An ClochánChapter 54 free porn video

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Sarah's Clan was gathering near the dining area when Sarah said, "So how was your afternoon?" to Aoife, Joyce, Janet, and Erin as they joined them.

"We had a great time. We heard you did some dancing."

"Yes. We got a little more involved than we anticipated but had a grand time."

"We heard. We ended up participating with some groups as well but not to the extent you did. It was fun."

"I don't think I've ever danced that much at one time," said Tara. "Everyone looked like they were having a good time. I know we certainly did."

While they were talking the rest of their clan joined them. Terry said, "Today was a lot of fun, but I'm getting tired."

"I agree," added Alena as they entered the dining area. They had just sat down when Siobhan's and Keriann's Clans joined them.

As they were finishing greeting each other Keri said, "Our group will be singing in a few moments so we need to be getting ready."


"The first stage toward the shuttle landing area."

"Okay, we'll be there shortly."


Sarah's, Siobhan's, and Keriann's Clans arrived near the stage several minutes before the children were scheduled to sing. When Jean of Jean's Clan saw them, she waved, motioning them toward an open area close to the front of the stage. After exchanging greetings they sat down, in the meantime the area behind them filled rapidly.

Sarah's Clan looked at each other and then scanned the crowd surrounding them without being too obvious. Sarah saw Keriann wink at Siobhan and wondered what that meant.

Corey of Sarah's Clan came out on stage and said, "Good evening. This evening we are going to introduce a number of new songs. In some cases you will know the tune, however the words will not be those you've heard before. These new verses describe aspects of our lives, things around us, and adventures we've had. We have other songs about these events and will share them with you in the future. We hope you enjoy them. In the meantime these songs are accessible in the library under 'Órarduine History in Music'." With that Corey bowed toward the audience as the musicians and singers came on stage.

The group moved from one song to the next with hardly a pause. The first couple of times the applause overrode the first few bars of the new song and the group compensated by repeating the first verse. The audience then adapted and just gave a short burst of applause to avoid drowning out the beginning of the next song. Many of the songs involved only some of the group's members, thus giving everyone a short break during the performance while still providing almost continuous music for the audience.

Jordana moved to the center of the stage as a song finished and said, "This will be our last song for this performance. We hope you have enjoyed the music." As she finished speaking the whole group began to sing. When the song ended the noise was overwhelming as the applause that had been muted during the performance was given free reign. The group bowed acknowledging the ovation. The applause continued for several more minutes until Jordana stepped to the front of the stage. "Thank you for your appreciation. We would offer you an encore but the next group is due out in just a few moments. We will be giving another performance very soon. Now stick around to hear our friends as there will be dancing as well." As she spoke there were some moans which were quickly followed by more clapping.

After the performance was over many in the audience congratulated Sarah's Clan on the artistry their children had shown. When the crowd had thinned out some Siobhan said, "I didn't realize how many songs they had written about our adventures."

"Neither did I," said Maeve as the three clans moved away from the area in front of the stage.

As Sarah's Clan waited for their children to join them, they watched as those attending the next performance rearranged the chairs in front of the stage to provide a large space for dancing.

"You know if I wasn't so tired, I would suggest we stay and dance some more," said Sarah.

"Let's see what the music is like," replied Alena. "Perhaps we have enough energy for a couple of songs."

"I'm game even though we have a lot to do tomorrow," responded Tara.

"Good," said Aoife, "I'm anxious to try the dances you did earlier."

"Well that depends on the music."

The next group came out on stage eliciting some clapping. "Great, you still have some applause left." There were several chuckles. "Weren't they great?" There was more applause. When it died down she added, "Well we agree. There is space to dance down here by the stage so don't feel bashful." Looking to the side she saw Sarah's Clan and added, "I see Tara, Sarah, Rusty, and Maeve are still around so maybe they will give us another dance demonstration or more lessons." The audience cheered.

Tara said to her spouses, "Well it looks like we will be dancing a few songs."

Maeve said loudly, "Play a few songs then we'll decide, but it will only be for a few songs."

"Thank you," replied the musician. She picked up her fiddle and the group began to play.

As the music began the children came out from behind the stage to join their parents. Moya said, "Sorry we took so long. We had to encourage this lot to go on as scheduled. I guess we kind of intimidated them."

"They are good, very good," added Deirdre. "So, are you guys going to dance?"

"We are pretty tired but it's hard to refuse under the circumstances," replied Tara.

"Well their specialty is Celtic songs that are very easy to dance too."

"Are you guys going to join us?" asked Maeve.

After looking at her sibs Marnia said, "I'm not real sure I'm up to that."

"If we utilize our mind link and start off with a rather slow tempo song it is pretty easy to do," replied Rusty. "That's how we did it earlier today. It worked out pretty well."

"Yea, we heard," responded several children. Earnán added, "From what we heard you are understating it, again!" All the children laughed as they nodded their agreement.

"So are we all going to dance to the next song?" queried Maeve.

"Sure, why not?" responded Jordana.

"Maeve, let's do it as one group like we did when you were teaching us."

"Okay. We will need to open our mind links with each other a bit more than we normally do so all of you can follow my movements." Maeve made an adjustment then began to take small dance steps. "Can everyone feel those?"


"Okay, we can try it on the next song. Remember to listen to the music while you feel my movements."

As the song was ending, Sarah's Clan moved toward the nearly empty dance area with Keriann's and Siobhan's Clan following.

"Bree," said Maeve to the musician on stage, "could you play a song that has a tempo that is about half the last one with a similar rhythm."

"Sure. Just one?"

"Yes. We will likely only dance a few numbers as we need to go up to the ship. The children may stay longer. Also, invite the audience to dance."

