DóchasChapter 41 free porn video

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By the time Madeline's, Ursula's and the other 3 groups left for Earth, most of the areas on the space ship had been activated. With that done, they began remodeling the crew quarters to create suites consisting of 2 rooms plus a bathroom. One room served as a combination sitting area and exercise room, and the other was a bedroom. Each suite was large enough to comfortably accommodate four people, with provisions to connect multiple suites so they could easily accommodate larger families. Even with the work to improve accommodations efforts to bring the ship back to full operational status continued unabated.

As life settled into a routine, the crew members began forming family groups. Most of these consisted of between 4 and 8 individuals. In several cases, one of the new crew members joined one of the original crew's family group. Several times, a group would form for several days and then its composition would change slightly. The medical and command staff watched the changing family groups carefully. At first, there was some concern, but after observing several cycles of changes, they decided that everyone was just seeking a comfortable relationship. The changes in groups did not affect anyone's work performance, other than to occasionally improve it. There were never any lasting problems or conflicts between individuals. The changing group compositions did seem to strengthen some friendships, even though the individuals moved to different groups.

One evening, as they were discussing the dynamics of the crew's family groupings, Judy noted a lack of possessiveness, in that members of a group didn't exhibit possessiveness toward the other members of their group, nor did they try to control them. Everyone was pleased that they didn't have those emotional issues to deal with. Especially since the closeness on the ship limited their options in resolving them. Besides, it would be a big distraction to everyone due to their close quarters. They attributed this attitude to the crew members being telepathic. After some discussion, Judy said, "I'll see what is recorded in our history and talk to Betsy."

It was a couple of weeks later when Sarah's and Amy's Clan were conferring on their progress that Sally raised a question regarding crew candidates. She said, "I find it surprising that since we've been on the ship, no one else has declared their intention to stay. However, everyone chips in and works on the projects as if that is what they were going to do."

"We've noticed that," replied her spouses. Amy's Clan nodded agreement.

"I wonder if they think we have read their thoughts and know their intent," asked Erica.

"Good point. What if we simply ask at lunch today? Everyone should be there. We can raise the issue, and ask them to give us an indication."

"Betsy or Judy, how many have expressed interest in the gene treatments?" asked Sarah.

"All the first six groups, Siobhan's, Maureen's, Shannon's, Leann's, Muireann's and Sabrina's," said Betsy. "Each of those have very similar compositions in terms of backgrounds, personalities and education. Currently they are scheduled to start rotating through the incubators in about a week. We delayed starting until we had a gap in births. We plan on using the incubators and treating two or three of a group at a time."

"After we get a update at lunch about who will become crew members, we need to start training pilots for Star Fighters," said Rusty, with Sally and Erin nodding agreement. "We have been acting like we are the only space travelers in the galaxy.

"The other issue we need to face before long is: What will Earth society do when they learn we are here? How will we react? Do we want to approach them first?"

"We are not alone in space, nor with space travel," said Amy. "We may be quite alone in this time line and or in this part of the galaxy. We agree with Rusty with the need to build up our defensive measures, in terms of reconnaissance, surveillance of our galaxy and active defenses. Operation of the Star Fighter is outside our expertise, but the library should have all the training, design and operational information needed."

"Our sensors have not detected any indication of other space craft near this solar system," said Star. "The sensors we have available currently are somewhat limited in looking beyond that range. Also, both Intelligence and Security departments have projects on this issue."

"What would you all think of this?" said Terry quietly. "Better yet, let's mind link. Let's split our efforts a bit. Amy and Jim have experience in establishing settlements, or colonies, on a planet. Sally and Rusty have experience in security, as do many of our clan. We have a full range of engineering knowledge among our crew members. So what I had in mind was: Sarah, Sally and Rusty primarily, but in reality our clan, oversee the organization and training toward defense of this solar system and its immediate surroundings. This would be in conjunction with Security and Intelligence. Jim and Amy take the lead on establishing a colony on Mars. We are going to need the raw materials to build a colony, our defensive vehicles and make changes in our ship. Leann's Clan along with some of Maureen's and Siobhan's Clans could focus on engineering needs. So, they will become the lead for restoring our ship, with the idea that once that is done we will build another. To me, Star Fighters are just smaller versions of us but we need them. So building them would be a part of engineering. Several have expressed interest in flying the Star Fighters so we could have them assemble the ones we have then begin learning how to fly them."

"Nice outline, Terry," replied everyone.

Sarah said, "During the next week, let's monitor how each area comes together. We may need to suggest a pair of leaders, but it would be better if each area evolves naturally. This is a much different approach than we were taught, but I think it will work here. Then, with Amy's Clan, we need to develop a plan for our future and present it to the rest of the ship's family for discussion. After lunch today, hopefully, we will know how soon we need to do more recruiting."

Just then the chime sounded, indicating that lunch was an hour away.

As lunch was drawing to a close, Sarah stood up and tapped her glass to get everyone's attention. "If you would clear your areas, we would like to have a short meeting before you return to your activities."

A few moments later Sarah's Clan said, "We were discussing future plans this morning, and realized we were missing a critical piece of information. Many of you have declared your intent to become a part of the crew, however, many have not, but your actions indicate that you intend to stay. We would like to know by the end of this week, or sooner if possible, the intentions of those who haven't yet made a commitment on joining our crew."

They saw several with expressions of concern on their faces. "It is not our intent to make you leave, nor do we want to force a decision. It should be clear by now that we need all the help we can get. We were working on future plans today, and realized we only know the intentions of a few. Knowing this, helps us build those plans before we discuss them with you. It will also help with scheduling training, and determining which work groups need more people. To fill some positions, there is a need for the genetic treatment. These currently take some 6 months to reach completion so this also has to be factored into our planning.

