DanicaPart 5C free porn video

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Celes was in the room when Danica awoke early the next morning, "Ye've grown strong in yer art dearie," Celes said.

"Not strong enough. It was a near thing many times," Danica said, and then told Celes the story of what had happened.

Celes let out an explosive breath when Danica finished her tale, "Whoo — so many powerful spells so quickly. Dearie, yer lucky. Drawin' on that much power coulda left ye unable ta defend yerself in the slightest."

"I was overconfident," Danica admitted. "With the new spells I've learned, I felt that a few goblins would be no match for me."

"Even the easy battle can turn against ye, Dearie. Remember ye that, next time."

Danica nodded. She then remembered something she had thought about while reading the texts on illusion. She knew that men saw Celes as she should be, not as she was. Danica wanted to know what Celes really looked like before Zoraster cursed her with his dark wish. She slipped into the second sight, concentrating intently on Celes. She saw the faint edges of the dweomer, and concentrated harder on it. For just a split second, she saw the image of a young woman with dark hair, though she could make out little detail.

Fingers snapped in front of her face. "Danica, where did ye go lass?" Celes asked when Danica's eyes focused on the real world again.

"I'm sorry, Celes. I'm still a little weary I suppose. I sort of got lost in a daze I guess," Danica replied.

"Lemme get ye some water," Celes offered, and stood up to go fill a glass.

Danica slipped into the second sight again. She found it was somewhat easier and quicker this time. She saw the image of a shapely woman bent over filling the glass. She caught just a glimpse of a very young, beautiful face — almost teen like — when Celes turned back toward her. Danica slipped out of the second sight and smiled, accepting the water from Celes.

"Ye should rest some more, Dearie. Yer actin' right strange," Celes observed. "I'm needin' to be goin'. I've things I must do t'day. Get ye some rest, Dearie."

"I will Celes," Danica promised.

The old woman nodded and left the room. Danica gasped in wonder at the image she had seen while forcing herself to see the illusion. Celes was beautiful beyond anything she had ever imagined. She felt her eyes grow moist when she thought about how hellish it must be for Celes to be trapped in an old sagging body.

Danica sighed and stood up. She thought about the drug mentioned by the apprentice in the text, and decided to go see what she could discover about it. She went first to the apothecary on the grounds. She waited patiently while the old man ground up some herbs with a mortar and pestle, and then inquired about the drug.

"Aye, I know of it," the herbalist said. "I even used it a wee bit when I was a lad. It's not so dangerous, as long as it's used in small quantities and not so often. It opens up the mind and heightens your senses. I used it when I was seeking a lady's company, because I was a shy lad. Whenever I did manage to find one to tryst with, it was incredible. The drug awakens all your senses. I fear I probably enjoyed it much more than the lasses I was with though." He chuckled a bit before continuing, "I've not the herbs to make any though. You might try in the city, he's better stocked than I am."

Danica thanked the man, and passed him a coin in addition. His eyes widened, and he thanked her for her generosity. Danica smiled and left the apothecary to go obtain permission to go to the city.

The wizard approved her request, and Danica found the apothecary in the city a short while later. It was a beautiful building with expensive stained glass windows. Danica entered and heard a bell tinkle as she opened the door.

"Ah — welcome. Welcome," the man behind the counter greeted her.

Danica's breath caught in her throat. The shopkeeper was stunningly handsome. He was perhaps thirty, though his face looked younger. He had long dark hair, pulled back into a tail on his head. She could see the well-toned muscles of his arms as he clapped and stepped out from behind the counter.

"What can I do for the beautiful lady," he said and brought her hand to his lips to kiss it.

Danica blushed. I have some ideas about what you can do for me. Enough of that Danica, you're here on business. "I wonder if you might know of a drug called Poplium?"

"Of course. Of course," the shopkeeper revealed. "Seeking some enlightenment are you? Have you used this drug before?" He walked behind the counter and reached beneath it as he asked the questions.

"No, I read something about it and was curious," Danica replied.

"It is truly a wonderful experience," he said and produced a small case of glass vials from beneath the counter. "You should never use very much, or use it very often. It can be dangerous when used overmuch."

Danica nodded and said, "So I've been told."

"It is also known to cause strange reactions in some. Some people seem to be allergic to the compounds in the potion. That can be dangerous as well. I need to make sure you are aware of the possible dangers."

"Maybe I should have someone observe me when I use it the first time," Danica mused.

"Indeed — it would be wise to do so. I also have a potion here which counteracts the effects of the drug, if it seems to be harming you. If you are to purchase any of the drug, you should buy one of these as well. This provides some security until you are sure you will be unharmed in taking the drug."

