Orchard Road
- 5 years ago
- 32
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"Holly shit! You are beautiful!" Ellie had fixed her wavy brown hair on top of her head and she wore a black, very tight, fitting one-piece skirt outfit that looked like as if it were painted on her sexy body. It just did come to her stocking covered thighs and a pair of black high heels lifted her two inches higher in the air. I pulled her into my arms and couldn't help getting hard as I felt the warmth from her body.
"Please tell me where you're taking me!" Ellie said as she moved as close and said. "This is killing me!" she added with excitement in her voice.
"No way! You have to just wait and see." I said sliding my hands under her short skirt and began to caress her. And we locked our mouths in a French kiss that lasted a good 15 minutes before we stopped. "We better go before we end up in your bed." I said as I gave her tiny ass a love smack.
Ellie grabbed her behind and yelled. "Ouch! You big mean bully!" she pinched my cock and ran to the front door.
"I'm going to get you now girl!" I said taking off after her, laughing the whole time.
I drove to the beach and once there I told Ellie. "Close your eyes until I tell you to open them." I looked to her excited face. "And, no peeking!" I said teasing her.
"I won't look." Ellie laughed and she covered her pretty eyes. I drove up to the hotel; it was the nicest one in town. "You can look now."
I looked at Ellies' face as she opened her eyes. "Oh Clint! This is going to be so wonderful!" Ellie said with gleam in her eyes and she gave me a big hug and a soft kiss.
"I'm glad you like it." I returned her hug. "Wait till you see the room." I said and gave Ellie a wink and moved my hand up her short skirt to her soft thigh.
A young bellhop opened my car door and said. "Welcome to the Ocean View!" he gave Ellie and I a fast look and when he saw my hand up her skirt, his face turned red. "Sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to interrupt you and your beautiful wife."
I got out of my car and walked around to open the door for Ellie. "It's all right." I patted him on the back. "Our bags are in the back seat and." I held out my hand for Ellie. "She's not my wife, but I hope to change that after tonight!"
Ellie gave me a hug and said. "I love you so very much!" we walked arm in arm to the front desk. After checking in, we followed the bellhop up to our room. "This is the best room we have." He said as he pushed open the double doors to our room.
"Oh Clint, this is so beautiful!" she said as tears ran down her pretty face and she grabbed me as hard as she could.
I hugged her back and looked at the bellhop, he gave me a 'thumbs up' and he smiled from ear to ear. "Sir, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you have one of the most beautiful ladies I've seen in my life!"
"I know that's true and tonight she's all mine!" I said caressing the side of Ellies' face. "Be sure no one bothers us." I said handing him a nice, crisp 50-dollar bill.
"And, I'll give you another one if you can find some candles and a stereo for some romantic music." Ellie said looking to the young bellhop.
He smiled very big and said. "Ma'am this room has a great stereo. It's in here and there's a bunch of candles." He opened a cabinet to show us a big TV and stereo. "I'll tune a good station for you." He said as he went to working on the music.
I pulled Ellie back in my arms and we kissed like teens in heat. I opened my eyes to see our new friend watching us with eager eyes. I slipped my hands back under Ellies' skirt and began to caress her, as I did, I made sure to pull her skirt to give him a good view of Ellies' wonderful ass.
She figured what I was doing, puled from me, and slapped my arm. "You'll have to forgive him, we've been going out for 6 months and this will be our first night together!" Ellie said looking to him and gave him another 50-dollars.
"Ummm, yes Ma'am." The young boy said and he gave Ellies' butt a fast look and gave me another 'thumbs up'. "Thank you very much! If you need anything, I'm James." And he left our room.
"How could you show him my butt?" she giggled and gave me a hug. "The poor kid!"
I laughed. "Hell, I'm sure that made his summer complete." I put my hands back on her wonderful ass. "I know it's going to make my life complete when I get it tonight."
"You're so silly, but I love you so much!" Ellie said as she kissed me.
That night we had our romantic dinner on the balcony, watching the red sun slowly sinking into the ocean. We feed each other every chance we had and if a morsel of food happened to drop on one or the other, we made sure to lick it all off.
"Oh. I'm so sorry." I teased Ellie when I just happened to drop a bite of my cheesecake on her slender left leg. We both looked down and watched the cool cake slide down Ellies' leg and between her thighs. "Here, let me get that for you." I winked and slid on the floor between her legs.
She began to giggle and said. "Ha-Ha, it made sure to go right to the heart of things, didn't it?" her hands reached down to my face and Ellie guided my tongue to the cake. I licked up the front of her panties and she let out a soft moaned. "Oh my! Did that cake go that far down?" Ellie giggled again and spread her legs wider.
I licked and kissed every inch of her soft thighs and moved towards a wonderful smell. "Did you forget that you had a doctor's appointment?" I teased her hoping that she still wanted me to play doctors with her.
A big smile filled her face and she jumped up. "Oh shoot! He'll be here any second, I better go lie on the examination table." She giggled as she ran to the bed. "What should I take off?" She teasingly asked me.
"I'd say just your skirt, he might want to make sure your clothes are fitting you good and not hurting that beautiful body of yours." I said as I watched her unzip her tiny skirt.
She giggled at me and said. "I need to undress for my doctor." And she pointed to the restroom.
"That will make your doctor happy." I laughed, grabbing my gym bag I rushed to the restroom. I pulled out a lab coat that I had taken from her closet and put it on.
I was ready to take beautiful Ellie. We had waited for this night so long we both hurt inside. I lightly tapped on the bathroom door.
"Come in doctor!" Ellie laughed when she saw me wearing her lab coat.
I walked towards her, as she lay on the bed looking so sexy and tempting. "Hello Miss Rogers, what brings you in today?" I teasingly asked her as my eyes took in every inch of her beautiful body.
"I've been getting very strange feelings between my legs and I get so very warm and wet down there when I have feelings for a man." She said as she fluttered her eyes at me.
