Rigor MortisChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
I propped my head up on the pillow and studied Red’s sleeping face from a distance of about three feet. She didn’t look truly young and beautiful with her eyelids closed but she was relaxed and resting and in my bed.
That was enough for me.
I would be the first one to admit that I didn’t hold with all this younger generation looseness about cheating and shacking up with anyone for a one-night stand. I knew my mom was certainly not a nun or a Saint after we lost my dad but I figured she had her right to choose what she wanted to do from those other married couples that resented the fact she was basically footloose and fancy-free other than raising me and my older sister Serena.
My mom might have had her share of male friends with benefits but she deserved some fun in life and had a right to chase away the loneliness whenever she had an opportunity.
Serena was another story.
She went to an all girl’s college right there in the city and was the one that got to go to dances and study acting and ballet. That never bothered me at all because I was in the boy scouts right up until I went over to Korea with the first wave of fresh blood from the Fourteenth Street armory right in my senior year of high school.
My summer of basic training at Fort Dix over the George Washington Bridge in New Jersey was easy for me because I already had like seven years in the boy scouts and had learned how to shoot and use a knife and an entrenching tool and pitch a tent so it was all second nature to me just switching the color of my uniform. Almost everything I got issued that first week was World War Two surplus and I think the Army even went out to raid the Army Navy stores to stock up the stuff they had given away just a few years ago thinking they would not need it again so quickly.
My sister dated my drill sergeant for a couple of years and I had to listen to him mooning about how beautiful she was and that she made him feel so good inside. It was so bad it almost made me run to the latrine and throw up it was that sickening.
My years over in Korea were broken up by a stint in the hospital in Japan getting over the effects of a mortar round that filled my ass with shrapnel and had me sleeping on my stomach for almost an entire month. I thought they would send me home after that, but they were really short of men after the Chinese came across the Yalu River with like a million men with orders to kill all the round eyes they could corner and terminate with extreme prejudice.
That was all in the past now. My mom used to say, “Just think of it as water under the bridge that you can’t bring back.”
Fortunately for me, My Uncle Joe, my one and only real blood Uncle helped me to get my resume fixed up for the NYPD and I graduated right near the top of my training class and set out on the dirty streets of Spanish Harlem to right the wrongs of the world in my shiny new blue uniform.
In a way, I guess I was lucky because it was a time when a cop was still due a lot of respect for being a buffer against the reality of the seamier side of New York City. The new police commissioner was a stickler for response times and we were all focused on cutting the times to the bare minimum and I can tell you it wasn’t easy what with the traffic and other obstacles that kept popping up to slow us down.
I got promoted twice in two years on the force when I got the call to answer a reported domestic disturbance. My partner was a Puerto Rican ex-lawyer with aspirations of joining the FBI thinking his NYPD credentials would look good on his resume for the Federal job in Washington, D.C. I thought he was a little bit crazy because who the fuck would want to leave a great city like the Big Apple and go down to that shithole that wasn’t even in a real State.
As usual, he laid back and let me take the lead because I was a real hard-charger in those days. Most of the calls we got were for assaults and break-ins with a real serious call now and then for rape or murder to keep you on your toes. Our district was not much a domestic disturbance beehive and most people generally minded their own business and let the families work it out on their own without involving the cops to make things official.
Right off the bat, I didn’t like the door to the apartment because it was one of those metal jacket jobs with the reinforced frame that precluded any thoughts about kicking it in or using a heavy shoulder to force open. I was stupid enough to go through the doorway after the prick inside unlocked it and stepped back into the darkened interior.
The first shot caught me in my left knee.
I was lucky because it hit more flesh than bone and it was the second shot that did most of the damage shattering my other leg just below the knee bringing me down to the dirty carpet with no chance to line up any return fire at all.
I met my Uncle Joe over at the cop bar on Eighth Avenue that still used sawdust to keep the dirt down on the floor. The scent of the lunchtime menu overpowered the aroma of the beer and spirits that never left the place if you had a sensitive nose. The thing I liked best about the White Rose was their mid-day collection of hot food for the blue-collar workers in the neighborhood. Of course, most of the clientele washed it all down with liberal helpings of the draft beer that tasted like it...
