DanicaPart 5B free porn video

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Danica awoke sore the next morning. The muscles in her legs, chest, and tummy all burned with a dull ache. Occasionally, a stab of pain would shoot up from her loins to spread through her chest. Those stabs even made her breasts ache for a few minutes when they hit her.

"Never again," Danica muttered as she rose from her bed; though she revised the statement in her mind, Never again so many times with a cock that big, she thought.

Thinking about the night before caused her body to respond, and another stab of pain shot through her. She growled and pushed all thoughts of sex from her mind.

She mixed and drank a pain deadening draught, and then tried to decide what to do this day. She mused for a moment, and then remembered the freedom she had earned from the Castle. She had yet to use the Scrying Pool.

She went to the man who granted her permission to go into the city, not knowing whom else to ask. He seemed to be a correct choice, because he instructed her how to find the Pool and gave her a ring, which he said was the key.

He informed her that wearing the ring was enough. She only needed to push on the door and it would open while she wore the ring, though the portal would bar any other. She was never to let the ring leave her possession, and to report immediately if she lost it.

Danica examined the ring. It was actually quite beautiful — a simple golden band in the shape of ivy leaves. It was not a whole circle, but instead the ends ran parallel to each other where they met.

She considered for a moment, then removed her soft shoes and slid the ring over the toe next to her smallest on her right foot. She liked the way it looked there and slipped back on her shoe after admiring it.

Danica made her way to the room, following the directions given to her. She entered without mishap and found the Pool. It was a circle of rune-covered stones, filled with water that shimmered with every color of the rainbow.

It occurred to Danica when she sat in the chair before the pool that she did not know how to activate its magic. She thought of her mageware shop back home, and saw the waters of the pool swirl as if they had noticed her thoughts. She concentrated, and the waters of the pool formed into the image of her shop.

There was dust everywhere, and more than a few cobwebs in the corners. She could see the locks and magical traps on the door were still in place. The door to the vault likewise appeared tightly sealed.

She roamed her vision around the room and saw a piece of paper on the main counter. After a few moments of concentration, she managed to move the scrying in close enough to read the note, which was from her sister Devan.


I came to tell you our mother has died. The long illness has finally taken her. Please contact me as soon as possible.


Danica sighed. The news saddened her, but she had already cried out all her tears. Her mother had been ill and near to death for months. Danica could not even know when her mother had died, because the note had no date.

She concentrated on her sister, trying to turn the Pool to find her. The image of her shop vanished, and then the Pool swirled for a few moments, but it ceased its motion and went still again.

Zoraster had told her it would not allow her to scry anywhere that detection was possible. She realized it would never allow viewing of her sister, who wielded such strong Art.

Danica thought of her childhood home, and the pool began to swirl again. The image of the kitchen came into being. She wasn't sure why she had thought of it, of all the rooms in the house. She saw her brother standing up from the table and gathering up a pair of flowers. They were tulips, her mother's favorite, and hers as well. The flowers were a deep, blushing shade of pink in color.

She followed her brother as he left the house and went out back. Her mother's headstone stood beside her favorite shade tree. Her brother placed the flowers on their mother's grave, and stood in quiet thought for a few moments.

"I'm sure Danica will come to say goodbye soon Mom. Devan said she had not been back to the shop. She must be away and doesn't know yet," he said quietly, and then returned to the house.

Danica turned her mind from the scene and the pool stilled. Danica's eyes welled up, but she did not cry. She wiped them on her sleeve, sighed, and left the room.

As she walked back to her rooms, Danica's mind wandered. She was trying to keep from thinking about her mother's death, but it was bringing up even more disturbing thoughts.

Her heightened desire still bothered her somewhat, but she grew more accustomed to it by the day. Indeed, she was actually coming to enjoy it. That was almost more disturbing than the hot passion that always seemed to boil in her blood.

She was also growing almost complacent in her imprisonment. When Zoraster was not visiting tortures upon her or sending her on his tasks, she almost seemed to forget that she was a prisoner here. When she was deep into her magical studies, she was happy. Her freedom to visit the town brought ample opportunity to find new friends and lovers, and this gave her joy as well.

