Hath EyesChapter 2 free porn video

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Cheryl had looked at all the likely job openings. Monday morning, she was calling the unlikely ones. Kochanowski and Kochanowski had advertised an opening for a paralegal OR a secretary more than a week ago on the web. Well, either it was still open, or they’d tell her.

“Kochanowski, Belmonte, and Belmonte,” a woman’s voice answered. Damn! Did she get the wrong number? On the other hand, could there be two law offices involving the name Kochanowski?

“I’m calling about an opening for a paralegal.”

“Fine. Can you come in this afternoon?”

“Certainly. What time is convenient?” Cheryl asked.

“Why don’t we say two o’clock? And ignore the name on the glass. It’s suite 1709.”

The glass on the door of suite 1709 said ‘Kochanowski and Kochanowski.’ She knocked and a cheerful voice told her to come in. The only person that she could see in the office was a pregnant woman behind the desk.

“I’m Cheryl Benson,” she said. “You advertised for a paralegal.”

“So we did. Have you worked as a paralegal before?”

“No. I just got my degree in prelaw. I thought I would work and pay off my school loans before I applied to law school.”

“Can you type?” the woman asked. She pushed away from the desk and pulled herself up onto her feet. “Take the chair. I have a test in there. Hit the space bar when you’re ready.”

Cheryl took the chair. When she hit the space bar, a computerized voice began dictating, and she began typing. When she got more than a word behind the voice, it slowed down. This flustered her, but she didn’t complain. When the voice stopped, she scooted back in her chair.

“Decent,” the woman said. “You’ll probably do better in real life. Pardon me for intruding in your personal life, but do you have a boyfriend currently?”

That question was less an intrusion than something she didn’t really know. “I’ve been on one date with a guy. I have another scheduled Saturday.”

“And is he taller than you?”

Cheryl almost laughed. “Oh, yes.”

“If you take this job, how long would you plan to stay?”

“At least until September next year.”

“Well,” the woman said, “I could ask more questions, but I’m not the one to decide.” She hit a button on her desk. “Chris, could you come in here?”

A guy came in through a door from one side instead of the hall. He was maybe 5’ 9” and slightly balding. He wore a suit.

“Cheryl Benson,” the woman said, “Chris Kochanowski. Chris is the senior partner here. What are your questions, Chris?”

“Can she type? File so you can find the files?”

“She can type well enough. She’s a college graduate; I’m assuming she knows the alphabet.”

“Will she take ten dollars an hour?” The woman looked at her, and she decided.

“I’m really looking for a little more.”

“Twelve and health insurance?”

“That seems reasonable,” she said. It was less than she had expected, but it was more than she could get waiting tables, and she saw that as the next jobs she’d seek.

“When we run over, and law offices sometimes do, that will be time and a half unless you specifically want comp time,” Kochanowski said. “Damn it Marie, it’s really your decision.”

“Then,” the woman said, “the decision is yes. Can you start training tomorrow? Pay starts then, too.”

“What time tomorrow?”

“Nine o’clock.”

She was officially a working woman.

She explained the situation to Jake Saturday when he took her to a restaurant before the movie.

“Marie Kochanowski got a job as a legal secretary. Then she married the lawyer. She’s afraid of her successor in the first position taking the second position, as well. As far as I can see, the fear is totally baseless. He dotes on her, and he dotes on the kid who’s about to appear at least as much.

“Anyway,” she continued, “his sister was the other Kochanowski. She became the other Belmonte, and there are going to be three lawyers in the office as soon as those two are back from their honeymoon. It’s incestuous. I’m the only one in the office who isn’t related, and I call Chris and Marie by their first names.”

They got out of the movie early enough to go to the lakefront and sit on a grassy section between the parking lot and the beach. They watched the moon come up out of the lake. They mostly kissed, and she kept her clothes on.

When the cops came by to announce that the park was closing, they drove back to the building.

His kiss was as long and as exciting as though they hadn’t been making out for the last hour.

Marie’s question seemed to have been answered. She had a boyfriend.

Jake would have been happy to hear that. As he saw it, Cheryl was between boyfriends. Her last one had tricked her. She’d known Jake forever, and the families knew one another. She must see him as safe. She was happy to go out with him. She was even willing to make out with him. On the other hand, Jake damned-well didn’t want to be safe. He wanted to take this further.

Meanwhile, they were ramping up on a new program at work. An insurance company had started with a rate-setting FORTRAN program decades ago. They’d added new calculations to the old program to answer new questions ever since. Finally, somebody had persuaded management that the Rube-Goldberg mess had to go. Larry’s team was tasked with writing something smooth, compact, and in a modern language which would produce all the figures they wanted in logical order.

The first question was in which order the figures should be calculated. Some were useful in calculating others. They couldn’t break it down into modules before that question was answered, and they sat around the conference table tossing out ideas.

