Michael’s Search free porn video

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Michael Fielding was a strange duck his peers all agreed. He had manners, a superior intelligence, could think on his feet, analyze a problem and decide on a course of action faster than anyone they knew. He was handsome, fit and had that something that caused men to follow his lead and women to flock to his side. He was the man many other men liked but hated at the same time. Mike was not a bad boy but he had that self confident attitude, that little something that made women decide HE was the one or at least the one for right now. Women flocked to his side and almost begged him to take them to bed—or a car or stock room or anywhere just so long as he took them. Other, lesser mortal men could only grimace and take his rejects.

Michael was not a predator, he was an honorable man but he was a man. Like other young men he wanted, he needed, he searched for sex and hopefully love. He did not move in on other men’s women but just by being in the same room with them they seemed to pay their men less attention. Many times he had to gently remind women they were with another man and were paying too much attention to him. He never knowingly ‘took’ or moved in on a woman who was married or in a relationship. In fact a time or two he dropped a woman he was with when he found out she had taken up with him while she was still in a committed relationship. He was once heard to tell a woman who had done this ‘I believe in fidelity to your partner. I am a one woman man and I expect my woman to be a one man woman. I demand honor, ethics, kindness and consideration from my friends and from my lovers. If it is over, end it then move on but never, never will I accept anyone who is in a relationship and begins dating me while her other man still thinks they are exclusive.’

Michael had told the woman that while she was surrounded by her friends. When he left her she was running after him begging him to reconsider. She cried out, ‘But Mike, I needed to date you first to find out if you were a better choice before I told Jason. You’re the one I choose. PLEASE come back.’

Mike stopped, turned to her and said, ‘I’m sorry but I just can’t do that. I’m not built that way. When we started dating I understood you were not in a relationship. You lied to me and to your boyfriend. How do I know you won’t do the same thing to me? The trust is broken but truthfully, I was beginning to think dating you was a bad idea before I found out about this. You were always too eager to flirt and to run around evenings without me. When I marry I want a woman who wants to spend her life with me, not just live with me and be with me when she can’t find anything more interesting to do.’

All her friends gathered around her and made comments to each other about how much an asshole Mike was. One wrapped her arms around the crying woman and led her toward the restroom. She said, ‘Come on Honey. Forget about him. He’s just another Navy Asshole. You can do lots better than him. I don’t think Kevin knows you’ve been seeing Mike. I’m sure you can get back with him.’

Michael was different in other ways also. While he was not personally rich his family was and he stood to inherit significant wealth in the future. The family expected each young member to stand on their own two feet, to obtain an education, a position, a life, based on their own abilities. That many of the members of the family at least started their working life in the military was a well known and respected fact. The name was known for miles around the small southwest Missouri town they called home. Their family name was also well known in the Army and to a lesser degree in the Navy.

Just the relationship helped the young succeed and for Michael it was no different. What was different for him was the path he chose for success and the criteria he used in selecting his path in life. First off Michael chose the Navy over the Army when he went to college and got his commission through Navy ROTC. He became one of the approximately fifteen percent of his family to go into the Navy instead of the Army. His other criteria for success, for living his life resulted in his career choice. Even before he left active duty in the Navy he became known as a hatchet man, one it did not pay to cross. Like many of his family members he had studied business in college taking a degree in Management. He then was selected for the Supply Corps in the Navy where he further refined his skills. His last Navy posting had been as Supply Department Head on an Aegis Guided Missile Cruiser.

Michael, like many other young men enjoyed the hunt. He was constantly on the lookout for ‘the one’. He had seen many relationships over the years and used his above average brain to analyze them, sifting thoughts through his head until he had his picture of the perfect female, the one he wanted to marry and live his life with. He had watched his family and friend’s marriages and romances. In his view his Great Grandfather had a marginally successful relationship. He had seen him and his Great Grandmother together and felt the slight tension. He could see there was only minimal trust. As he aged he found out the reason—his Great Grandmother Ann had cheated and they divorced only to remarry years later. He wondered if that had been wise. He wondered if they had ever had the kind of love he and others wanted.

