ConcordiaChapter 10 free porn video

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September 10 2012

"Aunt Kate, this is a wonderful spot ... very ... well tranquil. I can see why you picked it."

Kate Anderson looked around the rocky promontory where she spent her days, and then at her niece, Sofia. She was chagrinned that her niece had to point out the obvious, because Kate had not consciously noticed the tranquility before. During the last seven months that she'd traveled to Isola del Giglio, her thoughts had been on James and how she had failed him and their marriage. Her attention had been focused on the half-submerged white ship that dominated the view from this spot. The shipwreck had never been tranquil, and right from the beginning she had watched the army of rescuers, and then salvers swarm the ship.

She looked around the rocky promontory with its view of the sunny harbor and the small island town of Giglio Porto and had to admit that this was a place of solitude and beauty. She'd barely noticed before.

Melissa's twins, Sofia and Simone, had arrived the previous day, so today was unusual - for a change she had company. It made her realize how lonely she was and how grateful she was that they had made the trip to pay their respects. It was typical of their unselfishness, that they would interrupt their travels to be with her. They said they were on their way to attend a wedding of a friend at some castle in Tuscany and wanted to spend a little time with her.

The evening before, they had dined at a café which overlooked the harbor drinking wine, while the girls reminisced about their "wonderful Uncle James." Toward the end of the meal, Kate finally asked, "Who's getting married – someone you know from school?" They both shook their heads, and Simone replied, "No, he's someone we've known for a long time, someone you wouldn't know."

"Oh, I don't know about that. In the restaurant business, I've met a lot of people in Atlanta." Kate replied.

Simone looked uncomfortable, and then Sofia chimed in, "Oh ... well ... he was living in New York, and has just moved to Texas ... so probably not."

Kate thought their story a bit odd and felt they were not telling her everything, but it really had no importance. She just counted herself lucky to have such caring nieces. Regardless, she didn't want to think about weddings and the happiness that surrounded them. Her own wedding to James had been the kind of storybook event that she had dreamed about, and it was to a man who had loved her above all else. She thought about those days, especially early in their marriage when they were struggling, but they always pulled together. They were partners in everything they did. Often when he did some small loving thing she wondered how she had been so lucky. Of course, she didn't deserve him. Hadn't she proved that with here infidelity and coldness the last couple of years? Looking back on it, Kate realized he had been a much better husband than she had been a wife.

By the time the evening was over, they were all a bit tipsy. Fortunately they were staying the night in the same small hotel Kate occupied.

This morning they had returned to the café for breakfast, and over strong coffee they decided to hire a small boat to take the three of them out as close to the wreck of the Concordia as was allowed. There they could drop a wreath in memory of James. They were sweet girls.

After the sobering visit to the shipwreck, they walked out to the rocky promontory where Kate spent her days. They had picked up some fruit, sausage, cheese and bread and had a picnic lunch. Soon their conversation turned to Emily and Matt.

"So, they've not come out?" asked Simone.

Kate shook her head. "I've invited them, and the cruise line is picking up the travel tab, but neither has taken the opportunity..." She looked at the big ship for a few seconds before she went on, her eyes glistening, "Matt's back in school full time out in Boulder, I think he's found someone, but he's also in Navy ROTC. He says once he graduates he plans to go into the Marines like his father did..."

Kate paused, and then said, "Emily ... I don't know if you've seen much of her..." The girls shook their heads. "Well, she's at a two year college now, working to get as much math and science as she can, so she can go to a school with a strong medical research program. She even looks like her old self, but she doesn't date or even go out. She just studies and works. She has managed to get an internship at start up biotech in Marietta." Kate choked back tears, "So ... when ... her father comes home ... he'll be proud of her..." She took some tissues from her jeans and wiped her eyes.

Sophia asked, "Did they see Uncle James before he ... well ... before you left for the cruise?"

Kate shook her head. "No, the last time they saw him was at Thanksgiving." Of course, the twins had been present at that debacle and realized that Emily had to be haunted by her last words to her father wishing him dead.

Kate dabbed her eyes again. Once I ... well, once I came to my senses and the realization that James was the only man I had every loved, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him ... well it was pretty late in December before he'd even consider seeing me, much less getting back together. I encouraged Emily to go talk to him, but she was so ashamed that she just kept putting it off ... she thought she'd have lots of time..." Kate sniffled into her tissues.

Kate gazed out toward the open sea for a long while, avoiding looking at the wreck, tears falling, the sadness for her daughter palpable. Pulling herself together she finally asked, "How's your mom doing?"

