SensualistChapter 14 free porn video

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Arriving in Athens—Meeting Dolph, my roomie--Nikita, the Realtor--

Before I ventured off to Athens on my own, I met with the family lawyers along with my mother for what she called, "A counseling session."

It may have started out that way, but wound up being a veritable list of do's and don'ts including her version of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt brush thy teeth twice a day; thou shalt wear clean clothing on a daily basis; changing into evening attire after exercising during the day; and so on.

Of course I tuned her out, but when the lead attorney began speaking, I perked up and paid close attention to what he was saying.

"The University's policy is for freshmen and sophomores to live in the college dormitories. Your mother and I happen to think otherwise, if for no other reason than to spare you the tedium of living with someone beneath your means."

"Excuse me, sir, but where do you propose I live if not the dorm?"

"You are to meet with a representative of Colby & Meadows Realty on arriving in Athens. They will take you around to several townhouses that are relatively close to the campus, but not actually on the grounds. You may select one of your choosing, as we have approved those that will be shown to you, and the asking prices. However, we will deal with the actual price of sale, relieving you of that chore."

"Excuse me, sir, mother ... but I've read the prospectus, and it states that freshmen must live in the assigned dorm."

"And you will," the lead attorney said quickly. "However, you will spend a minimum amount of time there. Your roommate, whoever it is, will receive a stipend to act as though you are indeed living there. You will leave some personal items there, such as your old PC and a few posters and old books."

"So I'll have a roommate, but hardly ever see him."

"That's right," my mother said, and gave me her best smile. I should add that mother was not getting any better, and would soon be undergoing chemo treatments for the breast cancer that was attacking her body. I was really too young to fully understand the pain and suffering she was undergoing and that rather than interfering with my collegiate life, she was trying to protect me from life in general, as long as she possibly could.

Two days later I loaded up my car and left for Athens, giving my mother and sister, Ashley hugs and kisses. Ashley appeared to put her all into both the hug and the kiss, and I thought about it for a long time after. I recall reflecting that on my return home the following summer, she would be eighteen and more filled out. What was the possibility of adding her to my growing list of bedded women? I made a mental note to ask my older sister what she thought about the possibility as my house grew smaller in the rear-view mirror.

I should also mention that I didn't get together with Alice after returning from Hilton Head as her parents had grounded her for a month, with no exceptions for taking off for that weekend without their permission.

I never saw or heard anything about her cousin, Ronnie after that weekend.

I did get together with Lillian after banging her mother, and was delighted to find that she thought my fucking her mother up the ass a wonderful thing, and made me do her anally to celebrate the fact.

I arrived in Athens around six PM and found a very pleasant restaurant called Five & Ten. I would return there many times after that first repast of Potato Gnocchi; a dumpling concoction of cherry tomatoes, urfa chili, ricotta, roasted peanut, flowering basil, and parmesan cheese for my appetizer and Wild Sockeye Salmon, smothered in elliot pecans, grilled scallions, charred peppers and petite potatoes ... I had no problem at all in ordering an excellent bottle of white wine as alcohol can be served in restaurants in Georgia on attaining the age of eighteen.

After dinner, I drove onto the campus, found my dorm and met my roommate, one Dolph Adleroski. To my pleasant surprise, Dolph was also going out for the swimming team, and we hit it off well. He had no problem in accepting the fact that I was to be missing most of the time; and welcomed the news that he'd receive a small allowance for covering for me if it became necessary.

I brought some gear up to the dorm, obtains the necessary papers with which to sign in and asked Dolph if he wanted to go to the movies. He did, and we saw a re-run of an old film, before stopping off at The Globe Bar on North Lumpkin Street for burgers and beer before returning to the dorm and a good night's sleep.

The Globe had a rustic ambience perfect for the quieter crowd--erudite grad students, and corduroy professors sharing an interesting thought or story over a slow drink. Pleasantly devoid of adrenaline-fueled guzzlers and shouters, The Globe offered a much more laid back and mature atmosphere.

