Demonic 6 free porn video

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Ayame wants to move on with her life but she can't, every night she has the same nightmare, captured by the 3 Orcs, brutally gang raped and impregnated, giving birth to her Orc Son, rescued and betrayed by Rikimarue, raped by Merik, raped by the horse demon, gang raped and impregnated by all those dog demons, gang raped by all those Orcs and raped by the giant monster Ou - Chan.

Another problem is that Ayame has been craving Orc sperm, the thought of swallowing it, having it leak out of pussy and ass turns her on so much but she refuses to masturbate. She also regrets not being able to save her Orc Son, she wanted to but she knows if she tried Merik would have caught her and she couldn't escape.

Ayame is seeing a psychiatrist who constantly reminds her that it could be worse, that she could still be trapped in Rikimarue's house, used as a cum dumpster by demons, giving birth to demon children again and again until the day she dies. Despite this fact Ayame isn't getting better, the nightmares, cravings and regret stop her from moving on her with her life.

Ayame is tired of being a victim, tired of being haunted by her past, Ayame has a plan. Normally Taimanin can't move on their own, they have to wait until their given missions but Ayame is going to go rogue, every night she'll sneak out of Taimanin HQ, she'll hunt down and kill every demon she can find, if Taimanin HQ finds out Ayame will say " I'm making sure that what happened to me never happens to any other Women ".

It's been a month since Ayame went rogue and fortunately Taimanin HQ has no idea what Ayame is doing at night. Ayame has killed 100 demons and every time she does kill a demon she takes back a piece of her life, she takes back her power. Ayame's psychiatrist has noticed a vast improvement in Ayame and she says " I don't know what your doing at night but whatever it is it's working, keep it up ".

One night while hunting some demons Ayame enters an abandoned house, there's no electricity and its very dark so with a flash light she keeps in her utility belt in one hand and her sword in the other hand Ayame moves further into the house. Ayame hears something, it's weak and Ayame doesn't know what the noise is but she definitely hears something.

As Ayame keeps moving the sounds get louder and louder, it sounds like gagging, moaning and grunting, Ayame assumes a Woman is being gang raped by demons. Ayame opens a door and enters a room with no windows and there's a small hole in the ceiling, there's a laptop on the floor and playing on the laptop is a video of Ayame getting gang raped by the 3 Orcs, suddenly the door behind her closes and white smoke starts coming out of the small hole in the ceiling.

Holding her breath Ayame tries to open the door but she can't, unable to hold her breath anymore she breathes in the white smoke and within seconds Ayame passes out. Ayame wakes up in a large room, the ceiling and walls are white, there's a bright light in the center of the room, there's a door on the left wall and a security camera on the right wall close to the ceiling.

Ayame is laying on a bed and there's a white blanket covering her body, Ayame quickly realizes that all of her teeth have been removed and she can't move her arms and legs, she assumes her arms and legs are strapped to the bed under the blankets. The door on the left wall opens and in walks Rikimarue, Merik and a third Man Ayame has never seen before.

Merik smiles and says " Its so nice to see you again Ayame ", Rikimarue says " You left without saying goodbye that wasn't very nice ", he smiles and says " Oh where are my manners? Ayame this is Kyru, he's what you would call a mad scientist who was working with demons, that was until a female Taimanin cut off his head, fortunately for him demon science is extremely advanced and his head was attached to a demons body, Kyru this is Ayame ".

Kyru smiles and says " Hello Ayame, I'm sure you noticed that all your teeth have been removed, thats because we didn't want you doing something foolish like trying to kill yourself by biting off your tongue and bleeding to death ". Kyru then says " I'm sure you also noticed that you can't move your arms and legs, let me show you why ".

Kyru moves close to the bed and grabbing the white blanket he pulls the blanket off the bed revealing Ayame's naked body, the blanket falls on the floor and Ayame see's that both her arms have been cut off below her shoulders and both her legs have been cut off below her hips. Screaming with tears rolling down her cheeks Ayame screams " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? ".

Merik laughs and says " You won't be running away this time you fucking whore ", Kyru says " You've been asleep for 3 days and during those 3 days I removed your teeth, your arms and legs and I altered your body, I increased your sense of touch by 10,000%, right now your body is 100 times more sensitive than a clitorus ". Kyru places his middle finger on Ayame's stomach near her belly button, Ayame feels an intense heat, her face and body become blood red, her nipples get rock hard and Ayame orgasms 3 times.

Kyru removes his finger and Ayame calms down, she can't believe she orgasmed 3 times just by being touched by Kyru's finger. Kyru says " I have another surprise for you ", Kyru than says " Rikimarue ", Ayame watches Rikimarue leave the room but comes back seconds later with a naked Orc, Kyru says " Ayame do you recognize this Orc? ".