The twins looked at each other, then Simone spoke, "She's doing okay. I think sometimes she misses Dad ... but she ... well they just couldn't get along anymore." Kate knew that Melissa had thrown Alan out when she discovered he was having an affair with one of his clients. She had confided to Kate that she knew it wasn't the first time. Kate had then realized how close she had come to losing her sister with her idiotic affair with Alan. To lose James and Melissa would have been unbearable.

She saw that this conversation was making the girls uncomfortable so she asked about school and their plans for after graduation in 2013. They both talked about opportunities in California, but nothing was firm yet. Simone even mentioned that firms in Singapore often hired junior engineers. They were also exploring some of the high tech jobs in Texas.

Soon it was time for them to catch the afternoon ferry, but before they left Kate to her solitude, they hugged her, and with each holding one of her hands, Sofia said, "Aunt Kate, you know how we loved Uncle James ... but we know that he wouldn't want you tied to this place, mourning him. He would want you to go back home and get on with your life. You still have lots of life left and much to give. Emily needs you too. So please, for your sake and Emily's, go home and make peace with yourself, and go on with your life. We don't intend to forget Uncle James, but ... but after all these months, it is time to move on."

With tearful hugs they left her. She watched them walk across the rocky area toward the narrow road to the port and thought about how lucky Melissa was to have such wonderful and beautiful daughters. Their advice was sound, but she wondered about their comment, "Make peace with yourself." Did they know something about her affair with Alan? Had he said something? Doubtful.

They turned once and waved at her. They were both dressed in skinny jeans and colorful tank tops, and their blonde good looks drew the eyes of every Italian male as they moved toward the harbor. She remembered when she and Melissa used to draw that kind of attention. Kate pushed those thoughts away – it was that kind of vain thinking that spelled disaster for her marriage.

She sat in her beach chair and went back to watching the workers as they went about their daily duties trying to refloat the Concordia, but, lost in thought, she really didn't see them. Over the months, she'd made numerous trips to Giglio Island and to the rocky promontory on which she set up her little camp where she kept vigil. She thought about it and concluded this was her fifth trip to the site. She just couldn't stay home in Atlanta because she felt so helpless there. Every time she arrived home she would be reminded of her loss. Throughout the house there were reminders of James. She would often just stop and look at a photo, or pick up something like his prized Hank Aaron autographed baseball that he kept on his desk. She would just stare at these mementos as memories filled her head. These little reminders often made her smile, but many of those pleasant thoughts were blotted out by the dark clouds of the last couple of years when she treated him and his love so shabbily. All his clothes still hung in the closets, and his things were still in their bathroom. She couldn't bear throwing them out or giving anything away.

"I'll be back." Those were the last words Kate heard from him as he left her to return to the darkened sinking ship that terrible night last January. She recalled that he smiled just a bit as he said those words with the silly Terminator/Schwarzenegger accent, as if it would reassure her that everything was going to be all right. Even in the dimness of the emergency lights, she had seen the sorrow in his eyes as he looked at her for the last time. At that moment a chill had run through her, as her fears of discovery rushed to the surface. Her greater fear was that he would abandon her forever. James was not the kind of man who would accept her unfaithfulness even if she could somehow convince him that it meant nothing and that she loved him with all her being. She was numb as she watched him rapidly disappear into the crowd that thronged the listing deck, and the only reason she was able to move to the lifeboat was that Alan, on the verge of panic, pulled her along. As the crowd surged onto the big orange-painted lifeboat she got separated from Alan and Melissa, but that was a relief. She didn't have the emotional strength to deal with them. Kate found a dark corner and made herself as small as possible on the hard plastic seat in the covered lifeboat. She sobbed as she sat hunched over, eyes closed and arms wrapped tightly around her slim body. Her sense of despair and foreboding was so overwhelming, that had the lifeboat plunged into the sea without a trace, she would have welcomed the release.

Of course, James had not come back, and she remembered the chaos at the port that night, and how she searched in vain for him. Kate remembered his reaction earlier in the day when Alan had appeared at the dock, but James had quickly quashed any display of emotion. She knew him too well to fail to notice his look of surprise turn to ice, as he had watched Alan. Kate had relived that scene many times over the months, and she was convinced from that moment that James had suspected the truth about why she had been so uncaring and distant for several months. Why had Melissa and Alan come in the first place? All thoughts of a romantic afternoon and evening had evaporated when Kate saw them, and somehow James had managed to disappear until just before they went to dinner. Was that because he knew? Had he finally put it all together? Kate knew that, in her surprise, she had not been very successful in hiding her own feelings of guilt and shame when Alan looked at her with that possessive smirk.