Bree then relayed Maeve's comments to the audience before she began to play. Sarah's Clan began to dance to the music. As the song progressed more people joined them in the dance area. Maeve said, "Bree, would you play the song again as it will help the newcomers?"

Bree almost missed a note when she heard Maeve's voice but quickly recovered as she nodded to her. She then motioned to the other musicians that they were going to repeat the song.

When the musicians paused after the third song, Sarah said to her spouses, "I think we should do one more song then leave as I am not sure I could dance anymore."

"Suits me," replied her spouses.

"This is fun," said Moya. "We'll probably stay for a few more songs. Well at least some of us will."

The next song had a considerably faster tempo than the previous ones. As a result many of those on the dance floor moved to the side. Seeing some of the dancers leave the area due to the tempo Maeve said, "This should be fun."

"I hope someone is recording this," said Kennith, "as I would like to see it again."

"Well one of the audience could share their view with us later," replied Corey.

"Good point. Now would be too confusing."

When the song ended Sarah's Clan was panting. The audience and musicians were applauding. Sarah's Clan turned to the musicians and clapped as they made a slight bow. Sarah's Clan with their children began to move off the dance floor. Bree seeing that they were leaving said, "Wow. Sarah's Clan, thank you so much for that dancing exhibition." The audience cheered. "It looks like they are leaving so we hope the rest of you will stay for the rest of our set."

"We are."


As the musicians then began their next song, Sarah's, Siobhan's, and Keriann's Clans headed toward the pavilion. Periodically they glanced behind them to see how close Celia was to the horizon.

They were almost there when Maeve looked back and said, "We are cutting it close."

"This really is a beautiful spot," said Judy as they stepped into the pavilion and turned to look west. Before them they could see the sun approaching the horizon as well as all the activity around them.

"Yes it is," said Keriann.

"It looks like it is going to be a lovely sunset," said Oriel of Keriann's Clan. "The clouds should really give a spectacular range of colors."

"So how was your day?" asked Niamh of Keriann's Clan.

"It was very nice," replied Eileen of Siobhan's Clan, "an enjoyable break from space. Our ships are fine but it feels great to have a blue sky overhead and to hear the sounds of nature."

"Sounds of nature," exclaimed Eleánóir. "All I heard was laughter, music, yells..."

"Sounds pretty natural to me."

"Well okay. I thought you meant something else."

"Mom," said Keri drawing the attention of several in Sarah's Clan, "we think someone should do a grid survey of the plateau."

"It is planned," replied Sally. "The Security teams are scheduled to do it. Why?"

"Well, we found some pretty interesting places. We think we should know more about them before we make use of those areas."

"Let's look at a map tomorrow."

"Fine. We have the coordinates for the spots we found especially interesting. None of them are very big, they just seem special. One felt like the one we visited with you several weeks ago."

"Okay. They are starting to plant grain in many of the large open fields. Several fields are scheduled to be prepared for planting vegetables which will start in a few weeks."

"We have the replicators so why do we need to grow food?"

"So what happens if we lose access to them? What happens if they just quit working?"

"That couldn't happen," replied Keri firmly.

"It would be more accurate to say 'it's not likely to happen'. In the past significant disasters have befallen many civilizations, some were due to unanticipated natural events, others were the result of conflict or arrogance. From our perspective, we think the humans are tempting fate by ignoring the potential threat posed by someone like the Imperial Council. This is in spite of seeing our battle with them. Enough said...

"Back to your comment, at the moment we are very dependent on some items that don't have an alternative source. Food is one. It currently comes from either the replicators or hydroponic gardens on our ships. With our current resources and population the later can't supply nearly enough. Now that we are on a planet that has an atmosphere we can grow all of our food, but it takes time to get it started. The benefit of growing food is that we will have a more varied diet, which in turn provides additional health benefits. There are other items that currently have only one source. Most of the technology we've implemented came from the Connemare. We've expanded on it but much more needs to be done. Also, we are a small group of people so it wouldn't take much of a disaster to make our lives very difficult, if not impossible." The change in Keri's expression told Terry that she was beginning to realize the implications of her comments. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to upset you or ruin your day. Besides, this isn't something to lose sleep over. We are better off than we were some seven years ago. We now have a home on an environmentally friendly planet, so our growth should be more substantial and sustainable. It is for these reasons that we are moving quickly to establish this settlement, a technology development center, manufacturing facilities, and a defensive network in this solar system."

"But it was so easy to set up our settlement on Mars."

"Yes, but a large part of that was due to finding the cave adjacent to the site we chose for the settlement. The condition of the cave was such that we only needed to enclose the entrance. Without that, it may have taken us quite a few more years until we could have even considered moving here. Although it hadn't become crisis level before we left Sol, our active settlement on Mars was a growing concern to some humans. It's likely that in a few more years some of the more irrational leaders of governments on Earth would have attacked us. The Iridiens may face that issue, but they aren't as active there as we were. An attack is something that cannot be ignored so we would have found it necessary to respond. Depending on circumstances a response could have resulted in an escalation of conflict rather than stopping it, all due to too much alien fantasy and not enough common sense."

"But, many of us originated from Earth."

"True, but now they primarily see the differences between us, just like they first see the differences between themselves and other human breeds. Besides, our very existence flies in the face of some fundamental human beliefs. For thousands of years Earth's religions have promoted the idea that their breed of humans are God's chosen ones. This is further complicated by the attitude of different groups who believe that their God trumps the God of anyone else."

"I noticed that when we were studying different civilizations in the universe. Virtually every civilization has at least one deity that they worship or give a special place in their lives. There are many similarities between the deities of the various civilizations."