Raymond stood there shaking the raindrops from his obviously borrowed or stolen woman’s umbrella and I could tell from his shifty eyes he was spinning his story with every word that crossed his lips. In all honesty, I didn’t really mind because I was used to Raymond by now and I hoped we could work together without one of us killing the other because underneath it all our dislike was a mirror image. I caught him ogling my secretary Julie’s ass when she bent over to fill my first cup of the...
I knew I should be working on running down the leads in Raymond’s unfortunate demise despite my Uncle’s reluctance to stir things up. It was like we had stepped on an ant-hill with all the Internal Affairs sleazebags poking their noses into the everyday happenings of operational policing. I had to admit it was well within the realm of probability that Raymond’s death was linked to the investigation work he was doing for me on the Donnie Anderson case. Of course that narrowed down the list...
The sky over Manhattan that Monday morning were grey and overcast with a fog that lingered in the long cold stripes called Avenues all the way from the East River to the mighty Hudson rushing brown and swollen out to the Atlantic Ocean. I figured it was not a good time for the news helicopters to be navigating the high-rises and it brought back my fear of the noisy, smelly things that spelled finis to a number of my compadres in the Marine Corps quick response team of which I was one of the...
I should have suspected there was something wrong right off the bat and that it was not a normal middle of the week morning that dreary Wednesday in the city that never sleeps. It was too late now because I was already down at police headquarters swigging down my second cup of overly strong java without benefit of cream or sugar because the spoons were far too dirty to even consider using what with the nasty Asian flu still going around like Montezuma’s revenge on a side trip to Tijuana for...
Rita admitted to me after a few drinks that she was working an assignment from Internal Affairs to weed out the dirty cops taking money from the shadowy cartels that kept the drugs flowing smoothly on the violent streets. I had sort of suspected as much from the way she was asking all the right questions and knew way too much for a rookie cop. Rita told me to be quiet because her room-mate was a light sleeper. I soon discovered it was either a lie or she actually wasn’t aware that her...
The aftermath of the vicious assault on the police headquarters left a lousy taste in my mouth and made me more attentive to possible threats close enough to cause me harm. My Uncle was in a rotten mood and was staying mum on the investigation. That did a lot to increase my sense of paranoia about who was a good guy and who was worth a second look. The day started badly and got worse when my cute secretary with whom I had had some special moments announced in a stage whisper as she was...
I discovered that the Attorney General’s office were a bunch of busy little bees because the police headquarters was swarming with hordes of young men and women all wearing the distinctive jackets with the title “FBI” emblazoned on the back. I knew they had taken the files and were starting to carry the ball on the corruption charges that my Uncle Joe had been fighting to institute these last few years but without success. The case had enough dead bodies to start a tidal wave of protest from...
I got up early that Sunday morning with a determination to put in a run along Central Park West all the way from one end to the other. I actually made it up to eighty-second street before I decided to quit and save it for another day. Saturday night was a bit of a blur but it wasn’t from the booze. I had that under control these days. No, I had gotten a touch of the virus that was floating around the city making working mothers crazy with figuring out what to do with their sneezing,...
In all honesty, I have to admit that I was a bit embarrassed by our impulsive threesome. I could tell that Eve was pretty much onboard with the cherry breaking ceremony and she was so nervous that she spent a lot of time just giggling and laughing about the whole thing. She silently watched me pounding her older sister into the mattress afterwards and she felt her body all over like she was in some kind of a voodoo trance like one of those zombie movies that always amused me. Anyway, the...
The only thing that I didn’t like about dating FBI Special Agent Gloria was that she was all caught up in the handcuff fetish and would hook me to the wrought iron bedpost sometimes when I fell asleep in the middle of the night. I didn’t mind her riding me on top because I liked the way her ass cheeks slapped into my thighs with that meaty sound of mutual lust that never failed to make me as hard as a rock at the right time. We were alone in the bedroom late that night and she had me just...
The shock of the gangland style assassinations of the cops sort of turned the city on its ear and a sense of fear and shame could be an indicator of better days ahead. The pushback from the general public was well covered by the fickle media which suddenly pivoted from blaming the cops for everything from blackouts to enforcement of collecting the fares on the mass transit system to praising them for reach-outs to the local populace using things like the Police Athletic League to win the...
Early the next morning, I picked up two coffees and a pair of doughnuts for Gloria and me to pig out on up on the roof of the Federal building downtown. She was frowning at the doughnut but I noticed she didn’t hesitate to shove it in her pretty little mouth and wash it down with a big swallow of Java. The tough FBI Special Agent had been making noises lately about her putting on some extra pounds around the hips and I took it all with a grain of salt because I was so used to most of the...
