Maya Them
- 2 years ago
- 28
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“Good morning,” said Sarah’s Clan as they entered the conference room on Iarracht.
“Good morning,” responded Keriann’s Clan. “Siobhan’s Clan is going to connect via video.”
“We suspected they might,” replied Tara. “Their babies are really cute.”
“Yes they are.”
“So how are you all feeling?”
“Pretty good now,” replied Keriann. “Well actually, compared to last week I feel very good. I think I may have been overdoing it since our spouses left and last week it caught up with me. In fact I think that that is true for all three of us.”
“Pregnancy can do that, or it could be that plus what could be a new strain of cold virus,” responded Judy. “Quite a few patients have experienced symptoms similar to what that would cause. In most cases it was beginning to clear up by the time they decide they should see us. As a result we don’t have a good handle on the actual cause.”
“Well I am glad it is behind me.”
Sally said, “How soon will the others be here?”
“Except for Siobhan’s Clan, they should be here any time. Although, Amy’s Clan indicated that they may be a little late but to go ahead and start without them. Amy said they would mind-link with us if that happened.”
“Good,” replied Joyce.
Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan said, “Well I will certainly be glad when our spouses return from An Clochán. Even though we can connect with them via our mind link, it seems like they’ve been gone forever.”
“Yes, it does,” responded Kathryn as her clan followed her into the conference room. “Good morning all.”
“Good morning,” responded everyone.
Elana said, “The others are just behind us.” She had hardly finished speaking when the remaining Command Staffs entered.
Once they finished greeting each other Keriann said, “From the responses we saw, moving the Councilor’s ceremony and Landing Day celebration to Thirday, Sevmonth was well received.”
“And that is?” asked Kriss of Molly’s Clan.
“Oh, 4490,” responded Jackie. “We are happy that we’re moving toward using our new calendar, but thinking of events by cumulative date is still convenient at times.”
“Once we are comfortable with the calendar we should have a better perspective on the relationships between events,” said Amy. “Figuring out when to celebrate an event will definitely be easier with a calendar as it makes them more visible.”
Erin of Sarah’s Clan said, “With those coming from the Alliance of Worlds delaying their arrival, we will have more time to prepare. Although it is convenient for us we’ve wondered what prompted it.”
“Well the extra 40 clock cycles means that we can adjust the timing of the celebration if we have to so that those coming from An Clochán will be able to participate,” added Kendra of Siobhan’s Clan.
“Finnian of Chloe’s Clan told me that all the comments on the net regarding the proposed holidays were positive,” said Angie of Kathryn’s Clan. “A few had questions about how the date of Founders Day was determined.” Seeing the others expressions she continued, “To determine a date for the Órarduine’s beginning, and its anniversary, they changed the elapsed clock cycles to fit Ananu’s time scale. When you do that, today is clock cycle 3569 rather than 4446.”
“I didn’t think we were going to do that!” exclaimed Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan.
Niamh quickly responded with, “Oh, that hasn’t changed, we’re not. However, it did come up again when the group was trying to establish the date for Founder’s Day on the Ananu calendar. Needless to say, the idea of shifting the dates in our history came up again and was a hot topic for a while. Some liked the idea of having a consistent time line rather than the discontinuity we have now. Those that liked the concept were able to convince the group to look at it again in detail. It didn’t take them long to realize that it makes the past very messy, so they decided to only use that method to determine the date for Founder’s Day. Oh, it is also used for setting the day of the year for birthdays.”
“What about ages?” asked Kathryn.
“You can go there if you want to,” responded Angie with a smile, “but none of the group wanted any part of that. It would significantly change everyone’s age, to about two-thirds of their current age in fact.”
“Hey, it is a natural question, but I am not saying any more about it.” Her response caused many to chuckle.
Betsy of Amy’s Clan said, “In terms of aging, continuing with the number of elapsed clock cycles is probably the best choice. This is a psychological issue as a person perceives their aging by the number of days they’ve lived. However, from a physiological stand point elapsed time has a stronger link to aging. But the difference doesn’t outweigh the psychological benefit so you’ve made a good choice. The use of elapsed time is an excellent way to shift a past date to our Ananu calendar as it will spread them over the whole year.”
“Thank you,” responded Angie. “I’ll share that as there are still some doubters. Also, Founder’s Day is based on when Sarah’s Clan came out of the tubes, not the day Sarah woke up. There is a difference of 156 twenty-four hour clock cycles between the two dates, so the proposed anniversary date is the 400th day of the year, or Tenday, Fouweek, Ninmonth.”
Niamh of Keriann’s Clan said, “So how do we plan on handling the Cross Quarters since Ananu has two satellites.”
{Author’s Note: Cross Quarters is the mid point between a solstice and an equinox or an equinox and a solstice. Two solstices and two equinoxes per year, results in 4 mid points or Cross Quarters. On Earth the names for the Cross Quarters varies with the culture.}
“But solstice and equinox is based on Ananu’s orientation toward Celia,” responded Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan.
“Oops, sorry. I don’t know why I thought it was related to the moons.”
“No problem. This places Samhain on the Firday, Firmonth, which we’ve set as the beginning of our calendar year. Imbloc is on Fivday, Foumonth. Beltane is on Firday, Sevmonth. Lughnasadh is on Fivday, Tenmonth.”
