand of trees was still there, unusual given the fact that everything else had burned fiercely. He walked forward quickly now, a...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kira Perez Doin8217 The Fiesta With My Stepdad

I (Filthy Rich) fucking hate it when plans fall through. When the guys cancel our plans on Cinco De Mayo, I’m left home alone twiddling my thumbs, plus my wife – whom I’m in the dog house with… is out with the girls having her own party. But my luck all changes when my incredible Latina stepdaughter Kira Perez changes her plans just to cheer me up and put a ‘smile’ on my face. I did my best to put up a little protest, but she’s all dressed up in a...

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HussiePass Paisley Paige That Dick Is So Fucking Good

Vietnamese spinner Paisley Paige ? makes her return to Hussie?Pass today and we paired her (and her new boobies) up with 18-year-old big dick phenom Damion Dayski for this week’s update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ??? Paisley shows off her new breasts and gets her juices flowing by fucking herself with a big blue rubber dong. In steps Damion with some lube ? for Paisley’s big titties and cute little ass. Paisley then gets on her knees for her first...

2 years ago
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The UpgradeChapter 11

I snuck up behind her in the office; Shirly was right behind me, knowing what I had planned, and wanting to participate. “Everything OK, hon?” I asked Jane. “Yes, Sir. Master, the implant didn’t come out. She said it was almost gone and it would be better not to cut it out. Julie or I probably mentioned that before, but I didn’t buy any condoms, and I don’t think I will. Sir, I have another question. A very serious one. Am I still your lawyer?” “You are one of my lawyers. I have three,...

3 years ago
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The Last Resort Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - The Dorm Part 4 "Ah yes," Joy beamed, "the clothes... Let me start with what you don't see. One might understandably expect to a few maid's uniforms hanging there, and perhaps some frilly, petticoated little-girl dresses, just dripping with ribbons and bows. Well rest assured we have plenty of both, but we keep them in Central Costuming. If such an outfit is in the daily plan for a sissy, they are to report to and be fully outfitted there. The clothes you see bulging...

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Punished by daddy

100% fiction! I never really knew my dad when I was growing up. He was in the military and I was sent away to boarding school so it was only on very rare occasions that we were both at home at the same time. I remember him being a very strict disciplinarian, even with my mum but I didn’t realize just how much discipline he liked. “I like your father being strict” was all my mum would say. After my mum’s funeral dad lived alone in the family home and I lived alone in my house several miles away...

3 years ago
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Satisfaction for both

We walk into your bedroom; you are holding my hand guiding me through the door. Once we are in, you turn around to me and we kiss, our tongues playing.You casually ask me, “What do you want?”I say, “You know what I want” and you smile and give me another kiss. We walk towards the bed while taking off are clothes until we are completely naked. You push me on my back on the bed and get on top of me and we begin to kiss again. You start getting lower, kissing my chest, going down until you reach...

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Brother And Sister Love

By: Vivek988606 Dear all, hi, my name is Vivek and I am from Hyderabad. I am a big fan of ISS especially the Incest part as I like incest. Every day I read stories and I chat with incest people. Which gave me the coverage Today to write my first story of my life please ignore if you find any spelling mistakes are grammar mistakes. I am 24 working in one of the software companies in Hyderabad with good salary. We are 4 people in our family. My dad, Mom, sis and me, this story is about me and...

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Becoming his slut wife

“Are you sure about this?” I ask my husband for the millionth time, afraid that we're stepping over a line that will forever ruin us. Certain lines can’t be uncrossed once they’ve been crossed. “Yes I am, I want to see my slut wife in real action,” he whispers hotly in my ear, nibbling it for emphasis, a sure sign he’s aroused. I remember it well, that night when we’d had a bit too much to drink. It had been our twelfth anniversary. I don’t know who’d initiated it, but we had started...

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You me and all our children

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

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Turning Some Heads

John kept thinking about his luck as he clutched the shiny gray gun in his hand. One day the nondescript box containing the gun and a short message appeared in his post box. "You've been given this gun to do with what you wish. We wish you luck." At first John dismissed it as just a toy and a simple prank, considering how much like it looked like of those space guns one would find in the kids' section of any store. However, John pulled the trigger for fun's sake and was taken aback by the beam...

