Just A Christmas PartyChapter 3 free porn video

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"Look at you now Janice," Ann laughed at her efforts. "you were always so prim and proper, so bloody righteous about saving your virginity for marriage and now look at you! Do you want to know the biggest laugh, I wanted to dope you and let all this happen, but Ken said you'd do it without being doped and it would be so much more fun with you knowing everything that happened to you. He was right!"

All the time Ann was talking Janice was twisting and thrashing upwards in an effort to impale herself on the hard dildo, for a moment she slumped back to the floor gasping and sobbing for breath. Ann let her body drop with her which meant that none of the rod slid out of Janice and also that Janice had to raise herself less to impale herself further. With a convulsive jerk of her hips and a loud cry Janice drove her pussy another inch onto the dildo, tears sprang to her eyes as her head thrashed around. Something inside me awoke as I watched my wife's straining body, up to that moment I had passively let everything happen, but now I could not just stand by any longer.

"That's enough Ann." I spoke out. "Stop it now."

Ann looked at me and smiled, beneath her Janice jerked her hips up again and another inch of the dildo sank into her, but then she had to pause as an orgasm hit her. Only a few inches of the plastic pole remained outside Janice's pussy, but the task of taking it all in as her sister wanted seemed to me to be impossible.

"Why don't we ask Janice if she wants to stop it." Ann grinned at me then looked down at her sister. "Well Janice, Paul thinks we should stop. Do you want me to stop?"

Coming down from her orgasmic high Janice shook her head weakly, I stared at my wife in sheer disbelief.

"Say it out loud so Paul can hear you." Ann commanded her.

"Nooo," Janice spurted out between sobbing gasps as she gave another convulsive jerk of her hips that sunk a further inch of the dildo into her pussy. "don't... stop!"

"There you are Paul, Janice wants to do this, don't you Janice." Ann laughed.

"Mnnn... yes!" Janice grunted as she forced her pussy another quarter of an inch up onto the plastic rod.

"And afterwards?" Ann asked with a malicious smile.

"Whatever..." Janice croaked as she forced herself a little further up the rod. "you... want... Ann!"

"And Ken?" Ann asked.

"Yess!" Janice sobbed.

"And our friends?" Ann demanded of her.

"Yesssssssss!" Janice cried out

Janice let out a sobbing cry as her body shot into an orgasm, as she dropped back to the floor Ann went with her to ensure that none of the dildo would slide out of her.

"Good enough for you Paul?" Ann asked.

I gulped down the tightness in my throat, I had never seen my wife like this, had never even imagined she could act this way. Even as I struggled to get over the shock of Janice's desire to let herself be used in whatever way Ann or the other men wanted she was struggling once again to skewer herself on the monstrous dildo strapped to her sister's body.

"I asked if that was good enough for you Paul." Ann repeated herself forcefully.

"Yes," I sighed feeling overwhelmed. "if that's what Janice wants, then yes."

Ann turned her full attention back to her sister while I slumped against the wall filled with a mixture of incredulity, exhilaration and frustration. Even as I tried to come to terms with my mixed emotions Janice was driving her lower body up onto the dildo and all the while her sister was telling her what a slut she was for doing this. Less than two inches of the thing remained outside Janice's pussy, she heaved herself up with seemingly all her strength and the dildo suddenly sank into her to the hilt to an accompanying scream of surprised ecstasy from Janice. Laughing Ann pushed down forcing Janice back to the floor then she pulled back and I watched as the dildo was tugged out of Janice's pussy, her flesh pouting outwards as it was moved. When she had all but an inch of the hard plastic outside Janice her sister thrust down driving the thing back into her in one massive heave, Janice screamed and began to thrash about as her sister started to fuck her with the strap-on with heavy strokes. Unbelievably the shaft began to move more easily within Janice, though her pussy would dimple in on each thrust and pout outwards on each withdrawal to the accompaniment of Janice sobbing and screaming out in what sounded like sheer rapture.

Of course the dildo being a thing of plastic meant that it would not climax or wilt and Ann kept on fucking and fucking her sister ever more fiercely even though she too began to climax from the pressure of the base of the strap-on on her own pussy. Janice thrashed and writhed continuously under her sister's onslaught her voice at first raised in screams, wails and shrieks that gradually faded to weak whimpers and sobs while her body movements slowed to feeble twitches. It was only when it looked as though Janice was passing out that her sister stopped fucking her, with a last thrust that buried the fake cock in her sister's pussy she reached forward to grasp Janice's chin. Turning Janice's face to look at her Ann smirked down at her sister.

"Sure you want to go on?" Ann sneered.

It took Janice a few minutes to regain enough strength to weakly nod and speak a whispered "Yes".

For some time I had noticed someone moving around at the edge of my visions and I glanced at the moving shape to see Ken moving around with a full sized video camera at his shoulder. Clearly this explained why the lights had come on fully when Ann had moved to her sister and I had the feeling that the video he was shooting might be used to make Janice do other things for Ann and Ken in the future, I decided that I was going to do what I could to make sure that didn't happen. For the moment there was little I could do so I turned my attention back to Janice and Ann in time to see Ann moving back from her sister, the dildo sliding reluctantly from her pussy. Sitting back on her heels with the glistening brute of a fake cock sticking out from her groin Ann waited for Janice to recover somewhat, vaguely I noticed that Ken had stopped filming.

My eyes glanced around the room and I noticed a pile of video tapes on a corner table, an idea came to mind and on the pretext of needing the toilet I left the room, on my return I made sure that no-one was looking and grabbed one of the tapes that was labelled 'Ann & Carol'. Going back to my leaning spot against the wall I leant down to hide the tape under my clothes before straightening up to lean back against the wall. Ann was still waiting for Janice to regain her strength and my eyes idly drifted around, as my eyes flicked past a wall clock I noted that the time was 3:30 in the morning.

