An ClochánChapter 53 free porn video

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It was a little after 17:00 hours when Sarah's Clan arrived back at Tara Ardchlár to rejoin the Landing Day celebration. They were surprised to find Keri and Iris waiting for them.

"Good, you're here," said Keri and Iris together.

"So what's up?" asked Sarah with a bit of concern showing in her tone.

"Bad day?" replied Keri.

"No. Not at all, and my apologies for sounding the way I did. Some of us just feel edgy at times but haven't figured out why. Maybe it's because everything is moving along so well."

As Sarah was speaking Keri gave her an intense hug. "Mom, you don't need to apologize. We felt your apprehension." After they had both hugged Sarah they greeted their other parents the same way.

Before Sarah could respond Joyce said, "So how is the celebration? Are you having a good time?"

"It's fantastic. We did great in our volleyball matches. Right now some are playing basketball while others are participating in a jam session. Music sounds really different here."

"I'm not surprised," replied Maeve.

"The feeling is there, it's just that the sound seems so different."

"Well you aren't hearing or performing in a can. Even though the living areas on our spaceships have surface finishes to reduce reverberation, it still has an effect on the sounds you hear and sense."

"We have a spot over on the west side. We've been using it as a place to rest and meet. Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans have claimed spots next to ours. Siobhan's Clan brought their babies and we've been helping with them."

"Good, lead the way," said Aoife.

They stopped to talk many times on their way to the rendezvous spot their children had staked out. Most times it was just to exchange greetings but a few times it was for a more extended conversation. Everyone they talked to was excited to be there, to be on a planet rather than in a spaceship. At the same time people were anxious about the future, even though they were comfortable with the family's plans.

Approaching their destination they were greeted by Keriann's and Siobhan's Clans. After exchanging hugs and greeting the babies Siobhan said, "This is really neat."

"Yes, it is," replied the group.

"So which activities have you all participated in?" asked Joyce.

"We played a volleyball match," replied Siobhan. "We only played two sets as there were quite a few groups waiting to play. We came back to check on the babies. Since then we've been walking around, chatting with people that we don't see very often, and enjoying the fresh air."

Siobhan had just finished speaking when they heard Serarck say, "Great. We've found three of them together." Turning they saw Serarck, Zhaos, Lorelei, and Earl approaching.

"Good afternoon," responded the three Command Staffs.

Sarah added, "So, are you all enjoying the celebration?"

"They certainly have been," replied Keri before the group could respond.

"Yes, we have," replied Serarck as she stuck her tongue out at Keri. "The soccer game was great. We were surprised at how similar it was to a game played on the planet where I grew up."

"From the way you played I think it indicated that it was more than just 'similar'," responded Keri. "You and your friends looked more like pros than first timers from the way you played."

"Oh, I think that after everyone plays some more the skill level will even out. Several people commented after the last game we played that it had been years since they played and that they had only played a little then. Apparently it was when they were teenagers in school."

"That was likely during what we called gym class," responded Joyce. "In many cases, apart from giving you an hour of exercise, those classes just acquaint you with a game's rules and give you some time to get a feel for it."

"Anyway, today has been great. Considering the short time we've been here we are surprised to see all of this."

Claudette said, "After the celebration is over we will be setting up more dome tents at several locations. These will provide offices and meeting areas for those working here. One of them will be in the central block for use by the Councilors as offices and meeting space. The soccer fields were thought of after the grass was trimmed back for the picnic area. That prompted the idea of setting up several more areas for specific sports, such as the volleyball court. There was more than enough space to add them."

"We're still surprised to be having a celebration so soon after our arrival."

"So soon? Do you realize that we have been here 9 weeks already?"

"You are kidding?"

"Nope. As to the celebration, it came about because of a casual comment during a meeting of the group setting up the structure for our government. The comment was something to the effect of, 'it would be nice to have a celebration commemorating our arrival on Ananu and the initiation of our governing structure'. The idea of a celebration was initially discounted because the group thought it would be too soon after arriving. However, a member of that group was involved in planning this site's development. He mentioned the idea to the site planners, where it took root, and it grew from there. By making minor alterations to site prepping they were able to accommodate everything without any significant change in the site timeline, thus, here we are. It also helped that the topology was favorable."

