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I was in Monterey, California. 36 years old, broke as usual, and living in a vacant chicken coop where I was writing and rewriting a novel that the future would show, was never going to sell.

The chicken coop was in the back yard of the house my brother-in-law, Bill, and younger sister, Kathleen, owned--or at least were making mortgage payments on. My living situation wasn't really as bad as it sounds, I'm good at building and fixing things, and my sister, Kathleen and her husband, Bill, fed me enough to keep me alive, and gave me free rein to do what I wanted with the old chicken coop.

I'd fixed up the coop-- somewhat-- (and cleaned it with a solution of bleach). The walls of the old building were made of one inch thick, by 14 inch, redwood planks. I'd borrowed a reciprocal saw and a couple of new blades from Bill, to cut a large rectangular hole in this front wall to install a used window. The addition of the window allowed enough natural light inside to keep the coop from becoming too claustrophobic for me to work in. The space inside measured 18 feet by 12 feet, so there was enough room inside to hold quite a few used pieces of furniture and even an old sofa that made into a pretty comfortable bed.

This story takes place in the days before PC's arrived on the scene. My method of writing was on an electric typewriter. I'd brought power into the coop by a long, orange colored extension cord plugged into a 15 Amp power box at the rear of the main house. The power cord also allowed for a small hot plate, a couple of lights, and a cheap electric coffee pot.

I'd also scrounged up a small discarded pot-bellied wood stove and some 4- inch stove pipe. With only a little effort I'd installed the stove in one end of the coop and set it on some old discolored fire bricks with the stove pipe going out the wall and then up over the roof. The stove was now crackling away merrily, and warming the coop enough for me to be down to my t-shirt and white jockey shorts. I'd placed a small pan on the stove with drinking water in it to heat for some instant coffee. The coffee maker was too much trouble to wash and clean, so I used it only for the first coffee in the morning. It was starting to get dark outside, and I wanted some caffeine to perk myself up for a few alert hours of working on the novel.

As I was pouring some of the boiling water into a large ceramic mug and stirring in some instant coffee, there was a sound outside and then a knock on the plywood door.

It was my sister, Kathleen. She's nine years younger than me. I'd left home for college and then the Army, when she was just a nine year old kid, so we'd never had a chance to really get to know each other the way I knew my older sister Daphne..

I might as well let you know right here, that the BIG thing in my life has always been to get off. Yeah! Sex. Jeez! I love it so much.... Daphne had been four years older than me and I'd tasted her pussy at a very young age--but that's for another story.

I opened the door and Kathleen stepped inside, and looked around, She was wearing pink flip-flops on her bare feet, and had on one of her husbands long- sleeved white shirts... Her dark hair hung down to her shoulders and she smelled of soap, like she'd just stepped from the shower.... "Wow," she said, as she looked around the inside of my little makeshift home, "..a stove and everything. It looks a lot better in here now then it did when you decided to camp out here instead of in the house.... Brrrr, it's starting to get chilly outside too, it's nice and warm in here."

Kathleen scanned my t-shirt and jockey shorts, and PERHAPS her glance checked out my package-- or maybe it was just my imagination-- Or wishful thinking.-- Or both.
Kathleen had matured into a pretty 26 year old woman. She wasn't beautiful by any means, but she was certainly pretty, and took care of herself with proper diet and exercise. She was very healthy and optimistic, and gave off a nice energetic feeling to all those around her. She had a lot of friends, and men especially, went out of their way to befriend her...

Kathleen was a brunette, and wore her hair down around her shoulders. Her legs were a little too thick at the ankles, she had a round schoolgirl face and wore large horn-rimmed glasses. I'm six foot two inches, and Kathleen came up to the bottom of my chin, probably making her 5-7 or about that. I imagine she weighed about 130.

She was a nice looking, healthy, young woman, not a ravishing beauty, but certainly one that any man would be happy to be with. She was way above average in smarts too, and I was about to find out how far above the average she was in a lot of other things.

I motioned to a small overstuffed armchair with the fabric a bit frayed but still serviceable ( and one I found very comfortable), for Kathleen to relax in.. I was lonely and hoped she wouldn't run off back to the main house, but would sit and talk with me for awhile.... She sat down in the chair I'd indicated and I sat on an old kitchen chair a few feet from her.

"You've made this place really very nice and homey, David. Dad would be proud of you!"