Dinner was an ordeal. She knew that James had something on his mind because he seemed lost in thought for most of the meal and hardly ate anything. Actually, she was dreading the return to their cabin, fearing the discussion that might come. Kate felt sick but had steeled herself to admit it all to James and beg his forgiveness. Initially, she saw the commotion over the ship's distress as a respite that could buy her some time, not really believing a ship that size could sink. Until the order to get in the lifeboats, Kate had believed that eventually they would be told everything would be fine and to return to their cabins. But it was not to be, and the delay she had hoped for in the confrontation with James had now gone on for eight months. She had not even had time to hug him and say goodbye. It was just a fleeting kiss that ended their lives together. Kate missed James, and she missed all that they had shared.

Now, every time she got to Atlanta the cycle would repeat itself – in only a few days she would feel the irresistible pull that brought her back to James and Giglio and the wreck of the Costa Concordia. Her daily ritual transporting her gear to her viewing spot no longer caused comment by the locals. She would leave her room at sunrise, large sun umbrella over her shoulder, straw sun hat tied on against the breeze, carrying a canvas chair and a large tote which contained her supplies for the day: water, some yogurt and fruit, her book or books, and a Kindle. Over her other shoulder was a pair of binoculars. Often she would do nothing but stare at the wreck trying to convince herself the rescuers would somehow find him alive while searching the half-submerged ship.

Of course, she hadn't started out her vigil with any comforts. At first, during the Italian winter months, she had been much less prepared, but she didn't care. Often she would think it would be best if she was felled by pneumonia or some other disease, exacerbated by rain and cold winds during the winter storms that lashed the island. She just didn't care about anything, and her guilt pushed her deeper and deeper into despair. Poorly protected against the elements, she would pace the rocky point soaked and chilled, yelling her frustration into the wind at James for going on a fool's errand, and at God, for taking him. Her emotions ran from hopeful optimism, to the darkest depression, until she finally came to grips with the idea that he was not going to return from the Concordia.

She had constantly second guessed his foolhardy action. Why had he left to help the young man find his family? Had they even survived the ordeal? She wanted to think so. Certainly, as she poured over photos and accounts of the missing and dead, she never came across anything that might suggest a family had perished. She just wished she could identify and locate the young man who had lured her husband away from safety. She eventually lost her animosity toward him. She had seen his stricken face as he pleaded with people to help him, and it still haunted her. She thought that she would have done the same had James not been there, but truthfully, she knew she wasn't as brave as James. She asked herself, hadn't it been the responsibility of the crew to help out? No, that was unfair. That night, the crew had their hands full, and of course it was just like her wonderful James to put his life in danger to help others.

Dreams about that night on the ship haunted her and left her with a terrible sense of loss and guilt. She should have gone with him. Perhaps she could have saved him or at least shared his fate. She wondered if death could be any worse than the emptiness she felt now.

During a visit home to Atlanta just last month she was pacing the house like a caged animal when for some reason decided she should clean the attic. There she had discovered, tucked away in a corner, a military issue metal foot locker. It had "Sgt. James A. Anderson USMC" stenciled on it. Inside were some neatly folded uniforms smelling of cedar, a number of photographs of a much younger James, and some small boxes with his medals inside them. She didn't recognize any of them, except for the gold one shaped like a heart with purple enamel, featuring a gold silhouette of George Washington. She had seen his scars, but knew nothing about his service, since that was well before they met, and he never spoke of it. She sat on the dusty floor in the August hot attic and read each of the red-covered citations. The tears rolled down her cheeks at the one which described how he came to be wounded. Yes, James was a hero. She discovered that Concordia wasn't the first time he put his life on the line for others.

Thankfully, even Alan was gone now, and he had not contacted her. Kate wondered if somehow Alan's actions, or lack thereof, the night of the wreck had led Melissa to see him as he was – a coward and a man without principles. Melissa had loved James too but had refused to return to the wreck, telling Kate that she only wanted to remember James as he was – a loving and unselfish man, who would not hesitate to help strangers in a time of peril. Kate wondered about fate, and the fact she had met James first. What would have happened if Melissa had not been sick the night Kate went to a party at a friend's house and met him? Melissa and James would have made a wonderful pair, loyal and faithful to each other, and they never would have had to go on a cruise to repair their marriage. Yes, if James had married Melissa he would be alive today. A tear tracked her check as she as she gazed seaward, pushing those thoughts away.

