DanicaPart 8A free porn video

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Over the next several days, Danica, Celes, and Darius carefully detailed the path their work would take. All the while, Celes thoroughly searched the lab, confirming that the wand was not in the room. At night, they explored the house. Each covered the ground the other had the night before, just to ensure they didn't miss anything.

They found nothing of any magical interest within the house. It appeared that anything related to the Art was relegated to the workshop and Darius' private chambers. Danica reached into Celes' mind each night as they talked, and eventually succeeded in finding the beautiful self-image inside Celes again. After the first time, Danica found it easier to do again. The image was so perfect, so real, and so beautiful to Danica.

Danica took on the task of exploring the grounds. Celes could likely have done it just as easily under cover of magic, but she found it uncomfortable for women to see her as young and beautiful, knowing that even if they were attracted they could never touch her without knowing the truth. A woman lived in the garden house, serving as an assistant to the gardener, and that was enough to make Celes uncomfortable.

The woman's name was Gabrielle. Danica discovered it when she snuck into the garden house at night to find the woman on her knees, sucking the gardener's cock. He was moaning her name as she sucked him.

Danica could not help but look at the woman's body. She had dark brown hair, and slightly angular eyes that hinted at some Eastern blood in her ancestry. Her breasts were small, the nipples tiny, though she had large areoles. The hair surrounding her sex was as neatly trimmed as the hedges she worked in the gardens, cut so short as to be near invisible around her lips. Danica wondered what the woman saw in the man, who was unattractive, rail thin, and not well endowed.

Danica only realized how long she had been standing and staring when the gardener came with a grunt into Gabrielle's mouth. Danica saw a hint of something in the woman's eyes as Gabrielle swallowed his cum. The mixture of anger and longing from Gabrielle slammed into Danica like a physical force. Danica had to brace herself against the wall as the feelings assaulted her.

The gardener pulled up his trousers and returned to his own room. Gabrielle climbed up onto her bed and lay down hard on it. Danica still felt the rush of anger from the woman, but it slowly dulled. Gabrielle softly touched herself, and her anger fled completely. Danica could hear the woman's thoughts, angry that the man forced her to suck him, angrier still that she got no reciprocate pleasuring from him. She cursed her foolishness in letting her employer discover she lay with women as well as men, necessitating her several times daily ritual to keep him quiet. She feared that if he revealed it that she would lose her work here.

Her thoughts slowly drifted as her fingers worked more quickly. Danica shuddered as she watched the woman come to a soft, quiet orgasm from her touch, feeling the woman's pleasure through the link to her. The mental link to the woman's arousal had fanned Danica's desire until she almost came without being touched.

Danica at last mastered her need and managed to leave, but she shared Gabrielle's anger at the gardener when she left to make her way back to her room. She let Celes know what she had discovered on the grounds, which was little more than Gabrielle's situation.

Celes quietly summarized what they'd both learned. "Well then, we know almost without a doubt that the wand is in the man's private chambers then. The web of protective magic around that door is a labyrinth of traps, and disarming them will be nearly impossible without being detected by the magic. It would be doubly difficult because you have to be visible to work the magic."

Danica shook her head. "We could never do it, even if we put the entire household into a magical slumber. The man is a master of warding spells, quite obviously."

"Trying is likely to lead to a battle. It's not something I want to do, and I don't believe it's a course Zoraster wishes for us to take, from the way he outlined this task to us."

"He never opens the door or deactivates the magic except when he enters and leaves the room. I'm going to have to get him to take me there," Danica said.

"Seduce him? He doesn't seem all that interested in such, though I'd be willing to wager that if any could change his mind, it would be you," Celes said with a smile that was breathtaking to Danica as she looked at the woman through the eyes of magic, seeing her young and beautiful as she should be.

"It seems that is the course then," Celes continued. "I suppose I can concentrate on learning while you concentrate on piquing the man's interest."

Danica thought, It's not like it will be such an onerous task. Darius is attractive, well-spoken, mannerly, and quite charming. I wonder what wonderful secrets he's hiding beneath his robes?

The two women went to their rooms and their beds. Danica pulled out her toy, sating the needs of her body while thinking about Celes, as she did nightly now.

The next day, they completed the first stage of their work. With the item fully outlined, they knew exactly the course they must take if they were to have any hope of succeeding in the ambitious enchanting of the staff.

Danica considered the materials as she looked over the notes. "It will certainly have to be crafted of a living branch, taken from the tree and not deadfall. I honestly don't believe that anything short of Elven Silver Maple could possibly hold this much power."

"I was coming to that conclusion as well," Darius replied.

"If you were willing to forego a few things — the Ball Lightning, and Cone of Cold enchantments in particular — I think we could use Vallenwood as the medium." Danica suggested, speaking of the immense trees that grew so large that full-sized homes could be built in their branches.

Darius shook his head. "Those are the greatest of the item's offensive magics, and it does not have so many to begin with."

Celes offered, "Elven Silver Maple isn't easily obtained — even deadfall. The elves let none enter their woods uninvited, and they certainly don't allow anyone to cut branches from the living trees."

"I know, I have heard such from those who have ventured near the elven wood, but there must be some way," Darius said with a slightly frustrated sigh.

Danica sat up straighter and looked over to Darius. "There are elven woods nearby? I'm not familiar with this area."

Darius nodded. "Yes, perhaps a league — maybe two — to the North. Elves even occasionally come into the city to trade and take passage to other lands."

Danica caressed her chin in thought for a moment and then said, "I think I should go into the city to see what I can learn about the temperament of the local elves. Are there certain places they tend to go when they come to the city?"

"Yes, they trade almost exclusively with only a few merchants and only one sea captain."

"That's where I should ask then."

"We could make a day of it," Darius suggested with a smile. "I could show you both around the city as Andrea does her research."