"I just smiled at her and replied. "Oh no, what kind of feelings?" I sat down beside her and waited for her to answer me.
A little smile came across her lips. "Just like now, I find you so very handsome. I start to get very warm and there is a strange tingling between my legs." Ellie said giving me the sexiest look.
"Well, let me look you over and then we'll see what's wrong down here." I said as I gently cupped her warm mound. "Sit up so I can look in your mouth. Open wide!" I said and my tongue went deep in her mouth as my hands moved to cover her breasts.
Ellie pulled from me and said. "Oh doctor, what are you doing? My Mother won't like this at all!" she said trying not to laugh.
"I'm your doctor. I need to check every inch of you to make sure nothing is wrong." I said letting my hand move down her tender thigh.
Ellie jumped. "Oh doctor! That makes me all tingly!" she giggled as my hand moved closer to her warm sex.
"I guess I should start my examination there. We don't want someone as pretty as you to be all tingly." I laid her back on the bed and gently spread her legs and asked. "What happens if I do this?" and I ran the tip of my fingers gently down the front of her tiny white panties.
She moaned out in joy. "Doctor! It makes me so hot down in my 'private' place." Ellie giggled again as our game of 'doctor' began to heat up.
"I'm going to have to examine you more closely to find out wants going on down there." I said moving between her legs so that my face was only an inch from her wonderfully beautiful mound. Her sent of arousal filled my nose. I placed each of my hands on her soft thighs and moved both my thumbs up the center of her as compassionately as I could.
Ellie moaned out with joy and pulled her legs wider and up to her breasts. "Oh doctor! You really know how to make a girl tingle so very good!" she whispered as she looked to watch what I was doing to her.
I pulled her tiny panties up her legs to expose her stunning sex. "Miss Rogers, you are so very attractive!" I said moving my mouth to her and softly kissed her swollen nub. "How did that feel?" I teasingly asked her.
Ellie moaned out with sheer delight, "Doctor, you should do that again so I can be sure I get the right feelings." Ellie said as she looked into my eyes with love. She laid back on the bed and closed her lovely brown eyes.
My mouth covered her tender, sweet smelling sex again. My tongue moved up and down her moist crevice, stopping only to tease her swollen nub. My eyes looked to Ellies' joy filled face as my tongue explored ever inch of her burning sex.
"Oh Clint!" Ellie screamed out with joy when her tender body exploded around my tongue. Her tiny hands grabbed the back of my head and shoved me against her sex as the massive orgasm rushed through every inch of her. She shook with delight as the pleasure ran through every artery and blood vessel in her body. "YES! YES!" Ellie squealed out in ecstasy.
My mouth and tongue stayed buried deep in her body, making sure I touched every inch of her tender, delicate insides. I wanted to please this beautiful woman more than any other woman I had ever been with.
"Oh stop, please!" Ellie laughed trying to pull away from me. "You're going to kill me!" she giggled sitting up in the bed and tried to catch her breath. "I've never had anything like that in my life." She purred moving into my arms. "I love you!" she moaned covering my mouth with hers.
After our kiss I pulled her on my lap facing me and said, "I've wanted this for so long!" I moved my stiff cock between her tender folds of wet, warm sex. "Are you ready?" I asked the beautiful woman that I was about to enter for the first time.
Ellie had a look of fear on her face and her right side looked as if it had begun that strange droop again. "I umm, I... I'm a virgin." She said covering her beautiful face and she began to weep like a baby.
I rocked her in my arms and replied, "It's OK, don't cry." I hugged Ellie to me as I comforted her. "I think it's kinda sexy!" I pulled back to see a little smile under all of her tears.
"You don't think it's weird that a woman my age is a virgin?" she asked wiping some tears off her face. "I've been so afraid to tell you." She sobbed more as she looked into my eyes waiting for me to answer.
I hugged her again. "I told you, I think it's sexy as hell!" I kissed her. "What man can say that he got a 26 year old virgin?" I gave her a little wink and noticed her face had begun to droop a little more. "You're getting that look on your face again." I said caressing the weak side of her face.
"It's from... ummm stress." She stuttered out looking away from me and trying to cover the side of her face. "It's all right, please take me!" she laid out on the bed with a desperate look on her pretty face and her slender legs spread just wide enough to show her virgin prize.
"Oh yes! My beautiful Doctor." I teased her as I moved up her body and gently placed my hips on top of her. My hard cock found the way to her steaming sex. "You're so beautiful!" I moaned placing tiny kisses all over her face.
Ellie moaned with each of my tender kisses, "Please, please, I'm ready!" she cried out pushed her hip up to my cock. "Clint!" Ellie cried out with joy when my cock penetrated her loving folds of flesh.
I gently pushed deeper into her tiny sex, "Oh my sweet, Ellie!" I moaned as I sank into her pure body. I slowly pushed deeper into her tiny opening, until I had all of my cock inside her breathtaking, fresh body. "Ellie! I love you so much!" moaned as I held her in my arms.
She began to spasm uncontrollably under my body, "Ellie!" I screamed as I jumped from her. "Ellie!" I screamed again trying to hold her with no luck. Her pretty eyes were rolled back in their sockets, her arms and legs flopped wildly on the bed. She was shaking so hard all I could do was keep her from falling off the bed.
I grabbed the telephone with my right hand, dialing the hotel operator; "I need help! Something's wrong with my girlfriend!" I yelled into the receiver.
"OK, sir. I'll send up James and call 911!" the operator said and I flew down the telephone and leaned to help my sweet, Ellie.
I tried to hug her, but her body was shaking and spasming so bad all I could do is watch. My heart broke as I looked to the love of my life and this strange thing that was happening to her. "Hold on Baby, help will be here soon." I told my beautiful woman."
Mr. Harris, it's me James! Open up!" James, our young bellhop yelled as he beat on the door of the room.