In Michael’s opinion his Father Jeffery and Mother Abigail and his Uncle Charles and Aunt Amanda had the type relationship he wanted. They did not live in each other’s pocket but each and every action, each decision any of them made was taken only after considering how it would affect their spouse. They all tried to minimize time away from their spouse and actually seemed unhappy when they were separated for more than a few hours. Their work was more unpleasant because of the enforced separation. Their faces would light up and they would stand straighter even after an exhausting day as soon as they came within sight of their spouse. Touch was important to the two couples, they were demonstrative in their love but NEVER lewd and NEVER made inappropriate public displays. You could see the sexuality, the lust and desire simmering under the surface however. THAT was what Michael was waiting for, what his whole body was crying out for. Oh, sure, he had some short romances and many sexual flings but he had only once come close to finding his match.


Michael Fielding rolled from his bed when the alarm rang. Duty called once again. This day would be a milestone of sorts. It was a Friday and in addition to being a workday it was also the day he would be promoted to full Lieutenant, Supply Corps, USN.

When he threw the covers back on the bed he inadvertently hit the hips of a very beautiful female lying beside him. Tamara moaned and said, ‘GOD, can’t you be a little quieter and more careful in the morning? This is the third time this week you’ve wakened me getting out of bed.’

Mike grinned and leaned down to kiss the tussled head peering over a shoulder at him. ‘Sorry Honey. I don’t mean to but you know I have to get up and to the ship by 0630. I try, I really do.’ He gazed at the beautiful sight of her bedhead and the gentle swell of her exposed breasts. Her nipples were hard little pebbles and he wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with her for a morning romp. He knew he didn’t have time for that however so gave her one more admiring glance before he got on with his day’s business.

Mike stood and then said, ‘Don’t forget, formation is at 1300 today and you need to be there at least by 1130 if you’re going to dine with us.’ He looked worried and continued, ‘You are still coming aren’t you?’ He looked at the pout on Tammy’s face and read her feelings like she had spoken them. All she really wanted was for him to go away and leave her alone so she could go back to sleep. She habitually stayed up late and slept until nearly noon since she had been laid off from her last job. Her whole attitude screamed at him that
she could care less. He wondered why he had thought this time might be different and quietly sighed. He was afraid their relationship was on its last legs.

Tamara sighed and said, ‘Of course I am dummy. I don’t really look forward to all the rigmarole and climbing all over your dirty ship but I will be there for my man’s promotion.’

Mike frowned at her response. He knew there were many ways for clothing to become soiled on the ship. It probably wouldn’t happen to Tam however because she would not be anywhere near the dirtier areas. He had tried in the past to give her a tour and she had declined. Mike knew some of the Navy’s traditions were sort of silly but it was expected of a spouse or seriously significant other to be there for his or her sailor at certain functions. They were in port and this was promotion day ergo Tammy should be there for him since they were engaged. He felt once more her reluctance, almost resentment of the required social obligation to be there and it bothered him. Truthfully, in the last two months there had been several instances when he became worried about his relationship with Tamara.

When they had first met she had been like many other women and had almost rushed to his side. He was prepared to treat her like he did most women, with courtesy and respect but aloofness also. Even at first glance he had categorized Tamara as a party girl, high maintenance. She had been the pursuer for the first couple of months of their relationship. Every time they were in the same place together whether she was with someone or not she made a point of stopping and talking to him, touching him repeatedly to emphasize her points. She was flirty and made a full court press whenever she was able to get near Mike.

As he showered, Mike thought back to the beginning of his and Tamara’s relationship. He was comparing his feelings then and now. He stopped soaping his under arm as the thought hit him. Tamara was displaying the same indifference now that he had seen at the party where they had first met. He had seen her enter the Officer’s Club with a Lieutenant from the base and remembered how she acted. She had almost immediately begun casting around the room as if looking for someone. When their eyes met he had been mesmerized by her smile and felt his heart lurch when her gaze lingered on him before moving on. He remembered how she had licked her lips as if she could almost taste him.

It had only taken about ten minutes before Tammy had managed to walk near him and once again catch his gaze with hers. She was supposedly on her way to the Ladies room but she had not taken the most direct course. On her return she had once more walked past him, this time gently brushing him as she passed. When they touched she jumped as if in shock and turned to him. Her eyes were round and she stammered out an apology.

Mike grinned and assured her it was no problem. They introduced themselves and she drove the conversation. He had no memory of how long they talked but it must have been some time because her date came looking for her. When he walked up to them his face showed anger. He was not terribly mollified when Tammy explained why they were talking but seemed to accept it. Quickly thereafter he held her arm and guided her away from Mike. Even at the time Mike thought he was rougher than he needed to be.

