Playing God
By Zapper
Any technology, when sufficiently advanced, will resemble magic.
Synopsis: Calvin, having been put through a special process that bonded
him to a very advanced type of nanite is now working for "The Program,"
a secretive federal agency. After a dangerous mission Calvin is given
an all-expense paid holiday. The only catch, it's a working holiday.
Calvin will be accompanied by the beautiful Hannah whose job is to teach
Calvin about the upgrade he just got to his nanite-human user interface,
but is that her only job?
Chapter One
The sun had set several hours ago and yet the heat radiating from the
rocky ground made the guards grumble to each other as they patrolled the
compound's outer perimeter. They were so busy watching their footing
that they missed a pair of shadows that slipped into position behind
them. Without saying a word the shadows fired simultaneously from less
than a dozen feet away. The guns' soft clicking sounds were followed by
the meaty impact of bullets and the quiet thud of falling bodies.
The lead shadow moved up to the two guards while the second scanned the
compound for a reaction. After a moment the first shadow returned to
his partner's side and paused to consider the twelve foot chain-link and
razor wire fence. Then he jumped. The move was smooth, athletic, and
impossible. The shadow cleared the fence by several feet and landed
silently within the compound. A moment later the second shadow landed
next to the first. As they waited, lying motionless on the ground, the
microfiber in their uniforms activated and like a Chameleon they soon
matched their environment becoming for all practical purposes invisible.
The lead operator scanned the area from six o'clock to twelve while his
partner scanned from twelve to six. So far no movement and no
indication that they'd been detected. As he looked for signs of alarm
the lead operator monitored his Internal Tactical Heads Up Display
(ITHUD) noting that it had been two minutes and ten point five seconds
since they'd killed the guards. Intel estimated that they had thirty
minutes from the take down to get to and secure the objective.
The lead shadow scanned the area switching from normal vision to
Infrared (IR) to Night Vision (NV) and back. After three long minutes
the lead operator pushed send on a device on his wrist and the message
he'd already recorded was transmitted.
*Knife is on the objective.*
Exactly ten seconds later the response from the assault force popped up
silently on his ITHUD.
* Stalker One, and flight, inbound. One five miles from the objective.
As fragged. *
Reaching forward slowly the lead shadow appeared to be tapping an
invisible screen with a finger.
* RGR, securing the package. *
Knowing that his partner saw the communication on his own ITHUD the lead
shadow moved to his feet and silently darted forward. The Chameleon
cloth that covered them no longer able to keep up with the pace of the
operators switched to its default color for a night op, turning them
once more into a pair of shadows. There were about a dozen buildings in
the compound. A barracks, chow hall, armory, dispensary, the
headquarters, and operations center, the shadows ignored all of these.
Instead they moved to the small building that had once served as a
school, before the terrorists had taken over the compound. Now it was a
The shadows moved through the buildings until only a small open area
separated them from the back of the armory and the prison. For the
first time since penetrating the compound, they spotted a guard. He was
standing in front of the main entrance smoking. Without a word the
second shadow lifted his weapon. The ITHUD gave him an auto-generated
firing solution, the targeting diamond going from red to green, as his
weapon came on line.
Then in a burst of speed the lead shadow blurred forward. Some instinct
caused the guard to turn in their direction even though his night vision
was ruined by the cig he was smoking. The guard's head exploded from
the low velocity round. Before the dead guard hit the ground the lead
shadow caught his body, lifting it easily and then setting it to the
side of the door. Then he turned around and scanned the area for any
sign that they'd been detected. The compound was still silent as his
partner joined him.
Without a word the second shadow scaled the side of the building and set
up a firing position on the roof. In seconds he had his backpack off
and the much larger and far more powerful rifle was in place. While he
did this the lead shadow moved into the building. The door was locked
but a quick kick was all that was needed to shatter it. Intel had
indicated that at night there weren't any guards inside the building and
that it currently held three American, one British, and two Australian
aid workers. The building was small, four classrooms to the left and
right separated by a hallway. At the far end an office had been set up
for the faculty when this had been a school. That office was now where
interrogations took place while the rooms served as cells. The four
males were in the two rooms to the right while the females were in a
single room to the left.
Stepping into the first room on the right the operator threw on the
light switch knowing that his eyes would autocorrect for the bright
"I'm a U.S. soldier and I'm here to rescue you."
The two emaciated men looked up from the floor where they'd been huddled
blinking in confusion.
Moving into the room the operator knelt next to the first man. "Look me
in the face."
The man still blinking in confusion stared into the eyes of the operator
and the ITHUD flashed a ghostly writing across his outer cornea that
only the lead shadow could see.
* Face recognition activated. Positive ID. Mathew J. Baker. *
"Alright Matt, hang in there." The agent said, before turning to the
second prisoner. As he scanned Derek Harris's face Matt sputtered,
"You're who, w-what? How do you know my name?"
Derek had barely moved when the operator entered the room. He'd
obviously been beaten and badly injured yet he managed to lift his head
now and look up at the operator.
"It'll be okay Derek, we'll have you out of here in a few minutes."
Then he turned to the now sitting up Matt. "My name is Sergeant Jones.
I used a face recognition app to ID you. Are you hurt?" At this Matt
shook his head. "Okay, now sit tight, I need to check out the rest of
the prisoners."
With that the soldier left the room. Matt looked over at Derek who was
now smiling for the first time in weeks. "How did he run an app? I
didn't see a computer, or goggles, or a camera?"
In under five minutes a microburst Sat message was transmitted from the
* The package is secure. *
Exactly four minutes later the second shadow, still on the roof, picked
up the noise of an inbound helo. Then the barracks exploded, followed
almost instantly by the operations center and headquarters building.
The small diameter bombs dropped from twenty thousand feet lit up the
night and even though he was a couple of hundred meters from the closest
explosion the shadow felt the blast. The first stealth helo now moved
into position circling the compound its' 30 mm chain gun firing in
controlled bursts as the terrorists tried to defend the camp. Then the
shadow spotted a couple of terrorists headed toward the prison. They'd
obviously figured out the objective of the raid and were going to either
kill the prisoners or reinforce the building. Speaking for the first
time the shadow activated his comm-link.
"Knife One this is Knife Two. Contact. Two Tangos inbound."
Then he opened up with the highly modified M82A1. The sound of the
rifle couldn't be heard over the noise of helicopters setting down and
the 30 mm from the gunship. But the results were obvious as both
terrorists went down.
"Knife Two, Knife One, copy. I'm set at the north entrance."
"Copy, Knife one, threat neutralized."
In a matter of minutes the stealth helos dropped off more special
operators and were airborne circling away to the south. The team
quickly secured the compound and after a few minutes a squad approached
the prison. From the door came the coded flash of light that confirmed
the building was in friendly hands. Then Knife One moved to meet the
"I'm Sergeant Jones, all six prisoners are alive. All hostiles around
the building are neutralized and the building is secure. You're going
to need a stretcher for two of them and a medical team when you get back
to the ship."