“Okay,” Larry said, “that’s it. Take lunch, and I’ll have your assignments when you come back. For once, sales hasn’t promised the program for yesterday. Next Wednesday’s the fourth. I want something which will run -- or at least each module will run -- by the third. We’ll start speeding it up and working out kinks on the fifth. I think the building will be closed on the fourth, and I don’t plan to be here to check on that.”

Larry was right. Everybody needed a break. Jake was tempted to call Cheryl over lunch, but she was at work on a new job. Even employers who allowed personal calls at work weren’t happy with them and one of her jobs was answering the phone.

He stopped on the way home at a north-side Korean restaurant. Eating in the Loop was expensive. Except breakfast, he only ate at home when he was pushed or restaurants were closed.

At 7:30, Cheryl would be done with dinner and still awake. He called her cell.

“Jake,” she answered. She sounded pleased.

“Listen, would you be willing to go out for dinner and dancing Friday night?”

“That sounds wonderful.”

“Outside your office building? 6:10?” he asked.

“Make it 6:20.”

“And another movie Saturday? Or is that pushing it?”

“I would love to.” Her voice sounded as if she would really love to.

“And this is really pushing it. How about a dinner and we find a place to watch the fireworks on Wednesday?”

“You really get the Fourth off?”

“Massa Lincoln done freed the slaves.” He didn’t try for a Black accent. He’d tried one once in the hearing of an African-American officer; the Columbia graduate had corrected every grammatical error he made for the next four months.

“Then, I’m inviting you on a picnic. I’m cooking. You can drive.”

“Well, I’ve never had an invitation turned down so attractively. I’d love it.”

Friday, Cheryl got downstairs just before a quarter after. Jake was already there. She spotted him first; Jake was damned easy to spot. He started into the crowd heading towards the doors when he did see her. They met, he held out a hand, and then they had to drop hands when they reached the revolving doors.

“Mind walking a few blocks?” he asked.

“Not at all.” With his hand in hers, he held back his pace whenever she got behind. An hour later, the restaurant would have asked them to wait in the bar until a table was free. Right then, the bar was crowded and the restaurant part was not.

They exchanged updates on their jobs. His module was what he called the front end. A human would type in the data. The program would check that all the numbers were in a reasonable range, ship them out, and start the other modules working.

Marie was three weeks to her due date, though she looked to be in her tenth month.

They danced at the same place as last time. It was as enjoyable, and they closed the place again.

It was impossible to have a kiss hotter than the ones Jake had already given her, impossible, at least, while dressed. Jake achieved the impossible. His tongue raped her mouth while he left fingerprints on her skirt. Finally, he tore away from her and headed up the stairs. She took a minute catching her breath and finding her key to the apartment before letting herself in. That night, she dreamed of following Jake up the stairs. Their clothes disappeared, and their skins kissed each other as much as their mouths.

Saturday, she shopped for the picnic. She bought a ham and figured on making the sandwiches Tuesday night. She’d bake brownies for dessert Sunday. She warned Mom about which foods were not to be touched before Thursday.

“I thought you would go to the beach with us.” Mom said. Every year, they packed a cooler, had a late lunch, saw the fireworks, and came home to a late supper. Cheryl -- and Eve long ago -- usually accompanied them. The fireworks were distant, but the view was spectacular.

“Well, Jake keeps feeding me. I thought it was time to feed him.”

“You could have invited him,” Mom said. “I know. You want to see him without chaperones.”

“Mom!” Cheryl said. “I’m a college graduate. When Eve was my age, Janice was three months old.”

“But Eve was married more than a year then.”

“And she didn’t get married with you watching her and Keith every second, or even every date.” Cheryl didn’t know where this thing with Jake was heading, but she knew it would head nowhere if Mom supervised.

Jake knocked on the Benson door a few minutes before six. This really brought back memories. Mr. Benson had more waist and less hair than when he’d called for Eve. He couldn’t really be shorter. Jake was just taller.

“Is Cheryl ready?” Jake asked. “I know I’m a little early.”

“You guys are seeing a lot of each other, aren’t you?” Well, not as much as he’d like to see of Cheryl, but he’d never tell Mr. Benson that.

“She’s indulging me. I work a crazy schedule, and she gives me dates when I’m not buried in work.”

“The first time they saw you,” Cheryl said as she came in, “you were dating a tenth grader. They think you still are. I’m ready.”

He offered her his arm, and they left. He helped her into the car and then got in the driver’s side. In deference to her parents, they’d skipped the kiss when she came out. They had a nice one before he started the car. It was chaste, only a little tongue and no hands at all.

He had his arm around her all through the movie. She snuggled against him. The moon was smaller and higher in the sky than it had been the last time they watched it. The lake was the same, though, and the feel of Cheryl was even better.