My nightmare had me underwater and I could barely breathe. I struggled to get back up to the surface but got all confused between up and down. I reached up and felt what I thought was a huge rope around my neck and opened my eyes to Julie’s arm resting comfortably across my nose and mouth. I carefully pushed it away from my face and turned over and immediately fell back into a deep sleep that was only broken by the sound of screeching brakes down on the street outside. I saw that Julie was...
I actually began to look forward to my night shift at the laundry because of the perks of getting a piece of Judith’s pleasantly plump rump served up for my enjoyment and daily draining in the supply room. She even threw in an occasional blow job for variety but kept her snatch off limits because to her it was real sex and the stuff that we were doing was acceptable to lessen the boredom of washing bales of dirty clothes each night. She was still giving out favors to some of the long time...
Just before my scheduled visit with my favorite secretary Julie, I got into a scape with a pair of soldiers from the Hispanic gang that liked to think they ran everything on the inside. I usually got along with them, but I suspected that they were put up to it by some of my enemies on the outside. Lord knows, I had plenty of them to go around. I brought it to a quick conclusion by promising them a couple of packs of smokes which I knew I could get from the laundry manager just by...
I was in the inmate discharge section of the facility and was getting dressed in the dark blue suit furnished by my new legal team. They even had a nice striped tie and cuff links to round out the outfit to present me in a light in the courtroom that would not prejudice anyone in the jury to think I was guilty because I was wearing the apparel of a criminal. It was a small detail but I knew how those things worked and knew the attorneys were well-organized and a big improvement over the...
For the duration of the trial, I was incarcerated in a makeshift jail in the basement of the courthouse building. It was a smart move and one that I was in total accord with, although I pretended it was all a supreme bore and another cross I had to bear considering my complete innocence with regard to the charges. It came complete with a lavatory with proper supplies provided by my defense team. The bed was a bit bare-bones being a locally purchased Army cot with a surplus air mattress that...
Today was the day that the delayed trial got underway again. I was beginning to smell a rat in the works because the only reason for delaying was because the prosecution knew they had a losing case. They were praying for some sort of miracle that would create disaster for the defense. This would allow them to walk away with at least some of the charges that were mostly bogus to stick to the wall. The result would give them the right to claim victory no matter how slight. I rousted Angela...
The days of the trial were becoming more routine now. I would rather be in a totally different atmosphere but the light at the end of the tunnel was becoming more focused with each passing day. I had to admit it was far better than being in a combat zone or getting shot at on the job, but I really missed the freedom of choosing my own clothes and going to a ball game and taking a day off if I wanted a bit of variety in my life. I made it up with Julie by having her visit me on a conjugal...
The atmosphere in the courtroom changed as soon as the focus shifted from the prosecution making its case to hearing the defense team finally telling their side of the story. It was obvious to the spectators and hopefully to the jury members that the judge was doing his level best to grease the wheels for the prosecution simply because the evidence and the facts were so overwhelming that some of the jurors questioned why the case was not dismissed at the outset. The sense of chaos at the...
The first thing the judge did on Tuesday afternoon just when the trial was supposed to start back up again was to shut everything down and dismiss the jury with the caution not to discuss the case with any member of the press. His explanation was that the case had taken a new direction and it would be necessary to convene a new grand jury to continue any processing of new charges against the defendants. Most of the jurors seemed disappointed because they had gotten into a routine that...
It was a surprise decision made by those above my paygrade to have a joint task force meeting at the Attorney General’s office early Monday morning to discuss the plan of attack and to share intelligence on the current status of the case. Somehow, my Uncle had decided I would be the one to represent his office and our contribution to the evidence against the cartel running the Dirty Cop project. For the first time, I was unsure of my Uncle’s motivation in selecting me because I knew I was on...
Julie and I were sitting down on the floor next to my little hideaway in the office looking at the assortment of files that constituted the data collected on the murders that had spurred my investigation of the Dirty Cop case and I guess I must have been sporting a huge frown of frustration at not being able to pull it all together into a semblance of logical motivation. When I had taken the courses in investigation at the police academy, the first thing they had driven into our heads was...