Then I saw Ken lifting the camera back to his shoulder and I turned my attention back to Janice, she was struggling to sit up, her eyes already fixed on her sister's eyes. Without a word Ann indicated that Janice should get on her hands and knees facing away from her, with an effort Janice did as instructed then looked over her shoulder at Ann. Kneeling up Ann shuffled between her sister's legs then reached down to pick up the lubricant pot that I hadn't even noticed was there. Janice's eyes widened as her sister dug out a huge clump of the gel. With some misgivings I watched as Ann worked the gel into her sister's back passage then added a light coating to the dildo, I don't know what Janice was thinking, but her whole body was trembling while Ann greased her up and her eyes were wide and staring.

Shuffling forward a little more Ann put one hand between Janice's shoulder blades and pushed her front half down to the floor which raised her buttocks higher. Reaching around her sister's body Ann took hold of one of her hands and brought it to one of her butt cheeks, she reached around Janice again to guide the other hand to her other cheek. Janice was resting on her shoulders with her head twisted around so that she could keep eye contact with Ann, smirking Ann rested her hands on her sister's and moved then apart so that her cheeks spread, she moved her hands and laughed as Janice continued the motion until her butt cheeks could spread no further. A quick glance told me that Ken was catching everything on video. I looked back as Ann shuffled forward until the dildo was poised at the entrance to Janice's still gaping anus, the hole dimpling in a little as the hard plastic lightly pressed against it.

"You do it." Ann commanded her sister.

My first thought was that I should say or do something as that huge dildo may well damage my wife's back passage, but even as I had that thought Janice started to push her lower body back towards her sister. At first nothing seemed to happen other than her anal ring dimpled further inwards, but Janice kept on pushing back with little sobbing gasps escaping her throat until at last a small fraction of the rounded head of the thing forced it's way into her. Janice gave a small whimper at this first entry of the smallest part of the dildo, but she kept on pushing back even though the position she was in did not give much scope for movement. Ann started to gloat over and to berate her sister's efforts, she was looking deep into my wife's tear brimming eyes all the while she spoke. With a sob Janice succeeded in pushing back a tiny fraction further on the hard plastic staff, she sobbed again as another fraction of an inch forced it's way in, she had yet to take the widest part of the thing and I was sure that it would be impossible for her to do so. Yet Janice seemed to determined and with a slow steady pressure and gentle squirms of her hips she gradually worked more of the brutish dildo into her back passage. Sobbing, groaning and whimpering my wife continued to push back until suddenly the widest part of the shaped head went into her, Janice gave a scream that sent a chill through me as she was impaled. Tears flowed from her eyes as her piercing cries echoed around the room, for a moment she paused in her movements, but then she was pushing back again, her voice raised in constant howls and shrieks as she slowly worked more of the thing into her arse.

"Jesus!" I heard myself gasp as she worked her way half way up onto the stiff pole of the dildo.

Then Janice let out a shriek louder than any she had given before as her arse suddenly surged up onto the rod, it was as though some resistance had crumbled away and she was now fully speared by the things full length and girth. Ann laughed and punched the air triumphantly while her sister shuddered on the impaling plastic, I heard laughter from the others in the room as well. For a few moments Ann let Janice remain pushing up against her, then she pushed down and my wife's knees almost collapsed back to the floor, then Ann started a slow withdrawal and I watched Janice's anus stretch outwards as it clung to the now grimed plastic. With firm strokes Ann started to fuck Janice, the plastic pushing into her making her shriek then pulling out making her yowl, Ann increased the speed and force of her thrusts and my wife whimpered, shrieked, sobbed and mewled with every thrust.

Despite her cries of seeming pain I was stunned to see Janice climax after a few minutes of this treatment forcing Ann to remain still until she came down from her orgasmic peak, then Ann continued to fuck her arse remorselessly. As Janice showed signs of rising to another climax Ann pushed her hands from her butt cheeks, they fell limply to lie on the floor as Ann leant over her sister's back, took a handful of her hair and pulled Janice upright against her. The angle of her impalement and indeed the depth of it changed as Ann pulled her up, Janice tossed her head from side to side wailing loud enough to wake the dead. Her cries had been and were still so loud that I was surprised that no-one had called the police thinking that murder was being done in the house.

Twisting Janice's head around by her hair Ann kissed her sister forcefully while her lower body continued to thrust and grind the dildo into her back passage, my wife's cries were barely muffled by the joining of their mouths. I noticed vaguely that Ken was still filming everything Ann was doing to her sister, but my main attention was on the two women. Releasing her hold on Janice's hair Ann pushed her forward onto her hands, grasped her shoulders, withdrew the dildo to the point of almost complete extraction then rammed it forward while pulling back on Janice's shoulders. Janice sucked in a loud sobbing breath then let it out in a shrill scream, Ann repeated the process making Janice scream again and so it went on for the goodness knows how long with Ann fucking her sister mercilessly. Amazingly Janice was climaxing over and over again, but eventually the point came where she could take no more and her arms literally gave way. Ann had been waiting for this because her arms were around Janice grasping her by her boobs before she had got halfway to the floor, then she began to cruelly play with Janice's boobs while continuing to pound the dildo into her sister's arse. Before long Janice was hanging limp in Ann's grip, her head making small, weak movements as it hung down over her chest, spittle dribbling from her open mouth as her voice fell to a weak mewling whimper.