“Do you like mustard?” she asked him after one kiss.

“Now, that came out of left field.”

“Well, I’m making ham sandwiches for our picnic, and I wondered what I should put on them. I could bring everything, but with only two of us, I figured on asking.”

“Mustard is fine,” he said, He’d been in enough situations where you ate what was available. It was nice of her to ask, though.

By now, the moon was right overhead. He eased her down where she could see it, and kissed her again. He plundered her mouth. Then he kissed a path down her neck and into her cleavage. He finished up kissing her soft tits through her blouse and bra. Her tush was on the ground and out of his reach. He stroked her belly, stroked her jeans-clad thigh. When his hand reached her mound that had been calling it all night, she didn’t make any protest. The entire park was full of other couples making their own explorations, and he couldn’t bare any of this beauty. He desperately wanted to, though.

The cops came by with their loudspeakers. It had to be too early, but nobody getting up and walking away said so. He had to circle three blocks and make a U-turn to find parking, but they held hands all the way back from the car.

At her apartment door, Cheryl turned towards him and raised her face for the kiss. Her hands were around his neck while their tongues wrestled and his hands roamed. She was tight against his hard-on. He wanted her so desperately. He almost picked her up and went for the stairs.

Instead, he wrenched himself away. He headed to the stairs.

“Wednesday,” she said softly but audibly.

“I can’t wait.” He would, however, be forced to.

Sunday, he scouted a number of possible locations in the Forest Preserve. He wanted some place accessible from a legal parking spot with nobody else near. Of course, nobody being there on Sunday did not assure that nobody would be there on the fourth. Well, he wouldn’t consider any place a sane man would put up a grill. The Fourth of July meant grilling for lots of families. Finally, he identified four possibles.

Monday, there was a sprinkle. He got a drop cloth and put it in the trunk of his car. If Cheryl called off the picnic because of rain, that was her right. He’d be prepared for wet ground, though.

Tuesday night, Cheryl started on her sandwiches. The brownies were in the refrigerator and she’d purchased another cooler as well as the soft drinks. Apparently, Jake hadn’t tumbled to the connection between mustard and kisses.

Wednesday, she got up late. Mom was busy in the kitchen, and Dad was rooted in front of the TV. After her shower, she chose her thinnest bra. It didn’t give as much support, but if Jake wanted to kiss her through a bra, she wanted to have him kissing her and not underwire.

Jake was early. With nobody watching -- she’d closed the door remembering that his parents were across the hall -- they had a very nice kiss before she handed him the blanket and the cooler. She carried the hamper.

“I’ve got ground cover,” he said when they were in the car heading west. “The grass might be a little damp.” He drove a bit, and then stopped in the Forest Preserve where they could park well off the road. She noticed when he opened the trunk that he’d brought a blanket. When he put down the drop cloth, she also noticed that he’d chosen an isolated spot. Well, she wanted to make out, too.

When they’d eaten, she found out that she’d been right. Jake did taste better with mustard. He pushed her down on the blanket though he lay on the drop cloth. After another kiss, he stared directly into her eyes while unbuttoning her blouse. His next kiss was to her belly.

“Roll so I can get the bra straps,” he said sometime later.

“I’ll get it. You get your shirt.”

“I’m not pretty.”

“I’ve seen your scars,” she said. “I want to kiss skin-to-skin.”

He didn’t say anything, but he started on his buttons. She sat up, took the blouse all the way off, and took off the bra. She glanced around. She couldn’t see anybody, not even any passing cars. Still, she was glad to lie back down.

He got his lanky -- still clothed -- legs between her -- still clothed -- ones. The feel of his hairy chest against her nipples was as exciting as his tongue in her mouth. She felt heat gather in the pit of her stomach, and he was hot and firm against her thigh. He slid down and kissed all over her breasts before sucking on her nipples.

She hadn’t registered any time passing, but the sun was definitely to the west of them when a loudspeaker called from the road, “This is a public park.”

Jake rolled off her and stood. He started trotting downhill. She could see that he was keeping between her and the sheriff’s car down there. She got her bra and blouse on, stood up, and tucked the blouse into her jeans. She picked up Jake’s shirt and tee shirt before following him down at a slower pace.

Jake called out, “Is there something wrong with how the car is parked, officer?” He knew that wasn’t the problem, but let’s start with what he was doing right. The cop -- must have been a deputy -- got out of the car.

“Where did you get that?” were the deputy’s first words.

“Falujah.” He slowed down. He might look threatening galloping down on him like that.

“What were you doing up there?”

“We were having a picnic,” he said. The guy knew what else they’d been doing. Otherwise, he would have kept driving. He got to the level and stopped. They could talk like this, and he didn’t want to crowd an armed man.