Within an hour, the bar filled up for the dinner rush, I was happy to see a diverse crowd. The bar is sit-as-you-come, so it's easy for a place to fill up quickly. We sat in a small enclosed outdoor sidewalk patio which was great for people watching. I would learn that after 10pm, the restaurant begins carding and is only open to age 21 and over only. It was on our second glass of wine that I learned Dolph knew a guy who knew a guy that would provide ID for a mere $50.

I took a liking to my new home quicker than I thought I would.

The following day I called the recommended realtor, Colby & Meadows, and introduced myself, and also mentioned my attorney's name and the fact that he had recommended their firm to help me find the requisite living accommodations; adding that I had a personal preference for something along the lines of a townhouse.

The receptionist welcomed my call and told me that I would be talking with Nikita Konstanty who happened to be on another line at the moment, and would I please hold?

I would, and did, listening to the usual rendition of Vivaldi's Four Season's that seemed to be everywhere that year.

A minute or so later, Ms. Konstanty came on and apologized for keeping me waiting. She had a very warm voice and was clearly very knowledgeable of type properties I was interested in. But confusion set in when I provided her with some basic information about myself. She seemed troubled that an eighteen-year-old would be looking for a home without the usual parental supervision.

When I thought it appropriate, I interrupted to tell her that I had all the legal backing required purchasing a home, and that my attorney had already clear that matter with her firm.

Ms. Konstanty apologized again, and after checking her notes found the document verifying my claim. At that point I suggested we meet and as it was fairly late in the workday that perhaps the following day would be better for the both of us.

Ms. Konstanty agreed, and asked if a restaurant on East Broad Street called East-West Bistro would be satisfactory. Not knowing anything about it, I accepted and agreed to meet her at 11:30 the next morning.

Wanting to appear as old as possible under the circumstances, I dressed with care for the appointment with the realtor. After pulling on a pair of mocha slacks, I spent several minutes trying to chose the right shirt and ended up selecting a pale yellow pull-over that would go with my ivory colored silk sports jacket and light brown tasseled loafers; and of course, no socks.

I was seated and waiting at the appointed time. Ms. Konstanty had yet to show. A friendly waitress brought me a glass of ice tea; and from my vantage point I studied the women coming and going, trying to guess which one was Ms. Konstanty.

Several attractive women came by, but failed to enter the restaurant. Perhaps she'd been delayed by a last minute caller, or had been kept late by another prospective buyer. Certainly she wasn't going to stand me up. That would be most unprofessional. But why didn't she call?

Then a stunning blonde got out of a Mercedes convertible, revealing a great deal of leg and thigh. If this was Ms. Konstanty I was in for a good day of house hunting.

But no--she turned to the left and entered the building next to the restaurant.

I looked at my watch. It was 11:40--she was ten minutes late. Were realtors usually this late for appointments? Quite frankly I had no point of reference. I assumed, they were usually prompt--and the reader knows, or should know, what that means, more often than not--and so, assumption aside, where the hell was she?

A Lincoln Town Car pulled in next to Mercedes, the female driving seemed to be in her late forties, slightly heavier than she should be. Oh well, any thoughts I might have been harboring about banging the realtor in return for the full commission on the townhouse evaporated. But this woman also passed by the restaurants entrance, walking down the street until out of my sight.

Now it was 11:45 and I was faced with the waitress returning to the table for a third time. I glanced at the menu and ordered the 'special', meatloaf and gravy with mashed potatoes and string beans.

Suddenly a vision in pale green appeared, striding gracefully across the macadam. Despite all the time that's passed since then, I can still relate exactly what I saw late that morning. A very attractive woman with brunette hair, cut short and wearing large framed sunglasses was walking swiftly across the lot headed for the restaurant. She had a large bag over her left shoulder and carried her car keys in that hand. In her right hand she held what appeared to be a Starbucks coffee container.

Having said that, it was the fact that her sizable nipples seemed to be trying their best to burst through the summer dress she wore. Ah, but there was more--with each and every step she took toward me, the light weighted dress, combined with the gentle breeze blowing at the moment, forced the material inward and provided me and anyone else looking in her direction, with an unparalleled sight of her camel-toed pussy.