In the days and weeks after the sinking, she had made herself a pest, constantly quizzing the rescuers and every person who returned from the wreck about their progress that day. Eventually the searchers, like the islanders, came to view Kate as a determined woman who wanted her husband back, and then as the months passed, as a grieving widow who could not let go. Of course, they didn't know Kate's secret and her guilt. It wasn't just her affair with Alan, but the way she had treated James for months. She had examined her actions with the help of Dr. Janet Meadows. Dr. Meadows wouldn't let her find excuses, although she did allow that Kate's narcissism about her appearance and her fears of aging, plus the loss of her children to school and adulthood had been factors. The affair, they concluded was more than foolishness and stupidity – it represented something very dark inside Kate. They would have to discover why she needed to seek out the attention of other men when she had a loving and faithful husband at home.

Dr. Meadows wisely recommended Kate move on and accept the loss, and stop punishing herself about things she could no longer control. She also recommended Kate stop going to Giglio, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted to be there – had to be there when they found her husband's body.

The cruise line had been generous with a travel allowance and accommodations. On this trip, now a month in duration, she was in a small hotel operated by a fisherman's widow who had also lost her husband to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Kate's Italian, with constant practice, had become almost fluent. To the townspeople, she was just part of the background, a tragic figure that had come uninvited to settle among them just like the giant white ship on its side outside their harbor. They were just fixtures of daily life on Giglio. The residents did welcome the influx of money from the workers which helped offset the loss of some tourist revenue. These days most people came out on the ferry to gawk for the day, and then return to the mainland, leaving very little money behind.

Without the cruise line paying her expenses she could not have afforded the trips to Giglio. There was little money other than their savings. Kate had quit her job, there was no time for it now, and she also knew the long hours and travel had been a bone of contention with James. She hadn't needed that job, and she came to hate it. In retrospect, she saw it more as a cover for her infidelity. She had made good money, but where had it gone? It was also obvious that she was going to have to go back to work soon. A job for someone with her experience would not be difficult to find. In fact, she had received a number of attractive offers, but couldn't bring herself to break away from this place.

To her dismay she had discovered that they had very little in the way of savings. James had plowed a great deal of money back into his firm, and with a mortgage on a house that was too big, college expenses for two children, and all the other expenses that constituted day to day living, there wasn't much there.

Kate was also shocked to discover that James had cancelled his $500,000 term policy the day after she had served him with divorce papers.

The three million dollar life insurance policy, that James had often joked would make her a wealthy widow, was actually only payable to James' company. When had he done that? Was it always that way? She wondered if James even knew that. Kate had been shocked by that news. As putative widow and heir, she was now just a one-quarter stock holder, but with the loss of James, profits had dropped, so her fractional ownership would result in little gain, if she ever saw any of it.

The insurance company explained that the policy was to compensate the company for the loss of a partner and the earnings he would bring to the firm. She discovered it was a common practice, and each of the four partners at the firm had a like policy. It could also be used to buy out one of the other partners, or in this case the widow. Unfortunately she had burned some bridges at the firm when she brought the divorce action. She was now in negotiations with the other partners to have them buy out her share, but they never returned her calls, nor did they show the slightest inclination to do so. All her calls were referred to an attorney, who she was told, would be the sole point of contact.

In her frustration at being stonewalled by the firm, she had called Joyce Davis, someone she had known for years. Joyce was the chief administrative officer and had been the only one at the firm to have sent her a sympathy card, and the only one who had kept in contact.

When they met for coffee one Saturday, Kate expressed her frustration at the lack of contact by the partners and other staff.

"Joyce, it's as if they've all forgotten about James. I've never received a card or even a call from people I thought were our friends. Now they ignore me or stonewall me."

"Kate ... it's like this ... James was one of the founders of the firm and really was the glue that held it together. He was the reason for the loyalty of our employees. They loved him and admired him..."

"Then why?" interrupted Kate.

Joyce continued, "Kate, I know you, and I've known you for years. I don't think of you as an evil person, and the only reason we're still in touch is because I'm convinced you knew nothing about how James was served with the divorce papers..."

"What?" Suddenly Kate's face flushed with embarrassment as the memory of the meeting in her attorney's office came to mind. Her attorney had said something about "humiliating the bastard", but in Kate's anger and denial she had not really understood. Maybe she should have paid more attention. Why had she been so angry at James anyway?