Danica reached her rooms and thought, Does this place visit Zoraster's madness upon you — turn your soul as black as his?

Opening the door and entering, Danica felt a chill pass through her as she considered it. She hugged her arms around her, waiting for the chill to pass.

As it faded, Danica shook her head to clear it, Maybe that is the real trap he sets, forcing you to give up hope in every way. Without hope, your spirit dies and what is left is an empty vessel just waiting to be filled with his madness.

Danica shook her head again. It was all so confusing. It felt as if the entire world had turned upside down since Zoraster enslaved her, and nothing made any sense any longer.

She sighed and went to her lab, hoping that her studies would help her master her fear and confusion. She would just have to hope for an opportunity to get away — for some way to make Zoraster pay for what he had done to her, and Celes, and countless others.

Zoraster watched Danica at the Scrying Pool through his own scrying mirror. He again stood in the coffin room where Danica's 'sisters' had been created. Two of the crèches had their lids closed, and Zoraster absently stroked one as he watched.

"Yes, you grow stronger in your Art, my little rose. Perhaps the time has come to test your mastery of the Art in my service. What do you think little one?" he said to the coffin beneath his hand.

A faint rustling caused him to smile, "Yes, I agree. It would be prudent to determine her ability in the Art. I shall have to devise a test for her that will test her abilities, without being too dangerous. I am enjoying my new toy too much to risk her untested. I'm quite sure something will present itself."

Another faint rustling echoed through the room from the coffin. "Ah, my dear, your birth grows near. I'm sure Danica will be so pleased to see you."

Laughter echoed through the room.

Danica let her studies absorb her for the next several days. Her success with the Inferno Spell had prompted her to research other powerful magic that had once been beyond her.

She had learned the Lightning Bolt spell before she had first come here, but with much difficulty. She turned her attention to the much more powerful Chain Lightning spell. The spell she knew could stun even large monsters into unconsciousness. Once they awakened it would leave them wishing they were dead for a much longer time. The Chain Lightning spell could kill, and arched from target to target if they were nearby, continuing to wreak destruction.

It took Danica only half a day to feel the burning of her blood that let her know the Chain Lightning Spell was hers. She was now acquiring power such as that she had always envied in her sister.

Her next conquest was yet another more powerful version of the Fireball spell she already knew. It took her only another day to master the devastating power of the Meteor Swarm spell.

Next, she turned to a spell she had always thought would never be within her reach. The Wall of Force was an incredibly powerful spell of protection. It could turn aside missiles, swords, spells, and even dragon breath to some degree. The spell had several variations. One protected a single person, one was a globe that protected an area around the caster, and the final one was a true wall. The last would protect a wall from one side, preventing anyone from even touching it.

Over the course of the next several days, Danica felt her blood boil once, twice, and finally a third time as she mastered the powerful spells. The night she learned the last of the three spells, the needs of her body overwhelmed the needs of her mind. She hurried to Andrea's room, bringing her toy with her on impulse.

The pair usually visited and softly touched each other for some time before their desires overcame them. This time Danica was between the young woman's legs lapping greedily at her sweet juices only a few minutes after she entered the room.

Danica sat up from between Andrea's legs, licked her lips, and then brought out her toy.

Andrea giggled as she felt the toy writhing and humming in her hand. She gasped loudly when Danica slipped the toy between her glistening lips and stroked it inside her.

The feeling of stroking the young woman's depths was incredibly arousing to Danica. She thrust the toy hard and fast into the blonde repeatedly, drawing a pair of orgasms from the beautiful young woman.

They lay together kissing softly, until Andrea had recovered enough to think coherently again. Then Andrea took the toy with a smile, and slipped it into Danica's wet heat. She apparently found it just as intensely arousing as Danica had, because she stroked it into Danica just as hard and relentlessly as Danica had done for her. Danica had to cover up and writhe away exactly as Andrea had, when she could no longer handle the overwhelming sensation.

They lay together in the afterglow again, and Danica found the image of her next magical crafting forming in her mind. She dressed, kissed Andrea long and deep, and then returned to her chambers.