My suddenly erect cock knew who the woman was before my brain did; although there was only a nano-second's difference.

I stood up as she entered the restaurant. She came directly to my table and said, "Mr. Clark?"

I was surprised that the cat didn't have my tongue, and answered, "I'm so pleased to meet you, Ms. Konstanty."

Her eyes quickly swept over me, most certainly took in the protuberance in my mocha slacks as well as the rest of my attire, and smiled at me. It was a lovely smile, but not the one I would come to know more intimately. This was merely her usual business smile, offering nothing sensual behind it, only the perfunctory friendliness in making the acquaintance of someone for the first time.

"Please, sit down," I said, and she did.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but there was a last second call from a buyer and..."

"I understand I only sat down a moment ago myself.'

I was struggling to keep my eyes on her face and not the nipples. I also managed to put the camel-toe out of my mind for most, but not all of our meeting.

"May I call you Donald, Mr. Clark?"

"Yes, of course, and may I call you, Nikita?"

"Certainly, I was going to tell you too, but..." she laughed, a light, pleasurable tinkling sound it seemed. "I admit it; I'm surprised that you beat me to it."

"I surprise a lot of people, Nikita. I've had to head the household since my father passed away and my mother was stricken with breast cancer."

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." she said as our server appeared and placed a menu before her.

"I'm sorry, but I ordered a moment ago."

"Well, I'm late," she said, and to the waitress still standing next to the table, she said, but I'll have the chef's Salad and a glass of iced tea, please."

It occurred to me that she must have disposed of the Starbucks container on entering the restaurant, but neither of us felt a need to comment about it. Nikita took a deep breath and then took a folder from her purse and opened it.

"Here are a couple of townhouses you might like," she said and pushed some papers across the table.

Our waitress brought Nikita's iced tea and left as I perused the basic details of the first town house.

"You'll see," Nikita said pointing to what to me was a seedy looking building that I immediately dismissed "that here in Athens we have few townhouses available. I doubt you'll care for this, but it is available and I'm obligated to show it to you."

"Why don't we just stick to those properties that meet my criteria and that are available?" I said, backing it up with my best smile.

"Yes, of course," she responded, pulling out a second folder. "Let's forget about townhouses and discuss homes. I'd say you want about 2000 plus square feet..."

I nodded.

" ... three or more bedrooms, a den or study, three or more baths..."

I interrupted her, saying, "Pool, lawn maintenance are musts..." Nikita nodded and kept going, making mental notes of my requirements.

The waitress brought our meals to the table and we continued talking as we ate.

"I'm surprised at the lack of townhouses here in town," I said, and shoveled a heaping fork full of meatloaf into my mouth, giving Nikita an opportunity to answer me.

"It's primarily a college town. People living here tend to stay, so they buy homes. Students are essentially transients, who either live in the dorms, or rent apartments. Apartments we have in abundance, especially at this time of year. I take it you have no interest in an apartment?"

I swallowed the meatloaf before answering. "That's correct. My reasoning is that I have the comfort I want while here at the university and that I sell or rent the property on graduating."

"Would you be thinking of renting out one or more of your bedrooms--say if you bought a four bedroom home?"

That had not occurred to me, and I simply said, "And why would I do that?"

Nikita put down her fork and looked me in the eye. "May I be frank, Mr. Clark?"

"Please do."

"You're a young man, young men usually, and please forgive me if I'm wrong about this, but young men such as yourself are generally horny."

That comment lowered the level, and I must have revealed my heightened interest in her statement for Nikita went right on with her pitch. I call it a pitch for that's exactly what it was--a ploy to interest me in buying a large home, ostensibly to house a harem. I confess to liking her idea, even before it was fully outlined.

"Such a residence would allow you to rent rooms to some of the many females attending the university who deplore dorm life, and don't want to live in an apartment, but prefer a house with a man running it."

"Could you please elaborate on that last part: um, about them preferring a house with a man um, living in it?"

"I said 'running it, ' Mr. Clark. Surely you have that capability, you told me that since your father passed away you were the man of the house, isn't that right?"