"We've been told that there is a family of deities in most solar systems with advanced life forms."

Keri looked at her sibs as Moya said, "Thanks mom. Your points make a lot of sense. Some of us were worried that we would diminish the beauty of this planet as we settled on it and began to grow."

"You're thinking of some of the pollution problems that Earth has."

"Yes. Connemare had some environmental issues on their planets too but there isn't very much about those issues in our library."

"Unless we've missed something or there is a major disaster, our plans strive to minimize those issues here. Over the next several days why don't you look them over? There will certainly be some changes on the planet due to our presence. If we manage them correctly then there should only be minor alterations due to our footprint. It will take everyone working together to achieve that. We must remember that a planet's environment is not a static system as every natural event also has an impact because it is a very complex system. Just our presence will cause some changes. There would be changes even if we weren't here."

"Okay, we'll do that."

"Wow," exclaimed several of the group drawing everyone's attention to the sunset. Celia was halfway below the horizon with the clouds taking on a variety of reds, orange, and blues with golden streams of light passing through the openings between them. The group watched quietly as Celia slid below the horizon.

In the twilight they could see one moon high in the western sky and behind them the second moon was just peeking above the horizon. "Look," said Marnia, "we can see both moons already."

"With two moons we can look forward to having some moonlight virtually every night," said Joyce.

When Celia had set Siobhan said, "Sarah's Clan, we don't know who had the idea to do this, but it was a great one. For us it brings a great close to the day."

Star said, "I need to return all my attention to the ship so I'll only be with you telepathically for the rest of the evening."

"Golly!" exclaimed Tiff, "Star, when did you join us?"

"Shortly after you started watching the sunset. It has a much different perspective from down here."

"Yes it does," responded several of the watchers.

Sarah said, "We don't sense a need for you to hurry back. Are there problems?"

"No. Not really. It's just that ... well it feels different here. There I am more comfortable, plus I can feel and see what you are doing here. Besides, I have some pending tasks to complete. For me this has been an out of the world experience. I love you all."

"We love you."

"Today is a day we've been dreaming of for years."

"True. But you've had a few more years to dream than we have."

"Without all of you this would have not come to fruition. May the Gods and Goddesses continue to bless us."

"Blessings are good," replied Sarah, "walking with us would be nice as well."

Aoife said, "To walk with a God or Goddess, an interesting thought indeed."

"It certainly is," responded both Siobhan's and Keriann's Clans.

"If we did, it would give us a significantly different relationship with Ananu's Gods and Goddesses than there is with those in Sol," added Maeve.

"Yes. When you walk with someone, you become better acquainted. While they may not need that interaction, I think all of us would benefit from it. Our relationship with Them would definitely benefit as it would give us a better understanding of Them. Hmm ... perhaps it would help Them."

"I guess we shall see," replied Aoife. "Both Morrigan and Aine indicated that the God and Goddesses here had different personalities than those we knew about on Earth."

Star said, "Sarah's, Siobhan's, and Keriann's Clans it was a pleasure to watch the sunset with you. Sarah's Clan, I will see you in a little while. All of you have fun."

All three clans said, "Good bye," as Star's avatar faded away.

Kelly said, "You know, Star is a key reason we are all here today."

"There are many 'key reasons' in our family," added Conan. "We are all fortunate that our paths crossed when they did."

"Moms and dad, we enjoyed watching the sunset and dancing with you," said Iris. "We should do it again, soon."

"We can do that. Actually, it should be much easier to get together for dances now."

Keri said, "We're going back to dance for a while yet but I don't think we will be very far behind you. All of us are pretty tired."

They gave their children hugs and kisses.

Sarah said, "Briana's Clan will be down shortly if you need something and there aren't any of the Command Staff around."

"We'll be fine."

"Okay. Be careful."

"We will," replied Moya

"Have a good time," responded the three clans.

"See you in the morning," added Sarah's Clan.

"We are heading back to our ship," said Keriann.

"We are as well," added Siobhan.

"Well in that case let's walk back to the spaceport together," said Erin.

"Terry," said Sarah, "were the children satisfied with your comments?"

"I hope so. I tried to get across the idea that we had to use the planet's resources to survive long term, but that we had to do it wisely. It was an awkward lead into the topic. I suggested that they look at the plans we have for developing here and beyond. Apparently they have not looked at them in detail."

"That is likely true. They have been very busy with their learning modules and they should all be ready to graduate before too long."

"About another six months for most at the rate they are going," said Joyce. "Except for doing a thesis they have been immersed in more knowledge than a triple major PhD does on Earth."

Chester added, "At least that much, and ten times the common sense."

"Yea, well you don't live long in space without oodles of common sense."


A short time later they looked out the shuttle's windows as it lifted off. The shuttle turned as it rose to give them a view of the celebration still going strong. As they climbed higher Celia came into view, along with the other stars around them.

Rusty looked around at his spouses and then said, "Is it me or does the landscape give you the impression that this planet was inhabited before?"

"Why do you say that?" asked Maeve.

"Mainly it's the boundaries on many fields. They seem a little too organized."

"Well it's possible," replied Tara, "but we haven't found any other traces to indicate that."

"Ah, we're almost home," said Sarah as she saw Dóchas take shape out the window.

"Think we will ever feel like Ananu is home?"

"Yes, in time. I'm not sure it will take the place of Dóchas. In any case, Dóchas will always have a special place in our hearts. But my home is wherever the rest of you are. I love you all."

"Sarah, we love you too," replied her spouses as they all hugged.

Near the pavilion three women stood in the shadows. They had spent the day observing those participating in the celebration, paying special attention to the leaders and their families. "So what do you think?" asked Ariu.

