Heaven Waiting
- 2 years ago
- 22
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The smell of bacon roused Finch from sleep. It was light outside, and he shielded his eyes as the sun shined through the bare window. Logan was already gone from the bed they'd shared the previous night, so Finch took his time rising, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.
His underwear had a large, wet, sticky spot in the front, and pulling them away from his skin revealed a load of semen within. Finch was puzzled. He'd had a wet dream or two in his life, but he masturbated so frequently that it hadn't happened in years. He tried to recall what his dreams had been. Lauren's face, her bush, flashed in his head, and Finch was pretty sure it must have involved his sister.
Finch was becoming a bit obsessed, and even at fifteen, he recognized it. He knew enough about the way people reacted to incest to worry that he'd go to far, but he couldn't help it. The fear and fright they'd been through, the closeness of Lauren, it left him wanting to be even closer to her.
And she was very sexy. He could still see her dark, hairy pubes, the way her fingers twirled through her wet pussy. His penis started to rise at the thought.
Finch shook himself and stood, found the rest of his clothes nearby. With a shrug, he slipped his pants on over his cum-filled underwear and finished dressing. It wouldn't be the first time he walked around with semen in his pants.
The smell of bacon also roused Lauren. She stretched and yawned, felt better than she had in days. No one was hurrying her off from some terrible situation, no brothers pushed against her to confuse her raging hormones. Or so she thought.
Lauren's arm fell against a warm body and she pulled it back, pushed down the covers, revealing Logan, the boy completely naked, snoring softly. When had he come in? Lauren watched him a moment. The fourteen-year old had grown a lot in the past year. She was having a hard time thinking of him as a little boy. Even his penis had grown, though still small.
Her eyes were drawn to where his small cock sat limp above his balls, tufts of dark hair above his shaft. She smiled for no reason at all as she watched him breathing lightly. Lauren was both amused and turned on by the way Logan's dick seemed to pulse with each heartbeat. It started to harden while she stared at it, and within seconds, the boy's small dick stood straight up, the uncut foreskin letting her see only the very tip and opening of the head.
Logan's cock pulsed again, and Lauren could see fluid forming a bubble in the opening. Another pulse and the fluid bubble grew larger, threatening to spill over. Lauren's body was excited, tingling. It aroused her to see her brother's cock drooling precum. On instinct, she leaned over him carefully, flicked her tongue across the tip and gathered the thin, clear fluid into her mouth.
It tasted sweet, a touch salty. Lauren let it play on her tongue darting back for a second taste. I just tasted my brother's precum! She eased back, suddenly unsure of herself. Logan slept, his penis still hard, a drop of precum reformed at the tip of his cock. She let herself have one last taste. She took his dick into her mouth, just the first inch or so, and very lightly sucked a large drop of precum onto her tongue.
He tasted salty but clean, warm and meaty. Lauren had enjoyed sucking Lance's penis, but there was a special, deeper thrill to having her fourteen-year old brother's flesh in her mouth. She paused only a moment, not wishing to be caught, certainly conflicted about what she was doing. The sensation of Logan's cock in her mouth stayed with her as she let the taste of him linger on her tongue and dressed slowly, staring at his naked body. Before she left the room, she covered him again with the sheets and kissed his cheek.
"He's not going to be happy to hear from me, Holly. You know how ... that went. He hates you, too, if you recall." The sisters sat sipping coffee on the upper floor of the two-story tower as the sun blasted down on a cloudless morning. The heat of the day was mitigated by the conditioned air which streamed in. Looking out at the featureless sand, Gene couldn't help wondering how anyone could spend more than a few minutes staring out at the desert without feeling a strange mix of isolation and claustrophobia.
"Hates is such a strong word."
"You know what I mean. I betrayed his trust and he'll never forgive me."
Holly shrugged. "What choice do we have? Gene's head is clearly fucked, no offense."
Gene gave her a nod, acknowledging the truth.
Holly continued, "he can't even think about it without the block causing him pain. What choice do we have?"
Anna let out a long breath and nodded. "I know. I'll reach out and see if I can find him. Don't expect it to be easy to get him to come out here. Seem to recall he had a passionate dislike for sand..." The sisters looked at each other a moment before Anna stood and disappeared down the small staircase.
"Care to fill me in? What's happening next?" Gene had joined them in the middle of the conversation.
"Gonna try to contact a guy we know, Lee Lee."
"Two words, Korean guy, not his real name, but he seemed to like people puzzling over why he was called that, kinda like calling someone 'Jones Jones' in the US, I suppose."
