Dexter's RenaissanceChapter 10 Cohabitation free porn video

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I have to admit that I was somewhat distracted at work the following week. Thankfully, Terry and Petra had a good handle on the training and I wasn't really needed. If anyone knew I was involved with Michelle they didn't say anything. It wasn't as if I was trying to hide from it but then again I wasn't advertising that I was intimate with one of the partners.

She called me at work to invite me to the theatre and dinner. We settled on my meeting her at her place and then taking a cab. The tickets were for Friday night and it was a given that I would stay over at her penthouse. At least it was a given for Michelle. Who was I to fight it? I'd take an overnight bag with a change for Saturday and a backup for Sunday.

The play, a well-worn Agatha Christie mystery, was a delight. The actors, if not British, certainly had their parts down pat in the appropriate vernacular. The setting had been updated from the Victorian era to the nineties and the dialogue was a good deal more risqué but it was never vulgar and it was consistently good. We were in high spirits when we walked from the theatre to the nearby restaurant.

I was more and more aware of just how comfortable I found myself in Michelle's company. She was a big part of that, of course. I never felt I had to behave in a certain way to live up to her expectations. She didn't act the part of the rich socialite. I couldn't imagine that she ever did, despite some of the company she and her late husband might have kept. She was a natural as the girl next door, whoever that might be.

It was nearing midnight when we arrived back at her apartment. I wasn't tired, in fact the opposite. The evening had been a real tonic and Michelle was showing no signs of fatigue either. As I closed the door behind me she slipped into my arms and kissed me. It seemed so completely natural that we would be together. I didn't feel any hesitation in responding to her or accepting that we belonged together.

We made love, that natural, quiet, flowing act of joining that you long for but don't always experience. It seemed to have lasted quite a long while but I wasn't keeping track and I really didn't care. It was so easy and satisfying that I didn't want it to end.

"Will you move in here?" she asked as we lay in the afterglow.

"Do you want me to?" I asked stupidly.

"No ... or course not," she laughed. "You fool, Dex. Of course I want you to. I want you all to myself every night."

"Then I will. But it does ask a question."

"What question?"

"What happens when my assignment is finished?"

"Will that be soon?"

"The truth? For all intents and purposes, I'm done now. Everything we wanted to accomplish at Trent is in place. The business is going to be fine now. Rueben will be a good general manager and Terry and Petra will make sure the design department stays on course. Janice, of course, will continue to be Janice. Wolf is already generating new work so I'd say I'm pretty well finished."

"But you're still here."

"I don't have another assignment and Dorothy has done a great job taking over for me in Vancouver. I'm thinking I might take a vacation if Tom doesn't have something for me. In the meantime, I've sold my home and my car and aside from my daughter, I have nothing to call me back to the west coast. I have enough money to live comfortably on for some time."

"But you'd move in with me, just the same?" she tested.

"If you're serious about us, yes."

"Does that mean you're serious about us?" She seemed uncertain about my decision.

"Yes. I know we haven't known each other for very long but something about how we connect makes this very different from a normal 'getting to know you' relationship. If you're willing, I want to find out just where we can go with this."

She looked at me intently, studying my face, her eyes unblinking.

"I want that too. You're right, this is all happening very quickly but like you, something about it feels right. In fact, it feels natural ... as if we've known each other for a long time. Strange, isn't it?"

"Very strange but all good from my point of view," I smiled.

I moved my few belongings to the Penthouse the next afternoon and cancelled the lease. I was now a "kept man."

It was too nice a weekend to spend it entirely in bed so we took Michelle's car and drove around the metropolitan Toronto area, sightseeing and just spending time together. I thought that's what we needed ... time together. If I had any nagging doubt, it was related to how quickly all this was happening. We'd known each other little over a month since the picnic. It still felt right but just the same, my generally conservative nature was holding me back slightly.

We were sitting in a little Bistro Saturday evening, having a light supper when Michelle decided it was time to tell me more about herself and her marriage to David Gauthier.

"My maiden name is Catchpole. I hated it. I can still remember some of the taunts of my schoolmates. So I am happy with my married name. I married David when I was just twenty-one and able to do as I wished and not as my mother demanded. I was the only daughter in a family of five. My two brothers are older and we don't see each other very much. Martin lives in Montreal, and Michael lives in Calgary.