Ayame looks at the Orc and except for the word red tattooed on his shoulder in red letters he looks like every other Orc she's seen, Ayame says " No, I've never seen him before ", Kyru says " Really? You should, he's your Son ". Ayame says " Your insane, my Son is a baby ", Kyru says " Yes technically thats true but like Rikimarue told you demon science is incredibly advanced, thousands of year ahead of Human science ".

Kyru says " I aged your Son 20 years in 24 hours, I also gave him knowledge, he's college level educated, now he's fully grown and fully mature physically, mentally and emotionally, I call him Red and tattooed his name on his shoulder so you can tell him apart from other Orcs ". Merik says " Red is going to be your personal assistant, he'll feed you, bathe you and take you where ever you need to go ", Red says " Hello Mother it's nice to finally meet you ".

Rikimarue says " Kyru and Merik we should leave and give Red and his Mother some privacy so they can catch up ", Ayame watches as Rikimarue, Merik and Kyru leave the room and close the door. Red moves closer and says " Your so beautiful Mom just like in the video ", Ayame has a confused look on her face, Red says " After Kyru aged me 20 years and I reached full maturity Rikimarue showed me the video of you and the 3 Orcs ".

Red says " I'm curious, do you know which of the 3 Orcs was my Father? " Ayame says " No ", Red says " It's okay Mom I know all three Orcs are dead, Rikimarue and Merik told me everything ". Now standing on the right side of the bed he looks at his Mothers face, huge tits, tight body and that little rectangle of public hair on her pussy he says " So fucking sexy ".

With the security camera still recording Red places his hand on his Mother's stomach just below her huge tits, again Ayame feels an intense heat, her face and body become blood red, her nipples become rock hard and she orgasms 6 times. This obviously excites Red and his huge Orc cock become rock hard, Red gets on the bed, he's on his knees and his left hand on the back of her head, his rock hard, pulsing cock is in front of her face. Starring at the top of her head he rams his cock into her mouth and starts to brutally fuck her face.

Ayame keeps orgasming over and over again, the mattress is soaking wet, she's gagging on his huge Orc cock as Red grunts with every thrust. Ayame is being raped by her own Son, she should be enraged but she isn't, after all those orgasms her mind is blank, all she can feel is the pleasure. Red pulls his cock out of his Mothers mouth, holding his Mother by her waist she keeps orgasming as Red lays on the bed on his back and then he easily slides his rock hard, pulsing cock into her soacking wet pussy.

Holding her waist with his left hand and squeezing her tit with his right hand he keeps fucking her pussy hard, fast and deep, grunting with every thrust Ayame's moans are deafining, her head is tilt back and her eyes are closed she keeps orgasming again and again all over her Sons cock. Red pulls his cock out of her soaking wet pussy and turns her around, now with both hands on her waists he rams his cock into his mothers ass, he let's out huge moan as his body stiffens and he cums deep inside her ass.

Red keeps his cock buried in his Mother's ass until he finally pulls it out and he places his Mother on the bed on her back, now off the bed Red watches as his Mother keeps orgasming as his sperm leaks out of her ass. Breathing heavily Red says " That was incredible ", orgasming again and again Ayame's moans are deafining, it takes a while but Ayame finally calms down, she's exhausted, she's never orgasmed this many times before and felt that much pleasure.

Red says " Your probably wondering why I didn't cum inside your pussy and try to impregnate you, Kyru told me not to, he told me I can fuck you as much as I want, any time I want but not to cum inside your pussy but he didn't tell me why ". Lifting the white blanket off the floor he wraps his Mother in the blanket and lifts her off the bed, taking her out of the room and into a huge hallway Red says " Were in Kyru's house, I live her with him but 90% of the time he's in his lab so I usually get the whole house to myself.

Red takes her into the bathroom, the bathroom is huge, there's a washer and dryer, Red places Ayame on the toilet and turns on the shower, he knows because of his Mother's altered body hot water would feel like fire and cold water would feel like ice so he adjusts the shower and then places his Mother in the shower. Removing the blanket and leaning her body against the back of the tub he places the blanket in the washer but doesn't turn it on.

Red grabs a sponge and pours some liquid body wash on it he washes his Mothers face, huge tits, body, pussy and ass and then puts shampoo in her hair. The shower washes off the soap and shampoo and Red turns off the shower, grabbing a towel from the shelf he wraps the towel around her body and places her on the toilet. Grabbing another towel from the shelf he dries her long hair and then dries her body, Red throws the towel he used for her hair in the washer and turns it on.

With the first towel still wrapped around her body Red takes her out of the bathroom and then brings her to the kitchen. Red places her on a chair in front of the kitchen table and he opens the fridge and pulls out two protein shakes, he puts a straw in one of them and places it in front of his Mother. After all those orgasms Ayame is dehydrated so she quickly drinks the first one, Red puts the same straw in the second protein shake she quickly drinks that one too, wiping her mouth with a napkin Red throws both protein shakes and the straw in the garbage.