"The stories told in their songs are consistent with the information from the Old Ones," replied Iodla. "I've mingled with and observed many of them today and at no time did I sense any lingering anger. Based on what we were told about what some of them had endured before being rescued, I really expected to find a lot of residual anger and bitterness. With what I've seen I am inclined to believe what others have told us, and that this is a truly remarkable group of people."

"That was my experience as well," added Cabd. "All the discussions of their past, that I heard, focused on their successes. Those were about either rescuing someone or defending themselves. Some of those events are mentioned in the lyrics of their songs. Many more discussions were about their future here and what they wanted to accomplish. I only heard a few talk about the recent battle with the invaders and that was pilots telling of their encounters. I had to duck a few times to avoid hands waving to support their story.

"You know, we could just look at their thoughts and memories as they would never know."

"No!" exclaimed Ariu. "From what I've sensed, some of them very likely would know. Their mind-link with each other is ... unusual ... very deep, in fact deeper than I understood was possible for mortals. I would not be surprised if some weren't already aware of our presence."

Cabd smiled as she said, "Well we gave Sarah's Clan a pretty strong clue by returning the plate that held their offering."

"That was a very nice gesture they made," added Iodla.

"I think all of us were surprised."

"True, especially Mother," replied Iodla. "It seems like all members of their family groups are always in touch with the others. Within the family unit, it seems that they share everything, even senses and emotions."

"Are you sure?" asked Cabd.

"I am," answered Ariu. "I know Mother is reluctant but we really should meet them. This would be beneficial to both them and us as we need to know them better. Perhaps it will avoid issues like Mother and Dad had before."

"I agree," said Canu startling them as she, along with Laghdha, appeared beside them.

"Good evening," responded the three goddesses as their parents appeared.

"Have you had fun today?" asked Canu with a smile.

"Yes!" exclaimed the three.

"So how would you want to interact with them after we meet them?"

"I didn't think you wanted to meet them," responded Cabd.

"I've been thinking about that a lot since our last discussion," replied Ariu. "I don't think we want the relationship that the mentors have with them, which is almost like that between young and old siblings. I was thinking that something like the relationship that exists between aunts and uncles and their nieces and nephews might work?"

"An interesting idea and I think it would be very appropriate," added Iodla.

"Based on what we now know, it is something to seriously consider," said Canu.

"I would like to know more of their background," said Cabd, "but I have no objection to your proposal. In fact, I wish I'd thought of it. It would be a way for us to learn more about them."

"I think they will have no reluctance in sharing their history with us," said Laghdha. "You've done a good job of observing them today. We are pleased with the interactions you had with several of them. Aine and Morrigan know you were here as they talked with, I believe Michaela, after Ariu spoke with her."

"Well they were all opportunities that I couldn't pass up," replied Ariu, "even though they did go a bit beyond what we agreed to."

"When do you think we should meet them?" asked Canu.

"Mother, is this a test?" asked Iodla with a smile.

"No," she replied before sticking her tongue out at her daughters.

"I think we should meet them after their visitors have left," said Ariu. "My inclination is to meet Sarah's Clan first then the others in the order that they accepted their role in the family. However, I have some concerns with that approach as the others may feel slighted."

"I see you've picked up much of what I have today," replied Iodla. "However, I don't think any of them would feel that way. I agree with waiting until their visitors leave as it will give us more time to observe them."

"I also agree," said Canu. "However, a situation may arise where they see you and realize who you are. If that happens, go ahead and introduce yourself. Let them know our plans to meet with them after their visitors depart."

"Good idea," said Laghdha. "We're going back."

"We will probably stay for the rest of the celebration," said Cabd. "Do you want us to link with you so you can see our observations?"

"Let's wait until you are back," replied Laghdha with Canu nodding her agreement.

On Dóchas the shuttle carrying Sarah's Clan settled into its cradle followed a short time later by the hatch opening. They found Briana's Clan was waiting at the side of ship for them to exit.

"Anxious," said Aoife.


Briana said, "Star told us you were on the way up and that she could hold the fort until you checked in."

"Okay. Have fun!"

"Oh, we will. We heard you all are great dancers."

"Boy, news travels fast. We enjoyed every minute of it."

They watched as Briana's Clan hurried into the shuttle for the trip down to Tara Ardchlár.

"As soon as we check the bridge and enable our links with it, I'm ready for some rest."

"Me too."

"Are we fooling ourselves by not having an active watch on each bridge?" queried Terry.

"Don't think so," replied Rusty. "I see why you raised the question, but at the moment we are operating as a single entity rather than seven ships. Although resting in our quarters, we are linked to our bridge. During the celebration we have each FCS manned and passively scanning, so that is another bit of insurance. Someone would need to enter the system with a vessel mimicking the characteristics of a piece of space debris in order not to be detected. Even then they would need to stay well away from us in order to keep from attracting attention. I am not saying something can't get through, but that it's not too likely. What brought this up?"

"I was thinking about the issue Keri indirectly raised, which is: Are we careful enough with our security?"

"For now, I think so. Once more worlds know of us and visitors become more frequent, we will need to change the way we do things. One item we need to discuss is a spaceport which would also be the traffic control for the system, rather than the FOCs. In the meantime, we need to identify and qualify more staff for the bridges, and as leadership in the different departments. It will come but it will take some time."

"Okay. 'Are we doing enough?' is a question I frequently ask myself."

"Good, keep doing it."

It was a couple of hours later that Sarah's Clan began preparations for bed. Their children returned just before they were in bed so they chatted for a bit getting impressions of their day on Ananu. In bed they arranged themselves so that Rusty and Sara were in the middle, with Maeve and Tara cuddled up next to them and the other spouses next to them on each side.