"Copy all Sergeant. I'm Captain Rivers, I've got it from here."
"Roger that, sir."
As they spoke, soldiers moved forward into the prison assembling a pair
of stretchers. The Captain moved into the building to personally check
on the prisoners and missed seeing a pair of shadows fade into the
Chapter Two
Calvin tilted his chair back and closed his eyes; he hated waiting, but
the years he'd spent in the military had taught him to get used to it.
Before he could fall asleep the door opened and he didn't have to turn
his head or open his eyes to know that it was Samuel. The nanites in
his body had automatically pinged Sam's nanites when he'd come within
range and told him who approached.
"Yo, Cal, how long have you been here?"
"Long enough to take a nap."
"Ha! Bullshit. I know you weren't sleeping. What do you think they
Calvin sat up and shrugged, "Who knows, we've already debriefed the
North Africa mission and we're due for some downtime."
"And that gentlemen is why you're here."
Both special operators turned to face Colonel Moore. Neither man
appeared surprised even though the Colonel didn't have any nanites to
ping. Their enhanced hearing had alerted them to his approach before
the door opened.
"Please come with me, please."
The three men headed deeper into what looked like an office building
except that each office opened into what could only be described as a
lab. Two levels down they came to a large open area that looked like a
cross between a lab and a hospital ward from some futuristic science
fiction movie. Cal stepped onto the all-white tiled floor and looked
around as technicians in white coats carried on with whatever it was
they were doing. The sterile environment made him shiver and when he
spotted the twin tanks at the back of the room he had a quick flashback
to his own time in the tank.
"Colonel Moore," a short elderly man in a white coat said approaching
the trio. He reached out to shake the Colonel's hand and grinned over
at Cal and Sam. "How are my prize experiments doing?"
Calvin couldn't help chuckling. "We're great Doctor Frankenstein."
The doctor frowned and Moore jumped in, "Don't mind them Doc, the guys
just like to joke around."
Cal extended his hand and after a second the doctor traded grips with
him. Cal had to suppress a shudder at the man's soft pudgy hand. Even
though Frankenstein wasn't the doctor's real name most of the members of
the team had adopted it. They just didn't call him that to his face!
The man was a real genius and had single handedly pushed the edge of
human-machine technology several generations forward. In fact he was
the world's leading expert on Nanorobotics and had developed the process
that allowed them to bond to a host at the molecular level.
"So if we're getting some time off, why are we down here?" Sam asked.
"You're here because we're going to do a new avatar for each of you. I
can't afford for either of you to be recognized while you're off duty."
Calvin felt shocked, an avatar was the program speak for a whole new
body, background, and cover story. A lot of time and energy went into
an Avatar and it also meant time in the tank so his nanites could craft
the new body.
"Really? You're going to change us just to go on liberty?" Cal asked,
surprise coloring his voice. Then he gestured to himself, "I don't look
anything like I did originally, so what's the big deal?"
"That avatar is your base spec op form. Most operators know you as
Special Agent Jones or Sergeant Jones. You can't look like that while
on leave or you might be recognized and you can't wear your original
shape either." Then seeing both operators exchange a look Moore
continued, "Look, you're both getting two full weeks off. Location of
your choice, all expenses paid, so stop bitching!"
Sam let out a low whistle and clapped Calvin on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm
willing to spend some time in the tank for two weeks off! I think I'm
headed to Disney World!"
"Shit, I'm sure you SEALs consider time in a tank a vacation all by
itself," Calvin joked. "But I need something a little more refined."
Then before Sam could respond he turned to the Colonel, "We get to
choose our bodies for this holiday, right?" Cal asked, sensing a catch
in there somewhere.
"Of course, of course," the doctor said jumping into the conversation.
"And I've improved the process, you'll be getting an upgrade that should
make the body-sculpting almost painless. But the best part is that you
won't have to get into the tank to change, unless you want to add a lot
of body mass."
"Alright," Calvin said, feeling relieved, the idea of spending more time
in a tank filled with a viscous semi-transparent fluid was just
disgusting. The doctor led him to a three dimensional image of his
current avatar projected above a holo-table.
"I don't want to spend any time in the tank," Calvin said, with a
shudder, "so take me from six foot to five ten, and get rid of the dark
hair, I think I'd like to try red." As he spoke the doctor's fingers
danced in the air over the table and the avatar changed. "Eyes, from
brown to blue, make my nose a little narrower and my chin a little more
angular." Calvin watched as the AV shifted examining the new look, "I'd
like to stay fit, say nine percent body fat, but lean muscle, not like a
bodybuilder. I'd like to be able to run while I'm on leave."
"Why?" Sam asked. "I mean the nanites keep us in shape, you don't need
to exercise."
Calvin looked at his friend and shook his head. "I like working out.
It relaxes me."
"Anything else?" the doctor asked, looking at Calvin.
"Yeah." Then looking embarrassed for the first time Cal continued,
"Make sure I've got a solid ten inch cock. If I manage to get lucky I
want the lady to have a good time."
With a shake of his head the doctor increased the size of Calvin's
manhood. Then once the changes were complete he looked up at Cal.
"Okay, Agent Miller, what would you like?"
"That's easy doc, make me black and beautiful!"
The doctor started changing Sam from his six foot two blonde shape.
"How tall?"
"Six even, should work," Sam said, and as he continued to give the
doctor specifications Cal felt a touch on his arm. He almost jumped he
was so startled, since he hadn't heard her approach.
"Hi, I'm Hannah. Now that your AV is done we can get started."
Calvin internally shook his head, he'd never seen the brunette before,
but he liked what he now saw! "Hi, Hannah," he said, extending a hand
to catch Hannah's in a quick handshake. "I'm Calvin Jones, but you can
call me Cal." Then Cal paused feeling shocked. "You have nanites?!"
"Okay, Cal, it is. And yes, I'm one of Doctor Richards' latest
"But I didn't sense you." Then Cal added, "I mean I didn't sense you
coming up behind me. But when I touched you my nanites told me they'd
gotten a ping from yours."
"My nanites are a generation more advanced than yours and I've got the
new Operating System (OS). That gives me some capabilities that you
don't have. I've got my nanites in mute mode right now. It gets a
little distracting to constantly get updates on the location of each
Calvin looked around the room and figured there had to be half a dozen
assistants working there. "Are all of the assistants bonded?"
"No, don't be silly, that would be way too expensive even for the
program. There are just a few of us. Please, if you're ready, come
with me."
"Lead the way," Cal said watching her shapely backside as she strolled
to one of the tables and noted that she was only a couple of inches
shorter than him.
"Please, lay down," Hannah said, indicating the bed. Although "bed"
probably wasn't the right word for it Cal thought as he sat down. It
was more like a very fancy dentist chair with leather cushions. Once
seated Hannah caused the chair to recline and then started attaching
electrodes to Cal's head.