Celes shook her head and held up a hand. "Not me. I'm not feeling up to traipsing about in the city. The sea air doesn't agree with me, I'm afraid."

"I have a rather extensive collection of remedies both magical and mundane that could ease any discomfort you are experiencing Celes. You need but to ask."

"No, it's all right. I don't have any problems while I'm indoors, but the moment I try to walk out that door, it's like the wetness of the air steals my breath. I'll remain here and study. The two of you go and enjoy yourselves, and learn what you can."

Darius nodded in deference to Celes' wish. "Very well. Though if you change your mind, seek out one of my servants and they can convey you to me. They all seem to know how to find me in the city no matter where I go. I would be doubly pleased to have the company of two beautiful and intelligent women for a day of leisure."

Celes actually blushed. "Go on now," she said and waved them out the door.

They left Celes to her studies in the lab and went out into the hall, "I believe I shall change into something a little less comfortable. My family would collectively faint if anyone were to see me leaving the house dressed as a ragamuffin," Darius said with a laugh.

"I'll find something more appropriate than my robes for wandering around town in as well. I'll meet you outside if I'm dressed first. Unlike Celes, I'm ready to be out of the house for a while."

"Very well, for the moment, then..." he said, bowing before making his way toward his chambers.

Danica changed, and then walked to the entrance when she did not see Darius. Stepping outside, she took in a deep breath of the sea air, truly pleased to be outside the house.

She was surprised when, after several minutes, Darius had still not exited the house. One of the servants noticed her and informed her that the man took a notoriously long time to prepare before going out into the city. Danica thanked the man for the information, content to enjoy the sight of the sea while she waited.

Gabrielle came to the front of the house to trim the hedges that lined the path leading to the house. The gardener moved to work on the other side of the path. Danica walked up to the woman as Gabrielle carefully trimmed the hedges with small shears. "You do beautiful work."

"Thank you, Milady," the gardener pridefully responded.

"I was speaking to Gabrielle," Danica said somewhat snappishly without looking at the man. She then smiled at Gabrielle and asked, "That is your name isn't it? I heard it from someone in the house."

"Yes, it is," Gabrielle replied, matching Danica's smile. "Thank you for the compliment, Milady."

Danica waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "Enough of this Milady nonsense — please call me Andrea."

They talked for short while, Danica pointedly ignoring the man on the other side of the path. He eventually stomped off in a huff. Gabrielle quietly giggled as the man left, covering her face with her hand.

"You're not very fond of him, are you? I don't care much for him either, and I've only just met him."

Gabrielle stifled another laugh. "Not really. I enjoy the work, though. It is not he who pays me, so I endure him."

They talked for a while longer, until the gardener returned to announce, "Gabrielle, you have work to be done in the garden house."

A faint flash of anger crossed Gabrielle's face and Danica could guess what work Gabrielle's supervisor had in mind.

"It has been pleasant to talk with you, Andrea," Gabrielle said, and then nodded by way of a farewell as she followed the gardener back around the back of the house.

Danica almost growled aloud. In that moment, she determined that she was going to do something about Gabrielle's situation before she left this place — one way, or another.

Darius stepped out of the front door. He was dressed in fine clothing and wore a bright smile as well. Danica fell into step with him, and they followed the hedge-lined path side-by-side out into the city.

Darius suggested they try the docks first. They discovered the captain that the elves usually dealt with was in port and sought him out. Danica asked him about the temperament and customs of the elves in the area.

"Aye, they're typical elves — haughty, secretive, and not terribly welcoming to anyone who's not elven. I have special spacious cabins on my ship, it's the only reason the elves will travel with me. They can stay below and away from the crew for the entire voyage," the captain informed her.

Danica nodded. "I expected as much. Thank you for your time, good captain."

"Indeed, you have our thanks, Sir. Please take this for your time," Darius said and handed the man a few coins.

The captain raised his eyebrows, seeing the amount of coin Darius offered for something so simple. "I'll let you in on something for the color of this coin. There's something bad brewing in the elven wood, and you'd best be extra careful around any elves you see. They're more snappish and suspicious than ever right now."

"Thank you again, Captain," Danica responded. Then she and Darius turned to move out of the docks area and onward into the city.

Darius showed her around the city, stopping at all the places reputed to trade with elves. In each, they received the same sort of information — and the same warning.

"It doesn't look good," Danica mused as they walked toward the edge of the merchant district.

"There is one more place to check. Don't give up hope until all hope is lost, Andrea," Darius admonished with a smile. "Perhaps we shall find something useful at our next stop that can bring us closer to the Silver..." Darius trailed off, sniffing the air. He immediately changed the subject. "Ah, the old healer will have to wait." Darius pointed toward an inn off the side of the road and continued, "My favorite inn, and I smell the distinctive scent of beef. I am so weary of seafood. Let us go dine before we continue on."

Danica's stomach rumbled from the mention of food and the scent, which was indeed quite appetizing. "That sounds fine," she said with a smile.

Danica took the opportunity to begin her campaign to attract the man's attentions. She did her best to make the meal feel like a date among lovers. Danica shyly smiled when she caught a few glances from Darius that were not exactly studious.

They continued to chat and learn about each other throughout the meal and the walk to their next destination. Danica took his hand in hers as they made their way from the inn to the healer's dwelling, which doubled as an apothecary and herbalist shop.

When they entered, they found the woman who owned the shop speaking with another woman in a voluminous cloak. Only the woman's stance revealed her as female to Danica, because the cloak hid any other evidence.

"We've seen it as well — a few farmsteads between here and the wood. We know no more than you, and have had less success in treating it," the healer said to the shrouded woman.

