An ClochánChapter 47 free porn video

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It was the morning of day 4416 AT (Ananu Time) when a group of 16 cruisers crossed the heliosphere boundary into Celia system. They were 2 lh (light hours) past the boundary when the Durale Task Group Commander began to relax. Their risk assessment during mission planning had indicated that this was the most difficult aspect of this mission. Even with their successful entry into the system he still had some concerns about the plans for the attack.

Several days earlier they had accelerated to 22,600 km/s on a vector that would bring them within 1 light hour of the Órarduine’s ships. Now that they were inside the heliosphere they had adjusted their vector and then reduced or shut down all functions to a bare minimum. They knew from experience that by minimizing energy use they made it very hard for anyone to distinguish them from typical space rocks. Based on their intelligence this greatly increased their chances getting near enough to the Órarduine, but made life very difficult for those on the ships. In this configuration communication between ships was limited to modulated laser.

The initial plan was conceived by the Durale headquarters staff, and had them entering cloaked and at a higher velocity. When the Commander learnt that the Órarduine had detected cloaked Iridien Spec Ops ships he had decided to enter this way, even though it increased the time to reach their targets. Their path followed that of a large asteroid moving through the system. He thought that this gave them an advantage because there was significant number of smaller rocks following the asteroid. If the Órarduine’s automated detection system saw them, the response would likely be attributed to just another rock. However, their velocity was considerably higher than the rocks, so they had to shift their path very carefully to avoid them without significant emissions. In some respects it was a huge risk as some rocks had a mass significantly larger than their ships.

With their first hurdle behind them, the Durale Commander asked the other ships, “Have you detected any change in their activities?”

“No, sir,” replied each.

“Excellent. Maintain a constant watch on passive scanners. Monitor each other’s emissions and let them know what you find.”

“Yes, sir,” replied each one.

He then said to the Exec, “You have the bridge. Alert me if anything changes.”

“Yes, sir,” replied the Exec with a smile.

Seeing the smile he added, “Focus on our mission objectives, there won’t be any prisoners so there will be no fresh meat on the dining table.”

“Yes, sir. I understand sir, but it is a tantalizing thought, based on the images we’ve seen of them.”

The Commander left the bridge with a frown as he wondered how many other crew members were thinking the same thing. From his perspective, the probability of this attack successfully destroying all the Órarduine was very slim. Although he intended to rest, by the time he reached his quarters he decided to review their plan again.

If it hadn’t been for their agent in the Iridien section of the Alliance of Worlds headquarters, they wouldn’t know the location of these animals. Since their leaders learnt of the location so quickly after their disaster in Sol system, they saw it as an opportunity for revenge and relegated any perceived risks as being insignificant. He had been at their primary base when the loss of their ships accompanying the Alliance of World Task Group became known. Based on the sketchy details he was able to discover, it seemed to him that their Commander had made several errors. He thought that it would be very helpful to know more about these animals’ capabilities rather than relying on reports from their spies. When he read them he thought that someone was playing a trick on him by providing him with fictional data. Their reconnaissance probes had provided them with current information on the Órarduine’s ships position, along with their location on the planet.

When they were 1 lh from their target they could begin the attack and be within missile range well before the animals realized that an attack was underway. Their plan called for them to launch all of their standard missiles. These would be followed by the nuclear armed missiles which had both proximity and time-delayed fusing. The goal was simply to explode them within, at most, a kilometer of the Órarduine ships, and over their settlement. By doing this the animals would die from either the explosion or the radiation exposure. Even if they survived, the multiple nuclear explosions would severely damage the biosphere, further hindering any attempt to settle the planet and their survival.

As he studied the images from his recon probes, he was again puzzled by the orientation of their spaceships as he couldn’t see any benefit in it. It was the same formation that intelligence indicated they had used in the other system. To him it opened several opportunities for a successful attack, which he planned to exploit. While his ships wouldn’t cloak until just before the attack, they would once they started toward their targets. He was certain that the Durale’s cloaking capability was much better than the Iridiens, which would allow them to get closer before their attack was discovered. If they were noticed before then, they had the IFF codes for Iridien Spec Ops ships. Using those should cause the Órarduine to hesitate, letting him get within optimum range before alarming them.

