Hath EyesChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
Larry brought around Jake’s assignment Monday morning. By noon, he was deep into it. They ate in the break room, but none of them went home until late.
By Thursday, his vision was blurring and his ass was aching. He went to the john, got coffee in the break room, and consulted his cell. It was shortly after 8. He went into the hall and called Cheryl.
“Jake?” she answered. “Where are you?”
“At work. At work for hours yet. Is it too late?”
“Not at all.”
“I love you,” he said. “I’m not sure that I could describe this job at the best of times, and I don’t even want to think about it now. I need to hear your voice. Tell me something.”
“Well, I love you, too. You just want to hear my voice?”
“Well, I want a hell of a lot more. What’s available is the sound of your voice.”
“Okay,” she said. “There was some sort of slow-down on the L coming home. Police had been called to the Montrose stop, and nobody was moving north until they were done. Since people kept coming into the stations, they crowded onto the car, when we began moving. I had a seat, and I stayed in it when they said we’d run express to Loyola. I changed at Morse and rode back south.”
“Probably the best. Sorry to hear that. Then what happened?”
“Mom cooked meat loaf, mashed, and beets. She keeps saying that I’ll get over my dislike for beets. Never happen, but moms are moms.
“I cleared and washed, talked with Lori, and now I’m in my robe about to go take a shower.”
“Just as well you skipped the parts you did,” he said. “I shall, however, spend my next break imagining you in the shower.”
She was chuckling when she ended the call. He did have to adjust himself before he returned to his cubicle.
By a week after the call, Cheryl was getting impatient. Jake had called several times, and they’d even seen each other briefly on Sunday. He was unfailingly considerate of her schedule, never calling when she was at work, asleep, or even on her way home. Since she rode the CTA, she wouldn’t have minded the last at all. It was late when she called Jake.
“Let me get out to the hall,” was his answer. Then, “What’s up?”
“I didn’t hear you come in.”
“That’s ‘cause I didn’t. We’re deep into it now. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I warned you.”
“That you did. I was just worried about you. Now I know, I’ll let you go. Bye.”
“Love you. Bye.” Now he said it. The phone clicked off before she could reply, though. She lay back down in bed. She really should go to sleep if Jake was busy at work. Soon, though, she heard noise in the bathroom. Mom and Dad were going to bed. She waited another half hour, not feeling sleepy at all. She looked in the hall. Seeing that there was no light under their door, she went back into her room and dressed quickly. She wore jeans and a fairly heavy blouse. She didn’t think she’d meet anybody on the stairs, but she didn’t want them to see her in her night clothes if she did. In flip-flops she snuck out of the apartment. She carried the key ring and her cell.
She met nobody on the stairs, and the key worked easily in Jake’s door. He didn’t keep his apartment very neat, and he certainly wasn’t expecting her. He had, however, told her that she could go in anytime she wanted. She straightened the bed. The night stand was where he kept his condoms, and she opened the drawer and got one out. He’d put them under his pillow, and she put one there for when he would need it.
Opening that drawer, however, had tweaked her curiosity. She did a quick search of his room. He had a woman’s bath robe hanging in the closet. It looked new and, in fact, still had the price tag attached. She decided that she should give him a chance to say it was for her before she got jealous. He only owned one suit, as she had suspected. He did, however, seem to have a large selection of khakis. His stash of dirty magazines was utterly repulsive. The food in his pantry was mostly cans. The guy didn’t eat at all well, but there were frozen vegetables in his freezer. He had four bottles of beer in the ‘fridge and white bread and margarine instead of something interesting -- rye, multi-grain, or whole wheat at least -- and butter. His room was hot, and she turned up the air conditioner.
Well, if he wasn’t getting back soon, she should get her rest first. She closed the bedroom door, stripped off her clothes and got into bed. She took some time getting to sleep, but she could smell him on the pillow as she did.
Jake got home a little before one. He paused on the first landing to blow a kiss towards Cheryl. Then he climbed the rest of the way as silently as he could. He stopped briefly in the john before heading to the bedroom. For some reason the bedroom door was closed. Had he thought he might bring Cheryl up here? Unless there were guests, he kept the inside doors open. He opened the door quietly and flicked on the overhead light.
Cheryl woke to a bright light shining in her eyes. She had no idea where she was.
“What the fuck?” Jake said. Oh! Now she remembered. She was in Jake’s room, and he had got home late.
“Turn down the light,” she said. He snapped it off, and the only light came from the kitchen. “Surprise.”