Red lifts his Mother out of the chair and he takes her to the basement where Rikimarue, Merik and Kyru are waiting, Merik says " Congratulations Red ", Rikimarue says " Your a Man now, an Orc, well you know what I mean ". Ayame has a confused look on her face, Kyru smiles and says " Ayame didn't you know your Son was a Virgin? ", Rikimarue says " We saw the whole thing on the TV, we recorded it too so we can watch you take your Sons virginity again and again ".

Kyru says " It's time ", Rikimarue opens a large portal and Merik, Kyru, Red and Ayame and Rikimarue enter the portal which closes behind them. A portal opens and Merik, Kyru, Red and Ayame and Rikimarue appear in Kyru's lab and the portal closes. The lab is huge and is full of equipment you would normally find in a lab, the ceiling of the lab is 30 feet high and there's a large elevator door in the back of the room, the elevator door is 25 feet tall. Kyru says " Gentlemen you know what to do ", Ayame watches as Rikimarue opens a 10 foot ladder in front of a drain on the floor.

The 10 foot later is pararrel to the elevator door ( The steps of the ladder are facing the right wall of lab and the support legs are facing the left wall of the lab ), Merik bolts the steps and support legs of the ladder to the floor so it doesn't move. Putting on a pair of black gloves Kyru walks towards Red and Ayame, he opens the towel and holding Ayame by her waist he climbs to the top of the ladder and places her on the final step.

The ladder steps aren't that big, Kyru places her on the final step, Ayame's head is facing the elevator door, the right side of the ladder step is an inch away from her huge hanging tits and the left side of the ladder step is an inch above her rectangular public hair. Kyru tells Merik to bring him a thick, wide black belt, Merik brings Kyru the belt and Kyru places the belt under the final ladder step and around Ayame's waist and then ties the belt tight so Ayame can't move.

Kyru climbs down the ladder and joins Rikimarue, Merik and Red a few feet away from the ladder, Kyru reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small remote. Kyru smiles and says " Let the games begin ", pressing the button on the remote the elevator door slides open. The room on the other side of the elevator door is pitch black, Ayame can't see anything inside the room, Kyru says " Cerberus awake ", Ayame she's two huge glowing red eyes in the darkness but there's no sounds.

The huge glowing red eyes get bigger as what ever is in the room moves forward, Ayame is terrified, her heart is racing, what does Kyru have planned for her? Again there's no sound but the eyes keep getting bigger then Ayame see it, a giant dog demon, 20 feet tall and very wide it looks like the dog demons she's seen before but much, much bigger, it's bone spikes on its spine are like swords, its claws are like butcher knives, it has no teeth or fangs and those big red eyes.

It keeps moving forward until Kyru says " Cerberus stop ", Kyru says " I know what your thinking Ayame, Cerberus from Greek mythology had three heads and the creature in front of you only has one but I think it's a cool name ". Kyru says " I created him using Ou - Chans DNA, he doesn't look like Ou - Chan but genetically he's the same and just like Ou - Chan Cerberus has infinite stamina, he won't stop until I tell him to but I also gave Cerberus several other abilities, super strength, super durability, Cerberus doesn't breath so he can survive underwater or in space, even if Cerberus is somehow injured his healing factor allows him to quickly heal or regenerate damaged or missing body parts, this also makes him immune to all diseases, poisons and radiation ".

Kyru smiles and says " Ayame are you ready to see his other abilities? " Ayame is terrified, her whole body is shaking with fear, she doesn't answer, Kyru says " Cerberus begin ". Ayame watches as Cerberus's giant cock becomes erect, bright red with white and black veins it's 20 inches long and 5 inches wide, the knot is 5 inches long and 10 inches wide and his huge balls behind the cock and knot. Ayame is terrified, she knows what's about to happen and she starts screaming " STOP THIS PLEASE!!! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT BUT PLEASE STOP THIS ", Kyru, Rikimarue, Merik and Red are laughing as Cerberus moves around Ayame and gets behind her.

Using it's massive pink tongue Cerberus licks both Ayame's pussy and ass again and again, because of her altered body despite her being terrified Ayame starts orgasming again and again. Her juices and Cerberus's saliva falling on the ground and down the drain, Ayame's screams have been replaced with deafining moans. After a while Cerberus stops licking and moves forward, the size difference is incredible, Cerberus is behind, above and ahead of Ayame, Cerberus is so big Ayame can fit in his mouth.

Cerberus rams 15 inches of his giant monster cock into Ayame's soaking wet pussy, Ayame screams in pain but her scream is quickly replaced by deafining moans, If it wasn't for the knot Cerberus would ram all 20 inches inside her pussy. Ayame's mind in blank, she can't think, all she feels is the intense pleasure, she's lost count of how many orgasms she's had, Cerberus doesn't make a sound, no breathing or grunting he just keeps fucking Ayame's soaking wet pussy hard, fast and deep.