“While you’re at it, what are the rest of them?”
“Except for this, year Celia Councilors will begin their term and take their oath on the Firday, Thirweek, Secmonth. Future Landing Day celebrations will be on the Firday, Fivmonth. Thanksgiving will be on the Firday, Twelmonth.”
“Thanks for indulging me, but it is hard to remember. Still, I suspect that once we have calendars it won’t be an issue.”
“Not a problem. Based on the nodding of heads I see here, you aren’t the only one with that issue.”
“She is not,” responded Emma of Keriann’s Clan with many others in the room nodding in agreement.
Angie said, “Our online scheduler layout is now using the Ananu calendar. Once the family formally agrees to the dates for the holidays their notation will change. Currently they are shown as awaiting ratification so that we have visual cues. We are still working out the birthdays for everyone, which as noted earlier are based on elapsed time. One advantage to this is that it distributes them over the whole year.”
“Good,” responded several.
Tara said, “It seems to me as though we’ve gone full circle, and I am now wondering what we’ve gained.”
“Basically we have documented the implications that arise when the time base for past events is changed,” responded Angie. “We didn’t find any references to this situation in the library so we suspect that it is an unusual one.”
“Sort of,” said Amy. “Many of the new settlements we’re familiar with just took the year they settled and worked from there. Even though we set up the Órarduine calendar several years ago, we never really moved away from using the cumulative day count. Your basis for considering this as the 6th year is stronger than many we’ve seen. So going full circle, today is the 30th day in the Sixmonth of the 6th year, or clock cycle 4446.
“Angie, I just realized that there is an aspect that we need to be sure is included in the documentation, if it is not already there. Previously we numbered Órarduine days from when Sarah woke up and thought of that as their emergence. This is what we had in mind for the Founder’s Day celebration. I like this new choice as it is closer to being the birth of Órarduine, and is based on an event relating to all those who would become a clan and not just one individual. We need to make sure that the difference in starting point is noted, and the reasoning behind the change.”
“Okay. I’ll make sure that is included.”
“We think this new approach is much better,” said Tara. “We know that Sarah was a little uncomfortable with her waking up being set as our beginning. Basing it on the emergence of the first eight from the incubators is a more accurate and more logical date. We like the calendar layout, and the holidays being spread over the whole year.”
“We agree,” responded everyone.
Keriann said, “It looks to me like we’ve covered that topic.” Hearing no objections she added, “Next is the status of the Durale prisoners.”
Alison said, “Well the interrogations are complete. These have provided us with a lot more information about the Durale culture, their plans and their perspective of others. It is not a pretty picture and seems very different from what we learnt of the Dutsuz from Commander Timalta in Sol. These people see the universe as being there solely for their benefit. Thus, it belongs solely to them, so they can use it in any manner they choose. They view themselves as being above all others.
“Using what we learned about their ships in Sol, we’ve been able to recover the surviving ship’s logs and reference material. These include details of its last several missions as well as their next assignment. However, even using the Durale navigation data Astrogation hasn’t been able to determine where this trip originated. They don’t think it was in the Dutsuz system. The coordinates for other voyages don’t seem to fit with the star maps we have from the Alliance either.”
Emma said, “While we were in Sol, the data we obtained indicated that they had absorbed those they found on other planets. Included in the data were indications that they had agents in critical locations of the Alliance members, which gave them access to privileged information. With that kind of access those same agents could hide their interactions with other select worlds.”
“Good point. With that in mind, there are a couple of prisoners we should question again as I don’t believe that that possibility was considered before.”
“Another thing to consider is that the coordinates may be coded in some way.”
“We’ve considered that. We do have descriptions of the places they’ve been to, so hopefully our visitors from the Alliance can help decipher them.”
“How are they doing on the island?” asked Brigid.
Several laughed as Brittany said, “Actually, better than some expected. It took the first groups several days to realize that they had no choice but to stay there. Apparently they didn’t believe us when we told them to leave the lions alone. Several attempts were made to capture or kill them, resulting in 5 deaths.
“Recently two more died when they attempted to capture those delivering food. The lions put the attackers down, and in the process their food was scattered, some of it was covered with the attackers’ remains. The next several deliveries were made by a Security team accompanied by a pair of lions. There haven’t been any more issues with delivery.
“The remaining prisoners have split into small groups and set up camps around the island. The groups appear to be based on where they grew up and there doesn’t seem to be much interaction between them. However, they all show up for food deliveries and seem to be satisfied with the food. During the deliveries there is usually very little talking, although occasionally they will ask for something. No request has been refused and we are keeping a log of what we give them.”
“What do they know of their future?” asked Ron of Jackie’s Clan.
“They were told that they are restricted to the island until we can make other arrangements. If one of our visitors wants them then we will move them from the island to a transfer point.”
“What is the status of their ships?”
“We placed the three we captured together in a stable orbit. Two are pretty much junk. We haven’t done anything with them, as we thought our visitors might want to look through them. As for the one we disabled, the exterior is sealed and it has a partial atmosphere. The systems are in what we consider to be a standby state but not hibernation. The data systems weren’t shut down due to concerns over how to bring them back online. Currently our ferrets can access them. We haven’t identified any self-destruct commands and we think there should be some. It is something we have on our ships.”