"So, we would like you to tell us either mentally, or verbally, of your intentions. We will not look at your thoughts to determine these. You can let either us, or Star, know at any time.

Cathan stood. "On behalf of my group, we intend to join the crew. We are quite happy with our current assignment. If there is another that fits our skills better, then we are willing to try it." The others in her group nodded. "We had thought of offering to open the first whorehouse in space, but everyone seems quite satisfied within their family group," said Cathan, then laughed along with her group.

Rusty jumped up and shouted, "Great idea! We know your whorehouse would be complete with well-trained courtesans, offering a full range of services."

Cathan's group blanched a bit, until he started laughing, then they all joined him. When the laughter died down, Rusty continued, "I am sorry if I caused you any pain by my comment."

Cathan turned to him, putting her hands on her hips. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I opened the door and you drove right through it. You responded so quickly, I was shocked. However, I will lay with you and any of your spouses at any time, any place, and then rejoice over my good fortune."

"Hear, hear," was shouted out by many, causing more laughter.

"Thank you for the compliment. As for the offer, it is tempting, as you are a very beautiful person, inside and out." He paused a moment. "We would be very happy to have you join us for an evening of cuddling, or more."

"Rusty and your spouses, thank you for the invitation, and I deeply appreciate it, with the implied compliments. I think our teasing has gone further than we intended. As to the invitation, let's revisit that once things have settled down a bit." Cathan walked over to him and hugged him. She then went to each of his spouses to give them a kiss and hug as well. She walked away from the last spouse on shaky legs, feeling thoroughly aroused. Looking at her group, she could tell they shared her feelings and sensations as well.

"Rusty and Cathan," said Judy, "touched on an issue that we should think a bit more about. Our telepathic communication minimizes, if not eliminates, a source of jealousy resulting from sexual interaction between friends and family. I am now only speaking for us, Sarah's Clan. Within our family, we have no problem with inter clan or family sexual intimacy, or cuddling if you prefer. As family groups, it should be something that all of you are comfortable with, before you bring visitors into an intimate relationship with your family. Some members of our clan had a special relationship with those in other clans, for example, Nancy, Alice, Julia, Bob, and Stan before we came here. So, we expect parts of our clan, perhaps all, will continue that close relationship as our lives become more settled. No one should view these relationships as reflecting negatively on fellow spouses. It seems that any friend should be as close to you and your clan as you want them to be. With that in mind, it seems reasonable that, if friends want to express that love sexually, they should be able to, presuming the spouses are aware of the relationship."

Edana stood and tapped her table, to get every one's attention. "In reply to the original question and on behalf of my clan, we most definitely want to be a part of the crew. We can't think of a greater opportunity, or a more wonderful group of people to be with. So today, we wish to remove any doubt regarding our joining this crew, ship and family. We would even agree to the whorehouse, but it looks like Cathan beat us to it, besides they are better trained." Edana turned toward Cathan and stuck out her tongue. The comment and reaction resulted in more laughter. When it quieted, the rest of her clan stood and joined hands with her. Together they then said, "We commit ourselves to each other and to this ship's family. We have no other desire than to contribute to the growth and wellbeing of this breed and society, along with its traditions."

Another clan representative stood, but before he could speak Sarah raised her hand stopping him. "Briana's and Edana's Clans we thank you for your commitments. We are concerned about doing this in this setting because of any subtle peer pressure. We are willing to continue, but we want Star to monitor your feelings as you respond. Then, if she has doubts, we will talk to you individually before we accept your pledge. Okay?"

The standing clan representative looked down at his seated group for a moment, then they all stood. "We to commit ourselves to each other and to this ship's family," they said together perfectly in unison. "We have no other desire than to be a part of this adventure. We know there may be times of trials and tribulations, but those will not deter us from serving. May the Gods and Goddesses strike us dead if we are insincere."

Sarah's Clan watched in awe as each clan or crew member in turn declared their wish to be a part of the ship's family. In the end, there were only a few who had not committed to join the ship's crew and its society. These were also the most recent arrivals. While inclined to make the choice to stay, they weren't to that point yet. Star pointed them out to Sarah's Clan, who sent them a telepathic message indicating they understood how they felt. They were assured that they could remain as long as they needed, to come to a decision. While making their decision they were welcome to contribute to the daily activities. The clan felt them relax a bit after the message, as the events after lunch had been a bit overwhelming.

"Thanks to all of you," said Sarah's Clan. "We are heartened by the strength of your desire to join our ship and this breed. We hope to be discussing future plans later this week. Thank you again."

Joyce, Jill, Janet, and Claudette immediately went to chat with the groups that had indicated that they weren't ready to make a decision. They spent quite a while discussing a whole range of topics, from where they were from to why they were interested in being a part of the crew. Just having the discussions seemed to reassure them. They did admit that they weren't really sure about living on a space ship, because it was so different, but so far they loved it.

They were returning to their suite after dinner when Sarah noticed that she was walking a little differently.

Judy said, "Yes, Sarah, you are walking differently. Your hips have begun to spread so it will be easier for the babies to emerge. Which is also why your belly has settled a bit lower. So it won't be much longer."

Her spouses nodded, indicating that they had heard the conversation as well. When they reached their room their twelve babies were waiting for their bedtime snack. After feeding the babies, they freshened up before going to bed.