Thankfully Ann decided that this was the point to stop and with a contemptuous shove she pulled out of Janice's back passage and watched her sister collapse to the floor all but unconscious. Ken stopped filming as Ann stood up, the pair of them went to join their friends leaving Janice to recover on her own, I wanted to go to my wife to comfort her, but somehow I sensed that neither Janice or Ann and Ken would want this. So I stood there like a lemon, my cock throbbing, my balls so tight they were threatening to implode while I stared at my wife's gaping anus and her only slightly less gaping pussy, even as I watched I saw her anus slowly close a little. Watching the sluggish closing of my wife's pussy and anus I wondered if they would ever regain their tightness after what had been done to them. Janice gave a sobbing groan and attempted to get to her hands and knees again after what seemed like hours but could have only been minutes, as she succeeded Ann came back to her, the dirt caked dildo bouncing as she walked. Raising Janice's head by grasping a handful of hair and tilting it back Ann looked down at her sister with contempt.

"You made it dirty," Ann spoke softly. "you clean it."

With that she pulled Janice's face towards the dildo, I could not believe that Ann was going to try to force the monstrous thing into Janice's mouth and, just for a change, I was right. I noticed that Ken was filming again as Janice opened her mouth, unbelievably my wife tried to get the thing into her mouth, but she failed though her attempts made Ann and the others roar with laughter. Finally she started to lick the hard plastic from tip to root and back again, I remember my stomach turning as I watched my wife licking over, under, around and along the filthy shaft as she cleaned her own shit from it's surface. When the dildo was at last cleaned to Ann's satisfaction she pushed Janice away from her and walked away from her, I saw Ken follow Ann with the camera as she left the room then carry on filming the empty doorway.

In the sure knowledge that her sister had something else planned for her I looked at Janice who was still crouched on the floor, head hanging down and her breathing ragged and sobbing as she recovered. I looked back at the doorway a split second before Ann reappeared, my jaw dropped at the sight of her. Gone was the brute of a plastic strap-on dildo to be replaced by another dildo, to my mind this one was even worse than the previous one, it looked to be made of a semi-rigid rubber and although it didn't seem any broader than my own cock or stick out from Ann's body as the other had done it hung down almost to her knees! Over a foot of fake penis hung there while Ann posed in the doorway for Ken to film the thing, then she was moving towards Janice, as she approached Janice raised her head. She looked exhausted, but she gamely struggled to stand as her sister came over to her, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she saw the thing hanging between her sisters legs swaying to Ann's movements like a snake, tearing her eyes from the dildo Janice looked into her sister's eyes.

"You like?" Ann taunted her sister as she lifted the dildo a little.

Janice mumbled something in reply.

"I didn't hear you sister dear." Ann said. "I asked if you liked my toy and you said... ?"

"Yes Ann." Janice spoke in a voice that trembled, but whether it trembled from tiredness, anticipation or trepidation was anyone's guess.

"Why don't you stroke it for a while then." Ann laughed.

Her instruction made no sense to me, nevertheless Janice reached out, took the rubber cock in her hands and began to stroke up and down it's length as though it were a real cock. Ann pulled Janice to her and kissed her forcefully, one of her hands went to Janice's well mauled boobs the other to her pussy while Janice continued to stroke the rubber penis. Then I saw Ann move her hand from Janice's boob and put it to her side as I followed her movement I noticed something I had missed before, there was a tube that ran from the dildo to a bulb at Ann's waist and Ann was now squeezing this bulb. Looking down to where my wife's hand was rubbing up and down on the dildo I gasped out a muttered curse, the damned thing was rising just as though it was a real cock! Ann parted their lips and laughed as Janice looked down in surprise at the counterfeit cock in her hands that was reacting to her touch like a real one.

"Surprise." Ann laughed as her sister's confused eyes came back to hers. "It's a very special toy Janice, as you will soon find out."

She said no more, instead her hands went to Janice's shoulder and pushed down with a light but insistent pressure, in obedience to that pressure Janice sank to her knees in front of her sister, her hand still moving on the dildo which had by now become half erect. Ann moved her hips and Janice took the hint, lifting the ponderous length of the thing she opened her mouth and sucked on the shaped cap then slid her mouth down on it. With slow up and down movements of her head Janice sucked at the fake cock, but made no effort to take all of it in, as she sucked on it Ann gave the bulb at her waist gentle squeezes and I saw the dildo gradually growing more erect. As it grew more erect Ann stepped back to keep the thing pointing at Janice who was sucking and licking the cap and the first few inches of it while stroking the rest with one hand. Just like a real cock the fake rubber one seemed to react to Janice's mouth actions by becoming fully hard and standing proud of Ann's groin, that it was the actions of Ann's hands at the bulb at her waist did nothing to dispel the illusion that the thing was somehow alive. Strangely Ann had done nothing to make her sister take more of the cock into her mouth up to this point, but now the thing was fully erect she put a hand to the back of Janice's head and pulled her forward. Janice pushed a little further onto the dildo, then a little further as her sister kept up the pressure and when Ann moved her hand away Janice continued to push her mouth down onto the rubber rod. It pushed into her throat and I heard Ann give a throaty chuckle as she watched her sister going down on her strap-on cock.