"Well, if the rumors are believable, the idea of an arrival celebration came at just right time for site planning," added Lorelei smiling. "Its perfect timing resembles the timing regarding y'alls suggestion for the location of this morning's ceremony. The planning group received the site suggestion shortly after they realized that the original site wasn't quite what they envisioned. Initially many of them weren't really happy with the original site, and that dissatisfaction grew as they worked to set up the ceremony. Many wanted to change the location but until Sarah's Clan's suggestion they hadn't really looked into it. However, when they saw the knoll and the surrounding area, they were ecstatic as it fit their vision perfectly. Achieving it though wasn't a slam dunk as there were some serious logistical issues and a shortage of time. As they discussed the issues over lunch they were heard by a few others who then joined them. So, knowing this family you can guess what happened next, or putting it another way, many hands make light work. We saw the results this morning. Your comments after the ceremony were very appropriate as they emphasized working together toward a common purpose.

"After the ceremony, several made comments to the effect that they thought the site was exquisitely perfect. A few thought it was so perfect that it must have been made for this kind of event. Your words of acceptance were well thought out."

Kendra of Siobhan's Clan said, "The knoll felt right when we visited it with Sarah's Clan the first time," with her spouses nodding their agreement.

Serarck said, "Well there are some from Tigsu who believe that the golden glow during the ceremony indicates that the Gods and Goddesses blessed today's event."

"That is a reasonable perception," said Morrigan as she and Aine joined the group.

"That raises several interesting questions," replied Aoife. "Are there deities here? Are they the same as those we knew on Earth?"

"The simple answer is yes and no. Planets with advanced life forms most likely have a family of deities overseeing its growth and development. Seldom does one family of deities oversee events in more than one solar system. The family overseeing Earth is an interesting group."

"I would agree with the last," said Maeve. "So do you know this planet's deity family?"

"Yes. Several of us have interacted with them in the past, although saying that we know them may be implying more than is fact."

"How do we interact with the deities here?"

"Just like you have been doing. When you ask for blessings, guidance, or give thanks for the blessings received from the Gods and Goddesses, those in that domain recognize your request and appreciate your thankfulness. From our standpoint, a mistake many mortals make is in taking an unanswered request as a rejection. A request may not be fulfilled for many reasons. It may be flawed, unbalanced, or may have significant negative consequences. Also, it may be something they cannot directly alter or intercede in.

"Let me add a little perspective to your situation with respect to these deities. Since you are migrating here, they literally know as much about you as you do of them. Obviously, this would not be the case if you had evolved here. You would already be aware of them as most deities make themselves known to the planet's mortals, just as those in Sol's system did in Earth's early history. Thus, you would already know their names and the forms expected when seeking their assistance."

"So what can you tell us about them?" asked Aoife.

"They are a small family with four daughters and a son. The family is led by God Laghdha and Goddess Canu. We have only met three of their daughters who are Cabd, Ariu and Iodla. We believe that they will make themselves known to you in the near future. This belief is based on several things that have happened since you arrived. Remember the plate that was returned that held the offering left at an apparent place of meditation. The way you found the knoll site for the ceremony. The most recent is the golden light that covered the site during the ceremony. However, the near future could be tomorrow, next month, next year, or even longer as their sense of time is much different than yours, and to some extent, ours.

"My apologies for interrupting your conversation."

"Apology accepted," replied Sarah, Keriann and Siobhan with their spouses nodding agreement, "although none was needed."

"How should we greet them if we meet them?" asked Aoife.

"If they come to you then just greet them as you would any honored guest. If you seek them out, then it would be best to follow the old forms." Seeing puzzled expressions she continued with, "Generally, following the old forms would have you making an offering to them. An appropriate offering could consist of a glass of wine, a loaf of bread along with cheese and fruit if available, just like the offering you made at the grotto."