"When the woman came to the office to serve the divorce papers last year, well, she made it as public and humiliating as possible."

Kate put her hands over her face, tears coming.

"The process server marched right past Julie at reception and found James in the middle of the drafting room, a room full of employees, and shrieked at him that he was a despicable spouse abuser, and that you were going to take him for every dime and that included the firm."

"Oh my God," was all Kate could get out, as she sobbed. The image of her wonderful James humiliated in such a way at her hands was almost too much to bear.

Joyce patted her hand. "Nobody believed that of him, but from that point on you were persona non grata. And frankly Kate, right now the firm just doesn't have the money to buy out your share, and without James, who was a rainmaker, profits have slipped. The insurance was supposed to help cover that, but it's still at the discretion of the partners what to do with that money. And ... well ... without evidence ... evidence of death, the insurance company is balking."

Same as Concordia
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My pet came to Me one day with a unique request, one that piqued My interest immediately. ‘Master, can Julie watch us play sometime?’ she asked. Julie, I knew, was one of My girls’ best friends and the two of them were quite close. They had been best friends for a long time, meeting shortly after she had moved here from South Dakota. ‘Julie wants to watch us in a session?’ I asked again, just to clarify things. ‘Yes, Master. She has been curious for awhile now, asking me questions about...

2 years ago
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Art The Story Ch 01

Author’s note: This is my first submission and I’ve got a bit of stage fright. I’m posting three chapters of what I hope will be a long story. Because my story stretches the imagination a bit, I’m uncertain about what tags might be misleading. I enjoyed writing about Art’s adventures and I hope you enjoy reading about them. I appreciate all comments: good, bad or indifferent. I offer this disclaimer: All my characters are purely fictional except for Art. He, along with all of his fantasies...

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Ted WhoChapter 6

We got back into town after the six-game road trip and I could hardly wait to call Sandy. I'd started all six games and gotten 26 plate appearances. For the 26 trips, I had two hits, two walks, and was hit by a pitch once. There'd been no obvious cringing at the plate, no bailing out -- I didn't even feel stressed about the pitch that hit me on the left shoulder, even though it missed all the elbow padding and stung like a sonuvabitch. So I didn't feel spooked at the plate. But -- two...

3 years ago
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Ich will

Mein Name ist nicht wichtig. Wichtig ist nur, was ich kann. Ich habe ein besonderes Talent. Eine Gabe. Kurz gesagt, Was ich sage ist Gesetz. Wenn ich jemandem einen Befehl erteile tut er es. Oder sie. Und diese Gabe hat mir schon viel Spaß beschert. Mein Gegenüber behält ihre Persönlichkeit bei, tut aber was ich sage. Wenn sie etwas nicht will, tut sie es trotzdem, empfindet aber keinen Spaß, es sei denn ich befehle es. Ich kann also tun und lassen was ich will und danach befehlen, das mein...

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Mark Was Straight But He Loved Being Serviced By My Gay Mouth Part 2

Fetishes evolve.  Mine certainly has, over my life.  I realize that my attraction to servicing young straight guys between eighteen and twenty-three is a fetish.  Rimming a cute young straight guy makes no sense cerebrally, but I began licking boys buttholes when I was in my late teens.  My friends knew that I liked sucking their dicks, and they liked getting their dicks sucked.  Over time, they learned to enjoy lying on their back, jerking off, while I licked under their balls.  Eventually,...

Gay Male
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Khala oor phir mom akhathay

Salam aj may aap lago ko apni beeti batanay ja rhaa hoon umeed hai ap lago ko pasna daye ge oor ap mujay mail ker kay bataye ga kay kaise lagi takay mera hosla buland ho oor may apni baki bhi stories batao yeh baat aaj say 2 haftay pehlay ke hai pehlay may aap lago ko apnay baray may batata hoon mera naam ali meri ek behn hai may 21 ka hoo mera lun 8inch oor 1.5 inch mota hai may pakistan kay city lahore ka rehnay wala hoo oor lahore may koi bhi aunty, bahbhi,, lerki,, mom,, yaaa koi bhi aurat...

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JamesDeen Cherie Deville Public Hiking Porn

Cherie Deville and James Deen decided to go hiking. The second James Deen flips the camera on, Cherie Deville starts flashing her big tits and shaved pussy outdoors. Eventually the two get their shit together and finish their hike. They relax under the trees and converse until Cherie decides it’s time for more. The blonde MILF takes off her pants and refuses to get dressed until James Deen fucks her. James is a cautious mother fucker so he takes Cherie back to his truck and fucks her in...