I grabbed a sheet and put it over Ellie, but with the way, her body was shaking; it wouldn't be on her very long. I grabbed my jeans, pulling them up, I ran to open the door. "I don't know what's wrong with her!" I said to James as tears ran down my face. "We were about to... umm. Have sex and she started doing this." I said pointing to Ellie.
The poor kid looked to Ellie with as much hurt in his eyes as I had in mine. He really liked her a lot. "The paramedics will be here soon!" he said wiping a tear from his eye. "What do you think it is?" he asked me hoping I had some answer.
"I don't know. Sometimes the side of her face gets droopy, is all I know." I told James as we both sat on the bed next to Ellie as her beautiful body went on shaking.
The paramedics arrived in only a few minutes and when they saw Ellie on the bed, "Oh Ellie!" the woman said as she ran to Ellie. Her hand gently caressed her shaking forehead, "You poor thing." She stood up and looked to me with a smile and said, "You're Clint. You're all she talks about." She smiled, "She loves you so much."
"So you know each other?" I asked looking to the other paramedic as he sat on her arm and gave Ellie some sort of shot. "What's he giving her?" I asked the female paramedic.
"It will help her to relax." She said patting me on the back, "She never told you, did she?" the woman asked me with hurt in her eyes. "I didn't think she would." She looked to Ellie and then back to me. "You need to sit down." I did as I was told and she went on talking, "Ellie... is in the last stages of..." she paused to wipe some tears from her eyes, "Last stages of... brain cancer." She said and burst out crying.
I leaned back in the chair and a hurt like I had never known came over me. The most beautiful and loving woman in my world was so sick I might loose her. I sat looking at Ellie and to the paramedic that told me this horrible thing, "How long has she known about it?" I asked her and looked back to Ellie, wondering why she never told me.
"She's known for 4 years." She said walking to me and sat on her knees before me. "I think the reason she never told you is, she was engaged to a man and when she was diagnosed with it and he just left her. He didn't say a word to her, not a goodbye or anything. It hurt her so badly." By the time Kim had finished telling me about Ellie, tears ran down both our faces.
I just sat there in shock that she didn't tell me. She should have known me better than that; I'd never leave her for anything. I thought for a few seconds, "It doesn't matter, let's get her to the hospital." I said with a smile, "We need to get her taken care of."
"Yes, we sure do!" Kim the paramedic replied jumping up to hug me. "She really needs someone that's strong and can be with her when her time is near." Kim added caressing Ellies' face.
I hugged her back and replied, "Nothing could keep me from being with her!" I wiped some tears from my eyes and followed the paramedics out of the hotel.
Ellie lay in a coma; I only left her to eat and to grab a fast smoke. The days turned in weeks and weeks into months. Each day her poor body became weaker and I knew there wasn't much hope that I'd get the chance to tell Ellie how much I loved her and was going to miss her.
It was a warm and sunny June day, the birds were singing songs of love, and the flowers were blooming. I was sitting with Ellie, reading her some love story, when she began to move.
"Hi handsome," Ellie said looking to me with a half smile. Her eyes were alive for the first time in months and they were looking at me.
I grabbed her tiny, weak hand and gave her a kiss; "I've missed you so much!" I said with excitement in my voice and I could feel tears of happiness forming in my eyes. Her smile became bigger when she heard what I had told her.
"How long have I been asleep?" Ellie asked as she looked to me for an answer. Her pretty face started to look more normal as each minute went by.
I leaned to give her a kiss and replied, "You've been out for 5 months. I haven't left your side." I gave her another kiss. "And, I don't plan on ever leaving you!" I said as tears ran down my face.
Her tiny hand reached to my face and wiped away a tear, "Don't cry, this is a happy time." She said with her beautiful smile. "I want to get up and go out into the sun!" Ellie smiled and tried to sit up, but her body was just too weak. "I don't have much time left and I want to be with you, in the warm sun."
"Let me get the nurses to take all this off of you, then I'll take you to the first place we ever had fun." I told Ellie with a smile. I knew she did not have much time and if it was her wish to go out in the sun, she was going to do it.
All the nurses and doctors told Ellie it wasn't a good idea for her to leave the hospital, but Ellie said with laughter. "What it might kill me?" she looked to me with a big grin, "I hope you're not taking me to the grocery store. That's the first place we had fun."
I kissed her head, "No, silly girl, I'm taking you to the park." I told Ellie as I waited for the nurses to finish getting her ready.
"Oh, that will be a nice place!" Ellie said as one of the nurses pulled a long needle from her tiny arm. "That hurt!" Ellie said and burst out crying. Big tears starting running down her face and I rushed to her side.
"Can't you people be easier? Or can't you just leave that shit in her? I'll bring her back in awhile." I asked them as I rocked Ellie's sobbing body in my arms. My arms held her with more love than I had ever known.
"YES! That will be fine." Doctor Lewis said walking into the room. "Just tape the IV lines to her arm and let's get them on their way." He said with a stern voice and started to help tape some of the lines to her arm. Once finished he pulled me to the other side of Ellie's room and said, "She doesn't have much time. It might even be today." He wrote down a telephone number and gave it to me. "If you need help call me and I'll get help to you as fast as possible."
"Thank you Doc. If her time is so short, I want it to be happy." I said as I felt tears forming in my eyes again. "I'm taking her to Winton Woods. We had our first date they're watching the kids' play, the ducks and geese swimming around. She loved it so much."
Doctor Lewis patted me on the back and said, "Well, you just make sure her last hours are the best she's ever had." He said walking away with tears in his eyes.
"All done! Let's get a wheelchair and take her out to your car." One of the nurses said as she pulled some cold, ugly wheelchair next to Ellie.
"I don't think so!" I said pulling my sick love into my arms. "I'll take her!" I said giving Ellie a soft kiss and carried her to my car.
I held Ellie in my arms as I slowly drove to the beautiful park just down the road from the hospital. "Just a few more minutes my love." I told Ellie as I felt her breathing becoming shallower.