He then turned his attention to the attack on the planet. The missiles for that would be off-loaded prior to the attack. After being armed they would be given a small shove away from the ships in the general direction of the planet. Once armed their programming would cause them to head toward the planet just after the cruisers began their attack on the ships. The missiles initial vector would make it appear that they were headed toward the ships rather than the planet.

He yawned, and thought ‘time for some rest’. Looking at the clock he saw that it was now 264 hours until they would be in position to launch. He frowned, thinking of all the time that they would be waiting, watching and worrying. ‘Everyone is going to be very anxious by the time we begin preparing the missiles destined for the planet’, he thought, ‘all we need is one misstep and the surprise is gone’. As he lay down he chided himself for worrying. Before he closed his eyes he remembered that he needed to check with Astrogation to verify their vector.

On the bridge of Dóchas Sally said, “Maeve, you seem a little edgy today.”

“Yes, and I am not sure why. It is like I am anticipating an exciting event but don’t know what it is.”

“Well if you see or hear something that gives you a twitch, speak up, even if it is not a strong feeling.”

“Oh, I will.”

Joyce said, “It’s strange not having Sarah and Aoife here with us.”

“Yes it is,” replied Jill, “but I can feel them in our link.”

“Its strength doesn’t seem to have changed,” added Alison. “I thought it would.”

Judy said, “I agree. However, there is a lot we don’t understand about how our clan mind link is affected by distance-of-separation. We’ve gained some knowledge from the experiments by Molly’s and Jackie’s Clans and from those who went on the survey excursions. For some there appears to be differences while for others, they didn’t notice any difference. That could be because there is a difference in perspective since Molly’s and Jackie’s Clans were only looking at the effect of distance. The other aspects weren’t considered until we discussed it after they returned.”

“We hear you,” said Sarah and Aoife. “Your thoughts are clear but we know that you are quite a distance away.”

“Yea, like a little over 2 parsecs,” responded Joyce. “What’s cha been doing?”

“Looking over the data for those at An Clochán,” replied Aoife. “It is an interesting mix of people and circumstances.”

“How so?”

Before she could respond Lydia in Intelligence group said, “Command Staffs, our Sentinel ring has detected an anomaly. We want to set up a review with you, along with Security.”

“Aye,” replied the Command Staffs.

Rusty said, “Lydia, do you want to do this in person or by remote conference?”

“We would like some of you here as we think it will be easier. How about three hours from now as we are gathering more data? That would be 13:00 AT.”

“Fine,” replied the Command Staffs.

Aoife said, “Sounds like you are needed elsewhere.”

“We have some time before then,” replied Joyce. “Did you hear all of Judy’s comment?”

“Yes,” replied both.

Aoife said, “The situation we have now is a third variation. We are essentially sister clans and each clan is represented in the distant group. To Sarah and I, this seems the same as when we are physically together. Several of the others here are nodding that they agree with our perception.”

“So are you going to sit in on the meeting here?” asked Jill.

“I think some of us will,” responded Aoife. “We still have a lot of information to go over before we reach An Clochán.”

They chatted a bit more before Aoife said, “We need to get back to our task. You all take care.”

Those on Dóchas’ bridge said, “We will, and you all do the same.”

Janet said, “Judy, did that help your assessment?”

“I think so. I think I’ll talk to Connie and Betsy about tracking people’s perceptions more closely. A better understanding should help us with patients in the future. Now I need to go down to the clinic so I’ll see you in Intelligence in about 3 hours.”


“Good morning,” said Lydia when she saw the Command Staff representatives entering. “We are going to use the conference room.”

“For an anomaly you seem to have asked quite a few to attend, and seem pretty relaxed about it,” said Terry with a smile.

“Well, it’s that large asteroid that will just miss Ananu’s atmosphere. Some of the debris in its wake is exhibiting some odd properties.”