After that evening Mike found himself thinking about Tammy. He remembered she had said she was there with a friend. She had never indicated the LT was her boyfriend. He remembered how much fun she was to talk to and how beautiful she had been. From time to time while out on the town he had seen her. Sometimes she was with several female friends, sometimes with the LT she had came to the party with, other times with another man.

A couple of times his friends told him she was asking about him. She wanted to know who he was, where he was from, his education and likes and dislikes. She made it known to his friends she was very interested in Michael. After he did a very little research on his own he decided she had been telling him the truth and she and the LT were just friends. Her girlfriends had told him she dated around and didn’t have a steady boyfriend. They told him she was still looking for Mr. Right. Michael made his decision. He would give her a try. She was the most exciting woman he had seen or talked to for several months. The next time they met and talked she laid her hand on his forearm to emphasize a point. Michael felt himself harden. He decided to go for it and asked her for a date. She accepted and they were off.

The romance was hot, exciting and they seemed very well matched for a while. After Tammy agreed to move in with him though it seemed to Mike as if their romance began to sour. He found Tammy moody many evenings. She began to complain they didn’t go out enough. She was unhappy with the way their social life was going. She began to run around with her friends alone at night more often. After several months she would receive a phone call and immediately walk from the room to take it. On those instances she talked softly. Mike felt as if since they were now exclusive they should spend the majority of their non work time together. Tammy thought she should be free to bar hop with her single friends two or three nights a week. Now Mike was beginning to wonder if he was seeing a repeat of what had happened when he and Tammy hooked up.

Later that day Mike was called to the Quarterdeck to escort Tammy to the Wardroom where his promotion was to take place. She seemed underwhelmed and was extremely careful not to soil her short thin summer dress. Mike was disappointed in her attire. When she stood in front of the sun her dress was translucent. She looked as if she was trolling for a man instead of celebrating her man’s promotion. Her dress was totally inappropriate for this type ceremony and Mike made a mental note to tell her when they got home. He would have to talk to her about the proper way for Officer’s women to dress.

After the ceremony there were hors d’oeuvres and non alcoholic drinks. There had been three officers promoted this day so the small reception continued for a couple of hours. The wardroom was very crowded. To Mike’s chagrin Tamara spent a lot more time than he thought appropriate visiting with his brother officers. She spent a minimal amount of time with the women and married officers and the majority of her time flirting with unmarried ones. She seemed especially interested in the Chief Engineer (CHENG) who was a Lieutenant Commander. Mike was once again reminded of the day he met Tammy. He found himself moving to her and demanding she accompany him away to visit with his friends and the married folks in a different part of the wardroom. Tammy gave him a frown and he saw the Chief Engineer smirk as they departed the area he and Tammy had been in.

Three days later the engagement came to an end. Tammy was supposed to be with her friends from work once again. Supposedly they were going to a baby shower. He decided since Tammy was not going to be home he would stop at one of the local clubs for a drink and meal. His brother officers kept raving about the food served and the reasonable prices. Since he had not felt like going home, cooking and eating alone Mike went out of his way to try the place. He intended to take Tammy there if it was as good as he had been told.

Mike was sitting at the bar eating his admittedly very good meal when he heard Tammy’s unmistakable giggle then her voice was raised in that playful way of talking she had. Mike turned from the bar and his meal to search out the sound. He finally saw Tammy, the Chief Engineer and one of the other Surface Warfare officers and his girlfriend in a dark booth in the rear corner of the building. Tammy was leaning on the Chief Engineer looking up at his face with a look of adoration as she fed him an appetizer.

Michael felt an instant surge of anger and stood without thinking. He had taken two steps toward the two couples intending
to hit the Chief Engineer when reason returned. His situation was not the same as it would have been in civilian life. There if he fought in a bar he might be prosecuted and fined or given a suspended sentence. If he fought with the Chief Engineer who was a Lieutenant Commander he would be sent to prison and kicked out of the Navy for striking a superior officer and perhaps for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Gentleman.

Mike stopped and took a picture instead with his cell phone. Over the course of the evening Mike made several more pictures, some of which were very lewd. The Chief Engineer actually took Tammy to his car and screwed her in the back seat like a teenager. Mike got some pictures of that. Unfortunately, the flash of the camera alerted the couple and he barely made his getaway. He was not sure if he had been recognized or not.