The angle of the dildo was not ideal for what Janice was attempting, especially considering the length of the thing, but she carried on taking it into her mouth. When Janice tilted the dildo down with her hand while spreading her knees wide the dildo began to slide into her throat much more easily and I watched open mouthed as she sucked more and more of it in. Before that night Janice had never taken a cock in her throat, now, in the space of a few hours she was coping with over twelve inches of rubber sliding into her throat without a hint of choking. In a stunningly short time Janice was kissing the base of the strap-on, the whole damn thing was lodged in her throat! Ann laughed and put her hands on either side of Janice's face, holding her head still Ann moved her hips back which slid the thing out of her throat, when only the cap remained in Janice's mouth Ann pushed forward again sinking the entire length into her in one long, firm stroke. For a while Ann kept up that pace, Janice remained passive, but I could hear her breathing becoming faster as the mouth fucking actually raised her level of excitement. As Janice's pleasure mounted Ann began to pump faster, her movements becoming harder until she was literally driving the thing in and out of her sister's throat. Moving her hands from her sister's face as Janice kissed the base of the dildo yet again Ann stopped moving, without pause Janice took over the movement of her head driving herself mercilessly up and down on the dildo at the pace Ann had set for her.

Hardly any time seemed to pass before Janice went into an orgasm, she pushed right down on the dildo as her body trembled then shook and I could hear her laboured breathing snorting through her nostrils. Her peak passed and Janice started moving her head again, watching my wife doing deep throat oral on this long shaft of rubber was an amazing turn on, my only problem was that this only made my already aching cock and balls ache all the more. Then, just as Janice was rising to another orgasm, Ann pulled it out of her mouth completely, she pushed Janice's upper body until she was laying back on her heels, moving around to her head Ann knelt and put the dildo to my wife's lips and Janice stretched back and up to suck it in. Ann put her hands on Janice's shoulders forcing them to the floor and I hear the crackle of cartilage in her knees and hips as they tried to adjust to this awkward position. Just the first few inches of the dildo were in Janice's mouth at this point, but that changed in an instant as Ann slammed her hips forward, Janice gurgled around the rubber shaft buried in her throat then erupted into an orgasm. Pulling back Ann slammed her hips forward again, then again and again, Janice's whole body jerking as her sister's groin crashed into her face with each thrust, she began to make a strange gurgling whimpering noise that rose and fell like a siren as her body went orgasmic.

I don't know how long Ann kept this up for, but eventually she stopped thrusting with the dildo buried all the way in Janice's throat, one of her hands went to her waist and pumped the bulb, with the dildo buried as it was in my wife's throat there was no visible sign of what the effect on her actions might be. Then I heard Janice's breathing become even more laboured, my eyes went wide when I saw her neck seemingly begin to swell, I looked aghast at Janice as it hit me that her actions with the bulb were making the dildo's girth increase. Ann was looking down at her sister with a jubilant look on her face, I don't know what she was waiting for, but whatever point it was must have been reached because she let go of the bulb, put her hand back on Janice's shoulder and started to pull her hips back. As the dildo pulled out of Janice's mouth I was stunned to see that it had doubled in width, despite this Ann slid the thing out until it was clear of Janice's throat then slammed her hips forward. Janice gave a weird gurgle and her body shook as she gagged at the sudden intrusion of this new thickness into her throat. The dildo was driven all the way into Janice's throat then pulled back and driven in again, retching and gagging Janice lay helpless under this onslaught, her body pinned in place by her sister's hands bearing down on her shoulders. Yet within minutes my wife began to gag less, her breathing increased in tempo, but with arousal rather than from distress, moments later she was climaxing non-stop as her sister fucked her throat.

Every now and again I saw Ann squeezing the bulb as she had the dildo buried deep in Janice's body and when it pulled back the thing had would have increased it's girth again. Before long the dildo ramming into my wife's throat was nearly as wide as the dildo Ann had fucked her with earlier, I couldn't belief what I was seeing! Then Ann looked up to where Ken was standing filming the action, my eyes flickered in his direction in time to see him hand the camera to another man. Kneeling in front of Janice's body Ken put his hands on her straining thighs and pushed them even further apart, positioning his cock at her pussy he rammed it home and Janice let out a gurgling squeal that was muffled to a whisper by the dildo filling her mouth. Already in orgasm Janice seemed to hit a new high and her body shuddered and jerked under this double assault while muffled cries escaped from her. Long minutes passed with Ann and Ken fucking Janice hard and heavy, then Ken thrust into her pussy and tensed and I knew he was filling her with his sperm, at the same time Ann thrust into Janice's throat and held still while Ken had his climax. With a 'whoof' of escaping breath Ken pulled out of Janice's pussy and moved away from her, Ann did likewise and for a few brief minutes Janice was left alone, not that I believe it was their intention that she be given time to recover, though it did allow that to happen somewhat, I think it was just a pause while they got their own breath back. For a while Janice lay as they had left her, bent back on her heels, her legs parted so wide that she was almost doing the splits and I could see some of Ken's sperm starting to dribble from her pussy, then she shuddered and somehow rolled onto her side. I glanced at the others and saw that Ken was once more in charge of the camera, this was a sure indication that there was more to come for my wife.

Sure enough one of the men moved over to her prone body, crouching down he looked into her dazed eyes, for an instant she seemed unaware of his presence, but then her eyes flickered and moved to his. Grinning the man lay on his back beside her, his cock waving stiffly in the air, with a struggle Janice managed to get up, straddle him and sink down on his erection, she was climaxing before her groin met his. Leaning forward she put her hands on his chest then started to fuck him, all the while her body trembled with orgasmic bliss and her voice raised in a cry of rapture. Then another of the men came over, he put his hand between Janice's shoulders and pushed her forward onto the other man's chest. Kneeling behind her and between the other man's legs he placed his cock at Janice's anus and rammed it home. Janice threw back her head and let out a howl of pure ecstasy as her body went into a convulsion of pleasure, the two men started to fuck my wife hard while she tried in vain to match their double range of motions, A third man came over, he stood astride the first man's head and put his cock to Janice's face, a moment later she was deep-throating this third cock, her cries stifled, but not silenced.