"That's nice." She softly said as she gasped for air.
I drove my car through the park and right to the lake. I must have broken 3 or 4 laws but I didn't care, I needed to get my girl to her favorite place and soon. "Here we are, Baby!" I said as I opened the door holding her frail body in my arms. I walked to the bench we had sat on so many times. "Look!" I said to Ellie. "Here we are." I said sitting down as easy as I could.
Her pretty eyes opened and looked around the placid lake. The geese were out in full force and not far away you could hear the children playing. "Thank you! I didn't want to die in that place." She said, as her breathing became weaker. "It's so cold and lonely in there."
"Now you're here, Baby." I said holding her weak body as tight as I could. I knew what would be coming soon, but I didn't want to let her go. I had never loved anyone so much in my life. Anyone I did love always seemed to disappear from me. Now my Ellie was only moments from leaving.
Ellie looked to me with a soft smile on her face; "I love you so much!" she said putting her tiny arm around my neck. Big tears ran down her face as the life was slowly draining from her weak body. "We never got to make love. I wanted you so bad." She said gasping in air. "Kiss me one last time." She said, as her breathing was now shallow I could even her breathing.
"Ellie, I love you, too!" I said leaning to her mouth, as I kissed her, Ellie's last breath of air blew into my lungs. "Ellie! No! No! Don't leave me!" I cried when I knew my girl was gone. My tears ran on her face as I held her lifeless body in my arms, rocking her. "I'll miss you so much." I said giving her one tender and final kiss goodbye.
For the next two years, all I did was work and sleep and that didn't come very often. Ellie still filled my most every thought after two years. She was in my heart and soul. I had never loved anyone so much in my life. Many nights I found myself sitting up in the darkness crying for her.
I was lucky if I slept for an hour before getting back up to return to my office. The one good thing was, my company was now one of the biggest in the state and I made sure to give all the workers lots of raises to show how much they were needed.
The only good thing that happened in the last year was that Ron had been arrested for killing Stella. He had buried her at their summerhouse out at the lake. A jogger and his dog came across her bones late one afternoon while out for a run. Ron was sentenced to die for the horrible thing he did to beautiful, Stella.
We were having a big company cook out when Tina, one of my youngest employees asked, "Are you bringing anybody, Clint? If not, my cousin will be in town and she's so pretty and sweet." Tina said with a big, hopeful grin on her face waiting for me to reply.
Everyone at my company knew how much loosing Ellie had hurt me. But, every now and then they always tried to fix me up with someone. I couldn't blame them for trying; I knew that I needed to get over, Ellie. It had been two long years since she left me. I was so lonely I hurt inside, not just for sex, someone to talk to and have fun with.
I looked over young Tina, she was so young and beautiful, and so full of life. She was standing waiting for my answer. "If she's not, you clean up the warehouse for a month, girl!" I teased my young worker and laughed at her.
Her little mouth flew open and she put her hand on one of her sexy hips and shot back, "And, if she is all I said... I want the promotion to salesperson!" she gave me a teasing laugh. I was going to give her the promotion anyhow, but I was waiting till the cook out to tell her the good news. Of all my employees she was the best.
I gave my head a scratch and looked to the other ladies in the office. Two of them knew of my plans for Tina and were very excited for her. "I don't know about that?" I teased her more. "I need somebody 'good' for that job." I laughed.
"What?" she gritted her teeth at me! "I'm here every day and fill in for Jack all the time." She snapped back and I could see that I had hurt her feelings. A look of hurt covered her pretty young face and her lower lip came out.
I moved to her, hugging her in my arms, "I was just kidding you. I'm sorry." I caressed her pretty blonde hair. "Who else would get the job? Nobody is as good as you are!" I said to her seeing that her beautiful smile had returned. "Now, get ready, I'm taking my newest 'salesperson' to lunch." I said giving her tight little ass a smack. I loved looking at her body; she was built a lot like Ellie had been. Nice small sexy breasts and an ass that could make your mouth water.
"Really?" Tina said with excitement. "Where are you taking me?" she asked, looking into to my eyes with joy. "Hopefully not Taco Bell, that's Fred's idea of taking me out on the town!" she laughed. Fred was her boyfriend that wasn't worth a shit in my eyes. He treated Tina like shit, always stealing her money or going out with other girls behind her back.
I gave her a cold look; "I don't think so! You need to dump his no-good ass." I told her as we walked into my office. "You could do better than him anytime." I told her in a fatherly voice and gave that great ass of hers a fast look as she turned to close my door.
"I know, but I don't have any place to move." She gave me a frown. "It might be hard living in one of the trucks." She laughed, pushing her shining hair from her face.
I looked to her face, if everyone in my company wouldn't think I was a pervert, I would love having Tina with me. "Yeah, right! Like I would let you live in one of my trucks." I replied moving to her and pulled her back into my arms. "You ever need anything or to get away from him, you just say the word." I said and leaned to give her a soft kiss on her full, pink lips. She melted in my arms as we touched and a tiny moan came from her when I gently squeezed her ass.
After a few minutes kissing, she pulled from me, "Damn Clint! You trying to get me turned on." She giggled with an embarrassed face. "Why are you still single? Any woman in town would jump to be with you." She said with concern in her soft, loving voice.
"Ellie was a very special person and I'm just now starting to get over the pain from loosing her." I replied to Tina. "Come on, I'm hungry." I said pulling her by her arm and out the door.
After Tina I had lunch we were driving back to work when I saw a very pretty house for sale, "Look at this!" I said pulling into the driveway. "This is nice. Let's go look." I added as I opened the car door and went around; to help Tina out.
"I didn't know you were looking for a new house?" Tina said as we walked up on the front porch. "With just a little work this will be a great place!" she stated and bent to look in a window.
As she leaned to look in the house, I couldn't help but looking up her very short skirt to see her white panties. "Girl, you're killing me!" I laughed, fanning my face. "You need to dump Fred and find a nice man." I said thinking of her in my bed and all of the great things we could do together.