After the group had exchanged greetings Lydia said, “We’ve asked all of you here to review the data on the rocks following asteroid AXL1925. The asteroid will not come any closer to Ananu’s orbit than 100,000 km. This will occur in 230 hours, or a little less than 8 days, when it passes the planet. We are projecting that to happen shortly before we come out from behind the planet. Currently this places our formation no closer to it than 200,000 km, which can change.

“One oddity is the rocks following it. Amongst the debris are some significantly larger than our cruisers. It is for this reason that we have been monitoring them very closely. Fortunately this trail of debris comes no closer to us than AXL1925 does and is 15 degrees above Ananu’s ecliptic plane. A more recently discovered oddity is a distinct variation in the velocity of the rocks. Until yesterday we thought that the asteroid and those following it had a velocity of around 0.8 Sublight Factor. Since then the Sentinel ring data shows the presence of several objects among the debris moving at 8 Sublight Factor.

“Our first thought was that our Iridien Spec Ops friends were testing our sensors by entering the system with minimal systems operating. Recent spectra data indicates the objects as being refined metals with a composition similar to Iridien ships. Another interesting aspect is that they are in 4 groups of 4, and each has the same relative arrangement.

Rusty said, “Based on what you’ve described, it sounds like we have intruders.”

“That is our conclusion,” responded Shannon. “However, we thought we ought to go over the data together.”

Caitlyn of Keriann’s Clan said, “Engineering is considering harvesting some rocks when they get a little closer. As you’ve noted, some of them are fairly large so changing their vector and velocity will be quite a challenge.”

“Before we get into that,” interjected Danny of Shannon’s Clan, “let’s go a little deeper into what we know.”

Shannon added, “To us the question comes down to confirming what these high velocity objects are. If they are space ships, who are they, and what are their intentions?”

In reviewing the data it was noted that the Sentinel satellites had not detected any fast moving objects behind the asteroid until a few days after the asteroid’s tail passed through the heliosphere boundary.

When they had finished their review Molly said, “How close will this group of rocks come to us? Wait, that is not what I meant. Presuming the high velocity objects are ships, when would they be in position to launch an attack?”

“I am not sure what that distance would be, but presuming no changes in vector or velocity, they will be within 30 lm of us in 204 hours,” replied Shannon.

“If a surprise attack was launched from that point, it would be very difficult to respond effectively,” said Sally.

Katia of Kathryn’s Clan said, “Caitlyn indicated earlier that Engineering was interested in the rocks but that their size made them difficult to handle. So why not use them for target practice? Wouldn’t that reduce both their size and velocity?”

“Likely,” responded Claudette. “What did you have in mind?”

“Presuming the objects are manned ships, if we began breaking up rocks well out in front of them, for harvesting, it should draw their attention. It will also increase the number of rocks they have to dodge. To go along with the new debris we could release recon probes to check them out. Hopefully they wouldn’t realize our intent.”

Conan of Siobhan’s Clan said, “We would want to confront them before they are 2 lh from us. If I calculated correctly, this would be in about 5 days.”

“To summarize,” said Rusty, “Caitlyn will get with Engineering’s mining group and Sabrina to identify suitable targets. She will work with the other FOC’s to coordinate flights to begin breaking up rocks. After that has been underway for a few hours, Security will send recon probes, along with several teams actively monitoring them, to check out the unusual rocks.”

“As far as I am concerned,” added Maeve, “they are hostile intruders.”

Clarence said, “Okay, we will have two cruisers well within range ready to engage them at a moment’s notice.”

“Locked and loaded,” responded Maeve firmly. Her firmness caused several of her clan to smile.

Tiff started to speak but Joyce said, “I think Maeve’s found the reason she’s been edgy the last couple of days.” Her comment caused several raised eyebrows.

Clarence said, “Maybe four would be a better choice.”

“Everyone agree?” asked Rusty.

“Yes,” replied the group.

“Lydia, Shannon, Danny, nice work,” said Maeve.

Shannon said with a smile, “Thanks, I’ll pass your comment on to the rest of the group. We may even have some more tidbits by the time we get back from lunch.”

“Wow, is it that time already?”