"I've called you a cab," Ann said as she appeared at my side seemingly from thin air, which shows just how intently I was watching what was happening to my wife. "you might want to think about getting dressed. No rush though, it will be at least ninety minutes before the cab company can get anyone here. Until then the boys will keep Janice 'entertained'. How about a farewell fuck, maybe this time I can make you cum."

I felt as though I was in a dream as I looked down at Ann, the smirk on her face should have put me off the idea of fucking her, but at that moment I needed to try to get off and hers was the only female body available to me. Nodding I reached for her, she slid down to the floor on her back and held her arms out to me, laying over her I thrust my cock into her pussy and saw her eyes widen with pleasure. Leaning up I started to fuck her with a firm, steady rhythm while my eyes drifted back to what was happening to Janice, the same three men were still fucking her, though the man under her was showing signs of approaching his climax. Moments later he was buried deep in Janice's pussy as he filled it with his sperm, once he was sated the man began to wriggle out from under Janice, her mouth was pulled from the cock it was sucking as the man in her arse suddenly lay on his back his cock still buried in her as he dragged her into this new position. An instant later her mouth was full of cock as her other partner moved around to her head and thrust his meat back into her mouth. Another of the men came over and within seconds was fucking away at Janice's pussy, the man in her arse came shortly afterwards closely followed by the man in her mouth. The man fucking her pussy rolled onto his back pulling Janice on top of him and another two men came over to drive their cocks into her arse and mouth.

Throughout all this I carried on fucking Ann, my cock harder than it had ever been, more excited than it had ever been and yet I could not climax no matter how hard I tried. I began to fuck Ann powerfully while watching the men come and go with Janice, there was never a point over that last period of time that there was not a cock pounding away at one of her holes and most of the time all her holes were filled by thrusting erections. Beneath me Ann was making odd mewling noises, but they seemed a distant thing as I watched Janice being triple fucked over and over again. There was no pausing to clean her out, as soon as each man had pumped his sperm into whatever hole he was in he would move away and his place would be taken by another man and another cock. Her lips, chin and cheeks were filmed with a thin coating of sperm that had forced it's way out of her mouth when she had been unable to swallow quickly enough; her groin and thighs were dripping with sperm that seeped from her pussy or was forced out by the fucking motion of the man occupying it at the time; her arse was also oozing sperm that had slithered onto her butt cheeks. It was an astonishing sight and one that would remain with me always.

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A Slave for Christmas A Slave for ChristmasSynopsis?I could scarcely believe the other girls in the office hated me that much, but there I was on a stage, naked, manacled and gagged waiting to be auctioned as a house slave for the Christmas to New Year period. And I?d had no say in the matter.? A Slave for Christmasby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by...

2 years ago
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Christmas Creep

© 2011 All rights reserved Author’s note: Here’s my story for the Winter Holidays contest. I hope you enjoy it, and votes and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks to LettersfromTatyana, MugsyB and Annanova and my husband for encouragement and beta reading. ================================== Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. ‘I can not believe this.’ ‘What?’ His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. ‘This!’ He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to...

4 years ago
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Blue Christmas

‘Well, if you really need someone, I suppose I could do that—if you really need me.’ Clara tried to make her reluctance quite clear, but Elizabeth was having none of that. She just cheerily plowed along, working on getting Clara on the road to fill in for no-shows among the volunteers at the soup kitchen where Elizabeth was working that evening. Nothing had put her off—not Clara’s remark that it was already dark, not her observation that it had begun to snow—not even her noting that it was...

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Another pussy for Christmas

Another pussy for Christmas ***** In "A pussy for Christmas," Paul asked for a pussy for Christmas, without realising that "pussy" has a double meaning. In this sequel Paul, now Paula, visits her cousin Joseph, who turns out to have a very similar wish. (You don't really need to read "A pussy for Christmas," but it helps. If you want to, just click the author link at the top of this page and it should be easy to find). ***** Paula looked into the bathroom mirror and...

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Christmas Story One

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...

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A Fiction Mania Christmas Carol

With some deep apologies to Charles Dickens. A being whose talent I am no where near. But as promised, a Fiction Mania Christmas Carol. The Time: A Christmas time a few years ago. Region: Salem. A large City in the North East United States. Place: Ye Old Irish Inn. A corner bar and grill. Mike was grumping about how to pay for Christmas. Jake was moaning how he had to work Christmas Day. Sue, Jane, and Nicole were upset on the boss's attitude. He almost canceled the pay bonus and...

4 years ago
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Christmas Creep

Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. "I can not believe this." "What?" His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. "This!" He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to indicate the shelves. "It's October fifteenth and they're putting up Christmas decorations!" He scowled at the Santas, elves, miniature trees and other Yuletide paraphernalia that sat mere feet from more appropriate seasonal wares. Pumpkins, witches, and skeletons grinned at him from their...

3 years ago
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Mary Christmas

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Mary wraps herself up in lights as a Christmas present for Paul = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * * * * * * * * * * * * Mary read the text on her smart phone. ‘Boarding, see you around ten.’ Paul would be home for Christmas. She normally didn’t mind the amount of travel he did with his job, but the just-before-Christmas annual company planning meeting had always irked her. Paul was always gone for the three days before Christmas. He had...

1 year ago
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Itrsquos Not Christmas Without You

By SchneiderVerseAfterDarkSam and Cat’s ApartmentChristmas EveSam wore a thin cotton red spaghetti strap tank top and green silky boxers (presents given to her by Cat for and to wear during the holiday and understanding her hatred for the word ‘panties’) as she lazily walked into the back second bedroom of Cat and hers shared apartment. After the couple had returned from Tori, Freddie and Jade’s Christmas party, Cat had instructed her to change and relax in the living room for a bit until ten...