"Yes, I'm interested. I don't know who I'll have watch me though," Danica said as she considered possibilities. Celes is out of the question. She'd cajole me until I went deaf. Andrea is too young and impressionable. She could end up using far more dangerous things if she sees me experimenting with this.

"I would be happy to observe you and be prepared to administer the antidote, if you wish," the shopkeeper offered.

Danica smiled and batted her eyes at the strikingly handsome man. "I wonder if I'm safe taking this and leaving myself at your mercy," she said with obvious put-upon worry.

He laughed, "You tease me." Clearing his throat, he continued, "You have nothing to fear. I am the model of the gentleman." He then bowed, looking up and smiling at her throughout the elegant motion.

Danica laughed as well. "I accept your offer," she said and pulled out her coin purse.

The merchant waved his hand and pulled one of the vials from the case. "Let us wait until you have tested the drug before you spend any of your coin. If it does not work for you, or works badly, I will not charge you." He then handed the vial to Danica.

"How kind of you, Sir," she said and examined the vial.

The liquid was translucent amber in color. She unstoppered the vial and sniffed. The potion had a sweet, fruity odor. It looked more or less harmless, so Danica tipped up the vial and drank the contents.

"It will take a few minutes to begin affecting you. Please, sit here," the man suggested, and gestured to a comfortable looking chair.

Danica sat down and waited. She thought at first the drug was going to have no effect on her, and then she felt its effects. Her senses came to life. Colors were more vivid. Sounds from the street outside were clear and loud. She could smell the myriad of scents from the herbs and potions in the shop as if they were directly beneath her nose.

She looked up at the handsome shopkeeper, and felt her desire flare to brilliant life within her. She gasped as she felt wetness gather between her legs and her breathing speed up. Impulse took over. Danica stood up from the chair and walked to him, kissing him passionately. She held her body pressed close against him as she kissed.

"It would seem you are having no bad reaction to the drug," the shopkeeper observed with a smile, when Danica released him from the kiss.

Danica smiled back, with desire in her eyes, and licked her lips. The man gently pushed her away and held up a finger to indicate she should wait for him a moment.

He went to the door of the shop and locked it. His eyes went wide when he turned back to see Danica dropping her blouse to the floor and bringing her hands up to caress her breasts.

Something in his peripheral vision caused the shopkeeper to turn, and he saw a young man looking in the window. The hapless passerby stared at Danica with his mouth wide open, as she ran her hands down her body and pulled on the waist of the long skirt she wore.

The merchant hurried across the room and managed to get Danica safely into a back room just as she stepped out of her skirt. He glanced back and saw the young man still standing there with his eyes and mouth wide open. With a shrug and a smile, the shopkeeper closed his back room door.

When he turned back to Danica, she kicked her panties off one foot, completing her hurried disrobing. She glided toward him, running her hands along her body. "Oh my," he said as he drank in the sight of her nude body.

Danica reached him and ran her hands over his chest. She then gripped his shirt and pulled hard, ripping it open. Buttons went flying everywhere and Danica leaned in to kiss his chest with rapid pecks. He moaned and reached around her to squeeze her buttocks.

Danica could smell the scent of the sweet oil he used in his hair. The sound of his quickening breath echoed in her ears. Her sex screamed for attention, so wet now it was close to dripping. She jerked his trousers down, gasping as his cock popped out. It was rock hard and of a very nice length.

Dropping to her knees, she ran her tongue over his well-defined body as she slid downward, pulling his trousers down to his ankles along the way. When she reached her knees, she grasped his manhood, and then engulfed it in her mouth.

He moaned and stroked her cheek softly. Danica greedily sucked him, feeling every throb of the shaft in her mouth. The sweet taste of a drop of pre-cum flooded Danica's mouth with intense sensations as her head bobbed over his manhood.

Danica's senses screamed in ecstasy as she continued to suck him at a furious pace. Her hand stroked him so fast it was a blur. Her mouth slipped over his turgid flesh almost as quickly.

She heard him gasp and grunt, and squealed around his cock as he flooded her mouth with sweet cum. Danica shivered from the intensity of the taste, the feeling of his seed sliding down her throat, and the sounds of his quick gasps. She thought she was going to come without being touched.

He pulled away from her suctioning mouth with a loud gasp. Danica licked her lips and panted for breath for a moment, and then lay back on the floor. She pulled on his legs to guide him downward. He knelt, and Danica dragged his mouth to her aching sex.

His tongue only touched her lightly for a few moments before she exploded into the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. She gushed a fountain of her juices into his face, screaming shrilly as her orgasm exploded from every inch of her body.