"Isn't the wireless interface working?"
"Yes, but we're going to be dumping a lot of data into you so a physical
connection works faster. You're going to get the new AV you just helped
design and the latest OS," Hannah said, finishing up.
"Hmmm, okay."
Calvin felt a slight tingle as the lab super-computer connected to the
nanites in his body. Suddenly a semi-transparent holographic screen,
that only Calvin could see, popped up. It reminded Cal of the ITHUD he
used on mission, only this was designed to allow him full access to his
nanites and was called the Internal Main Menu (IMM). It was the main
user-nanite interface and was a screen that Cal was very familiar with.
As the user interface came up Hannah pulled a chair on rollers around so
she could sit next to Calvin while facing another holographic screen at
the head of his bed. Calvin couldn't really see what she was doing as
she reached up to touch one icon after another.
"Alright, Cal, first thing is the OS. I need you to click on file, then
advanced, then AV/User controls."
"Gottcha," Cal said reaching up with his hand to touch the illusionary
"Now, where it says user control there are two words 'locked' and
'unlocked.' Click on unlocked."
When Cal touched the word it turned green and the word "locked" turned
gray. "Done."
"Good, now the line under user control should have just highlighted."
"It did, it says 'share control' with a box next to it."
"Go ahead and check the box."
"Okay, hey, I've got a pop-up window that says 'Administrator H47_Hannah
requests administrator/operational control.'"
"Perfect, hit okay."
Calvin reached up and touched the word okay. "So what did I just agree
"You gave me permission to control your nanites. Now I can give you the
new OS. Just hang on, I'm almost ready to upload the data."
Suddenly a new window appeared in Calvin's vision. This window said
"Loading" and had a bar under it. As Cal watched the bar slowly moved
from left to right turning green.
"I'll be back in a sec, hon, I just need to ask Doctor Richards a quick
question." As Hannah walked away Cal wondered who Doctor Richards was
and then realized that it was Doc Frankenstein's real name. He also
couldn't help noticing how sexy Hannah looked in red heels and white lab
coat. By the time Hannah got back the upload was complete.
"Okay, now when I hit run, you're going to black out for a few minutes,
that's normal. It's kind of like powering your PC down after an
update." Hannah said resting her delicate hand on Cal's arm.
"Alright," Cal said. "You know, this is the first time since I've been
in the program that I've had to change my OS."
"Nothing to worry about dear," Hannah said and then reached up to touch
her invisible screen. All at once Cal got very sleepy and the world
just faded out. For what felt like several minutes Calvin floated in a
sea of darkness. Then in the distance he spotted a light. As soon as
he saw it, the light rushed toward him and he started blinking and then
a series of cramps hit him and he was wracked by a coughing fit. At
last he looked up to see Hannah, sitting next to him with a concerned
look on her pretty face.
"Are you okay?"
After one more cough Calvin nodded. "Yeah, but geez, you could have
warned me."
"This is the first time I've seen that kind of a reaction on waking."
Then she straightened up and Cal noticed the way her posture pushed her
breasts out, straining the buttons of the lab coat. "Go ahead and open
your user interface."
Calvin thought for a second and the IMM popped up. "Holy crap doc, this
looks totally different."
"I'm not a medical doctor, Cal, but I've just finished defending my
dissertation so I should have my PhD soon."
"Close enough, doc, what now?"
"Do you seen the green circle in the upper right corner of the menu? Go
ahead and touch that."
Calvin reached up and touched it. Another window popped up that
reminded him of the file drop-down menu from the previous OS.
"Do you see the box next to AV? Touch that."
Calvin did and glanced at Hannah. "It's got six AVs; C1_prime;
C2_SpecOps; C3_UdrCvrM; C4_UdrCvrF; C5_Hld2035M; C6_Hld2035F"
"Perfect, you can now load and hold up to twelve AVs. This way in the
field instead of just modifying hair color or skin tone, like you did in
the past, you can actually fully change your shape."
"Wow, I can see where that might be useful. What does the nomenclature
"I'd have thought that would be obvious, the C is for Calvin. The
number after it is just the slot number one through twelve. So for a
fast transformation you could use a verbal trigger and just reference
the slot number."
"Okay, and Prime?"
"That's your original body shape and the SpecOps one is the shape you
wear while on duty. The next two are undercover options that the
Colonel asked us to build for you and the fifth is the holiday shape you
just helped create. Please click on that one."
Calvin reached up and touched the box next to C5_Hld2035M and saw it
turn green while the box next to C2_SpecOps turned black. Then a window
popped up to confirm the AV change. "What is the last AV?" Cal asked as
he hit 'okay.' However, Calvin couldn't hear Hannah's reply because a
shock like electricity ran through him and then his muscles started to
cramp and it felt like his skin was crawling as it moved around
uncontrollably. The sensations weren't painful, just very
disconcerting. Calvin felt dazed and quickly lost track of time and
then the strange feelings stopped.
"What the fuck!"
"Ah, you're back. Is that your first AV change outside of the tank?"
"Yeah," Calvin said sitting up.
"Here take a look." Hannah handed Calvin a mirror and he stared for a
minute into the face of a stranger.
"What do you think?"
"I think I'm one handsome devil," Calvin said with a grin. Then he put
the mirror down and stood up flexing his arms. Calvin could feel
strength flowing through his body and then he looked at Hannah noting
that she appeared a little taller. In fact Calvin was sure she was now
only an inch or two shorter than him. "I'm shorter aren't I?"
"Yes, by two inches. Are you hungry?"
Hannah handed Calvin an energy bar. "A total AV change, even when you
use some of your own mass to power the change takes a lot of energy."
Calvin bit into the bar and nodded.
"Go ahead and bring up your IMM and click on the green dot."
Calvin nodded and Hannah continued. "Click on AV again, and then select
'Current AV.'"
When Cal did he saw a window pop up that was essentially a character
information window on the new AV. It had a profile picture and several
tabs across the top labeled, background, attributes, skills, and
scripts. But what caught his eye was the name at the top of the window.
"My name is now William Rider?"
"We could call you Billie Slicing."
"Haha! Let's use Bill," Cal said feeling a shiver run through him.
"What just happened?"
"The new OS recognized your use of your new AVs name for the first time
and it just ran any of the pre-loaded scripts."
"You mean like the one I used on the last mission to learn how to fly a
helicopter in just a few seconds?"
"Yes, exactly."
Cal reached up and touched the tab at the top of the AV window labeled
'script' and saw that there was only one script loaded.
"What does, 'WH_undercover_level_1' mean?"
"The WH are your new initials and this is an 'undercover script' the
level just tells you how deep the cover is, one is the highest level and
ten is the deepest." At Cal's confused look Hannah continued. "Let me
demonstrate. Tell me your name and occupation."