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       The sound of her heels clicking elegantly down the tiled, florescent lit hallway, Doctor Irina Motova walked briskly towards her intended room. She was a shapely woman of 35 years. Her hair, jet black and glossy, was tied in a tight bun, not a single strand loose over her forehead. She was tall, even though she was seen mostly on high heels, with particularly long legs, and had an ample set of breasts.        She wore the slick attire of what could have been a lawyer or psychiatrist, a...

2 years ago
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De Danann

It was cold, even with the fire banked up we were only just keeping the cold at bay, just beyond the ring around the fire, it would be waiting for us. The fire was burning in the centre, producing as much smoke as heat, so it felt. The billowing clouds of smoke were left to find their own way out; which they were failing to do very effectively. We could hear the wind outside. No-one spoke, but we were all thinking along the same lines, I could tell. We’d been here a couple of weeks, the gold...

2 years ago
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My Heartfelt Wish Come True With Mom

Hi friends, My name is Rachit. I am from Delhi. Now I am a student of B.A in Delhi university. I am 25years old. Tall boy about 5ft 9inch height. Good athletic body. My dick size is 9inch long and 3inch thick. So friends without taking your much time. I directly come to the story. This incident happened with me last two years means in 2013. Friends first of all I want to describe my mom. Her name is Rani. She 47years old. Her size is 38-34-40. She is fair. And have sexy curves on good...

3 years ago
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Blind Date1

God Jeanie is persistent. Jennifer can't believe she let her convince her to even do this. Jennifer pulled up to The Abacus, a Dallas classic, The Abacus delivers exceptional food and service and is a very expensive restaurant. The Abacus is known for a fabulous meal, Abacus is the flagship for epitomizing relaxed, fine dining. The restaurant's reputation is for signature menus, extensive wine list and custom-crafted cocktails, plus a James Beard nomination for service. At Abacus, they...

3 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 13 A Change in Plansf14

I remember, early in my management career, wasting hour after hour developing long range plans, five year plans, expanded development plans, and the like. Somewhere along the line, the Boston Consulting Group and a variety of their clones had decided that the only way business could succeed was to have rigidly constructed plans to follow as a certain pathway to success. Bullshit! We knew it was bullshit when we first heard about it and we were right. We couldn't predict what was going to...

4 years ago
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Best of Both Worlds

The Best of Both Worlds have various definitions. For me it means a person whom is balanced, have a understanding of how men and women think and feel. Believe it or not they exist! Transgendered people, doesn't matter if they are living 2407 as a woman or a TV and part-time discrete crossdresser. As there are hetrosexuals, gays, bi-sexuals and lesbians. There is also the transgendered. They are rare, extremely discreet and even very shy...but they exist!I remember seeing documentaries about...

2 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl Loves Anonymous Sex

I was sat in my office, watching the depraved beauty, my wife Melissa, on the PC in front of me about to take a new cock. The bloke lifted his head from her soaked pussy, and from the view of the camera, even I could tell that she had soaked the thick cotton fabric that covered the massage table. I watched the bloke hook his thumbs into his jogging pants and pull them swiftly to the floor.My mouth dropped open as I sat back in the leather chair.There were only two words to describe my thoughts,...

2 years ago
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He was my Forbidden Fruit part 31

Sweet, manipulative, crazy, intense, insane, passionate... Those words come to mind as you continue to trudge along, looking left, then right, then finally straight ahead... A mirage awaits you... You know this... Yet you continue, driven by some unseen force, compelled to go forward, even though the mirage becomes clearer, your legs don't slow down, it keeps its steady pace, onward, forwards, straight ahead! Your veins fill with icy dread, chilling you to the bone, yet you continue,...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Anal Reckoning

Adriana Chechik Tests Her Holes With Lex Steele’s HUGE Pole! Dressed from head to toe in black lace with gold chains hanging around her neck, Adriana shows off her tight body as she makes her way up the stairs. When she gets to the top Adriana crawls on the ground as she heads towards the bedroom, with her horny holes peeking out from beneath her lingerie. Adriana heads out to the balcony to find Lex waiting for her with his massive cock bulging out of his pants. She pulls that thick rod out of...

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Anastasia and Mary

"Are you smitten by the waitress?" I teasingly asked Mary.We were having a few drinks after dinner, waiting for an up and coming local band to take the stage. The Night Moves restaurant, located in the East end of Toronto, was Mary's preferred watering hole. Mary had mentioned the bar to me on many occasions. She had also went on about a cute, new waitress that started working there. The waitress and Mary became acquainted very quickly, and Mary made an effort to go for dinner at Night Moves,...

Oral Sex
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Silence Is Golden

The room was ill lit and possessed many odours. The smoke of many burning lamps competed mainly with the smell of far too many people, though the rich scents of exotic perfumes and aromas of expensive foodstuffs made their own assaults on the nostrils of the room. Illystil Morninggold did her best to keep her true feelings hidden and her fake smile in place as she wandered about the ballroom, nodding cordially to the various minor nobles, diplomats and affluent merchants that populated this...

1 year ago
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Change Of Heart

His face was a blur, but the tall man was walking towards me, and I could see he was very muscular. Before I could realize, he was tearing at my shirt and we locked into a kiss. Then everything started to turn red, and then I awoke. I lay in my bed, my vision obscured by red, opening my eyes to find that the bright summer sun has snuck through the bottom of my curtain managing to strike at my eyes. Just realizing the dream I had, I was almost angry at myself. “I am not gay” I murmured to...