She held his face tightly against her, and his tongue continued to wash over her. Danica's whole body was on fire, and teetered right on the edge of ultimate ecstasy. Then she tumbled over, coming with ferocious intensity once again.

It felt to Danica as if she were in the grip of a never-ending orgasm. Each wave rolled over her without warning and exploded throughout her entire body. Her vision swam as orgasm after orgasm made her writhe and scream.

She felt his face pull away from her. She growled in disappointment at first, and then growled in pleasure as his cock filled her. Danica could see nothing by the time she first climaxed on his cock. Her vision had gone so blurred that nothing was visible. Sounds echoed faintly in her ears. She continuously quivered and quaked, only to have another orgasm pull her body taut every few minutes.

Danica heard him scream and felt his cum flooding her depths. She screamed with him, as the most intense orgasm yet grabbed hold of her body. Her back arched high, until only her feet and head were touching the floor. Her bottom slammed down as the first wave released her, and then she was bucking her hips to stroke his cock inside her. Danica's vision swam again as another wave of her orgasm passed through her body. Then her world went dark.

She awoke a few moments later, still gasping for air. He had collapsed atop her, and they were both dripping with sweat. It took them long moments to pull apart, and it was nearly half an hour before they managed to rise from the wet and sticky floor.

"Gods above, I was not expecting that," the shopkeeper admitted and followed it with an explosive exhale.

"I-I don't think I reacted badly to the drug," Danica gasped and smiled.

"You most certainly didn't," he agreed and smiled back.

They eventually recovered, managed to dress, and left the back room to return to the shopfront. The merchant breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see the young man still there with his face still pressed against the glass.

The shopkeeper gave Danica four vials of the drug without charging her, admonishing her again to not use very much or use it very often, and telling her to come back any time.

Danica made her way to a tavern across the street and purchased something to eat. The food in her stomach lessened the still intense effects of the drug enough that she felt confident in her ability to make the walk back to Zoraster's abode.

Her toy hummed inside her for an hour before she was satisfied.

Danica turned her mind toward the crafting of a new magic item, the one she had been inspired to create while stroking her toy in Andrea. She considered the construction of the item first. It did not take her long to discard the idea of working in clay. It would be too heavy, and she doubted she could make the item in such a way that firing would not deform it.

She thought of the flail handle Francine had pushed into her depths, and decided it would be possible to craft the item in wood.

Danica went to the tradesman's workshops on the grounds first, but she felt uncomfortable speaking to the men who worked in wood there. From what she could see, they worked with bulkier pieces than she had in mind anyway.

Obtaining permission to do so first, Danica walked down the hill into the city. She soon discovered a shop where a middle-aged woman and her daughter crafted fine pieces such as toys and musical instruments. The latter in particular fit well with the ideas Danica had in mind on how to craft the item.

She spoke to the older woman, vaguely describing the type of work she wanted done. The woman considered for a minute, eyeing Danica with a look that spoke of sensing something unsaid.

"Something is striking me as odd — but yes, I do that kind of work. It's very similar to a flute, but bigger," the woodcarver explained.

A man walked in as the woman finished speaking, nodded to Danica, and beckoned the woodcarver aside. The woman apologized and went to speak with the man outside the shop.

She stomped back in a minute or so later. "My fool of a husband has gotten drunk, and tossed in jail for brawling again. I'll have to make my way there and get him free. My apologies, Miss. My daughter is just as capable in the craft as I, so you may do your business with her. Daughter, your fool of a father is locked up again. I'm off to fetch him. I'll likely be gone a week. Take care of the lady here and try and keep up with the work as best you can. Take no new work unless you know you can handle it yourself. I'll already be on the road when you leave tonight."

The pretty dark-haired girl sighed and walked over to kiss her mother. "I will do my best mother. Go bring the old fool home."

"I'll drive the drunkard home with a switch," the woman snapped in exasperation, and then stomped out of the shop.

The daughter smiled and said, "I'm sorry I did not hear what you wanted made. I was busy and paying no attention as you spoke. Please, tell me what you want."

Danica again described in vague terms what she wanted made. She saw the young woman blushing as she spoke and her eyebrows twitched upward when she noticed, but she continued on with her description.

"It sounds very similar to work I've done before. I'm sure I can do it, but I'll need a better description to know for sure. Please come with me. You can look at some of the pieces I've completed and that I'm working on. It might give you a better idea to describe what you want for me."

Danica followed the woman to her workbench. She explained that the flute the woman was working on followed many of the properties she needed. It needed to be hollow, but closed on one end, and much bigger around than the flute. Another customer came in, and Danica waited at the girl's workbench while she went to speak with the customer.