Danica awoke, having dreamed something in the night. Her subconscious had latched on to something she had read previously, which she had overlooked, and it had come out in her dream. She left her rooms for the main library. There, she located a copy of the book in which she had researched the Phantasmal Force spell. She re-read the section of the text that had come to her in the dream that night.

The wizard who had created the spell had been obsessed with illusion's power. The part that jumped out at her now related that he had originally forced his mind with a mildly hallucinogenic drug to believe more strongly in an illusion he had created. It took the drug and his intense desire to make the illusion realistic to him. He had quite nearly attained his goal, being able to touch and scent the illusion as if it were real, but it was not quite enough. The illusion would lose it's realism after some time if he touched it too much. Thus, he had begun research and created the Phantasmal Force spell.

Danica leafed through the library's catalog of notes made by previous students, discovering a cross-referenced text. She located it and discovered the reason behind the wizard's obsession. One of the wizard's apprentices had written the text, and it was not flattering to the man.

He was apparently a very ugly man, and he was desperate to find a way to satisfy the needs of his body with a willing and enthusiastic woman. He felt the only way he could achieve this would be to make her himself. The notes explained much, and more importantly, they noted the drug the man had used. Danica wrote down the name of the drug and left the library for her chambers. She started when she opened the door and found Zoraster there.

"Greetings, little rose," he said as she entered. "I have another task for you."

Danica set her face into the impassive mask she wore whenever the man was near, causing him to smile and chuckle as she sat on the bed.

"A band of goblins has moved into a cave in the hills nearby. They waylay travelers and raid the small villages and farms in the area. Several girls and young women have also gone missing from the area. None of this truly concerns me, and I would have ignored the smelly beasts. Unfortunately, they have taken one in whom I have interest. Upon scrying the area, I found evidence of magic far beyond that wielded by even the strongest goblin shaman. I have watched you increase your power, and now I shall give you a chance to test it."

Zoraster paced slowly in front of the bed. "Run these goblins from the area, destroying as many as possible so they fear to return. There are perhaps half a dozen goblins, three warrior goblins, and at least one shaman. You shall free any captives and bring them here. You will also seek out any bodies, removing all their jewelry and returning it here as well. Search them well for any jewelry. Likewise, search the lair and any goblins you kill for jewelry. You will receive the freedom to acquire coin from my treasury, within reason, as well as access to a place where you may test even devastating magic here without fear of causing destruction. The man who manages my treasury makes his quarters at the bend of the hall leading from the entrance.

Danica's tormentor then ceased his pacing. "Take all the time you need for preparation, and do try not to get yourself killed, little rose. If the alternative is being held captive by the creatures, however — I would advise you to seek death instead." He said the last with a laugh, tossing a map onto the bed next to Danica, and then left the room.

The task was one that Danica would gladly undertake. She detested goblins, as a pair had attacked her home when she was about five. They had grabbed her mother and tried to drag her away. Fortunately, her father was a powerful man and brave at heart. Her father had slammed his body into one of the creatures and allowed his wife to struggle free. He had then raised the sickle he carried and dispatched both the creatures in a blind rage. Danica hated the filthy, stinking creatures, and she was more than willing to destroy a nest of them now that she had the power to do so.

Danica prepared all her magical items. To her normal arsenal, she added a bag of holding filled with healing draughts, a few blankets, and some of the silken shifts from her closet. She doubted any female captives — those who survived — would have any serviceable clothing when she found them. Goblins took great delight in raping human women.

Danica dressed in pants and a blouse that did not constrict her movement. She put on a belt and dagger as a last resort, and felt she was ready.

She studied the map again and determined it would likely take her the rest of the day to reach the creature's lair. She would arrive after nightfall, which suited her fine. She went to visit Celes as she was on the way out. Celes begged her to take a ring of spell turning, and Danica accepted it gratefully.

She then left the complex, ignored by the guards at the gate, and turned onto the road into the hills.

The journey through the countryside was uneventful. She passed no one once night drew near. Apparently, the band of goblins had caused people to avoid the roads at night.

When her path left the road and turned onto a trail up higher into the hills, Danica enveloped herself in silence and invisibility with her rings.