"It is, right, and I'm intrigued by your suggestion. Tell me, Nikita; are there many such arrangements currently underway here in Athens?"

"Not to my knowledge, Mr. Clark."

"Please, I prefer you call me Donald, or Don."

"Yes, of course. So Donald, are you interested in such an arrangement?"

"I am, provided it doesn't prove a distraction to my studies."

"That would be entirely up to you, Don." She pronounced my name slowly as if savoring it.

I permitted myself to look at her nipples, still seemingly eager to escape their confinement from under the green summer dress she wore.

She waited until I met her eyes again; saying nothing, and not doing anything to indicate that I'd overstepped expected boundaries.

"I have another condition, Nikita."

She wiped her mouth with a napkin and smiled at me. "Yes, Don?"

"When one or more of the renters proves ... difficult, will you help me get rid of her?"

"You want me to kill her, Don?" Nikita was smiling, so I knew she was joking.

"No," I replied, "no killing. Let's just say, she and I no longer get along, will you help me get her out of the house?"

"I'll do what I can, but I presume you'll have your tenants sign a lease, and there could be a problem with that."

"So, do you--or should I say, do you know of someone who can design a lease that works in my favor, particularly in such matters?"

"I do. But I'm divorcing him."

"Oh, I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be. He's a jerk--but I'd rather not talk about it."

Certainly, but may I ask when the two of you broke up?"

"No, you may not!" she said snappishly, and made as if to rise from the table, but apparently thought better of it and sat back down.

"I'm sorry," I said and meant it, nervously toying with my food with a constantly moving fork.

"It's okay," Nikita said softly. "You don't understand what's going on inside my head, and I don't know what's going on in yours either. So let's let a minute go by and then resume our previous discussion."

I nodded in agreement and tried to eat some of my meal.

Nikita broke the silence to say: "The reason I broached the girls moving in with you is that I have a house that lends itself to just that. You can afford it and when you decide to sell, it will move quickly. I couldn't in all honesty expect you or your law firm to agree to purchase that much more house than you obviously require. So I brought up the girls as potential tenants. I apologize for that. I should have stuck to your basic needs and left it at that."

"No--no!" I blurted. "I like the idea!" I hadn't thought of it, in fact, it was probably the furthest thing..."

"But?" Nikita added.

"I like it, now my attorney won't, but perhaps I can convince him by saying I might consider renting to an older male, say a professor, or some such person."

Nikita smiled at me and I damn near melted on the spot. "Perhaps we should take a look at the property then?" she purred.

"Let's do that!" I answered no longer hungry for food.

Nikita insisted on paying for lunch and I let her, for she agreed to let me pay for our next meal together.

I had a leisurely look at the crack of her ass as she led the way to her car, a BMW, about four or five years old. I opened her door and she got in, flashing a good bit of thigh. I didn't linger overly long looking at her, but skipped around the front of the BMW and got in on the passenger side and promptly buckled up the seat belt.

"You have very good manners, Don."

"Thank you, Nikita, I try."

"I meant in regard to staring at my breasts and legs as I got into the car."

"I assure you it wasn't easy."

Nikita laughed at that and lightly rested a hand on my thigh. "I have a feeling that we'll become good friends, Donald." Then after giving my thigh a light squeeze she started the car and drove to the house she was recommending I share with a girl or two.

Arriving at the house, I quickly got out and opened her door. It was very hard not to look at her lovely legs especially as she stepped out of the car, revealing a lot more of her lovely thighs. Our eyes met and we both smiled knowingly as she smoothed her skirt to make it slide down again.

I took a deep breath as her movement accentuated the camel-toe and the vertical smile that seemed to beckon me closer. This time she saw what I was looking at and did something with the dress that eliminated the sensual clinginess and hid her sex from view. It didn't matter; the image was burned into the dark recesses of my mind forever.

"Sorry," she mumbled, "I didn't realize..."

"I'm sorry too," I said, causing her to give me a look that told me she didn't believe a word I'd just said.

The house itself was full of 'special' features. The kitchen was recently updated and more modern than the one I'd spent my life in. When Nikita bent slightly to show me a lower cabinet in the kitchen the sight of her dress stretched tightly across her shapely rear had me nursing a mighty erection that I tried to hide from her by keeping my body half turned away from her.