Keriann said, "Have you enjoyed your day?"

"Yes. It has been very relaxing. We've participated in several activities. I feel very comfortable with all of you. Aine and I were on our way to the volleyball courts."

"So you're intending on playing again?" asked Keri.

"Perhaps. See y'all." The group was quiet for a few moments as they watched Aine and Morrigan head toward the courts.

"Wow, that is a lot to think about," said Serarck.

"What do you think of the celebration?" asked Eileen of Siobhan's Clan changing the subject with a smile.

"Where do I begin," replied Lorelei. "Everyone I've seen or talked to seems to be really enjoying themselves. In a way I'm surprised that we are having a holiday as there is so much that needs to be done."

Aisling of Siobhan's Clan said, "Based on what we've seen today, it looks as though several groups on each ship have been preparing for this day ever since we left Sol system."

"Seeing the pavilion this morning cleared up some of the puzzling questions I've been asked during our trip," said Eleánóir of Keriann's Clan. "Let me rephrase that. Many of them could be thought of as "what if" or "what do you think of" questions but not expressed as such. I know that sounds confusing but..."

Erin of Sarah's Clan added, "We understand what you are trying to say. We've had similar experiences."

"In any case," said Lorelei, "the pavilion design was well thought out as it is simple yet elegant."

"We agree," said Zhaos. "Although we understand that it is not complete."

"It looked complete to me," replied Conan of Siobhan's Clan.

"The design calls for adding 4 more levels to the octagonal base. If I understood the description correctly, each level adds another 4 meters in depth on each side. Once the base is complete the whole thing will be covered by a dome. The dome's curvature will match that of an imaginary sphere containing the pavilion. The dome's transparency will vary depending how bright it is so that the lighting level is always at a constant level under the dome."

"Now I'm curious as to what they have planned," said Sarah. "There should be a model of it in our system."

"Gee," said Lorelei, "we thought you all knew everything that was going on in our family." She managed to maintain a serious expression until she finished speaking, and then smiled. Several of the others had started laughing before she had even finished speaking.

"Yea, right," replied all three Command Staffs.

"The group who put the pavilion together were puzzled by the gold light during the ceremony," said Brigarck.

"I've heard similar comments," responded Lorelei.

"I suspect we will eventually know the source of the golden glow," replied Aoife.

"That's it. It was more of a glow than a beam of light. Interesting."

"I agree," said Serarck thoughtfully.

"Serarck, did we answer your question?" asked Erin.

"I think so. We were going over to listen to some singing groups when we saw you. Before we leave, congratulations again on accepting the role as the Órarduine's first council members. I think your group is ideal for guiding our family through the transition from space voyagers to planet dwellers."

"Yes!!" added those with Serarck.

"Thank you. It will take all of us to succeed," replied Sarah with the members of the three clans nodding their agreement.

"We'll see you later." With that Serarck and Zhaos, along with their friends, headed toward a musical group.

"We see you made it," said Kennith as he arrived with a group of young people. They were all sweaty and dirty.

"Good afternoon," replied Sarah's Clan. "Of course we made it."

Alena said, "What have you guys been into?"

"We went for a hike over toward the creek and then into the woods a little ways."

"I'm not sure that that was a good idea."

"We were fine. A couple of those who went with us were former Special Forces members. They showed us some techniques they hadn't been able to show us on Mars."

"Be sure and write up what you saw," said Chester of Keriann's Clan. "Actually, that would be a good thing for everyone to do after exploring."

"Gee, now you are making it work."

"Not really and it is something to which all of us should be contributing to. Our surveys have provided us with a lot of information about what is on this planet. However, pretty much all of that is general background which still leaves a lot of blanks to fill in."

"Oh, so you are suggesting something like a daily journal."

"Yes, that would be a good tool. I think that if you look in the library you will find examples of what others have done, in particular look at the journals explorers kept. This information will be very important when we begin to move to other areas of the planet. In the meantime it should help those who are setting up our agricultural operations."