It was a little over a day later that the Exec on the Durale ship said, “Commander, all ships are reporting that their sensors are showing an increase in the number of rocks in front of us.”


“They are indicating that the distribution of debris that we are threading our way though is changing. The number of objects is increasing, but the number of large objects appears to be decreasing. The vectors and velocities of the new objects differ from those we’ve been dodging so far.”

“Are we detecting any of their ships?”

“Yes. There seem to be quite a few, quite a distance in front of us. They seem to go back and forth from that point to the L5 position of the closest moon.”

“Well that seems to be a good indication that they don’t know we are here.”

“Propulsion is concerned. They aren’t sure we will have enough auxiliary power to continue dodging the denser debris field until we reach the attack point. Sensors are indicating that some debris is coming toward us, which means...”

“I know what it means,” snapped the Commander. “Tell all ships to optimize position to minimize contact with debris with minimum power use. Remind them that moving outside the debris zone will very likely result in being detected.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”

“Based on what we are seeing, they have apparently found some valuable minerals in the rocks.”

“That makes sense but why increase the number of rocks?”

“Breaking up the rocks reduces the effort required to move them to where they want them. If they are using explosives, then the velocity difference between us and some rocks has increased but the mass is lower. So the number of collisions will likely increase, but with a smaller mass less damage occurs with each impact. However, this could be worse than hitting a large rock. Their activity could also alter the density of the debris, in fact it probably has.”

“I am not familiar with space mining.”

“They have two issues to solve. The mass needs to be reduced to one they can handle. Then the velocity needs to be reduced, and the reduction depends on where you are moving it to. So the vector needs to be changed as well. While it can be very profitable, it is more dangerous than ... well, what we are doing.”

“I’d rather be flying a fighter in a fight than dodging these rocks.”

“Let me know of any more changes or odd events.”


It was 3 days after learning of the intruders that Shannon said, “Command Staffs, we have identified the intruders. Do you have a few moments to hear a summary?”


“They are definitely Durale. Their ships are very similar in appearance to those we know the Iridien Spec Ops use. Using that as a baseline, we believe that they are operating on auxiliary power. There isn’t any detectable RF so they are likely using modulated laser for communications. Each ship has eight missiles mounted externally, and based on their emissions they have nuclear warheads. Their course is unchanged although spacing has changed since the harvesting began. All the details are in the network folder.”

Brandan asked, “How certain are we that they are Durale?”

“Very certain, since we were able to intercept some of their communications.”

“What are you projecting as their strategy and target?”

“Their target is our ships and the settlement. We don’t know much about their combat techniques, so predicting strategy is difficult. Their path brings them close enough to attack either our ships or the planet. If it was us on their flight path we could easily reach a position that would give virtually no warning before we launched an attack. In fact the launch point is optimal for both the planet and our formation.”

Rusty said, “Briana, how close are you to confronting them?”

“We basically need an hour’s notice in order to initiate our plan. Once we start it will take about the same length of time before contact is made.”

“Okay. I believe we are in agreement. Initiate plan.”

“Aye,” replied the Command Staffs.

Terry said, “Sabrina, execute defense plan A4.”

“Aye. Star Fighter loads are primarily imploders.”

“Star, sound Readiness Level 2. Advise the crew to be careful as we don’t want to tip our hand.”


On the lead Durale cruiser a little over an hour later a crewman said, “Sir, we now show two groups of ships approaching. One is 15 degrees up and 20 degrees to port. The other is 10 degrees down and 20 degrees to starboard. 22 minutes ‘till they are in range.”

A crewman at the weapons console said, “Their weapon’s control is active and probing us.”

The Commander said, “All ships, activate systems. Initiate IFF transponder.”

Communications said, “Sir, they are attempting to contact us. I have the communication’s protocol if you wish to acknowledge.”

“What is it?”


“Open the link.”

“Yes, Sir.”

When it formed they heard Cathan say, “Your IFF codes are invalid. Identify yourselves visually and verbally.”

“Our codes are valid,” responded the Commander. “Now, get out of our way.”