Mike barely made it home before Tammy. He had just gotten into the shower when she rushed in. ‘Honey I’m home. Where are you,’ she caroled as she came into the bedroom.

Mike stuck his head out of the shower and said, ‘Where do you think I am Tam? Surely you can hear the shower cant you? You’re home pretty late aren’t you?’

Tammy looked guilty and stammered, ‘Uh, yeah I suppose. We just got to talking and having such a good time we all lost track of the hour. I’m sorry honey. We got to drinking and partying and before we knew it we were late.’

Mike said nothing more, just pulled his head back into the shower and finished. As he walked toward the bed he said, ‘Well, it’s late and I have duty tomorrow. I have to be in earlier than usual and I need to sleep. We’ll talk more Wednesday when I get home.’

Tammy sighed to herself and rapidly walked into the master bath. She was sure if it had been Mike or one of his friends watching her and Charlie that he would have been angry and yelling when she came home. She was going to have to be more careful in the future. She didn’t want to mess up with Mike until she was sure she had Charlie convinced he wanted her. She might even marry him if he asked. She had been scared she would have to settle for a mere LT. Charlie was the most senior officer she had been able to snag in almost two years of trying. She would have ignored Mike except her research had turned up his connection to several senior officers. She had also gotten a hint that his family had money so she had made her play for Mike. She was now glad she had gone to Mike’s promotion when the Chief Engineer had begun flirting with her. He would be a much better catch if she could snag him.

Tammy washed her pussy especially well in case Mike tried to screw her. She had no intention of letting him but if he played with her she wanted to be as safe as she could be, as sure as possible he would not find Charlie’s spend in her. While she was washing herself she smiled and caught herself gently rubbing her clit. Her hips were undulating gently as she remembered her evening. GOD it was sooooo exciting when she found and enticed a new man into her pussy. Doing it in the parking lot with a man Mike knew was just icing on the cake.

The next morning Mike was especially careful not to wake Tammy when he left. He had his phone and the USB cord for it. He had already come up with a plan to exact his revenge on the Commander and Tammy. All it needed was a little bit of luck. The Navy was ‘Hell on Wheels’ serious about Sexual Harassment, Adultery and other types of improper sexual conduct. Items such as that had been codified in the Uniform Code of Military Justice for years and years but poorly enforced. For the last several years however, the military had been more careful about enforcing those regulations. In spite of his anger and hurt Mike caught himself smiling when he thought of his plan.

At first he was just going to ask to speak with the Executive Officer then lay out what he had discovered. He knew that would work and solve his problem. In fact, that was the proper way to do things but Mike wanted more revenge than that would entail. He knew his plan was not as ethical but he decided this once he was going to be a little unethical. He was hurt too much to do otherwise.

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Chapter Five Linda had someone fallen asleep in her bonds and was jolted awake when the van rocked as someone slid open the door and stepped in. In short order she was unstrapped from the floor and her hogtie released. As she let out a groan from the newfound freedom, she felt chains being clamped on her ankles. With a hard slap on her bum she was rolled over and into a sitting position and then pulled out of the van. Disoriented with the hood still on she struggled to stay...

3 years ago
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Delightful Search

"Wait here, hon" she said. "I'm going to change and then put on the coffee." The woman disappeared down a hall. I looked around the smallish living room at the overstuffed couch and chair, the obligatory coffee table with scuff marks and cigarette burns in the finish. All in all, the room was nothing special. My bladder had started to feel full, probably the psychosomatic result of the hope in my loins rather than any real need to pee. I decided to look for a bathroom anyway. I headed...

2 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 29 Search

3 September, 1686 Dusk When Dancort had been thrown overboard and hurled into the bay he came up on the top of the small waves, struggling and panting for breath. With the encumbrance of his thick, heavy clothing, and one broken arm he exerted all his strength just trying to remain above water. Just when he felt he was unable to tread water any longer he felt himself being hauled through the sea toward a small boat, and then finally hoisted inside. Looking up Dancort saw Cog. The look on...

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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 2 The Search

Early before the sun rose I got up put the remainder of my water on to boil, rolled up my bedding and re-stowed it on my pack. Useing half the water to make a cup of tea and the other to shave with, used up all my water I was carrying. I had to find another stream to fill me water bottle, and I had to see if I could find another water bottle as one was not enough. I really needed to clean my teeth, but that would have to wait until I reached a stream or running water. I buried the wrappers...