Sally said, “Considering their attitude, there may not be any.”
“That is a possibility, but we didn’t think it was worth taking the chance. The other issue is access codes and whether we’ve correctly reset them, as the available manuals aren’t clear to us.”
Rusty asked, “Were you able to figure out whether they sent a message regarding the status of the mission? If they didn’t send one, were they supposed to?”
“From what we can tell, they didn’t, and there is no indication that they were supposed to send one afterwards either.”
“Strange,” said Terry. “You would think their commanders would want to know if the mission was successful, unless they didn’t expect any of them to return. Another alternative would be to monitor this system.”
“We agree,” said Keriann. “Are we monitoring their conversations on the island?”
“Most of them.”
“We should try to do better than that as there could be clues in what they say to each other. From what you’ve said about their attitude, if they didn’t know the mission was to destroy the planet’s biosphere they may expect to be rescued.”
“We’ll see what we can do regarding monitoring all of their conversations,” responded Alison.
“Is there a problem in doing that?”
“Primarily resources, but perhaps we should look again at how we are using them. Thanks.”
“From your expression, it looks like you’ve discovered something.”
“Only that we may not being using the lions observations, or what they hear, as well as we could.”
“Anything else regarding the prisoners?” asked Keriann.
“Not from us,” said Conan of Siobhan’s Clan with others in the room nodding in agreement.
“Next item is the people coming from An Clochán. For openers, how do we describe them?”
“They are all ‘new Family members’ from our perspective,” responded Maeve. “I think that that is better than ‘crew member’, although some will likely seek opportunities in that area.”
“We don’t have any problem with that,” responded Tiff of Siobhan’s Clan, with the others indicating their agreement. “So, seeing that we all agree, we should refer to them in that manner from now on.”
“I think that is a good idea,” said Amber. “I don’t think our spouses at An Clochán were sure of the best description either.”
Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan said, “That is likely the best way. Besides, a lot of those we’ve interacted with on Earth seem to gravitate toward joining us. When I first noticed this I was concerned that we were somehow enticing them. However, I don’t now believe that this is the case.”
“I think they will fit in just fine,” responded Kendra. “With so many at one time, it may take a little longer, mostly due to the delay in joining us. By the way, the Staffing group at An Clochán arranged to purchase enough iPads so everyone could have one. With some minor modifications they can connect to our learning system and library. With these, people will have something to do in addition to the other activities during the trip.”
“Great idea,” said Courtney. “I’ll bet Apple was happy with that purchase. Would they be a benefit here?”
“Could be, but we need to bounce that off our network systems engineers,” said Claudette. “A key reason for getting the iPads is the lack of learning center terminals that will be available during the trip to Celia. They may be the best choice for some other situations, especially if it is relatively easy to configure them to interact with our systems. They could increase the capacity of the learning centers, which is a current project. The centers are currently in high demand, and with our new arrivals they will continue to be for some time.”
“Jim, are there any issues at Tara Ardchlár?” asked Molly.
“Not really. The first tunnels should be connected in the next day or two, although it could be a few days more. The primary tunnels One South and Two South are useable from Three East to just a little east of One East. The connecting tunnels to 2E 1S, 1E 1S and 2E will be finished tomorrow then work can begin adding the next levels to them. The primary tunnels 0ne East and Two East are progressing. Tunnel One East is useable between Three South to just past One South and Two East is close to where One North will be. The We have enough resources to work on three buildings concurrently with 5 in progress. By having this many buildings under construction at the same time we can use our resources more efficiently. This is in part because we can move to a different building when we need to pause on one being worked on. Currently plans call for the Common buildings at 2E 1S and 1E 2S to be covered before we begin the residence towers for 2E 1S. This should happen within the next 60 days. The other buildings are at 1E, 2E, and 1E 1S.”
“That quickly!” exclaimed several in the link.
“We think it could be a little quicker, but it could also be several weeks longer. In planning activities several people think that we should delay the outer ring of residence towers until all 8 residence groupings are built. They think that by doing that there will be less time loss due too many activities in an area.”
Caitlyn of Keriann’s Clan said, “We like the idea of limiting a residence group to having just 8 towers. Would you refresh my memory on tunnel names?”
“Sure. We are placing the tunnels under the grid lines for Tara Ardchlár. So the first east – west tunnel south of Central Square is labeled One South. The first north – south tunnel east of Central Square is One East. The layout for the streets hasn’t been decided or how they will be named.
“As to the residence towers, we will finish 3 Common buildings before starting the residence towers. Even so we will continue to build Common buildings but at a slower rate. The connecting tunnels between the Residence Hub and towers will be added as each one is built. The towers will start the same way we did the Common buildings.” Sensing puzzlement he continued, “Sublevel 3 and Sublevel 2 are built first, but Sublevel 2 is not covered. This makes it easier to move stuff between ground level and the tunneling activity. Even though the utilities are on Sublevel 3, provisions are made to allow the equipment to be readily replaced. I hope that is not too much detail.”
“Not from my perspective. Have you thought about how building would progress beyond this corner?” asked Violetta of Kathryn’s Clan.