2 years ago
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Fiddlers GreenChapter 7

The morning of the most important day in Wilkins’s history dawned just as a thousand others had. Bright, Clear, and dry. Those that arose early to take advantage of the cooler temperatures had already begun their daily chores. Usually, these folks would catch up on their sleep during the Mexican custom of siesta. An early afternoon, 2 or 3-hour nap, preferably in the coolest place available. However, some jobs required constant supervision. The telegraph was one of them, or was supposed to....

2 years ago
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It Was Just a Porn Film Fuck

‘Damn, Ed! You’ve really dredged the bottom of the barrel! She’s forty-five if she’s a day, she’s fat, she’s ugly and she smells bad. I’m not doing this! What were you thinking?’ ‘I’m picturing the classic MILF film. The cute young student seduced by his teacher who is the mother of…’ ‘I assure you Ed she is not a mother-I’d-love-to-fuck. I seriously doubt I can either get it up or keep it up.’ ‘I’ll pay you extra, $700 instead of the usual $500. She’s a damned fine cock sucker and she takes...

4 years ago
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The Lady in BlueChapter 9 Lisa takes charge

Lisa's point of view Surprisingly, to me, the politician refused to leave until Ted was looked after. He pulled off his jacket and firmly took charge. "I was a combat medic in the army years ago. I haven't forgotten everything. Hmmmm." He moved Ted's hair and examined his head. Then, he wiped his hands on his shirt and opened Ted's eyes one at a time, giving each eye a quick look. "Good news, it doesn't look bad. It looks like the bullet glanced off and didn't penetrate." I...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sex With Cousin Sis

Hi iss reader, I am a big fan of stories on Indian sex stories and hence decided to explain my experience on iss. I am 5 inches 10 feet gym build guy.Any ladies and girl interested can connect with me on Continuing with the story. I live in Delhi alone and work for mnc.My younger cousin sister tiya came in search for the job after completing her college and was staying close by with her friend. One day she called me and told me about her breakup and that she was feeling lonely. I asked her to...

1 year ago
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Just As He Is Part 2

He had seen that look before. When he used to join the migrant workers to skinny dip at the swimming hole, someone would always be a lookout at the entrance of the quarry road for a patrolling sheriff's deputy. The dirt road was in such bad condition, the car would only be able to proceed at 5 mph. That would give enough time for the lookout to run back to the swimming hole and notify all the swimmers, whom would then scramble out and grab their clothes to run off bare-assed but not...

4 years ago
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Forbidden fun

It was a booung Sunday morning and Paul was home alone is wife at work as usual. After walking his dogs and doing his jobs he had gone online and spotted someone he knew, a friend of his k**s on a porn / dating site. Paul could not resist looking and saying hello, but Hannah didn't know who she was speaking to.Paul made it clear he was married and naughty, dropped hints he knew things about Hannah, but she just wanted to talk naughty too him. He even pointed out that he was nearly 25 years her...

2 years ago
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Dragon Roost Trap

The wind roared at the top of Dragon Roost Island, a high mountain with the great Valoo perched on the very top of it. Valoo was a mighty red dragon, that was a god to the Ritos, and the Rito Children have to collect a scale from him to make them adults and to grow their wings. The Ritos are the people who inhabit the island; they are human and have bird. They have beaks as noses, their feet are bird's claws and their arms can turn into wings. Valoo let out a mighty roar of pain and anger...

1 year ago
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Meri Sexy Madhu Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, mera naam Priyesh kumar hai. Main 21 saal ka hu, Kolkata mein rehta hu. Ye meri pehli kahani ka continued part hai. Madhu aunty ki gaand ko maine apne lund pe chipka ke rakha tha. Aur unki ass crack mein apna lund feel kar raha tha. Unki kameez toh pehle hi phat chuki thi aur abhi bhi kamar se latak rahi thi. Unka boobs ek black bra mein daba hua tha. Main unke boobs ko zoron se masal raha tha. Aunty- Please Priyesh, chhod de mujhe. Main kuch nahi kahungi uncle ko. Me- Ab toh...

3 years ago
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Shopping Turned Me To Masseur 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, this is RAM again with fresh and second encounter with new lady. Your comments and feedbacks are most welcome to Kindly read the first story to understand how got into encounter with second lady. Myself, I am RAM (changed), 5.9, athletic built, working in it firm, Bangalore. So the lady whom I met in shopping introduced me another mother who s working in an famous hospital in Bangalore as doctor. Her name latha ( name changed). she has a kid of 2yrs old and her hubby is top...

2 years ago
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Kevin said, “I always wondered how baby giraffe’s were made.” Everyone laughed and Debby put her hands on the guy’s thighs, giving them a pat. One on Kevin’s. One on Charles’. Kevin looked at her hand, then looked at Charles, who made a mock surprise face and they all laughed. Debby said, “You guys are silly.” Then she moved her hands to their crotches. “Charles,” Kevin said in a tattle tale sing song, “Debby’s touching my crotch.” Charles leaned over and looked at Kevin’s crotch. Sure...

4 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 11

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * Magic. That was the only explanation. The outfit she was wearing was an affront to physics, leaving magic as the only possible explanation. The long skirt came down to mid shin, and flowed around her like water. It was the waistline that was staggering. It started high on her hips and plunged down to a point that stopped what I gauged to be an inch and a half from the top of her pussy. The back wasn’t much...

2 years ago
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Adam Desire 1 Meet Miss Lulu

AdamDesire-1 Introduction: This is the first of my "AdamDesire" series of stories, an autobiography of that part of my life having to do with my love of cross-dressing. For many years, I kept a book of notes about my experiences being dressed in women's clothing and the different women who guided me on those journeys. These are excerpts from those journals and notes Its my very personal true story. Since I lived them, I hope that you see that my stories have the ring of true...