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A Christmas tale The firth

A Christmas Tale (The Fifth) Chapter 01 Walter and Laura Walter. "An introvert yes he's definitely a bit of an introvert," I say to my wife as I look out of the window into next door's back garden. "Who is dear?" I look over to my wife of nearly sixty years, she's currently standing at the sink and is straining cooked black currents through a muslin cloth. "The young lad next door; Graham I believe his name is." "Oh yes I watched him the other day, I think he was building...

3 years ago
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How To Survive Christmas Alone

Are you alone and lonely for the holidays? Don’t you wish that Ronco would invent something to make you feel not so alone and sell it on TV for, oh, I don’t know, $19.99 and if you called right now, you’d get a second one for free? Yeah, well, go fish, life doesn’t work that way. A friend in need is a friend indeed doesn’t always go along with you sow what you reap. Sometimes, life just happens and you suddenly find yourself in uncharted territory and alone, be it a move to a new city or...

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Christmas With the Devil

“There is a beast in man that must be exercised, not exorcised.”-The Satanic Bible*It was Christmas Eve, and Jolly Old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do. A job he dreaded.He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, hesitating as he lifted a rusted key from around his neck. Did he really have to go through with it? Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this last chore. Maybe everything would be better off if he just left well enough alone…But no.; he...

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A Naughty Christmas Carol

“Any plans during the break?” Sue asked. “No,” Diane said. The bell rang, ending their conference period, so they headed back to their classrooms. Sue was the best friend Diane had at work; for that matter, she was probably her best friend anywhere, at this point, though they rarely saw each other outside work. Since Diane and Bill split up, most of her former friends had slipped away. Splitting up was complicated, after eighteen years of marriage and two children, and the holidays seemed to...

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Marys Christmas

Introduction: The magic of Christmas is in the giving For reasons of my own, I no longer allow comments, nor do I make them. If you would like to offer a critique, please send me a pm. I can only improve with your very valuable input. This is my entry to Calling All Writers, Chapter 9. Please join our website and go to the Sex Stories Forum to enjoy more stories, and to vote. Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nicks Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for...

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A Christmas Tale

A Christmas Tale By Becky Simpson It was cold in there. It was dark cold damp and I was very very miserable. I was shivering, just wearing flimsy underpants, with nothing else to keep me warm but a damp and smelly blanket. I had been locked in the shed at the bottom of the garden and I had not eaten since the day before. It was raining outside and I was able to drink from the small muddy pool of water that had leaked in through the rickety shed roof. I kept running through...

1 year ago
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Christmas With the Devil

-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...

2 years ago
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Marys Christmas

Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nick’s Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for business the weekend before Thanksgiving. Mary had worked each season for the past seven years, and always came out a week early to walk through the fields of evergreens. It was the slowest time of year for her design business and this seasonal job allowed her to utilize her creativity. The sun felt warm on her shoulders, while the air was cool against her face. The dried autumn...

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My Christmas Wish

I had always had a very close knit family. I grew up in a warm home with 2 sisters and 3 brothers. My mom and dad were very happy together and never can I ever remember them fighting. We did everything as a family and we stood up for each other. I had never met another family like my own. We spend every holiday together. I was the second oldest of the children. My brother Justin was older than me by only 10 months. I had been born 2 months early. He and I were closer to each other than any of...

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Yet another pussy for Christmas

This is a sequel to my previous two Christmas stories, "A pussy for Christmas" and "Another pussy for Christmas". You don't have to have read them first, but it helps. Just click on "Paula Girl" and you will find a list of my stories, including those two. ***** As she had the previous year, 14 year old Paula looked in the mirror and smiled, as she looked forward to Christmas. Paula was growing into a very beautiful young woman. Over the past year, she had graduated from an A cup...

4 years ago
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A Merry Kyla Christmas

Winter had finally arrived and the snow was falling generously outside. It looked so serene as the white fluffy specks fell graciously to the ground as I looked out my kitchen window. The fresh coffee brewing sent the aroma through the air of the kitchen and brought my senses more to life as I waited for the dark liquid to finish dripping so I could pour some in my awaiting mug on the counter. I knew it would warm me up. It had too. Looking out the window made me feel the coldness surround...

Straight Sex
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Kismet The Christmas Elf

“Well, hi folks! Do you remember me?” “Yes, that’s right! I’m the talking Snowman from that old TV show!” “What was that you said?” “Why yes, I suppose I do sound like Burl Ives, and why not? The man had a perfectly wonderful voice.” “So, I’m sure you’re wondering what I doing here at this time of night? I mean, the kids are all snuggled up in bed and all, and it’s too late to tell them a Christmas story, isn’t it? Hehe, you must think this old Snowman’s brain is half melted after all these...

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Oh Just Fck Fckin Christmas

I think I was five or six when the magic of Christmas began to be destroyed for me. Before that, it was all sitting on Santa’s lap, parades, Christmas village at the mall. Small, penny candy canes were for the asking and there was always a tree. Never the greatest tree but we generally didn’t have a Charlie Brown tree either, so yeah, it was a Merry Christmas at the Thompson house. Ah, sorry … apartment. We lived in an ancient apartment building in midtown. To a kid growing up it was a...