It wasn't long before she was leading me upstairs; her lovely rear inches from my face as we took to the stairs. Reaching the top, she turned as if to make sure I was following since I had fallen silent. She caught me looking and asked, "What do you think of the features so far?"

I answered with one word, "Impressive."

As we toured the second floor and its four bedrooms I asked her how I might fit the tenants in without undue separation of the sexes.

"That's easy--everything is coed. You might make the master bathroom off-limits, leaving the two females to share the guest bath witch you can see it just between both guest bedrooms."

I could see that the overall design lent itself to the arrangement we had discussed, and nodded my agreement.

After a quick walk around the grounds and look at the closest neighboring homes, Nikita told me she had one other house that I should also see, if only to make a judgment through comparing the two.

The second house, also empty, was even more gorgeous than the first. Again I helped Lillian out of the car and since it had warmed up quite a bit, I took my jacket off and placed it on the back seat.

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Nude Swimming

If life would allow me to be naked all the time, I surely would. That is especially true if I were outside. I love the warmth of the sun on my normally covered parts and the breeze blowing over my butt and cock. I usually find time to go skinny dipping in my apartment pool at least once a week. It is usually in the later evening when everyone has left. The pool is nicely secluded, and if someone comes by, I can normally hear them and find my suit quickly. Such was the case one recent evening...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 10

We spend another couple of hours on a forced march before they finally let us stop. I think this is Coop's way of showing us that our needs don't matter. All in all, I am able to use this time to come up with, what I hope, is a plan to keep these ladies safe. To their credit, when we do stop, the brutes give us some water and a quick bite to eat. From the murderous look on Gwen's face the food they are feeding us came from the Kindred stores. I am not sure what kind of time frame Annie...

2 years ago
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Long After the GameChapter 3

"Right then ladies. Who gets the macchiato?" asked Deanna, holding up another Starbucks and peering at the name scribbled on it. There was a special ring of hell for those who wrote the names on cups at Starbucks, she decided, since she could neither read this one, nor the other one. The only one she could read spelled Deena, not Deanna. She sighed. It's not like it was rocket science. The other women looked at each other and beamed. Not having to deal with Deanna's coffee was a definite...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 32

"Okay, time for you to learn to wrestle sheep," Drew said as he jumped off the quad bike and shut the gate of the pen behind the shearing shed. They had been down to one of the far paddocks and separated maybe thirty five sheep from them main flock. After walking them back to the pens at the rear of the shearing shed they now had to cut twenty of last year's lambs from the breeding ewes. "Right you herd them down the race and I'll work the gate to sort them out," said Drew. "Be careful the dog...

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Double Dare Part 4

"Oh god, what are we going to do?" muttered Katie, as we were stood outside the deans office waiting to see her.Our professor had caught us playing dare, and had reported us to the dean, and now Me, my hot blonde cousin Josie, her hot ebony friend Emily, and the young, but not so innocent petite red headed Katie, were nervously waiting to see Mrs Woo.Then she called us in, and we slowly entered her office and stood in front of her desk looking sorry for ourselves.Mrs Woo was a short, mature...

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OHGIRL What Happens In Vegas 7

The two days of rest did me well. My body was rejuvenated and I had even gone to the hotel gym for a little workout. I had stayed in my room for dinners and avoided all of the very obvious pick up lines when I did go out to shop or explore the strip. The day before the party, I contacted the client who was paying me for the bachelor party and got all of the information that I needed. When I had booked the engagement with my client, we thought it would be more convenient for me to be in the same...

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Well it all started one Saturday, I sat in my garden enjoying the sun and my neighbours were out too.I don't make a habit of listening in on other peoples conversations but couldn't help hearing that Sandra and Sam were looking for a babysitter as they wanted to go out to celebrate 15 years of marriage.I knew that my weekend was going to be fairly slow with nothing to do so I stood up and walked to the fence. " Hi, you two ok, enjoying the sun?" I said to both of them. "Yes its...