Mind Control
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Pleasuring a Granny Ch 2

. Date: 11th December 1965. (A date I shall never forget) I came home from work to find Granny and my mother, whom I shall refer to as Pat from here on in, setting the table for dinner. This was a surprise, as I had no idea that she was even in the country. After the meal, and usual chit chat that goes with visits, Granny said that she had to get us all 'on the same page', so we settled down in what she liked to call the 'drawing room' and I call a living room, then all was...

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Warmth of a Mid Autumn Night Ch 2332

Chapter 23 ==== Day of Knots in My Stomach As I sit in the guest room arranging the paper work to discuss later with Nigel, my stomach was in a knot thinking of how the lunch with Gracie later on could turn out less than pleasant. I only hope that the meeting with Nigel goes smoothly. ‘Mr. Nigel, Sir.’ ‘Hello, Nigel. Come and have a seat.’ ‘Thank you, Mr. Devoncaster.’ ‘Let us get right down to business. I would like Miss Sidney-Haldonot to be the writer for our magazine in the Waldenleigh...

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03mins 43secs

Another Friday night out with the girls. They meet once a month at the same restaurant. And have been, for close to seven years. As much as Layla loved her friends and enjoyed their company, something was different that night. More accurately, something was different in her that night. She couldn't pin point exactly what had been stirred in her. But, she liked it. She felt bold, in control of her body and mind, and, horny. So fucking horny. It had been too long since she had been properly...

Straight Sex
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The Male Beauty Pageant

The Male Beauty Pageant By Sheila Anne Morgan My wife Julie and I had just moved into this new gated community. We had been married for two years since graduating from college. Julie is a pharmaceutical sales person and I do proofreading and editing of technical manuals from home. Several weeks after we moved in, Julie found out from some of the women that the community held a male beauty pageant and auction every year....

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 18 Dazed and Confused

December 1977 I saw Jennifer at school, and she seemed much happier. Others noticed as well. Only she and I, and Melanie, who was at the High School, knew why. Jennifer and I had agreed before I left her house that there would be no outward signs of affection in public. As far as anyone knew, nothing had changed. I hoped I could keep my end of that bargain. But if I could get a repeat of Sunday, I’d pretty much agree to anything. I had pulled it off with Melanie, and nobody except Larry and...

4 years ago
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A Christmas tale The fourth

A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from...

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Start Of Incest Journey With Shalini Didi Part 8211 6

To all the readers and friends who read my previous posts, thank you all for your valuable and positive feedback and suggestions, I really feel glad to go through your mails/messages with all the suggestions, advice and recommendations. It encourages me as well as helps me a lot to improve my ways of expression and writing. In the previous part I explained how I and aunty were getting into steamy action and how at the very wrong time, we both were interrupted by Shalini didi. When Shalini came...

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Sinners Sanctum

(Author's note: I have given Jeanne a new look. A story on that will follow later.) The red Panoz Roadster sports car made its way up the winding road leading to the Sanctum of Souls monastery. Inside were two women, dresses suspiciously conservative if you knew them better. Driving the car was an energetic redhead with a smile on her face with a smile on her face constituent of both smugness and excessive joy. Her red hair was frizzy and not well kept, and she was wearing a black...

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CLEANING TIMESo how does one get "clean" inside to perform an anal masturbation/sex event? Why not get "clean" and have fun doing it? Go to your local automotive care area of your local store and get a large car wash sponge. Now here's the challenge; in the shower, get your sponge all loaded up with some mild body soap and then go to work at trying to shove one end of it into your ass. Its hard to get started if you are not used to playing with your self. But once you get one end inserted then...

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One Night in the Library

I locked the library door and turned off all but the security lights. The rest of the library’s staff had gone home and the library itself would be closed until Monday. That left me alone with the building all to myself. No one would even know I was there.Returning to my office, I retrieved the key to the rare books room in the library basement. One of the privileges of being the Public Services Librarian was control of that key. Really, there wasn’t much of extreme value in there but someone...


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