"You're looking up my skirt! You nasty man!" she teased and tried to slap me, but I jumped to grab her in my arms. "I'm starting to like this a lot!" she smiled and put her head on my shoulder.
I moaned in agreement, "It does feel pretty good." And I squeezed her small ass in my hands. "I haven't had sex in going on 3 years." I told Tina with a frown as I caressed her tender body.
She just stuck out her little lip; "I've never been with anybody! I don't even know what it's like to be with a handsome man like you." She said as her fingers ran over my face and traced my lips. I began to grow so fast I thought I was going to faint and my pants were going to rip. "Mmmm, somebody likes that, do they? Just think what a fine piece of ass I would be, so young, alive and a virgin!" she giggled pressing her thin hips into my stiffness harder than before.
"You're killing me girl! We better stop before I end up just taking you home with me." I said making sure I ran a finger up the center of her now wet sex, enjoying the feel of an excited woman for the first time in so long.
She just gave me a warm look, "Would that be so bad?" she asked running her fingers through my hair. "If I had the chance of who would make me a woman, I'd pick you." She said giving me a small kiss. "Why are we looking at this house?" she asked pulling back from me and giving me a cool look. She was a girl that needed answers to every question in life and didn't like to wait for them.
"I bought it last week for my newest salesperson at work." I answered with a grin. "She needs a place of her own." I saw a smile fill her lips and happiness cover her face. "Oh, you're the new salesperson!" I teased her a little more and enjoyed the look on her pretty face.
Tina jumped back into my arms, "Are you kidding me?" she asked as tears filled her eyes. "This is going to be great!" her mouth covered mine and our tongues wrapped together like two vines growing in the woods. My hands slid under Tina's tiny skirt and this time she spread her legs to give complete access to roam every inch of her soft flesh.
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Kate's Version The service was boring as always, I knew mum wanted me to go to communion classes, but I couldn't see the point, finally the hymns had finished and we could escape from the confines of the building, but the vicar was there at the front saying goodbye to his flock, "Hello Kate," he said to me, "I understand that you'll be taking the classes this Thursday, I'll be happy to see you there." I turned to mum who was just smiling away nodding. I pulled on her arm as we were...
Billy's story I was having breakfast when mom answered the phone, it was Kate, I didn't know what to say to her, but I had to say something "Hello Kate," not very original but then she shocked me with her next words, "What would you say if I said Fried Fish?" she asked, I couldn't answer at first, it must have been coincidence, she couldn't really be saying that, I wondered if I should answer, then decided that I had to. "Apple sauce!" I said, now it was her turn to be quiet, I...
Deland, Massachusetts June 8-9, 2003 Ben That, young man, is a very long story. Ben’s mind reeled, bordering on full blown panic. He was asleep, but also awake, and there was someone in his mind speaking to him. Was this demonic possession? Was this schizophrenia he was experiencing? He thought the latter was more likely, never being able to rationalize the possibility of angels or demons in his engineers mind. Ben also remembered reading an article that said people of high intelligence...
Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with another post of my slutty widowed Aunt, Sheen. This is a compilation of THREE of the most memorable road trips with Aunty Sheen. I hope you enjoy this post as much as you did the previous ones. I’m eager to hear your reaction to this so feel free to Like my story and drop in a Comment!A little background first…About me - I’m Ali. I’m very fair-skinned, stand over 5” 10” tall with sharp features and straight, long dark hair. I have a tall and trim muscular...
Billy's story I looked at the foot of the bed, there was a brass plaque screwed onto it. Elizabeth Harding A Beauty in repose I pointed this out to Kate, she nodded. "So the only person in the family grave is Josiah himself! I hope he's lonely there." Her voice showed how angry she was, I told her what Darcy had said about there being no spirit in this part of the room she nodded absentmindedly, she seemed to be thinking to herself, and then she looked up. "Billy?" She started, "I...
My dad had a stepbrother named Hardy. Hardy was actually his surname and his first name was Harold, but he hated his first name and always insisted on being referred to as Hardy.My dad, Arnie, and Hardy became stepbrothers when they were sixteen-years-old. With both their parents being divorcees, Hardy’s mother married my grandfather. The two boys had been born three months apart and had not only become stepbrothers after the marriage of their parents, but also best friends.Two years later,...
Gay MaleCHAPTER 1: On the Road Again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The winter storm in Salt Lake City comes to a halt just before sunrise. The interstate is reopened before noon after the roads are plowed and salted. In the motel, Luke and Kathy wake up in bed in the spooning position they were in last night. The same position that gave Luke the opportunity to have an intimate evening with his grandmother. He wakes up thinking it was all just a dream. He knows it wasn’t. Especially once Kathy...
Fred Miller (45) and Sandy Thompson (23) were packing up the items that they accumulated during their stay in the Flagler Hospital. Sheriff Henderson stopped by to say good-bye to them both. They thanked him for all the help and support he had given them during their stay in Flagler. Several hospital staff members had also stopped in to say goodbye to them both. Fred had recovered completely from his memory loss. He still showed a few burn marks here and there but nothing serious....
TULSA, OK Only thirteen and a fraction miles of Route 66 used to pass through the "Sunflower State". I say used to because, in 1960, Old Kansas Route 66 was decommissioned and the entire mileage abandoned when the new Interstate system by-passed Kansas altogether. From the start of my trip in Chicago, I'd been skipping back and forth between the newer four lane Route 66 and the older versions. Since the Kansan abandonment was only three years old, I had no trouble finding and driving on...
It was about the middle of summer when I first went to bed with Bob. He was my husband’s flight instructor. This was the year that I wore my very first real mini skirt. The first one actually made the national news. The first one was somewhere in the south, Atlanta, I think. They were not being worn anywhere else except in California by me. When my husband saw the newspaper article about it, he showed it to me and told me I should wear one when we went to the bars and into town. Since I was...