"My name is William Hunter and I'm a real estate agent." Calvin's eyes
went wide, and he tried again. "I mean, call me Bill." Then he shook
his head and looked at Hannah. "What the hell, I tried to tell you my
name was C-Calvin, not Bill." This time he managed to get it out but it
almost hurt to say.
"Yes, level one still allows you to overcome the limits imposed on the
AV by the script. At level ten you'd honestly believe that you're
William Hunter and you sell real estate."
Feeling a little relieved Calvin looked up at Hannah. "So why was the
script loaded onto this AV?"
"First, it's a new capability of the new OS and this was a chance to
demo it to you. Second, it will help make sure you don't accidently
give away you're true name or identity while you're on holiday."
Calvin nodded, feeling a bit uncomfortable with this new capability.
But at least he wouldn't have to spend time studying a new identity file
and memorizing all the details of his new ID.
"So where are we going on vacation?"
At this he looked at Hannah. "We?"
"Of course. You've got the newest OS and don't have any training on it
yet. So I'll be tagging along for the first few days to make sure
everything is okay. After that you're on your own."
"Oh," Calvin said looking over at Hannah, 'well there are worse things
than having a hot doctor babe to hang out with.' "Hawai'i! I want to
get away from civilization so a little bungalow on the beach on one of
the smaller islands is just what the doctor ordered!"
"That's sounds perfect," Hannah said in a delighted voice. "I've always
wanted to go to Hawai'i!" Then she flashed Cal a quick smile. "You
might want to take a shower. Changing AV's leaves a smelly residue on
your skin. Especially if you're dropping mass. You probably didn't
notice it before, since you were in the tank during your last AV
As Hannah hurried away Calvin scratched his head. "That's weird I had
planned on going to Vegas and doing a little gambling. Oh, well, the
beach sounds nice especially with Hannah." Then he raised an arm.
"God, she's right, I do stink!"
Colonel Moore looked over at Dr. Richards as the newly transformed
agents left the lab. "Are you okay with losing two assistants for a
couple of weeks?"
A bright smile lit Dr. Richards' pudgy face. "Of course. In fact I
can't wait to read the training reports."
At this Moore grunted. "Me too Doc. I've learned never to doubt what
you can do, but those are two of my toughest most effective operators."
He shook his head ruefully. "Still, if we're successful they'll be a
hundred times more useful."
"Ah, yes, I'm sure. But I don't think I want to know how you plan to
use them, as you say, in the field. For my part I'm interested to see
if the new OS is as effective as initial tests have projected."
Chapter Three
Calvin looked out from the shaded back porch of the bungalow and felt
the soft breeze coming off the ocean. The white sand contrasted with
the bright blue water to create an almost artificially perfect scene.
"Okay," Calvin mused and then took a long pull from the Sam Adams in his
hand. "Maybe coming to Hawai'i wasn't a bad idea." As he took his
second drink Cal could feel tension he'd not even noticed dissipate.
When he stepped out onto the beach the heat from the sand made him
flinch until the nanites dampened it. One look at his pasty white
complexion caused Cal to bring up the IMM but the OS was completely
foreign to him.
"Damn it, why couldn't they have waited until I was off leave to do the
"Because then you'd have to learn the new OS on government time instead
of when you're on leave."
The sexy voice was full of a playful banter and Calvin turned around to
spot Hannah stepping onto the sand from the bungalow adjacent to his.
Her black bikini showed plenty of skin and as he watched her fair
complexion shifted to a golden brown. He would have been surprised at
her use of her nanites in public, except that theirs' were the only two
bungalows on this part of the beach and the way the cove was shaped gave
them complete privacy.
"Can you show me how to adjust my skin tone? Otherwise I'll be a
lobster in a few minutes."
"Sure, but why don't I just do it for you? That way we can relax in the
ocean before getting to lessons."
Calvin looked at the surf and nodded. "Okay."
Hannah had been carrying a beach blanket and a large bag over her
shoulder from the bag she took a device that looked like the old
fashioned smart phones.
"Hannah, H47, PIN 956Adelta334, access admin and op control of user,
Calvin C113." Then after a second she reached up and started touching
things that only she could see. "Ah, this should do it," she said
making a sliding motion with her finger. As soon as she spoke Calvin
felt his skin tingle and he looked down in time to see it shift several
shades, and as it did he felt the pain of the bright sun dampen until it
was a mild warm sensation.
"Nice, hey, let's go for a swim!"
With that, Calvin took off for the water. Hannah couldn't help grinning
at his obvious lust for life. This was a guy who took play time
seriously! She spread her blanket out on the sand and then pulled a
small umbrella out of her bag and set about extending the pole and then
spreading the canvas. Once done the compact umbrella was much larger
than seemed possible while folded. By this time Calvin was body surfing
as the waves crashed ashore with the skill of someone who's spent a lot
of time in the ocean. Hannah got up and moved toward the water, and as
she did she couldn't help appreciating how handsome Calvin's AV was, and
with a sense of anticipation she realized this was shaping up to be a
fun little holiday.
Calvin stood up watching Hannah flounce toward the water. Now that she
was wearing a bikini Cal had a chance to really check her out and he was
impressed. Of course since she had bonded Doctor Richards' nanites her
body looked like whatever she wanted it to, but he thought she had great
taste! She was tall for a woman with a perfectly proportioned athlete's
body. Not overly voluptuous or curvy, but with enough curves to make
sure everyone who saw her knew she was a woman.
As Hannah entered the water Cal ducked under swimming several yards
underwater so he could come up next to her. Then he exploded from the
water scooping Hannah up and with a shout. "Surfs up!" he dumped her,
squealing and kicking, into the next wave. Sputtering Hannah stood up
and mock glared at Calvin. "Oh, you'll pay for that!"
"Catch me if you can."
Calvin dove into the next wave and using his enhanced strength and speed
darted through the water. After almost a minute he figured he was safe
and started to come up when he felt a hand grab his ankle. 'What the
hell?!' he thought and twisted around to find Hannah right behind him.
They broke the surface together and Hannah flashed a set of bright white
teeth. "I've got the next generation of nanites, remember?!" Then she
dumped a handful of seaweed onto Calvin's head and jumped a dozen feet
through the air to disappear into the ocean.
"Son of a bitch!" Calvin shook his head feeling the seaweed slide off
to one side, and then took off after his elusive teacher. By the time
they got tired of the game of tag almost an hour had passed.
"I've got to say, they did a great job with your nanites!" Calvin
commented as they trudged up the beach. "I've got a larger stronger
body, and I couldn't catch you!"
"Thanks, I'd like to take some credit for them but it was mostly Doctor
Richards. Hey, I brought some drinks down, do you want to lay-out for a
Hannah glanced down at the blanket she'd brought from the bungalow and
then looked up at Cal. "Sorry, I only brought one, but we can share."