With Julie’s attention to detail and the outstanding input from Miss OH, I was finally able to put a blue ribbon around the file on the Donnie Anderson murder and I celebrated by bringing Miss OH back to meet my Julie and they hit it off right from the moment Julie got a gander at her slim perfectly curved buttocks and her wonderful smile when she was getting licked down where the grass grows greener. Julie was getting to that point when she had to be careful about her level of enthusiasm...
I went back to the office and dreaded coming face to face with Julie after my shameful behavior with Lola. I felt really bad about my weakness in tending to the needs of my cock and placing them before the processes of my brain that told me to stay on the straight and narrow and follow up on my original plan. In retrospect, I regretted informing her that I was going to put Lola under the glare of an interrogation naked light bulb. I remembered that at the time, she had looked at me with a...
Julie did a good job of keeping any expression off her face as she listened silently to my report on the intelligence I had received from teenaged Eva on her sister Gloria’s little tricks to stitch me up for a long stretch in prison. I knew I had shamelessly taken advantage of Eva’s crush on me at the beginning of her sexual development, but I mollified my guilty conscience with the argument that it was she that came to me and I didn’t do anything to set her up to pump her more ways than...
Before that expedition to the hospital, I had always considered my getting shot on the job going through that dangerous door as the turning point of my life because it meant I was not going to get a chance at a career with the NYPD. Now, with the page being turned on my life with the birth of a baby and the news that my sham marriage to Julie was a on a lot more solid ground than I had ever thought possible, I accepted my new role as a husband and a father not just as a phony relationship...
I was sitting across the desk from my Uncle Joe about six weeks later ready to discuss my final report with him. His chief of staff Malcom Whittaker sat slightly to his left and behind him with a copy open on his lap. I knew he had probably gone over the thing with a fine-tooth comb and if he spotted anything over the line he would have already talked it over with my Uncle. I couldn’t tell from their poker faces if they loved it or hated it for reasons of their own. I had Julie sitting next...
I sat on the long sofa watching a baseball game on the small black and white television set parked against the opposite wall. It was a cheap model that I had picked up at the police auction of confiscated items a couple of months ago. Consuela’s little girl Maria was watching the baby in the crib and feeding it toys to play with the concentration that only a small child could gather like magic from an invisible cloak. The girl didn’t look anything like her short pleasantly plump mother doing...
Brooklyn was my Uncle Joe’s little fiefdom. He was the top cop in the borough and he had the job for a long time now. He wasn’t that old all things considered because he was the youngest Captain in the history of the Department and rose quickly in the upper echelons of the hierarchy of the New York Police Department. It seemed to me that Brooklyn had a certain magical air about it. At night, it didn’t have the sparkle of Manhattan but it was not as dark as Staten Island. The demographics...
The unopened bottle of Johnny Walker fifty year old was staring at me on the desk in front of me in my office the day after the funeral. The urge to open it and start a lost weekend was knocking at my door. The black dog was scratching at my door like it had in those days of recovery after getting shot up in combat. The phone was driving me crazy and I finally gave up and picked up the receiver to hear the familiar voice of the young girl down at the police morgue tell me they had my Uncle’s...
After that second deadly car bombing that robbed me of my precious Julie, I was in a contained rage that took hold of me and made me have only one goal in life. I wanted to rub out the filthy criminals that had perpetrated this grotesque horror right under our noses. One thing was readily apparent to me and that was that the Federal witness protection program needed some big changes because they were not doing the job their mission described as their primary duty. I knew right away that the...
Monday morning was complete disaster. The alarm shattered what was left of my nerves. I launched a left hook at it and watched it bang into the wallpaper leaving a mark that would require some tender loving care. I didn’t know what I should do first, shower or shave. The decision was too much for my almost zombie-like state of directionless thought. I gave up and brewed a pot of coffee in automatic mode and allowed my brain go into pilotless control wishing that same ploy would work for...
It was a friday night and me and 3 friends were goin out to town. I was excited because it meant i could wear my shiny nylon bomber jacket too and i loved to wear it as i had a cig hanging from my lips. The night turned out to be a waste of time so i headed home early and was horny as hell so i lit up my cig as i walked through a back alley on the way. As i walked through there was 2 men who were drunk and thats when it all happened. One of the men wanted to challenge me to a fight so i lit up...
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xmoviesforyouThis story is incomplete. It is also less than a quarter the size of what I intend the final story to be. It should be long enough, and contain enough transformations, to satisfy your needs. I appreciate criticism on storyline, characters, etc. However, please do not criticize its grammar and spelling, unless you are willing to help me edit. :-D Do not repost this story in any place. It is a working copy, and the sole reason I'm posting it on Fictionmania is to get the inspiration to...