"And he's ... able to work with me?"
"Best I know. Well, best I know who isn't the Mantis, and believe me, we aren't calling that monster. Lee was a neurologist before joining M1 and then going indy. Heavy into cutting edge suggestion techniques. Not cruel like the Mantis, but if we needed someone fucked with, he was the guy."
Gene thought on that a moment, tried not to be swallowed up every time he glanced out over the glowing desert. "Why does he hate you?"
Holly shrugged, "Hate is such a strong word."
"He was in love with Anna a couple years ago, thought she was in love with him ... He ... caught us, me and Anna. We were on a beach in Indonesia, doing what Anna and I do ... and he caught us, flipped out, thought he was going to kill us."
"Right? He'd never been a beach person before that, and after ... well, rumor was that he refused to take any job that involved sand. Don't know if he's let that go, but I doubt he's gotten over Anna. He hated me for ruining it."
Gene stared at his feet a moment. "How, uh ... how did you two start ... uh..."
"Fucking? You want to know how sisters started fucking each other?"
Holly giggled, ran her hand down Gene's leg. "Oh, Hon, my delicious pervert. That's a long story ... A long, hot story ... another time, ok? Need to get back to work. Promise, I'll tell you all the details."
Gene leaned back, tried to stop the way his penis threatened to rise, and followed Holly back down the steps and deeper into the bunker.
Tamara stood in the shower stall, washed her snatch with some of the water from the jug. It was the first time she really noticed how her pubes had grown in heavily. She hadn't shaved since before leaving home, and the growth had irritated her a bit. Her fingers flicked along her labia and she slipped one inside, drew it out sticky and wet, the remains of Hannigan's load. It had been inside her vagina all night.
She was growing fond of the man. Tamara knew that wasn't allowed. Fucking people was fine, becoming romantically attracted to them broke her agreement with Gene. She shrugged, accepted that a lot of rules had been broken. All she wanted was to hold Gene again, knew everything would work out if she could have only that.
Hannigan had gone out earlier, trying to make contact with the woman he knew. He had no address or number for her, but had told her that there was a way to let her know he needed her help.
The man returned just as Tamara was sliding her panties up. He called to her from the entrance and she yanked up her pants and slid a shirt over her braless tits. He held a couple of bags in his hands, spread the contents onto a small table.
"Filched some pastries, milk, and juice. No coffee, sorry, but I did find some tea bags. Care to fire up some water?" He bit into a small tart, continued as she put a small pan of water over the gas heater. "Left the mark for Hilda, hope she still monitors those sorts of things."
"What kind of mark?"
"A mark left on a curb. She's never been easy to contact, mostly tries to stay off the radar, but she's helped me once before, and I'm hoping she's still in Belgrade. I'll check back later to see if she left a mark of her own telling me where to meet her."
Tamara swallowed her second tart and several gulps of milk. "So we wait?"
"For now. I think we need to give her a couple of days before we give up. Too long and we risk being found. Today, though, I think we're ok. If anyone followed us, they'd already be here."
"And what if she doesn't respond?"
Hannigan was silent a moment. "We stick to the original plan. Try to get to Afghanistan."
"We have no money and a car which probably won't make it up the next hill. Doesn't sound encouraging."
"True. Still, we're resourceful. I found us breakfast without paying for it, we'll figure something out."
Tamara sighed, finally feeling full for the first time in days. Waiting was never easy, but at least she had company. The water was boiling and before long they had settled together on a dusty couch, sipping tea and taking comfort in each other's presence.
The bacon had been fantastic, and the rest of the copious breakfast laid out on the table had filled Logan's stomach for the first time in forever. He felt great that morning, better than ever. He'd woken from dreams of his sister, her soft pubic patch under his fingers. Logan eyed her, saw her glance his way a few times then look away. Maybe she had the same dream!
His penis was still hard, had been since he'd woken up. The fourteen-year old wanted badly to pull it out and stroke it for Lauren. He thought she'd like that.
Henderson strode in and kissed his wife, two teens following him, both wearing pajamas and sleepy grins. "Everyone, these are my children. Hannah and Georges, meet Lauren, Finch, and Logan. They're going to be staying here a while, please help them adjust."
Logan thought Hannah was just beautiful. The girl was older than him, maybe Lauren's age, and quite tall. Her dark-brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and hung down almost to where her bubble butt pushed out the loose pajama bottoms. She smiled at them and said 'hello', as did her brother.
Logan wondered how much she might enjoy him pulling out his penis and masturbating for her. The fourteen-year was confident that she would like that very much, indeed.