Tiny handed me a pair of sleeves with two Corporal stripes on them, "You'll need to wear these Tony, don't be frightened to use your authority when need be but don't be too pushy, just remember, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." Thanks Tiny, for Christ's sake pull me up if I'm doing the wrong thing, I'm flying blind here." "It's mostly common sense Tony and you seem to have more than your fair share of that so don't worry." A short while later a...
I made it through an entire state without having sex – about three hundred almost 'nonstop' miles through Nebraska, and not one woman threw herself in front of my motorcycle, not one situation emerged in which a daring rescue of some sex-crazed maiden was required, and nothing else happened of note, except I stopped for gas and a couple of times to stretch. Nebraska was boring, and so was a good part of Kansas on my way to Salina where I'd made overnight reservations at a Best...
After seeing Yellowstone National Park, I knew that I wanted to come back in warmer weather. A few of the side roads through the park that looked interesting were closed to traffic. I headed for Livingston, Montana for an overnight stop before getting on Interstate 90 and heading west to Coeur d'Alene where I had an ex-Army friend. The day had started sunny, and according to the forecast, clouds would roll into the region before a small front swooped through with a chance of light snow...
SANTA MONICA, Only three-hundred and twenty miles to go across California. My goal's in sight! The ride sure has been one humdinger. Miss Swifty, carrying Sue Ellen and I crossed the Arizona-California state line at Needles which lies 1,941 miles past Go. Can't say as I felt any different for arriving in California except for feeling very warm--more like hot. I was, at that point, entering the Mohave Desert. Miss Swifty's air conditioning was a Godsend. Sue Ellen and I rode along in...
We had camped beside the road the night before, happy to sleep under the stars and near the rocky, rollinging stream that followed this stretch of the road to Beletara. Slider was completely adjusted to life on the road now after a week of travel. Grendel was still wondering where the stable was, but she gently shook off her disappointment at the end of every day. Breakfast was cornbread, re-heated over the fire, and dipped in honey. We drank steaming cups of Cintosa, the Arborian equivalent...
CHAPTER 1: INTRO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Are you kidding me?? Just come home already!! Luke screams angrily into his phone as he pulls into the driveway of his house. -I don’t care if you’re a “High-Risk!” You’re already vaccinated!! Just come home Sara! -Ok Fine!! Stay in Denver! WHO GIVES A FUCK that we haven’t seen each other in a YEAR!! Without much luck in winning his argument, Luke ends his phone call in utter frustration. He has had enough! Ever since the start of the...
Hi! My name is Jennifer, but no one ever calls me that. I am known simply as Jen. The story I'm going to tell you took place more than forty years ago in the summer of 1963. I remember what happened, although some specifics have dimmed with time, but I still have my detailed diaries for that decade to which I can refer for most of those specifics. My diaries started at age five. I still keep one daily. I had just turned twenty-three in February of that year and I bought the car in the last...
We were on the road from Mysore to Ooty in India. It is a beautiful road, with picturesque lodges along the road, and it passes through Karnataka's richest wildlife sanctuary. For miles, you can just see green trees, densely populating either side of the road. Deer, jackals, gaur (wild bison), peacocks, elephants, and sometimes even tigers can be seen on the road. It is a sure bet to raise a spirit of adventure in anyone travelling the road. Our bike was a powerful Roadking 250 cc...
First TimeIntroduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...
I was late getting out of Darwin so I pulled off the road at Katherine to grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat to fuel me up for the long night ahead. The truck was fuelled up and with over 1000 litres in the tanks I wouldn’t have to stop for fuel until I got home. There was one other rig in the parking bay, an old and battered Louisville with 3 cattle trailers hanging behind. There were a couple of dust-covered utes complete with bull bars and a row of spotlights on a bar over the cab, a...
Author's note: All sexual activity in this story is between consenting adults over the age of 18.This story is dedicated to all single moms out there; you're no unsexy matron. Motherhood kicks you up to another level of sexy.++++++++++++++My divorce became official yesterday, so as of today my ex-wife Beverly is in the history books. After one year, six months, and 11 days, that guy in the mirror, Tom McFarland, is now officially single again!Beverly and I met at the Art Institute of Chicago...
Time to visit Ovid again. As usual, this contains some adult material (maybe PG-13), so use your own discretion. You may archive at any site, but please notify me of your intention to do so. Comments are always appreciated. Ovid III: The Road Crew By The Professor It had grown colder in Ovid through the month of December. The remains of an early December snow were still piled by the side of the streets and a gray sky threatened at least another four inches before evening. I had...
The windscreen wipers tore back and forth but their efforts were futile against the deluge. The storm was monstrous. What started as spots of rain dotting the windscreen had developed into a full-blown meteorological onslaught. Rain hammered down and a savage wind battered the hedgerows, bending branches low over the road. Thorny foliage caught in the wipers, scraped arcs across the windscreen, scratching the glass. Ignoring it, Seren leaned forward and peered anxiously into the darkness. She...
SupernaturalRoad Trip When I was younger, I used to go on long road trips with my parents in their RV. The kind of RV that they had was the kind that had the cab over bed. Every once in a while, we had to drive down a two lane highway (the kind that had the yellow dashed and solid line in the middle) and that was when I would “go take a nap” and climb up in the bed and close the privacy curtains. Along the front of the bed where some windows that faced forward so I can see the highway. One day, I had a...
This story began as a couple of questions of mine on Mindy's Polling Site, the ones about the six college men who spend time at a Summer rental that somehow changes at least some of them into women. I've played around with it for a while, until I came up with this version while I was on vacation. (Yes, parts of this story were written in three different states, on the ground and in mid- air.) Some of it is rather explicit, though all the sex happens off-stage. Road Trip By Ellie...