1 year ago
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Stevies Search

I strongly believe that there is a key to existence. It is balance. Which is funny, considering the sign of the scales – or balance – is Libra, and the Libra I know best is my mother the extremist, whom I despise. But contentment itself is defined as an emotional balance – so I think humans need balance to feel content, and waves of unbalance one way or another temporarily sways our mood back and forth. Lack of balance obviously throws things off in many cases. Hence my theory that all humans...

4 years ago
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The Researcher

The Researcher By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have additional chapters. Thank you for your comments. One She and I had known each other for nearly a year when she asked me if I would move in. My world wasn't much to leave behind but I'd paused since I had felt I should be contributing. "The apartment is spacious Jon but my father's company owns it and therefore I don't pay the...

2 years ago
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The Dom and the Researcher

Charles swept into the club at about 9 in the evening one Friday evening Charles swept into the club at about 9 in the evening one Friday evening. It was a private club that a friend had recommended.? He had never been there before but seemed quite at ease. ?The club was full but not crowded, with many Doms and Dommes there with their subs, both male and female.? He wasn?t anything particularly special to look at, about 6 foot tall with muscles that rippled slightly as he strode across...

2 years ago
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Demonic Partnership Slamarias Search

Slamaria had just stepped through the portal that they opened on the plane she turned around so she could see Simon on the plane. Suddenly! Everyone who stepped through the portal back to the mansion heard an explosion as they looked on in horror they saw the plane blow up through the portal before the portal closed automatically. Slamaria’s heart sank at the fact that she lost Simon and fearing for her own life as well as the life of Simon. ‘What just happened?’ Terra asked disbelief in her...

3 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 35 Ernestos Search

During the months of her captivity and slavery in the Golden Palace and then while she was being trained for the hunt, and hunted, just over a year had passed. During this time her husband, Ernesto Paphardi, was methodically searching for anyone who answered her description. From the note left in their honeymoon suite he knew she had been taken as a revenge matter by Kâtip al-Baghdadi, whom he had swindled. That being so he was convinced they had not killed her. If killing were intended her...

4 years ago
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Demon BaitChapter 7 The Search

New character appearing in this chapter: Bruiser Major Demon, Gang Leader, 5’-0’’ tall, tan skin and 6’’ long horns on his head, brownish hair, wearing a 1920s suit and a fedora, carrying a Tommy gun Yes, I had prisoners to interrogate, but how to do that was the question. I was still twelve feet tall; more than twice the height of the prisoners. How was I to interrogate them and ensure that they were sufficiently terrified of me to tell the truth? Also, there were Bob and Cassius plus...

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Michaels Weekend of Destiny

Michael Scott was sat at his desk looking out of the third floor window of his office. He could see Portsmouth Guildhall which was a large building built around 1900 or so and unlike the 1960's style of the Civic Offices it was quite gothic looking.It was a medium sized venue for music and theatre but most importantly he could see the large clock on the tower and it was getting close to 4pm and it was Friday. Michael was happy because he could leave behind the very grey and dull world of...

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Michaels Weekend of Destiny Part Two

Michael stood at the front door of Aarons house and closed the door behind him, as he stood still for a few seconds he contemplated his future and the implications of what had just happened in there. He saw Yusuf in the car and gave a small half hearted wave as he started to walk towards the car. He felt the discomfort from the chastity device as he walked, he looked back at the house as he opened the car door. "I am really sorry Yusuf, I am still a bit confused and in shock at what has...

4 years ago
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Michael and Nicole Jeremy

“You look great, babe,” Michael told his girlfriend Nicole as she checked herself out in their full length mirror.“Are you sure?” Nicole asked, sounding anxious.“Absolutely,” Michael said as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her gently on the cheek. “We don’t have to do this,” Michael added reassuringly.“I want to, it’s just the first time. I’m always going to be nervous the first time no matter when we do it.” Nicole told Michael.“That’s true; I’m nervous too, if...

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Michael By Stephanie Ann Chavez Michael Warren met Stephanie in a college singing group and immediately found her extremely attractive. With long wavy chestnut hair, she was fair skinned with just a sprinkle of sun kissed freckles across her cheeks. She had a knockout figure with breasts that were neither too small nor too large. In high heels she stood slightly taller than his 5'5" stature, but he didn't mind that at all. She was attracted to the fact that he was masculine...