"Okay. We can do that, it just means that we can spend more time on the planet." Several in the group with Kennith smiled.

"Talk to Amy's Clan. They have a couple of groups working on those issues who can tell you what information needs to be recorded and how they plan on doing it. That way you can have some fun exploring and will know what to look for."

"You still have lessons to do," said Alena, "so this doesn't replace them."

"Can we alter our class schedule so there is more time available to us on the planet during the day?" asked Moya.

"Sure, but only if your other responsibilities are met. Now you might want to clean up a bit before you do anything else."

"Okay, mom."

"Rather than doing that why don't you explore on alternate days?" said Alison. "Doing it that way will mean that there would be less time consumed traveling."

"Good idea," replied Iris. The group then headed off toward a shower area.

Conan said, "Chester, let's put together a list of items people should carry with them while exploring. Key items are weapons, first aid kit, snacks and water, but there are other items that probably should be included."

"Sure. Let's get together after the Command Staff meeting tomorrow. In the meantime, we can each make a list. The list shouldn't be very long."

"You're on."

Joyce said, "Our meeting is moved to the 5th, rather than tomorrow."

"Good idea," responded several.

"As to a list, there probably is one already," said Kelly. "I'll bet Cathal has one. Also, those going out exploring or hiking should sign out and provide an indication of where they are going."

"True. Although I suspect his list is more orientated toward conducting a field operation than a casual outing. We probably should have one for both activities. Telling someone where they're going and when they expect to be back is an excellent idea."

"Ah, I see what you're doing. A list for a casual outing is a good idea. A copy of their plans should be given to security, either the settlement's or their ship's AI, and should include how long they plan to be out."

"Thanks," said Rusty to Conan and Chester. "Our telepathic communication should enable anyone to summon assistance, provided it works and that they are awake or conscious enough to use it. I suspect that the items on these lists will be little different than those that were used on Earth."

"Good points to make when presenting the list. We've come to depend on telepathy but we don't know yet if there are any limitations in using it on the planet."

"As to signing out, we are sort of doing that now as those exploring have been using shuttles and IPTPs to look around. That ought to be more formal, and it definitely needs to be done for those hiking."

"Let's talk about this tomorrow," said Sarah. "We're going to split up into groups and wander around until our children sing."

Keriann said, "Our meeting agenda looks fairly long. How long do you think we will be?"

"Well, if we start right after breakfast, by say 09:00, it will probably last until around 19:00 or so. First we need to review the activities with regard to the settlement, which should take the most time. We should discuss how well our new family members are adapting. We need an update on the situation with the Durale prisoners and the crew on IGN404. Probably the most difficult item will be on what topics we want to cover with our visitors."

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A Little Halloween Miss Chiff By Morpheus It was Halloween night and the street of a quiet suburbs was filled with children and their parents who wandered from house to house trick-or- treating. All the children under the age of ten had at least one older escort... all except one. A cute little blonde girl cheerfully skipped along the sidewalk, her little hands firmly clutching a large bag of candy. The 7 year old paused to adjust her costume, a leafy green outfit with green...

3 years ago
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Moms Bachelorette Party

My mom decided to get married after many years being single. I guess that since I just turned twenty one and would finish college soon and move on mom decided to tie the knot with this guy. Don't get me wrong, he is an alright guy, I just think she could do better. Mom is not a super model, she is just an average looking woman. They decided to have a bachelorette party and asked me if I would be the designated driver and I said yes. I thought this would be fun. All of mom's friends are...

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College Hijinks

I’m not a very sexual person. Alright, that’s actually a lie. I’m a big fan of sex, but I have a few problems. It’s messy, it may or may not create a smaller human being inside of me, and a lot of people are bad at it. I’m not saying I’m bad at it, I think I’m pretty good, but so do a lot of people. I will say I’m experienced, and that I’ve had a few memorable escapades. And so, I’ve decided to tell my story. This is me, for real. I hope you enjoy it. But first, I’ll tell you a little...