1 year ago
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Summer Nowhere Part Five First Time Twice

written by Nellieneska, edited by atrain_alex89 Colby had been thinking about this day since they made the plan last night to have a picnic. He was never really known for being the guy to take a girl on a date, so he was nervous that he was going to fail at this completely, but he knew he had to try. Something about Isobel made him want to try. Colby was not a chef, so their picnic was comprised mainly of chips, a few sandwiches he threw together and other random junk food, along with a few...

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Your Day

So far it had been a long day for you – work sucked, your body was so sore it hurt just to move. All you really wanted to do was take a shower and sl**p, but little did you know how true that was or how you were going to get it. Small hands ran up and down your back, slipping under your shirt in the process to press flesh against flesh. Somewhat surprising you, but letting you know that your lover knew what your day had been. Stroking your back, and then moving to your waist to gently pinch the...

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Confined In Montreal Day 4 March 25

The next day was rather uneventful for the most part. My mom didn’t want to eat take-out food again, so she got busy in the kitchen preparing a lamb roast. While the meat was in the oven, she worked on a salmon appetizer and prepared fancy veggies as a side dish. There was a very pleasant smell throughout the apartment which made me very hungry. I’d had very little to eat for lunch and was starving. I cheated actually and ate the salmon while my mom was still cooking. I was too impatient to...

3 years ago
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Caught Cross Dressing by my daughters friend

I stop suddenly as I here a noise downstairs. No-one is home I am thinking whilst my heart races. Everyone is away for the day. I have phoned up to check. Both my wife and daughters are in London shopping so who the hell is that in my kitchen. I look over into the full length mirror and catch a glimpse of myself. The door is over to the corner of the room and as I walk I pass the mirror properly. Even in my panic I look at myself and think. Hell I look good. The reflection is myself dressed up...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 11 Sunday

When Jack woke up, his mother had left, probably back to her own bed, to join the others. He debated drifting off again but couldn’t fall asleep, and eventually rolled out of bed. He headed into his bathroom, showered, and shaved. He dressed in slacks and a sport shirt and wandered barefoot out of his room and down to breakfast. As he passed his parents’ room, he heard enough coming from their room to realize all four of the ‘senior citizens’ were enjoying some morning glory. He smiled and...

1 year ago
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Indiscretions Ch 03

Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter three Tom Singleton awoke and wasn’t sure where he was at first, and he wasn’t sure who the naked woman lying next to him was, either. Then he remembered. He was in a motel room. He’d met a woman named Alison in a roadhouse the night before and… The memory of what happened when he returned to the motel with Alison flooded him with guilt. He’d slept with a woman he wasn’t married to, he’d cheated on his wife! Melissa always said...

1 year ago
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Taz and Babs

He had just had his seventeenth birthday when their father announced to their mother he wanted a divorce, and to make it worse he wanted nothing more to do with him of his sister of nineteen Barbara or Babs as he called her. The cartoon character names had come while they had been growing up and the kids began calling him Taz for short and he called her Babs the cute female rabbit opposite Bugs Bunny. He had shaggy brown hair and green eyes at five feet ten inches and guessed he looked about...

3 years ago
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InsubordinationChapter 11

"John, we can't see each other anymore." Not what I was expecting. I made a face; the one Gary Coleman made on Different Strokes. I asked, "What you talkin' about, Willis?" Maeve reached into the middle drawer of her nightstand and took something out. She drew it over her head and turned to me. There was something hanging on a chain between her very lovely, naked breasts. "I'm FBI," she insisted when I didn't comment. I had been focusing on her breasts. Hanging between them was...

4 years ago
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Molten Core

The workshop existed in a world of heat and light all its own. Patiently, Eve turned her blowpipe, expertly heating the carefully shaped multicolored layers of molten glass. Her lean, muscled arms held the pipe steady as she twisted it, watching through the glory hole as the glass began to glow faintly inside the furnace. The room was hot enough so that she worked in a ribbed white tank top, with a ragged but well fitting pair of canvas cargos to protect her legs from stray shards. Judging the...

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Bath House Bi Fun

I had a day off work last week so I decided to make the 45 minute trip to the nearest bath house. I got there for 10 am, just as they were opening. I paid my fee of $25 for a room with a single bed. The attendant told me I was the only one there and that guys usually didn't show up until noon. I went to my room, stripped down, threw my towel over my shoulder and made my way to the showers. I took a nice long steamy hot shower and soaped up my cock, balls & asshole really good. Then I...

2 years ago
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College Lessons

Sarah wanted to cry. The walk home in the rain left her cold and wet, but she was really shivering because of the way Professor Canby had teased her answers in sociology. "Incomplete, young lady. Did you FINISH the chapter?" the class loved that one! Sniffling, quiet lest she disturb Carrie, Sarah reached the top of the narrow flight of stairs and hung a left into her room. Carrie was home, Sarah heard quiet music from behind her closed door. The older girl was on the phone, laughing out loud....

3 years ago
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The Project

Welcome to a world of several possibilities. I would certainly have liked to say endless but we all know there aren't infinite paths to this story. Perhaps an AI writer will come along in the near future and make that possible. Chose below who you will play in this world. Note: I am hiring writers to fill out this story and take in on their own paths. Please send me a message on the forums!

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Wondrous Is It Merely A Dream

As I lay here in a state of being somewhere in between both awake and asleep-I suddenly feel your touch upon me. So sudden-so needing- so striking and powerful. I try to rouse myself fully awake, but I fail meekly. I try to make my eyes stay open-I do not manage to succeed. I inhale slowly, and realize just who is near me-my Lord my noble gracious Master-here nude before. My brain begins shouting in a panic "Wake up, wake up, octavia your Master wants you to perform now" I cannot seem to wake...