It takes a while but Cerberus's body stiffens and he ejaculates deep into Ayame's womb, he cums so much it's gushing out of her pussy mixing with her orgasms and falling on the floor and down the drain. Cerberus finally pulls his cock out of her pussy and just like the giant monster Ou - Chan Cerberus's cock is still rock hard and ready to go again and again. Cerberus is about to penetrate Ayame's pussy again when Kyru says " Cerberus stop ", obeying his master Cerberus doesn't move.

Ayame keeps orgasming over and over again as Cerberus's sperm keeps leaking out of her pussy, it takes a while but eventually Ayame stops orgasming and calms down. Kyru moves towards Ayame and climbs the ladder, still wearing the black gloves he removes the belt and drops it on the ground, he's holding Ayame by her waist he smiles and says are you ready for Cerberus's ability? ". Ayame looks at Kyru with a confused look on her face, she assumed the fucking was Cerberus's ability, Kyru laughs and says " Cerberus closer and open ".

Rikimarue, Merik and Red watch as Cerberus moves closer and opens his huge mouth, Kyru places Ayame in Cerberus's mouth, Ayame is screaming " NO PLEASE NO STOP ", Kyru says " Cerberus close ", Cerberus closes his mouth, if Ayame still had her legs they would be sticking out of Cerberus's mouth, Kyru says " Cerberus eat ", Cerberus lifts his head and Kyru watches a huge lump slide down Cerberus's throat. Red screams " WHAT THE FUCK KYRU, YOU SAID I COULD FUCK HER AS MUCH AS I WANT BUT YOU JUST FED HER TO CERBERUS ".

Kyru climbs down the ladder and moves towards Red, Kyru says " Its okay Red, your Mother is perfectly fine, didn't you notice that Cerberus doesn't have any teeth? Cerberus doesn't chew he swallows, Cerberus doesn't need to eat or drink, he doesn't even have a digestive system, his stomach is just a big dark sack but Ayame doesn't know that, just listen ". They can all hear Ayame's muffled screams coming from inside Cerberus's stomach, Kyru says " Cerberus rest " and Cerberus lays down.

Kyru looks at the clock on the wall and says " Cerberus just swallowed her and it's 7:00pm right now so at 7:30pm I'll order Cerberus to spit her out to show you all his final ability but when Cerberus does spit her out I'm going to tell her that if she had stayed in there a little bit longer she would have been digested, I want her to be terrified of Cerberus and being eaten again ". Red laughs and says " That's brilliant, we'll tell her that if she resists or disobeys we'll feed her to Cerberus ".

Waiting until 7:30pm Kyru explains to Red, Rikimarue and Merik that Cerberus has impregnated Ayame and that Ayame will give birth to a second Cerberus shortly after being spit out. Kyru tells them that the second Cerberus will have all the same abilities as the original but he'll be infertile and unable to reproduce. Kyru further explains that he plans on cloning the second Cerberus 5 times and aging them 20 years in 24 hours and once Cerberus # 2 and all 5 clones are full size he'll unleash all 6 Cerberus's on Taimanin HQ where they will kill all the male Taimanin and swallow all the female Taimanin, then all 6 Cerberus's will bring the female Taimanin back here where we can have fun with them.

Merik says " I love your plan but what about the original Cerberus? Why not send him to attack Taimanin HQ with the others? ", Kyru says " The original Cerberus will be dead in a day or two, I didn't build him to last, just long enough to impregnate Ayame ". Rikimarue says " What about Cerberus # 2 and his clones? How long will they live? ", Kyru says " Once they reach full size or 20 years old they will stop aging, they'll be Immortal ", its now 7:30pm so Kyru says " Cerberus spit ".

Red, Rikimarue, Merik and Kyru watch as Cerberus starts squeezing his stomach, Cerberus is still laying on the ground and Ayame's muffled screams can still be heard as she's pushed towards Cerberus's mouth. Cerberus opens his mouth and Ayame is seen laying on her back on his massive tongue, Ayame is crying hysterically as Kyru moves towards Cerberus and pulls Ayame out of his mouth. Kyru is holding Ayame by her waist, her body is shaking with fear, Kyru tells Ayame that if she had stayed in there a little bit longer Cerberus would have digested her.

Kyru says " The only reason I let you out is because of your Son Red, he saved your life, you belong to him now, your his personal cum dumpster but if I ever find out that you resist or deny him sex I will feed you to Cerberus and let him digest you, do you understand? ". Ayame says " Yes I understand, I belong to my Son, I'm his personal cum dumpster ", Merik says " Prove it, tell your Son you love getting fucked by him and you can't wait to get fucked by him again ".