“Reduce your velocity to null and prepare to be boarded.”

“Because of your harvesting there is too much debris to do that.”

“Then rise at 10 degrees for 5 minutes then reduce velocity to null.”

“Complying,” he responded trying to keep the smile from his voice. Since the Órarduine obviously knew of their presence, getting out of the debris field would in some ways make it easier for them to complete their mission. If this was all the defense they had, then they could launch their missiles at the main ships as they engaged these. In any case, their combined velocity would not give them much time to respond. He then told the Exec to issue the orders to comply.

Same as An Clochán
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This is not actually a fantasy. It is all true. I am not trying to boast. I was very lucky. At the age of twenty-two, I got a job in a city in the English Midlands working as a computer programmer for a large mail order company. I rented a small house near the centre of the city. It was at the end of a block of four and next to another block of four, separated by a pathway running through to the back yards. I moved in during the summer and met my neighbours. There was a young married couple...

Group Sex
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In Her GenesChapter 3 Restitution

A week later, David was in a normal hospital bed. The hairline fractures in his vertebrae were mending and a trainer was doing first cautious exercises with him. He had some feeling in his legs, but almost no control. Fortunately, he could mostly control his bladder and his bowel movements, but he was still wearing adult diapers. It was better than having a catheter. In his situation, David had to count his blessings. A few days ago, a suit from Melanie Renault's insurance had visited David...

3 years ago
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Betty Spanked Again

“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.” David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop. “I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped. I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed. “Give it to me” I demanded....

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine Lexi Luna Now Its A Party

Lexi Luna has been trying to get her husband Ryan Mclane to have a threesome. Ryan keeps turning her down, so Lexi gets craftier and craftier. Today she has decked herself out in a hot little bathing suit with plenty of suntan lotion oiling up her soft skin. She has Aubree Valentine, the new girl in town, come on over for a Fourth of July barbeque wearing a barely-there bikini since she just knows Ryan will love Aubree’s tits. Lexi waits until the last moment to tell Ryan that...

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Surprise party

“Hey perv, you beating off again”“Fuck off, and why don’t you knock” my sister had just walked into my bedroom without knocking, I slammed my lap top closed and quickly pulled the covers over my huge erection. I am a senior in college and she is just a freshman in high school.“You need a new girlfriend, save you having to get your self off”“I have a girlfriend, its just…..”“Its just she’s not putting out for you”“Well its her religion, you know, purity at marriage and all that”“Yeah so you...

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im going otuside.... I'm in a cafe, drinking tea while tears were streaming.more friend nemam.šta I will .. so alone and without anyone thought.And then I was approached by some guy said that Netrebam to cry because I know how lijepa.da osje?am.neznaš, I said, I lost prijatelje.oh .. God did it happen so nice to be leaking as you can , I have dogoodile and worse stuff but survived sam.hajde .. I know you know. how? and the hamster I read your story and I know all about tebi.raspitivaoa I can...

3 years ago
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He caught me in his wifes cloths

I do odd job's and I was about to do one for my wife's best friend Tina and her Husband Phillip. I went over and looked at the job. I told her it would take several days and that I could do the work while her and her husband were at work. That way I wouldn't be in anyones way. Well the first day of the job I showed up just before Tina left for work. Pillip was already gone. We chatted a while the she left for work. Tina is really very hot and I have wanted to fuck her for a long time. Sense i...

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Suck That Dick

Some guys like to have their cock sucked. Some guys like to suck cock. And then some guys .. like myself .. will take a hard dick down their throat or up their ass. It doesn’t matter if I have to spread my lips or my legs just so I get some dick! But this little story is about an acquaintance of mine .. Stan .. who liked to have his dick sucked .. and me .. Clayton the sissy .. who was always ready to suck on it. The relationship I had with Stan was based strictly on sex. No dinner dates....

4 years ago
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The Nightmare

Authors note: A short story I thought I'd write, heavily sex themed and transformative, not too dissimilar to any of the other works I write. Hopefully it's enjoyable. Please leave a review if you did enjoy it or have constructive criticism, or visit my Patreon at Peace! THE NIGHTMARE Jon had been having a lot of recurring nightmares lately. To the point whereby he'd not wanted to go to bed any more. It had gotten to the point...