4 years ago
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  She gently pressed her soft lips to mine as her hand tickled my neck. She ran her hand down my neck and over my breast, stopping to play with the barbell in my nipple. She tugged lightly and I moaned. She gives a quiet evil laugh and continues to explore me. Her hand then travels farther south as she discovers my wet pussy. A finger gently flicks my clit and I moan again. She grasps my clit between her thumb and finger and pulls lightly as my back arches. "Flip over." She says. I oblige and...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Abella Danger Anal Artist

Big ass Brunette Abella Danger models for tormented artist Ramon Nomar in this week’s SAS update. When Abellas car breaks down out in hills of CA she has no cell phone reception to call a mechanic so she goes to a nearby house to use the phone. Ramon Nomar answers the door and is apprehensive to let a stranger in but Abella barges in anyway cuz she is desperate. Well it turns out he doesn’t have a phone but he does have an opportunity for this hot young thing: to be the model for one of...

3 years ago
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Erotic Session With Neighbour Aunty

Hi, all this is Vicky raj from Chennai.I thank all for your comments on my previous story with my cousin.Those who doesn’t now about me, here it is I am 22 with a muscular body and 6 feet of height and a hard dick ready to fuck.I am doing my pg in a reputed college.My mail id is Comments are always welcomed.And my dear ladies, I am ready to make love with you so be free with me mail me.I am here to satisfy you. I thank iss team for making such a wonderful site to share my experience with you...

1 year ago
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Have a Drink on Me

Here's a small account of how I got my sister.I didn't really mean for it to happen, it just wound up that way. I will blame a little alcohol.Here is a little about us.My sister (Dee) and I live with my mom. The parents have been divorced since we entered out teen years.My sister is 18 months older than me, so she's a year ahead in school. My sister was always the cheerleader, homecoming queen, miss popular. Her friends were mostly the cheerleaders, so a lot of hot girls!She is 5'3, medium...

3 years ago
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The JobChapter 12 Love

I woke just after 5 am with a raging hard-on. It took me all of two seconds to work out that it was because Beth had her hand on my cock. I don’t even remember going to sleep. I must have crashed within seconds of Beth. The feel of her curled up to me had given me a feeling of contentment. Yes, contentment was the best word to describe how I felt when I went to sleep. I wasn’t feeling content now. I was feeling bloody horny, and her hand was rubbing lightly along the underside of my cock....

2 years ago
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I Wet Dream of JeannieChapter 2 Djinni

Tony Nelson stared as the pink smoke dissipated, leaving behind a woman kneeling in the sand in front of him. “What in the world...”, he began, but then he simply stopped. The woman silently bent down, touched her head to the sand, and then resumed her position kneeling before him. Tony shook his head in disbelief. The woman was possibly the most beautiful female he had ever seen! She was young, perhaps in her early twenties, of medium height, with thick golden blonde hair that shimmered as...

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Bow down to the one you serve Ch2

Strip. He wanted her to strip. She was close to crying and was honestly surprised that she wasn't already sobbing pathetically. He pressed her face harder against the cold wall. "I'm going to let you go. You're going to strip. You don't need to speak." He let go of the back of her neck and stepped backward, ready to pounce her if she tried anything stupid. His steel blue eyes roamed her legs and ass as she slowly pushed herself off of the wall. She stood with her back to...

2 years ago
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Holes In My Wall

It was our big family reunion that summer and everyone was staying our house. My cousin Elisha, about my same age was staying in my room.All the cousins took full advantage of the warm weather by spending all day every day in our backyard pool. We’d come inside and shower and change for lunch. Then an hour later we were back in the pool. Then we’d come inside and shower and change for dinner, then an hour later back in the pool until it was time for bed when we’d shower and change again.My...

3 years ago
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Gibraltar falls

Gibraltar Falls I love my history class, but as I looked around at my classmates, I realized that I was pretty much the only one paying attention. Not that I totally blamed my classmates, as it was the last day of school before spring break, so most of them have ... other things on their minds. So did I, but I tried and focus on our teacher anyway ... "All right, let's just do a quick review of what we'll be covering when you come back before you all run away on me," our teacher...

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Classmate Ke Saat Kiya Maza

Hi friends, I am ronak (name change) and I ‘m from mumbai. Coming directly to the story.. This story is about the girl ankita (name changed) she was a class mate of mine and we met randomly sitting next to each other in some boring lecture; spending a few hours chit-chatting, we exchanged numbers.. Usi shaam uska text aaya – Ankita – ” hey ronak..” Me – “Wassup prettty girl” Ankita – “Kuch nahi yaar. Bas roz hi ki tarah, bore ho rahi hu.. Tu bata ..” Me – “Sachhi yaar.. Karne ko kuch hai hi...

2 years ago
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My first date

So last night I took out a man on a date for my first time. It was someone who I already knew. I hadn't seen him in quite awhile. He was the best leather sex that I had ever had. We had kind of lost touch and I wanted this to change. It turned me on to no end to know that I was making a date that would probably end with me in a sling. We agreed to a time and I met him at a busy Mexican restaurant. He was waiting outside for me and wore all black with a chain wallet. When I met him he gave me a...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 51

"Mr. President," it was Yosef, my Chief of Staff now that Rick was heading up DHS. ""There has been a specific threat and several credible unspecific threats against public places, from people identifying themselves as ISIS. "The Speaker of the House has called an evening session to discuss several things about homeland security, safety, and how America should respond to being threatened. It is set for seven P.M., and the Speaker has asked if you would be willing to come down to the...

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