Ayame says " I love it when you fuck me Son, I can't wait for you to fuck me again ", Red smiles and thinks to himself ( Kyru your a fucking genius). Kyru places Ayame on the ground underneath the ladder just above the drain, Kyru then says " Cerberus room ", Cerberus gets up and goes into the room behind the elevator door. Kyru presses the button on the remote and the elevator door closes, Kyru then moves towards the others and they watch Ayame.

A few seconds later Ayame screams in pain as her stomach starts getting bigger and bigger, she screams " WHAT IS THIS? WHATS HAPPENING? ", Kyru says " This is Cerberus's final ability ". Ayame keeps screaming in pain and a few moments later Ayame gives birth to a baby Cerberus, Kyru says " Congratulations Red now you have a half brother ", Ayame is laying on her back exhausted and confused, she can't understand how she was raped by Cerberus almost an hour ago and just gave birth to a baby Cerberus.

Kyru picks up the baby Cerberus and places him in a large cage, Kyru says " Red I've got good news for you, I'm going to heal your Mom and make her body and pussy nice and tight for you, the whole thing should take an hour and after that she's all yours, you can cum in her pussy all you want but she just gave birth so it will about a month before you can impregnate her, enjoy and remember if she resists let me know and I'll let Cerberus eat and digest her ".

This is the price Ayame must pay for her quest for revenge, unable to defend herself, unable to escape, forced to be her own Sons personal cum dumpster, giving birth to her own grandchildren again and again until the day she dies, knowing that if she resits she'll be eaten and digested by Cerberus and not knowing that her Son Cerberus # 2 and his clones will soon destroy Taimanin HQ.


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Hi everyone, myself Srinivasulu from Hyderabad and I am a bi sexual (I admit it), I love to have sex with both men and women, I have cross dressing fantasies too. I am a complete sex freak and can take it in any possible ways and have many experiences to share. In this, I would like to tell you about my first experience which was with my maid. I am sharing this first as this is my first sex experience and will share more in coming days depending on this success. I am versatile when it comes to...

1 year ago
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The Silk Scarf

Michael sat at the table playing with his drink. He'd gotten his first real paycheck today and decided he deserved a dinner in the best restaurant he could afford. Of course with what they were paying entry level trainees at Donaldson & Rhobes, his choices quickly narrowed to a few. So he found himself on 11th Avenue instead of Broadway, but still he felt like he was on top of the world. Not bad for a kid from the sticks now living on his own in New York City. The 21 year old was looking...

4 years ago
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My Little Brother

I am now twenty-four year old and I live alone with my younger brother Andrew, who had turned nineteen recently. Our parents died three years ago and since then, my brother came to live with me in my small condo. I pay for everything since I've got a good load of work. I'm a film editor, so I can work from home on most of my contracts. Andy doesn't work and never has, in fact he doesn't do much these days since he just dropped out of school... He looks very boyish. He's small, he can't grow...

1 year ago
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In the NavyChapter 17 Wedding Bells

“Dearly beloved,” the priest intoned, “we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in the time of man’s innocence, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church; which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee; and is commended of Saint...

2 years ago
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Safar Ka Anand

Hai doston, Mein jo batane ja raha hoon woh ek sachi ghatna hai. Hum Bhopal ke rehewale ek shadishuda couple hai ,mera nam Rajesh aur wife ka nam Anu hai . hum dono hi naye zamane ke hai esliye sex ke liye har woh rasta apna lete hai jisme masti ho. Anu ka size 36 27 34 hai aur sexy to hai hi ,mera size 8″x 2″ hai. Hamari umar 26 aur 28 hai , Anu ne Top aur jeans pehene thi aur mene shirt aur nekar. Hum dono swapping ka maja lena chahate the lekin abhi tak achha couple nahi mila tha. Ek bar hum...

2 years ago
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Apartment hunting

I must be a real pervert because I really enjoy watching another man's cock sliding in and out of my wife’s mouth, pussy and ass. I can’t explain it, but just the thought of the flesh pounding flesh is a turn on for me. Let me tell you about once in particular. Right after we got married, we began seeking a new apartment to relocate to. My new wife is and was such a looker and she's about 5'6", 140 lbs, 38C, long dark hair. I have always just been totally intrigued with her and she was and...

Group Sex
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Little House

The spirit is waiting for her to catch up and tap into it. Michelle Johnson, a highly intelligent, overly sensitive, natural thirty-three year old beauty walked out of the church she grew up in remembering the service that just took place in it. It reminded her of the services she attended when she was a child – full from top pew to bottom pew with individuals searching for something they believed was found every Sunday and during revival week. ‘Praise the Lord, Sister Michelle,’ Deidre...