The shoulders of the woman in the cloak slumped. "I had hoped — prayed — that an answer might be here. My people burn up and pass away while I chase ghosts," the woman said. Her voice was musical, almost alien. Danica knew the quality well and knew the woman was an elf.

"I'll be with you in a moment — if it's not an emergency?" the healer asked, noticing the new arrivals in her shop.

The woman in the cloak turned, and her face confirmed her elven ancestry. Her expression revealed that she was not at all amused by the presence of the humans.

"It's no emergency. We simply wish to speak with you," Danica replied, nudging Darius when he looked as though he was about to speak.

The old woman nodded and turned back to her elven customer. "I had hoped perhaps you might have an answer when you came in as well. I have seen too many already — fine one moment, burning up with fever the next, and dead before the week ends."

The description of the sickness hit Danica like a bolt of force. "The women afflicted with the sickness — do they have reddish sores, like blisters, here?" Danica asked and put her hand down between her legs.

Both women turned upon hearing Danica's description. The old healer said, "Yes. Is someone you know afflicted?"

"No, I've known those who have been. I also know the means by which most of them may be saved," Danica said, approaching the pair with Darius following behind her.

The old healer asked, "Are you sure? The last thing we need now is false hope."

Danica nodded. "This sickness seems to be slowly spreading everywhere. It was rarely seen for a long time, but reappeared when I was a small girl. My sister and mother both contracted the illness. An old midwife in the village knew the cure, it having been passed down faithfully despite decades of the sickness never surfacing. They both recovered."

The old woman quickly gathered up pen and parchment. "Out with it then. There is no time to lose. This sickness snuffs out lives like candles in a whirlwind. I have seen too many homes quarantined and burned once its occupants succumbed already."

The elven woman pulled back the hood of her cloak, listening intently as Danica described the potions, their ingredients, how to administer the medicine, and the other details of treating the illness.

When Danica finished, the healer quickly scribbled a few more notes, and then scrambled around her shop, screaming two names all the while. Two young women answered that call and quickly following their mother's hasty orders.

"If this works, I'll praise your name until the day I die, and I'll haunt these two daughters of mine until the day they die if they don't do the same. Quickly, Ariella, get those herbs into a bag," the woman said as she and her daughters continued to gather up the ingredients for the potions.

The elven woman said, "Know that my people shall also be eternally grateful should your cure stave off this black sickness. Our queen shows the first signs, and may have already succumbed to the fever while I flew here in desperation." With those words, the shrouded elf hurried out the door.

Darius followed on her heels. He stopped a farmer with a horse drawn wagon and tried to commandeer the vehicle to convey the women wherever they were going. When the farmer argued, Darius reached into his pocket and shoved a purse of coins into the man's hand. He then proceeded to shove the previous owner of the wagon out of the driver's seat.

The farmer screamed in protest, but then noticed the gold coins that had spilled from the pouch when he had landed on the ground. His eyes widened, and he gathered up the coins to scamper quickly away with a wide smile.

Danica and the healer, along with the two daughters, came out a few moments later, all burdened with bags. Danica and Darius helped them get the sacks in the wagon, and then the healer and her daughters climbed up onto the seat board.

"You two just stay here. I know we don't catch the sickness, but there's no way of knowing for sure you don't. I'll seek out Darius if there is any news or any need," the old woman said, and then snapped the reins with a loud "Hyah!" The wagon moved with steadily increasing speed down the street, toward the edge of the city.

A small crowd had gathered to see what the commotion was about, and a city guardsman pushed his way through, dragging a protesting farmer. "I caught him, Goodman Darius. He'll not be running away with your coin this day."

"I didn't steal it! He bought my wagon!" the farmer screamed in protest.

"Please, let the man go. He tells the truth," Darius informed the guard.

The guardsman looked perplexed for a moment, and then released the farmer. "Sorry," he said with little apology in his tone.

The farmer hid the pouch of gold in his trousers with a snort and ran off again. Darius turned to Danica and said, "I suppose we should return home."

Danica nodded and they turned back toward the house. Danica took his hand in hers about halfway there.

They told Celes what had happened, and she said, "If it works, and the Queen is saved, you may have just found your source for the Silver Maple. The Queens of the elves are beloved of their people, and are their high priestesses as well. Elves do not take lightly repayment for favors to their people. It's a custom from ages long past to never let a good deed unasked for go unrewarded. Saving the life of their Queen would demand they offer nearly anything you might wish that is theirs to give."

"We'll know before long then. The sickness progresses quickly," Danica said ominously.

The next day, Darius and the two women continued their work. They gathered up what they would need for the working and enchantment of the staff, purchasing anything that they did not have on hand. Danica managed to locate a small set of woodworking tools. It was nothing compared to her own set at home, but would suffice.

On the following day, Darius suggested a way they might see how they were going to work together on the project. They proceeded to assist Darius in enchanting all the woodworking tools with a modification of the vorpal enchantment, something Darius said he cast upon the kitchen knives. The result of the enchantment ensured that the tools would forever maintain their edge, never needing sharpening. The combination of the three's skills proved a perfect match, and they completed the enchantment that day. Danica was determined to cast the same enchantment over her own woodworking tools when she and Celes returned from their task, as well as her razors.

That evening Danica chanced to see the gardener and Gabrielle walking back toward the garden house after the day's labor. Danica flushed in anger knowing what the gardener would subject Gabrielle to in only a short while.

She decided she could no longer abide the knowledge of what the gardener was doing to the beautiful woman. She caught Darius just as he was about to enter his private chambers for the evening.

"Darius, there is something happening I think you should know about."

"What is it, Andrea?" he asked, looking somewhat nervous and glancing into his open door. Danica could see a finely appointed sitting room lay beyond the portal.

"I believe the gardener is doing something quite inappropriate with young Gabrielle."