“And, despite my first reaction, quite a pleasant surprise. Sorry about that. I must say, it’s nice to come home to find a beautiful girl in my bed. Can you stay for the night? The rest of the night, I mean.”
“No. Mom and Dad have no idea.”
“Well,” he said, “we have to make the most of the time we have, then.” He started stripping. When he was naked, he ducked into the kitchen again to turn off the light. She could barely see him when he climbed into bed beside her.
“Just a minute,” she said. It was about one, and she set her cell alarm for three. When she turned back towards him, he kissed her forehead. He moved towards her mouth, and then he stopped.
“I didn’t shave or brush,” he said.
“I’m not really awake yet. Maybe you should.” When he left her for the john, she figured she should use it, too. She stopped outside the bathroom door. She heard the toilet flush and then many sounds from the sink. He had the beginnings of an erection when he came out.
She used the toilet and washed her hands wishing she had brought a tooth brush with her.
He was waiting when she came out. A bedside lamp was lit, and he gestured her towards the bed. She couldn’t see his eyes, but somehow she knew that they were focused on her butt the entire three yards of her trip. She lifted the sheet, rolled in, and pulled it up to her neck.
Jake was sporting a full erection when he followed her in. He snapped off the lamp.
When they kissed, he tasted of toothpaste, and she remembered that she didn’t. The pelt on his chest tickled her left breast. She felt one hairy leg between her two.
He kissed down from her mouth to her neck. Before he got to her breast, he pulled his leg from between hers. He replaced it with a hand. He stroked her slickly. Just as his tongue reached her nipple, his finger reached her clit. She gasped.
He thrust a finger into her and moved it in and out while his kisses trailed from one breast to the other. His chest hair was already tickling her right nipple before his lips reached her left one.
Then he was sucking and licking while he stroked her gently but insistently. She stiffened.
“Yes, sweet,” he said. “Yes, Cheryl ... Yes!”
And the yes burst out of the pit of her stomach and shook her entire body. She moaned.
“Darling,” he said. He turned away from her to scrabble in the drawer. It was under the pillow, but she didn’t have the energy to tell him.
Then he was over her and between her legs. She felt his hand part her lips.
“Darling!” he said.
He pushed into her and filled her. He pulled her left leg until they were lying sort of sideways with his hand on her breast. He clasped her butt cheek in his large hand. Then he was driving into her and out.
Every stroke raised the fire within her. She locked her ankles behind his legs and pulled with them when he was driving in.
“Oh, darling,” he said. “So warm ... So welcoming ... oh ... oh!”
She couldn’t say anything. She felt so hot, so close. Every muscle in her body tensed.
Then lightning shot through her. She shook, and she could feel herself tightening around Jake’s cock driving through her.
“Darling,” he said, “I can’t!” Whatever he couldn’t do, he could do the important things. He could keep pounding into her. He could squeeze her butt cheek and pull her tighter against him.
Jake had never felt so aroused. He was in Cheryl’s sweet, welcoming cunt, and it was clutching around him. He was on the verge, had been on the verge forever. He could not, however, go over.
He drove though her spasms. Then he drove through her relaxation. He was too aroused to stop, and he was just short of the point of orgasm.
“Darling,” he groaned.
“Yes,” she sighed. She slipped one hand around his waist and down to his pumping ass cheek.
He slowed his pace slightly, and he concentrated on the feel of her smoothness around the head of his cock and the tightness of her entry around the shaft.
After an eternity on the brink, he felt her stiffen again. The darling was going to come again. Breathing a silent prayer that this would finally take him over, he increased the pace and the strength of his thrusts.
She clutched around him, and he drew back to her entryway. She stabbed his ass with her fingernails just when he was driving in already. He drove forward hard through her tightness.
Pressing deep into her, he felt himself pulse, and pulse, and pulse.
He woke to her hand pushing his shoulder up. With the last of his strength, with strength that he really didn’t have, he rolled over onto his back.
Cheryl woke to her alarm. Even pressed against Jake, she was cold. The air conditioner was too high, and she was mostly uncovered. Jake had most of the sheet.
He didn’t seem to notice her rising. She took her cell and clothes out through the kitchen and into the john. This was a little warmer, Se used the facilities. When she wiped herself, she discovered the contraceptive was still in her. She flushed it down the toilet, washed, and dressed.
Back in her own bed, she fell back asleep.
Waking was unpleasant and incomplete. By the time she got to work, though, she was ready to perform. She’d been wearing her interview dress and two others that she thought suitable for work. She went shopping after work and got home when the rush-hour traffic had partially dissipated.