“Our plans are to build the Residence groups at 2E 1N and 1E 2N next, which would be toward the space port. This would include the nearby Common buildings as well. We considered building west then north since it would delay the need to move the space port north. However after considering resource use, we’ve decided to continue as planned. This would make the Residence groups at 1W 2S and 2W 1S and the nearby Common buildings next in line. An exception is being made for the Medical Center at 1W and 1W 1S.”
Terry said, “If I remember the criteria correctly, the defensive system that obscures our presence on the ground becomes more effective as each pair of Residence groups is added. Once we have all eight up we can effectively obscure the whole site.”
“Your memory is correct,” responded Mairia of Jackie’s Clan.
“Does this cause any difficulties with the underground access?” queried Kriss of Molly’s Clan.
“Not really. Once the connecting tunnels for these five buildings are complete, plans are to continue extending tunnels for One South and Two South to where they would connect with Four West. One East and Two East will be extended to the SpacePort. These efforts will be at a more leisurely pace than we are currently. Doing this has several advantages. One is that the tunnels will be ready when we start a new building’s foundation. Another is that we can shift resources from this task to other areas.”
Rusty said, “So we need to decide on any changes before you finish with these first buildings.”
“If we are going to make a change then it should be within the next 8 weeks.”
“Well considering our current situation, we don’t see any need to make any changes,” said Brandan of Maureen’s Clan. “We agree with an initial placement of 8 residence towers in each grouping, with provisions to add more if they are needed once all 8 groupings are complete. Besides, with just the eight towers in a grouping everyone has a better view. An alternative would be to continue with some people living in the Residence Hub.”
“We agree,” said Jackie. “Jim, has anyone asked about placing buildings near the farms?”
“Yes. There will be some centered among the cultivated fields. Those are relatively simple buildings to set up. Where they will be placed hasn’t been established yet as the group is still laying out the fields.”
“When will they begin planting?”
“From what we heard,” replied Amy, “with in a couple of weeks.”
Erica said, “An engineering group is currently planning on how to move the asteroids to be used as forts to where we want them. One consideration is to place one at both the L4 and L5 points of both moons. These locations would presumably have the smallest need for station keeping. Expectations are that we will have two in position, and with construction underway, in 2 months. Currently the forts have a higher priority than setting up an asteroid for manufacturing.”
“Good,” replied Sally. “We need to have a discussion on this aspect of our defense as I don’t think we set any clear objectives or capabilities.”
“Let’s plan on doing that after our spouses return,” proposed Brittany. “One potential issue I see with the L4, L5 choices is that they won’t deviate very far from the ecliptic plane.”
“Good point,” responded Oriel of Keriann’s Clan. “The L4 of one will be fairly close to the L5 of the other, so they would have similar fields of fire.”
“Yes, they would,” said Conan. “We agree with Brittany and Sally, so let’s discuss this a week or so after they return.”
“Agreed,” replied everyone.
Erica said, “I will schedule the meeting and include the appropriate engineering and security staff. Obviously the Command Staffs are included.”
Rusty added, “As food for thought, when I think of a space fort, I see something like our ships FCS but with about 5 to 10 times the fire power. The field of fire of one fort should overlap those of the other forts. They obviously need all the support elements that a ship has.”
Keriann said, “I agree with Rusty’s concept. I also think that we’ve covered this well enough for now. The summary on the planetary activity was the last item on the agenda. Does anyone have anything else?” After pausing a few moments, she added, “Seeing no new issues, let’s adjourn until this time next week when we will meet at Tara Ardchlár.”
Brigid said, “We hope you can all stay for dinner. If you are Muiriol can tell you which suite she has set aside for you to use.”
Rusty said, “Erica, wouldn’t it be better to set up an asteroid for manufacturing before we begin working on the forts.”
“Yes. It would make building the forts a lot easier. Based on our brief discussion, I think the asteroids we’ve picked are too small.”
“Why is that?”
“Not enough mass. Besides, when you add the required support systems, their emissions will be difficult to hide. In light of all that, the timing for starting the project was likely in error.”
“While having forts available quickly would be nice, we don’t see it as a necessity. It just means that until we have them we are restricted on how long our primary ships can leave the system. Actually that is also true for the cruisers.”
“I agree with both of you,” said Keriann who had walked up during their conversation. “Before we have the discussion about fort details, those with tactical experience need to decide how we would capture a world like this. Having that information will make it easier to determine how and where we want to place the forts. In any case, when they are positioned, we should leave what appears to be two weak points, one more obvious than the other, but both with a defensive arrangement that would minimize any escape once an intruder was committed to an attack.”
“When we discuss this we should ask our Mentor friends to join us,” said Rusty.
“Maybe we ought to use this as a strategy class,” responded Keriann.
“I think you two should handle that aspect,” said Erica. “I sort of know your intent, but think it would be better if you all do it.”
“We can,” replied Keriann with Rusty nodding.
“Are you joining us for dinner?” queried Caitlyn.
“Yes,” replied Rusty and Erica.
Erica added, “We will be leaving after dinner.”
“I don’t believe anyone is staying over.”
It was a few days later that the Iridien passenger ship, IGN404, entered a Martian geosynchronous orbit. That orbit positioned the ship to the east of An Clochán. A few hours after it arrived over Mars, 2 Iridien Spec Ops cruisers entered Sol system.