Darius blushed. "It is none of my business what those who serve me do in their own time. They are free to pursue their own lives."

"It's more than that. Please, come with me and let me prove to you that he is abusing her."

Darius considered for a moment, and then nodded his head as he shut the door. He spoke the word of command that reset the wards on the door and followed Danica.

They walked out to the garden house — Darius looking thoroughly scandalized the whole time. Danica reached out with her mind and easily found the mixture of anger and need in Gabrielle. That confirmed that the gardener was exacting the payment for his silence.

Danica led Darius around the side of the building to the location of Gabrielle's room. She quietly cast a spell of Clairvoyance and the scene appeared before them. Gabrielle knelt, nude, sucking the gardener's cock.

"Andrea," Darius whispered harshly, "This is most inappropriate."

The gardener exploded in the girl's mouth before Darius finished the last word, pulled up his trousers, and left the room.

"What woman would do this willingly and not be pleasured in return? Look at the anger on her face. She doesn't do this of her own will. The man is using her," Danica said as they watched Gabrielle flop down on the bed to stare at the ceiling with an obvious look of anger and resentment.

Darius' look of embarrassment slowly faded to anger as he considered Danica's words. "Let us go speak with Gabrielle and determine the truth of this."

Danica dismissed the clairvoyance spell and the two entered the garden house. Darius then knocked on Gabrielle's door.

"Who is it?" Gabrielle asked in a startled voice.

"It's Andrea and Darius. May we come in, Gabrielle?"

"Just a moment," they heard and waited while Gabrielle pulled on her clothing.

The gardener opened the door to his room and asked, "Is something wrong sir?" He blanched when he saw the anger on Darius face.

"That shall be determined in due course," Darius answered in clipped tones, staring hard at the man.

The gardener nodded and offered a short bow. Gabrielle opened her door then, gesturing for Darius and Danica to enter. The gardener started to follow, but a stern look from Danica kept him out in the hall. Danica shut the door in his face and turned back to Gabrielle, who looked afraid and confused.

Darius looked at Danica, apparently considering his words, and then turned back to Gabrielle. "Is there anything..." He paused a moment before continuing, "inappropriate going on between you and Eriond?"

"No, Sir," Gabrielle answered, casting her eyes downward and blushing furiously.

"Gabrielle, Darius is a good man. He will not judge you unfairly, not for anything. If something is being done to you, don't be afraid to tell him." Danica walked over and lifted the girl's chin up so she could look into her eyes. "Please trust me, Gabrielle. Do not let him do this to you any longer," she said gently stroking Gabrielle's face with her fingertips.

Gabrielle's lip quivered. Words tumbled from her mouth amidst sobs as she explained her situation. Darius' face grew harder with every word she spoke.

When she finished, Darius looked at a ring on his finger. "You tell the truth," he said from between clenched teeth. He then turned and flung open the door, finding Eriond standing right outside.

"Get your things and get out!" Darius angrily exclaimed. "You are hereby terminated. I would suggest you leave the city, because I shall forthwith inform everyone I know of what you have done here, and you shall not work in this city again."

"Sir, whatever the woman has..." Eriond began.

"SILENCE!" Darius shouted, startling everyone. Danica had never heard the man's voice raised so, and the power of the command stunned her. "Have you forgotten I am Magi? I know the woman's words for truth. I have changed my mind. I will have your things dumped into the street. I want you out of my sight and off my grounds this instant. Get OUT!"

Eriond paused for a moment in an open-mouthed stare, and then hurriedly left when Darius took a step toward him.

Gabrielle still sobbed quietly with Danica holding her to try to comfort her. Darius turned toward them and said, "It is over Gabrielle. I am sorry it ever happened at all. I must thank you, Andrea, for bringing to light this abominable situation. Know that I would never — ever — judge you for such things, Gabrielle. You shall henceforth be my lead gardener. The pay Eriond received shall be yours, as well as your pick of the rooms here in the garden house. I shall begin petitioning for assistants for you, and you may be the one who chooses which one shall enter my employ."

Gabrielle smiled as she finally managed to choke back her sobs. "Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Andrea. I don't know how to repay you."

Darius smiled and said, "Continue to do your work well — that is all the repayment I need. I long ago noted that you are a far better gardener than Eriond ever pretended to be. I was at a loss for what to do, as he has been with me for so long and his work was more than adequate. You are simply an artist in the work. I felt it inappropriate to demote or terminate him because his assistant proved to be more gifted than he."

Gabrielle blushed. "Thank you for the compliment, Sir. I will do my best to be worthy of it."

"I'll stay with Gabrielle. She'll need the company of a woman for a while."

"I understand. Thank you again, Andrea. It is most fortunate that you were able to discover this atrocity. Every day, I find I am more blessed that it was you who answered my call for assistants. Good night, ladies."

Danica continued to comfort the woman, eventually turning to lighter subjects and bringing out a smile from Gabrielle. Danica's arousal increased by the moment as she sat so close to the woman, touching her at every available opportunity. Their eyes met each other with barely veiled interest quite often.

On impulse, Danica put her hand on the woman's cheek, and then leaned down to kiss her. Gabrielle gasped as Danica said, "For far too long you have been forced to give of yourself and received nothing but grief in return. Let me give to you the pleasure you have been denied."

Gabrielle gasped again, then smiled meekly and blushed. Danica pulled the brunette closer and kissed her once more — far more passionately. This time, Gabrielle responded.

They slowly undressed each other, Danica kissing and caressing Gabrielle all the while. Danica's touches were feather-light on the Gabrielle's skin, drawing shivers from her. Her hands slid slowly over Gabrielle's body eliciting quiet moans from the brunette.

Danica swirled her tongue over one of the woman's small nipples, looking up into her eyes. Gabrielle shuddered and gasped, her eyelids fluttering when Danica sucked the nipple between her soft, warm lips.