4 years ago
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Double DateChapter 3

Her father came out and said his wife could not go because she was going to church but he would like to go. I set the time at seven the next morning and left. I knew Fay would like to have had a date with me that evening but I wanted an evening to myself. After I got home I called Fay and told her I planed to spend the evening at home reading and on my computer. Fay sounded disappointed. I told her I would be with her all of the next day. She whispered that with her father with us we would...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 19 Present Day Plus One

Her energy level higher than she’d ever remembered, Susan Castle could not break her old habit of slipping on a long, well-worn nightshirt before going to sleep. All night, it seemed, she dreamed. She dreamed of her old dance partners, looking young and beautiful in their rhinestone tuxedos and shorts. But suddenly, they appeared old and gray and seemed to wither away before her eyes. She seemed to be watching her arthritic hands as they evolved into claws, only to flex out and fan out to...

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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

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Kellys Training

Author: Richard Stryker ? email [email protected] Author's website: Published by: A1AdultEbooks Publishers website: ?Kelly's Training? by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or...

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1 year ago
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House Sitting Adventure

My friend Pam asked me to house sit for her on a Monday. She was expecting a furniture delivery anytime between 11 am and 4 pm, and she had to work 9-5 and could not possibly take off. Since my hours are somewhat flexible and I can do much work from my tablet anyway, I was glad to help Pam out. A little about Pam; she is single and a very attractive five-foot-four, thirty-two-year-old brunette with a well-toned, athletic body and 34C boobs. She is a gym rat and dresses stylishly giving...

4 years ago
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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 30

Apologies to regular readers for the delay. ... Although quite naturally missing her young baby child Peter, Catherine Dixon was at least content in the knowledge her son was by now in the strong caring hands of the otherwise fearsome Olga up at the Manor House of Peter Harris, the grandfather of her youngest son and now apparently half a world away, after having left the running of his ‘Business’ in the hands of his teenage son David Harris, along with Sean Brady. Sean Brady, whom...

2 years ago
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Turning Fantasy Into Reality

My wife and I were enjoying our weekend with the k**s at the grandparents. Friday night was a relaxing dinner with friends and then we had a nice session in the bedroom and my wife, Kelli, let me set up the video camera for the night. Saturday was quiet, we met friends for golf and then came home and made dinner and then Kelli said she was going to take a bath and I should come up in an hour. At about 8 pm I headed up and she was on the bed completely naked and slowly touching herself basically...

4 years ago
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My neighbors feet

Ahhhh...thinking about this experience always gets me :) let me just start by saying, i absolutely love apartment complexes! Feet everywhere!! And I mean everywhere!! Awyways, i use to live in this apartment day I was sitting on the stairs smoking a cigarette and out comes my neighbors wife. A bbw caucasian lady about 5'5, 37 years old with some sexy plump toes and meaty pink soles. As soon as i saw her feet, i knew I was gonna do something really stupid lol. I'm assuming that...

3 years ago
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My wife and our neighbour Part two

I necked the whisky and made quickly for the exit, thanking the barman as I left. Without trying to look suspicious, I lightly jogged in the direction of our houses, and caught site of Sarah and Geoff as they approached his driveway. They stopped and their hands came apart. I managed to remain out of view, but could make out their words.‘Well that was really nice, thank you for walking me home Geoff.’‘Hey, no problem Sarah,’ said Geoff. ‘Listen, boxes can wait surely…do you fancy having a drink...

1 year ago
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En Kathalan Sunniyai Sappi Kanju Kudithen

Hi friends, en peyar Kuspu, vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Naan ippozhuthu salem gramathil padithu varugiren. En veetil naan oru pen matum thaan en udan piranthavargal endru yaarum illai. Athanaal naan en veetil irukum kaniniyil niraiya kama padam matrum kama kathai athigamaaga padipen. Aanal ithu en kathalanuku  kuda theiryaathu, veetil appa ammavirku theriyaamal naan enathu araiyil kama kathai athigamaaga padipen. En veethiyil oru 25 vayathu aagum paiyan ennai eppozhuthum sight adithukonde...

3 years ago
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Between WorldsChapter 11

Lattus, The Triangle. Current Time Brian pulled the rubber raft out of storage and pulled the inflation cord. Since it was a mechanical movement, the raft filled with CO2. Jeff brought out the snorkel equipment and inflatable vests. They also found a wire basket to tie to a lanyard for bringing up the equipment. I asked Bill, "Are you sure we'll be able to use this stuff even if we find it? We do have internet equipment on the Jane." "Should be, everything was made to operate under...

4 years ago
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A Surprise visit

I was home from college, my folks had went out to some function, I was left home alone and made a few calls to old friends and decided to shower and turn in early. As soon as I entered the shower the phone rang, since I was already wet I decided to let it go to voice mail. Once I left the shower and dried off I went to my old room and laid on the bed, I remembered the phone call and tried to listen to the message, my folks had changed their password so I could not get into the voice mail. As I...