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The Cat who Came for Christmas

On a cold and rainy Christmas Eve, in a small house by a large patch of woods, a small but close-knit family sat drinking hot chocolate and cider around the fireplace. In the corner stood a modest Christmas tree, glowing with colored lights, glass balls, and tinsel. Underneath the tree was a small pile of presents. Outside, the wind soughed in the trees and rain pattered against the window, but the family was snug and warm in its little house. There were just three of them: a mother, a father,...

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Warming Father Christmas

Warming Father Christmas Copyright Oggbashan November 2016 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. +++ It was late afternoon on Christmas Eve. I had wrapped all the presents for the grandchildren and made sure all the ingredients for the dinner on Boxing Day were in the...

3 years ago
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What Do You Want for Christmas

‘You just don’t have any sense of adventure anymore,’ complained Debbie. ‘Like all those muggers and murderers you deal with everyday?’ I wanted to know. ‘It has nothing to do with my job,’ she replied. ‘And for your information it is usually burglars that I’m involved in catching, not murderers. The problem is with you. Ever since you finished acting school, all you do is sit around here and mope. I don’t mind about the fact that you can’t contribute much to the rent, but I just don’t get any...

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All She Wants for Christmas

“Please Mommy! Can’t we go see Santa?” cried the twin girls. Victoria Kramer was wishing she was anywhere but the mall right this moment, but here she was, and of all days, she was there on Christmas Eve. She was here because her mother called her in a panic asking – no begging – her to pick up those special cheese nut balls that only Hickory Farms sold in the mall during Christmas. Victoria had agreed before she realized two things: first, it was Christmas Eve, and second, the twins would want...

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Christmas Journey

Christmas Journey************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2011The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for...

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Merry Christmas

Christmas day dawned bright for Katie Shaw. Her clock radio had awakened her to the sound of Christmas carols and news of snow falling since 2:00 that morning. There must be at least three inches on the ground. The prospect of the roads being covered didn't dampen Katie's spirits as she turned on the shower while she brushed her teeth.Stepping from the shower Katie took down the oversized towel and rubbed it briskly over her skin. She could feel the electric tingle she created as she rocked the...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Surprise

Christmas Surprise By Margaret Jeanette Tori Hansen was on the way to her mother's to make Christmas candy. It was three weeks until Christmas and it was a tradition for her and her mother to make candy for Christmas for her, her mother and her sister Tanya. She arrived at her mother's house and when she was in she found her mother feeling under the weather. Her mother asked if they could put off making the candy until next Saturday. She told her that it was okay and that she was...

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To Bake A Christmas Cake

To Bake a Christmas Cake A fictional story, written by REIF DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. Please respect the author and don't steal. Comments and feedback may be directed to [email protected] Chapter 1 There are few sounds more unique than that of snow crunching underfoot, it...

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What Do You Want for Christmas

"You just don't have any sense of adventure anymore," complained Debbie. "Like all those muggers and murderers you deal with everyday?" I wanted to know. "It has nothing to do with my job," she replied. "And for your information it is usually burglars that I'm involved in catching, not murderers. The problem is with you. Ever since you finished acting school, all you do is sit around here and mope. I don't mind about the fact that you can't contribute much to the rent, but I just don't get any...

Straight Sex
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The Ghosts of Christmas Past

"You need to think about this, Eric," Tom, my roommate, told me. "I don't think it would be good for you to stay in this apartment alone for a month. Please come home with me for Christmas. My family would really love to have you." I told him I'd think about it. One I grew up loving Christmas. My parents always made it a fun event. There was just the three of us, and no other family nearby, but we made it fun. We were never all that religious, but we understood the peaceful message...

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Christmas Overload

Joyce had barely made it back to the apartment from the grocery store where she worked as a checkout clerk and tucked the ham she’d brought home—the last one in the store—before it was time to go pick up the Christmas cake she’d ordered from Gleesons before they closed. She had already been cutting her time short—she still had to go buy a tree and figure out where she’d stashed the ornaments and lights—and she hadn’t gotten off shift when she expected to. She kicked herself for not remembering...

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A Family Christmas

Trevor Lloyd was the nicest man I’d ever known. He was kind, compassionate and genuinely cared about other people. So it was no surprise to me or the rest of the neighbourhood that he couldn’t bear to leave his wife of fifteen years when he found out she was having an affair. The rest of us, including his children, all knew what was going on, but no one was willing to break the poor guy’s heart and tell him. Mr Lloyd had a few house staff who he was extremely generous to. He had a housekeeper...

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Searching For Christmas

Under the pale light of stars, minister Steve Bogan drove stealthily to a nearby motel. It was daybreak on Christmas Eve, and Steve’s only time to get away from his wife, who staying at his brother’s house for the morning taking care of his two small children. Although Steve and June had been married six years, the spice had gone out of their relationship and things had become very humdrum. The first few years of their union had been blissful, with many trips to the Enchanted Place for frantic...

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I Hate Christmas

(If this story ends up in the Romance category, it would be a guy’s concept of romance, so ladies, just bare with me here – I’m doing the best I can.) * I hate Christmas. Is that so wrong? I hate the stupid music, and the greedy children, and the traffic jams that begin on Black Friday and extend through New Years. And Christmas trees? What is that all about? Down here in the desert, if you put up a Christmas tree, five days later it’s a bone-dry skeleton surrounded by a pile of brown...

4 years ago
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Her Christmas Wish

The Christmas holiday season has always been a memorable time of year. Whether it is time spent with family, those special gifts from a loved one, or simply the smell of Grandma's cooking, every Christmas has always had something worthy of remembrance. The story of the Christmas holiday which I am about to relate holds a special fondness. It happened many years ago when I was still a single guy in my twenties. One of the things that distinguish it from the others is the amount of snow and cold...