Hannah and Georges sat at the table while Henderson and Juliana excused themselves. Lauren thought the siblings looked a great deal alike, couldn't help noting that, despite Georges' shorter hair, the two were nearly identical. The boy leaned over the table, asked politely, "so, how did you end up here?"
Lauren didn't know where to start. Henderson saved her by returning just then and giving a very sterile account of the flight which led the trio to be sheltered on his farm.
Hannah said, "so, you're sixteen. We're fifteen."
Lauren understood suddenly, "oh, you're twins, then?"
Hannah nodded, "so Dad says. Not identical, not everywhere, as I'm sure you can tell." There was a decided humor in her statement.
Henderson shook his head, "kids," he said lightly. "Anyway, you two give them a tour of the grounds, show them what chores are needed, and please, please help them get comfortable. They've had a very rough couple of weeks."
"Sure, Dad. Should be fun to have some new friends around." Georges smiled at Lauren and she returned the expression. There seemed to be more than just friendship in that look, and Lauren blushed, suddenly feeling a little shy as the tall, mousy-haired boy kept her gaze just a little longer than necessary.
Gene had met each of the small contingent of agents still manning the Oasis years after Holly's father had died, and none of them stuck out as terribly interesting or unstable, at least on the first pass-through.
It made no sense to him that they would have continued to operate without a leader. It made less sense that they would have turned over control to the sisters the instant they showed up. Red flags, to be sure, but he admitted understanding very little about the world Holly and Anna had worked in all their lives.
He was seated along the edge of a large room filled with computers and whirling electronic equipment. During the briefing, he'd learned that Oasis operated several satellites and had hacked almost every net in the world. They had fingers on the pulse of all the major players and every state worth monitoring. The software they'd developed was light years beyond what even the CIA and M1 used to analyze and track information.
What they lacked, however, was enough manpower to do something with it. They could generate years worth of data in just minutes, and it sat idle in databases which would probably never be properly analyzed.
One thing they were sure of, however, was that Gene was the key to something. Too many of the power brokers were doing their best to find him. Some wanted him dead, some, like M1, wanted what was in his head first.
They'd been tracked as far as Tunisia, but so far, it seems they'd shaken the pursuit. Anna was certain it was just a matter of time, but for the moment, they appeared to be safe staying put in the middle of tens of thousands of square miles of desert.
Anna plopped down beside him and leaned her head on his shoulder. It was clearly an unfamiliar action, the more serious older sister's body seem to not know how to sink into his body. She pulled up and instead sat straight, no longer touching Gene. What brought on that moment of attempted affection, Gene had no idea.
"He got the message but hasn't responded yet." 'He' meant Lee, Gene knew. "You know, there are few things I'm sorry about in my life, very few. But, despite the way things happened, I ... I cared for him. Hated to break his heart like that."
"Hmm..." Gene had nothing to offer, marveled at the fact that Anna was offering a very rare glimpse into her emotional life.
"Anyway, he's the best. He'll come through, just might take a bit work to get him to commit. Might have to go to him."
"Where is he?"
"Who knows? All I know is that he received the message. The tracer bit confirmed it. Beyond that ... no idea. He used to operate out of a suburb of Seoul, but I don't know if he's still there." Anna had stiffened over the preceding moments, looked more like her serious self again.
"Anna, what can I do here? Everyone else is busy. I'm just taking up resources and waisting time."
She looked at him a moment, flat look on her face. "Follow me."
Gene walked behind her as they left the computer room and slid down a hallway to an unmarked door most of the way down. Anna opened it and closed it again once they were inside.
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The next morning I listened to my lone message, it was from my mom, and then sat sipping my coffee. I spent the early afternoon running errands and picking up groceries for the week. I didn't even approach my computer to see if Cole was on-line where we first met or even whether he had sent me an IM. I decided that I probably wouldn't hear from him. He told me he would be working so I shouldn't torture myself by checking. Besides, I wasn't that type of girl and wasn't about to become...
This has taken me longer to write than I thought, mainly because it kept getting longer. Hope you like. All participants over eighteen (well over in one case!) — I was stood in front of the little dustcart, watching some of the participants of the ‘walk for life’ as they walked around. The ‘walk for life’ was a twenty-four hour charity thing and the council had donated the use of the little dustcart to keep the site tidy without charge to provide support. Several of us had volunteered to crew...
Introduction: This is the first story Ive ever written so give me your honest opinions and tips Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it. I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself and scratching behind my ears I thought, Ooooh, its driving me crazy just thinking about it! as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite paw-hands wondered to my high,...