She had a late supper and dealt with her own dishes. Soon after, Jake called.
“Now, I’m going to be the one to ask you to wait,” she said. She walked to her room, shut the door, and lay on the side of the bed that was farthest from the door. “Okay,”
“I’m thankful,” he said, “and I’m sorry.”
“Well, next time I push you off me, I’ll grab the sheets first. Actually, I’m the one who turned up the air conditioner. Was that a mistake?”
“When I get home so late, it’s not necessary. Then, too, we had the bedroom door closed, and it’s for the whole apartment. You must think me an animal; I couldn’t stop.”
Now she knew what he was apologizing for.
“Well, I might call you a magnificent animal, maybe a tiger. I gather that most women don’t get sex for that long. Well, I’m not complaining. I might consider my sleep schedule, though, the next time I’m tempted to sneak into your room.”
“You’re adorable.” And, with that, they ended another not-quite-phone-sex conversation. She was serious about her sleep deficit, and she went to bed soon after.
The next day, Chris took her home with him to see Monica (and Marie). Going home with the boss was probably on the paralegal’s no-no list, but Monica was adorable. Marie doted on her daughter, but she was obviously ready for some adult conversation.
Chris took her to the Jefferson park station, but it was still a long ride home. For the second night in a row, she had supper from the ‘fridge. Her period would probably start that night, and she inserted a tampon before crawling into bed. Still, that meant that she would be starting her pills in a few days, That made her think of Jake, and she called.
“Cheryl!” he answered. “Let me shut a few things down ... Okay, I’m on my way to the hall. What’s new?”
“I went home with my boss tonight.”
“You’re calling from there?” Craig did not sound happy. Good. First, they had some sort of relationship – she had gone to his bed, for God’s sake – but they didn’t have any sort of _state relationship. Second, she had thought of that joke when leaving the Loop in Chris’s car and she hadn’t been able to tell it to anyone until now.
“Marie was there, and she let me hold her baby.”
“You’re awfully brave when I can’t reach you.”
“What would you do if I were there?” she asked. “What claim do you have on me?”
“Well, if you were here – If I were there, rather; this is the hall of an office building – I would kiss you. I thought I was your guy. You’re definitely my only gal. I don’t even have enough time for you.”
“Jake, there’s all the difference in the world between being the only woman who’s convenient and having a commitment.”
“Okay,” he said. “What commitment do you want from me? I’m damned-well not going to propose over the phone.”
Cheryl was shocked. She hadn’t asked for a proposal; he didn’t need to say that she wouldn’t get one. Queen Victoria was dead; sleeping with a guy didn’t mean that he had to propose. It did call for something. Well, really, Jake had offered something, if something unspecific.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Going steady is so high-school.”
Jake thought that was just like a woman. She complained that he hadn’t stated their formal relationship, and then – when asked to state it – she could only name one that she thought was unsatisfactory.
That got him thinking, though. He wanted more than going steady with Cheryl; he’d gone steady with Eve, and he had never had sex with her. He’d been quite serious about the engagement. Marriage – however much he had enjoyed coming home to find Cheryl in his bed – was out of the question while he was working these hours.
He’d taken a job with these hellacious hours to pay off his student loans, and his next annual bonus would pay them off. Cheryl was certain to have more debt than he’d had, though; she hadn’t started with a bunch of tuition help from the Army. He wanted to start a marriage fairly clear of debt.
More than anything else, he wanted a marriage with Cheryl, but -- with her a student and him working these hours -- they’d be ships passing in the night. He was willing to wait until they could be a reasonable couple.
These thoughts were still in the back of his mind when he went into the break room the next evening. Larry was showing some photos his wife had just sent to his cell.
“You’re participating as much in this phase of LJ’s life as I am,” he told the guys looking at his cell. “The kid’s asleep when I leave in the morning, and asleep when I get back at night. We wanted to buy the house, and we wanted Sandy to be a stay-at-home mother, but the combination leaves me a stay-at-work dad.”
Larry was the boss, if not a suit. He was telling them to be careful of the deal they were making.
Saturday night, he shut down early. He got back just after midnight. He again blew a kiss towards Cheryl’s room. This time, when he got to his bed, it was empty. Just as well; he killed the alarm and crashed.
By the time he’d risen, showered, shaved, eaten, and dressed, it was after one. A glance out the window told him it was drizzling. He called Cheryl.