“About done with your food?”


“Then why don’t you pack it up and find another place, maybe a quiet room?” the deputy asked. “My sergeant was in ‘Nam, and I’d be doing night shifts until he retires if I arrested a Purple-Heart veteran for public indecency. On the other hand, families use the Forest Preserve. You want a little privacy.”

He’d wanted a little privacy, and he’d thought he’d got it. On the other hand, never argue with a cop.

“We’ll close it up, then,” he said. “Took us a couple of trips to carry the stuff up.”

“No hurry. I’ll swing back in maybe five minutes.”

“We’ll be gone by then.” The deputy got back in his car, and Cheryl handed him his shirts.

“Wait here,” he told her. “I’ll get the stuff.” He did, loading the car after everything was down. He put her blanket in the back seat and put the rest in the trunk.

He let her out by the house. She took the blanket up, and he parked further away. He managed the cooler and hamper in one trip.

“They’re still at the beach,” Cheryl greeted him when he came in the door of the apartment. She followed him into the kitchen and started to put stuff away when he set the basket down. He took the cooler. He put the cans in the ‘fridge and carried the cooler out to the back porch. He tossed the melt water and the rest of the ice over the railing.

When he came back to the kitchen, Cheryl came into his arms for another kiss. She was soft in all the right places, and he was hard again. When he squeezed her ass, she tightened one cheek and then the other.

“I don’t know for how long, though,” she said when they broke.

“Do you want to come up?” After all, they had a police order to find a quiet room.

She was still for the longest time.

Cheryl remembered Lori. Guys don’t have an off switch. If you went to a guy’s room, he expected you to have sex with him. Did she want to have sex with Jake? She thought.


They returned to the hall and went up the stairs. Jake sort of hung back, and she suspected that he was eying her butt as she climbed. She swayed for him. He caught up at his door and unlocked it. They went into his kitchen, and she remembered that he didn’t have a living room. Well, she knew where the bedroom was.

“Cheryl,” he cooed when she went there. They had a kiss and he stroked her butt. He didn’t taste of mustard any more, but he still tasted of Jake, and that was arousing as hell. He turned her around, and she was facing his bed while he held her breast and unbuttoned her blouse. He kissed her shoulder while unsnapping her bra.

She was scared shitless. At the same time, she was aroused until she was creaming. He kept kissing and stroking. He tweaked her ear while he sucked on her nipple.

“Look, do you have something?” she asked when he opened her belt. The belt didn’t puzzle him like it had Dale.

“Yeah.” He opened a drawer in his night table. Right there; the guy was prepared. Well, he’d had a long -- occasionally brutal -- life between Eve and her.

“Have you done this before?” he asked while opening the box.

The question froze her. How far had Dale gone? He’d said he hadn’t, but the guy was a total liar.

“I don’t know.”

Jake silently cursed himself for an idiot. It was a fair question with some gal. This wasn’t some gal. This was Cheryl, and he’d seen her state when the guy had dumped her out front.

“That guy who’d got you drunk?” he asked.

“Yeah. He said he didn’t, but...”

“Well, in that case, you really haven’t. What he did with your body while you weren’t there is another question. We’ll go nice and slow.”

She smiled at him, and he kissed her again. When she felt less stiff, he took off his own shirts. She had already seen his scars, and, instead of looking, she went into another kiss. Feeling her soft tits and hard nipples against his chest hardened him until he ached. “Slowly,” he told his cock silently. The cock never listened.

“Why don’t you lie down?” he said. When she did, he started on her tennis shoes. When they were off, he kissed her belly and sat on the bed to deal with his own boots. The next kiss was skin to skin again on the top. It was more comfortable with his feet able to push off the bed.

He kissed down to her tits, got lost in them, and then kissed down to her belly button. When she had writhed while he licked there, he knelt up with his hands on her waist.

“Let me,” he said.

Cheryl had already made her decision before the last round of kisses. She raised her hips, and she felt the jeans slowly sliding down her legs. She was ready for the panties to follow them, even if she was feeling a little nervous. Instead, he lay down beside her and kissed her again. He kept his body off hers, and he stroked her thighs while he kissed her mouth and breast. He rubbed through the panties while he sucked her nipple. She felt hot, and she welcomed the possible cooling when he finally removed her panties.

Then, his hand was directly on her genitals, and the heat only increased. He leaned across her to lick and suck her left nipple, and she felt the hair on his chest tickle and scratch her other one. The heat rose in her; she felt herself stiffen.

“Yes, darling,” he said. “Come for me.”

She tried to tell him that she would. Right then, though, the fire flared. The flames ran through her, shook her, consumed her.

“Oh, Cheryl,” he said. She shook again and again.

“Darling,” he said. Then, though, he left her. She could feel the bed shake from his motions.