"I doubt Dad would ever be proud of me," I said. Our father had passed away two years before, at the age of 92. I hoped I would live as long, and be as healthy as he' d been for most of those 92 years..But he and I had never really gotten along. I'd never been able to talk with him as I grew up. I'd found myself being attracted to boys as well as to girls in an early sexual way, and I'd wanted to talk with him about things like what being normal meant. I was the third child of four. Kathleen was the youngest.

I'd sucked off my older brother's cock when I was still a kid, and tried to fuck my older sister.. I was over-sexed from the time I'd been born. Fortunately I was also able to keep secrets very close to myself, and the things I'd done as a kid remained secrets. I'd never been molested, or violated in anyway, but I'd stumbled into situations all my life that had ended in sexual adventures. Those happenings just seemed to be my destiny...

"Why do you think Dad wouldn't be proud of you ? Kathleen asked. She was wearing one of her husband's white shirts and I noticed with the way she was sitting, she only had white cotton panties on. The white shirt had been long enough when she was standing to come down almost to her knees, and I thought she was wearing shorts under it. But no, she wasn't wearing a bra either, and I could see half the pink nipple of her right breast as I looked down at her from the greater height of the kitchen chair I was sitting in.

This sight made my cock jump a little under my jockey shorts, and I started to wonder why she'd come out here half undressed and seemed in no hurry to get back to the main house.

Like I said, Kathleen is a smart girl, and she knew by my expression and the way I'd glanced at her legs, what I was thinking. A little red appeared in her cheeks, but she held eye contact with me and her blue eyes were twinkling a little, or perhaps that was from the fading light (it was starting to get dark out now), and she made no effort to conceal the nipple.

The water in the pan I'd replaced on the wood stove was bubbling over and making a hissing sound. When I got up to take care of it, Kathleen couldn't help but notice the tent in my jockey shorts.

"Would you like some of this cheap instant coffee?," I asked her in order to take some of the tension out of the air between us. I didn't want to tell Kathleen why Dad and I never got along, so I'd changed the subject and she was fine with that.

"Yes, please. Just black is fine."

"Good," I laughed, "since I don't have any cream or sugar."

Kathleen laughed with me and the tension was broken for the time being.

I realized I 'd never been alone with my little sister. The setting we were in now was loaded with sexual energy. My cock kept getting harder.

"YOU and Dad were very close weren't you?" I asked her.

"Yes, very close, " she said as she carefully took the hot cup of coffee I handed her. I was quiet as she sipped a little hot coffee from the cup and then carefully set in on the plank floor by her bare feet. She'd kicked off the pink flip-flops she'd been wearing when she sat down.

"Bill's a nice guy," I said just to change the conversation.

"You KNOW he's got to try every kind of drug he can get don't you, David?"

This really surprised me, not that I didn't know Bill was a druggie from the first time I''d met him, but that Kathleen would tell me. "Wow!" I said. "I DID know of course, but I didn't think you wanted me to know anything about it."

"Truthfully, I don't mind that much." Kathleen said with a smile, " He sells his art and sculpture and takes really good care of me and he's a gentle and --sweet--- man, but he's no good at all in bed. He has absolutely no interest in sex, and I haven't seen him with a hard dick like you have how"--and she smiled at me--" in probably two years."

"Oh, ummm, darn, I guess you must miss that a little!" I was completely knocked off my usually calm demeanor by this revelation, and shifted around on the kitchen chair to keep my hard dick from facing her.

"I miss it a LOT." Kathleen said. "I need sex as much as YOU do, David. And I know a lot of things about YOUR sex life that Romyna told me.. In a way, I envy you. I think you and I are alike in a lot of those ways, although I've never been with another woman the way you were with Charlie and some men!"

" GOD damn," I said," I didn't know you even knew Romyna (my x-wife).... I shifted on the chair and then got up and walked around the little coop. ." Well, it's true, I like just about everything about sex WAY too much" I said....I finished off the rest of the now cold coffee in the my mug and set the empty mug near the stove.

" Probably too much for my well-being and adjustment in life" I continued as I sat back down near Kathleen again. "--I mean look at me, no money, and living in your chicken coop. This is pretty low for a 36 year old man to sink."