Danica looked around the area at various completed pieces, and the hem of her robes caught an ink jar, spilling it. Danica looked around quickly and found a rag, wiping up the ink before it ran onto anything other than the bench. The she noticed what the rag had been covering.

It was a very realistically carved cock. About six inches long, it even had detail of veins in it. Danica picked it up and felt the finely sanded surface, very similar to Francine's flail handle. A fine layer of shellac covered about half of the carving, making it feel even smoother.

The young woman returned and blushed when she saw Danica handling the wooden cock.

"This is beautiful," Danica said.

The woman's blush deepened. "It's... I..."

Danica held up her hand and smiled. "It's alright, Dear. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Every woman pleasures herself. You've simply decided there's a better way than your fingers, and used your skills to obtain it."

The young woman still blushed as she responded, "You do it?"

Danica chuckled, "Of course, quite often." She smiled and continued, "Sometimes you need release, and there's no man around to help. Sometimes you need to be filled, but don't want the trouble of the man attached to the cock. I would wager — considering how detailed this is — that you have little trouble finding the real thing." Danica offered a sly smile and a wink when she finished.

Danica's accepting and somewhat conspiratorial demeanor set the woman more at ease. "You want something like this, don't you?" She asked.

"It's very close, though I think we won't need to spend quite so much time on the details as you have here. What I intend to do will require my magic, and it would be much easier if I could craft the item myself. If you could teach me the basic skills I need, I can use my magic to make your toy something incredible," Danica offered.

The young woman smiled. "I'll try. Have you done anything like this before? Are your hands steady and your eyes sharp?"

Danica nodded. "I'm pretty good working with clay. I have made pieces just as detailed as what you have here. I'm sure that with the basic knowledge; I can learn to work in wood too."

"Well then, let's try and teach you what you need to know. My name is Carolyn," the young woman said with a smile.

"Thank you, Carolyn. My name is Danica. Finish your toy first. Explain to me what you use to coat it, and how it's done as you finish. It's sort of starting at the end, but I want you to have the physical item done so that I can use my magic on it tomorrow. I'll do it because you're going to try to teach me. Even if I'm a poor student, you'll still have your payment."

The young woman smiled and sat down to finish her work shellacking the toy. Danica listened intently, making notes about the resins and other things used to make the shellac. In only an hour or so, Carolyn finished.

"It should be fully cured by tomorrow afternoon," Carolyn explained as she placed the toy on a rack that hung from a small stove at the back of the shop.

"Good, that should give me enough time to study your craft, work my magic, and have your payment ready by nightfall." Danica twitched her eyebrows and winked.

The young woman blushed and giggled. "Well, I have a flute to work on. Since you wish to make hollow..." She paused — searching for a word — and then appeared to give up. "Since you need something similar, that's a good place to start that will let me keep up with the work I already have."

The young woman put a partially hollowed dowel of wood on the table, and then reached into one of the numerous drawers in the workbench to retrieve the tools she needed. Danica watched and listened carefully as the young woman described what tools were necessary and how to use them.

After a few minutes, Danica took a larger tool of the same kind and began to work on a dowel of wood similar in size to what she intended to work with later. It took her some time to figure out how to hold the tools, but she found the proper technique to hollow out her dowel with some skill by the time Carolyn finished her work on the flute.

Carolyn sat back with a sigh and wiped her brow. She blushed when her belly rumbled loudly enough that someone on the other side of the room could have heard it. Danica laughed and noticed the latest of the hour. She hadn't realized how long they had been working, "Let's go get something to eat," she suggested with another laugh.

Danica picked out a fine tavern nearby, and she paid for the meal. Carolyn had never eaten anywhere except her own home before, and she enjoyed the experience a lot. She also had never drunk undiluted wine before, and she was quite giddy by the time they finished eating.

Danica had caught sight of a messenger boy when she and Carolyn first sat down, and had given him a coin to take a message back to Zoraster's abode requesting to stay in the city longer. The boy returned just as they finished their meal, sweating and winded from the long run between the city and the complex on the hill. Danica gave him another coin, which he thanked her outrageously for, and then read the reply.

She was surprised to find permission granted for three days and nights, with only the stipulation that she must return on the fourth day before high sun.

"He was a bit too thankful to be believable," Danica said with a laugh when she finished reading. "He should practice a bit more and tone it down a bit."

"I imagine the thanks were genuine," Carolyn disagreed. "The first coin you gave him is what he could expect to earn for two deliveries. The second made it enough to likely rival the most he's ever made in a day."

"I had no idea. The city is fairly large, and this area is affluent. I assumed I was close to the normal payment," Danica admitted with a shrug.

