Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 9
- 2 years ago
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Lloyd appeared at the office through the elevator door, not his usual cocky and arrogant self. He’d not missed his wife being there, but missed the control he’d had over her, and it was five days now. He adjusted his tie, and resurrected some of his greasy charm as he walked past the water cooler, giving false smiles to people as they passed, then casually glanced through the glass wall of Patti Payne’s office to see her sat with a mature and shapely redhead ... and a very pretty and petit blonde, both wearing flowery summer dresses and appealingly feminine.
Unseen by Lloyd, Patti toed Cindy under the desk, and the soft transsexual conveniently looked round and gave him a startled look, then pouted her inviting red lips and smiled sweetly. Lloyd dwelled for a couple of moments after she turned her head back, looking at the soft elegant neck and delicate arms which protruded from the frills of the pretty dress, his cock stirring. He and Patti had never seen eye to eye, she known to be an independent woman, and he one who who believed that all women of her age belonged at home in the kitchen, having served their purpose at a younger age in a position no higher than secretarial work, before being swept off their feet by a man and placed in that kitchen.
He walked to his office, still thinking of the cute blonde whose smile had made an instant impression on him; there was something special about her indeed, and he wrestled with finding a reason to get into Patti’s office for a closer look. Even as a Company Director, he still had to dig out a credible reason for invading the office of a Department Head, especially one he wasn’t on chatting terms with. Kay smiled smugly at Cindy, as she turned her head again unscheduled, her soft eyes watching the male stride away, her soft lips open in a gentle gape.
“We’ll young lady, what do you think? ... would you let him hold you down and fuck your tight little arse? ... he’s known to be a little rough with girls, as we know, so what his reaction to you will be, we just can’t say.” Kay already knew the answer, Cindy turning her head back and pursing her red lips as she blushed slightly, then pulled a wry smile.
“He certainly looks the masterly type ... I’d like to try.” Patti smirked at Cindy’s typically submissive sissy attitude, but her thoughts were edged with caution.
“You’ll need to be very, very careful with how you play him ... he’s guaranteed to want to seduce you, but his masculine ego might make him react negatively when he sees what you’ve got down there ... it could go either way ... I’m hoping his penchant for control will override his shock at your duality - especially if you display that slender waist, shapely legs ... and that pert bottom to good effect before he discovers what you are - most straight men would be sorely tempted by the erotic novelty of fucking a sweetly effeminate sissy when their blood’s up, and after so many young girls, that novelty might be stronger.” Kay gave a lustful smile.
“ ... and I’ll be spicing his passion from another angle, with some subtle hints that’ll get him on the way to thinking about another erotic novelty ... just enough to get him thinking about it ... and when we’ve sprung the trap, he’ll enjoy it whether he likes it or not ... till he’s made to like it.” Patti grinned at the passion in her eyes.
“Well ladies, are we ready to put our little carved idol to good use? ... I’m certainly up for playing my part in bringing a tyrant to heel.” Patti rose with a smile and left the office, striding purposely to the executive suite that was Lloyd’s office. She made her face as demure as possible before knocking on the door and hearing his permission to enter. He was standing facing a gaudy mural, depicting Montezuma and Cortes ... a perfect foil for his mind that morning, thought Patti. He was genuinely startled at seeing it was Patti standing in the doorway, she maintained her indifferent air.
“I have a little business that requires your approval Mr Garner ... will You come to my office ... or should I bring my clients here with the paperwork?” Lloyd’s mind went to the stately redhead and the soft blonde, he couldn’t believe his luck ... Patti usually waited for one of the other directors to arrive, but she was obviously keen to seal a deal ... he’d love to see more of them, especially that blonde ... and see how she walked.
“Oh, please bring them here Miss Payne ... so much more comfortable.” She walked the short steps to her office with a broad smile on her face, knowing he was behind her, ogling from the half closed door. Lloyd’s eyes also admired Patti’s shape for the first time, she had a certain presence about her which he’d thrown up a shield against in the past, but something in the air this morning made his cock twitch, even at her. It bulged in earnest as the equally shapely redhead, who definitely had something despite her years, and the deliciously lithe blonde stepped toward him ... Patti taking care to stand behind the pair whilst guiding them forward, ensuring Lloyd’s covert peeking was fully indulged. By the time they entered the door, he’d already assumed an arrogant and slimy pose in the large chair beyond his desk.