1 year ago
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Got Sexually Lucky With A Catering Girl In Rajkot

Hello ISS Readers, This is my First story on ISS so kindly forgive me for any mistakes. I have been reading ISS stories for quite a few years now and I have been quite a big fan of all the stories. To introduce myself formally I am Rohit (name Changed) from Rajkot (Gujarat), 27 male with a slim yet handsome personality. My cock size is 7 inches long and 1.5 inches thick. Any girl / bhabhi / aunty / divorcee / Milf from Rajkot or anywhere in Gujarat can contact me for fun relationship on my ID ...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Briar Rose Home Is Where The Sex Is

Briar Rose is a sweet strawberry blonde treat who is super excited to be home from boarding school! Not only was she locked away and barely allowed to go outside, but there were no boys around either. As soon as she got to her house she wandered into her neighbor’s backyard where she started to sunbathe without asking. Her neighbor eventually caught her, but didn’t seem to mind at all, and Briar was happy to finally feel some testosterone in the air. The two began getting at it right there in...

3 years ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 35

Friday I was at peace with myself this morning, and didn’t need the dogs chasing each other, the quiet walk to the creek, or working in the barn this morning. It was a good thing, because the look on Faizah’s face this morning made me sure she would have hunted me down and done me wherever I was when she found me. “I should be fertile this morning,” she husked as I pounded into her as she lay bent across my desk. When we finished, she tiptoed quickly back to the master bedroom. I’m pretty...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant Mall Streaker

"L-Lottie, why did you drive me here? You came here yesterday, you shouldn't have anymore shopping you need to do..." Sharon was an 18 year-old typical nerd girl. Appearance wise, she wasn't anything like some kind of model, but she was sure not bad-looking either. She had quite the slender hourglass figure, with small patches of slightly tanned skin on her arms lower legs contrasting the skin that was mostly quite pale. Her curves mostly accentuated at her C breasts, and while her bottom...

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Tempestuous Ch 02

Chapter 2 – The diabolic doll It was the beginning of summer but one would never know by the unpredictable weather. The sun was attempting to shine, but it was dulled by the minor storm. The wind whistled, the swelled clouds were ready to burst and the smell of the upcoming rain dominated the air. It seemed as if the summer was still stuck in spring. There were no early summer beach days, no family picnics in the park, no big barbecue bashes in the backyard. It was proving to be a disastrous...

4 years ago
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the office

I'm walking over to the kitchen when I hear Lisa call "Selfish!" in that half mocking tone she loves so much. She looks at my mug and gestures to me with her own. "Ah, shit, sorry Lisa, tea or coffee?" I reply, with a melodramatic bow. It's a running joke we have, me being her skivvy. I've been working for her on this project for over six months now. You couldn't want much more from a boss, she knows her stuff but doesn't lord it over us. Keeps the teams happy, backs us up when it counts but...

3 years ago
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Discovering cock fun Part 2

Well I had done it, sucked a stranger and swallowed his sperm, that night and the next morning I wanked myself silly thinking about what a slut I had become, I couldn’t wait to repeat the experience now I had discovered the world of man sex.I visited that toilet many times and discovered many similar ones in my local area, and right from the start I knew my place was as a cock sucking slut, my life now revolved around hanging about filthy public toilets and seeking men to suck and fill my mouth...

3 years ago
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Chaos Calls 01 The Learning VisitChapter 03

We arrive in a room in the bank of the town called Junction and Joe opens his bank box to remove some weapons. He offers me a choice of what’s in the box. I stick with the ones he’d described and we agreed to in our earlier discussions. In a few minutes we’re ready to leave. Both of us have two medium length swords, four knives - three for throwing, a good bow with a quiver of arrows, and a hatchet each. Our clothes are typical of Chaos and look like leather or coarse cloth. I look a bit...