3 years ago
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Kinky Wife Happy Life

Kinky Wife Happy Life I had just pulled up into the driveway. My wife’s small car was absent and I knew she was already on her way to work. I had just wrapped up my last night shift and was ready to hit the sack. I dragged my self from the car and through the front door. When I got into the bedroom I saw a letter waiting for me. It was written in my wife’s cute cursive script and provocatively spelt out her intentions for me. We were still newly weds and had only been married for a little...

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My Fantasy Wife gets a BBC Blacken

I have been a voyeur for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, I wanted to see my girlfriend have sex with another guy. Naturally, these feelings carried over into adulthood and my marriage. As soon as I was old enough to enter adult bookstores and buy or browse the books and magazines, I had found heaven. Then, I discovered the adult section of the movie rentals. This was really great! For some unknown reason, I loved the black on white movies. I could cum all over myself just watching a...

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8:30 am, It’s been 20 minutes I’m waiting in the airport. I know your plane landed a few minutes ago.You might pass this double door at any moment.I believe a few second that girl might be you, but I just spotted you passing the doors.I’m excited, but since we have never met before this one, I’m also scared and… shy.Your eyes crossed mine you now know it’s me. Walking forward with your bag, you seemed smaller than I thought. I think you might found me different as well … smaller..; bigger…...

3 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 5 The Worms Keep Turning

Agnes Loehman watched her husband back his car out of the driveway. She and Bert had not uttered a word to one another since the argument the previous evening. She stood motionless in the picture window in case he returned for something forgotten, which he often did as an excuse to see if she wanted to break the ice to enable reconciliation. She was glad that he did not return and she had no intention to initiate any such groveling. She was determined to take action. When Agnes was certain...

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Milk of Desire Book VI Chapter 1

“Me, and you were amazing last night,” Samantha teased as she stretched her almost nude lingerie clad body across her comfy queen-sized bed. Her small pert round breasts swelled as she arched her back and I made myself look away from her to glance over to Jackie who had just burst in with the news of Sasha's departure, but was in just as much trouble there as well. “Then I call dibs,” the feisty young girl cheered throwing off her oversized sleep shirt to reveal her still only budding...

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Chanel and Ethan 4

“Let me fuck you before I leave,” Ethan says, his mouth at my ear. We fucked for the first time last night, and it’s apparent he hasn’t had enough. To be honest, I haven’t either. I hardly slept, my dreams were vivid pictures of the two of us. So when I feel my cheeks get hot and slightly nod my head, he wastes no time finding my mouth. His arms wrap around me, pulling me as close as possible, and my hands are around his neck. After a minute, he pulls my hands away from him and turns me...

2 years ago
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Mark and CharleneChapter 1

MARK'S STORY To say I was shocked when Sheila showed me the pictures of Charlene being fucked in the back seat of a car would be an understatement. I was so stunned and hurt I couldn't think of anything to do but agree to the punishment Sheila insisted on. I couldn't understand what had gotten into Charlene, she had always been so normal. The first weekend she was to be home from Sheila's I took the kids and went to visit my brother and his family giving them all a story about Charlene...

4 years ago
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LovingChapter 19 New Friends

At 6:15 we knocked on the door of Apartment 214. It opened and there stood Sam. Sam was a big, great looking guy... roughly our age, like Sid, and a huge friendly smile split his face as he welcomed us. Carol had worn a clinging blouse and a reasonably short if not micro mini skirt. She looked hot. Not quite 'catch me fuck me', but hot. I didn't miss it as his eyes ran over Carol's bod and his eyes opened wide with appreciation. He shook my hand nice and firm and pulled us into the room....

5 years ago
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My Aunty Took My Virginity

Hello, I am new to,if any mistake,please forgive name is i am 17 years old.i have a cock of 6 inches &it is very that my aunty accepted.i am boy who with the luck to fuck many friends say that everybody will fall in talk & about my aunty:she is a sex bomb of 36 28 36.her name is Febina. This incident happens when i was in 8 mother’s brother’s wife of age 25 was with my family including my grandma as my uncle is day all in our family...

2 years ago
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HighClass Smut Part Two

My husband has no problem giving me a good pounding whenever I need it, but our problem comes from his submissive nature. We have good “traditional” sex, but more often than not he wants me to dominate him. This domination runs the sexual gamut, and I can usually get into it, but I’m a girl. I want to be enveloped in my man’s arms. I want to be pinned down and fucked like a bitch in heat. My needs are fulfilled, but my fantasies are not. This didn’t become an issue until our old college...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 109

ODE TO THE SPELL CHECKER Eye have a spelling checker It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steak eye kin not sea Eye strike a key and type a word And weight 4 it 2 say Weather eye am wrong ore write It shows me strait a weigh As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong, Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me...