"Okay." Cal settled onto the blanket and then patted the spot next to
him. Hannah sat down and then leaned back closing her eyes. For a
second Calvin drank in her beauty and felt a stirring in his shorts.
Trying to cover his embarrassment he laid back and closed his eyes.
"You know Cal, you're quite the gentleman.... or you're gay."
The comment caught him off guard and he glanced at Hannah who'd rolled
onto her side to look at him. The position made her breasts look even
more delectable.
"Excuse me?"
"I've been flirting with you all afternoon and you haven't made a move.
Are you gay?"
"No! I prefer women. It's just... you're one of the staff. It would be
wrong for me to try to make a move on you."
Hannah reached out and ran her fingers down his chest. "What if I
wanted you to?"
Staring into her bright green eyes Cal didn't know what to say, and then
she moved closer so that her bikini covered breasts almost touched his
chest. Calvin could feel the heat between them and then she leaned in to
brush his lips with a timid kiss. The sensation of skin on skin sent a
spark through him and Calvin leaned forward pressing his lips into hers.
The kiss seemed to go on and on and Calvin felt his manhood growing
harder and harder.
Hannah pushed Calvin onto his back and rolled on top of him. At some
point the bikini top had vanished and that was all the encouragement Cal
needed as he focused his attention on kissing, sucking, and massaging
the succulent orbs Hannah practically thrust into his face.
"Oh, that feels sooooo good.... don't stop." Hannah moaned as Cal
teased her nipples with his tongue. Then she reached down sliding her
hand under the waistband of his trunks to grab his shaft. The feeling
of her slightly cool tiny hand on his engorged member was almost enough
to send him over the edge.
"Oh, God, I need you." Cal moaned and slid his hand down to hook
Hannah's bikini bottom and moving it to one side. She pushed his trunks
out of the way and guided his rock hard shaft to her lower lips. The
feeling of his cock against her hot wet folds nearly drove Cal into a
frenzy of need. Yet somehow she was able to control the pace. Teasing
him by stroking his cock with her pussy but not allowing penetration.
"Oh, fuck, please, stop teasing!"
"Only if you agree to let me have my way with you again later tonight!
In whatever way I choose!" Hannah said.
"My God, yes, sure, abso-fucking-lutely!"
With that Hannah gave Calvin a wicked grin and lowered herself onto his
meat. The sensation of penetrating her slick canal sent a wave of
euphoria through Calvin. Never had sex felt this good! For a second it
was enough to be inside of her. To feel her sweet folds engulf him.
Then a primal urge to buck his hips took over and Hannah threw her head
back her hair moving wildly around as she rode Calvin. Then he
stiffened as he approached his climax and sensing this Hannah clamped
down on his cock with a ring of inner muscles that drove him over the
"Aghhh..." His whole body clenched up as Cal experienced the most
powerful orgasm of his life. It seemed to go on and on as he shot his
seed into her. Finally panting from the exertion he looked up at
Hannah. "I'm sorry babe, I came too soon."
"Nonsense! C5 AV sexual stamina adjust to level ten."
All at once Calvin felt a tingling in his groin and his just spent cock
sprang to rock hard attention within Hannah.
"Oh, fuck, that feels good." Hannah moaned and Calvin was for once at a
loss for words. Instead he rolled Hannah over and grabbed her hips in
his large calloused hands and started thrusting into her in a series of
long, slow, deep strokes that buried his ten inch shaft into her with
each thrust.
At some point during their love making the sun had set and now as they
lay entwined in post coital bliss Calvin started to feel the cool night
"Hmmm... this was fun, but I'm hungry," Hannah said sitting up.
Calvin looked up at her for a second and felt a twitch in his groin. "I
don't know, I think I could go again."
Hannah glanced over at him and smirked. "You're AV is still set at
level ten. Hang on. C5 AV, sexual stamina adjust to level one."
Once again there was a tingle that rushed through Calvin's body but it
settled into his groin. His semi-hard cock instantly became flaccid.
It was like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water over him.
"Hey, that was just mean." Then suddenly he glared at her. "How is it
that you can just speak a command and my body reacts?"
Hannah ignored his comment and started scooping up her clothes and
getting dressed.
"Hannah, what the fuck? What are you doing to me?"
She glanced at him and then gave him a wicked grin. "Don't you
remember? You gave me admin and operational control of your OS. After
we finished in the lab you never turned it off." Then she shrugged.
"It's probably for the best. I can help you adjust to the new OS
quicker if I can manipulate your operating system and user interface."
Now dressed she started to head toward the second bungalow. "Wait one
second, I don't like the idea of someone else being able to control me
like that!"
Hannah glanced over her shoulder and smirked at Calvin who was now
standing, completely naked, his semi-flaccid cock swinging from side to
side as he started after her.
"C5, AV, script Hannah-33.9; Execute."
Calvin froze his body unable to move then a tingling sensation washed
over him. After several seconds he was able to blink but he still
couldn't move. 'At least the pins and needles feeling is gone.' He
thought. Then he saw that Hannah had moved to stand in front of him.
"Calvin, you are going to head up to your bungalow, get cleaned up, and
put on some nice clothes. Then you will come over to my bungalow. You
are relaxed, there is nothing to worry about."
Calvin felt his mouth open and he said, "I-I think, I'm going to go get
cleaned up. Can I met you in your bungalow after?"
Hannah reached up and touched his cheek. "You're such a sweet happy
boy. Of course you can come over. Oh, you know I have control of your
OS, but that makes you happy. After all I'm much more responsible than
you are."
Calvin felt a smile stretch his face. "You're so right. See ya in a
With that Hannah turned away and headed over to her bungalow. For a few
seconds Cal just watched and then for some reason he felt compelled to
pick up the blanket and pack the umbrella away before heading to his
place to get cleaned up. It only took him about thirty minutes to
shower and shave and throw on a set of khaki dress pants and a dress
shirt. The whole time he was getting ready he felt a happy buzz of
euphoria filling him. He was doing what Hannah had asked him to do and
that made him happy. Then he was knocking at her door.
Hannah opened the door and Cal felt his jaw drop. She was wearing a
form fitting floral sundress and had pulled her hair back to show off
her long elegant neck. In a word she was stunning.
"Come on in. I've got a cold bottle of wine and the delivery service has
just dropped off dinner. I hope you're hungry since I ordered a lot!"
The enticing smell of Italian cuisine wafted through the room and Calvin
headed toward the table with the covered dishes. Then remembering his
manners he paused at a chair. "My lady?"
"Thank you," Hannah said sliding into the chair he was holding for her.
Then Calvin moved around to his chair.
"This looks great."
"I hope so, this resort is known for having the best of everything."
With that Calvin reached forward and started serving Hannah. She just
smiled up at him and nodded her permission for him to take some. After
taking a sip of wine Hannah looked at Calvin. "So, tell me, is Calvin
your real name?"
Calvin shrugged. "It's the name I was given when I entered the
"What was your birth name?"