Sarah's Clan slept soundly until very early the next morning when the need to use the bathroom woke Sarah. She eased out of the bed, surprisingly without waking anyone else. As she walked to the bathroom, she noticed that her stomach muscles were contacting then relaxing. Just as she finished, there was a strong muscle contraction and her water broke, spilling into the commode. She moaned in response to an intense contraction and realized that the babies had decided it was time. When she reached the bedroom door, she stopped and gripped the frame to steady herself until another strong contraction subsided. Just as the contraction ended, Judy moved to her side and placed an arm around her. "Come, we need to go to the clinic now. Betsy and several others are waiting for us."

Sarah then noticed her fellow spouses were all beginning to get up. She could see that some were moving just as cautiously and periodically pausing, steadying themselves until their contractions eased.

"Come, we need to get you into the birthing tub, as it appears you will be first. The others will be along in a few minutes." Sarah nodded. She slipped her shoes on and went with Judy. Betsy and Patricia were waiting at the door when they arrived. They guided Sarah to the birthing bath then helped her in, with Betsy following. As soon as Sarah was situated Judy went to another bath, where Connie was waiting to help her in. While Betsy was coaching Sarah into position, the rest of her clan arrived. In the bath, she knelt, placing her legs on the pads then leaned back against the slightly reclining back rest. The combination of the bath's warmth and her squatting position eased much of the discomfort she felt from the contractions. As she relaxed, she felt the babies shifting lower toward her vaginal mouth. It wasn't long before she felt the head of one begin its journey.

Sarah watched through half-closed eyes, as Sally and Terry were helped into other birthing baths. She hardly noticed the growing number of staff arriving to help with the births. Sarah moaned, as she felt a really strong contraction. Betsy said, "Push." She felt the first baby's head move further down, increasing the ache. With that, they began to work together as her contractions became more frequent. With each one, Sarah pushed down and moved the baby closer to its entry into the world.

In the other baths, physician assistants were helping Terry, Sally and Judy. Besides the physician assistants coaching them, there was a spouse alongside each one. The baths were arranged so that Connie could easily monitor them all. Glancing occasionally at Jill, Janet and Joyce, she could tell that their contractions had also started and that in the short time they had been in the clinic the frequency had increased. Connie could see that all of their EMTs and PAs had arrived and started their tasks just as they had practiced. She began to wonder if they had enough staff when Karen and many of the care givers came in.

Karen said, "We thought you might like some assistance."

"Yes, we can always use more. Even though we've recently delivered quite a few babies, this is the most at one time."

"We've all coached before so why don't we do that?"

"That will be perfect."

"If you need us to do something else let us know. Don't worry."

"No time for that," replied Connie as she watched Gail entering the birthing tub with Judy.

The birthing was in many respects a replay of when Tara and Erin gave birth, but with a lot more activity. Since those births the medical staff had gained a lot more experience with the birthing baths and multiple deliveries. In preparation for the deliveries, they had met with the clan to review how they could help their spouses during delivery. The birthing baths helped the mothers relax, which in turn made it easier for them to help the babies through the birthing process. The combination of the changes to their bodies and mind-link made the birthing process much less of an ordeal than humans experienced.

Through their mind-link Sarah's Clan gave each other help in relaxing and assisting the contractions to help the baby's birth. With their mind-link all of them were a part of the birth bonding between the mother and babies.

As each of Sarah's babies emerged, Betsy brought it up to the surface of the bath. A nurse quickly cleaned its mouth and nose, to ease the baby's breathing. Then taking the baby from Betsy, she held it so that Betsy could cut the umbilical cord. From there, another nurse took the baby to be cleaned, weighed and placed them in a small bed next to the bath. The babies were quiet and alert as they lay in the bassinet. Sarah could mentally feel each of the babies as they lay there, waiting to feel her touch. The bond between them was their strongest link, but only slightly more so than the one with the rest of her spouses.

Alison helped Sarah from the bath once all four babies were delivered, and then helped her clean up before she lay down on a nearby bed. Alison brought two babies over for her to feed. She nursed them for several minutes before giving them to Alison to continue feeding so that she could nurse the other two. Karen then gave Sarah the other two babies and assisted with swapping them around, as Sarah and Alison exchanged babies several times. By doing this Sarah was able to spend about the same amount of time with each one. When the babies were fed and sleeping, Alison went to help others while Karen stayed near Sarah. Rusty came over again to sit beside her. They looked at each other for a while and then at the babies. They never spoke a word, as they didn't need too. They could feel everyone in their link. The shared experience of this morning had bonded all of them much closer to each other.

"This is amazing," said Rusty. "I can sense every one of us now without any effort, and I didn't know I was making an effort before. We are all just there. I sense your feelings, your thoughts so much more easily than before. I wondered, I guess we all did, about what changes birthing would bring to our bond and mind-link, but I never expected it to be this good, nor this complete. We were all tightly linked in the chamber, this is the same but different, perhaps more basic. It seems to me that our spirits are now fully intertwined."

"Yes, I love all of you," they all spoke together.

"I think," said Sarah, "the strength of our bond grew when Alison, Tara and Erin gave birth to their babies. I sense we felt it then, but perhaps didn't recognize the reason, besides we have learned a lot about ourselves and our new breed since they blessed us with their babies."

"We agree."

Seeing Karen's expression, Sarah smiled then said, "You didn't realize you were part of our link did you."

Karen blushed, "Sort of. We've talked about how your clan seemed different from everyone else but weren't quite sure how to mention it."

"Well I am not sure how to express it either."

"I'm glad it is there."