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Like most older men, I would have given anything to have known then what I know now. Nature plays a dirty trick on us men though: by the time we learn what we need to know about life, sex for example, we are almost too old and physically limited to do a lot about it. If we try to do something about it - to somehow recreate our lives and be sexual beings again - we're labeled 'dirty, old man.' We are supposed to simply give up, rest in our rocking chairs and reminisce. That is grossly...

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Pre Marriage Performance

Open your mind. See the world in all its splendid color. Truly look at the uniqueness of the people around you and cherish the nuances. Before you make judgments of others and their lifestyles, always remember that there are a million ways to live and love and be loved, and no one way is right or wrong. Women should be proud about their sex, there is something special or awesome about being female but trust me You are all wondrously made, women / girls. Remember that: wondrously made, and you...

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Yuis Awakening Part 13

Yui and Sana were once again in Thailand, in fact Sana had asked Yui if she would like to partner again for the Thailand shoot, and Yui, though thoroughly enjoying long nights of love with Emi, thought that a break would be good, and now it was her turn to be away.Indeed, Yui had told Emi about her previous trip, and all the sexual adventure it involved. Emi winked at her as she left."Yui darling, I hope you can enjoy a sexy Thai girl while you are there, but be careful", she whispered before...

5 years ago
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Teen Gay Sex Experience With A Stranger

Hi guys, I am Harsh from Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is a real story which I experienced 4 months ago. I thought to share it with you. Hope you like the story. I am currently studying in 12th standard. I am 18 years old. Since childhood, my parents supported me in every decision of my life. I am slim and have a curvy round ass. Once my father’s friend got ill and so my parents had to travel to Dubai. I stayed back alone. My friends decided a visit to the marine drive. I got excited and planned...

Gay Male
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The Best Man for the Job Part III

By MakeItjUICY4u While the two men were disoriented, Michelle rushed toward the door and pulled the handle. Derrick had been leaning against the door and was surprised when he found himself tumbling into the room. “Umpf, what the…” His eyes opened even wider when he saw the sight before his eyes. Two naked men looming above him and Michelle crouching behind the door. Marcus quickly closed the door again just as Michelle began crawling toward Derrick and crying. “I’m so glad you’re here...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX- " Jezebel asks hir mother, "why can't I find a nice womyn, who wants to shag my brains out, and then just hold me tight and tell me sweet nothings, and then take me shopping, and then you know, shag me again, but you know, in a caring, sensitive way?" I head over to cousin Macy giving her a very respectful curtsey. "The Gurls are all asleep, your mother told me you had a rough evening, why don't you go in the bathroom in the foyer and change into...

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BackroomCastingCouch Summer 21 year old

This week was quite the treat, we have 21 year old Colombia native Summer on the couch. She’s smiley, she’s petite, and she’s an absolute freeaaaaak. Summer came to the USA recently and she’s actually a nanny, or I think they call them “au pairs”. These rich folks pay pretty exotic and foreign girls to come to the states and help look after their infants while they’re off doing whatever rich people do. I always wondered if these girls were just little sex toys for the dads, turns out that’s NOT...

3 years ago
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Roberta Montgomery Part 2

Roberta Montgomery - Part 2 Chapter 4 - Living The Dream After three years of marriage, Margret and I had fully settled into our marital roles. Everything she had promised me had come true, and I was living a dream life. Right before our wedding, I quit my job, then I changed my legal name from Robert Joseph Bingham to Roberta June Bingham. We wrote our own wedding vows (that's a story in itself), eloped, then I changed my last name to Montgomery. I officially became a full-time...

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john never saw this comingblackmail

now before i go on i must explain something these stories are about 85% true and 15% fantasy i am writing about john because he is a useless fag that needs someone to show him off to the world and force his exposure though blackmail i just have to find someone with the guts to do it.john was to become a sissy fag slave for a bunch of sissys they put a sissy collar on john and locked it so he could not remove it.he was to wera 6in heels with ankle locks so he could not remove them they had him...