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Rich Guy 2Chapter 4

---Another Two Days Later------- “So, how did you do it Johnny?” Bill asked. “I ... I just kept after him. We kept talking and meeting and one day he called me and told me he was ready to sell.” Johnny replied, his voice shaking with uncertainty. “So, Johnny closed the deal. Make sure he’s paid.” I said, crossing my arms behind my head and leaning back in my chair. The board members looked at each other and cast sideways glances at me. 7 million dollars. We got Martin’s company for 7...

1 year ago
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AssParade Abella Danger Abella Danger Gets Slammed By Her Step Brother

Abella Danger wass having a party all by herself. She was twerking in her bedroom and then she started going to town on her pussy with her trusty vibrator. However, as she’s about to orgasm her vibrator runs out of battery. Abella needed to get her nut no matter what, so she called her step brother, Juan, over to help her out. She convinced him to shove his cock in and out of her pussy. Juan pounded his step sisters pussy in several different positions all over her bedroom before busting a...

2 years ago
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Those naughty fingers during the soccer match

Saturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...

3 years ago
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They Could Have Incredible Sex In A Kitchen

"Crap," Reagan inhaled taking a gander at her telephone.The Uber was here. Eli had landed in his exquisite dark Charger, tag XTUD 459, and she wasn't exactly prepared. She took one last look in the mirror and surrendered that moistness had won today. A mesh adorned with frizz would need to do. She got her tote and quickly grabbed around inside. Keys. Wallet. Telephone. Taking one last clearing look around the flat, she opened and shut the entryway, bolted it, and as she turned, she wound up...

Quickie Sex
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The Witch and the Mermaid

This is the story about when I found out I was a witch. This happened on my eighteenth birthday. Lots of interesting things happened all around me. I'll go into all the events that happened. My name is Agatha and I just turned eighteen years old. I recently found out that I’m a witch. Both my parents were witches, and I came into my powers on my birthday. My parents are deceased, and I'd been living with my Grandmother. My grandmother was also a witch. Thankfully, my parents had left a lot of...

4 years ago
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Owning a HighSchool Djin

Hello, this chapter is mostly background, and is completely me, as a writer, talking to you, the reader. This is a story about a teenager who finds out that a classmate they barely know is a djin, or genie (they are the exact same thing, djin is the original name and genie is a slang name). This story is a tale of what he does with the power of a djin at his fingertips. I hope you enjoy, I will be slowly adding to it but if you have any ideas, feel free to add them, I will fix grammatical...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Lacy Jane Lacy Jane8217s first time

In her first XXX scene, 40-year-old wife and mom Lacy Jane, who has big, beautiful tits, shows off her excellent blow job skills, gets her pussy fucked through her crotchless panties and then gets her face glazed. 40Something: What do you want to do that you haven’t done? Lacy: I’d love to go SCUBA diving and sky diving. Visit Europe and ancient places. Visit very old cemeteries. 40Something: What is sexy to you? Lacy: Flirting. Knowing I am turning someone on. Seductive glances. A...

3 years ago
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Big Brothers unexpected gift Pt 2

Early on Sunday morning the house phone rang. Because Alice and I were expecting Rachel to arrive shortly, we were both up and about, so Alice answered the call and a few minutes later, she rushed into my room to spoil my day. "David, Mom and Dad are already on their way back and expect to be here for lunch. You sort your bedroom out while I 'phone Rachel and give her the bad news, she will be so disappointed. She was floating when she went home last night knowing that you wanted to...

3 years ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 3

Marigold half hoped that Jonas would have forgotten about Bible study and gone to bed. It was a forlorn hope at best. He'd never forgotten--not once. By the time Thule dropped her off in front of her house, Marigold felt both weary and jittery. She would have been happy to head straight for the shower and get some sleep. But, Jonas was still in his study, the door half open, the staccato sound of typing clear in the otherwise-silent house. Marigold knocked hesitantly on the door,...

1 year ago
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X Keez Movies must belong to a Dutch mofo, right? Well, every person who browses the internet for more than an hour at once can definitely say that they’ve experienced at least one moment of ‘heat’ which was quickly followed by opening up a private incognito window and searching for some XXX content worth fapping to. This kind of porno consumer is impulsive, and they would definitely open up even fishy XXX tubes that seem like they might be hiding spyware or malware in order to get the job...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Mudhal Anubavam First experience

Hi this Raghu from Bangalore. I want to explain about my first sweet sex experience in Tamil. Pakkathu veetil oru aunty irrunthanga, avangalukku oru maglum irunthal (I had a neighbour aunty lived next to our home and they had a little daughter).I use to teach Mathematics to her daughter. One day suddenly uncle’s mother at Kerala was very sick and he was asked to go immediately. He asked my parents to send me to stay in their house till he comes. Since I was so close to them and they are also...