Finally! So close to being with him! All alone for as long as we pleased. She can imagine how this will turn out an she REALLY likes it. I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself, ooooh, its driving her crazy just thinking about it! as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite hands wondered to my high, perky, firm, round tits around a C1/2-cup, fondling them and pinching my nipples gently. My hands then betrayed me and started slowly...
I wait every day for her to go by. She never fails. She runs her run and always in the same places. I hide behind a tree, or in the bushes and watch as she goes by. She runs without style, but it just causes her breasts to bounce up and down inside her tight top. She never wears a bra and I can see her long, thick nipples as they strain against the thin material. I am already hard when she comes into view. I dip my hand into my loose shorts and feel the greasy pre-cum ooze onto my fingers....
We had taken a little vacation at Barbados.On the second night, after having a delicious meal for dinner in the hotel’s lobby, we went back to our room. Anita then got kinky and she told me that she was in the mood for something naughty. She wanted me to tie her up the bed and go away for a while; later I would sneak back and fuck her…So Anita got naked, just wearing a pair of sexy heeled sandals.She lay onto the bed and I tied her wrists to the bed poles and her, ankles to the bottom. I looked...
She climbs from the cab and as it drives off, stands swaying with fatigue. She is a pretty girl with long full brown hair, an exception of stillness in the crazy yellow of the street lights, in the shifting shadows and glares from headlights, in the din of engines, tires and horns. Three bicyclists barrel down the sidewalk shouting at her for standing so stupidly. Pedestrians hurry by, nearly shouting to be heard, their words harsh and foreign. The humid heat pulses about her, she shivers from...
The three of us were sitting down at the closest table to the pool table. I was absently staring at the band when I saw her out of the corner of my eye. This was exactly how I had imagined it being. She realised that she had been set up and immediately departed. The question was, would I be able to catch her before she unlocked her car and drove away? There was no time to contemplate. The band was playing ACDC’s cover of Highway to Hell. An Australian prodigy. Bob and Sam had remained seated at...
LesbianReaders are requesting for new love stories. They welcomed the story “Shweta : A Beggar Woman” ( Link : http://tinyurl.com/ob8nz2s ) wholeheartedly. Many readers asked for part two of Shweta : A Beggar Woman. It will take some time, till than enjoy this beautiful incident. When I was first transferred to Surat few years back, I was feeling lonely in Surat. I was given top position in the branch. I had a small apartment of my distant uncle Vasantbhai staying in USA which was vacant. They wanted...
“NO!!!” I blurted aloud, accidentally, as I sat straight up and jerked my hands away from myself, planting them on the bed to either side of me. "Can't cum until she gets here. She would not be pleased." I mumbled as my eyes wandered to my closet. "But teasing wouldn't be all bad. Be good and wet for her. That would please her very well." I thought as I headed over to the closet, tail high up just as she liked it, careful not to trip on my chain, and glanced at the clock and sighed,...
Dusk settled over the trees, and she watched the gravel driveway from the big bay window, waiting. He had given an estimated arrival of late evening, and as darkness fell, the moon rose above the horizon… she paced the floor, listening to music on a very expensive stereo system – speakers were positioned inconspicuously about the house for the ultimate in environmental sound control. She had an interesting collection of compact discs – all specially selected to enhance a relaxing, mood-altering...
I started this as a means to get to another idea I have, but I got so into the intro, I thought it worked as a story on it’s own. I will post this and then post it again with my original ending so you can make up your own mind. I walked through the door, following your instructions to the letter. I sat on the chair you had left in the middle of the room, put the mask over my eyes shutting out the light. The chair was wooden, with a spindle back which lowered and came round the sides to make 2...
I’m sitting on the couch impatiently looking at the clock waiting on her arrival. ‘God, she better hurry up!’ I mumble to myself. As if on cue, the doorbell rings and I get off the couch to cross over to the front door and open it with a flourish.’Finally! It’s about time you got here, you are late and that is unacceptable!’ I tell her as I turn to the side, allowing her entrance. She just stands there in sort of a trance, taking in me and what I’m wearing. Or better yet, what little I am,...
He sat, waiting. Nervously, he glanced around the room. Another hotel, chosen for its vagueness, and its un-remarkability. It was cheap, and yet sufficient, A bed, a desk, a small room with a shower. The carpet was a faded blue, the walls an old cream. Sitting on the edge of the bed, his fingers rested on the stale fabric of the quilt. Silence, and yet more silence. His heart hammered. His head full of doubts and fears. What if she didn’t come? What if it had all been a mistake? Over and...