Suddenly Calvin felt a struggle occur within him. He'd been ordered to
never give up his birth name, but for some reason it was very important
to him to do whatever Hannah asked him to do. The conflict grew inside
of him and he felt sweat break out on his face. His breathing became
rapid and his heart rate jumped. It was like he was sprinting uphill
with a hundred pound ruck!
Then he felt Hannah touch his hand. "Forget it Cal, I withdraw my
The feeling of relief was physical and intense. "T-Th-thank you."
"I shouldn't have pushed you so hard. But I had to see if the
programing would hold up."
"I-I don't understand."
"I know, but that's part of what we're doing." Then she smiled at him.
"Do you like my dress?"
"Yes, it... no, you're beautiful."
"Thank you." For the next few minutes they contented themselves with
"Cal, tell me about your life. Your life before the program I mean."
"I thought we weren't supposed to talk about that."
Hannah shrugged and Calvin noticed how her breasts bounced and moved.
Yet there was nothing from his groin in response to what he was seeing.
"It might be against regulations to talk about it, but you could give me
a download." With that she extended her hand and Calvin reached out and
clasped it. Then his holographic IMM popped up. Windows flickered open
and closed faster than he could follow and then he saw a window with a
green bar that said 'File Transfer In Progress'. Looking through the
illusionary windows at Hannah Cal saw that her eyes were slightly
unfocused and her mouth was open. Then 'Transfer Complete' popped up
and all the windows closed. Hannah shook herself and looked up at
"A Marine Corps Sniper and Raider?! Burned almost beyond recognition,
and yet you managed to save what, three guys from the wreckage? I
understand now why you volunteered for this job... and why they picked
"You're not supposed to know that."
"It's okay, you wanted me to know everything about you, didn't you?"
Calvin felt himself nodding. "Yes... but."
Hannah reached up to touch his cheek. "Dear sweet Cal, or should I call
you John? I think it's time to give you a reward."
Calving shuddered at the sound of his original name and wanted to
protest but for some reason he just couldn't get the words out.
"C5, AV, freeze."
Suddenly Calvin couldn't move then as he watched Hannah stood up and
started moving her hands through the air touching screens that were
invisible to him. He felt his body tingle several times without any
other obvious signs of what she was doing. Then she reached out and
touched him and he again felt a tingle run throughout his body and
somehow knew she was transferring data directly into the nanites in his
"Did you know Cal, that each of your cells has several million molecules
and that each molecule has a nanite bonded to it? Each nanite has the
capacity to store data? This gives you an almost limitless amount of
storage." At this Hannah glanced up at something. "There, now that
that's done, let's open the new AVs, shall we?" As she spoke Hannah
pulled her hand away and stepped back.
At this a menu appeared but Calvin still couldn't move. Additional
windows opened until he was looking at the one labeled AVs.
Calvin watched as the nearly transparent cursor hovered over C6_Hld2035F
and then the box next to it was clicked green. The confirmation window
popped up and disappeared in an instant. Then Calvin felt a tremor run
through his body.
"You need to take off your clothes so you don't ruin them. Oh, and why
don't you go lay down on the floor next to the sofa? That will make the
change easier."
Suddenly able to move Calvin stood up and glowered at Hannah. "What did
you do to me?"
"I just changed your AV."
Calvin tried to move toward Hannah but instead he found himself
stripping off his clothes. Then he was naked and settling onto the
floor. As he lay down he felt his skin start to move and his muscles
began cramping up. Looking up at Hannah he managed to whisper. "Why?"
"You said I could have you in whatever way I wanted later today. Well,
I want to see you in something a little more feminine."
Feeling a shudder run up his spine Calvin closed his eyes. The cramps
came in waves and Calvin could feel his bones shifting around, yet just
as the doctor had promised it wasn't painful, just strange and
uncomfortable. Then after what Calvin's internal clock told his was
twenty minutes the changes stopped.
Calvin opened his eyes and tried to sit up. For a second he felt dizzy
and had to grab the side of the sofa. "What the hell?" Then he froze
at the sound of the soft sexy woman's voice. "My voice?!"
"It just matches your AV dear."
Calvin glanced up and blinked, Hannah stood there looking down at him a
long fluffy bathrobe over her arm and she looked a little concerned.
"Are you alright?"
"No, I'm exhausted, and..." Calvin glanced down at the large orbs that
now hung from his very naked chest. "... I'm a girl! Damn it!"
"Oh, don't be such a baby." Hannah extended the bathrobe. "Here, your
old clothes won't fit."
Calvin tried to stand up and after a second wobbled to his feet. "Why
am I so tired?"
Hannah draped the robe over Calvin's shoulders. "I think its two AV
changes in a forty eight hour period. You're body used up a ton of
resources and you're feeling the effects."
Hannah moved over to the table and Calvin noted two things. The first
was that dinner had been cleared away and the second was that Hannah was
now at least two inches taller than him! Reluctantly Calvin stumbled
after her. "Look you may think this is a joke, but damn it, I don't
want to be a woman."
"Come sit down," Hannah said, ignoring his comment and gestured to a
chair by the table.
Still feeling shaky Calvin sat down and watched as Hannah got an IV bag
out of a case next to the table. "Doctor Richards said that too many AV
changes too quickly would take a toll. This isn't standard IV fluid,
it's got the exact nutrients that your body needs after a change."
Calvin looked at her and nodded and then something penetrated his foggy
brain. "Doctor Richards? Doc Frankenstein, what does he have to do
with this?"
Hannah gave Calvin a sweet smile and then pushed the IV needle into his
arm. "I'm here to train you, remember? You can now shift between pre-
programed AVs while in the field. But you need to keep in mind how much
it takes out of you. So that you're prepared when you do it during a
"You call this training?"
Hannah pulled a chair around to face Calvin and sat down and crossed her
legs at the knee, then after a second she leaned forward and pushed
Calvin's knees together. "Yes, that's exactly what I call this... A
lady doesn't sit in a robe with her legs spread like that!"
Calvin nodded for a moment at a loss for words then he noticed he was
feeling better. A glance at the IV showed that it was almost gone.
"That was fast."
"Yeah, the nanites know what they need and are drawing the fluid into
your body. Here drink this." Hannah had dug into the bag by the table
and pulled out what looked like a two liter bottle of coke, but one swig
told Calvin it was something else.
"Yuck, what is this stuff?"
"More of what you're body needs. Just, man up, and drink it."
Calvin heard the mocking undercurrent and chose to ignore it. Instead
he lifted the bottle and chugged half of it.
"Good, keep drinking I'll be right back."
Hannah disappeared into the back of the bungalow and Calvin felt a sense
of relief. "What the hell is that crazy excuse for a lab assistant
doing to me?" He asked the empty room. Then he took another long drink.
When Hannah didn't return Calvin finished the bottle and then stood up.