As soon as the baths were available, Joyce, Janet and Jill climbed in as their babies were ready. Once all the babies were born, fed and asleep, the new mothers relaxed, reclining on the dispensary beds, while recovering their strength. Alison, Tara, Erin, Maeve, Aoife and Claudette sat close to the babies. Nancy's Clan showed up right after breakfast bringing food for those who missed it. They were followed by more nannies bringing the older babies so they could nurse, as well as meet their new siblings. Nancy's Clan immediately lent the nannies a hand with the older siblings, and a nipple to help feed them.

"New mothers," said Betsy, "please spend the day in bed, and preferably in here. Your children are very healthy and lovely newborns."

"Betsy, I noticed that the babies are not exactly like their parents," said Nancy. "The two most obvious things are their feet and that they don't have a tail."

"We expect their feet will change as they grow. For us, the change is typically quite gradual. It will be a couple of months before their legs are ready to them to stand. Once that occurs they will quickly begin standing on the balls of their feet. There is typically a short lag between standing and walking. They have a tail but it is very small. Over the next few years it will gradually lengthen. When they enter puberty, it will grow to its adult length and their mane will become more apparent. This is in addition to other changes occurring during puberty. The timing may be a bit different, as these are the first children of a new breed." A look of concern washed across everyone's face. "No, don't worry. All I was trying to say is that we are not sure of the timing. We expect that by the time they are 15, all of them will be more than 6 feet tall, and by the time they are 20, they will be close to 7 feet tall. They should reach sexual maturity at about the same time. Stature and strength wise, they will very, very similar to all of you. Each set of twins will be close to identical and probably bonded as tightly as you are to one another, if that is possible."

"Wow," responded everyone.

"The mind-links we have within our clans and between each other provides a closeness that we haven't seen in other breeds. It also gives us an easy way to teach and coach," she said, with a bit of longing in her voice.

"Now, for today. As I mentioned earlier, I would prefer all of you to rest here with the babies. Barring any surprises, you can move back to your suite in the morning. In fact, all of you ought to plan on spending the time here, rather than splitting up. Make sure that all of you nurse each baby as this will help them bond to each of you. Never fear, each of you will always know which child came from your womb. In the same way they will know who their biological mother is. Also, each of them will know that all of you are their mothers and that Rusty is their father." They nodded their heads. Even though they hadn't talked about it, they had observed a similar relationship between Alison's, Erin's and Tara's babies and the rest of them.

"Since Nancy's Clan is here, I suspect everyone knows."

"I'm not sure that is true," said Nancy. "We came because we sensed this event was taking place. Besides, they were carrying their babies' very low yesterday evening."

"Okay. You should wait to show the babies 'til tomorrow, as this area is too small to have everyone in here. We can have Star make an announcement with images of the babies. That should satisfy everyone for a little while. She can also ask that visitations wait until tomorrow."

Just then the door was opened as Siobhan entered followed by Maureen, Leann, Ann, Muireann, Jean and Shannon. "Wow," said Maureen, "we didn't expect to find this many here. Can we take a quick peek and then we will let you rest?"

"Sure," said Betsy, "we were just discussing having Star, announce the births with images of the babies. I would like to limit visitors as this area is pretty small."

Maureen looked around for a moment, then said, "Betsy, I think that is a great idea. My spouses are linked with me at the moment, so they know."

"Could we take them to breakfast with us in the morning?" asked Sarah.

"I don't see why not. All of you need to get extra rest during the next several days. Now, we are off to eat and sleep."

Siobhan, Maureen, Leann, Ann, Muireann, Jean and Shannon lingered for a while holding the babies while they chatted. It wasn't long before they said their goodbyes. Sarah's Clan knew that once their friends were out amongst the crew the only topic today would be how the babies looked. They were pleased to see one from each of the oldest family groups came to see them during the morning.

Nancy's Clan spent the day with them. The babies and new mothers slept most of the time. Alison's, Tara's and Erin's children investigated each of the new babies, and watched while they nursed and slept. All were fascinated by the activity around the newborns. Everyone made sure they spent some time focusing attention on the older babies, some of whom were rapidly approaching being toddlers. Since Betsy had mentioned it, they could see that the baby's feet had grown sufficiently for them to begin walking, or trying to walk.

Amy, Erica, Maureen and Siobhan came-by late in the afternoon and visited with them again. The babies took to them as if they were their mothers. Maureen and Siobhan were pleasantly surprised by their reaction of the babies. They had always enjoyed being around children, but at the same time had been unsure of their ability care for them correctly. By the time they left, they were completely at ease with them. Amy and Erica left feeling a slight yearning to be mothers again.

The following morning, after the babies were fed, they returned to their compartment to exercise and freshen up. Once every one was ready, they went to breakfast accompanied by all the babies. The scene in the dining room was somewhat chaotic, as everyone wanted to see and touch the babies. Breakfast lasted longer than normal, due to their presence. Those off duty rotated so everyone had a chance to see them.

Rusty stood as breakfast drew to a close, and tapped his glass. The room became very quiet. "We've hinted at discussing our long range plans once we had an outline. Well, we have the beginnings of an outline. That has prompted us to move forward with a couple of projects. A few days ago, we began preparations to have a discussion on it this week, but after yesterday's events, we feel we need to postpone it for a week or so."

Danny stood then said, "How about placing it on the network?"

"We could do that. Did you have an idea on how to lay it out?"

"I am not keen on a collaboration type document, 'cause after a few dozen comments it is impossible to understand it. How about a document that we can read, and then make comments about in a forum?"

"We can do that. It may be a day or two before it is up."

"Suits me, as we have plenty to keep us busy."