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Aunty Teaches Virgin Nephew 8211 Part 4

This story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. Please read and enjoy Part 1, 2, 3 before reading this Part 4. Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I am not an expert in writing good conversational English. My name is Raj and am 18 years of age, slender build, tan colour skin, and an average student attending college and staying with my mum’s sister Anita (I call her aunty) in Pune since my parents...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Family0

My Wife, Sarah and I had just been married, we went to Thailand for our Honeymoon, that was an adventure in itself, but thats another story for another time. So anyway, we'd just arrived back in the country a few days before and we went to visit her parents, My Wife has always been really close with her family, like, ridiculously close, I always put it down to the fact that I wasn't that close with my own family. It used to surprise me when we'd stay at her parents and Sarah would come...

4 years ago
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Your instructions are simple: meet me at the Haddon Hotel at 9pm. Once there, go to the front desk and the rest will fall into place. You enter the dimly lit the room not knowing what to expect. Wearing business attire, your thigh high skirt shows every sexual curve you possess. On the floor lies an arrow in rose petals which you follow to the back of the couch. As you look out into the city, without warning I grab you from behind. There is a small cry and I place my hand over your mouth to...

2 years ago
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Wilbur Sees It DifferentlyChapter 12

I helped my family as much as I could. After a few weeks, Star got able to get around pretty well. Another week and she was fairly pain free. Then she came up to me and told me she wanted to spend some time with me, inside. "Are you up to it Sweetheart?" I asked her. "Husband, if I don't spend some time touching you and loving you I am going to go crazy," she said. "I am glad, because I feel the same way," I told her with a hug. I picked her up and carried her inside. Swan and...

3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 46

“Josey! What did he say? Are we really going to his office?” Stella asked. She and Kellie both have tears running down their face and I reached out to hug them. They pulled me close and I saw Rondo rolling his eyes at me. “You girls get your faces washed. We’re going over to Stewart, and meet with Honas Wainwright. He’s supposed to be counting your money as we stand here... ...”Tell me, just how much was the selling price, anyway?” Kellie looked at me, “One hundred, eighty-six thousand,...

1 year ago
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Lucy Redux

My name is Lucy Matthews. I am just eighteen years of age. The last eighteen days, though, have been as trying as all those years combined. It started innocently enough. Instead of joining my parents on their yearly summer holiday throughout Europe, I chose to stay with Aunt Sophie in her quaint little stone cottage in the English countryside. It, of course, has turned out to be one of the warmest and sunniest summers the U.K. has seen in years. Fortunately, Auntie had an inground pool behind...

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Oil of RosesChapter 23

"I'm afraid things aren't going to work out between her and me," Kelly said after Jessica went upstairs, sadness flooding across her face. "She's too scared or too distrustful or too something, I don't know what, to relax and be comfortable with you... to be... to be..." "A part of the family?" Margo asked. "Yeah, that's it, that's it exactly! And she resents that I am a part of it. If she can't come to terms with it, I don't see much future for us." "You know that...

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gay pride

satuday , i went to the gay pride, but before I was fuck by an arabisch guy at his place, I fsucked him and het fucked me, but He came quick, so I needed more, . I went home, took my shower and went to the gay pride. I didn't find what I wanted so I decided to go to the sauna, but before I went to the night show, Where a guy looked At me, when I cam eout , he saked me what i did, I said I going home ( Didn't want o say where aI was going) He was hot and wanted to fuck me, but where? He took me...

2 years ago
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Henley in Hardon

This story covers incidents in 1986, and for a year or two afterwards, and then 21 years later in 2007. I worked for a large UK comms company, which at the time was very prosperous. It seemed to employ people just to strut about in expensive suits posturing, and polishing their own egos. The sales people were the good looking ones for some reason, and one of the sales managers particularly, he could have been a film star, and boy did he know it. If I remember rightly his name was Toby, well it...

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TandraChapter 10

Tuesday September 25 A little after five, I awoke to someone violently shaking my shoulder. Opening my eyes, I could just make out the shape of Chris. It was odd, but I could 'feel' her presence, too. There was something wrong, and I didn't know what. The bed was wet on Kitten's side. Did she pee the bed? I urged Chris out of the bed and got out myself, then turned on the bedside light. Kitten had a grimace on her beautiful face. This time, I knew it was not a smile. Something was...