When he did he realized he felt much better. Whatever had been in the
IV and the bottle, it had been what he needed.
Feeling better he looked down at the bumps pushing out from his robe and
touched one. Feeling a little bolder he lifted the orb of flesh feeling
its' weight in his tiny hand. The feeling was one of the strangest of
his life. The breast felt so soft and while feeling a breast under his
hand was nothing new, feeling his hand groping his own breast was!
Calvin gave his new feminine nipple a little squeeze and was shocked at
the sensitivity. Then he heard the sound of the bedroom door closing.
Embarrassed Calvin dropped his hands to his sides and turned to face the
hallway just as Hannah returned. The suitcase she carried looked way
too big for her skinny feminine frame and then Cal remembered she had
her own nanites. Hannah would be much stronger than she looked.
"What is that?"
"You're holiday clothes. You don't think that the ones you brought will
fit now do you?"
Calvin grimaced. "I should have known something was up when you showed
up at the airport with six bags to check! Look, doc, I told you that
you could have your way with me tonight, but I'm not staying for the
rest of my holiday as a chick!"
Hannah sat the suitcase next to Calvin and grinned. "I didn't think you
would. But after that last change your body needs time to rest and
adjust. Now it's late and you're tired. Why don't you take this case
and go back over to your bungalow?"
Calvin blinked and realized how sleepy he felt. "Yeah, I could use some
shut eye." He reached down noticing how his breasts swung out as he
bent over and picked up the case with one hand. "At least I can carry
this without any problem." Then he turned and marched to the door.
Just as he opened the door Hannah's voice stopped him.
"Oh, Calvin, you smell pretty ripe. Women don't like to go to bed
stinking, so you need to take a shower first and then get dressed
properly before going to bed."
"Yeah, I was planning to take a shower anyway." Then he stepped outside
and muttered. "But I'll be damned if I'm going to get dressed for bed!
Whatever that means."
Chapter Four
Calvin shut the door behind him and after a second locked it. He wasn't
sure why exactly but he somehow felt safer. Then he moved through the
living room to the bedroom. He tossed the suitcase onto the bed and
didn't bother to open it. The smell from the change was getting worse
and he just wanted to wash the stink off. The bathroom was a good sized
modern bathroom with his and her sinks which for the moment Calvin
ignored. He got the shower going and since it was icy cold he knew he
had to give it a few seconds. Then he caught sight of his reflection.
The woman in the mirror was drop dead gorgeous! Her long strawberry
blonde hair hung past her shoulders and then it hit Calvin. Her face,
it looked like the female version of the AV he'd picked out for the
holiday! Slowly almost dreading what he'd find Calvin allowed the
bathrobe to slide off her now pale shoulders. The robe fluttered to the
floor ghosting over sensitive skin that broke into goose flesh from the
cool air.
Her hair was lighter than the male version and she was much shorter, but
Calvin was convinced as he examined his new body that this was the
female version of his AV. Slowly, almost afraid of what he'd find,
Calvin ran his hands down his arms feeling the soft skin covered in a
crust of dried semi-transparent gunk from his transformation. Ignoring
his breasts with their bright pink nipples Calvin felt his flat stomach
noticing the hard muscle covered by a soft layer of feminine flesh.
Then he ran his hands over his hips surprised at the way they flared
"Oh, fuck," he whispered. The girl in the mirror was Calvin's version
of a wet dream, even if she was currently covered in a crusty layer of
filth, and this made him pause. The program, as the agents referred to
it, knew everything there was to know about Calvin. His preferences in
women, as well as every person he'd ever slept with. Whoever it was
who'd constructed this AV had hit one out of the park as far as he was
Calvin looked into the mirror and feeling a little giddy blew a kiss at
the image of the girl looking back at him. "Oh, god, I'm getting turned
on just looking in the mirror."
Then Calvin noticed the steam starting to condense at the edges of the
mirror. He opened the shower door and reached in avoiding the water to
adjust the temperature before stepping into the stall.
"Ouch," Calvin gasped unused to the sting of the shower hitting his
delicate skin. Then after a moment he stepped under the stream letting
the water run through his long hair. Turning around Calvin saw that
someone had been here and had left several bottles. "That bitch has
been planning this all along!" Calvin said, and even though he was
annoyed he couldn't help admiring how thorough Hannah had been. Leaning
forward he grabbed a spongy thing he thought his last girlfriend had
called a loofah. Not spotting a bar of soap he reached for a bottle
labeled 'body wash' and felt a tingle run through him.
"That was weird."
Calvin squirted some of the body wash onto the loofah and started to
lather up. At first Calvin was so focused on getting the grime off that
he was able to ignore the sensations aroused by scrubbing his new
delectable flesh. Once clean Calvin hung the loofah from a hook in the
shower and leaned back allowing the shower to massage his back.
"Hmmmmm," Calvin moaned as the heat soaked into his sore shoulders.
Then without really thinking about it he reached up and started rubbing
his slick soft breasts. The new globes of flesh were heavy in his hands
and when he touched his nipples he let out a tiny gasp. Calvin closed
his eyes focusing on the alien sensations as low heat started to build
in his belly. Almost in a trance, his mind was consumed by the new
sensations and then the heat in his belly shifted to an ache in his
groin. There was a need that continued to intensify as he massaged his
chest, a need that was very different from his male desire. A need that
made him squirm as he rubbed his knees together but this just emphasized
the fact that his thighs no longer touched each other due to the flare
of his hips. Instead it just accentuated the triangle of air just below
his newly feminized groin.
The ache grew stronger and now Calvin spread his legs dropped his hand
down to rub his pussy. The fire in his groin grew and he let out a
little gasp as the need to be penetrated and filled, the need to scratch
an itch on the inside drove all rational thought from his mind.
Hannah watched the sexy little Calvin stomp out her door and couldn't
help giggling. The incongruity of the hot little body stomping around
like a macho-man was the height of hilarity. Every gesture, every
movement screamed masculinity and yet it was wrapped up in an amazing
feminine package. It had taken every bit of discipline that Hannah
possessed not to burst out laughing several times after Calvin had been
Then feeling almost giddy Hannah rubbed her hands together, things were
progressing perfectly! Hannah picked up the half empty bottle of wine
from the kitchen, where it had been temporarily forgotten, and headed to
her bedroom. Once there she poured a glass and sat down in the love
seat next the bed. Hannah then pulled the small computer that resembled
a phone from her handbag and activated it.
"Hannah, H47, PIN 956Adelta334."
Hannah felt her nanites respond to a ping from the handheld device.
"Identity confirmed. Access granted."
"Visual mode. Display Calvin Jones' bungalow."
Suddenly six semi-transparent screens appeared in front of Hannah. Each
screen showed a room in Calvin's bungalow. With a quick touch Hannah
closed each screen except the one showing the bathroom. The corners of
her mouth twitched as she watched Calvin's robe slide to the floor.