"That's true. You just don't know how stingy the people here are with their coin," Carolyn clarified with a laugh.

Danica laughed with her. "I guess I should find a room. This seems as good a place as any."

"Oh please, come stay with me. It's lonely in the house by myself. That way we can leave together in the morning and you won't have to worry about oversleeping or waiting on me to arrive at the shop."

Same as Danica
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My name is Connie. I' m a single mother with a seventeen-year-old daughter named Becky. Her father was some guy I met at a party and foolishly took back to my place when I'd had a few too many. He never even knew the result of our one night stand. With lots of help from my parents, I raised Becky myself. She turned out beautifully, an intelligent, sweet-natured girl with a delicious sense of humor, lovely as an April morning. Our relationship is very different from that of most mothers and...

3 years ago
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Mein Or Meri Sexy Mami

By: 4209211 Hi,my name is Arman and I am from Karachi,Pakistan now without wasting time comes to my story. Let me discribe my self I am average looking guy over 20 and have a lots of sexual urge with medium size cock and now my sexy mami’s turn to describe. She is a very sexy lady of 30’s fair complextion 32 24 32 with lot’s of sexy curves and looks now the real story begins. It was a Saturday night when my uncle was leaving for some business meeting to other country and I was staying that...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 37

BROCK “Please!” The elf scout screamed. “I don’t understand why you’re complaining,” I said as I loaded him into the trebuchet, “I’m returning you to your army.” “Hold on to this tightly, Imperial, and don’t release it too soon.” Trenok grunted, tying the parachute straps to the terrified man’s wrists. “It won’t work!” He cried. I knelt to his level, and put a compassionate hand on his shoulder. “Progress is made by silencing doubters, little imperial. All great scientists of our...

2 years ago
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Finally Got Mayanti At Her Apartment

Hii, this is amay back again with a new story. Got good response to my older story, the sex I had with sanjana. So any ladies, aunty’s, bhabhi’s around mumbai looking for some passionate fun can mail me at Privacy guaranteed. So coming back to story, it happened 3 months before, I received message from mayanti that she is coming back next week to mumbai from australia. She used to stay in our apartment but due to husbands transfer they shifted to australia. I informed my parents about her and...

2 years ago
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Fine Italian Wine Chapter 02

“What! What have you done to yourself?” Stew bellowed. Stew had seen Sherri’s beautiful multi-colored tribal designs adorning her body. She was just coming out of the pool nude when Stew noticed. “What I do with my body is no concern of yours!” Sherri shot back. Stew looked shocked. He didn’t expect her response at all. His elevator gaze went from the patterns on her feet, up her legs, to the rings on her beautiful slick vagina, the scrolling lettering over her mons pubis, the floral pattern...

3 years ago
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My Masterfriends Games or What Happened to Roleplay

My Masterfriend's Games or What Happened to Roleplay? It has been a few delicious weeks since I met my "Master" in person, and our relationship has quickly grown into something else. Our first few encounters were pretty straightforward. Not that there is anything straightforward about being on my back with my legs over his shoulders! It was something else. There has been a concerted effort to know more about me and some of my fantasies too. It's not like they were hidden and all. ...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Lya Missy Kinky Cruising

Hands On Hardcore presents sexy blonde newcomer Lya Missy in seriously shaft stiffening action. The gorgeous Spanish glamour model is sailing today on Pablo Ferrari’s yacht, and what ensues after the two set sail is some boat rocking sex that you want to be witness to. Pablo can’t resist the advances of the all-natural college babe who is tanning topless on the bow of his boat. And when the sexy Señorita asks her captain for help applying sunscreen in those hard to reach places, the...

2 years ago
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Mums Friend

My mother recently passed away at the ripe old age of 84. A few days after the funeral I went around to the house to clear some of the contents and pack some things away. I was just about to leave when the door bell rung. I packed the last few bits away and went down stairs to see who it was. On opening the door I was surprised to see Maggie my late mothers friend leaning against the wall outside, "I saw your car, can I come in and sit down for a bit" she said, "of course" I said "I'll make us...

4 years ago
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A Teachers Black magic

I was always a introvert. A shy student. So, that autum I knew my schedule was difficult. I had heard terrorizing stories of this teacher. As I finished the first week, I thought . ‘ not so bad’ .until I heard ‘’ Come see me after school. ‘ a knot in my stomach rose. As I came into her office. My shiners overcame as she closed and locked the door drawing the blinds. We sat on the coach, sipping tea. ‘ let’s talk of the assignment. ‘ she said. ‘ ok.’ I relaxed. ‘ plans after grad?” She asked. I...