4 years ago
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“What a great way to wake up,” I thought to myself. My left hand cupping and massaging a full, tight breast with a rock hard nipple poking into the palm, and my cock pressed between two firm ass cheeks. Her hair smells like strawberries and her neck tastes sweet, but wait, I went to sleep alone. There’s no one else in the house but , but, but, my daughter! I jerked back and away as she moaned, low and long. Finally opening my eyes I see the sprawl of Candice, my only daughter, as she turned...

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The First Time

Why is the first engagement with a stranger always accompanied with that strange feeling on your stomach? I woke up early on the arranged meeting morning with that flutter already present on my stomach, more of excitement than fear. This was not the first time in my life that I have made such an appointment and I was actually looking forward to this one. This girl has made me work for the privilege to meet her and I felt honoured to have pulled it off. I took the normal early shower and...

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Tow Truckers Took My Ass

Two Truckers Took my AssBy Theo       Kevin was unusually restless this evening.  Delivering R.V.'s from state to state wasn't an easy task and could at times be boring.  Knowing that restlessness could quickly turn to boredom, he knew it was time to pull over and get something to eat and sleep for the night.  Within half of an hour, he spotted a truck stop.  Thinking of a hot meal, he pulled the thirty five-foot diesel pusher in between two big rigs.      Walking into the restaurant, and...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 35

Wednesday morning early, we were at Morton eating breakfast. We had just finished when the crew moved the helicopter to the apron and were waiting for me and the few security going with me. At 0730 the helicopter landed at Reagan International where Eric, Ben, Anne, Andrew and couple secret service agents joined me and two of my JBG security. A few minutes after we had taken off Ben and I both got the same call, “Jared picked up the truck; it is now parked at the farm.” My call came from...

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SpiralsChapter 36

By the time lunch came on Friday, it felt like everything was back to what passed for normal in my life. I grinned to myself as I considered the idea that anyone could think of the last twelve months as 'normal.' Maybe 'less turbulent' would be more accurate. Missy had called me Wednesday night, something that rarely happened before. She had picked me up and driven me to and from school. We'd walked to class talking about this and that, content just to be together. I had an epiphany,...

5 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 24

When Sylvia woke up, she felt a little groggy. It took her a good minute before she noticed that she was lying in a soft bed and that her body was covered with a bed sheet. And then the memory of her standing in the sun for the whole day came back to mind. At first, she didn't dare to move, afraid that it would hurt her. However, when she did move, she didn't notice any pain or anything uncomfortable about it. She turned her head slowly and then looked at her right shoulder. "Damn," she...

3 years ago
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A Kind of Reconciliation

A Kind of Reconciliation: We were both very young when Jennifer and I got married. It feels like a lifetime ago now. Jennifer was two years older than me and came from a broken home. Her father was one of those men who had never recovered from the scars of his own childhood and brought them into his family home. He was an abuser. Jennifer never saw her Mum and Dad fighting but remembers that she used to think that her Mum was very clumsy as she was always falling down the stairs...

1 year ago
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The Family Ranch

Summer was quickly approaching, and my twin sister Lucia and I were excited. We were going to spending a month at our uncle’s ranch in sunny Southern California, a full continent away from home in Virginia. It hadn’t been easy getting permission from our parents. Although they gave us a variety of reasons for not wanting us to go, my sister and I suspected that the main one was left unspoken. About a month ago, mom and dad finally relented. On the day our vacation began, Lucia and I were...

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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

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Ladys Last DanceChapter 6Forest Outside of Akron

The sun came through the trees like tiny arrows of light. There was a slight haze that was slowly burning off, giving the morning sky an almost ghostlike feeling. The path was about five feet wide while the tree canopy came to about a foot over the riders' heads. The grass was cut to a well-manicured, weed free, four inch height. "This is like something out of a fairy tale book," gushed Heather. "I have never seen anything so beautiful." "It was Jerry's life's work," replied Bob....

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I’m already smiling as I knock on your door. ‘I wonder how you will react to what I have planned for you,’ I had said teasingly during the phone call earlier in the week, wanting your imagination to work overtime. ‘You should know me well by now, it’s always a surprise, a good surprise.’ You open the door and stand there smiling, a questioning look on your face. I show you the bottle of champagne, condensation covering the cold green glass in blisters of water. You follow me into the kitchen,...

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First Time Bi0

We sat down at her computer and began to work on her ad. It was written poorly and did not really share the real her. She was a very sensuous woman and it needed to be shared. I did mention I had experimented with being someones sexual slave and really got into it. I told her about a site where I had discovered I was what others called a sexual submissive. I like a person to take charge and command the act. She ask if I would do it with a woman. I told her I think I could for a man...

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