"If you hadn't--"-Kathleen paused, and then looking directly into my eyes continued very slowly" --if you hadn't sucked off your brother-in-laws cock, and fucked your wife's sister-- Martha-- Romyna probably wouldn't have divorced you, and you'd still be living in your house in Sherman Oaks."

"Jesus!," I groaned, "Romyna told you all of this?"

" Yes, Romyna did."

What Kathleen had just revealed was the truth, I HAD done exactly that, and had loved the little drunken orgy Jose, Martha, and I had had. And yes, I Had sucked Jose's cock--what I could get in my mouth. (That kid had the largest cock I'd ever sucked on!).

"I didn't even know you and Romyna talked about anything," I said, and then continued slowly, "Well, there was one good thing coming from of all of this--- it made me give up drinking, and as a bonus I gave up cigarettes too. " I hesitated and then said, "About the cock sucking thing, I do like sucking once in awhile, I suppose that really upsets you, that your brother is part fag... "

"Not too much, " Katleen said. "You don't act like a queen, and don't lisp, or act feminine."Romyna said you'd never let a man fuck you in the ass, so I guess you're just a nice looking cock-sucker! " and she laughed in a wicked way while looking directly into my eyes with HER blue eyes sparkling behind the lenses of the black horn-rimmed glasses, and then reached slowly out with her right hand and put that hand on my bare knee and slowly rubbed my knee upward toward my thigh in such a way, that I was pretty sure --I mean I was REALLY sure-- that I knew how this was all going to turn out..."I like sucking cocks too," Kathleen said very slowly while staring down at my straining cock under the white cotton of my jockey shorts, and then, my sister added," I like sucking off cocks A LOT. It's been two years since I've tasted one, and I want some-- right now."

I was 36 at the time of this story, I'd been around the block a few times. I had--and have--the sexual morals of an alley cat. I didn't need more of an invitation from a pretty--not beautiful--but pretty--and very desirable 26 year old woman, even if she was my own younger sister----- to move into action...

The trouble is I moved too fast, and my size 14 foot caught the edge of the flimsy kitchen chair I'd been sitting on, and dumped me on the plank floor.

Kathleen laughed but had the presence of mind to remove her glasses and put them on a nearby table and to remove the white shirt she was wearing and fling it on the sofa bed.. I could see from my spot on the plank floor, where I was trying to untangle my foot from the damned chair, that Kathleen's white panties had a wet spot over her pussy.

As I watched her from the floor, where I was now stretched out, Kathleen removed her cotton panties and stroked her pussy with her right hand, she had a small, clipped patch of black hair on her pussy, and I knew she trimmed it. Back in those days, a woman trimming her bush was unusual, but something I liked a lot.

Still on the floor, I wiggled out of my briefs, and Kathleen came down on the floor with me and grabbed my erect penis.. "I want it, " she said, and she sounded breathless. "Cum in my mouth, I want it, I want it, I want it... " and her hot mouth engulfed my penis. I felt it slip down her throat with no effort and without her gagging in the least..

Kathleen curled around me as she sucked my cock. We were both on the floor and her hand was playing with herself as she sucked my penis, and Kathleen was sucking my penis so perfectly, that I could feel the cum building along my backbone and I was getting ready to spurt. I saw in a frenzy of lust how perfect Kathleen's cunt was. Of course she'd never had any children, and that had added to the perfection of her pussy. The outer lips were of a perfect shape and beautifully engorged now with a pink glow to them, Her inner lips like the petals of a flower called to my mouth and I tasted her like the juicy fruit of the Mango. She was delicious. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming" I said, and couldn't hold it any longer..

Kathleen shook and moaned and trembled as I sucked on her clit, and then I came into her mouth.. "Oh God! Oh God! that's so good, so good," She whispered and sucked the last drops of cum from my still erect dick...

Later that same evening, I fucked her, and I rimmed her.and licked her pussy and clit until she came, and until she moaned for mercy, and for me to give her a breathing spell. It was wonderful. She was the most responsive, the most passionate woman I'd ever been with. I loved her now much more than as a sister. She was my mate in sex. My equal.

I was going to fuck her in the ass but the head of my cock is large, and I didn't want to hurt her, the only lube I had was my spit and she was too tight in the asshole... There would be plenty of time for all that on another day. Instead she sucked me off again. Very slowly this time because it would be my third climax, and I knew it would be all the cum I had for her for awhile.. But she was so good at cock sucking and could actually squeeze my cock with her throat when my dick was all the way to my balls, with my balls against her chin, that I came with force for the third time, and again she moaned as I shot in her mouth and trembled with her own matching orgasm...