Kara was in An Clochán’s Security Center with Effie when Breacadh alerted them to the cruisers FTL transition. Their systems soon detected valid IFF codes from the cruisers and they then heard Sol41 say in Iridien, “Welcome to Sol, Commander.”
“Task Group 33 is glad to be here,” came the reply. “We should be there in 6 hours.”
“Both cruisers need a few repairs. If the hangar and technicians are available then they can be accomplished in a fairly short time. Otherwise it is a normal restock.”
“Duration of stay?”
“Only a few days.”
“In that case we can discuss the details after you arrive. Advise when over Sol41, to receive approach vectors.”
“Will do.”
“Sol41 Approach Control, this is Kara at An Clochán. We need the contact details for IGN404.”
“Oops, sorry. We thought you had those.”
“No, I guess those involved thought someone else did. Since our preferred departure is only a few days off, we thought we would have heard from them by now. The message regarding the passenger ships just indicated that they were being sent, and an approximate arrival time. The two Monque operated ships are due to arrive within the next two clock cycles.”
“Sorry, we thought you already had that information. We just sent communication protocols for IGN404 to Breacadh. This ship is under the command of Captain Ersatz.”
“Thanks. Do you have the Monque ship ids and the names of the commanders?”
“No. Their IFF codes were just forwarded to Breacadh. If they were Iridien, I could probably guess who the Captain was and be right. We’ll pass that on once their identification is verified, and we will specifically direct them to contact you. Actually we are surprised that Captain Ersatz hasn’t contacted you already.”
Effie said, “Breacadh, please establish a connection with IGN404 Captain Ersatz.”
“Aye.” Then a few moments later, “Connection established.”
“An Clochán Security Center calling Captain Ersatz,” said Effie.
“Please confirm who this is,” replied a female voice.
“This is Effie in An Clochán Security Center. We need to speak with Captain Ersatz.”
“He is with Propulsion Engineering at the moment. Can you wait until he returns to the bridge?”
“We were calling to establish a time for us to visit. Is there a problem?”
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SupernaturalOur sex life was going great guns. Nisha, my wife, is not at home. We were very open and fucked when every possible. We were having sex at least 4 times a week at night and 3 or 4 times during the day like honeymoon couples. My wife called one day and said her project got extended. She will have to stay for another 4 to 6 weeks. I was delighted but had to act sad. My mother-in-law was also delighted, and now we can spend more time. During this period, my office work became a bit busy for a week...
IncestMy Perfect Wife by Amy Brett I'm a financially and mentally stable, large, strong, masculine guy. I've been a contractor for the last few years after working my way through the trades - masonry, plumbing, electrical, roofing, framing, and finishing at different times. I suppose I'm not quite as toned as I was at some times of my life, but even just estimating jobs, helping when my employees need it, and jockeying these guys around keeps me in pretty good shape. Even at 42, I still...
WARNING– This story depicts group sex, bdsm, humiliation and forced sexual activities, extramarital sex, and several fetishes such as spanking all engaged in by a slut wife. The wife does not make love to the other men nor do they make love to her. They fuck, pure and simple. If you are looking for the monogamous couple spicing things up with each other type of story while rainbows and butterflies appear overhead there are a few good ones that were recently posted. This is not one of them. The...
I have never told this to anyone before, but I just had to get it off my chest. About two years ago I visited, my mom, Margie, who lives in the country(by herself)she & my dad just couldn't live together anymore, after us k**s(my sister & me) were gone, no bad blood between them but no love either. On the first day, I saw her on the bed reading, I caught a flurry of her hand, what I thought I'd seen was mom getting her hand out from up her dress. Masturbating ?I wondered. After all,...
Sleep never came that night to her, and her tears flowed freely. She stifled the worst of the sobs and moans that welled up from her insides, but still she wept. Come morning her face was that of a sad older woman, with eyelids swollen from the crying and the sleeplessness. She felt horrible and the child within her seemed equally disturbed. How could it not be, if its mother was in such a terrible state? She had left her windows closed, the drapes and curtains tightly drawn shut. She cared...
Blonde babe Alex Grey knows that it’s important to work out to keep her trim figure. She gets her reps in, but when her boyfriend T Stone joins her in the gym she decides to add some fun to the mix. Tearing Pulling out her perky tits to play with her hard nipples, she then reaches down to tear her tights apart so that T can slide into her creamy fuck hole without waiting to undress her. The couple fucks on the weight bench to start while Alex reaches between them to rub her clit. Then she...
xmoviesforyouThs is my first story. Constructive feedback is welcome. MTSW – Mother Teacher, Sister Whore My name is Jason and I am average in nearly every aspect you can imagine. My height is average, maybe slowly above, have short brown hair and brown eyes and though I am quite strong and muscular I am not ripped. I am an average student and average at sports. The only thing I am above average is having sex, thanks to lots of practice. At the moment I am 21 years old and studying at...
Hi, I am Sweetie, 25, from Ahmedabad. I read ur story and was really excited thinking about all that. Real life experiences are quite rare on internet based stories.I have never expressed this incident to anybody. However, I would like to narrate my story to you. I am married and working in an MNC here. About me, I have 36-sized breasts with a 28-sized navel and 38-sized ass cheeks. Once my husband was supposed to pick me up from my office for home, but he called me saying that his bike is not...