She quickly discovered a cave, and looked closely for signs of habitation. She approached and crouched to pass through the low opening after a few minutes of observation. The cave was unoccupied — a single chamber at the end of a narrow path. The chamber had a small pool of spring water that came from a tunnel too small for anyone to enter. Danica left the cave when she determined it was not the correct one, or a guard outpost for the monsters. She could detect no evidence of even goblin footprints in the area. It was entirely possible they didn't even know the cave was there, as she had only seen it by pure chance. It would have been impossible to see from any direction except below.

She quickly moved farther up the path, and knew she had found the correct cave when she smelled the distinctive stench of goblins. She wrinkled her nose and tried to put the smell of sweat, poorly tanned hides, rot, and offal out of her mind.

Danica settled nearby and watched the entrance of the cave. She could see a big warrior goblin lounging just inside the entrance, keeping an absent watch outside. She had only been there for a few moments when she saw the goblin rise, and other goblins come outside into the bright moonlight.

The three warrior goblins were there, and Danica cursed when she saw Zoraster had been wrong. There were two Shamans. There was another of the smaller, more common goblins as well. It was about the size of a teenage boy, but she knew it was far stronger than it looked, and as vicious as a cornered wolverine.

She watched as the creatures conversed quietly in the language of goblins. She could not make out any of the words because of the distance, despite knowing the language. The three warrior goblins and the two shamans then left the cave and skulked down another trail out of the hills.

The smaller goblin sat just outside the entrance and watched carefully. Danica cast a spell of sleep over the creature after giving the other goblins time to move a good distance away. The creature fought the spell with the typical tenacity and magic resistance inherent to the race, hissing and shaking its head. It lost the battle against Danica's magic, and slumped forward asleep.

Danica hurried forward, casting a spell of telekinesis to lift the creature up and levitate it to an area she had passed on the way up the mountain. It took little effort to hold the creature suspended over the deep ravine. Danica held her breath against the stench of the creature, and then slashed out with her dagger to slit the thing's throat. She let the creature fall with a thud to the ravine floor far below. It nearly vanished between two large rocks.

Danica wiped as much of the creature's stinking blood off her as she could, and then returned to the cave entrance. When she was near the cave mouth, she reactivated the magic of her rings, which her attack on the goblin sentry had negated.

She carefully snuck inside the entrance and around a corner. Faintly glowing globes of magic lit the cave. She knew that no mere goblin shaman could have crafted this magic. Something was definitely wrong here. She paused as the tunnel in the hill opened into a larger chamber.

Two of the goblins were here, seated at a table drinking stolen spirits and snarling in their guttural language. Danica could hear the sound of muffled screams coming from somewhere deeper in the cave.

Danica weighed her options. One goblin was dead, and two more were here. That would leave only three if Zoraster had been correct. She did not know how much time she might have before the more dangerous group that had left would return, so she decided to take speed over stealth.

Her hands moved in the gestures of the sleep spell again, and the two goblins slumped quickly, their heads thudding to the table.

Danica walked into the chamber, and a third goblin emerged from a passage at the other end at the same time. The creature spotted her and hissed, leaping toward her.

She unleashed her magic, and a barrage of magic missiles leapt from her fingers to thud into the goblin. It twitched and turned as the missiles penetrated it, emitted a gurgling cry, and then slumped to the floor.

Danica held her breath and checked the creature. It was dead. She then lifted the heads of the two sleeping goblins and slit their throats.

With the monsters now no longer a threat, Danica followed the tunnel the third goblin had appeared from, finding six pallets in another open area. She passed farther into the cave and soon discovered three large, simple beds in another area — the warrior goblins' quarters.

The sounds of muffled screaming grew louder, and Danica continued on. She soon drew near a side passage and could tell she was very close to the source of the screams. She reactivated her rings and started down the passage.

As she neared a more brightly lit area, she heard hisses and snarls coming from ahead. She entered the room just in time to see two goblins pulling out of a pair of women who were bound spread out on tables in the middle of the room.

Both women were young and blonde, and one began sobbing when the creature lifted its hand off her mouth. The other woman lay very still.

One of the goblins looked over and said, "Idiot, you stole her breath," in the guttural language of goblins, and slapped the other.