He managed to contain a responsive smirk as Cindy’s eyes looked into his as she sat daintily, and gave him a look of genuine admiration ... a real brutal pig of a man was always something that excited her submissive needs. Lloyd barely heard a thing as Patti introduced the couple and mentioned the nature of the business, which he’d have signed out of hand anyhow. He almost ignored the paperwork pushed forward by Patti’s elegant hand, in his eagerness to feel the delicate hand of the blonde as he leaned forward ... just the soft touch of her manicured fingers with their pink nails had his cock pulsing, and the gentle shiver she gave as they squeezed in introduction, had his mind firmly in a direction other than business. He let go reluctantly as the equally attractive hand of the redhead stretched out.
Kay’s eyes gave him a firm smile which seemed to offer promise of another sort; mature women rarely caught his attention, such was the ease with which he overwhelmed the more naive younger variety with his position and slick charm ... but the look that this buxom woman gave him, created a strange tingle which seemed to lay down a challenge to his ego. He wondered what her personal association with the blonde was ... maybe they were bi-sexual and she the forceful one? Kay enjoyed squeezing his hand, feeling as though she were drawing his soul through it and looking for a crack in which to impose her will on him. Patti ensured she maintained her adopted persona of womanly normality ... till things were put in their place.
“We hope this’ll provide the necessary cover for you to continue your research for the institute, Miss Parker.” Kay then took her hand from him, and produced the stone figure from her bag, toying with it just in front of the show of cleavage that the moderate dress allowed, and looking to the mural on the wall.
“Yes thanks, it’ll give us that extra security to enable us to complete our project comfortably ... I see you have an interest in Aztec artefacts too, Mr... ?” Lloyd’s eyes widened visibly to match those of the idol, on seeing it displayed before the vista of generous breasts, his two main passions in life intermingled.
“ ... Garner, Lloyd Garner ... please call me Lloyd ... and yes, I have a broad interest in the Aztec culture ... may I see that?” Kay passed the figure to him, and watched as his eyes enthused over it, adding more bait.
“It’s one of several pieces Cindy and I have found, most of the finds are just pieces of mosaic, pottery and the like ... thanks to your company, we’ll be able to spend more time at the site.” He looked up.
“So you needed the cover to go back ... Mexico somewhere...” Kay grinned smugly.
“Oh ... I think I can tell you ... Lloyd ... I’d guess you were a pretty scrupulous guy on that front ... it’s a little closer than that, no more than about twelve miles from this spot ... a small ship laden with their crafts beached in a bay 70 years ago, and we’ve rented a beach house nearby.” Patti pushed the paperwork under him, and he signed it without even glancing at the text; she put it under her arm, ready to deposit it in the bin later. Kay teased him again as he stood up, hand on hip, the other brushing through his hair as he thought on what might be just laying there.
“We’ve found it’s taken longer than we thought to search the site thoroughly ... so much sand, and assorted junk washed up over the years to sift through ... it can be hard work.” Lloyd couldn’t resist asking the question any longer; two diversely attractive women, Aztec items...
“Could you use some help? ... as you can see, I’d know what’s relevant and what’s junk ... I’d be more than happy to take a few days away from here.” Kay’s cunt tingled as she dangled him on the hook.
“We’ll ... I’m not sure ... the institute might find that a little irregular, even if you do know what’s what...” Cindy cut in, ensuring Lloyd’s other passion was kept equally enthusiastic.
“Oh please Kay, let’s take him up on the offer ... they needn’t know ... think of the help a man could be, down in that hot sun and sand ... and we can see he’s a reputable person.” She smiled wide eyed up him, reminding his cock of the initial attraction, as Kay huffed slightly.
“Ok ... why the hell Not? ... it can’t hurt anybody.” Patti smirked on knowing that exactly the opposite would apply.
Lloyd almost felt like a new person as he drove off the highway and down the rudimentary track that led to the beach house, giving scant regard for the welfare of the Thunderbird, it’s pointy front dipping and diving like a boat in places as it bounced through ruts to its secluded location. The sea air seeming to boost his excitement as he thought on the vulnerable blonde, and the prospect of those objects just waiting to be discovered. The two juxtapositioned fields of excitement seemed to blend together ... and something about the older redhead tweaked at his mind, and his cock, in a novel way that was almost an annoyance; as though she she’d earned some sort of sexual respect that had previously been alien to him.
The glimpses of the blue ocean grew larger as the twisting track took him closer to them, just the seclusion of the place giving him an erection. At last the track gave up the fruits of its labours, a quaint whitewashed wooden house, it’s doors and window frames picked out in sky blue, sat perched in a slight depression facing the sea, high on the rocky cliffs, surrounded by tall shrubbery which offered it’s garden some shade from the sun and sea breeze. A Jeep Wagoneer sat outside, it’s recent occupants sat at a table within the garden. Lloyd’s cock twitched as he tried to kerb the carnal attraction for his sojourn into their world, and focus on the mutual passion for their reason for being there ... but they didn’t make it easy.