2 years ago
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Skating On Thin Ice With Niece

Bob watched his niece glide gracefully around the ice rink. Her legs were bare, and the little skirt of the outfit she wore flapped in the wind, showing the matching panties underneath. There was almost no back in the outfit too, which meant that it looked like only the long sleeves with their sparkling sequins were holding it on her upper body. As she turned the corner and came toward him he groaned softly. She'd always had prominent nipples, and the cloth of this costume wasn't thick...

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One Long Hotel Stay

“Our bags should be at turnstile 3” Janet told Jim as she was still struggling to walk in a straight line, little lone find turnstile 3. Jim knew all of this already but let her take the lead so as not to upset the professional relationship. He couldn’t help but think about the tryst in the bathroom on the plane 25 minutes ago. “I’ll grab our bags while you get the paperwork for the rental car” Jim replied as he headed over to where the bags were dropping down from the conveyor belt. ...

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my wife my cousin andy and i

I always believed that in a sexual act; two men only (not one) can satisfy a woman and one woman can easily satisfy two men. We arrived back at andy and paula promptly went in and took a shower. When she came out she had only a towel on and asked where she should ****. andy told her we could have the bed. We each then showered, first andy then me. When I came out I saw andy was lying on the couch. His legs hung over then end almost to his knees. paula was asleep in the middle of his king size...

4 years ago
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Spreading the Word

WARNING: If you are too seriously attached to Christianity you may be offended by elements of this story. If that is the case, then you are probably sinning by reading this type of story anyway and need to get forgiven in whichever way your belief system recognizes. Glenna had a mission in life. She figuratively and literally spread the Word of Salvation as the Director of the “Outreach To Men Ministry” of the “Living Word Missionary Bible Evangelical Church”. This story is how she learned...

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I couldnt barely believe my eyes

Being self-employed I work long hours and travel extensively , it is not at all out of the ordinary to be called away on business thru the week for one or two nights at a time. On this occasion it was a Wednesday and been asked to deliver a vehicle to a client some 200 klms away, so I closed up the shop and headed off home. It had started off an unusual day and it carried on from there. The wife had told me that her younger sister was coming but I’d forgotten until I got home. I noticed that...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 1 A Problem

His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, had been on the throne of Kobekistan for twenty-one years and Mr. Ambassador George K. Armstead, Ambassador to the Court of the Triple Palace of the United States of American was enjoying himself. He had rented a house well away from the embassy to use for unofficial pleasures. He had also purchased a local girl in a slave auction and was whipping her unmercifully. Fortunately for her, he was fat, unfit and unskilled in such matters, so...

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Jaq Helps Out Some Friends

Jaq and I were living in a small close; our friends Clive and Jane lived two doors away. One summer evening while sitting on the patio, we heard raised voices, Clive and Jane were having a row and it seemed to be very heated. Jaq went to investigate; a few seconds later, Jaq was back, asking for me to help her. Things had gotten out of hand, and Clive and Jane had nearly come to blows. I managed to wrestle Clive to the floor while Jaq attended to Jane.With Jane out of the way at our house,...

First Time
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Jasmine Learns The Ropes

“Good morning daddy,” chirped Jasmine walking down the stairway in her nightie.Caffeine was not required to tune into the fact my daughter’s supple 15 year old frame was filling in nicely these days.“What’s for breakfast?”Wish it were your nipples soaked in maple syrup so I could swirl my tongue around them for a while, I thought. “Pancakes,” I answered.Plumping her petite five foot nothing frame on the sofa and resting her feet up on a table caused my boner to press up hard against my jeans,...

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Snowed in with sis

I remember like it was just yesterday but really it was 2 weeks ago. I awoke to the sound of silence which is unusual in my house on a week day. Everyone is up at the same time getting ready to go to either work or school. School was where myself and my younger sister would be headed but something was different about this morning. I got out of bed and decided to look out my bedroom window and that's when I got a wonderful surprise. You see, the ground was covered in about 16 inches of snow....