Same as Danica
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The AAC cruised on patrol as they did daily now. It was crewed by Ujiah the pilot, Tani and Autumn. The patrol had been uneventful and they were just preparing to head back to the compound having reached the farthest extent of their patrol. Suddenly in the distance ahead of them they heard a loud boom. Instantly all of them came to alert. With his instruments Ujiah spotted the source of the noise. They climbed in altitude and cautiously approached. They heard another loud boom and shortly...

1 year ago
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Helping sis

(Part 1 from 2)My sister and I were never very close. Heather and I were born fiveyears apart, with me being older. I went away to college when she was inseventh grade. When I graduated from college, I got a job 100 miles fromhome. She graduated from high school, got married and pregnant, not necessarily in that order.So the only time we were close was when I was in high school and she wasa young k**. I guess that's why I still think of her as that young k**,even though she's 38 years old.The...

3 years ago
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The Cabin

We drove up from the city for the weekend. No words were spoken but fervent glances and shy smiles were all that was needed to know what was on the others mind. I was still dressed in my teaching attire, you in a dark suit. We had been seeing each other off and on for a long time, but this was the first time we had gotten to get away for the weekend. It was quiet and dark when we arrived at the cabin. The caretaker, having followed directions left the door unlocked. You took my hand as we...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Young And Innocent My Ass

My wife tried to convince me that our fourteen-year-old daughter Alicia was innocent. Well she sure plays the innocent act around her mother but I have seen the other side of her. It all started soon after Alicia turned fourteen. My wife has a regular Thursday night ‘girl’s night out’ every week. It coincides with her paycheck. She doesn’t come home from work at all until almost midnight. Then she is pretty well on her way to being drunk as a skunk and horny as hell too. I look forward...

2 years ago
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After My Wifes Gangbang

After the account in "My Gangbanged Wife" things seemed to settle down for a while. I didn't know what was going on in my wife's mind. She'd been scared of being re - infected but couldn't stop herself craving more group sex. She knew how much I wanted to watch men having sex with her but couldn't bring herself to do it with me watching. She especially felt she had to hide what she was doing after telling me it was too dangerous to do it again. She was going out whilst I was at work...

3 years ago
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I pulled out of the station as Michelle took her bags to the bedroom in the back. I could hear her humming some tune I didn't recognize. It was nice to have another presence in the coach. Since the death of my wife, I had been alone traveling the country. Now I had a passenger, but Michelle was more than just a passenger. She was my companion and my lover. The night before we had been lying together after a long bout of lovemaking and Michelle had told me a little about her life. Her parents...

1 year ago
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The Itch That Could Not Be Scratched

SISTER'S DEVOTIONCaroline Smith opened her eyes slowly, still groggy from all the drinks she had from the party last night.  Did she drink too much? She wondered to herself. She only had two or three drinks.  So she suspected she must have been drugged or something.  It wasn't in her nature to pass out from only just a few drinks.  Caroline was strong and athletic having trained in karate and martial arts at a young age.  Her brownish blond hair, 36-24-36 and voluptuous size D breasts made...

3 years ago
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Sexy MILF heels and dildo

T and I had a wedding for a fellow manager of hers at work. We needed this wedding as a get away for several reasons mainly the fact that we were stressed from work as well as the usual k**s issues. The wedding was 45 minutes away and I had booked us room at the hotel the out of town guests were staying at. The hotel was a step below our usual stays, we had the pleasure of staying at 5 star hotels usually and I was the main reason and T didn’t mind either. T had volunteered to let the bride and...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Zodiac 12

Karl waited for his meeting with Zack in the atrium at Jaxport. He sipped a latte, watching passengers arrive and depart after lively reunions and tearful good-byes. But Karl mostly watched his charge, Pamela, sitting at the wrought iron café table with him. She was wearing a short sleeveless summer dress, her braless breasts playing sidewinder peek-a-boo in the large arm openings. No nipple flashed but much of her boob gave a show as she fidgeted, bending to adjust her heel straps or fluffing...

1 year ago
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My dream affair

With the success of my first story here is another story. So this happened to me a few weeks ago. Things were going kind of bad with Amber for about a few months there was a lack of sex even talks of divorce. I joined a particular forum for advice on these things and found Jess. Jess was 42 bisexual and was drop dead gorgous. I messaged her just a simple hello and since Amber was working I masterbated to Jess's photos (I'm a married man but Jess was that hot) she responded and we started...