4 years ago
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having wife fuck young guy

My wife Deb is 58 but in great shape and very pretty. We both keep slim and exercise regularly. She has a luscious set of big titties that hang nicely. Even at 58 she looks great when going braless in a sheer top and it drives men nuts. They can’t take their eyes off of her. Deb is submissive to me so when I tell her to wear one to go out, she does it. She knows that refusing to do so will result in a spanking. Two weeks ago we went to Walmart because I wanted to buy her a couple of "whore...

4 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 32

I heard several of my pets snicker. “I’ve never had a daddy before, but everyone else calls you Master, so I decided I would call you Daddy-Master. Um, if that’s okay with you,” she asked, suddenly turning shy. “That will be fine little one,” I told her, and was unsurprised when she started bouncing in my arms again. “Before you start asking all the questions bouncing around in that cute little head of yours, let’s get everyone back on the trolley and I can tell you what is going to happen....

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The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. ‘Damn she’s fucking hot,’ Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he’d lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson’s tits were calling to him. Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk...

1 year ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 6 Biltmore Attack

Sean noticed Pappy's repeated glances at Laoshin and figured out that he was looking for a response from the woman. He also noticed that Laoshin was aware of Pappy's interest, and was fighting to keep from smiling. She didn't show anything in her expression, but Sean could feel her emotions. "Pappy, do they use dogs or cats for filling in those chilies?" Sean asked innocently. Pappy started sputtering incoherently. Laoshin graced Pappy with a huge smile. "We must complement the...

3 years ago
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The Breakfast Table Part 2

I awoke in a pool of sunlight and looked over at the clock. It was only seven in the morning but the birds outside were singing so loudly that there was no chance in hell I was getting back to sleep. My eyes started to saunter down to my morning wood, which was forming a perfect shadow on my bedroom wall. I couldn’t help but begin to roll it around in my hand for a few moments. It had been a few days since I had blown a load, it just so happened to be inside my stepmom’s mouth and I knew...

3 years ago
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My First Time Female

There was never a time when I decided I was going to have the first time with a female it just happened. I was at a party and me and a friend of mine had been dancing throughout the evening. I can still remember the scent of her perfume, she smelled like strawberries and every time she would be close to me I could smell her skin and that smell would fill the air around me. While we were dancing I had put my hands on her hips and along her sides and when her shirt would bunch up and I could feel...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Mona Wales Mona Wales8217 Ass Is Ready For Penetration

Blonde beauty Mona Wales talks the talk and walks the walk in this fast-paced slut showcase (compliment intended). The scene begins harmless enough, a fresh Mona in the mirror, writhing and teasing. Once the luscious laborer hits the bed with Manuel, filthy talk and deeds fly. Manuel swoops down to taste Mona’s hairy twat. “Take control of me” and “It’s your hole” are just some of the naughty utterings. When Wales sucks Manuel’s cock she asks “Do I look pretty with a dick in my mouth?”. The...

3 years ago
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fucking my best friends girlfriend

i start this story by saying i had no satisfaction in fucking my friends girl, i was just fucking the woman in front of me!!. in saying that i would do it again within a heartbeat, but i believe that my a****l instincts were too strong and my cock too hard in this matter and i blame her for this, as you will soon find out... so i have been friends with my mate for a good 10 yrs and his girlfriend has only come into the picture the past 3 or 4 yrs... anyway we don't see him that much anymore due...

2 years ago
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Waiting for a ransom to be paidI

I knew that I was in trouble when I heard those brutal black men could not get my husband in the phone.Victor was still at his office; as I had been at the local mall for some late shopping. After getting some sexy lingerie stuff, I went to the parking lot.There three giant black guys came out from a dark van and grabbed me, dragging me inside. They closed the door and the van moved…I was now on my knees, a collar holding my head to the floor; making me bend like a praying Muslim. My red dress...

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Modern Witch

Your name is Allison LaCroix, and you are a modern witch. It's honestly kind of glamorous. You are awoken by sunlight streaming through the windows and the sound of pages turning. You get up to see your demon familiar, Titivillus flipping through some book or other. His red eyes dart across the pages, reading with inhuman speed. His pitch black skin shines darkly in the sunlight. You can see his cock literally curled up in his lap. Demons dont wear pants, which is unfortunate as their junk can...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 32

Tuesday started too early and went too long. My throat hurt a lot more than it had the night before and I had a lot of bruising. My voice was also a mess and I hoped I wouldn’t have to do a lot of talking in my classes. Everyone pointed out the finger-marks on my throat when we went next door for breakfast and I nodded. “I’m going for testing right after school and then to the hospital to get checked out. Any volunteers to come with me to see Carl?” Gina said she would and Lana and Beck...