3 years ago
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Michael first time with my wife

Michael has been our next door neighbor for the past ten years. We watched him grow up into a handsome young man. He was a very polite and shy young lad who had develop a crush on my wife. My wife was nearly thirty years older than him but that didn't stop him from checking her out. I caught him over the past year a few different times spying on her as she lay out by the pool sunbathing. He would come out of the house at times shirtless hoping that my wife would get a glimpse of him. He would...

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Michael And Nicole Vacation Day One

It had been a few weeks since Michael and Nicole enjoyed their yoga session with Randy. The couple had learned a bit through their two threesomes and were curious about exploring more layers of their sexuality. Michael knew he enjoyed watching Nicole with other men, but definitely wanted to participate more physically. Nicole learned that she enjoyed not only being dominated, but humiliated and fucked roughly.The couple had started reaching out to men on the site they met Jeremy, who had...

Straight Sex
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sandra lets michael into her hotel room 'lets do something kinky' sandra says taking off her top showing her pert tits 'let me tie you to the bed''uh ok but will anyone walk in ''no i'm staying here alone we have the place to ourselves' sandra pulls off her skirt she isn't wearing any panties her cunt is on display 'take your clothes off then i'll tie you down ' she reaches out and strokes his hard cock through his trousersmichael strips not taking his eyes off sandras tits and cunt he knows...

2 years ago
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Michael and Jeri Part 1

Michael and Jeri, Part 1 I suppose I shouldn't complain. Here I was, mid-50s, back in a rented room after having my own home for decades. Messy divorce, luckily no kids, but being a jobbing programmer meant that I didn't have proof of a steady income for anything better. I still love my wife even after all this but she decided to go for a swarthy younger man, construction worker with his own small firm, instead of our friendly but passionless union. So I found myself in an admittedly...

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Michael And Nicole Randy

It had been a few weeks since the couple, Michael and Nicole, enjoyed their first threesome with their friend Jeremy. They both enjoyed themselves more than they expected and had discovered more about themselves as well.Nicole realized that she did, in fact, want to find men that wanted to be more dominant, and Michael discovered he enjoyed watching Nicole with another man even if he participated very little if at all.Jeremy had even noticed this and texted Nicole about reaching out to his...

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Michael And Chelsea Chapter One

Ever since they first met at Wisconsin Dells, Chelsea and Michael had been dating and enjoying every day of it. However, after six months, dating long distance was wearing at them. It was only a six-hour drive, but they both knew in their hearts where their future would be. After talking about their options, they agreed the best solution was for Chelsea to make the move to Wisconsin.They had spent time with each other over the last few months, and each other's kids, and Michael's grandson....

Love Stories
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We changed for school, and found Katie in the kitchen fixing breakfast. She heated up a plate of noodles with a couple of chunks of chicken for me while they had bacon, eggs and toast. As much as I enjoyed it, I realized that I needed to eat healthier. I guess I can start that next week sometime. As we readied for school Jan and Ally came out of her room... “Sorry kids, we overslept.” “No problem, Janice. I took care of them,” Katie said. Jennifer asked, “May I drive this one time?” “OK...

2 years ago
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I got to the middle of the piano seat, saw two of the nicest butts I could remember and fell over... I woke up in the same ER I had been in before. Dammit. I had on a mask with oxygen. At least I didn’t have that stupid tube down my throat. My eyes fluttered open... “He’s awake -- Michael is awake!” That was my Jennifer. “Michael, can you hear me?” a doctor asked. I took Jennifer’s hand as I clumsily answered, “Yes.” She squeezed my hand and said, “I love you, Michael.” “I know,” I...

3 years ago
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AS WE NEAR THE HALFWAY POINT OF THIS EPIC STORY, LET’S RECAP: Michael Robert Thomas (Jr) was born in the early summer of 1998, learning during the WINTER season of 2002 that his father had died under semi-mysterious circumstances. Near the same time as his death, Michael developed a love for music, dancing around whenever it came on the radio, TV, or his mother giving musical lessons to students throughout the area of Vincennes, Indiana. Besides that, she sang, professionally before Michael...