George and Beverly Morgan watched on the big screen in John Cord's office as six absolutely naked people walked through the center of his casino. Alex, Julie, Ian, Mona, JJ, and Ingrid all made their way circuitously around banks of slot machines on their way to the Casino du Roturier's front door. Their heads were held high as they accepted the cheers of all the casino patrons along their path. The people in the main hall had not seen the extended game. That was reserved for the special...
It was a warm summers day well to be precise it was the week before end of term and the summer holidays I couldnt be happier. Let me tell you about myself first I am called Jason, quite tall around 6.2ft brown haired hazel eyes and quite muscular 160lbs(because I have been working out at the gym lately and Im also on the rugby team )for my age Im 17.I go to seaview high and today will be my last day. I was in second lesson(French)With my favourite teacher Mrs. Parry she is 5.5 120lbs about 30...
I left to go to the gym after work. I intended on toning up my abs some more and getting stronger. I was already in shape but could really use some muscle work.I wore a purple sports bra and black spandex shorts. I threw my towel down and hopped on a machine."Hey, Bridgette," Brittany, my friend I see around here, greeted me."Oh hey," I smiled.She was pouring sweat and it glistened her body."Just work out real hard?" I guessed."No I just got out of the sauna. Real relaxing," she answered.She...
LesbianThere is an adult cinema near my place well it’s a room with some couches chairs and a big screen I like to visit every week or two to great place to suck cock.I don’t know if I’m like most people but I like it when a guy hold my head and pushes down while I am sucking I can usually get my gag reflex is under control and really go deep I love feeling and tasting that pre-cum in my mouth especially when I’m being pounded sometimes I forget that I’m so into what I’m doing that I forget to look up...
(This is entirely because I came up with the concept; I have no idea what will be coming after the introduction. Please feel free to add-- it's public-- or, if you'd rather, leave a comment on any page about ideas as to what comes next.) (Morality score works as such: higher percentage = higher acceptance of the new culture, and vice-versa.) ((Warning: Yes, there's some politics in here-- how could there not be? The opening chapter is in relation to a character and his thoughts, not necessarily...
Hi friends I am Ayush a frequent visitor of this site but today I would like to narrate my own story. I wont say that u have to trust whether it’s a real or a fake but this really what happened with me. my story can b little lendy cause its not easy to make a friendship with a gal n have intimate relationship , here it goes.. Well its was January 2010 when I made a new Orkut profile, and I started making n adding friends, there I added a gal name as Ritika ( real name not disclosed). We started...
Standing in my usual position on the landing, I had been watching the mum of my neighbours household, who was simply sitting in the chair opposite the window, enjoying a cup of tea and watching the telly. It was a mid week afternoon and I wasn’t particularly expecting to see much, but ever hopeful! She was dressed rather casually in blue jeans and a simple white top and looked pleasant enough. After some time of this, she suddenly got up and left the room. When she came back in, she had another...
Our protagonists are no ordinary family. While they tend to stick together and stand up for eachother, in this family it is the men that are dominant while the women are constantly being punished. The father, John, and the mother, Kara, have been together for a long time and for them this is nothing strange. John sometimes knees Kara in the vagina when he comes home from work, he might smack her in the clit with a spoon when they are making dinner and he might pull her tits while they are...
FetishHi all, I hope that you're all enjoying summer. As I told you before, I'm working for an escort service weekend nights until after Labor Day, then I go back to the shop. My ex has the boys all this week, so I'll be able to work every night. I've been doing well, about 4 or 5 calls a night. I'm enjoying myself. This past Saturday night I had an interesting call. I'm sure that, by my title, you can figure it out. I chose to write about it. When I was in high school, I was just a normal girl. Not...
Straight SexNote : This story is completely fictional! My name is Tim; I’m a 21 year old college student and until about a month ago considered my life and my experiences to be more or less typical. I’m a fairly good looking guy and had never had much problem with girls. My sex life had been pretty typical as well, I had seen and been involved in a couple of wild encounters in my college experience, but really nothing beyond the usual college craziness. I mean guys and girls experiment in college and a...