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The Double Date That Didnt End Ch 8

 RIA ****** “What do you think they’re talking about in there?” I asked. Shane didn’t even hear me. He was sitting on the bed, staring off into space. Still naked from his recent shower with Tracy. I paced around the bedroom like an anxious kitten, unconsciously nibbling away at my manicure. Five minutes earlier, we’d all been groaning like wild animals, licking and sucking and kissing and coming one after the other in a haze of pleasure. We’d gone right up to the edge; done everything, except...

Wife Lovers
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Beth 4Chapter 14

That Friday evening the four of us were sitting in the Palace. Since I knew Val was out shopping with Beth, I'd suggested that Brad pick me up. The ulterior motive my devious lady had come up with was simple: If Val and Brad seemed inclined, he could give her a ride home. If not, I'd ride back with him and Beth would have more time to talk with Val. A beautiful plan. Now just to see if it would work. Brad had been nervous driving out. "Tommy, do you really think Val will even talk to me?...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Kristen Scott Luna Daniels Finding Your Rhythm

Luna Daniels is having fun dancing around her bedroom with her headphones on. She’s energetic and clumsy, lost in the moment as she enjoys herself to the fullest. Meanwhile, her step-sister, Kristen Scott, wanders by the bedroom and sees Luna cutely goofing around. Since Luna is so distracted by her own music and dancing, Kristen admires her awhile before stepping in. Although Luna’s embarrassed, she easily admits to Kristen that she’s practicing her dancing for the prom....

3 years ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 2

I WAS FEELING THAT special lethargy I get from a day of sun and water. Slouched on the sofa, feet up, the television on some nameless sitcom, I sipped beer and thought about the day. It hadn’t gone quite as planned. Rory seemed to be having fun but, at some point in the afternoon, she wasn’t. Despite her laughs and smiles, I knew her too well. I could tell something was bothering her. Was it Peter? He’d been focused on her and obviously attracted to her. Yet Rory hadn’t responded in more...

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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 10

Back to Earth “So how was the last part of your trip?” Dad asked. “It was pretty busy. We had to say goodbye to everybody. The Teokraeus are all in a very bad way, but the doctors say they can fix them; every single one. The doctors learned a lot while working on Ooryphyon and they said they can do it much more easily with this next batch,” I said. “Twenty of the soldiers were taken out of stasis. They need rebuilds as their bodies were poisoned. All the guards frozen in ice blocks are...

2 years ago
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Mera Beta Mujhe Bhaiya Bulata Hai

Hello everyone. I am Sumit from Odisha. 27 years old. My native is Bhubaneswar, Odisha. And I am working as an engineer in an mnc company. I read many stories here. I am a regular reader of iss. Today I am writing my desi hot sex story. My mail id is “”. Let’s start my life incident. This is a true incident in between me and my aunty (mami). Her name is Sunita. She is 34years old now.She is fair and nice in her beauty and has a very nice and soft skin and attractive figure. She has 36 size...

3 years ago
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Hotel Fun and Games

The time was July 2010, so by now I was well used to having sex outside of marriage and was making my first steps in S & M experiences. Which then leads me onto the visit to Dublin with David my husband. We had gone over there on a Thursday morning, I was there to help David with a contract that was going badly for him and I was actually between jobs and able to take a couple of days away. I was under no illusion that I was there to add some glamour and I got the impression that if needed...

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Tinkle BellChapter 19

I felt the warmth of sunlight on my face coming through the small porthole in our cabin. The moment I did I popped open my eyes sitting up. "Oh good! You're up! I was just coming to get you!" Bella said. She was standing in the doorway of the cabin ... naked. "What?" She then asked looking at me. She looked down at herself searching for something, then back at me again. "What?" She said again. "Jesus David, you look like you've seen a ghost! What's wrong?" "Nothing," I said...

1 year ago
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Fallen Kingdom 3

Phaeka watched as the two men circled warily, each clenching their knife. The gladiator named Wulfkar and the unnamed Xokothi slave were locked in a deadly dance. The wife and mother only hoped that the two men could provide a distraction long enough for her to free her husband, find her daughter, and get her family far away from here. The town of Bheketha had fallen, and everywhere the sounds of raping, pillaging, and the ransacking of once dignified family villas echoed in the distance. She...

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AxemanChapter 35

Tired, bruised, battered, sore and maybe with a cracked rib or three, I stumbled out of the Indigo Gate after killing all four of the Lords. (One at a time, of course.) My newly upgraded Spell was ungodly devastating to mobs of zombies and ghouls. I felt like I spent more time hunting down the ghouls and chopping their heads apart looking for treasure, than killing the first mixed mob of four hundred undead that I encountered. Opening the door of Kate’s former bedroom, I came to a complete...