3 years ago
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A Proper ThankYou

Kristen was glad to finally have some time to landscape the yard! It was a beautiful summer day for it, too- not a cloud in the sky and 80 degrees! She loved to garden, but hardly ever had the time for it now that she and her husband Robert had three young daughters. They loved being parents, but were taking full advantage of being alone for the weekend while the k**s were away camping with relatives. Today Robert was mowing the grass while Kristen planted shrubs. They were amazed at how much...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Vile Vixen Be Wary of VILE Behavior Today

Why go out today? It’s just going to be tons of people blocking traffic, acting silly. Why deal with all that when you can just stay home where its calm. Besides, have you seen the news lately? Crime is out of control. Best to stay home where its safe. That’s what she’s thinking. That’s her plan. There’s just one problem. A big black problem. A problem with primal urges that MUST be released. That problem is going to change her plans for the rest of the day and...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Anita Bellini My Petite Pastry

Little Anita Bellini has been waiting months for her boy Kai to come home and today was finally the day! She sprung out of bed like a tight spinner should and rushed to the kitchen where she began to sexily prepare some pastry for him. Before she could even finish, Kai had returned and got straight to probing her narrow pussy. Anita then used her small mouth to suck Kai’s large penis. Anita then got tossed around and fucked like a sex toy, making sure to drain Kai’s cum manually and leaving him...

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My Daughter Sally1

Like many girls, Sally feels self conscious about her weight. Susan, who dated several boys in high school, has the pencil thin body of a professional model, and a face to go with it. Sally is what they call in Yiddish, “zaftig.” She is buxom, rather than fat, with large breasts, and a waist that is much thinner than her full, rounded hips. I liked to show her pictures of German beer maids to try to convince her that many men preferred women like her, but I was unconvincing,...

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ChoicesChapter 5 Wrong way right place right time

Saturday morning. A quick glance at the clock revealed that it was just before seven-thirty. I shook my head, trying to clear out the cobwebs and remember why I'm awake at this unholy hour. As the knowledge slowly percolated through my brain (assisted rather rudely by the sunshine in my face), I groan loudly, and crawl out of my bed for my monthly BME. BME stands for 'Book-Movie Extravaganza.' Once a month, instead of lounging at home or going out with friends, I bury myself in the local...

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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 4

NATALIE (Christmas Morning Sunday 12/25) Bob and I were asleep together when Toro told us loudly, "ALERT! Earthquake coming -- pretty good sized one!" Bob and I'd been spooned together but the next thing I knew I was face down on the bed with my knees drawn up, my hands on my head and my elbows tucked in while Bob was on all fours on top of me. "Protection, Sunshine." A distant roar got louder and louder until it sounded like the freight trains I'd heard in Ohio -- only this one was...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 20 Commands and Desires

Mandy felt pretty down about what was happening. She desperately wanted to go to her mother to console her. Fortunately she didn't want Mom coming back and potentially blaming me for what was happening when she found out about Mandy and me. Finally, Mandy decided to go to her room. Yvonne and Chloe offered to stay with her for a bit, but she turned them away, wanting some time to herself. I didn't blame her. I would have felt the same. My Russian and my paramour felt helpless too. There...

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The New Year Misshapen

The last few stories by me were a great success. Thank you for all the support. It feels really great for all the feedbacks and comments people have sent me in person! Its really a pleasure to find hundreds of people reading my particular story! As to the proceedings, today’s story is about the misshapen in a new year party where I was! The story is kinda funny. Hope you enjoy it and don’t hesitate to send me any comments or ideas for future stories. Email: By the way readers, one thing. I’m...

4 years ago
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Taking the Risk Ch 05

This is a slow, romantic build to eventual hot sex in later chapters, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and give feedback as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * Misha and Froo stared across at the ringing phone, the shrill noise insistent in the quiet room. Sliding off his lap, and walking across to...

2 years ago
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Why Did You Break My Heart 8211 Part IV

Now coming to the fourth part of the story “Why Did You Break My heart.” If you like it send your comments to or or or After a while she whispered that she needed to use the restroom. I got off her and laid on one side and she got up and went to the toilet nude with her bare ass swaying in the air. I was amazed at how she was comfortable being naked in the presence of a man because even after so many years of marriage and so many sessions of love making my wife never roamed nude in my...