I wanted her to stay with me all night and opened the old sofa bed.

"No, David.." she said. Bill is my husband and I love him, I won't sleep with you..."

"But, I protested, I love you more now than a sister. My God, you're the most passionate woman I've ever been with, Come on, you can sleep with me..Bill is probably knocked out from something he's taken," and I patted the now open day bed next to me where I was sitting..

Kathleen came over and sat next to me on the open bed, and grabbed my face by the cheeks.. "Oww," I said..

She moved her hands to my ears and shook my head while peering into my eyes. Her glasses were still on the table where she's placed them before our session of intense sex had begun...Without her glasses her eyes were beautiful, they were mostly blue but had flecks of green and gray in them too.

"Listen very closely to me David. I've thought about this for a long time. When I knew you were going to stay with me-- with us. I even rehearsed this next thing I'm going to tell you... I'm a planner David. I plan the shows for Bill. You have to understand that I LOVE Bill and will NEVER leave him for you. I know this will hurt you but you are my whore now. You are going to keep me from cheating on Bill with someone who would make a lot of trouble for us.. My own brother--you, David--are a perfect cover for us. I've planned this with Bill.. He knows I had to-- HAD to-- have a sex life, and he can't give it to me. Even when he's NOT on drugs, he's one of those men, and I know there's a lot of women too, who are ASEXUAL.. Bill is very creative, and very, very intelligent. He can understand my needs from a purely intellectual point of view, but he has no understanding about them from any of his own desires.. He's hardly ever even masturbated... He just has NO interest in sexual things...

Kathleen still had me by the ears, and her face was only inches from mine, as she whispered to me, she shook my head with her intensity. Shook my head by her hands on my ears..

God damn, I thought this was one of the most extraordinary things that had ever happened to me...For once in my life I was completely quiet as Kathleen slipped her panties back on, slipped on her pink flip-flops, and buttoned up the long-sleeved white shirt, and had her hand on the door of the coop to return to her husband inside the main house.

Kathleen stood with her back to the door and looked down at me as I still sat on the bed.. "Thank you David, " she said, and she had a wistful expression on her face, and had replaced the glasses.. "You've been everything I hoped you'd be. For the first time in years I feel satisfied and I know I can sleep peacefully tonight."

"You mean this is it?' I almost felt like crying. I felt rejected and I suppose in a way even used...

Kathleen came rapidly to the bed where I was sitting and grabbed me by the hair and kissed me with passion, her tongue came into my mouth and I sucked on it.. God, I wanted her again! I couldn't believe it..

"Poor, baby. " She said. "Of course this isn't it. I want you every day from now on. Can you cum each day? I'll suck you off anytime you want, but never in the main house , this will be our place to fuck. I'll even bring you a young man to suck off, if you want. "

"Jesus," I said," you're even more into this stuff than me. How did you learn all these ways of managing a secret sex life?"

Kathleen had stepped back to the door to go out, and turned to me once more.. "Oh, I had a great teacher, " she said.

"Who the hell was that?" I asked.

"Why, Dad of course." Kathleen said as she opened the coop's door and a cold breeze blew in. "He even told me to come to you if I ever needed someone to give me all the sex I wanted--he knew everything about you, even about your sucking off Charlie and licking off Daphne when you were still a kid.. He was proud of you." and then she was GONE. Back to the main house..

Holy royal hell !! I thought. Here I'd always figured I was pretty up on things. My little sister was going to dominate the holy fuck our of me, and I loved it. I lay down on the day bed, pulled a blanket over me, and was almost instantly asleep. Of course you all probably know I dreamed of Kathleen.