Danica continued to suckle the stiff point, her hands roaming over Gabrielle's body. Gabrielle quietly moaned in long denied pleasure and caressed Danica as well.

Danica released Gabrielle's nipple after a while to trace kisses down the gardener's tummy. Gabrielle gasped and watched as Danica progressed toward the object of her desire. At last, Danica's lips touched Gabrielle's sex in a soft kiss, and the young woman's body tensed, as she moaned long and low.

Danica gently lapped and sucked Gabrielle's folds, using her tongue, lips, and fingers to stimulate every inch of the woman's sensitive flesh. Every passing moment increased the musky scent of Gabrielle's arousal and the bittersweet flow of wetness over Danica's tongue.

Same as Danica
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I am p, 26 hyd, done my btech and completed in the year of 2014. Tharwatha naku job raledu campus recruitment lo but naku confidence undi edo la job vasthadi ani because I am a good quality student.Quality student ani chepi nenu manchi abbai ni ani chepanu .Nallo ani korikalu unai.Ala job leni days lo most of the time intlo undevadini jobs ki apply chesthu.Naku oka habit undi …Evarina naku kopam tepinchina or naku kopam vachina em ananu . Calm ga sex videos chusthu or seex chat rooms lo sex...

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Nude vacation

Because of the celebration of my daughter's 18 year birthday. I had a surprise for my daughter Karen. She just finished high school and we decided to go on a vacation. Britney had been an single mother for most of their lifetime. Because of that there was never much money to spend and they didn't go on a vacation for 5 years. So when she told her girls Karen and Laura they were both very excited to hear about the trip they would be taking. The next morning they all had to get out of bed pretty...

2 years ago
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The Hollywood Files

Nicolas Brandon sahs im Flieger nach Amerkia und dachte darüber nach was als nächstes passieren würde. Er dachte aber auch darüber nach was bisher so alles passiert war. Er dachte über die Konsequenzen seiner Handlung nach. Er wusste natürlich so in etwa was denn passieren könnte, aber man kann ja nie wissen. Man kann die Situation einfach nicht einschätzen. Man kann nie wissen was das Gerät denn noch alles anstellen konnte. Denn so etwas gab es noch nie. Bisher noch nie - bis jetzt zuminddest....

3 years ago
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Home from school0

I decided to go home instead of going camping by myself. It was a two-hour drive home and I was about half way. I had my cock out and had been stroking it for probably twenty miles. Finally I had to pull over so I could catch my cum and not make a mess all over my pants. I shot my load into a paper napkin and put it in the trash bag that I kept in the car. That helped for a while but I kept thinking about how to get laid while classes were out. Maybe I could get lucky with some of the...

4 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 2 Going Out

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, I had a great Friday with Fiona, but she got so clingy when we went to bed. she stayed like that the whole night, too, holding me close against her body with her right arm, placing her hand on my chest, leaning on me, and resting one of her legs on top of mine. It made it impossible to move, especially since I didn’t want to bother her. I woke up before she did, and I tried to disentangle myself from her, very carefully, but it was clear I wouldn’t be able to...

1 year ago
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My Cousin

Note : This story is completely fictional! It happened on a hot saturday afternoon.My cousin was visiting family in town when she unexpectedly showed up at my house. She wanted to use the pool. I told her to go right ahead. I went inside and got two drinks for us and when i came out she was in her bikini feeling the water with her toes. Her skin was always pale but i thought she was hot. She is a really sexy,beautiful girl. Her hair is long and red, her breasts are big and perfect and she has a...

3 years ago
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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on.I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that...

2 years ago
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it was her bday

It was her birthday, and I was his gift, given by his wife, who had visited my blog and signed my service. My only request was that he awaits me in the motel white boxer briefs. When I arrived, with a langerrie black mask and eye with a whip in his hand, opened the door and commanded that he would k** birthday kiss my feet, but ... four, walking like a dog, but not anyone else, he was my dog, and he came slowly creeping four, and stopped in front of me, I ordered him lick my feet. I gave him a...

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Sweet Memories

I haven't thought of my first anal experience in years, but today, the memory came to me. I would like to share the story with you. We were quite close and very open about all things, and since Mike was much more experienced than I was he had taken it upon himself to make sure I had a well-rounded sexual education... The conversation turned out something like this: "You know honey, I have never met anyone like you," Mike said, "you have never turned down any kind of sex. You were a virgin...

3 years ago
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Its a Guys World

Introduction: Kate never suspected he could love her back. One thing that I have been very aware of for a number of years is that my area of interest is predominantly dominated by males. From a young age my idea of a future career was solely computer based and as I grew older my specialty became programming, however where I live that was always a business area that not many women went into, so I didnt have a lot of female friends. In all honest I never had a lot of friends of either gender,...

2 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 18 Invasion

Getting out of Scotland and to the Metéora proved more complicated than anticipated. Rebecca spent most of Thursday at the embassy retrieving her updated passport with her new name. She ran to the university and explained to Dr. Reston that she would be pursuing a lead in Central Greece where a form of goddess worship was still practiced at the very foot of the Orthodox monasteries. And that while based in the Greek pantheon, it appeared that a single goddess was the object of reverence. This...

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Donna from Day Care Ch 02

The next morning, Kevin was awakened earlier than he really wanted to be by Kerry climbing on top of him. He had been having a beautiful dream, in which he was snuggling with Donna in that same bed, and he hated to have it end so abruptly. His son didn’t seem to mind, though, and was eager to get his own day with Donna started. Kevin was too, but he would have preferred to have been allowed to sleep a little longer. However, the thought of spending a whole afternoon, and maybe an evening too,...