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Off The Deep EndChapter 9

The bus ride home began in a state of spiritual euphoria but soon turned into physical agony. I had been hard from the time Nao had taken my hand on the beach to well past the time she'd kissed me. Her fragrance lingering on my jacket didn't help deflate matters any. I'd thought the case of blue balls I'd suffered after that games night on camp was bad, but this was unbelievable! It felt like my whole pelvis was collapsing in on itself. After the thirty minute bus ride home I ended up...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 38

The other three were surprised by that and I could see looks passing back and forth between them. I hated this. It was the one thing I’d dug my heels in about when the girls were trying to earn back their collars. Now that they had them back, I didn’t want to put that punishment back on them. I was caught though. She said she needed it and I could see in her eyes that she meant it. I always swore that I’d do whatever my girls needed whether it was something that I wanted or something that...

3 years ago
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A Charity CaseChapter 5 Work

Sunday became Monday. Monday passed into Tuesday, then Wednesday and so on. Things started to settle into a routine. Pedro was an early riser. So, Patricia would be up and dressed well before the other girls were about. As they came blinking into the morning, Patricia would greet each by name, and converse as much as his English skills allowed. At first, this was something of a necessity coupled with Pedro's innate good manners. Over time it served to cement him as a person to talk to. Later...

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Finding Charlie

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...

Straight Sex
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Summer at Grannys

I was about sixteen and was going to be spending part of my summer with my granny. My granny came to pick me up with her friend named Flo. We were driving thru several states when granny's car broke down and we had to stay in a cheap motel for a couple of days waiting for the car to get repaired. My granny is in her sixties I would guess. She is a heavy woman and hispanic just like me. Flo is the same way. I will guess that both women weigh about 180 pounds each. We settled in to our room-we...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 11

Maiden by Decree Chapter 11 Reconciliation Or: I Didn't buy Into This But I Seem to be Stuck with it "I'm really worried about her." Garret looked towards the door to Deirdre's bedchambers - thankfully quiet now, but that was worrisome, too. "She was doing so well for a while, then suddenly went berserk." "It isn't your fault, brother." Jessica tried to reassure him. "You had no more control over what...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 23 Fat Bottomed Girls

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 9:16am, Friday, November 30, 1979 “Are you gonna kill me, if I kinda pass on doing anything ... later on today?” I whispered to Tracy Norton and Elaine Roonee after waiting on them after Mr. Ballows ended our first period music class a little earlier than normal. The Little-man made use of both Roo-Roo and Tracy’s naked bodies, along with naked trumpeter, Darren Partridge in his lecture on changes in sexual connotations and views in music. I was very...

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Raising RocChapter 7

Mary and Roc had completed their mission, an alliance with the P'OTP. The diplomats were miffed that it was an oral agreement, they loved written agreements. Not that they were any more binding, but they loved making official copies in triplicate. They could not copy the oral agreement with the P'OTP, because Mary had not made a recording. The fact that the diplomats were pissed actually made most other people happy, especially the Army Brass. The treaty with the P'OTP did not enhance the...

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MomPOV Sandra Hot busty cougar exhibitionist E439

– Is 58 years old – Single mother of 3 making her first porn – Has been divorced for 20 years after 25 year marriage – Currently works in the medical field and has been for the last 20 years – Has had a sexual encounter with a patient of hers in the exam room – Is an adventurous women who loves exploring the outdoors – Has a lot of phone sex, has phone 3way with a couple every week – Is into Anal sex but has not had it in years before this shoot – Not only was her ass super tight but she loved...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 13 Brothers

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place after the battle of Helm’s Deep. Aragorn, the Rangers of the North, and the remnants of the Fellowship are preparing to leave Dunharrow for the Paths of the Dead. Éowyn has again openly declared her love for Aragorn and her desire to ride with him, and has been rejected on both counts. Elladan and Elrohir, the twin sons of Elrond, arrived with the Rangers and will journey with Aragorn’s company. Historical people and events to which...

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