This is my first story so feel free to modify and please comment.She was woken with a stiff tongue between her legs...teasing, probing, asking."Let me pleasure you."Emma laid back and opened her legs further, more than happy to let Neil probe further to tease her and drive her wild. Neil played and sucked until Emma was writhing on the end of his tongue. When she was so close to coming and he was sure she was begging, he stood up, got dressed and left for work.Ten minutes later as she was...
Oral SexSo now I’ve caught up with most of my friends. What are my parents planning for my birthday, anyway? To say Deidre wasn’t interested in anything remotely sexual was an understatement. Chrissy had come over with a group of girls and guys. Chrissy and two girls I know changed into just barely-there bikinis that gave a hint at the shape of the dark nipples and hairy muff if they hadn’t shaved bald. The other girls had on a one-piece. I could see tan lines on two girls, and they wore a bikini...
Dawn let the hot water run down her body."mmmm" she moaned and finished rinsing the water out of her hair. Once she knew it was all out she turned off the water and reached for the towel that was on the sink. She dried herself off, wiped the mirror off and looked at herself naked. "I have a nice body if i do say so myself.." it was true she did.. 5'10 with red shoulder lengh hair (dyed and had big ass and a flat tummy. Dawn opened the bathroom door and ran right into her roomate Alex. Alex had...
LesbianThe phone didn’t ring. Susan wavered back and forth between staring at the phone and staring away. She remembered her mother always told her, ‘A watched pot will never boil.’ Susan wondered if that cliche’ went for telephones or even lives. Her house looked different, hell, it was different. Black cars were parked all around it and inside there was a murmur of activity, nothing like daily life, more like an undercurrent. Voices were muted, conversations stopped as she approached, smiles were...
She waited for him by the door . When the knob began to turn she became so excited it started her gooey juices flowing. For she loved him with all her heart and he her, the same. As the door opened and he entered with a smile she leaned in for a passionate kiss. Pulling him closer so she can take in his scent. She's craved this moment all day. And he's waits for this minute. She whispers into his ear.... I love you to the moon. His eyes light up. She grabs his right hand and squeezes as if to...
I buried myself into the housework. Now that I had a mission to accomplish, and I was in the privacy of my own home without anyone else around, it didn’t even occur to me that I was dressed in women’s attire. It wasn’t that I forgotten about it, but it was simply not top of mind. I had a few hours to get things done and then disappear to the office so that my wife could have some alone time with Prem to explain that she was moving back in with me, her husband. My first task was to start the...
well it all started on a dating site over three years ago i started talking to this lovely small curvy brown haired woman.we got a long for a good while swapped numbers chatted and really had the urge to meet up.how ever that never happened as i lost her number through my phone being lost.one night i went back onto the sight and next thing i get this inbox message and who is it only this sexy fucker that i had lost contact with ..so stright away i sent her my number and we rang there and then i...
I woke up to that familar tingling feeling, I squeezed my legs together I was already wet. I know you left already I heard the door earlier. You must have been touching me. My lips tasted of dry precum. I wondered if you relieved yourself to me sleeping or if you were doing this on purpose. Yesterday you forbidden me to touch myself. Only your hands were allowed there, only your tongue, only your cock. I got up and started cleaning but I couldn't get the thought of you naked touching my breasts...
Hi Indian sex stories readers this is Bichu from Kerala with my own experience with my elder cousin sister. This is my first story so please ignore the mistakes. Girls and aunties contact me at … I think I can help you in making you happy.. I am 21 years old now currently doing b tech 4th year,my sister Jenni is now 26 years old she is married to an engineer 2 years back and now mother of a boy. She is not a perfect sex bong but she is cute and attractive. Now coming to the story This story...
IncestJessica was a slim, attractive black girl. Even at 18 she was starting to become a woman and already had firm C-cup breasts with long nipples that pointed straight forward. Her skin was smooth and the color of milk chocolate. She kept her hair straight and shoulder length. She and her brother and mother had always gotten along well. Their father had left years ago. They lived in a large apartment complex in the city. There must have been 200 apartments. That evening while their...
we meet, across the room, drawn to each other, that glint in playful eyes means no words are even spoken..... herein lies a possible fantasy that ive never experienced.... how far have you gone with someone without ever even the utterance of a single word beforehand? even a complete stranger? never met? never conversed? no sounds uttered, just total eye-communication with lips only used to playfully smile, never emitting a sound, until later? .... as the actions all speak louder..... when the 2...