1 year ago
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Dream A Little Dream

Time stood still as he repeated his question. His voice, which I had just moments ago found so carefree, so welcome, seemed tired and resigned. My mind went blank; I bit my lower lip and shook my head. I wasn’t ready. I doubted I ever would be truly prepared for this moment. Taking a step back, I allowed her to move in front of me.  Her, with her beautiful smile, effortless grace and sculpted body. I’m sure the envy and twinge of hate shone through my expression, for she gave me the courtesy...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Teachers PetChapter 2

Charlotte told the school secretary that Malcolm Wilcox would be checking into the office. “Give him the message that I will see him in my room at 3:45” She was in a dither all day, stammering in class and making mistakes on the blackboard. One of her students said, “Are you alright Ms. Speaks?” Placing the class on their honor she went to the teacher’s lounge for a few minutes to collect her thoughts and try to get her erratic breathing back into synch—she was a very popular teacher with...

2 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 12

After sleeping quite well, with my beautiful naked sister next to me, I realized it was morning. Caroline had her hand on my chest and was moving it toward the danger zone. “Is that for me, big brother?” she smirked. “I have one of those, every morning, Sis. Only now it stays pretty much like that all day, especially with you by my side. “Well, Wichie. Do you want to play Where’s Wichie?” “I can’t wait to find out how to play that, Caroline!” “Like this.” She took my ‘wood’ and stroked...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Candy Alexa Busty Blonde Secretary Candy Alexa Seduces Photographer and Gets DPd on Set

Busty Blonde Secretary Candy Alexa is watching over her husband’s studio while he’s out running a few errands when she sees Josh, the young stud photographer, from afar. Immediately, Candy – being the horny slut that she is – decides to seduce Josh while her husband is out and about. Unsurprisingly, after exchanging a few words with Josh, Candy successfully takes Josh’s pants off, places his cock in her mouth, and before long he’s eating her asshole out on set. Minutes into fuck session, Candy...

2 years ago
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My Daughters Best Friend II

MY DAUGHTER'S BEST FRIEND II By TamarainRubber My sexy daughter Karen and her incredibly attractive friend Nikki had known about my secret for some time, as I soon discovered. But when they came home early, only to find me dressed up in the special fetish clothes Nikki had packed for her weekend stay. When Karen asked me to unpack Nikki's bulging suitcase, and put away her clothes, I never expected to find the note that stated my secret desires were out in the open. When...

3 years ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 11

I was at the burger bar right after Mrs. O. I had to knock on the glass to have her let me in. I explained that I was there because we didn't know if she needed any time off, what with the promotion. She started tell me thank you again for the promotion and no she could manage. I stopped her by explaining that I wanted her awake and alert and that required her having enough time off to be rested. After some hemming and hawing she admitted there was some stuff that she needed to take care of...

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Sisoban OmalloryChapter 7

I had made a request to Justine before I left, and three days later I got a phone call. It was quiet for about thirty seconds and I thought the call had dropped. “Thank you.” I smiled. “You are very welcome, my Queen. I hope it brings you happiness.” “I know my time on this earth is about over. I’ve lived a very full life, and I have few regrets. One of my biggest now is that I won’t get to enjoy your gift for as long as I’d like. I know you didn’t have to do this, and it was a gesture of...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kendra Lust Big Tit MILF Has The Biggest Black Cock Of Her Life

JJV fans get what they want and they obviously want what anyone in their right mind would want – to see KENDRA LUST taking the BIGGEST BLACK COCK ON THE PLANET – MANDINGO! The supremely hot MILF isn’t wearing any panties because she knows what the fuck is coming and she isn’t playing around. Lust is up to The Mandingo Challenge and she owns that BBC! They simply do not make women hotter than Kendra Lust and dicks don’t come bigger than Mandingo – a natural...