3 years ago
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Geeky Dave Geeky Chris and Supermodel Morgan Chapter 3

As if on a timer, two days later Chris called for another role play date. She specifically told me to leave the ruler at home. She was actually still a little sore from it. When I arrived, she was already wearing the Catholic School Girl outfit. She told me we had "extra time" today because Morgan was in class for a few hours. I took off my clothes and was going to put on the cassock, which was laying on the chair, but Chris told me not to. Chris went into the bedroom and then...

2 years ago
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"Jacqueline Melissa Roberts!" my mom yelled. "You have about 5 seconds to get your ass to this table, or you're in BIG trouble!"I slithered through the labyrinth of chairs, presents, boxes, and miscellaneous debris in the living room and made my way to the table. "I'm in college now, Mom," I told her. "If you want me to keep visiting you on holidays, maybe you shouldn't yell at me."I was of course k**ding. Mom was just upset that no one else had shown up for Thanksgiving and taking it out on...

2 years ago
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This gentleman always keeps his promise

Note: I wrote this story with a lush friend, who said she gets off watching guys get off. From our emails, it was understood our meeting would not lead to intercourse. It took awhile for her to be assured I would be gentleman and would not try to have sex with her once we got our clothes off. I assured her again and again I would respect whatever limits she set. She was finally convinced when I told that I knew there wouldn’t be a next time if I deviated one iota from her limits. I wanted there...

3 years ago
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Andena the RebelChapter 15

Andena woke up with a start because someone was banging on her door. It was Joshua who shouted, “Wake up! You need to be ready in fifteen minutes.” Her head was pounding because of the loud noise and the direct command she had received from Joshua. She sat up in her bed and to her surprise she noticed that the text was still there in front of her eye. She recalled what had happened the previous night and decided to continue to flip through the text as fast as she could give the command. She...

3 years ago
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Summer Hire Ch 17

Back to the GrindMelissa scooted inside the door, putting her hand out behind her to ease the screen door shut, rather than letting it bang loudly against the door frame. She was drenched from the short walk across the entry courtyard. A summer thunderstorm was blowing sheets of rain through the screen door, drenching the rug and flagstones in the entry area.She looked around the room, embarrassed by both her late arrival and the soaking wet blouse that was transparently plastered across her...

4 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 8

I filled Penny in on our plans for the evening. School was more routine than we had expected. We only got a few back slaps congratulating us on our evening performance at Zack's party. The one unexpected thing to happen that day was my conversation with Chad Hurst. He grabbed me after German Class. "Kyle, can I talk to you?" "What do you want?" I snapped. "What you said yesterday about Penny saying being with me was like wrestling an alligator. Did you mean that or was it just a...

4 years ago
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James Goes WestChapter 3

I proceeded along the highway to Demopolis. Demopolis was settles by the French, and had some French families still living in the area. I was riding through an area of black clay soil. It was my first experience with shrink and swell clay. A small rain shower fell and my horses and I could barely walk for the "friendly" soil building up on our feet. We stopped and waited for a day for the conditions to get better. I was able to shoot a turkey with the rifle and supplement my supplies. The...

3 years ago
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Two married friends discovered they may be bi

I have known Tom for many years. I have always been attracted to him, always wondering what it would be like to suck his cock. I have had opportunities, like the time he was staying in my house and I came out of the bedroom, he was in obviously jerking of because he very quickly acted as nothing was going on when I entered the room. I pretended as if I hadn’t seen anything. Another time I caught him peeking as I was taking a piss. I have always suspected that I could seduce him but I have...

Gay Male
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Chesters Choices

"...and you can just go fuck yourself asshole" Is the last sentence you hear before you lovely girlfriend Natasha puts down the phone with what sounds like excessive force. She has been pissed at you for quite some time now. Who knows what started it but it seems lately that the only thing you guys can do is fight, or ... wel fuck. You guys have been together now for a couple of years but it seems the romance is withering. Or maybe you just found out how much of a bitch she can be sometimes....