I entered and walked to the counter of the diner, I selected one of the dozen or so chrome and vinyl clad stool and sat. The diner was like a snapshot of a place that has not aged in 30 years. Clean but definitely dated. The waitress approached, her name tag read “Sarah.”“Coffee?”“Yes, Sarah, black please.”“Menu?”“Please.”As I waited for the coffee I checked my messages on my cellphone. Thinking to myself what a weird juxtaposition . . . using modern technology in this museum of a restaurant....
SeductionThe Road to Jericho By Scott Ramsey Author's Note: This story deals with topics relating to Christianity in a respectful way. If the idea of God offends you, read no further (I will pray for you though). If you are not, I invite you to take a journey down the road to Jericho.... Lightning split the night sky as the rain came down in sheets, obscuring the two lane black top. Jerry Harris strained to see the road ahead, the wipers of his Dodge Ram pickup struggling vainly to...
I would like to thank Zen Master for his help in editing this story. This story transpires in the year 1979, in the county of Palm Beach, Florida Murrr derrr, murderrr. The way the word rolled off my tongue seemed to fascinate me. Especially since that was the reason that I was sitting in the dark, on damp grass, with a gnarled cane pole in hand and I wasn’t thinking about murdering fish. I was planning to kill Bill Brown. My thoughts would bounce from the word to the question and back....
On the road again and Miss Swifty fairly glowed as she purred down the Mother Road as we cruised toward East St. Louis. The road was straight for a change with traffic very light, and it was a cloudless, sunny day. I'd put my foot down hard on the gas pedal some time back and was doing well over a hundred miles an hour when I flashed by a crossroad and some big, roadside billboards that got my hackles up. Sure enough, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the flashing red gum ball machine...
Frontage Road Hot LoadsWhere I live here in the desert Southwest the freeways bypassed a lot of older small towns and stops along the way. Many survive but are quiet for the most part. Vast stretches of older state highways are now just frontage roads for the freeways and serve the isolated communities along the way. Very often guys pull off the freeway and drive stretches of these older roads for a change of scenery and the thrill of driving on old Rt 66 or one of the other classic routes....
Stacy and I had finished all the paperwork. Renting a motor home for two weeks took a lot of signing and agreeing. It was late July and we were heading north where we didn't have a plan or care. We were looking forward to a fun adventure in the southwest. The vehicle was big; a nice bedroom in the back with a queen-size bed, a dresser and a TV. Then forward of the bedroom was a fairly nice bathroom with a shower that looked like it could hold two people... which I was hoping it would...
Wife LoversShe entered the shower, feeling a little bit of Richard's cum still seeping out of her. She quickly showered up, making sure to get her freshly fucked pussy clean of the cum. After she finished in the shower, she toweled off and walked back into the office. Richard was awake, still naked and sitting on the edge of the desk, when she entered and he grinned at her, "that was the most incredible sex I have ever had." She laughed lightly, "glad I could be of assistance," speaking almost...
After turning 18, Helen was working in a roadhouse and lots of young truckers came through the joint. Helen had fucked most of them after only 4 months slinging hash........she had slung her juicy young cunt at a lot of cock.She had been fucked in Whites, Macks, Freightliners and even gang-banged on a pile of tarpaulins by a gang of truckers. She loved the feel of cocks ramming deep in her young pussy driving her over the top with orgasm after orgasm. Eventually the inevitable...
Saturday saw the five of us heading off down the highway to Bairnsdale. Ernie was sitting in the front seat with his gammy leg stretched out in front of him, Jess was relegated to the backseat. Dom and Cheryl followed in Dom's roadster. Doug and his wife greeted us at the farm. Alice, Doug's other half suggested we take a tour of the old homestead and then we could decide if we were still interested. Interested was an understatement. Doug had removed the hay bales off the veranda and...
Alan Prescott, the Sire officer invited us in. "How can I help you folks?" I introduced everybody and gave him a brief outline on our plans for the roadhouse. "What we are here for today is to see if we can use the old homestead for that purpose, if so, what do we need to do from now on?" He pulled out a map and we located the house, pointing out that the title was for ten acres. "The area is zoned Rural A, that's agricultural. We can rezone it Rural B, that will allow you to...
Ahhh, the first summer heat wave! Technically not really summer yet, it was still a few weeks away, but just try to tell the weather what to do. The man on the radio warned that it would reach the high eighties before noon, then of course went into full 'scare the public' mode with warnings of heat stroke, hydration, blah blah blah. I tuned him out, thinking how fortunate I was. I had scheduled an off-site meeting with a vendor several towns away from corporate headquarters. Could life get any...
Office SexKevin White walked along the edge of the highway leading out of Rockland Springs. The sun was already in the lower half of the sky and he hoped someone would take pity on him soon and offer him a lift. When he was younger, his father had told him that growing up was a matter of making bad decisions and learning from them. If that was the case, he told himself, then he'd certainly grown up a lot in the last twelve hours. Otherwise, the decision to use his bus ticket to back what he thought...
Our return to the Valley of the Wind was brief. The ice had already broken in the river before we arrived. Master Jo had been riding pretty much non-stop while we were gone, and had relearned the comfortable manner atop a horse that he had as a young man on Temple. He certainly thought that the saddle helped. His home facet of Temple's idea of a saddle had been pretty similar to those of the Zadaru, a blanket and a leather pad. The northern post road was clear, and had been clear for a...
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining accident four years ago and had just been through a disability review in Hazard. Sure, he faked a lot of the time just to get that free money, but he had to play the game. “I should be getting a determination letter any day now.” “I’m sorry honey. I know it’s got ya worried but it’ll work out. Do you want...
Betty’s alarm went off at 4:30 as always. She reached over, slapped the alarm, looked over and Emmitt wasn’t in bed. She got up and headed up the hall to the bathroom. Looking up the hall, there sat Emmitt at the kitchen table. She stepped into the bathroom, peed, then walked into the kitchen. “You ok?”“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining...