"Martin is gay and has a live-in lover whom I've only met once. We get along fine but we don't have much in common. He's a graphic artist and does quite well I understand. Michael is married with one son and works in the oil industry. I don't know exactly what he does but apparently he's fairly high up in his firm. He takes after mother in many ways. So both my brothers are successes."

She stopped for a moment a I saw a far away look for a few seconds before she returned to her narrative.

"David was a very dynamic personality. He had a clear vision of what he wanted when he graduated from university and he set about achieving it, dragging me along with him."

"Dragging?" I quizzed.

"Virtually. His ambition to own his own civil engineering and consulting firm consumed him first and foremost. He worked long hours and was relentless in achieving his partnership in Trent. When he did, I thought things would calm down a little and we could live a normal life but it wasn't to be. 'Success breeds success' he would chant.

"When things started to decline at Trent he worked even harder, as if he could turn it around by himself. He couldn't, of course, but it didn't stop him from throwing all his energy into trying. It finally killed him. He had a brain aneurism one morning at the office and he was dead before his head hit the desk.

"I grieved. He wasn't the ideal husband. He wasn't there all the time, emotionally or physically. But he was true and faithful and dedicated to us, the boys and me. He just didn't have enough time for us. I hated Trent for what it did to him but, in a way, I understood how he could be obsessed with its success. It was all part of his original plan for the future. He made an awful lot of money and yet never got to enjoy it."

"And that was three years ago?"

"Almost. It seems like yesterday at times and at other times it seems like ancient history. I suppose it depends on my mood. Since you've come along I haven't been dwelling on the past. In fact, I've been thinking about the future, just like you have," she smiled.

"You said you have two sons. Where are they?"

"Carter works for his Uncle Michael in Calgary and I'm told he's on his way up. He's a chemical engineer, which upset his father. David was sure Carter would take up civil engineering and follow in his footsteps. I think Carter is a little better balanced than David was at that age.

"Our other son, Kyle, is single and living in Montgomery, Alabama. He works for a big paper company in their development department. They specialize in making products from recycled paper so they are high on the 'good guy' list with environmental people. Kyle says it's a good thing most of the advocacy groups don't know much about the recycling processes. They wouldn't be quite so supportive," she grinned.

"So your family is spread around then," I said. "Are your parents still alive?"

"Yes. My mother and father are divorced. Dad couldn't handle Mother's manipulative ways any longer and they split up after I married. He lives on the beach in Amherstburg, not far from Windsor-Detroit. He loves it there and has a girlfriend that lives with him.

"My mother and I don't see each other at all. She and I don't get along and haven't since I married David. In her opinion, I married 'beneath myself.' Sounds very English, doesn't it? Well, no surprise, my mother is English and still clings to the old class system."

"So ... you've been alone since David died?"

She nodded. "I thought for a while that I probably would be alone for the rest of my life. I don't know why. I'm forty-five, hardly dowager material," she smiled. "I had been thinking about getting out and trying to find a new life for myself, whatever that means. I had become interested in the fate of Trent Engineering when your Tom Yardley and Wolf called to invite me to discuss a merger. I thought it was important to get myself up to date quickly.

"John Flannery rejected the idea of course, but I knew that if he was the only dissenter, Rueben, Dick and I could out-vote him. I'm not dependent on Trent for my future but I wouldn't want to see it fail so why not get involved? I'm glad I did. It gave me a sense of purpose, something to preserve what my David had worked so hard to build.

"Your principals were very nice men and, with the exception of John, we all got along very well. When they made their proposal, John stomped out of the room claiming he'd never agree to anything that would hand over control to a 'bunch of cowboys.' It would have been funny if you didn't know what was eating at him.

"Rueben, Dick and I met privately and discussed the proposal. In reality, we knew we couldn't save Trent by ourselves. We needed help and Pinecone offered that help. In addition, we were offered autonomy to run the business in a manner appropriate to the values of the old Trent organization. Naturally, we needed to coordinate the accounting, design and administration, but the Trent name would be preserved because it had value. It took us very little time to decide that this was in the best interests of both ourselves and our employees.