3 years ago
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Have a Bit of Faith

Have a Bit of Faith by captv8td [email protected] 1She kept her eyes on the road but her mind was racing in all different directions.  She mentally looked behind her at all of the steps she had taken to prepare for the summer.  And she looked ahead to the schedule in her mind all of the steps that remained.  She also looked ahead to the long weekend before her.It was not summer yet.  She still had six months to wait for that.  But Faith was not about to make the same mistake this...

1 year ago
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For some reason, people thought that it was a good idea to create a search engine solely dedicated to porn videos, and while in theory, you might think: “Oh that sounds interesting!”, it is actually quite unnecessary. I mean, you do know you have Google for that shit, right? You can literally type anything you fucking want in Google, and you will get the results you wanted; it’s not rocket science.Nevertheless, there are many porn search engine sites created, and one in particular that I will...

Porn Search Engines
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Italian babe

Introduction: Victoria: Let me know what you guys think,) Victoria was in this black strapless dress that barely came down to her mid-thigh, it was hugging every curve of her body.. It seemed to barely cover her tits, this dress was meant to steal attention and it definitely was doing that. Her beautiful auburn hair falling over her shoulders. Wearing black high heels, made her ass pop out of her dress. She mustve seen my jaw dropped because she just smiled and let herself in her ass rubbed up...

4 years ago
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Wife enjoys with Film Star

We were so excited. I had just been invited to a show of the now popular game show, kam ka dum on Tv. I, Sukh, and Rekha were great fans of Khan.We both reached well in time. I was nervous, because I was playing and also because I was meeting Khan. I put on my best suit and Rekha her best saree. She looked so beautiful in the red saree. It was a thin chiffon saree, with a matching low cut blouse. Her cleavage was showing beautifully through the blouse and the saree was transparent enough to...

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The Society Party Crashers

1The Society - Party Crashersby The TechnicianBDSM, Slavery, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Flogging, Public Spanking = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Twin sisters in rural England crash the wrong party with very interesting, life-changing effects."The Society" stories are not a sequential series of stories but rather a collection of separate stories that are all set in the world inhabited by members of The Society.  Each story or series stands on its own although they do rely...

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A TS Friend Part 2

We had few more drinks while sitting at the bar very close to each other. While we were drinking, I told Kim multiple times that I have been thinking about her since I saw her pictures but she laughed those conversations off. I finally told Kim that I wanted to sleep with her which she denied immediately by saying “that is not happening”. She then explained that she already has a boyfriend but went on to explain that their relationship is a little complex. They both have some fun here and...

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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 16 Bobs Story and more deepening of relationships

Month -4: Dolores had met Bob in the most mundane of ways: at the supermarket. Even as a non-rejuvenated grandmother, she could still get male attention, and they often sat down for coffee in the market's cafe. After she was rejuvenated, though, she did call him and said that much had changed. In their talks, she had learned about his earlier life on Wall Street, his loss of his wife, and his finding life in working with children. She met with him casually, and applied the neuralizer to...

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Deflowering The Perfect Teenager

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. Rather calling a story I’ll call it a true incident that happened back when I was in the first year of college. So it was college time. A new beginning, a completely different environment from the restricted school life of a ‘kid’. Girlfriends, class bunks, movies. This is what a new teenager in...

2 years ago
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Pimped out toyboy

It had been half a year since that first night when Ivan had taken advantage of my drunken state. By now, I had no problem with the arrangement. I'd been guilty after the first night. And sore. I wanted to forget it. I was embarrassed that I'd done sex stuff with a man. If any of my friends found out I'd die. But I couldn't forget it. And I began thinking about how some of it had been quite nice. Slowly, over a few weeks, I started to wonder if I'd enjoy another round with him. It...

4 years ago
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Husband came home drunk

My husband frequently goes out drinking and that's okay with me as he never stays out too late. Recently he said he wanted me to go with him and we could dance at least since I don't drink very much. When we got to this new club he found I saw a lot of black men inside. I said something to my husband and he said "well they know good music and how to dance. Come on hon let's have a drink." I was okay with this and we found a table near the dance floor. He had me wearing a micro mini skirt and a...