2 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 14

He awoke on Wednesday the first day of the year to find, not a pair of breasts pressed against his back, nor his erection (which was real) pressed between the cheeks of a female bottom, but the stroking of a hand over his hair and the word tea spoken in his ear from a female body standing nakedly next to the bed. He rolled onto his back and sat up, his bare chest gaining a predatory lustful look from the said female, which in turn enhanced his erection. “Kathy!” he said in surprise. “How...

1 year ago
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Much Needed Sexual Release Through Phone Sex

I was looking for sexual release for some time now, but it was getting difficult to achieve that alone. I wanted pleasure but was apprehensive about a relationship. I had tried watching porn and masturbate to that but even that was getting old. So, one day I got bored and tried a phone sex portal to find a filthy slutty woman who could talk me and I could get a sexual release through phone sex. I dialed the number and waited for someone to connect. “Hello,” I heard a sultry voice at the other...

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Slutty Lawyers in a Mans World

Slutty Lawyers in a Man's World * Introduction to a Man’s World In the year 20XX, a strain of virus devastates half of the population and changes human genomes forever. The fertility rate drops in half. The female population outnumbers men by a factor of three. At birth, female babies outnumber male babies by a factor of five. On the other hand, the emerging male population is a perfect specimen of good-looks and virility. To recover the world population, drastic measures are implemented....

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The Arrangement Ch 03

Jill stared at him. Frozen to the spot, her heart pounded out a Texas two-step that would tire even the most experienced dancer. She must have heard him wrong, she thought in surprise. ‘What, Commander?’ Her voice sounded needy and unsure even to her own ears and she cursed herself for it. Daniel walked across the yard, carrying his daughter. He stopped barely two inches from her. At five foot ten, she was not a small woman, but he towered over her. The gentleness with which he held his...

2 years ago
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Caroles Story 01 Growing Up

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, written from Carole’s perspective, with some...

4 years ago
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I Cum Riding A Train With A Stranger

I was at college, in London. Lisa was at college at.Birmingham it was summer break, saw i was taking the train to Birmingham to meet lisa for a long dirty lesbian week holiday. Before we both returned home in Cumbria to our boyfriend's.I was So Fucking horny just thinking about lisa. As i stood waiting for th train, I'm all dressed up in a tight fitting top that doesn't leave much to imagination. I'm not wearing a bra either. My silk skirt is short and flirty.A small breeze will lift it up to...

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The Watcher

You come back from class tired and feeling a little down. Despite the fact you are attractive with long brown hair, green eyes and an athletic body you seem to have a problem fitting in with others here at college. Perhaps it's because you're something good to look at that the other girls here seem to resent you and go out of their way to make you feel unwelcome. Your room mate seems to be the only one who can understand your problem. She isn't as pretty as you, but has an incredibly large...

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Goodbye Miss Granger Part 7

My rushed getaway from Josh meant I arrived the Sponge Toss booth ten minutes early, so I had an opportunity to get a feel for the game before I started getting hit with wet sponges. Mr Mitchell the P.E. teacher was on-deck, his wet and smiling face mounted above the brightly coloured body of a clown painted on the outside of the booth, while a line of senior boys tried and mostly failed to hit him with large, wet rectangular sponges. It didn’t take long to work out that this game was a lot...

Straight Sex
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Oil of RosesChapter 31

Harry opened his eyes slowly, at peace with himself and the world. He was home. He was back in the arms of his family. He was where he belonged. He looked to his left and saw the beautiful and naked forms of Kelly, Carol and Margo still asleep, all entwined together. It was a sight to make anyone's heart burst with joy. "Mornin' bro," Nicki whispered from his right side where she was curled up next to him. "Morning ... what are you doing awake?" "Oh, planning out my day's...

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BimboTech Chapter 8 Bimbo Wife DPed

Chapter Eight: Bimbo Wife DPed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals The fume hood roared as I worked with the chemicals in it. I had an idea for how to make the intelligence serum last longer than an hour. It required just the right combination and percentage of chemicals so the solution didn't burst into a toxic cloud. Hence, the fume hood. I sat on my stool in my private lab in the bowels of BT Chemicals. It was wonderful...

2 years ago
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Meri Playboy Ban Ne Ki Story

Hi, I am rahul age 23 hai mai maharastra se hu. Mai ek college student hu.Meri average body 5.6 hight n 7.5 in long lund n 3 in mota hai.Mai bhot din se meri story share krna soch rha tha lekin himmat nhi ho rhi thi.Aj mai apse meri life me hui story share kr rha hu ki mai kaise ek student se playboy ban gya. (meri email id hai : ) daily bus se collage jatha hu. Aise hi meri life chal rhi thi.Ek din mai collage se nikal rha tha tbi barish chalu ho gyi .Barish bhot tej thi to maine socha thoda...

1 year ago
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A very good view 2 P Very good these videos, very thanks for who have loaded them, also at me is happened a very good view like in these videos, in the car, with my nice sister,...

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