THE END by Stardust 8937...Written 9-23-10



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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 4 Redemption and Girlfriendrsquos Sister Sex

Mark Elsa fired about a hundred questions at me like rifle shots at a carnival, expecting me to instantly respond with the first answers that occurred to me. I did, but I wasn’t sure I was giving the answers that would keep me in her good graces. Some of her questions and comments confused me, especially where involving her sister was concerned. I couldn’t fathom what she was suggesting. Elsa had started to smile a lot, and the initial sad look on her face had given way to glee about...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn’t in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a mewling sound, wanting to go back to sleep. I wiggled my hips. There was something in my butt. Thick. A...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 3 Groveling Leads To Sisterrsquos Involvement

Mark I was shocked and felt like my gut had been ripped apart. Worse, I knew it was my own damned fault. I showed up with a corsage in my hand to pick up Elsa, and instead I found the dress I’d bought for her, plus all the accessories, and a caustic note on the front door. Further, the bouquet of flowers I’d sent her the day before lay on her doormat, obviously stomped on by her comings and goings. I got the message. She was royally pissed. Elsa had apparently discovered who I really was....

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 80 New Sister Wives and Housemates

Mark My dear friend and lover, Brita Jean Thorsen, was one of the most influential women in Europe, and except for the Queen of England and one or two others maybe one of the richest. She was the chief executive officer of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She was a multi-billionaire. She was beautiful. She was a slut. Brita had loved the day and a half she’d spent in front of the cameras with Rolfe and Juul filming her slutty behavior. Eight men had fucked her,...

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My sister was always on my mind

part 1 From the time I was about ten, I remember being a very horny and sexually curious k**. Now mind you at that age, although I could get a boner, it was only about 3 inches long, and I really didn’t know what to do about my arousals. The only female I was around a lot was my sister, who was 2 years older than me. She lived with my grandmother, and although I asked my parents why, many times, I never really got a straight answer. So in reality, she was more like a cousin who you would only...

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Sisters friend and Then sister better format and gramer

Mikayla and my sister’s name is Shayna. So one night very late I and my sister’s friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kind of got excited but it didn’t go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgeous face. So we'd all play board games every Friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend over and...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 13 New Office Dress Code and a New Sister

Mark The first hint I had a problem at the office came the Monday after Melanie had spent the weekend with Elsa, Cindy, and me. We had a very romantic weekend, and I apparently had distinguished myself by making love continuously to all three women Friday night, and all day Saturday and Sunday. It wasn’t that I was fucking them and having orgasms all the time; I’m only a man. I did, however, become exceptionally attentive to each of them, displayed my vulnerable inner self to them, and made...

2 years ago
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Younger Sisters Friend Backs Up Older Brother

The terrible floods of the previous winter caused my entire family to move to the neighborhood of my mother's family near Nagasaki. I had been taught in the school about the tragedy in Nagasaki and Hiroshima when the civilian populace was exposed to the radiation of the war criminal Truman. When his name was mentioned in the lessons, I always spat on the ground to show my disgust at the winds of war. The other students thought I was being unnecessarily emotional but many in my family were...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...

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Younger Sister

t was becoming a regular habit now. Once for sure, more often twice, and once in awhile, 3-times a week I would go by Cathy's early in the morning to say "Hi". To maintain protocol, I would even go by the dreaded week and get terrific blow jobs. Often, I arrived even before Bill pulled out and headed for work. We would chat, then I would head in to lay some meat between my sisters thighs. The more I stopped by, the hornier Cathy got. We each anticipated our time before and after the girls left...

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Mandy Blows Her DadbyThe Needler©It was very, very strange waking up like that. I'll fall asleep in front of the TV late at night, that happens a lot, but it was 7 AM and broad daylight on a hot August morning, and I was still in front of the TV. I'd gotten off work about midnight, came straight home and thought I'd settle in to watch SportsCenter before going to bed, maybe an old movie on one of the satellite movie channels. Now my favorite way to watch TV is laying on my stomach on the plush...

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Brothers Sisters Vol I CumCovered Sister

“Please? I have been obsessing over this idea for months! Can’t you please help me make it happen?” I looked Helen over from head to toe. She was a strangely built woman, but attractive nonetheless, at least to me. She had a very round head, and a preposterously oversized chest for her height. Her waist was surprisingly slender, but her rounded hips and full backside gave her an irresistibly womanly shape. I need to back up a little bit. Our relationship, at least in its present...

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Every Way The Wind Blows

I do not generally approve of editorializing. It seems like such a redundant and trivial exercise. I like to tell a story, to allow the characters to draw you into the tale. I love to hear that someone enjoys what I write. I even love to hear when I make a mistake, which can show me how I can improve my craft. I loathe the anonymous and pathetic fool who tries to belittle me personally for what spills from my imagination, as though my stories actually tell you anything at all about me. The core...