4 years ago
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BOOM! (More Lightning?) I was flipping through the ‘Bible’ and a number caught my eye. “Don’t worry you guys, a little lightning can’t hurt you,” I said to calm down some of those who were reacting a bit nervous. “Rose and Izzy, your turn. Number 136. It’s from the movie WHITE CHRISTMAS. There is some tight harmony. Do the best you can.” “We’re taking a break after this number. Settle down everyone, please?” “Ladies are you ready?”... BOTH Sisters, sisters There were never such devoted...

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Michael Impresses Two Young Women

When Michael Green was a young boy, he was fascinated with card tricks and math games. He loved to be the center of attention and have people think he was really smart and amazing. Whenever he was at family gatherings, he’d always take his deck of cards and show his family these really cool card tricks. The funny thing was, the tricks really were amazing and his family could never figure out how he did them. He had a few that you could probably figure out, but for the most part they had no idea...

Straight Sex
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Michael Michelle

BRAT.TXT MICHAEL MICHELLE By Marcia Sampson Poor Karen. As if life wasn't hard enough for her, having to get up an hour before the sun to clean her landlady's house in exchange for rent, followed by a business day of taking care of two baby boys, one of whom was an uncontrollable antisocial brat, followed several nights a week by two or three hours cleaning someone's house after her all- day baby-sitting job...by...

4 years ago
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Michael Makes a Point

Michael sat up in bed reading, waiting for his wife. The dog was up on the bed with him, trying to nose the book out of his hand and get attention.Fucking obnoxious dog. Hadn't he made it clear to the mutt that he didn't like it? To leave him alone?It was all his wife's fault. Somehow their household wasn't complete without some yipping little creature running around. Michael had been outvoted threeto one by her and the kids. But the fucking thing, some sort of little rat terrier, had...

3 years ago
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All of my performers showed up on time and dressed like they were going out on the town afterward. Some of the older girls like Nancy Newman, Emily Clarke, Joan Prefontayne, and Olivia Wright, and of course Jennifer Guthrie were dressed in beautiful dresses. Not to be outdone, Isabel, Paula Scott, and the Michael’s twin sisters were dressed to the nines as well. I got to pick Isabel’s dress for the evening. We should have had a red carpet put out front as they arrived. I was back in my...

3 years ago
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Michael Bev chapter 3

I slept like a log that night to be woken at 6 am in time for breakfast. Nothing was said by anyone although looks were exchanged between me Michael and Beverley. Aunt Debbie looked none the worse for her drinking last night and was very polite and friendly. We caught the bus, slept most of the way and had a terrific time at the sea-side. Bev hung around with me and Michael even though there were girls of her age on the trip. For boys our age to have a girl of her age in tow would normally have...

2 years ago
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Michael8217s Odd Job Part ll

Michael had already removes his shirt earlier in the day as the sweltering heat made it stick to his sweating torso, giving the girls the added incentive to stay and help longer. “Wanna join us?” asked Jessica. “We have loads of hot water.” Michael smiled. “Only if one of you will scrub my back!” he said, jokingly. “We can do better than that,” suggested Beth, “we can wash each others.” He could see with the looks on their faces and excitement in their eyes, they weren’t joking. Michael took...

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Janice helped me tag the songs I needed with numbered post-it’s from one to twenty-three. We hadn’t worked on a project like this together since before Jenn and her mom, Ally moved in. Mom could sing from each of them except the La Boehme aria. I have such a cool mom ... talented and beautiful. I hope her beau, Brian knows what he has and doesn’t blow it! Ally and Jenn yelled “DINNER” and we got up and walked hand in hand to the dining table. My girl wanted to get more involved in making...

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  Cleaning up the storeroom was without a doubt the most boring part of Michael’s job, and he seemed to spend all his time doing it. In fact, looking back he felt like he’d spent the best part of his working life in this cold and dark little room and he had often thought long and hard about leaving. He had worked at the university for twenty years, and hadn’t got a shred of satisfaction out of it. He had no wife, no children, just a dark and lonely house on campus. The only reason he had taken...

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Chapter One My name is Michael. I spent my school years as an object of ridicule. I am so very small. The boys and girls all had a growth spurt at about fourteen, but alas not me. The boys made fun of me and girls were off the radar because I was such a small person. I longed have a social life. I was a geek and computer nerd. I had wonderful grades, but nothing more, no real friends of either sex. I was raised with strict Bible belt rules and had been the only son to a father I never...

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