3 years ago
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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 10

I came so loud then I awoke my hubby and had to pretend the plasters on my scratches had pulled against some of my skin hairs when I moved. For the next four days that same thought of being fucked by a dog or dogs would not leave me. I could hardly concentrate on my work and the only way for me to do any was to masturbate imagining it was happening to me. It never took any time for me to climax. At least that satisfied my taboo urge for a few hours. Taboo. It was very taboo. In those days...

4 years ago
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Shove it up my ass

Lola was a 40 year old woman who had been married to her husband David for 15 years now and it was fair to say that their bedroom activities involved a quick straight fuck. Lola was getting bored of the same sex routine and fancied a change so she began looking at adult sites for something to heat things up in the bedroom. The first thing that captured her eye was a pair of handcuffs's coated in leather, she'd always dreamt about being tied up for rough sex but David never took the hint. She...

2 years ago
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Hung Wallpaper Man Fucks My Wife Final Chapter

Hung Wallpaper Man Fucks My Wife, Final ChapterI’ve told you several true stories about my sexy wife Ann, fucking my best friend, and also how she attempted to seduce a guy named Bill, who she tired to hang wallpaper in our house. She didn't know anything about him before hiring him for that first job, but when he showed up to take measurements for how much wallpaper he would need, and to give Ann a quote for the job, let's just say she noticed something. That something, was an enormous cock...

4 years ago
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Our BVI Adventure Part 1

Day OneLike a much watched, favorite movie clip, she walked up out of the ocean surf towards me, water drops glistening on her naked skin, her long black hair whipping in the wind. Her shadow fell over me, as she leaned down….. a hard jolt woke me as the plane touched down and landed. Well, damn! Interrupted a perfect dream that I hope to make reality very soon. After getting our bags and leaving the plane, we grabbed a taxi to cross the island for the Redhook ferry. Once there, we board a...

2 years ago
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Hogans Heroes 2 Col Hogan Was a Patriot

Hogan's Heroes Created by: Bernard Fein and Albert S. Ruddy Produced by: Ed Feldman, For Bing Crosby Productions Hogan's Heroes 2: Col. Hogan Was a Patriot By Ron Dow75 January, 1945, LuftStalag 13: Col. Hogan as the only ambulatory man, brought containers of cool water to each of the men. He helped them clean their dirty and feverish faces and hands. When he got to Kinchloe, he put the man's arm around his own shoulder, and helped him to his bed. Starting to get...

4 years ago
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My Neighbors and Me Pt 4 Dinner

{This is the 4th part of “My Neighbors and Me” saga. In case you didn’t catch the first part, the Intro, it’s important that you read it first. I guess I screwed up and posted it as a blog instead of a story. Intro can be found on my profile. Please go there and make comments. Your input is helpful in creating this semi-true story. And now on with the story!} Deb spun around, amazingly agile on those heels. As she pirouetted her skirt flared out and I could see that wore no panties. Her...

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Sex education1

"Hey, can you get me some toilet paper from the supply closet?" After returning from the supply closet I told her I had it and she told me to open the door and hand it to her. Upon opening the door I saw her sitting, totally naked, on the toilet. I stretched my arm out to give it to her when she said, "I can't get up, bring it to me?" So I walked over to her and handed her the toilet paper when she closed the door and stood up. "Did you like what you saw?", she said, and...

1 year ago
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Sudhir with his tenent 1

Hi! This is Pabby…I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, living in Chandigarh. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at kuch saal pahale kee baat hai, mai apanee door ky reeshty ki mami aur do bahano (mami ke beteyan) Ke kahane par unake saath kullu gayaa. Kullu me mere perdada hamare naam ek makaan chodd gaye the. Hama logo ke...

3 years ago
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Watch and Learn

Watch and Learn “Are you sure you know where you’re going?” asked Jen as Kevin turned off the highway onto an old dirt road.“Quite sure,” he replied. Kevin is my older brother. He met Jen at school and they’d been seeing each other for a few months now. Summer vacation had just started and he said he knew of a nice place to go swim for the day to beat the heat. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but as we go further down this road, the woods aren’t the only thing that’s looking shady.I...