1 year ago
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SandcastlesChapter 30

Time marched on. The weekly visits from Amud and Bala resumed without further incident. Janey wore her collar occasionally, even skipping some weekends she was entitled to wear it. Her social life was picking back up and she was just too busy to be tied up all weekend, pun intended. Sally started getting back to normal, too. Thank God! Although I don't think Janey appreciated it. Getting back to normal meant that she now had time to focus on her daughter's life, not just her own...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 26

June, 1987 After a three day weekend, the new house was starting to show signs of getting into shape for Mike and Kirsten, although there were still dozens of boxes that were strewn around the room, stacked in the front hall, awaiting unpacking. Mike had already had a big bonfire of used boxes, just to clear out some walking area, and they were beginning to see that there was a new home under all the clutter. The bad part of having a three day weekend to move was that they were bone-tired...

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Devlins StoryChapter 7

Devlin smiled as the last customer left. She locked the doors, turned down the lights, and turned the sign in the door to Closed. She didn't show it, but after she stepped in back she slumped against the wall. It had been a busy night and she was beat. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Before her mother came by she had to finish restocking, close out the cash register and balance the receipts, clean up the fitting rooms and send off the special orders. She started the cash...

4 years ago
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Amazing Grace Part Three Chapters 912

Chapter NineMarcus Stewart sat at the head of his dining room table. It had been eons since both of his children, McKinley and Aislyn, had been present at this table, and now, they were joined by his son’s new wife, Grace. He couldn’t help but be impressed that McKinley had chosen a woman who was not only gorgeous and intelligent but one who seemed to be able to hold her own even in this dysfunctional house. He was only mildly embarrassed that his cock was stiffening at the thought of how...

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SurpriseChapter 2

“Mom, it’s a good thing daddy changed the locks on the house, because I don’t want to see you again.” Janie spat out. “Me either, mother.” John Jr sounded very angry. “Janie? John Jr?” Jane asked. “Yeah that’s us. Remember us, your children?” Janie growled “John! Why have you done this?” “Your entire family would like to ask you the same question. How about an answer.” “Steve, maybe you and I should go downstairs and have a little talk.” “Yeah. OK. Let’s go downstairs.” A voice came...

2 years ago
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My Teacher Teaches Me Anal

Note: ——I am NOT the author!It had been weeks since Mr. Denton had spanked and fucked me. I had put it from my mind. He had showed no further interest in me and I had stayed out of trouble for the most part. I had a new boyfriend, and one afternoon we were fucking behind the stairs in the basement of the gym. He had is hand in my bra and was fucking me really hard. I couldn't stop my moans of pleasure. He was grunting and thrusting into my wet cunt and almost ready to cum. Suddenly I heard a...

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Sardar Aur Mein

Indian Sex Stories .NET ko bahuth thanks bolke yeh story suru karum.Meri nam kumari.45 age.5.5 ft height.38 36 42 meri body shape gori.Meri pahali story ”pahali bar sardar ke sath sex publish hoke 3 din hi hua.Bahuth emais aaye.Kuch lok ko yah icha dhe ki afi ki sambhav likhne keliye.Isliye kal ke din aur rath hue sambhav sunathi hum.Iss ki sab readers ko very very thanks specially jo message feje unko. Muje jo message feje unmem jadha sardar lok dhe.20 sal se lekar 52sal thak ki.Un mem ek...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Kandace Kayne Late Night Advances

Brad Sterling is awake and horny as he lays in bed with Kandace Kayne. He admires Kandace’s thong covered ass and feels up her big tits while waking her up gently. Once the blonde hottie opens her eyes, Brad moves on to a full-on pussy rub in anticipation of the big event. Kandace has a few tricks of her own that she’s happy to show off. After a sloppy blowjob, she pushes her bigtit boobs together for a titty fuck. She keeps on going alternating between her mouth and her breasts...


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