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My History with Brandy Ch 3

Brandy sped out of town and began working her way up the rising terrain to the East of the city. As the road wound its way uphill, the spacing between houses got larger, until homes were no longer visible, as they were hidden from view by large gates and treed lots. Rocketing around a hidden curve, I caught a glimpse of a line of several cyclists peddling their way back down the hill, their bright jerseys flashing by my peripheral vision outside her window."Who-Hoo!" Brandy exclaimed as she...

Oral Sex
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BlacksOnCougars London River 04042020

It’s all about London River and her orgasms. No story, no BS, just London and 3 big black cocks to fill her every hole. This woman is a sexual beast…and 1 cock isn’t gonna do it. She’s hungry and someone better feed her or she may just attack! Doesn’t take long for her to gobble up the dick. After slobbering knob, she bends her big ass over, so they can start pumping her puffy pussy one by one. When that hole gets destroyed, the dicks stretch open that tight ass....

4 years ago
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First Step Towards Exotic World 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, my name is Abinash. I live in Bengaluru. I am a regular reader of ISS. I am going to narrate my real-life incidents with you. I am writing this for the first time. So please ignore all the grammatical mistakes. A little bit about myself, I am 5’9” with a fit body and 6” cock, which is thick enough to satisfy any horny girl. Without wasting time, let’s get into the story. There was a girl named Shruti from the MBA batch. She was my fuck-buddy for a long time. She used to share her...

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Second ChanceChapter 6

I was sitting on the bed of a sixteen-year-old boy, whose father killed him, and as he died, my soul was sent into his body. I was staring at a laptop, praying that I had an answering email. Could life get any weirder? Let's see... At forty-three years old, I died in a car / truck accident and got miraculously misplaced into the body of a dying fourteen-year-old boy. The boy suffered massive head injuries, which necessitated agonizing several surgical procedures, and barely survived. The...

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Sisters Horny DogChapter 3

Madge rose up onto her hands and knees, wriggling her ass in front of the German Shepherd's furry face. "Fuck me, Jake! Fuck me now!" she panted. "You heard her, boy!" Babs said with a little laugh as she reached out and slapped the big dog on his furry ass to urge him forward. "Fuck Madge! Fuck her good and hard just the way she needs it!" "Yeah! That's how I need it all right... I need to feel that fat dog-cock fucking my horny little pussy hard and fast until I come!" "Now,...

1 year ago
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Mommy new Boss

''but mommy.....''''i know baby, its just for one night , mommy Boss and son are coming for dinner''''you know my job is important, dont worry , its going to be fine, i know my little boy likes it''''but....mommy''''shhhh go shave , i want you all smooth and smelling good''mommy knew , she ear it all that night at the campinghow her boy swallowed his 2 friends from the camping , in his tent sucking cocks the whole weekend pass bed time she was drinking wine , in the cabin she rent, her son tent...

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Should I Encourage Her

Should I Encourage Her? By cdveronica Previously I posted a story about my wife and I and how she had suggested we both slip into nightgowns, then after we fucked she had me suck my cum from her pussy. Every response I got said I should continue to encourage her. Last night she asked me to help her paint her toenails. When we finished that she insisted that she paint my toenails, in bright pink! After they dried, she told me to slip into a pink nightgown...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Aiden Ashley Abigail Mac Last Moments

Aidra (Aidra Fox) and her colleague Charlotte (Charlotte Stokely) experience something strange at night. Someone or something is banging on the wall or at the window. Every time they go look, nobody’s there. The girls start to get scared, but things get worse in the morning, when nobody can find the professor. Aidra goes looking everywhere for her but she nowhere to be found. Meanwhile Aiden (Aiden Ashley) is getting closer the Abigail (Abigail Mac). She’s fascinated by her free spirit and her...

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AirBNB VIP Penny

Life was getting back to normal; Lisa had a part-time admin job in town and was getting back in with her circle of friends so we wasn’t on top of each other all the time, Life was good.I had an alert that I had got a VIP booking for today so a quick tidy up and change of bed clothes was needed and Lisa was staying at a friend’s anyway so I had the house to myself. With the VIP service I had to be available between 12 midday to 12 midday as that is what the guest pays for so with everything done...

2 years ago
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From Unwanted Guy to Maid and Slave Part 3

Chapter 5: James' New Home. I was only left momentarily before the girls came back in. They were holding a dress on a hanger. This was all going so fast, I wish this hell would just slow down a little so I could take some breaths. The dress on the hanger was a classic sexy French maid's uniform. A short black dress with a white apron as well as some frilly cuffs for my wrists and a maids cap. On any of the girls here it would have looked extremely hot, but they weren't going to be...

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I Love Footjob

I had a friend (we will call her Mary) that I saw regularly for a while. We admitted to ourselves that the relationship was only sexual and would not go anywhere, so it freed us any pretenses. I introduced her to foot sex, which she seemed to enjoy. I have always been amazed (and grateful) how many women like foot sex as part of a sexual relationship. I think they a mentally turned on by the idea of a man showing affection to their feet, but the psychology of this is a subject of another...

4 years ago
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Merry Christmas cuckold

Since I convinced my wife I wanted her to have sex outside of our marriage my sex life has become unbelievable. It was her idea to incorporate a chastity device because I always jerked off when she was out on a date. Over the years we have accumulated a large selection of cages and some are down right uncomfortable for me to wear. If I misbehave she always picks one of the smallest cages to put me in, so for Christmas she told me I would be getting a new cage for Christmas and she asked if I...

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Marthas bare bottom caning

It was Thursday late in the afternoon when five pupils, three girls and two boys were standing at the corner. The pupils were Martha 18, Michelle 17, Veronica 16, Morgan and Kelvin both 16 years old boys. The two boys were trying a  cigarette when the girls were chit chatting. Mr Jordan, a 55 years old gentleman appeared from nowhere jogging, he...