1 year ago
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George comes home from a hard day at work and sets his briefcase and coat by the door. He finds that the house is unusually quiet but pays no attention and heads up to the bedroom. As he makes his way up the stairs he smells the wonderful scent of his beloved wife Linda’s perfume. As he reaches the landing he hears the faint sounds of music escaping the slight crack from the door of their bedroom. Making sure not to make any noise he opens the door slowly. “Linda?” he says in a quite, very deep...

1 year ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From HellChapter 8 Cumfessional

Warm sunlight peeked out in bright bursts through the mostly cloudy sky. Jessica’s heels clacked across the courtyard pavement as she led Francis to the Tabernacle of Divine Women. It was the same church that had once been under his guidance and care, but it was his no longer. The Daughters of Lilith had claimed it and the building now stood as a monument to heresy and sexual debauchery. The chain leash Jessica led him by jingled in the light spring breeze. Francis was garbed in his usual...

1 year ago
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Best Friends

Arriving home a week before ‘The Blast of 2007’, we were hit with 25” in an unpredicted snowstorm. It was massive, fatal, and of monumental proportions for our area. Seeing as we are in the southern region and the temperature never gets below 35 usually, nobody expected it, not even my parents who used to live in Michigan. Not starting my new job in my native town of Berkshire, I had called three friends I grew up with. One was engaged to a guy I didn’t know, another was almost married with a...

Erotic Fiction
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The Family Of Cucks And Sluts Part 8211 1

Hi guys this me your writer south Indian fucker back with another story Thanks for the huge support that you guys show to me . Without all of you am nothing . So this story am writing for my fan/reader and a close friend of mine… If you want stories to be written for you and comments you would like to share with me just sent an email Email id This a whole new series and have many parts like my previous series….. So the story begins……. Hi, guys, my name is Rajesh am from the south part of...

2 years ago
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Terms of the Lease

I. Kendra didn't know why her landlord wanted to talk to her but she was living in a rent-controlled place in Chicago that was worth way more than she was paying. She had to at least humor him or he might not renew their lease. She walked into his office on Addison St. in Wrigleyville and saw herself reflected in a mirrored wall on the way in. Good, she thought, I'm dressed to the hilt and looking fine. She smiled knowing her looks and her long blonde hair would throw him off ... and...

4 years ago
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After the Hurricane

It was not until days after the storm, when things started to get back to a slight normalcy that he returned. I collapsed into a heap of sobs the second he came through the door and I cried and shook in his arms for a very long time until I was too weak to even hiccup. We fell asleep for a while. I woke up to him booting up his laptop. My eyes heavy but my voice was back. I told him to check for the email I sent him while I was waiting for his return. Hi sweetheart: I know you do not have...

2 years ago
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I have always been short. Not five feet tall, I have always been (literally and figuratively) looked down upon, by my friends, inadvertently by my family and of course my boyfriends. Every time I would become intimate in a relationship, he would always make me feel like I was being forced. He would press himself upon me, devouring my ample breasts and trying desperately to get into my pants. I always felt like I had to submit, I was always the one to be on the bottom, staring up at a grunting...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kendra James Mackenzie Moss The Incompetent Assistant

Kendra James, a high-powered CEO, recently hired a new assistant, Mackenzie Moss, and is NOT pleased with her work ethics. Mackenzie’s head must always be in the clouds because she can’t seem to do anything right! It’s gotten to the point where Mackenzie is a liability for the company, so something has to change. When Kendra calls Mackenzie into her office for a scolding, Mackenzie meekly tries to defend herself. Yet, everything she says just makes her look worse in...

1 year ago
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Lizs Stud Service

Tim waited in the den for his wife to appear. She told him that she bought a new piece of lingerie to show off. He smiled to himself. He enjoyed seeing his wife in lingerie. She has the prefect body in his mind. She is thirty-eight twenty-eight thirty-two. Mary walked into the bedroom a few minutes ago looking really happy. He loved his thirty year old wife. She is twenty years younger than him. They met at a friend's house where they hit if off and started to date and beyond. A knock at...

2 years ago
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A Sensual Adventure of the senses part 2 The next encounter

The Next encounter was a few days later. We went out for dinner and then back to my place. The adventure starts when we get in the door. Over the last few days i had prepared a few special things for this encounter. I had been working out what i was going to expose her to this time. i was going to take her on a journey of her senses and will make her submit completely to me and my cock. We walked into the living room and i ask her to take a seat and i will be back in a minute. I go in the...

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My first attempt at sexual fantasy in prose.This is the 2nd draft.After my wife left I started spending some time at her sisters house. Hazel and I had always got on well and I enjoyed the company. I suspected she felt sorry for me and was just being sociable out of kindness. However I felt sorry for myself and accepted her hospitality eagerly.Just a few weeks short of our 20th anniversary, my wife Cheryl had declared one morning that she was emigrating to France. She seemed to glow with...