"Now, for the next several days, our clan would like to focus on a few new additions to our family." Several chuckled.

"A few?" came a voice from the back of the room. "If your wonderful new babies are a few, what would be a lot?" Everyone roared with laughter.

"Okay, smart ass, so I understated it. Never the less, we will be spending a good part of our time in our quarters for the next several days. We will be here for meals. Don't let this be a barrier to contacting us. Star, Maureen and Siobhan, along with Amy's Clan, will be readily available to you.

"In the meantime, we would like for each department to continue as you have been. Our impression is that you are doing well in learning your department's operations. Several have started new projects while others are still trying to get things under control. As your knowledge and understanding of the technology in this ship grows, we should consider what improvements need to be made? While the ship is several hundred years old, it is still a product of a different culture. One that is far more advanced than Earth's is today. That does not mean that we can't, or shouldn't, make improvements using the knowledge you brought, along with your creativeness, to what we have. Our fresh perspective should provide us with ideas about how to improve what we have been given. Now that I've said all that, let me remind you to take time to relax and exercise.

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It’s time for the sequel of my maiden story “treachery”. I wont waste your time. Let’s resume enjoying the love-lust of kajal. Before that i will give you my id in case you would like to send me any comment or opinion: It was a week after the day sanjeev and i had mingled physically. As i had hinted at in the previous part, that interval had seen me choose to accept the physical passion of my elder brother-in-law. It had witnessed me letting go of the hold on my dormant desires. After the...

1 year ago
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Drycleaner Delivery The Sequel

As I stood in the kitchen between an irate topless mother and her sexy 18 year old daughter, my mind was racing. I came to the Levine’s house to make a routine dry cleaning delivery. When I found topless Mrs. Levine sun bathing by the pool in the back yard, it never occurred to me that I would end up in her kitchen having my 16 year old cock sucked dry by a woman old enough to be my mother. Nor did I expect to be caught by Mrs. Levine’s daughter, Susan, with my dick in her mother’s mouth and my...

3 years ago
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the break in another BBW fisting story WIP

Katie Randall was a cat burglar and she was the best as what she does. She had raided at least 10 houses per month and pawned all of the valuables she could find; anything from gold watches, ceramic figures. She had a perfect slim figure, beautiful brown eyes, and sort of a tanned skin, but not too tanned that you’d confuse her for being black; she was still looked white from a certain perspective. She sat in three room apartment in Los Angeles, reading the newspaper to see what her next job...

3 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 19

Tuesdays are always weird. Usually you spend part of Tuesday finishing up what you didn't do on Monday. But today, all my stuff was complete until I got a call from the Dallas office. "Mr. Johnson, I'm Randal Davidson, the Assistant Chief in the Dallas/Ft. Worth station. Our chief was shot last night and may not live. We are going to need some supervision, as there are several problems that are being dealt with internally." "Randal, why am I hearing about internal problems for the...

2 years ago
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The Knob Polisher

This is just a story, okay? Nobody is advocating you to enjoy sex with under-age people and most cross-dressers probably aren't gay. Yea, and most females who choose to hang around gay dudes aren't evil, either. Most 'fag-hags' seem to be actually be nice people and some may even resent that term of endearment. And it never was my intention to slander the Vegan lifestyle, Wicca, Druids, the rest of the occult and all the other great religions of the world. This is just a story, okay?...

2 years ago
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Bonfire Celebration

The bonfire was burning strong in the barbarian village. A celebration was being held and hundreds were gathered to dance, feast, and most importantly, find a mate. The heat spread across the pavilions and the beats from the drums were intense and could be heard all the way in the crop fields outside the walls. The young viking prince Jaro had seen battle for the first time and emerged victorious. His father, chief Mordin, sat high atop of a small rise overviewing the fire and village. Next to...

3 years ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 8 Discourses

Wow. I closed my email program and looked down at my swollen, throbbing cock. I very much wanted to masturbate, but I felt even more committed to my imaginary solidarity with Denise and Lissa, as I put them through these tasks, even though they appeared so wrapped up in their own excitement and experiences it had been quite some time since either of them had shown any interest in my own erotic situation -- as Finn, not as Jason, obviously. I really suspected both they preferred it that way,...

1 year ago
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A New Horse for Amanda

Harry had only been back from the combat zone for less than a month when he received orders to report to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He was less than happy because he had been hoping for orders to Camp Pendleton, California and a chance for another shot at all the prime and sassy California girls. Camp Lejeune was not all that bad except the ticks and chiggers drove him to distraction whenever he had to wander through the forest in pursuit of a make believe enemy. At least in this forest the...

3 years ago
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Another one of my stories

Well here we go again. Like I said 100 percent true a c***dhood friend of mine wanted me to post some of my stories. I'm no writer but your comments are welcome. Back to the department store I worked at for the cleaning company there was this merchandise coordinator. She was a third key in other words she could open and close the store. About 5-2 black hair 120 pounds she was cute as a button as they say. Well one Sat. morning she had to open up with me. We had to be there at eight but the...

4 years ago
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Just a quick business trip the home coming and pa

.Having left Kay at short notice and found out that she was fully aware of the secure cam show she had put on, now was the time for me to get home and take things further for real.On getting home, little was said between us about the previous evenings events and how Kay was fully aware of me watching the show she had put on for me. Having now unpacked and taken the glass of whisky out of Kay’s hand we just slumped into the sofa and cuddled, Kay asked if the trip had been worth it and I had to...