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Teenage Foot Massage Sessions with my Aunt True S

As a teenager I would go to my Aunt's house once a week while I was taking drivers education classes in the evening. I would have dinner there and then walk back to class as my parents lived in the country about eight miles.My Aunt was quite a bit younger than my parents and had been married and divorced. At the time she was in her late twenties and was quite attractive. She worked at a clerical job during the week but would get home shortly after I was there after school.I had been stopping on...

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What I do for my wife MMF Bisexual

XXX WARNING XXXThis story contains hot explicit sex between consenting adult people of the same and the opposite sex. If this is not your thing, read no further, but if it is - read on to hear how I got me and my wife out of a fix by helping the cops out.===="Mister, please step out of the vehicle!"I looked at the young broad shouldered police officer that had just pulled us over. With what I'm sure was the most drunken look he had ever seen, I tried to smile at him. We hadn't been going that...

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The Dream Job

“Good morning Mr. Lantern.” The woman behind the desk greeted me as I entered her office. I was absolutely stunned by her beauty. She had long, blonde hair done into a tight ponytail, bright green eyes, and not to mention enormous breasts. I felt no shame in noticing them, as she was making no effort to conceal them, or at least the massive line of cleavage they created. She was wearing a white button-up shirt with a black suit-jacket on top, and she seemed to keep enough buttons undone that...

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 11 Sharon

SHARON GLIDED SILKILY into her flat. The night had exceeded her wildest expectations in every respect. From the moment he picked her up to when he dropped her, Frank had behaved like a real gentleman. She was impressed with so many things; the limousine with it's the French champagne, the interesting drive where she not only enjoyed the view but also the scintillating conversion with Frank, the restaurant that produced a meal better than anything she had ever tasted or ever expected to taste...

2 years ago
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The Masseuse 2 The Deprived

NOTE: This was a collaboration piece written by myself and a fan of my first story. It was written a number of months ago now, but is finally being posted. Special thanks to this great co-author and sexy woman!It was late afternoon when my phone pinged. I looked down at it.Come.It was the masseuse.My friend Alexa told me about the masseuse. It was during one of our Friday night pub get-togethers we had, when we had the chance. We would meet, have drinks, talk about our dating lives, work,...

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Being a Good Neighbor Part 1

Donna and Harold lived next door to us for years. I always had a secret crush on Donna, who looked much younger than her thirty two years. Because I was very married, I made it a point to keep my eyes, hands and fascination in check, but every now and then, something would give me a reason to pause and think, “What if?” Donna called one afternoon and my wife answered the phone. I heard Rebecca respond, “I’ll send Rex right over.” I knew instinctively, that when I was being dispatched to the...

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After The Movies Continued

Hi guys this is part 3 of my stories, at the Movies. This is going to be my last story for a while. Please tell me what you think. Once we had got back into the car, we made our way home to the estate where we live. There was a bit of flirting going on, but it was very tame. The drive was short, and there wasn’t enough time to do anything more. We had enough for then, we decided, and both of us needed the rest. We made small talk, and listened to the radio. When we pulled into the driveway I...

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Beneath a Moonless Sky

It had been weeks since I had seen Eric, yet I remembered his face well. The day I left was the day my heart broke. I just had not realized it yet. He was unique, talented. Eric was a musician, an artist, a sculptor, a writer, and one of the most profoundly amazing men I’d ever met. I had made my choice, though. At least, I thought I had. It was the night just before my wedding, and I went looking for him. I had to know that I was not making a mistake, that I should be marrying my fiance. I...

4 years ago
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Wanted her it got him Part 3

With the young man who’s cock I had just tasted and cum I had just swallowed, back outside and waiting for the girls to come back home. I felt a warm glow come over me. Nothing had been more exciting, nothing more erotic. Although I was much older than D, it was still my first time for both of those amazing things. Then again, this had been just a few hours of many, incredible firsts for me. With the taste of his sperm in my mouth and the smell of it on my face, I went upstairs to my room and...

3 years ago
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Mr Lance

Introduction: First time Im not going to lie, I was very nervous my first time. Mr. Lance was my chemistry teacher. We all knew he was gay. How could he not be? He was pretty flamboyant and he always checked out a boys ass or package. I remember sitting there in 2nd period and we were getting our final grades. Monique, a girl Ive known since pre-k, sat next to me and pretty much copied everything I wrote down. So to our surprised when we got our grades, that she passed with a 83 and I FAILED...

3 years ago
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Fucking Engaged Marathi Girl

Hello readers, this is Rahul (name changed for secrecy), I am a software engineer in a giant MNC in Bangalore. This is a true story of August 2009 when I was working in Pune. I used to stay alone in a house in Pune. Please send me your feedback in order to motivate me to share few more my own real incidents…. I used to chat on yahoo a lot. Once I was chatting I found a female ID and pinged it. She happened to be of Pune itself and used to live in Sangavi near Aundh. Her name was Sunanda (name...

4 years ago
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Potion 2

Wednesday, she came to school wearing a skirt that was at least a couple of years old, it still fit her tiny waste, but was way shorter then a girl of her age should be seen in, at least in public. It was a plain number, but she made it look amazing. She wore no panties again, and whenever I sat at my desk in front, she would open her legs and show me her best parts. I hadn't used any of my potion on her after the first time, but it just seemed to fire her up on an almost constant basis....

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Pablo Gets Fucked Over

Pablo and I are tight. We are two dudes who have been friends for a long ass time. We know everything about each other, and we’re always hanging out. One day we were spending our night in my basement, smoking a few cigars, a little bud, and playing some poker. Pablo and I were both attending the local community college, so we both still lived at home with our parents. This particular day was my last staying at home. As of tonight, I live in Pablo’s house. My parents walked in on our little...