3 years ago
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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 14 Thursday afternoon Bec

Editor’s Note: The next page is unlabeled but it is in Bec’s recognisable handwriting on hospital stationery. The context indicates it belongs here. Thursday 2nd December. I don’t really want to write about what happened this morning. It’s embarrassing. Now I think about it, I felt like I was taking part in some grand epic story full of witches and centaurs and daring escapes and great battles. Maybe I could write that story sometime, but not today. Parts of it are fuzzy in my head. I...

4 years ago
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My motherinlaw and wife

On that day, My MIL, Smt.Nirmala ordered me to call Mr.venkatesh, our servant maid Anjamma’s son for fucking my wife Sudha. MIL gets anger very frequently even for small mistakes. Right from the marriage, she treats me as feet slave, punishing me hard. She always held my nose and squeeze it, slapping on my cheeks before telling any work. The very first night, when i went to their house, she told me that they treat their sons in law as slaves only. They have to do all house works round the...

1 year ago
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Fun With Hot Mallu Chick In Rivertern Jungle Lodges

This is my first story after getting married though I am an avid reader of the stories in this site. I am from Bangalore, happily married here and want to share an experience at Jungle Lodges and Resorts at their River Tern property. I don’t want to get into personal details in an open forum but I am open for any questions on pm or via mail. My wife and I were looking for an offbeat holiday and River Tern lodges looked perfect. For those of you who don’t know, River tern is closer to Shimoga...

3 years ago
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‘Would you like to come and see our new house. It has a terrific view over the bay,’ Denise asked with a broad wide smile, taking me by surprise. For the first time I looked very closely at her, taking in her appearance, and very casual but expensive and understated clothes. Even in her ‘dressed down’ look Denise was a very good looking woman, and it was obvious she had a well kept figure under her clothes. ‘Why not,’ I smiled. ‘Lead the way in your car and I will follow you.’ Ten minutes...

2 years ago
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What the FuckChapter 19

"What the fuck is that?" the Lieutenant asked the Captain. "What?" "Look straight up, sir, ' said the GIB (guy in back). "That's a mop bucket, Anderson," said DiCaprio. "It's flying," said the GIB. "Umh ... I think that's more of a fall than flight," said the pilot. "It's keeping up with us," said the GIB. "I'll slow down," said the pilot. He cut back of the throttle. The plane slowed ... so did the bucket. "I'll speed up," He throttled it. The bucket...

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A Slow Process

This story begins way back in the mists of time, in 1980 to be exact. A young virgin of seventeen called Kathleen met and married a man of 18 called John. Her anticipation of the romance of her honeymoon and wedding night in particular was quickly dashed when alone at last she and her new husband undressed. John was less than adequately endowed with a two and a half inch cock which when extremely aroused measured a measly four inches. But no to an innocent virgin who knew no better, this was...

2 years ago
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The Price of Charity 1 The Kindness of Strangers

Part 1: The Kindness of Strangers Nathan had learned that Charity could be a troublesome thing. As a person, she had slept with him for a month before running off with his savings, his TV, and his luxury cherry-red convertible. The Charity of his auto insurance only covered the book price of the car, which turned out to be a fraction of the price he'd gone into debt to buy it for. Without a car and with an empty bank account, he had no way to get to that high-paying job he held across...

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My Dad Fucked Neighbor8217s Mom

I am going to use all real names in this sex story, I am Mohit here( email id – mail me for anything you need).My dad 38 years old Thirukumar and I stay with my mom, dad, and a sister. Our neighbor Latha was 43 years old (32d boobs,5.5ft ). Latha and my dad were talking and became friends.Latha used to wear nice sarees and nighty and usually talks to my dad. My mom was in Ooty for other work and she was busy there for 18 weeks. My dad’s and Latha’s friendship grew and Latha’s husband was in...

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Dangerous Games Chapter I

June ‘10 Amy sat slumped, ass perched upon the edge of the swivel chair, legs spread. The blinds were shut, dark drapes drawn, the only illumination this late at night coming from the computer screen before her as a slide show slowly played, each digital picture more revealing, more perverted then the one proceeding. She watched, face burning with embarrassment, as the scene played out, remembering that night when Lex had taken the photos, remembering the humiliation of it all, as well as the...