"John, of course, was livid. We had outvoted him and he took it personally. But we stuck to our guns and the merger/acquisition went through. We were no longer the majority partners but we weren't an afterthought. Besides, all our background checks on Tom and Wolf came up the same. They are talented, aggressive and honest. They do what they say they are going to do and are well respected in the community. Your competitors spoke highly of Pinecone, which counted for a lot as well.

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The Power of Suggestion

I'm in my late 30s, well-off enough that I don't have to work, and I indulge my hobbies: acquiring rare books and art in a modest way. My wife Jean is a few years younger, athletic and quite attractive. She fills her time with various women's clubs, tennis etc. with a special emphasis on Tennis with Jack, the pro at her club. They make a formidable team, and I'm proud of how she and Jack can take on all comers. Then there's Bill: a stock broker, tall, muscular and a natural...

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Clubbing With Mum

I sat by the dressing table putting on my makeup. Mum was in her room doing the same. I still couldn't believe it, finally I had convinced her to come clubbing with me. My name is Emma and my mum is Sharon. I was a mistake she had in a locker room with a teacher when she was fourteen. As I am now eighteen, this makes her thirty two. As you can guess, she was pretty wild when she was younger. She has a career in nursing and is now a ward sister, but she can still be wild. I think I inherited...

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Magicians Assistant 7 Tomfoolery

Magician's Assistant 7: Tomfoolery By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted: 2001 "Hey!" Jasmine quipped as she and that lesbian lover-girl of hers waited for the waitress to bring them their breakfast selections that Saturday morning. "I just thought of something!" "And, what - Pray tell! - is that?" Mary casually asked. "Well... and let me first preface this by saying right up front that I wouldn't have it any other way! You know, because I love you! And, I...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 8

Late in the year of our Lord in 1776, the situation in Boston grew dramatically better for the rebel cause. The British high command saw the handwriting on the wall. In fact, that literally was true because of the many signs and posters declaring Boston a Patriot city and that all redcoats should be on the next boat out. The balance of power in the rural areas was shifting in favor of the Patriots and the Tory land owners were packing up their possessions and heading to the harbor to take a...

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My english teacher was the first one to teach me h

A year before I graduated, we got a new teacher for my english class, who got there straight from university. Her name was Mrs. Cordo. She looked quite non-teacheresque, with nice clothes, decent make-up and a gorgeous haircut. Her light brunette hair fell in gigantic waves around her sweet and somehow regal-looking face. I don't know how it stayed like that all day long.At the time I was pretty unruly and loud-mouthed in class, but since I was also pretty good at english she let me do my...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Part 6

From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter Six Brad Beth immediately begin working on some of the changes that she and Thomas had discussed during his visit. She went out and bought an organizer and notebooks. She downloaded all of her class syllabus and assignments onto her IPad-Old Beth had never read them, she just seemed to get by. Old Beth had never bothered to purchase the class books. New Beth purchased and downloaded all of her class books onto her kindle app on her...

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Kelsey Paying the Rent

Prior: Kelsey – “No Dad Stop.” Prior: Kelsey - “Dad that cannot happen Again” “Ok, baby, lick my balls. Suck on them.” “Dad, please don’t make me.” “I don’t want to .” “Quit whining Kelsey. “ What a look on her face as she took my balls in her mouth. My cock was up against her face, rubbing on her cheeks and her nose. “Oh, so sweet. Suck on it. Rub underneath my nuts. “ KELSEY, looked at me. “Dad, please don’t make me do this. Please.” “Put my cock back in your...

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Pam Pam is a character from a couple chapters of ‘Epiphanous’. Her circumstance fueled a storyboard in my mind that I think was worth exploring. This is not a story of great wrongs and retribution. There is no bitch burning and from my perspective there is no judgement of right or wrong. These are people who might do what others would not or not do what others might rush into. There were no real people harmed in the writing of this story and it is not a collection of my experiences in any way...

1 year ago
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StopwatchChapter 7 The Hook

In the middle of the night, the phone rang. My hometown still had crank phones in 1954, but it was nothing for our phone to ring at odd hours. Father was, after all, the County Prosecutor, the Sheriff often called him in the middle of the night. This call, however, was for Wendy. Daddy slipped up the stairs, found Wendy and me in a puppy pile, and woke us both. "It's Mr. Medawar. Wendy, he'd like to speak to you," relayed Dad. "Wendy, the phone is in the living room. It's long...