“This is maybe not the best weather for a drive. I’d like to talk face-to-face, though. Think you could come out with me without your parents taking out commitment papers for one or both of us?”
“Your door in ten?”
“Don’t hurry.”
When he got to her door, she was dressed more for a date than for getting rained on. She took a parka and an umbrella, though. Still, he had her wait in the doorway until he’d got the car and pulled up.
“Look,” he began, “if going steady sounds too much like high school, what does going steady mean?”
“It’s an exclusive. You don’t date anyone else.”
“It’s at least two other things. You’re not in the market. You’re not saying that I’m the best offer you’ve had recently; you’re saying I’m the only offer you’ll consider. That’s one.”
“Okay,” she said. He couldn’t tell whether she was agreeing to not consider anybody else or she was agreeing with him that this was what it meant.
“The other thing is a public announcement. Maybe objectively very few people know, but everybody who matters to the two of you know. I think that this public statement is what you mean by high-school.”
“Maybe it was.”
“So how about this?” he asked. “We make a personal agreement, just between the two of us and absolutely reciprocal. You don’t date another guy unless you’ve already told me that it’s off, and you don’t wait ‘til the guy asks to tell me. I don’t ask another girl for a date, I don’t date her, make out with her, or have sex with her, until you say that it’s off between us. We don’t tell others.”
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Hi ISS readers this is lovecandy writing my forth story if u want to enjoy this story u will have to read my other three stories written by me. Ramya was my bio teacher when I was in class 10th ( to know about her how I started having sex with her read my other story) so friends it so happens that there are moments in once life that v can’t forget throughout our life so today I am narrating one such incidence as my story tells u me and Ramya were having sex whenever I went for my extra classes...
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BisexualChapter Nine – Good Counseling Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: Mf, grope, magic, spank, unif As Ginny lay in her room; full of her twin brother’s cum, Hermione was under the close eye of Madam Pomfrey, who was taking her to get some much needed life counseling. Hermione had been to see Madam Pomfrey twice that morning, both for vials of pregnancy potion. ...
Copyright© 2004 Hungry Guy Advantages No responsibility: Your have no responsibilities except to swallow whatever waste your mistress excretes into your mouth out of her clit or anus. Pussy galore: You get to lick at least one pussy several times a day. Your mistress' girlfriends will likely want to use you too. Income: This is the one form of sexual commerce that a man can charge a woman for, if you are so inclined. Weight loss: Surviving on nothing but a woman's shit and piss is...
Mark’s wife Leah was pretty. With her petite frame and round brown eyes, she was just what he wanted when they first met. But lately, she’d changed. Not just her figure, but her attitude too. Her personality.Since she’d been promoted to a job with longer hours, she didn’t have as much time for herself. She’d slipped a little.And she didn’t have time for him.He hadn’t changed. Not really. He’d got a few years older, a bit wiser. But he hadn’t changed. Other than his new found porn addiction …...
Two hours later I was already screamed at the principal and my parents. My mother was still yelling at me, while my father sat in the kitchen in stony silence. And of course I would see my little brother sneak a peek down the hallway and silently laugh at me. I rolled my eyes wishing I hadn’t gotten caught, but I did. And I was so embarrassed that I wished that a black hole would suddenly appear below me and swallow me whole. Thinking of sucking, Sylar or whatever his name is, sucked on my...
Crossing into my yard, I slipped into the back door. Brenda was sitting at the kitchen table, wrapped in a robe, contemplatively drinking a cup of coffee. Ben was not to be seen. Originally enough, I announced my arrival: “Honey! I’m home!” Brenda turned to me, smiled, and raised her face for a kiss, which I provided. “How did your night with Linda go?” she queried. “Not exactly as you predicted. Actually, it went even better than you predicted. How was your ‘date’ with Ben?” I...
(Author’s Note: Yes, another non-erotic chapter for this series. I’m taking it easy with this one, letting it build up rather than jump into the action. The next chapter will definitely have some more erotic details, but for this one, it’s key to the story. I know that some of you have written about Enslaved to the Mob and whether it will be continued or not. Right now I’m not in the right mind set to continue writing it. I’m bored and tired of it, and just not feeling it at the moment. As with...
My parents divorced when I was ten years old so for the last three years, it’s just been mom and me living in our house. My father buggered off with his secretary to another state, and stopped making support payments, so money was very tight. With my mom working long hours to maintain the house and provide all the usual necessities, it has been my responsibility to cook, clean, do yard work, etc. I’m not complaining, because my mom works really hard, and has little time to do anything else....