Our next stop is for lunch, so we tidy up, change whatever clothes need changing, and go and linger for a while in a restaurant like two ordinary people who haven’t just had a wild time on the side of the road. Engine refuelled, our stomachs filled and caffeine fix treated, we get back into the car, me driving, and hit the road again. Our mood has changed, the sexual tension has lessoned and we catch up on the little stories we normally would have told each other daily, but haven’t for the...
BDSMI stepped out of Maureen's car as she handed me my sleeping bag. She asked, "Are you sure about this? You do know what happened out here?""Maur, if I don't do this, then Layla and the rest will think I'm just a coward and never allow me to live it down. Besides, I don't believe in all those stories. There isn't anything out here except a road with a name that scares people.""I don't think so, Rach. I've heard all the stories since I was just a kid. I was always warned about being out here after...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe three weeks leading up to their vacation, Rachel had become something of a fixture at the house. She had her own car, so she didn’t have to bum rides from friends or parents. Rachel really liked coming here for she was accepted for who she was 100%. The fact that there were a multitude of holes to fuck and even a couple of real dicks to ride certainly helped. Also, one person at the house seemed to have a serious crush on her, Samantha. For her part she said it was because Rachel was a...
Molly told me that we weren’t driving directly home. Instead we were taking a road trip to the beach. She only told me that I needed to get to I-40 and take that to Wilmington, NC. We would be eating the food we had left over from the nudist camp. Our only stops would be when we stopped for bathroom breaks or gas. At least that was the plan. I don’t think I will ever get comfortable with the gawking I get whenever I get out of the Lotus at a rest area. Molly is doing surprisingly well...
Now that I had found out how to 'fly the Road' I was sorely disappointed when I didn't have my dream again that night or in the week running up to Christmas. I hid my disappointment by keeping busy doing other things. Brenda invented a powerful snow-blower using scrap that she had reclaimed from my garage. Together we made the rounds of all my summer clients with an offer to keep their drive clear whenever there was fresh snow. We made a great team I thought - Brenda with her inventions,...
Kelly and her husband, Mitch decided they needed to get away for a little while. Since Mitch was working from his laptop for the next few weeks, they decided to head up to the summer house. It was a nice two-room cabin in the mountains near a lake. They would normally go up for vacation and hike, fish, sail with friends and relatives. This trip, it was just the two of them, and in the off-season.Kelly dressed in shorts and a tank top for the ride up, getting a head start on being comfortable....
ExhibitionismA Road Trip Gone Wrong By Jaana "A recent college graduate has a chance encounter with a young woman, unaware that he would become the recipient of a terrible curse." *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, masturbation and female arousal. Rated X. You have been warned. *** *** PROLOGUE *** He should have suspected a trick. What where the odds? And now here he was in lobby of a motel, fighting a rising hunger as between his soft, curvy...
Hi, I am Sheela. I am 53 years old. I am a widow. I am a mother to over 16 children (none adopted, all mine). I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an Indian, but my mother was white British. Now, let’s get to the story. It happened some years back, and I just got down to write it all down. I had boarded the train to my home. It was late in the night, and the train was packed. I slid my suitcase underneath my berth and took my seat. Moments later, a guy came to me and claimed the seat to be...
Ann and Will were an older couple that enjoyed sex and exploring their fantasies. Since meeting on Lush several years ago, they had gone from being cyber-lovers to physical lovers. As they became physically connected, they had found many ways to enjoy each other. They never failed to try something new in their relationship if one or the other wanted to try it. This had broadened their sexual appetites in many ways and found them always stretching the boundaries of what each other would do.Will...
AnalI'm Meg. I moved to this area a few months ago and just recently bought this house. I've not really explored much as I've been getting the inside finished. I'm five feet four inches tall and have a curvy shape, hazel eyes and blondish hair. I live on a dead end street. The pavement stops at my house and beyond my house it turns into an old dusty road. I decided one morning I wanted to see what was beyond my house. So I set out walking down that dirt track. The trees were beautiful, all shapes...
BDSMHarlan could not believe the string of bad luck and hasty decisions that had led him to nearly dying at the tender age of 25 on that twisted mountain road: he received a letter in the mail informing him that a storage locker belonging to his great aunt, who had recently passed, now belonged to him, and that the only way to keep from losing everything inside of it was for him to go in person to that little town upstate on the other side of the mountains where she lived and died, and sign a new...
One of the bike clubs I belonged to was the sponsor and organizer of the STP. Over the thirty years that they had been doing the STP, they had gotten it down to an art form. As an event, it pretty much ran itself, or at least that’s how it appeared to the riders on the event. To the organizers, it was just this side of a nightmare! Picture, if you will, trying to provide enough logistical support for roughly eight-thousand cyclists along a two-hundred mile route across two states, over a...
Jaycee couldn’t help but laugh a little as Andy did his mad dash around the front of the truck. He really did not look like a man a little over thirty, no matter what his license said. And he was cute, really cute – not that she could have talked to Sarah about that with him sitting right there! He was also sweet, she mused, as her hand toyed with the zipper on the jacket he loaned her. Still, she barely knew him, or he her, for that matter. After all, he’d only picked her up off the side of...
Tricia didn’t even look to the left as so passed the orchard, driving exactly at the speed limit but gripping the car’s steering wheel is if it were the life preserver being tossed to a possible drowning victim. Again, the day was hot, as it was just last week when she first passed this way and had stopped. And again, she left her job with the same frustration and anger she experienced seven days earlier simmering just beneath the carefully crafted veneer of her facial expression. She’d be...
Amy was annoyed, anxious and apprehensive as she drove home. She was getting married so she was apprehensive. She was annoyed at the drive home. The drive was not that long; about a hundred miles. She was not annoyed at the distance. It gave her time to think. She was intrigued at the countryside. You could see for miles when you topped one hill and could see between the valleys. The dark green pastures could be seen for miles until they turned to a dark blue as they blended with the clouds in...