3 years ago
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Naughty Fun

Introduction: A delicious massage turns into some deliciously erotic fun The masseuses hands are gliding across my skin, working the muscles of my shoulders and back with an expert touch. I sigh with contentment as the tension and stress seem to melt away from my body. Its not often that I get a chance to relax like this. Work makes for long days and things have been even more hectic lately as my daughter had recently moved out of the house and off to college and my son had just started high...

1 year ago
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Football Widow No Longer

Football Widow No Longer Belladonna Taylor gave her a husband a glare. The opening kickoff for the season opener was only a few hours away. She shook her head at his apparent vegetative stare while he gazed vacantly at the pre-game show. She knew that he would be out the door and at the bar by the time the game started. The games were all he seemed to care about once the regular season commenced. While Taylor had initially chaffed about being abandoned every Sunday, she had...

2 years ago
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A Stoned Hookup

So, to cut the long introductory indian sex story short, I met this guy on Tinder. We chatted for a while and . This guy introduced me to weed. We met a few more times and smoked weed. I was still learning how to smoke. It was quite risky to do it in open. So he suggested that he’ll arrange some pg room where I can get real high without giving a second thought. So, the day was decided & I went there. It all started with some casual talk, while he was rolling up some joints. I was literally...

1 year ago
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Sex with My Mother In Law Renuka and her Daughter in Law Part 1

My beautiful mother in law with big boobs and hairy pussy and her sexy chubby milky daughter in law with big boobs dark nipples and shaved juicy wet pussy Hello Guys, This is… My beautiful mother in law with big boobs and hairy pussy and her sexy chubby milky daughter in law with big boobs dark nipples and shaved juicy wet pussy Hello Guys, This is a real story of mine. I am Karan 34yrs and my mother in law is 56yrs. She got big boobs juicy lips and round butt. This happened before...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 60

June 1st, 2020 Hello Everyone, I’m checking in as it’s been a minute. I’ve settled into a narrow gauge of behaviour and environment. As long as I don’t push myself or get stressed or overstimulated I’ve been able to function pretty well. I still have the memory issues which get me in trouble as I forget when or if to pick somebody up. I’m having to renew my commitment to the checklist and written reminder system. My headaches are more frequent again and I’m having to take extra pain...

3 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 18 Like a Plan Coming Together

"Ashley needs you at the Tea Party," Jewel said to me. She wore a very short red dress, which clung for dear life to her ass and hips. She did a slow turn for me when she noticed my attention. With her back to me, Jewel raised the bottom of her dress far enough for me to see the black thong. "Tea party?" I asked. "If you're going to fuck her, can you do it on the couch? I'm working here," the Professor said without looking up from his papers. Jewel coughed. "I'm sorry," the...

1 year ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 36 Shradha Ki Ankahi Sachchayi

Narrated by Amit Hi dosto, main Amit, pichle baar episode 33 mein apne pada ki kaise main Shradha ke ghar subah pahuncha. Fir uske sath uske breakfast karte samay masti ki. Breakfast ke bad hum dono ne living ke sofe mein ache se chudai ka khel bhi khela. Sex karne ke bad hum dono sofa par hi nange pade rahe thak kar. Woh meri god mein baithi hui thi, bhale sardi ke din the leki garmi kafi thi. Thodi der bad Shradha meri god se utarti hui boli: Pagal, aise mat karo, fir tum wapas jaoge to...

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The Girlfriend by loyalsock

"What a nice evening," Dina Corbin thought to herself as she slipped into the shower and let the hot stinging jets of water waft over her body. And it really had been a nice evening, her daughter Lori had come home from college for a weekend visit and brought along her room mate Landry, and the three or them had spent the evening gabbing about old times, playing Scrabble, and drinking wine spritzers! This was the first time that Dina had met any of Lori's college chums, and after meeting...

2 years ago
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The Tunnel Builder Chapter 1

It has been decided that I shall go to Somerset.  I feel myself being torn apart but we must be strong.  I shall write whenever I can and, I pray you, write to the usual place and it will reach me eventually.  Hitherto our clandestine activities have excited me.  Now they feel like a further barrier to our love.Being single was getting on my tits.  Sure, I could do anything I wanted, whenever I wanted as long as it didn’t involve physical contact with another woman.  And since that was the one...

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I Love My Slut Slave Part One

------------------------------------------------ I love my slut, and she loves me. We've helped each other through tough times and developed a bond too deep for words. More relevantly, we are both sick fucks. But we have never seen each other face-to-face. Until now. Waiting alone by the exit terminal, boredom and expectation have my mind churning through disjointed memories. We met online when she was only eighteen. Barely eighteen, even, if I recall correctly. Would that I could have...

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The Erotic Adventures of a BrideToBe

Immediately, her brain changed directions and went back to sleep, hoping that relief would be found there. She was spared for a few minutes, before the sunlight came in her bedroom window and hit her square on the face. If she had any energy, she would pull down the shade, but she had none. She tried to roll over… Trying to descend into the soft fluffy world of her bed, where her hangover would not exist. But it was no use. She heard the creaking of floorboards. The muttering of voices....

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Rimming Jobs Kiss Me

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception."I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her!"Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys."Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

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Las Vegas poolside

I needed a vacation terribly and booked a last minute long weekend.When I got there it was late. I went to the hotel bar and drank heavy. Two hookers offered me some fun but I was concerned about std's.When I got up the next morning I headed out to the "ultra pool." I paid for a cabana."What is the benefit of this cabana?" I asked the girl that showed me around."Well; you can spend the entire day here, I bring you bottle service if you want it, you can watch sports on the tv and you have quite...