We were in for a surprise, baby Elizabeth slept all night. When I woke a little before six, she was wiggling her little arms around, kicking her feet and smacking her lips. I quickly changed her and lay her next to Sue. I unbuttoned Sue's gown to give the baby access to breakfast after cleaning a swollen nipple. Sue woke with a smile as Lizzy nursed. She seemed to nurse for a long time before rolling off the nipple and laying there smacking her lips and wiggling. I burped her and laid her...
The next day Sal was working for home which meant that nobody got up early. Ella got up and started making some coffee since Sal had a machine in her room as well as the kitchen. Outside the bedroom she heard that someone else as up it proved to be Lucy dressed only in a pair of jodhpurs.“Nice fashion choice.”“Hey for once in this lousy summer its hot. In a stable jodhpurs and boots make sense but at least your top half can be cool. ““You do know I like girls don't you.”“Yes so do I or I...
The Perfect Vengence Fuck Plot [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.] The Perfect Vengeance Fuck PlotBy: Haelix Hello, my name is Drew.? I?m 25 years old and I?m fucking pissed.? Here?s the story.? I had been dating the coolest, most beautiful girl in the world for two years.?...
Hello doston, mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le, ki main aapki hot Bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar aap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 35 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekh kar pant se bahar aane lagta hai, woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati “Ghosh Babu” meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte, to mujhe...
September 10 2012 "Aunt Kate, this is a wonderful spot ... very ... well tranquil. I can see why you picked it." Kate Anderson looked around the rocky promontory where she spent her days, and then at her niece, Sofia. She was chagrinned that her niece had to point out the obvious, because Kate had not consciously noticed the tranquility before. During the last seven months that she'd traveled to Isola del Giglio, her thoughts had been on James and how she had failed him and their...
This is an ongoing story that fills me with so much happiness. It took me too damn long to write this becuase I needed it to be perfect for you to read. This is love. I had been alone for nearly 8 months when the issues started happening. Good old doctor put it down to stress, but that was an excuse to give me more drugs. I was struggling to sleep and everything got on top of me at work so I did the most sensible thing I could think of, I took 2 weeks off work and planned a week in the sun and...
SupernaturalThe motel still had room service till midnight and after giving whom ever on the other end of the line our order, I filled our glass' up with the last of the wine that was in the bottle then we went out onto the patio to wait for our order to arive.When we heared the knock on the room's door, I turned my chair to watch as mom let the server in with our order.Mom step into the room then over to where the robes were at, picked one up and put it on and loosly tied it in the front as she walked...
Hannah's answering machine had five messages when she got back from the shops. Three of them were from Liz. The other two were the short click and buzz of someone hanging up as the answering machine cut in. "Give me a call when you get back, if you're free," the last message said. "I wondered if you had time for coffee and, well, for coffee anyway. Hannah pressed the button to clear her messages. Liz was showing all the enthusiastic signs of a convert, potentially annoying but, Hannah...
Kaise ho mere ras tapakati raseeli chutwaliyo aur lundwalo? Main fir hazir hu aapki khidmat mein. Main hu yogu main dekhane mein handsome sexy aur mast aur flirt type ka jawan ladka hu. Mujhe mature ladies bahut pasand hai khaskar aunty bhabhi thodi healthy wali mature aurate bahut mast lagti hai. Mast hari bhari aunty aur bhabhiyon ki to pucho mat. Mera lund unko dekhakar hamesha salami deta rahta hai. Aaj kal to main roj lund hilake shant karta hu magar fir bhi ab control nahi ho raha. Waise...
The college visit with not my niece. Pt2 I hope that you are reading this because you enjoyed part 1 of the story. Ellie and I met a few weeks ago and have shared a few fantasies. I decided to write them down and share them as stories. I do not have permission from her to share her identity, but trust me, she is real and damn.. she is hot! +++++++++ We went back to the hotel by 9:00, washed and changed into jeans and shirts and then hit a club near the hotel I enjoyed the sights of all of...
Introduction: I shared some of my erotica writing with a female friend and she shared some of her own writing. Out of that comes this a tale imagined by two minds and told in counterbalanced point of view. Both his and her side of the story. I hope you enjoy! Please leave feedback below it helps encourage me to write more! Bold Text is her story Italicized Text is his story I brushed my dress down, and smoothed my hair over. He looked so handsome, his black locks and gorgeous smile. He gave me...