"Feeling a little curious are we?"
Hannah leaned forward to watch as Calvin ran her hands over her hips and
then saw Calvin say something.
"Computer, activate audio mode for Calvin Jones' bungalow."
The sound of a running shower filled Hannah's bedroom and she felt an
illicit thrill run through her as she watched the feminized Calvin step
into the shower. Reaching up with her free hand she rotated the viewing
perspective and then zoomed in. The audio/video surveillance installed
in these two bungalows was nothing less than the very best.
Figuring now was as good a time as any Hannah brought up her Internal
Main Menu. From here she flashed through several windows pulling up a
list of scripts that she and Doctor Richards' had worked on at and then
stored. Next Hannah accessed Calvin's IMM and opened the profile for
his current AV. For a second the two windows hung in the air while
Hannah considered what to do. The file transfer would be faster if they
were still touching but Calvin was within range of the special wireless
network the program had set up in the two bungalows. 'Besides,' Hannah
thought, 'these scripts aren't too big.'
"First things first, you'll need a script on feminine hygiene and
grooming." As she said this Hannah dragged and dropped a pair of
scripts from the folder to Calvin's AV and then activated them. "Next
you'll need something to adjust your mannerisms and reflexes." She
transferred another script. "Oh, and of course there is fashion sense,
and some of the basics like knowing how and what to wear," more scripts
where transferred and activated. Then Hannah paused, eyes glued to
Calvin's soapy body as he ran a loofah over his breasts and a wicked
smile quirked over her face.
"Hmmmm, maybe it's time for you to see how good that body can feel. Let
me see, a little to boost his AV's sensitivity and libido ought to be...
Hannah flipped through several windows until she had Calvin's AV profile
page up and clicking on the tab that showed Calvin's AV's physical
settings she hit the the advanced settings button. Calvin's current AV
was set at the default five on a scale of zero to ten, the human
"I think eight should do it." Then after another pause she whispered.
"Maybe it's time to try one of my naughtier personal scripts." With
that she returned to her IMM and surfed to a folder buried under the
advanced scripts tab and password protected. Then she dragged and
dropped another script to Calvin's AV and then tapped it twice with her
finger, causing it to run. She saw Calvin shudder in response and then
the ghostly Calvin's breasts and vagina glowed in the holographic
display for a second before returning to normal. "Let's see how the big
bad MARSOC marine handles this... hehehe"
Calvin had to bite his lip to keep from screaming as he leaned forward.
The sensations assaulting his brain were so foreign to his male mind
that he didn't know to react. All he understood that his body felt
sooooo gooood. The breast massage had translated into a fire in his
belly that soon turned into an inferno in his crotch. Slowly almost
without conscious thought he reached down to touch the mysterious
swollen folds of skin between his legs.
"Oh, god!"
The jolts of sensation that he felt as he started to rub his pussy made
his knees feel weak. With one hand continuing to massage his breast
Calvin used his other hand to stroke his pussy lips and his body reacted
by slowly parting his lower folds of skin, providing him access to his
engorged labia. If he thought the sensations had been intense before he
was stunned now. Acting on instinct Calvin turned around to face the
water and the shower added a new dimension of stimulation to his
estrogen soaked and overloaded male brain.
Unable to stay on his feet Calvin pressed his back to the shower wall
and slowly sank to the floor spreading his legs to allow better access
as he did. With his eyes closed he was lost in the new sensations as he
continued to stroke his new vagina and then, without really thinking
about it, he slid a finger inside his warm wet hole.
"Oh, fuck, oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
The sound of a woman lost in the throes of passion failed to penetrate
Calvin's brain as the heat from his loins continued to spread and he
knew he was approaching a peak. Then his body clinched up and he felt
muscles he'd never had before clamp down on his questing finger as one
wave after another crashed over him in the most powerful orgasm of his
For several seconds he sat there panting the water from the shower sill
crashing down over him. Then slowly, in a daze, he climbed to his feet.
"Oh, God, that was..."
Without knowing what to say Calvin finished up quickly by rinsing off
his fingers and groin and then left the shower. There was a stack of
towels by the stall and Calvin grabbed one and started drying off. Even
as he moved his mind felt like it was wrapped in cotton. What he'd just
experienced went beyond words. Still on auto-pilot he wrapped a towel
around his torso tucking it just below his arms. Then he went to the
sink on the right and then picked up the brush and blow dryer the resort
had provided and went to work on his hair.
"Oh, fuck, oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
The sound of Calvin's passion echoed through Hannah's bedroom. For a
minute she thought her eyes would pop out as she watched the image of
Calvin sliding to the floor of his shower consumed by the act of self-
"Damn," she whispered and lifted the hem of her dress to access her damp
pussy. "That's so hot!" Then almost imitating the image of Calvin she
started to rub herself. "Ohhhh." As soon as she touched her throbbing
labia she knew that this had to be the most erotic thing she'd ever
seen. In less than an hour the big powerful Special Forces Operator had
been reduced to a petite woman who was now lost in a world of feminine
pleasure. She slowly pushed her panties to one side and slipped her
dress off at the shoulder. Without really knowing it she continued to
copy Calvin as he simultaneously rubbed his breasts and pussy, her eyes
never leaving the holographic window and the image of Calvin. Then when
Calvin pushed a finger into his pussy Hannah thought she'd cum on the
"Oh, God!" she whispered as she felt her own climax approaching. As
Calvin arched his back lost in the throes of passion Hannah felt her
body shudder in response. "Fuck! Ohhhhhh, god!" Hannah moaned pushing
a second finger into her snatch while bucking her hips. Then a few
seconds after Calvin experienced his first female orgasm Hannah came.
Laying back in the afterglow of an amazing orgasm Hannah looked up at
the image of Calvin climbing shakily to his feet. "Damn, that was hot!"
Pulling her right hand away from her sopping wet pussy Hannah reached
out with her left to shakily pick up her wine glass and took sip.
Hannah's eyes were still glued to the ghostly image of Calvin as he
moved around the bathroom on autopilot.
"I'd say the new OS and scripts are working," she whispered as she
watched Calvin take care of his female body as if he'd been doing it for
years. "Dr. Richards will be pleased to know that so far his new OS and
user-nanite interface is working better than we'd expected!" Then after
another pause to observe Calvin leaving the bathroom, Hannah closed all
the windows and headed to her bathroom.
With his hair dried Calvin moved to the bedroom. Without thinking about
it he brought up his IMM and checked the time. Almost midnight, no
wonder he was so tired. Then Calvin spotted the suitcase on his bed.
For a second he considered pushing it off the bed and climbing under the
covers. Except that he'd never gotten used to sleeping naked and the
idea of being naked all night right now, in this female body, made him
more than a little uneasy. Then feeling curious he opened the case.
What had Hannah packed for him?
The first thing that Calvin noted was the number of clothes that had
somehow been stuffed in