Though simply attired, both women gave a generous display of thigh as they sat sideways on to his view as he pulled up, each wearing those tight but comfortable slacks with the hoop at the end of the leg which went under the instep, keeping the material taut and displaying the entire length and shape of their legs to good effect, innocently, but still provocative to the male eye. The only flesh openly shown, apart from their arms and a respectable cleavage, was their exposed waists above the top of their slacks; their blouses tied in a bow at the front, above the waist, their feminine hips accentuated sweetly by it.
Once again, Lloyd found that he was equally attracted to the mature and buxom redhead, his heart quickening inexplicably on feeling genuinely glad to see her, whereas initially he’d have wished to confront the blonde alone; the annoyance of his mysterious attraction to her, diminishing as that attraction became the more enjoyable. She rose from her chair and gave him a welcoming smile, Lloyd’s cock swelling as he tried to concentrate on her face as he returned the smile, but unable not to glimpse at her full breasts, broad hips, and gentle womanly bulge of her midriff; which seemed to enhance the mature beauty of womanhood in a way he’d never noticed before. Kay’s cunt tingled as she offered her elegant hand in greeting, detecting the signs which would help her open him up and break him ... once Cindy had ensured he was in their hands.
“Oh ... so lovely to see you Lloyd. Cindy and I were just discussing where we’d look next ... but first, you must need a drink ... Coffee?”
Lloyd sat and eased into some dialogue.
“Why yes please ... black would be just fine ... this is a nice tranquil spot, little chance of being disturbed here by unwanted eyes.” Kay gave him a grin, which he felt hinted at the fact that she was somehow aware of his erection, and the thought of what he may get up to. She turned her smirk toward Cindy, who was already staring wide eyed at the visitor whilst twiddling her fingers under the table, a little more lustfully than a good girl should.
“Coffee Cindy ... if you wouldn’t mind.” Lloyd’s balls tingled at the natural command in her voice; despite the casual choice of words indicating that the blonde had an option, it was more than apparent that the redhead was firmly in control of her, albeit the task in question being a paltry one that the girl may have volunteered anyhow. Lloyd kept the blonde in his field of vision as he faced Kay, watching the pert bottom mince as she departed, Kay responding to Lloyd’s observation on the location.
“Yes ... it’s such an unbothered spot, too far out from anywhere for the general public to find it attractive, and the bay where the ship is ... just a little way down the coast, has a rocky headland curving round it, breaks up the larger waves, so even the surfer types don’t bother with the beach there. You can only see what’s left of the ship after going part way down the track to the beach, it’s been washed up so far over the years, so that doesn’t attract the curious either...” She offered him what seemed a very suggestive smile, as Cindy appeared once more at the door of the house, down the path ... having him feel that both just might be vying for his personal attentions.
“ ... it’s so secluded down there, I admit to having bathed and swam naked on occasion ... you could do what you liked down there and no-one would know.” Lloyd’s cock stood hard in his underwear, as Kay let her face take on a more serious tone on Cindy’s approach with the coffee, the redhead pushing a crude map across the table to him; a rough grid plan of the site, with various boxes crossed off - she pointed at one of the blank squares.
“Oh thanks Cindy ... I was just talking to Lloyd about our progress ... we were thinking of looking in this area today, it’s a bit near the surf, but we’re hopeful it’ll prove fruitful.” She looked at Cindy again, with an air of being in charge of her.
“We’ll have our coffee, then you can show Lloyd his room Cindy, while I prepare the Jeep.” The blonde smiled softly at this opportunity, her eyes scanning Lloyd, catching his, and not helping his erection. The sweet perfumes of both women wafted at his nose as they sipped their coffees, entrancing Lloyd further as Kay enthused over the map, Cindy finishing hers rapidly, and flicking her eyes between the map and Lloyd, he thinking this was unnoticed by Kay - the whole scenario becoming a window of carnal opportunity in his mind.
Lloyd picked his bag from the Thunderbird, and followed the delightfully feminine shape of Cindy to the idyllic wooden house, the buxom redhead also having aroused his ardour on displaying her curves as she bustled about the Jeep with an expectant smile. He noticed Cindy look back at her with a furtive glance to ensure she was busy, as they entered the house, then she took the bag from him. Lloyd fumbled awkwardly with it as she wrested it from his hands.
