MagPost free porn video

Mag Post! You ever saw a page with a design so simple that you can feel your IQ dropping slowly as you scroll through it? You could say that Mag Post will do that to you, or maybe it's just it me. I know it's a weird way to start the review, but I swear, that's something that bothers me, and I have to mention it right away. It's important to point these things out because you'll notice them too! Onwards to the review.
Take a look at the home page. You'll notice that it looks basic as hell. No categories, nothing. Just a page with a bunch of videos and that's about it. Okay right, there's not only one page, but there are actually around 54 thousand pages. That's a whole lot of porn, sure, but it would be nice if those pornos were put into categories, but oh well, that isn't happening. You've most likely seen websites that look like this one, plenty of porn, and only a little bit of work has been put into turning them a place that doesn't look like an eight-year-old's bedroom. Messy as hell, with the toys all over the place, only chaos, no order at all. It can be pretty horrible. I'll never be a parent, I swear, no matter what my girl says!
You probably know by now that those websites only exist to funnel traffic to other websites, but the situation with MagPost is a little bit different. You see,, unlike those other pages, actually uploads these videos to their own page. Yeah, I didn't believe it as well at first, but after a few clicks, it seems that this is the truth. Scroll through the home page and find a neat thumbnail, and see what happens after you click on it. You probably thought that you would be redirected to a different website, but this doesn't happen, you're still on I was stunned and pleasantly surprised. Oh yeah, and you don't get way too many ads all up in your face. Don't you hate it when you get a bunch of ads all over the screen, torturing your RAM? They will pop out sometimes, however, but not in a way where you'll want to tear your hair out of your scalp.
Tags are weird. Ones that popped up for me were "she doesn't want it at first, but then she wants it" and "father and daughter". Yeah, and also "forced" and "big." If you want to know what kind of stuff French or German people jack off to, you would have to use a proxy. Now, I guess most people don't have any time for that, but I guess it could be fun. I mean, if you really have that much spare time then you should go ahead and do that...every bored human would do something like that.
By the way, you know when I said that the design of the page is so simple it makes you go stupid? It has one nice thing, but that's pretty much just eye candy. You know when you hover above a thumbnail with your cursor, and you get a little gif playing where you can see a few great shots from the porno? That's what happens up in here, and I think that it's pretty great. I always liked that. This feature makes sure that you don't waste time watching a video that you won't like. If you like something from the brief overview provided by the gif, then you should go ahead and click on the movie.
Now, the quality of these videos is actually pretty good. If the videos are HD, will tell you about it. Right next to the little grey square that tells you how long the video is, you'll get to see a little "HD," and we all know what these two letters mean. The videos aren't that short, either. They last around five minutes on average, and that's enough for the average guy in heat, to make a mess in his handkerchief. is a great place to go if you want to give your lil' snake a rub. There are thousands of videos for you to chose from, but if you want to see nasty stuff, then you should probably go to another website. The stuff in here is pretty much vanilla. Some videos will last 20 seconds, some will last for 20 minutes, some will be posted in a great quality, some won't. You'll find a lot of different content here, but you won't won't be pleased with the looks of the page. I'll say it for the third time: The design of is so simple it makes me go full retard.

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