1 year ago
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College blows

******************************************** Welcome to college blows. I hope you enjoy your trip this story had multiple endings and your choices throughout will affect what outcome you get. Chapters marked SS are sub stories that don't effect your ending and give you some background on the world. ENJOY ******************************************** August.29/19 (2 days before classes) "Alex Newman" my mind came back from wherever it was. In front of me was the college receptionist. I glanced at...

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This Really Blows

I shut the metal stall door, and surveyed the nasty Texaco crapper. I knew if I hadn't been so overindulgent with my boozing of earlier, I'd not been forced to stop and pay this lovely place a visit. But it would also serve as a haven for a quick fix of the wrist-jerk variety, so I didn't mind as much as I led on. I just liked to bitch, even if only to my own self. If I wasn't the vain, or masochistic—or both—bastard that I was, I'd have made due with taking care of business by pulling...

4 years ago
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My sister and I gave my son a BlowJob

My sister and I used to masturbate and see who reached her peak first. She always won.My frigging was of a flowery nature I imagined the slow build up, the teasing, setting the mood, and my sister would sit and watch me explode, writhing naked, my hand trapped between my crossed legs, 'You make good watching Mariel', she would add sarcastically when I had finished.'How do you cum so quickly'? She would look at me in a disdain fashion, 'A fuck is about fucking, you have to milk them before they...

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Comfort Food for Mindy

Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 17 The Four Sisters Go On The Prowl

Mark I’d lost control of the situation. Four estrogen-laden members of the human race took over my condominium, my mind, and my sex organ. From the time I woke up in the morning until I fell asleep, usually in the haze of wonderful sexual exhaustion, I thought about the four of them all day long – Elsa, Sheila, Cindy, and Melanie. Days usually started with a blowjob, sometimes from two of them. All day long I knew that Melanie and Sheila are working near me without panties on, regardless...

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A Sisterly Surprise

At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple of month's Jared was still a virgin,...

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A sisterly Surprise

Jared discovers his sister's long held secret.At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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2 Sisters 8211 Part 1 Driver And Neighbour Fucks My Sister

Hi ISS readers, I am Uday. This story is completely fictional and it has many parts. The sooner I write the next parts depends on your response. If you like the story and if you wish to read the next parts, then give a like and leave a comment about what you find nice. More likes and comments would be an encouragement for me to take time off and write the next parts. Now, enjoy reading. It was a nice cool afternoon. The bedroom of Sushila was the only place that was very hot now. Her 3...

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The Sisterhood of Diana

THE SISTERHOOD OF DIANA - by Jean Camille Chapters 1 - 4 Chapter 1 Had I not accepted that ride at the bus stop, in the middle of a thunderstorm, the drastic change to my life would never have happened. It was a rainy evening, and in the midst of a downpour, a big limousine pulled up directly in front of me. The face of the elderly lady at the wheel seemed warm snd very friendly. "You poor thing. . .Can I...

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Sisterhood of Sin 18 The Entrapped Man

It's not easy to ask a woman, and a friend, to witness the humiliation of your husband, but it had to be done. I place a call to the only woman that I trust to get the job done, aside from the one who is already helping me on this task. "Hello, Mrs. Blanc." "Hello, Mrs. Riviera." "What's up, Cate." "I have a favor to ask and if you don't want to do it, you're the only one I trust to suggest someone else." "What do you need?" "I need an actress in a role play scenario. There wouldn't be much...

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The SisterhoodChapter 23

It was a day celebrated in loving by the Sisterhood on both continents. All the Sisterhood on the European continent were now in residence within the high wall of the University. The gates stood locked and impassable to all others. Back in the States, the remainder of the Sisterhood were similarly sequestered on Jane's estate. The professors baffled in both locations, but complacent. All of the Sisterhood had informed the other University they would be absent until further notice. The...

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Blow Job From Cute Sister

Dear readers I became a regular reader of this site from last 4 years. This is my first posting based on the reviews and comments i will post another experience. please forgive me if any mistakes in the story. I like the stories between mom and sister. Any girls and aunties are welcome for chat and make it more secret. Now coming to me, I am software engineer in garden city(Bangalore).This is my first story and first experience with cousin sister latha name changed for privacy. My family...