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Angel Ch 03

We made it back to the apartment around one and began to pull our duffle bags from under the beds. I was actually getting excited about visiting my family. I’d been away from home for almost four months and although I talked to them on the phone a lot, it’s different when you can actually visit. I knew my mom would make my favorite foods, and my dad would be there for half of them. I know my dad was a busy guy and he worked hard for his family, but sometimes when I was younger I wish my dad...

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That Wheeling Feeling

I was sent down to Wheeling on a job that was to take two weeks, it took almost five but, I wasn’t upset. The first week I was down there I hooked up twice which made it very pleasant.The first guy was an older salesman who was two doors away at the cheap hotel I was staying at. The second night I was there I found that there was a small bar just past the motel. When I came from work I stopped in there for a drink or two. It had been a late day so it was past seven by the time I got there. The...

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Junior High Hazing

Junior High Hazing By sissy_babs When I was a young boy of 11 or 12 I was in Junior High School. It was that early in life that I first started to fantasize about cross-dressing and forced feminization although I had no idea what either was. All I knew was that I liked to wear some women's clothing and I felt that I should have been born a girl. I later realized that I didn't want to be a woman. I liked girls, not boys. I just wanted to occasionally wear girl's clothes. At that...

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Mom teaches girlfriend to suck

It was another one of those encounters with my girl friend. We had been messing around after school at my house out by the pool. I was just 16 and Shannon was a year younger then me. We had been going together about six months now and she was just starting to let me eat her pussy. We had a lot of petting and rubbing but every time I tried to put my head between her legs she would stop me and say it was dirty. Fuck girl! My mom never thought it was dirty and I have been watching her and dad...

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Greatest fuck

Sujata is my neighbour’s wife. She is pretty, voluptuous and sexy, and she knows it. Very deliberately she moves around thrusting her boobs upwards, to attract men. At 45, she still looks like 35, only more sexy. And all the men in the whole neighbourhood must be dreaming to fuck her. Her husband is a very nice man, working for a foreign company. The couple have 2 sons who are studying in Australia. My wife was a bit jealous of her sexy body. Sujata even told her that men are attracted to her...

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My Darling Mia

Chapter II knew what my life was missing.I had never been a fan of porn, though the subject didn’t bother me. I had had a few relationships in the past, but they had never turned into anything serious, and by the time I had turned 21 I was still a virgin. This fact didn’t bother me, though my friends often chided me about it – I took the ribbing, even joked back a bit, but the idea of having sex with a woman who I cared nothing for had never interested me; to be honest, it appalled me. My...

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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Elsa Jean Babysitter Auditions

Pressing on with our search for the perfect babysitter, petite princess Elsa Jean arrived for her interview. Even though her ass looked yummy and her body looked fit and fuckable, we still needed to make sure that she was in the proper physical shape to take on the…STRENUOUS duties of ‘babysitting’. So we had her hop into a tiny pair of underwear and a little tube top to test some of her physical reactions. After she jumped up and down a few times, stretched her long legs and...

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Hide or go Beast

"Welcome to Hide or go beast!" And the simulated crowd goes wild. There wasn't anyone actually in the studio with Jess and the announcer. This was probably because they'd ether all be unkept or have no where to really sit. The rafters in this god awful place were absolutely decrepit. The announcer, walking around you puts a hand on your hip and lets it trail behind your back and to the other side. "Our tender young Jess here has just turned 18, and is ready to win some money! Or, maybe she just...

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my jobs

I was sitting in my office waiting for my 10:30 AM meeting with Celia Wu. She has been assigned to my office as a graduate for the last 3 months. Her prior placements in the organisation had been failures with her unable to handle the work given to her. In my area, I had tried her in a number of roles, and had found her performance wanting in most of the roles. She did however excel in organising presentations and looking after my clients. I had decided to offer her that type of role during...

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Peter Ch 06 Paul and I occupy ourselves

Warning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. 
Chapter 6I looked over at Paul and he was still slowly working his cock. He had amazing...

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