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A Loving FamilyChapter 2 Seducing Jenny

Mom’s reaction was harsh. I would say she overreacted, but honestly, I don’t blame her. I can only imagine what went thru her head when she realized her kids were fucking each other. I can imagine her thinking of two-headed grandchildren or highly retarded ones. We were grounded for a month and forbidden from going near each other. Then mom took us to a shrink. The shrink tried to ‘cure’ me, but it was bullshit, and she fed more bullshit to Louise and my mother. I had to go to the...

1 year ago
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Deep Crotch Mother Chapter FIVE SIX

Edna Savage had red hair ... on her cunt as well as on her head. And she had aspirit to match.She was twenty-nine years old, slender with enticing curves, and had a sexy face.When she became Thaddeus Folk’s housekeeper, there were those in Centervillewho started to talk. But the appeal of Pastor Polk and of his oddly satisfying religion,which interpreted as the will of the Lord just about anything that a body wanted to do,was such that the gossips found they were talking only to themselves....

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CuckoldSessions Paisley Porter 10052020

Paisley Porter has put her foot down. Her Husband Epic has promised her an open relationship for years but always there is some excuse. So Paisley found herself a sleazy attorney who promised her an iron clad Cuckold Contract. Left with no option, Epic signs on the dotted line and off they are for home and for her needs to be met. Coming home to find two Big studly men she planned for, she dismisses her husband to the corner with a camera to record her adventure. Paisley has set goals for...

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A Bride For The Whole Family 2

Part 2A Bride For The Whole Family by James Elliott (c) 1991Chapter 4 "She's a very pretty girl, Michael," Lorraine said simply, as she maneuvered her stepson into the mansion's library."Very attractive," Michael smiled, glancing at the older woman. "She's everything I'd hoped to find in a woman, attractive, intelligent and....""And sexual ..." Lorraine's lips formed a coy, knowing smile and her blue eyes flashed with sudden amusement.Michael didn't answer, but moved away from his stepmother,...

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This story was given to me by a very good friend...Chapter 2. I met the ladyWell I went to the dogging site as horny as can be, but …...............No show. No one was there. I waited for about 45 mins, but nothing.Next day I went back and the same thing...Nothing. But the little white Ford was there, but no one in it. I went back twice more and no cowboy but the Ford car was there. So I just waited until the owner came back. (Me being nosey) I waited for ages and was going to go home when a...

3 years ago
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Lesbian love

Finally! I got to the bar, shoved the bar door wide open (trying not to bring a foot of snow in behind me), and almost threw it off its hinges. It was awhile since I had been to Jack’s Bar. Nobody really knew the bars name. It just had ‘Bar’ written on it in big red letters. We called it ‘Jacks Bar’ for two reasons; Jack was the owner, and people who went there had ‘Jack’. I sat down at the back of the bar, and made myself comfortable. I was a little bit nervous...

4 years ago
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In der Falle 3

Mein bisher geilstes Sex-Erlebnis Ben kam noch näher an mich ran, bis sein Kopf neben meinem war. „Ach nein? Dann war das sicher alles ganz ohne Absicht, wie Du Dich immer schön nach vorne gebeugt hast, damit ich Deine Titten sehen konnte. Und rein zufällig immer dann, wenn Sarah nicht hinschaute... Hältst Du mich eigentlich für blöd?"Sarah. Oh Gott, die Erwähnung ihres Namens schreckte mich auf. Wenn sie herein kam und uns so sah. Ich machte mich los und versuchte, den Raum zu verlassen. Aber...

2 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 47

Present – Liz and Bernie – back in Leadville I make a call to the cabin, talk to Gretchen, tell her what's going on and she yells into the phone, "Liz, what the hell is wrong with Jennifer! We finally help her find Ben, which was practically an impossible job, and she kicks him out?" I know I need to smooth things over so I respond, "Gretchen, don't blame Jennifer for this because it really is Mira's fault. She met Glen in the Leadville jail and told him she was preggers with Ben's...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 48

Phil ended the call and was ready to race into the house to talk to his mother. When he turned around he saw Hailey sitting in a deck chair staring forlornly into a backpack, tears streaming down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away when she saw Phil on his way over. “Did you figure something out?” she asked. She tried to feign a bright voice and a smile but Phil could tell they were forced. “Maybe,” he said, sitting down opposite her. “Tell me about it!” she said. She could see the...

3 years ago
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Big Tits TheoryChapter 7

Friday Afternoon Until recently, I’d always thought my big brother was a bit of a dweeb. Not irredeemably unattractive or anything like that, but certainly not the kind of guy who could bring a different girl home each and every night. And he continued to surprise me - I certainly didn’t have him pegged as the kind of guy who got women, but as if the rough fuck he’d given me that morning wasn’t enough to prove it to me, when I returned home that afternoon, I discovered that he’d bought a...

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