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Grand Affair

Copyright© 2004 On day a Monterey daughter Did scuba down under the water. She later turned up The mom of a pup, And they say t'was a otter that gotter. My grandmother came to me that first night. I had been caught twice earlier in the day, once looking up her skirt at church of all places and then down her blouse to the abundant cleavage. That second time I saw a private smile where I had only seen surprise the time before. When I awoke, I saw the shadow pass through my door...

2 years ago
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How Quiet Can You Be

“I’m so bored,” Penny whined. “Read your book,” I said. I adjusted my folded up coat against the window and closed my eyes again. Outside the mountains rolled by in the darkness as the coach wound its way through them to the ski resort. “I finished it.” “Then, I don’t know, try to sleep or something.” “I can’t sleep, Johnny, I’m too wired. I can’t read, can’t watch the scenery out the window and you won’t talk to me.” I sighed. “Pen, keep your voice down. Everyone else is asleep.” I...

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60 year old receptionist 2

The 60 year old receptionist asked me what I wanted next time, I have always been curious about being tied down and edged until my cock can’t take it anymore, until it's so sensitive I can't bear the thought of someone touching it! She just smiled and said silly young man! Below is what I think I want.........She looked at me distastefully at first, my feet tied together my hands tied to the bed post, I listened to her heels clicking on the floor, I could feel my cock twitching in...

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A Jedis Training Ch 02

Chapter 2 – A Jedi’s Patience Things gradually got better after the first month at the Academy. As Eryn became more accustomed to life on Coruscant, her in-home displays of nudity seemed to decrease. Jacen still caught her masturbating from time to time, though, and there was no doubt in his mind that it was a daily activity for her. Sometimes she would do it in the shower, with the door left open a crack, other times she would confine herself to her room with her door closed, but Jacen could...

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The Fancy

I am Anusha, working in a leading software company in Hyderabad.   My native place is Guntur.    I am a loner and do not try to make much friends.   In the work place also, I do like to keep myself confined to my cubicle.   My TL is good woman, she understands me but often advise me to be an active team player for a successful career.   I am a pretty woman.   Men really try to impress me wherever I go.   They play all kinds of tricks to grab the attention of me.   It is just that I do not...

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The Future is Bright Pink Part One

The Future is Bright (Pink) Part One By Miss Clare Chapter 1 This was to be the most brilliant and extraordinary mission of all time. Scientists had been working on this matter for many years it seems and the prospect of many science fiction fans dreams was secretly about to be realised. Time travel. A woman called Cathy Newheart had made the breakthrough; her proclamation that this was a huge step for women scientists everywhere was greeted by acceptance by the...

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The Darkness

Darkness is an odd thing to see. Sometimes darkness can be scary, but not this kind. This was self-induced. The sun shone from above onto my neck and head—a spectacular feeling. It just couldn’t overpower the feeling of nerves, and yet sexual excitement I felt. I felt, as I can only put it, like a slut. I’d never felt this way before and I wasn’t too sure I liked it. Sure, I had done this before but not like this. As I had woken from my slumber that morning, I decided to check my emails....

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Woman With A PastChapter 3

Dinner was forgettable and the live band hired for the after-dinner dancing was, in a word, execrable. Despite being a terrible dancer, I gallantly danced with each of the three women at our table: Betsy, Marsha, and Shirley. Shirley was getting a lot of stares from the other people on the dance floor, and I could tell she was regretting having come to the reunion. "Do you want to go and sit down?" I asked her, reacting to her obvious discomfiture. "Actually, I want to just leave," she...

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Tired of WaitingChapter 2

Life with my wife – the Queen – settled down into something that I was content with, though I won’t claim I was happy. She finally agreed to working together to rule the country that we both loved, and the Landsmeet didn’t stand a chance against the two of us when we were united. And every night, reluctantly but consistently, she would come to my room to attempt to conceive. At her insistence, we never had sex in her rooms again, and I wondered if she thought it would protect her from having...

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The Friday Night Male Nude Art Club

“Do you find me attractive?”The question sounded like more of an accusation, a reprimand, than anything.Professor Milford eyed me sternly over narrow, rectangular lenses. I wasn’t keen to meet her eye, but it was better than making things worse by staring at the stretches of red nylon visible from half-thigh to calves on her crossed legs.This was what I’d done habitually during lectures, and what I now imagined, given the question, had caused the professor to summon me to her office. There was,...

College Sex
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Sometimes Walt hated his job as a high school teacher. He felt that way as he watched Damon swagger out of his office and Brad swagger in. Both of them were there to complain about the F's he had given them. Neither one of them had done the slightest bit of work in his course, and when they bothered to show up at all, had been rude and disruptive. But they didn't believe he had the right to give them F's, and they felt no compunction about displaying their anger. Damon was a big, muscular,...

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In the park

Jayne lay in the bath and idly ran her fingers over her belly – pouring some shower gel into her hand she started to wash herself; starting with her breasts she massaged the gel into her skin using the palms of her hands in an u*********s gesture of self pleasuring.As her nipples hardened under her fingers, her mind went back to Terry and the excitement she had experienced that morning when they had spoken.He only had to describe a walk in the park and she was a mindless, sensual being whose...

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Her Name Was Betsy Part One

Let me start by saying this is my first time writing anything like this.This is something I thought up about a really beautiful girl I went to high school with. Well let me tell you a little bit about her. Her name is Betsy, she is about 5'5, with long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and a smile that could stop you in your tracks. Her body is amazing. She has what I guess to about 34DD breasts, a nice toned stomach and the cutest ass I've ever seen.It all starts one day when I get a phone call...