2 years ago
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my first back seat fuck

so there i was all alone one night hitch hikeing home one drunkn night,,i had got into a fight with my girl friend in which it ended up that i left her place since she picked me up at the bar,,,iwas flirting with danger with her best friend and her other friend,, there names were Candy and Sheri, and my god was she ever so sweet, her friend Sheri was alright as well, so like i said she picked me up cause like a dumbass i need her ass,,,but she had caught me flirting with her two friends,, i had...

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Matchstick Girl

Here is a bit of Christmas Cheer for you all. Matchstick Girl By Talonhunter 'Three days before Christmas.' Tony thought. 'And me so broke I can't even afford a book of free matches. I knew it was a mistake to quit the gang.' Unknown to Tony, he was being watched by a young lady that could change his life, if he would only take the final risk. Meanwhile off in another fold of time and space where time and space have no meaning, we see a small wooden faced shop with no reason...

4 years ago
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Making Dessert

Carol:My little one. It's been a wonderful day! I made my first ostkaka, a Swedish dessert. I love it and now I can make it! It took lots and lots of patience to make ostkaka.Everything has to be done slowly and gently. A dribble here and slow circles there. And, that's not me! So, I'm a bit crazy. My friend is a lot crazy! But, she's so much fun and so loving. She's very, very hyper.So, I am once again in need of your calming presence. All day long, I was reminded of you. She'd say...

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The Other side of the Forest Chapter 2

This story takes place in the Enemyoffun DarkRealms Universe Chapter 2 Walter Marvin tossed an empty beer can across the living room in disgust. On top of his game for many years, his life started to spiral out of control when his wife found him in bed with another woman. For some reason she seemed bitter but was it really his fault her fault that her business trip was cut short. In no time, she cleared out her things, most of their bank account and left without a word....

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He was mine for a while

By: AWC I have written couple of stories about Qasim Khan, a gay bottom, from South Africa, I happened to get him from the web. He was a bottom of course but he told me that he had fucked only a couple of guys, who compelled him for a fucking. He was a complete man with a hard cock of little over 6” and balls always full of man cream. He never fucked a pussy because he was born Gay, bottom; he said. After his mother got divorced from his father, she brought Qasim with her to USA. Qasim...

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Apni Student Saloni Ko Tarsa Ke Choda

Hey friends mera nam Rahul he mein 3 sal se ISS ka regular reader hun is bar socha mere sath ghati hui sachi ghatna apse share karun. Ta mein Kolkata ka rehene wala hun. Mera mail id: He mein bohat acha sexchat karta hun aksar aunties and girls mujh se sex chat karna pasand karti hein to apka jyada time na lete hue side story pe ata hun ye kahani thodi lambi he par aplogon ko pasand jarur ayegi. Mein kolkata ki ek private degree colleg mein lecturer hun 2 sal hue mujhe is job pe, meri umar 27...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 6 Twinsrsquo Wanton Mother

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister’s asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint’s cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn’t know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me, leaking down my thighs as I hid naked. This was the moment that my twin sister’s desires finally were...

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Fucking My Hot Classmate

Hi friends , Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year. Let us start the story I am trickyplayboy(name changed) from Trichy now working in chennai in an reputed mnc. For personal reasons i would be using changed names in this story.Girls and aunties ,please share your feedbacks to I am 25 year old guy from south india and was pursuing college . My height is 5″7 and my dick is 6″ in length and 2″ in girth.I am a good basketball player from my schooldays which eventually made many girls...

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Quiet Weekend

This past week was not good. My wife spent three days in the hospital because of her diabetes. Seems that for some reason, she couldn’t control it. She went, what they call brittle. Normally, she was always in control and even if it went low, she would know, and we gave her sugar.They couldn’t figure out why she suddenly went brittle, but her sugar doc, as we like to call her endocrinologist, adjusted her injections and changed one of her insulins and that seemed to bring her back.We were...

Wife Lovers
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First Times

"Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions." Woody Allen The worst part about waking up after an all-night fraternity party isn't the hangover; it's fighting your memory tooth and nail to remember everything that you did. Or everything that you didn't do. And when you finally figure it out, a lot of the time you wish you hadn't remembered what you fought so hard to remember. It's an added bonus to try to do it when you...

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