Chapter Five Tight Lacing My smallest corseted waist measured twenty nine inches, and the next obvious question was:- By how much could it be safely reduced? My imagination began to run freely as I visualised all the possibilities. One inch? Three inches? Perhaps even six inches! The shop that advertised the corsets with a twenty three inch waist was the obvious place for me to start making some polite enquiries. This was going to be my first assault on a corset shop, and it...
It was one of the first emails I received on my college account. It read "You are invited to a M4M spanking party!" The email had been sent to a long list of people. If I was interested, to contact a Pete via a phone number that was provided. Not sure why or how they had gotten my email address... I deleted it. Near the end of the Fall term, I received another email for another spanking party. The email this time looked as if it was just sent to me. Instead of contacting Pete via the phone...
“Do you really think she’ll do it?” asked Chris Maple as he looked at Jamahl Sable. Jamahl stared back at Chris but without making any response. Shona Grig eventually helped him out with, “Nah! I reckon she’s just gone to the bathroom to take a dump. You wait ... she’ll be coming back any minute now just the way she left and she’ll be laughing at us all for being so easily sucked in.” Thirty minutes went by and still there was no sign of Riona Parkes returning to the group ‘the way she...
I watched as my wife climbed up off of my cock as my cum ran down the insides of her thighs and walked over to the three men she had just met at the bar downstairs and knelt down in front of Jim and started sucking his cock as cum dripped out of her cunt onto the carpet. She sucked his cock deep into her throat as she reached out and stroked Paul and Bill at the same time then she pulled back and looked up at Jim and asked, “Do you want to fuck me now?” Jim just smiled at Annie as he pulled...
It was time we got up. I asked Elaine if she wanted a shower or a bath. She opted for a shower. I told her I would wait, then take my shower afterwards. "Come in and talk to me in a minute. First I have to make myself comfortable." It's funny really. We all have to go to the loo, yet we find so many terms to disguise the fact, or sneak off so that no one knows what you are up to. I gave her the minute or two, and when the cistern flushed, I slowly entered the bathroom. She was looking at...
I was still holding his cock with my right hand as I looked up at him. I jolt of fear, pleasure and excitement ran through my body and I couldn't move a muscle. There he was, with the slyest grin I have ever seen, holding his webcam and filming me while I was giving him another blowjob. "Why are you stopping Kate?" I was completely stunned. I didn't what I should do. If I stopped, he would definitely send those pictures, but if I continued, then he'd have more images to blackmail me...
Hubby and me had been dogging twice before, the first time was with me in stockings and sitting in the front with the window closed and men looking at me and wanking. The second time was with me sat in the back of the car with the window down and about half a dozen men touching me.So onto the third time, im dressed in a pair of dark tan suspender tights, ankle bracelet and not a lot else lol. We drove to the spot where we had been before and I then took off my coat and got into the back of the...
I plopped down into my chair after replacing my long cold coffee with a fresh cup. I checked the progress of my search engine and didn’t like what I was seeing. Six hours of searching through database after database had turned up nothing so far. I had put in calls to several of my contacts as well, asking them to be listening for any word about the Eclipses or the Sun Chasers and offering good money to any who brought me the information I was looking for. Over the next three days I split my...
It was just another party at our next door neighbors house. The kind of party that floats from house to house in the neighborhood on any given weekend. This one was a little different though; a new couple had moved into the neighborhood and this party was a welcoming bash for them. He, his name was Sam, seemed like a nice enough guy and in talking to him I found out we both had an interest in old cars. He was restoring a 65' Mustang, and I was trying to figure out how best to turn a 29' Ford...
Zane stormed into his hotel room. The meeting with his biggest client yet wasn’t going well and he was pissed. This was the deal he had to close to finally lock in his promotion he was promised three months earlier, and had been working on for the last year. He had put more energy into earning this promotion since he met Bella and her two children. Though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, they were the reason he was working so hard. Part of the delay for his promotion was due to the bad...
Love Stories"I don't know... I just don't know. I've gone over our books a dozen times. There's just no way we are going to make this month's payment–not with the way the economy has been around here," Charles said.Charles Davidson and his wife Honey owned and ran a small landscaping business which, when they first started it, did pretty well.So well, in fact, that they felt comfortable getting some bigger (and more expensive) equipment to take on bigger jobs and contracts with commercial properties. But...
Wife LoversI asked them what they thought about that, and they both as one said “Yummy!” I told then it was time for me to prepare for my part but I would need some snacks to start. They pulled out of me and for the first time I saw the bats they had stuck in themselves to keep themselves enlarged for today. As they walked they each had ball bats sticking out of both their anus and vagina’s. It was kind of funny watching them walking, almost running around. Every 10 or 20 steps they would stop and sit...
Wanting to please her daddy, she sat down at her dresser, naked. She put on her make-up as carefully as she knew how and then she fixed her hair in a ponytail. When she was through, she picked out a thin beige blouse and a short, tan skirt. After picking out a pink bra and bikini panty set of sheer nylon, she got dressed. Looking at herself in the mirror, she knew she looked good enough to eat and he was sure her father would think the same thing. But the morning passed slowly for her. All...