Oral Sex
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Samuel Pt 4

Afternoons in the barracks complex’s communal lounge had become a sort of informal study group since the start of my relationship with Sam. I had to work hard to keep up with the math required by our school and there was no way I could concentrate alone in a room with my lover, making a crowded public place the only real option. And it was a tough school, so I seldom lacked for company. Usually Sam was right there with me, but his math background was strong and when the upcoming test was all...

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Audrey Act 2

ACT 2(Behind the scenes, on location at Lake Tahoe)"Keep those cameras rolling," the director shouted, "Audrey stay in position. Number Three zoom in on Audrey's backside. Madeline you're up."Audrey's girlfriend Madeline worked quickly to rub down Audrey's backside with alcohol which cooled it at first and then caused it to blossom into a glowing pink. "Spread your legs baby," she whispered, "I'm going to insert a suppository," an old trick designed to simulate a dripping pussy, not that Audrey...

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Face of Betrayal

A scene so familiar, a drama ubiquitous - who has not seen, from Shakespeare to soap opera, the tragedy of someone discovering his or her mate *in flagrante delicto*? But when there is no falling curtain nor rolling of closing credits to remind one that it's all just fiction and fantasy, the cold wave of shock and the wrenching in the gut seem entirely unique and unprecedented. The evidence of betrayal, in whatever form, reaches within to the very foundations of one's self- respect, sundering...

1 year ago
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Blind Date

I've been blind since birth, and it didn't seem to matter too much as I was growing up, but on the day of my eighteenth birthday I was still a virgin and it got me thinking. My name is Grale, by the way. I know, funny name, but my folks were into old cultures and I guess it dates back to some ancient dead time. I got some kidding at school, but as I matured into a 5 foot 7 inch, blond, woman with a well-defined waist, 38C breasts and hips to match, I could almost 'hear' the appreciative looks I...

First Time
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Sunset Adventures

Finally, the day was getting cooler. It had been hot and unchanging, the sun beating down mercilessly, sweat trailing down spines and in between breasts. It had been an oppressing day; and Tessa Midderhelm had been hungry. It was the heat that had done it, that and her husband’s seemingly unexplainable loss of appetite in sex. Alec hadn’t showed any indication of desiring lovemaking from her at all in the past two or three weeks, and damn it all!--Tessa was a healthy woman. She had needs and...

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Rule 34 Paheal

Rule34Paheal? I know what you're thinking? What the fuck is this Rule34 Paheal shit? Well, Rule 34 (animated) is a popular meme that essentially states, ‘if it exists, there is porn of it.’ In other words, it’s the idea that, since the world is filled with weird and perverse people such as yourself, there is porn of every single thing imaginable. Or, as rule34.paheal.net puts it in their About section, “There IS porn of it, no exceptions.”Intricate drawings of Pokemon fucking their...

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The year is 51BC, Julius Caesar just finished conquering Gaul and Rome is being flooded with gold, slaves and other spoils of war. You are the son of a member of the lower nobility, although your father has a seat in the senate your family does not hold much influence in roman politics. It does however have a few businesses, mainly brothels, and with the large amount of slaves coming into the city, your father decides to open a new one in the city of Ostia the harbour city of Rome. Your father...

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The Making of a Three Hole Slut

Adam was relaxing on the couch watching some television and just chilling out, as most people would do, who had the day off work. It wasn’t even his house he was relaxing in, but he had met Leonora a couple of months ago in a bar and their relationship had developed in a strange way. Neither of then had many friends and both were sexually frustrated. After their first night together, they realised that they had a slight problem. The fact was that neither of them wanted a commitment, or even a...

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The Ties That BindChapter 2

The next morning, dressed a warm up that Lyle thoughtfully provided, I sat at the breakfast table with Lyle and Millie. Our conversation was stilted and broken by periods of silence. Finally Lyle arose and motioned me into the den. Millie followed. "Dave, it's time to have a talk," Lyle began. I interrupted him. "Lyle, I am totally screwed up, but I do know that what occurred last night was not rape. Where did you come up with that? I kept my mouth shut all evening, partly because my...

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Unjan Anti Ko Choda In Pune

Hi ISS lovers, mera nam Amit he me pune me reheta hu. I am 23 years old. This is my first story. Reply me on So come back to story..Me pune me 1 it company me job karta hu.Ye 1 sal peheleki bata he jub me buss se travel karta tha. Me roj 8 bajeki buss se office jata tha aur buss me mere sath 1 aunti roj aati thi, bad me meri unse janpehechan ho gyi. Unka nam rita tha unki umar karib 35 sal hogi..Magar wo dikhaneme bahota khubsurt thi. Unka figure bhi bahot aacha tha, bade boobs 36 ke jo muze...

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The EndLust In The Snowstorm

Callie awoke a few hours later urgently needing to use the bathroom so she quietly crawled over Doug to the front seat and slid on her jeans and sweater, not bothering to look for her underwear. She then put on her boots and coat, opened the door just enough to slip out and headed across the dark deserted parking lot toward the truck stop. It was still snowing lightly but she felt confident that the roads would be open later this morning.Unbeknown to Callie, she did not manage to slip out of...

2 years ago
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The Matchmaker Bandits The Great Museum Robbery

Chapter One - “A Night At The Museum” It was about 2:30 in the morning on a Friday of the second week of September and it was unseasonably warm outside. The fact that it was 78 degrees outside made me glad that my job did not require me to work outdoors. The company I worked for had received the contract to upgrade the computerized network system of the Museum of Arts and Sciences. Since the museum was to open for a new exhibit of rare Egyptian artifacts on the following morning,...

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