Love Stories
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The Most Wonderful Follow Up The True Meaning Of Christmas

The Most Wonderful Follow-Up: The True Meaning Of Christmas By Katharine Sexkitten I left the security guard clothes in the public washroom. They smelled. In fact they reeked. No doubt about it. Up until earlier this morning, I would have thought the odor was unusual, and not altogether attractive. Now I thought they smelled like heaven. They were completely covered in my own cum, more or less dried. I remember vividly making the mess. It was more cum than I'd ever...

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Christmas Bah Humbug

It is only November 1, and the mall speakers are blaring Christmas music already. The Christmas season hasn’t been a favorite of mine for many years. And each year the commercialization Christmas seems to start earlier. Hell, we haven’t had Thanksgiving yet, and Halloween was just last night! The last Christmas I can remember that I actually got excited about, was nearly forty years ago. It was the last one before my mom died. Christmas was her time of the year. She saved a bit of the...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu Christmas

‘That’s what I saw on the TV news just now. So maybe you’d better . . .’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Stella,’ Nadine answered, the stubbornness in her voice almost palpable. ‘Those guys were really cute, and I’ve never skied Winter Park before. Gotta do something to get out of here.’ ‘Yeah, well, if the snow really hits up there at Berthoud Pass, there wouldn’t be any skiing, they wouldn’t find you ’til spring,’ Stella said. She was fiddling with the crooked plastic Christmas tree in the corner of...

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Christmas Story Four

Christmas Story Four Stocking Stuffer I have been the community Santa Claus for a few years now and then one day I received a phone call from a woman trying to hire me for a Christmas party. I had a funny feeling about it so at first I said no but she was very persistent. She offered me more money than I normally charge and she said that there would be a lot of children there too. I was finally sold on the idea as long as there were kids involved. She said that I was to show up near...

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A Christmas To Remember

A Christmas To Remember By Anon Allsop I looked at her from the corner of my eye, she was definitely flustered but I could care less, she was their mother and the behavior of her children were her own concern...my problem was that they were most likely going to distract me with their constant banter and shenanigans throughout the entire church service. She sighed as her young son began crawling under the front pew; she quickly bent down and caught the three year old by the leg, and...

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The Christmas Intruder

Christmas Eve is a time to spend with family, however this year; due to the economy they’d spend it by themselves. The plans were to make the best of things, sleep late, and have the traditional holiday meal. She smirked when she remembered her husband’s remark, “Honey, this meal is guaranteed to spice up our life and expand our waistlines.” She blushed, frowned and replied, “For your information, my waistline doesn’t need any more expansion, it need more reduction.” She logged off...

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Christmas Angel0

By: beagle9690 December 2009 Gabriel: I awoke in a hospital room to sunlight dancing on the sleeping form of my angel in the chair by my bed. Her long unbound hair shone like a heavenly halo as it caressed her neck and shoulders. Peaceful and innocent in her slumber, Amy's deep contented breathing was a comfort to me knowing that she was safe. Amy is my angel, my salivation, oh how I loved my beautiful brown eyed girl... how healing her presence is to me. My heart swelled with...

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Fun Under the Christmas Tree

I usually don't mind working the Christmas holiday (thank God I don't work in retail). The work is usually light and this year I planned to telecommute from my home office so it didn't seem like work all that much. Plus, I was going to be a bachelor for the holiday anyway so why not work. My wife's youngest brother Jerry -- he's a jerk and I refuse to refer to him as a brother-in-law -- had invited us over to his cabin for the holiday and following weekend. I work at a small firm and this was...

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Comforting Mom pt 6 Christmas Cruise Day 45

“Merry Christmas. How do you feel?” She yawns and stretches but replaces her hand on my cock. “Like I drank all night and had a lot of sex with a room full of women.” “Oh, me too!” She busts up laughing. “I’m not sure how any of that happened, but I’m sure if I live to be a hundred it will never happen again.” “I thought you were in college?” My turn to laugh. “It reminded me of the free love days back in the early seventies.” “I’m glad you could relive another memory.” More...

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The Christmas Turkeys

I remember that the elevator was playing Christmas Music as I rode the ten floors to the lobby. Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood except me. I was thinking that I probably should have taken the window to the ground. It would have been more scenic and solved each and every one of my problems. Being unemployed at Christmas is a bitch, but being self employed at Christmas was a roller coaster. You think you have it all covered but then the contract holder call you in. ‘Sorry Mr. Ames but we...

4 years ago
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The Angel A Christmas Ghost Story

-Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol” *** It was midnight on Christmas Eve. All the lights were out in the big family house and snow covered the grounds, including the aged trees, the rusting gate, and the dignified monuments of the family crypts where 12 generations of the Barrow family slept. Silently, a woman walked along the rows of graves. She left no tracks, and though she carried a lantern she also cast no shadow. She wore a long white robe with a deep hood that covered her...

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Her Christmas Wish

It was certainly no surprise then when I was sent home early from work one afternoon. The snow had started late morning, and by noon it was falling in earnest. The boss had decided to let us go shortly afterward, and as it was the last work day before Christmas, I was looking forward to getting home early and enjoying an afternoon of relaxation. What I did not count on was the increasing intensity of the snowfall and the length of time it would take me to get home. It took me nearly three...

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A Christmas Carol

Oh! But she was a mean, tight fisted, grasping working girl of the worst sort! No gentleman of wealthy means sought her by choice. No young buck in the first flush of youth seeking his first experience came to Emily! Oh no! But she cared not. She had her regular clientele of elderly fellows who seemed happy in her company, paid her well and made no special requests. On the Christmas eve in question, Sophie was as usual in her flat waiting perhaps for one final customer before shutting up...

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