3 years ago
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The Rebound Girl

One hundred and sixty-four days. That was how long I had been single. That six months mark was coming up, and although I swore I didn’t care… it was glaringly untrue. It’s not like I had it marked on my calendar or anything. I kept track in my head, and perhaps that was worse. But it’s not like six months was a bad thing. It wasn’t as though that mark signified I was a loser or anything. I have had my fair share of women, and relationships. I was a fit, good looking guy, but now in my late...

Straight Sex
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Fucked with my friends wife

كان لي صديق أعزه كثيرا لقد شاركته أفراحه وأتراحه كنت دائم التواصل به أمضينا أيام العزوبية والشباب ولم نفترق أبدا حتى تزوج امرأة فائقة الجمال وفي نفس الوقت سيدة وفية بكل ما [/image][/image]للكلمة من معنى أحبت زوجها وأحبها لدرجة الجنون حتى أن لقاءاتنا بدأت تقل حتى ندرت كثيرا إلى أن انقطعت نهائيا وسمعت بالتواتر أنه تعرض لحادث سير رهيب نجا بحياته منه بصعوبة فقررت القيام بزيارة له ودخلت عليه كان لقاء حارا تبادلنا فيه الشوق والعتاب وهكذا تكررت لقاءاتنا بوجود زوجته وبدون وجودها كنت أرى مسحة من الحزن...

3 years ago
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Naked on TV Naomi

The fifth day of our reality TV survival program had a few surprises for Celeste, Sam and me, Naomi. The first was the arrival of the producer, Fred, and program psychologist, Julia, at our camp, and the second was Julia's massive orgasm. She must have been without sex for a long time.We had to decide on the fate of our captives. Celeste turned to me."What's the best punishment for Fred?"I smiled. This man had double standards. I had to endure his sexcapades with other women but when I flirted...

1 year ago
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Walking toward the house; reflecting. ..., I think back to the phone call I received two hours ago from Jimmy. Jimmy is my nephew. It seems Jimmy is at a party which has gone wild. Jimmy told me that there were a couple of girls there, one of whom had been at Jessica’ wedding; who were hiding. He mentioned three black dudes who were terrorizing the party and he was; ‘afraid for his ass’; as he worded it. I gave Willie a call as Sally is still in China. I told Willie I’d pick him up with the...

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Bobby the Cuckold

This story will pretty much show that I am what I've always known I am – an asshole! But so what? If you are an asshole and know you are an asshole you don't give a shit about what other people think about you anyway. Some background here. I am Robert James Dalton; I am thirty-three years old and I am a Vice President of Operations in a company that I am not going to name for what will become obvious reasons. I am not going waste time describing myself because my appearance has no bearing on...

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Who Wins

Carl knew the spot well. Many a hot summer day he had trudged alone over and through the dunes to this secluded position, which was set back and almost hidden in the cliff overlooking the small horseshoe cove.This day, in the mid-afternoon, the burning sun was still high in the azure sky. Not even one fluffy white cloud punctured the blue. Carl, a solidly-framed six-footer whose fitness and shape denied his fifty years, stood erect and planted both feet firmly in the white sand and scanned the...

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TeenyBlack Millie Stone Millie Rock That Cock

Millie is bursting with excitement from the jump! She gets asked for her ID to confirm her age and starts dancing because she knows shes one step closer to getting a good old fashioned fucking. This milk chocolate drop of sexy got into porn for some real reasons like paying for school. Its refreshing to find a girl with some actual life goals! Anyway, Millies ass was perfectly sized and perfectly shaped. The perfect booty to twerk with! She even gave us a little preview of her skills. After the...

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first time ever

First time ever with anyone.this is the story of my first time sexual partner.mike and i were both the same age and in school and were still quite young when we discovered jacking was a pleasent pastime.we often sat with eachother looking at the underwear section in my mums catalogue's and jacking furiously.we would pass eachother tissue's after we finished and would watch eachother wanking till we had both cum and then just get on with playing with whatever it was we played with at the time.on...

3 years ago
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My loving daughter and my wife

Then she ask does mom do it, ummm.... yeah sometimes, i said. Well do you watch her or do you let her be alone like you did to me ummm.... I don't know if we should be talking about this I said to her, well I thought that you said that we shouldn't keep things away from each other when were asked something, thats true sweetie well ok, I'll you sometimes I watch and sometimes I touch her down there, you touch down there she says what do you do and how do you touch mom? So I started thinking...

1 year ago
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Bet Games at College

This is s story about me which happened to me long time ago. I am a simple girl; at least i was. I am from the rural part of the country. Life was simple and going simple until i had to move to city area for better quality higher-education, as my parents thought it so. After I moved in to the city for higher education. First few weeks were hard to adjust. Everything and everyone was in rush. It took me a week to find the college after we moved in. I was really excited as the college was...