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Our First Threesome

This is the true story of our first threesome experience (MMF). I am Steve, and my fiancée is Diana. We are a slim and attractive couple, both in our mid-thirties. Diana is around 5ft 8ins, very attractive, slender, with brunette shoulder length hair. I am 6ft 2”, medium build with short dark hair. We had been on the swinging scene for a couple of years but due to a hectic everyday life we rarely managed to meet people or go to parties etc. Diana and I had discussed meeting a single guy for a...

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My First Threesome

My First Threesome With GentlemenSince I split with my husband and as 3 of you gentlemen with profiles on this website will know I have had meets with, I think it is true to say, varying levels of satisfaction. These have been planned but maybe planned a little too much with a little too much expectation. Now one thing I have never done and to be honest having never thought I would do is to have a threesome but wow did that change on one night in Glasgow recently. Completely random meet, with...

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Journey of a Pain Slut The Prequel Her First Whipping

Bear with me, 'coz this is the very first time I have tried writing something like this down, especially on a web site like this, but I did promise! So (deep breath – here goes), last week I was pretty busy at uni, but, with the encouragement of my new friends here, I decided to take the plunge and talk to my BF about my interests. Tuesday night. Down the pub and after a long hard day. Me doing work back at my room on the first paper of term, him in the labs or wherever working on his...

1 year ago
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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Five

Jamie and I were dragged into the gymnasium by our leashes. I was able to maintain some semblence of movement on all fours, but after the severe buttfucking that Jamie recieved she could barely crawl and was practically being dragged naked across the smooth gymnasium floor by the girls. Even I thought it was a pitiful sight, and I had just moments before been forced to eat another guy's load that had come out of her asshole and landed on the floor!The gym class itself consisted of ample doses...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 42 Meanwhile Back in Camelot

Please allow me to slip into the third person for a while as I relate this portion of my story. The following events were related to me by some of the participants. In Atlantic City, New Jersey, Robert Cramer, his wife Judy and their twin daughters, Jennifer and Elizabeth, (both 14), were enjoying their time riding rides and walking along the boardwalk taking advantage of all that attraction had to offer. The twins were very pretty girls with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They both were...

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LaurieChapter 3

Nine the next morning found me opening the iron gate of Danielle's place and walking around to the carriage house, wondering what was waiting for me. I knocked on the door, and Laurie opened it, dressed in what was obviously a painter's smock. She welcomed me in and directed me up the stairs, following behind and then leading me back to her studio. "As you noticed, I have a gift for nudes," she started as we entered the studio. "I've never had a chance to do a male. Will you sit for...

2 years ago
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BitchChapter 2

The baby-change cubicle Joey had shown me into was clean and spacious. I was in a state of arousal at the audacity of what we were doing and Captain’s snout was nudging at my panties as though he sensed the purpose of things. My memory flashed back to those bedtimes at aunties, when her doggy did the same thing to me; to encourage me to start playing with him. Joey seemed calm though and simply lifted his dog up onto the small bench. He began smoothing and cooing softly to him and his hand...

1 year ago
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Tight Holes and Toys Make Explosive Combinations

I have always been a little more wild than my girlfriend. She can be considered more vanilla in a lot of the things we do, including bedroom activity. That is not to say our sex-life is boring, far from it. She has always been shy of using toys, something I on the other hand think would add volumes to our activities. For our upcoming anniversary, we had been looking online for some lingerie to mark the occasion. We had plenty already but we enjoy getting new things. On the particular site we...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 30

I woke on Sunday to the sun streaming through my bedroom window, and the sound of Mum shouting me for breakfast. I climbed out of bed, went across to the bathroom and relieved myself and then, still dressed only in my sleep shorts went downstairs, where, as usual, my Dad had cooked our Sunday morning fry-up for breakfast. “What time are we setting off?” I asked as I began to shovel forkfuls of food into my mouth. “Well, it opens at ten,” Dad replied, “I thought we’d set off about ten...

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High Profile Girl To A Slut Randi 8211 Part 2

Hi this is Sheela again. Thanks for all those from whom I received comments on my earlier post. Happy to know that many of you cummed and even pussy got wet reading it. This gives me energy to narrative another story or similar incident and I am sure you all will love it. After that sex I was getting horny daily and felt need for same type sex or my body felt similar sex need. I was thinking how I will able to get similar sex or how I can fulfill my need. I even tried in internet but was not...

3 years ago
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A Matter of Discipline Part I

Roy looked across at Lisa standing with his back to him as she made coffee. She was barefooted and wore a simple loose fitting red top and a flowered skirt. It was the skirt that caught his eye; not just his eye but his whole being. It was short and flared. Her legs were quite long and bare so the shortage of material made her even more appealing. He shouldn’t have had such thoughts; she was old enough to be his daughter in fact he had a daughter of the same age, eighteen, and Lisa was her...

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Barebacking My Tight Teen Daughter

He barely just got back from work. One of the benefits of being freshly divorced, it seems, is that no one is there to tell you what to do. He was married for almost 20 years, and he’ll be damned if he didn’t do everything he can to relish some of his newly acquired freedom. Not that he wanted it. But he had no choice really. After catching his wife fucking her boss, he just couldn’t get over that particular brand of betrayal. He toiled hard everyday to make enough money to provide for his...

1 year ago
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My Poor Little Wife Was Manhandled

My wife and I are in our late 30s. I’m black and have a stocky athletic build. I stand a little over 6’0′ tall. My wife Maria is Hispanic, very petite and stands 5’2′. She is fairly light skinned and has long jet black hair. We have been in an open relationship for almost a year now. We’d been married for over 10 years when we decided to live out our sexual fantasies. Our sex life was good, but lately had been getting a little monotonous, so why not live out our fantasies? Maria fantasy was...

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