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A Husband His Wife Her Girlfriend

Sat in front of her computer, Cathy looked up at the clock on the wall. Good, there was still a few minutes to make sure everything was right. A quick check over was required she told herself, it was the curse of being very organised to the point of almost obsession. It was this need for things to be right that meant Cathy always had a mirror handy so she could check her appearance and that was especially relevant tonight. She wanted to look her best.Another glance at the clock showed it was...

4 years ago
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Saras Wild Time

Sara is a beautiful woman. She's 5'6", with shoulder length red/brown hair and hazel green eyes. She thinks she's a little over weight, but its only small curves. She's 25, and still in her prime. Sara is also married. Seven years ago Sara met her husband James. She had left an on again and off again boyfriend a year before and James had been there, for years, waiting for her. So after a short time, she agreed to go out with him. It wasn't long after that they had had sex for the first time....

3 years ago
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HostileChapter 4

JAKE That night and the next morning I examined in my mind the conversation I had had with the beautiful young Alie. She had obviously been very frightened throughout despite her much more advantageous position. However, she HAD given me terms on which I could return and speak with her again. So that was something at least. Her comments seemed a little strange. She seemed to believe that simply because I was a man I would hurt her. Early in the morning I finally decided to stop turning the...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 83 The Hand of God

Caderousse continued to call piteously, "Help, reverend sir, help!" "What is the matter?" asked Monte Cristo. "Help," cried Caderousse; "I am murdered!" "We are here;--take courage." "Ah, it's all over! You are come too late--you are come to see me die. What blows, what blood!" He fainted. Ali and his master conveyed the wounded man into a room. Monte Cristo motioned to Ali to undress him, and he then examined his dreadful wounds. "My God!" he exclaimed, "thy vengeance is...

1 year ago
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Ma ki chudai

Hi to all iss raders. Aj mai apne maa ki chudai ki ek aishi kahaani sunane jaa rahaa hu jo maine apne life me pahlibar dekhi hai. Meri maa ek gori sundar lambi aur healthy mahila hai. Meri maa mere daidy se sexualy satisfied nahi hoti hai. Unki najar ek aise mard per rahati thi jo unko puri tarah se santust kar sake. Is kaam ko ek aadmi tha aur wo the mere dur ke bauji jinki umar to lagbhag 70 saal ki hogi wo lambe, gore aur bilkulhi healthy hai. Ab mai apko us din ki or le chalta hu. Us din...

4 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 6 Rei Ayanami

Dramatis Personae: Frank ___ - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Kara Zor-L aka Power Girl aka Karen Starr - artificial woman based on character from DC Comics Rei Ayanami aka Rei Ayanami Ikari - artificial woman based on character...

3 years ago
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Futa Naked in School 04 Teachers Taboo Futa PetChapter 3 Johanarsquos Taboo Punishment

Johana Jordan’s Week, Friday Since Tuesday—when I had witnessed my mother masturbate as Samantha Herbert took my cherry and fucked me with her futa-cock—my life had been in turmoil. My mother taught at my high school where I was selected to attend the week naked. This was my last day of being in the Program, then I could go back to being clothed and put this disorienting week behind me. I could forget about my incestuous lust for my mother. It didn’t matter to me that laws were passed that...

2 years ago
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Dost ki maa ne mujhse chudwayi Part 8211 2

Hlo friends,how are you? Raj back again with next part of “Dost ki maa ne mujhse chidwayi”.Mere pehli story pe bahut achhe comments aaye mere mail pe.Main un saare doston ko thank you bolta hu.Aaj me batane jaa raha hu ki pratima aunty ne mujhe kya mast surprises diye mere birthday pe.Agar ye story achha lage toh comments jarur de.If any aunties,bhabies & girls want to contact me,then mail on this I’d: Ye story thodi badi hai par aap log enjoy jarur karoge.Ab jyada bore naa karte huye sidha...

2 years ago
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Costa Del Sex

1 - The Beach Katie "The fire island paradise with breath taking landscapes and a climate envied the world over." Having been here a week with Linda and Kirsty, I couldn't dispute a word the Lanzarote guidebook had said. Kirsty had just broken up with her boyfriend and had enticed Linda and I to book two weeks away to help her get over it all. We'd booked a villa on the Jardines Del Sol in Playa Blanca on the southern tip of the island. It was one of those complexes of self catering villas...


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