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Sisterhood of Sin 1 The Punishment

It was just a silly love story that I published on a smutty amateur erotica website, and it all went horribly wrong. It was based largely on the real-life redemption of my marriage, after infidelity almost ended it. But I used too much of my real life. Too many damning details made it traceable back to me, and now there is Hell to pay. My name is Marie, and if you haven't read the twelve parts of the Last Wives Club story, that's okay. I will briefly re-introduce the main characters and attempt...

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Teaching her my sister learns to give Blow Jobs

This is a continuation of 1st, "My sisters sleepover" and then "At Home One Night". A saga of a 18 year old boy and his coming of age 16 year old sister,This was a weekend unlike most, I actually had the house to myself! My parents went to a class reunion of my dad's and they were going to spend the night there. My s*s was spending the night at Linda's after the basketball game and me, well I got stoodup by a girl at school for a date to see a movie. She wanted to see this, but claimed...

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The Sisterhood Part 2 5

Part 2 It has been almost 36 hours since Juliet had seen Jim Duggan at her plush home. She was concerned that he had not reported back. His phone rang unanswered and so she decided to visit his offices once again. She did not relish driving to that particular neighbourhood, much less running the risk of meeting Jim's odious landlord. But she was desperate for any information. "Melissa, I am going out. Have Thomas pull the Corvette around to the front of the house," she asked, as she...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Two and Three

Chapter Two The concert lasted for almost two hours. Emily had just finished her third encore, the international remix version of the third single off her second album in the last six months, "Hip Hop Clodhopper." A cadre of men and women had surged her as she danced off stage. Emily had been practically carried by the throng all the way back to her dressing room. As she stepped in the door closed behind her. Emily barely noticed. She walked over to the makeup table, sat down and...

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The SisterhoodChapter 21

Ron and Barbara spent almost three months of real-time in the cubes talking with Steve at leisure about physics. An hour or two at a time, of course. Barbara found herself willingly seduced by him. She downloaded herself into both cubes so that Ron would have a lover too when he visited. Cindy added herself to the fold of both cubes. She enjoyed Steve's conversation and intellect as much as Ron and Susan. She also very much enjoyed his lovemaking. The cubes had a profound effect upon the...

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Hungry For Mindy

The amateur erotic writer posted a personal ad on alt.dolcett, alt.torture, alt.sadistic, and other newsgroups: > Mad scientist ISO young beautiful woman to > practice surgical experiments on. I will > open up your chest and abdominal cavities and > poke around inside you; maybe remove some > stuff and move other stuff around--just to > see what happens. Understand that I am not > a doctor and have no access to anesthesia or > antibiotics. The pain will be...

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My Stepsister Hailey P6

So, there we were in the car, my stepmother, Father, my stepsister Hailey and me heading to my aunt and uncles house for my cousin's birthday.It was my cousin Samantha's birthday , she was just turning 18, and like normal tradition all the family were invited to celebrate it, at my uncles house. So we put on our best clothes, me and my father in shirt and trousers, my stepmother and stepsister in very pretty dresses, climbed into the car and made our way to the next town where they lived.As we...

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The Heatwave The Sisterhood of Sappho Part Two

The Sisterhood of Sappho (Part Two) At the top of the stairs leading down to the main hall she encountered Jo, wearing a short black dress and carrying a tray of drinks, her sun-streaked hair now freed of its leather clasp, flowing freely down her back and reaching nearly to her buttocks. As Judi approached Jo looked her critically up and down and nodded appreciatively. “Looking good!” she grinned. “Someone’s in for a treat tonight – makes me wish it was my turn to serve as Acolyte, instead...

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Young teen niece blows my mind

Jeff and Sarah Part 1: Im traveling this week and since im close to my sisters place I figured ill spend a couple days and catch up. I have not been here in many years so I was taken by surprise when my nieces came out to see me. 25,23,21,19,18. The 19 and 21 year old live out of the house but the middle girl Sarah just turned 18 and is amazingly hot. A little back story with my sister. When we were younger we did some fooling around. She developed very early and had tits in freshman year...

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Sisterly LoveChapter 13

Climbing off the bus the following morning, I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t let the excitement of my Aunt’s coming to visit that night take away from the John Travolta-like walk from the opening credits of Saturday Night Fever I had practiced since the girls fought over me. I had been right to think I would be the talk of the school today, especially since Becky and Regina were suspended for the remainder of the week. Both boys and girls peeled away as I strolled down the corridors...

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