She had blonde hair to her shoulders, peircing blue eyes, 36DD's and a figure to die for, well for a 38 year old. I had been sexually attracted to my mum since I was 12. Now my sexuality was getting more intense it was fair hard to even look at her without getting a boner. My dad left us 5 years ago. But that didnt bother mum. She took it as an opptunity to tart it up around town. This made me pissed off due to the fact of hearing her with guys each night, wishing it was me. Hearing her...
Cindy has her PC connected to her Home-Theater, and as soon as the download was finished, I clicked on the file to start the video. Cindy and Jessica came around to sit next to me on the front row, as the video started. Cindy took my left hand and pulled it over to clasp it between both her hands. I looked down as she held my hand against her naked, flat belly, only inches above her smooth pussy. “I have yet to get all the graphics loaded, with the lead-in music...” “OMIGOD! It’s a...
We donned our best attire. He in black dress slacks, with black silk boxers underneath, a grey button down silk shirt, and a dapper vest. He slipped on his black leather loafers, as I stepped into a short, black velvet corset dress that hung down to mid thigh, and black lace panties. We both added eyeliner, and our matching black denim trenchcoats. I have to say that for 32 years old, I am bangin'. Not to have an ego, but thats what snagging a man 9 years younger than me can...
During the summer of 2012, I had been out of college for seven years. I had a girlfriend and we had been going out for about 7 months. I came home from my awful job to find one of the neighbors and my girlfriend in bed together. We broke up that night and I was in a complete state of disarray. I didn’t know what to do with my life because I had no girlfriend and my job sucked. The only thing I knew was that I sure missed college at this point. Thats when I decided I would ‘go back’ to college...
Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door, just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading ‘Laura’. ‘Can I help you?’ she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. ‘You must be Laura, I’m here to pick you up.’ ‘Why…who sent you?’ ‘I can’t tell you a...
The rain is pouring down. It clatters against the hood of your car and even though your wipers are on you can barely see out of your windshield. In the distance you can hear the occasional bolt of thunder and every now and then another car driving past. On the seat next to you there's a black duffel bag containing everything you need. In the bag there's a pair of black gloves, a bottle of chloroform, a length of rope together with some handcuffs and an unloaded gun. When you look at it you...
I jumped into the poolside shower to wash the cum from my body. I managed to clean it all off then I went back into the kitchen to finish off the boy's food.Once the food was cooked I placed it onto the trays and carried it through into the games room for the boys. They were all online playing Fortnite so there was lots of shouting and yelling of orders as I could see their characters running and hiding or shooting at other players on the screen.I told them my friend Rosemary was coming over to...
100% fiction! It all started out harmlessly enough. Jack had invited DeWayne and Suzie over to our house for dinner -- again! I never particularly liked these occasions. I could see that DeWayne, ungrateful that Jack had befriended him and promoted him to a supervisory position, was resentful of his young boss's position in top management while he was still blue collar. He tried to hide his envy by constantly making off-colour jokes and little references to their having grown up together in the...
InterracialHell, she was plenty drunk and I’ve done stupid things when I was that loaded. We had been invited to a party at my friend Jims’ house. Everyone had known each other for years and the sexual talk that had been going on all evening was nothing new. What was new was that someone acted on it and it was Julie, my wife, who acted upon the talk. I don’t think anyone noticed that she and Jim had disappeared but I did and without saying a word to the rest of the group I also snuck away to see...
Please read part one of this story to keep up.........As we sat on the swings, John and I discussed our relationship. He told me that he had always had a crush on me and felt guilty about it. He explained that this was his reasoning for letting our relationship "die down", with us having been irresponsible teenagers at the time. And would have only led to us making bad decisions. I agreed with him, but was still unsure if the decision we had made that night had been responsible. I didn't know...
Incest"... And you just walked out?" Karen asked, clearly shocked. Steve thought he saw a hint of mirth in her expression. "Yes," he sighed. Karen's clear disdain for Terry could sometimes be overwhelming. It got so bad that sometimes he even felt the need to defend his estranged wife. He understood that Karen was just taking his side and appreciated the thought. The truth was, he was a little confused about why it bothered him so much. Even after what Terry had done, Steve had never been...
I stood in the hall, trying to time my entry for maximum effect. As the guy rolled off my wife of 22 years, I carried the tray of bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee into the bedroom. It took a moment for Gwen's eyes to focus on me, and another second for her mind to realize the ramifications. I saw fear in her beautiful blue eyes. "Wow! I bet you guys are hungry after that hard fuck!" I gushed. "I have just the thing to help you get your strength back, Jack. I hope you like your coffee...