Playing God By Zapper Any technology, when sufficiently advanced, will resemble magic. *** Synopsis: Calvin, having been put through a special process that bonded him to a very advanced type of nanite is now working for "The Program," a secretive federal agency. After a dangerous mission Calvin is given an all-expense paid holiday. The only catch, it's a working holiday. Calvin will be accompanied by the beautiful Hannah whose job is to...
Friday afternoon couldn't have come too soon for the students of Peterson High School. It was the first week of June, and they had less than two weeks to go until graduation. For Michael Rossi and Bobby Williams, it meant that in ten short days they would finish their years at Peterson and move on to bigger and better things. In Bobby's case it was a football scholarship at State, and for Mike Rossi a chance to study Industrial Arts at Brookfield U. "I thought that English Lit class would...
Hi to all ISS readers. This is Varun back to share my experience after a long time. I am Varun 25 from Chennai. This is my experience of fucking my neighbor lady. Now coming to the story we have recently moved to a new apartment in Chennai and It was a gated community and around 200 to 300 families will be living there. The Apartment was at the outskirts of the city and only 60% is occupied. We had two flats per floor. There was a couple living nearing our apartment. Since we moved early I...
You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline, though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...
SRU: I Thought You Were Gay By Paul G Jutras Steve had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall when he saw a mousy brown girl get out of her car and go in. She looked gorgeous in her green headband, dress and stockings and mid-heel boot. She ran up to a blonde woman dressed in a purple mid drift tank top and shorts. Even her nails were purple. Steve felt crushed at the passionate hug they gave each other and kiss on the check. When Steve followed her inside, she seemed to vanish instantly. He...
Ms Faris has to share a bathroom with her stepbrother Jason, so she makes the most of it by not giving a damn. She pees in front of Jason when he’s already in the bathroom, then gets naked and climbs into the shower. Rather than being embarrassed, she teases her stepbrother for getting hard and clearly wanting to fuck his stepsister. Jason denies it, but Ms Faris sets out to prove to him that she’s right.Lying in bed with Jason wearing just her bra and panties, Ms Faris points out...
xmoviesforyouRead “My Wife Caught Me” first. It had been two weeks since Sandy and Karen caught me in the basement, she had said nothing about that afternoon but I felt something was brewing. We had booked a weekend get away some time ago and was this weekend, three days at a resort to relax and be pampered. I got home about 3:00 Friday, “Jim, I packed your bag already and put clean stuff on the bed for you after your shower, I’m ready as soon as your done” Sandy told me. I showered and dressed and we on...
We ended up taking a lengthy shower, which consisted of general washing as well as some shenanigans and grab assing. Hey, she's a "kid", yeah right! Uh huh, like I didn't instigate any myself! We had a quick bite of breakfast in the restaurant downstairs and split up to do what we needed to do for the day. I will have to say that she was a real trooper. As sore as she is there was no indication, at least to me, that she was uncomfortable at all. She wore a really nice long madras...
Out of the twelve that began attending the Italian night-school course run by Carlotta Shoreham (who we referred to as Miss), just four of us remained. Julia, Jim and I had all been given the cane by Carlotta since we had accepted her suggestion that we should be spanked if we didn’t do our night-school homework properly. If we hadn't agreed the course would be cancelled. Only Sharon had somehow managed to avoid it so far. Jim & I had just been on the receiving end of a punishment and as...
SpankingMy thanks got to SH. I took a quick glance over my shoulder and saw that there must have been nigh on a thousand eyes staring back at me in disbelief. A quick calculation will tell you that almost five hundred people were waiting back there, somewhere, to watch me surrender to my nemesis. Okay, probably a slight exaggeration, but I'm not in the business of estimating the size of crowds of people. So I should imagine, that there were probably getting on for five hundred people at least, who...
My wife and I have an active and adventurous love life, we will both try most things at least twice, so we definitely know if it is something we don’t like. We have the two obvious exceptions and we don’t do any d**gs beyond coffee and alcohol. We have never forced each other to do something either of us is uncomfortable with. We have a book called ‘The greatest sex tips in the world’. Look it up, I’d recommend it.Four or five years ago we had a holiday in the south of France, we’d booked a...
My wife Katie and I had been invited by one of her co-workers to their mountain retreat for a week-long get away with her and her husband. We have never been super close to this couple but Katie enjoyed working with her and they seemed like very fun people to be around. They are a little bit younger than us and extremely athletic. They are both tri-athletes and have competed in several events together. Needless to say they are very fit but are also extremely beautiful people. We have heard that...
Hello! My name is Kajal. I am bisexual, more inclined towards lesbianism. I am lesbian by heart, soul, feelings and personal choice. I was forced to marry a man, hope its enough to explain my bisexuality. Hope you are smart enough to understand the rest. This is a true sex story of a friend of mine, I shall be narrating and shall be sharing it with you in almost the same way he narrated it to me. So, let’s begin. Hello! My name is Rahul and this a continuation of my previous story (link given...
IncestTwo Mothers Chapter One: Walter "Walter!" Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and scowled at her son's bedroom door. "Walter, I know what you're doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to you in your room every day! Walter, are you listening?" Her teenage son didn't answer. The rhythmic thumping continued louder than ever, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall as Walter eagerly beat his fist up and down his stiff, throbbing cock....