“Oh ... there’s really no need...” His cock bolted rigid as she held the bag close under her pert breasts and looked at him with a wide eyed innocence tinged with mischief, her red lips pursing as though ready to kiss him.
“That’s OK ... I like to be of service ... especially to men.” She smiled softly and turned, showing him her pert buttocks and waspish waist as she led him through the kitchen area to a large and rustic lounge, with a superb view of the ocean, Lloyd detecting what he thought was a faint whiff of rubber, but dismissing it as his nose homed in on Cindy’s scent. She showed him the sleeping arrangements with a glint in her eye.
“Kay’s room is at the far end, mine’s up here beyond the utility room ... and yours is next to mine.” Lloyd’s imagination already had her being hauled in her night clothes into his, with his hand over her mouth as she feigned a meek protest to his advances before being held down and regally fucked ... then as she opened the door, showing him the comfortable double bed, and bending over it with her shapely legs unbent to emphasise the curve of her pert arse, she fired his imagination further after depositing his bag.
“Kay say’s I’m to give you whatever you want while you’re here ... just ask...” Lloyd was on the point of making his advance there and then, as the soft blonde’s eyes looked up to his while she stood and silently announced her feminine servility to his superiority, the swell of his ego matching that of his cock. Cindy dwelled for a moment, catching the fire in his eyes; her little cock fighting to release itself from the tape which held it in obedience between her legs, the swollen bell massaged by every movement of her thighs. She too, wanted to be held down in submission, and fucked hard by this arrogant male right now ... but Kay had to be aware ... and ready when she enjoyed that pleasure. She sighed, her eyes having cemented her mutual thoughts of mischief, then took his hand and led him back to the door.
“I’m sure we’re going to enjoy each other’s company while you’re here...” She went to release his hand as she opened the door to the path, but felt him squeeze it firmly before release, delighting Lloyd as it made her shiver. He sniffed at her hair as the door was opened.
“Oh yes young lady ... I’m sure we will.” Kay and Cindy exchanged a curt smile, unseen by Lloyd as they mounted the Jeep. Things were developing nicely as per plan.
Lloyd spread his arms across the top of the seats as the Jeep bounced further down the track to the bay, smiling to himself and in a world in which he saw himself getting his own way with women as usual, and indulging his hobby too; life just couldn’t get better. Drawing to a halt above the bay, he took in the sea air and glanced at the sun sparkling off the ocean as he helped the two women out and sampled their diverse but equally appealing figures.
The two women padded down the steep track, exchanging furtive glances with each other, as their male recruit followed behind, clutching the heavier tools with masculine pride, eager to show the women his macho side to compliment his slick office persona, and have them swoon at his manly ways. Kay looked at the map as they picked their way through the soft sand, she and Cindy heading for a section close to the exposed ribs of the wreck, Lloyd visualising them both naked as he sucked in the salty air. Aware that he was directly behind them, Kay lay the plan on the sand, and both women knelt with their arses in the air, feet close together and heads down as though consumed by their work, Cindy dreamingly anticipating the time when his cock would rudely invade her tight rear, Kay dreaming of when her inevitable triumph over him would see his tongue deep in hers.
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Lloyd had been treated to a gratuitous and well received whipping by Joyce, watched by Patti, Kay, and Maria, who noted the pleasing sign of a boning erection as his wife confirmed her new status as his owner, then was bundled into a walk-in wardrobe at Patti’s house, trussed with his head down to await their further pleasure. He was not alone in the wardrobe. Lucy was stripped and trussed likewise, after a brusque spanking by Kay, and the tearful sissy placed so that Lloyd’s nose hovered...
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My name is Jefferson Anders. I’m a Sex Therapist living in the Washington D.C. Area. Anyone looking at me would see a tall, good-looking black man in his early forties. I’m a graduate of the Mount Washington Institute of Technology. Ah, my college days were fun. For years, I operated in the Boston area, in the state of Massachusetts, but I just had to come back to Washington. Boston was boring. The city totally sucked. Too many pseudo-intellectuals. Not enough real people. Few real challenges....
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestIntroduction The start of a journey in the mind to a point of divergence where the reader will be free to chose down which path he or she wishes to continue. But there is more to it for there are two themes at work in this story. The obvious one being the story dividing into five different stories giving the reader a chance to decide how the story is to continue. The second theme has its root in ancient cultures where it is believed that a divine force/deity will led/guide a person...
Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
I returned to the motel Ron and I were staying at without further incident. I carefully parked Ron's truck exactly where I had found it, removed my shopping bags, and stole quietly up the stairs to my room. By now, the movement of my breasts as I walked was almost second nature to me, but as I climbed the stairs, I was suddenly aware again of just how light and bouncy this new body of mine was! It seemed as if every step I took caused a jiggle first at my front, then at my rear. I wondered...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Back Home By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...
As we prepared our breakfast, I asked Ron if he had had any strange dreams the previous evening. He replied that he had been so tired and happy that it would have been too much work to have dreams! Not being a believer in the "reality" of dreams, I shook mine off and put it down to having an active imagination. The plan of the day was to explore our paradise from stem to stern. We decided to start on the north side of the island beach and hike all the way around it if we could. The day was...
We talked about how lucky we were on the way back to our camp, still marvelling at how we, of all people, managed to find something that professionals had missed for all these years. I thought about the dream that had pointed the way for me, and why I had unsharingly taken the earrings and jewelry box for myself. I could gather no plausible conclusions, and decided to leave it alone until I could get a better look at my finds. We trudged tiredly into camp at just about sunset, and it was all...
As I sat on the beach with my pretty head still swimming from the intensity of my orgasm, I considered the future. I very much enjoyed being a man and had never regretted my sex once, but now, looking at the world from the eyes of a beautiful woman and feeling her physical and mental sensations, I began to realize that there were definite virtues in being able to switch from male to female. As I looked at my perfect breasts and flat stomach by the dim light of the stars, I still felt a little...
As we walked up the stairs of the motel, I was never more acutely aware of just how much differently this magical body of mine was from my normal male one. It seemed that, along with the view of the world from 5"2 instead of 6"1, my senses were heightened. Things looked and smelled more interesting, and sensations themselves were certainly incredibly different. I gazed at the man gently holding my tiny hand and saw, not my buddy of 10 years, but a lover-to-be... someone I wanted to hold me...
After returning home to the large, comfortable house we had rented together, we waited several days before trying on another set of rings. For one reason, we were having a great time as Amber and Tina, having sex almost nonstop. We found that we were spending most of our time in these female bodies. It's not that we didn't like being men - we both did, very much. But the amazing, incredible sensations these bodies were giving us, well we just didn't have much pushing us to spend time in...
"I guess these are next," Ron said, picking up a ring out of the box. I placed my feather ring back in the box and picked up the next one. We were both back in our male selves, having removed the Feather Rings moments ago. Ron and I were both in bathrobes - we thought enough in advance to avoid the embarrasment of switching into male bodies while nude, or in women's clothes. I looked closely at the ring. This one was carved in a shell pattern, as ornate as the rest. The gold shined as...
I was driving home one night when she drove by Rachael's, a classy strip club near downtown. A sign on the marquee caught her eye. "Every Thursday is Amateur night! Guys, bring in your wives and girlfriends to bare all! $5000 prize!" That gave me an idea... The next Thursday, I - as blonde, buxon Melany, that is - sauntered into Rachael's on Ron's arm. The place was very classy, with expensive furniture, a high cover charge and it was full of well-dressed men and beautiful, sexy...
The next day, I got a surprise phone call from Clara. "Melany, I wanted to congratulate you on winning last night's competition," she said. "Well thanks so much Clara," I said. "I was also calling with something of a business proposition. You see, in addition to owning Rachael's, I run a very small video production company. We produce amateur adult videos, which I sell through the internet, and at the adult video stores I own." "Oh really?" I asked. "That sounds...
We showed up again the same time, 2 a.m., the following night. Clara greeted us warmly, kissed us both hello and ushered us into the back section of the club, where the filming would again take place. Angel and Ginger were both already there being made up, and Kim and I kissed and hugged them hello. "God, I'm so excited," Ginger said. "Last night was so great, and I can't wait to shoot again tonight." I agreed with here - the filming was really incredible. The same camera crew was...
While all of this was happening, Donna had been drinking and mingling with lots of people at the party. Just about every guy she talked to was flirting heavily with her, and she was loving every minute of it. But after a while, she began wondering where I was. She asked around, but no one seemed to know. She wandered upstairs, and went down a long hallway, and then stopped - hearing the sound of a guy moaning behind a door. It was a long, satisfied, obviously sexual sigh. Ahhhhh, she...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
I was an assistant office messenger for a urban newspaper. My work life was reliable and relaxed. Then, one day, I was sent to the djungle with a group of journalists who wanted to explore the rumours about an ancient civilisation in the primeval forest, which a section of the Eurocentric scientists had called the Rumpus culture.
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Right By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Left By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Ahead By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over all...