IncestHi this is my first submission. It’s part true life and part fiction. All feedback will be appreciated. Now on to the story. ***** John, a 42 years old father of three, a husband of an ambitious woman, lying in bed waiting for his wife to come home. The clock showing that it was 1130 pm. The loneliness he felt was becoming almost too much to bear. This has been going on for almost half a year, all he wanted was for some quality time with his wife Jennie. He already spoken to her about it....
"Lets see. Your step sister catches you jacking off using the panties that you borrowed from her room and she then stays to help you finish. You then help her mastrubate because she had gotten hot watching and helping you that she needs release. You touch, kiss and lick her breasts while she does herself. Today you wear a pair of her silky panties while she rubs her hot silk covered pussy along the length of your silk covered cock. You then wind up banging the hell out of her because the...
Hii iam Shweta with the fourth part of my story, In the earlier part I’ve informed you about my husband’s one week visit, and he was going to arrive today evening. Continues….. I woke up in the morning, I was a bit dull coz I was going to miss amit for a week. Amit was also sad because he’s going to lose his privacy with me for one week. I had a bath changed my dresses and went to start my household works. I was making tea and suddenly I felt a hand on my navel, it was amit, he hugged me from...
IncestDear Readers, after receiving an overwhelmingly positive response to “Start of an erotic journey”, this story continues where the last one left off. This story is more of a narrative. Please as before feel free to contact her through me at Well, after using the strap on and other toys on Mehek, I really got into being the dominant one in our relationship. I was hooked on to the rush of power that I got when I wore a strap-on. The orgasms were also more intense when I was fucking Mehek, than...
from Part II....My cock had definitely noticed. It was coming alive again. I needed the cool water of the pool if I had any hope of surviving this day. With two giant steps, I leaped into the water next to Angie. Perhaps as a thank you, I embraced her. She wrapped her legs around my waist. Without entering her, my cock was serving as a seat between her ass and pussy. Our lips came together in a deep, raw kiss that told us both there was plenty more to come. Angie slowly manuevered herself...
Straight SexCheers, Steelkat Part 6 The next morning I wake up in Asmodeus’ arms again and nestle myself closer to his wonderfully warm chest. I tilt my face up and watch him sleep, letting my breathing mingle with his. He looks so lovely; his face peaceful and exquisite as an obsidian angel’s. I lean in and press my lips against his. When I draw back, twin rubies reveal themselves; framed by silver lashes. They are filled with only warmth and love for me while pearlescent white teeth flash...
As in every story I have ever written, there is some, if not a lot, of autobiographical information included. It can’t be helped. It is my life experiences that drive the stories in my mind.- - - - - -As near as I can place it, I started meeting at Bob’s house in 1962. I had turned eighteen in January and he was a year older. It had become a usual thing for me to arrive at his house at 7 pm on a Saturday evening. The idea was that we would watch movies or whatever we found interesting on the...
I often remember the very first time I had sex with a guy...Who am I k**ding, I was not a willing participant...I was skipping class in the woods near our urban high school. Our lower athletic field was bordered on three sides by a vast area of woods...this consisted of tress and under growth. There was numerous paths thru the area, being that it was well traveled by students and locals. They all crossed or met in different areas of the woods, some in an open area that was well shaded by tree...
For over a week since she gave me her IOU for some unspecified sexual favor, I hadn’t seen anything of my neighbor, Suzanne, nor Angelo – her boyfriend with the small penis but the powerful sports car. I wasn’t ballsy enough to remind her of her promise, but I thought about it a lot. Then, suddenly one afternoon, I heard her running across her lawn towards my garage. I looked up from my work bench, and there she was, dressed – if you could call it that – in her regular next-to-nothing bikini....
The Hunt Flying high over her target, she circled slowly, stretching her wings as wide as she could to sustain her weight at this slow speed. She twisted her body slightly, tightening her circle. She smiled to herself, spotting her target several hundred feet below. He was climbing a rocky path, following the easy trail she had left for him. She closed her eyes, luxuriating in the sudden warmth as the sun came out from behind a cloud and caressed her bare back with its radiance. It was...
“We should have a massage at the spa,” said Em to Ambrose, who was leafing through some literature on Iguassu Falls. They were just a stroll away across the resort lawns and down a little track. “It says to be watchful for jaguars,” said Ambrose. He smiled across the ground floor suite’s living room at Em. He thought she was looking particularly sexy today in a nice pair of shorts and a little top. The french windows in the living area were open and a summer-like breeze was wafting little...
Straight Sex