I left for London on Tuesday. I booked a first class, round trip flight with an open-ended return on Lufthansa for a reasonable $8,500. Well, reasonable when compared to British Airways $19,000! Just because I had some money doesn’t mean I need to throw it away. Security Inc was not licensed in the UK so I was leaving the team behind. Mark Nelson, the CEO, had business contacts with firms there, and assured me that one such firm, owned and run by a former Special Air Service buddy of his,...
Yes she was Shengul. My stationer shop owner friend's wife. She was walking on the street. And, she had same sexy dress again. Tight Gray dress and black pantyhose . And black shoes with high heel. I accelerated my walk to catch her. Now, she was walking a few meters in front of me. I was watching her sexy legs with black pantyhose. Probably, she was walking towards their new flat which they bought one month ago. I was following her from a few meters behind. I was sure she was walking towards...
My feet left a trail of wet footprints across the bedroom floor, as I hurried through the room to turn up the television, stopping only to snatch up my silk bathrobe from the bed as I passed. I had been showering in my on suite bathroom, listening to the nights soaps through the open door, when they had been interrupted suddenly by an urgent local broadcast that I now hastened to listen to.As I approached the screen, its image switched from that of a young reporter, to a map of the state, and...
Dear Abby, When I was younger, a lot younger, I was really stupid. I used drugs and eventually became a prostitute to feed my drug habit. During that period of my life I had so little self esteem that I allowed men (and women) to do what they wanted with me as long as they gave me the money I needed for my next fix. I ran around on my husband, got pregnant twice and had two abortions, the last of which ended in my getting a hysterectomy. It started out as a lot of fun. Several boys that I...
Johnny stressed out but Crystal Rush knows what to do. She’s an avid Yogi. but he’s too distracted to focus on the practice. He can’t help but to look at her perfect round ass and her beautiful big tits while doing the stretches. She notices that Johnny is not doing the movement and has another idea on how to relieve the stress. She gets down on her knees it sucks on his girthy cock. Johnny is taken a back. But he rolls with the punches. He fucks stepmom vigorously. She said The best way to...
xmoviesforyouTuesday morning was a tough mood with the unknown hanging over us. We tried to stay positive, that sequester of all the trial participants would not be necessary. Helping Jenny load her extra bags in the car was an emotional chore. After a tearful goodbye, we headed different directions. When I pulled out of the driveway, a DHS cruiser pulled out onto Summers Road from several driveways further down the road. They were so easy to spot; I didn't see how they ever caught anyone. As Patti and...
thanks for the accepting my friendship request......if I could have your for a nightI nervously ring the door bell not sure what to except. You greet me at the door naked and I smile as my eyes soak up your sexy body. We quickly start kissing and grinding are bodies as we move to the living room. I reach up your legs to feel how wet you are. mmmmm you are so wet as i rub my finger around your wet hole before sliding my finger in. I pull out my finger and push it to our kissing lips. you taste...
Mrs Noor Lakhani is the dean of a reputed arts college. Married but stays alone away from her husband (working abroad) in a luxury duplex apartment which is usually shared with 2 needy female college students who stay in the small room separated with a door which is always locked to keep the living of Mrs. Lakhani and the students private. Both the living spaces had a separate outdoors. In the dawn of the new academic year, the old female students left the place only to be replaced by 2 male...
Me and my wife have been having sex with my neighbors Jim and Gloria off and on for a while. Me and my wife have been talking about making our first attempt in swinging and we both really enjoy fucking The Neighbors. One afternoon Gloria pulled up and got out of her car and we we're talking a bit and I walked over to the front of her car and we talked a bit and I asked her if they wanted to come over and hang out as I reached out and slid my hand up her thigh and she said yes they would love to...
My wife and I are expanding sexual experience. Pushing our boundaries (not to an extreme, but fun). As part of this I've started to write stories that describe what we get up to. In this story, we play two strangers. Let me know if you think its any good (and i may tell you how it goes when we act it out!!8...It's late in the evening and you're sitting alone in the hotel bar sipping on a cocktail. You're wearing your new dress, shoes and tights. Next to you is a small mound of items made up a...
Farewell Lunch Now, with the company being sold and everyone out of a job soon all of their priorities changed to cleaning up their resumes and looking for work. They even stopped going out to party because morale was at its lowest. As the end approached Mark suggested he and Diana go to lunch sort of as a farewell. Diana agreed, what the hell, no reason knocking herself out at work if they were all being let go in a week or two. Mark drove and they went to one of the company’s...
Fam!ly Reunion – Chapter 12Friday, December 5, continuedTom got on his knees behind Terri's lovely ass and looked at the butt plug stuffed into her asshole. He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder and, at the same time, took hold of the butt plug and carefully pulled it out of his s!ster's ass. Neither he nor Dan had come while fucking Sara together, and doing this, removing the butt plug from Terri's ass, with the sure knowledge that he was going to fuck Terri's ass, made his cock regain all...
About a year ago, on Valentine’s Day, my man set up a play date for me. It was awesome because it was about me. He had two very well hung black men work me over one at a time. As great as it was, the second man didn’t get the sex he deserved because I was wiped out by the first man, whose name was Byron. Byron was a work of art. Five foot eight inches of solid dark chocolate, he had bulging muscles and a huge cock. A true catch for any woman. I am not sure why he was single. I didn't really...