2 years ago
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Yoursquore My Bitch Now Part 12

You’re My Bitch Now It will help if you read previous chapters Rick had closed his eyes as he began to lick the girl’s toes, but he opened them again as he felt a tug on the collar. Looking up he saw Rhonda had passed the lead to the Asian girl who was pulling him towards her, She had spread her legs wide and he could see her pussy glistening in front of his eyes. She wrapped the lead around her fist and pulled his head right between her legs until his nose was touching her pussy.As she watched...

4 years ago
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A Secret Shared

A Secret Shared (Sort Of) Author's Note: This story inspired by true events and shared fantasies. Cheryl and I have known each other for a long time. Each of us had been in relationships with other people but there was an attraction between us that kept us from wandering away from each other. After a few years of trying to ignore that attraction we found ourselves in a situation where we were both unattached. It didn't take long before we acted on the impulses we had kept buried...

2 years ago
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The VisitationChapter 2

So he was on some godforsaken back road in Louisiana, a state he wished he had never heard of, driving some weird creature in the form of a very hot babe, a babe who could probably clear out a pool hall full of drunken rednecks, without even using a cue stick. Of all the rotten goddam luck. "I like sex," Elsie said, matter-of-factly. "I like blow jobs and fucking. I didn't think I'd like it so much, but I do." "Yeah, well, I'm sure every man in America is happy to hear that," said...

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Getting BitchyChapter 6 Epilogue

I lay moaning on the motel room floor as Goddess Janelle looked down at me, Her face a mask of lust, a wicked sneer contorting Her features. "Such a nasty piggyslut, cumming on your own face like a whore," She said. "And all covered in my shit too. Filthy shitpig!" She spat on me. Someone knocked at the door then. When I glanced at Goddess Janelle, the evil grin on Her face was more pronounced. "Ohhhh, your surprise must be here! This is going to be sooooo fun!" She jumped up and went...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 27 Americans and Swedes Part II

April 1980, Alingsås, Sweden When I arrived home, I noticed that the pool was full! In addition, the golf course had officially opened on Saturday. I had decided to continue skating in the morning rather than run, since I liked skating a lot more. I’d miss skating when I got home, but I was really looking forward to being able to swim again. I really missed that. On Monday morning, rather than head for school, I went to Centralstationen and caught the train to Alingsås. It was a short trip,...

2 years ago
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 4

With body still keeping Eastern time Laura was awake in bed waiting for her alarm clock to give permission, no not permission, foul noise buzz mandate - GET OUT OF BED NOW. In the shower she scrubbed clean but the marks of last night’s passion remained all about her body. Her fingers traced around the love bites on each breast; she could see Greg’s finger prints still on her left arm. She looked down between her legs and saw her inner thighs bore signs of their sex. Laura grinned as she touched...

Wife Lovers
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Morning in AZ Desert

It's a lovely morning in the Arizona desert. The sun is shining, there is a slight breeze and the temperature is just right to be nude. My lady & I are sitting on our friends deck enjoying the birds, rabbits and the wonderful view across the desert. We look out to the west and we can see a tall, slim bronze body slowly walking our way. As the person gets closer, we can see that it is our friend Al out for his morning walk and visit. He approaches the deck and climbs the stairs. He has his...

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Educating Anne Ch 5

Kate and Anne walked leisurely down the surprisingly busy main street. For a small island town, Vicerona had a busy, cosmopolitan feel to it. They had dined very well at a seafood restaurant, and had even tracked down a cyber-café, where they had both managed to e-mail home. Throughout dinner, Anne had continued to be intrigued by Anne’s remark about wanting her to meet someone, but hadn’t pressed her for further explanation. It was while they were having their post-meal liqueurs that Anne...

4 years ago
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The Bar

The rain spattered down, Only a few lights from a nearby bar lit the otherwise deserted streets.Jo couldn’t believe her luck. What a time for her car to break down. Her phone was dead. She was in the wrong part of town, and at this time of night...Still. Maybe the place wasn’t as bad as everyone made out. She’d have a look in the bar. Maybe there was a phone in there she could use.She entered the bar. It was unusually full. A thick smoke hung in the air. The bar went quiet as she opened the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Candice Dare Bella Rolland Hitchhiker Hijinks

Candice Dare and Bella Rolland are stranded on the roadside. Bella can’t get a signal on her cellphone but Candice seems convinced that she can flag down the next driver that happens by. Bella scoffs, insisting that NO ONE stops nowadays to pick up hitchhikers, so what does Candice have planned that will make THEM the exception? Candice grins as she assures Bella that she has a trick up her sleeve. She pulls her shirt up over her breasts, flashing the next driver that happens by as Bella...


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