DistributionChapter 7: Meeting Paige's Family free porn video

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When Paige called at nine PM, I'd made my calls, and had given up on hearing from her. I reported that the quotations for the water hookup were arriving; I'd spoken to Harold Whitney about the consulting job, and Charlie and I had moved the crates out of the living room.


"Yes, Paige."

"I didn't follow any of what you just said. You'll need to keep notes. Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about."

"Okay," I said, feeling very confused. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Are you sure you're over Marian?"

"I'm sure."

"It's only been three weeks."

"Three weeks is long enough. Being separated from her has made me realize that we had very little between us. Anyway, it didn't take her long to move on. I have it on good authority that she's seeing one of my tenants."

"What if she calls again?"

"I'll tell her that I've met someone."

Paige abruptly hung up and I cursed myself for saying the wrong thing. When she called the following night I reported that I'd met with Matthew Dawkins about the barn. "Harold was here. He asked some probing questions that I would never have considered. Matthew wants everything out of the barn so he can get a better look at the structure. I agreed to move the auto parts to the basement, but I told him he will have to work around the antique cars. I don't want to be rushed into advertising them for sale."


"Yes, Page."

"What you said about meeting someone. Was that someone me by any chance?"

"Of course it's you."

"You only met me three weeks ago."

"It's been three weeks and two days since we met. That's as long as it took Uncle Mackey and Aunt Elsie to fall in love. As a matter of fact, they were already making love."

"That's a ridiculous analogy. They were young and it was wartime."

"I'm not suggesting that we're on the same track as Mackey and Elsie were. You have to admit though, that we hit it off from the beginning, and we get along well."

"Not from the beginning," she corrected me. Paige ended the call before I could ask her what was going through her mind when we'd first met.

On Wednesday night I reported that the eBay bidding was going better than I'd expected. "I visited one of those pack and ship places today. The owner got excited when I told him how many items we're offering for sale."

"I hope you're keeping notes of your activities. My mind wanders when we talk on the phone."

"Paige, I look forward to your calls. I plan what I'm going to report."

"Are you holding anything back, Brian?"

"Most of what I do would bore you. For instance, Harold is going to stop by tomorrow and we're going to outline everything that we're going to have done. I want a detailed plan to show the lady from the preservation society."

"May I ask you a personal question?" she asked, like she had not been paying attention to a word I'd said.


"Promise that you won't laugh?"

"I promise."

"Did you get sweaty today?"

"A little bit. I helped Charlie trim the shrubbery around the gazebo. Why do you ask if I got sweaty?"

"Did you shower?"


"What are you wearing?"

"Why do you need to know what I'm wearing?"

"Humor me. What do you have on right now?"

"I'm not going to tell you until I know why you need to know."

"I want to close my eyes and picture you. I need to know what you have on."

"Okay, I'll give you a complete picture. I'm sitting in Uncle Mackey's chair, re-reading a letter from Aunt Elsie. I'm wearing a pair of cut-off sweatpants. That's all."

"That's all? No shirt, no shoes?"

"That's right."

"Hmmm, I'm having trouble picturing you because I've never seen you with a bare chest."

"Yes, you have. Remember the day I played volleyball on the beach?"

"Hmmm, you're right. I get the picture now. But you didn't take off your shoes that day."

"Believe me; you wouldn't want to look at my bare feet tonight. The reason I'm not wearing shoes is that I stubbed my toe on one of those damned crates in the back room."

I heard her giggle. "Why are you re-reading the letters?"

"I remembered something that Aunt Elsie wrote. I have it here: 'I hope you won't hate me, Mackey, but I've done something without asking your permission. I sent your description of the fighting on the island to the local newspaper, and guess what, my Sweet? The editor published it. He called me first, and I couldn't say no. He says you're a fine writer and wants to see you when you come home. Please don't be angry with me, my Darling.'"

"I recall reading that passage. I'm just realizing that they fell in love in a very short time and the letters strengthened their love for each other. Read some more please."

"I haven't found his reaction to her apology, but it's obvious that he forgave her. I'm looking for the letter where she told him that she was abstracting the parts from his letters where he told about helping the other patients in the ward. She went so far as to say that she would like to use them in a book. She even suggested a name for the book, 'Tales from Ward C.'"

"Do you think it was ever published?"

"I don't know. I'll search the web tomorrow to see what I can find."

"I'll call you tomorrow. I can't wait to know more," she said, ending the call in such a hurried fashion that it made me wonder if she was all right.

Her call came earlier on Thursday night. I had lots to report, but first, I had to tell her what I was wearing.

"I covered my chest with a T-shirt, and my feet with sneakers."

"That's not very interesting," she said, dismissively. "Tell me about the book. Did you have any luck?'

"No luck whatsoever. I searched Mackey's name and got lots of hits about his newspaper work and the magazine articles he's written, but there was nothing about a book. I'm wondering if it was published under a different name or if he used a penname."

"I was thinking that it might be a fun thing for us to do together."

"What? Put a book together out of the old couple's letters?"

"Exactly. We could divide the research and the writing."

How did she think we would have the time to research and write a book? Didn't she know how busy I was? Did she have more spare time than I knew about? I was even more convinced that it would be impossible to find the time when she told me that she would arrive late the next evening.

"We'll stop for dinner," I suggested, and was happy to hear her response.

"Okay, that will be nice," she said before saying goodbye.

It was nearing seven PM on Friday night, and I was becoming concerned that I hadn't heard from Paige. When she did call, I was ready to let her have it.

"We're thirty minutes away," she said.

"There are going to be some changes. First, I want your cell phone number, and second, I want to know what's kept you. Tonight is going to be my night to ask the questions and it's your turn to supply the answers."

"Brian, why are you being short with me? I warned you that it would be late tonight. I could have waited until tomorrow or Sunday to come, but I wanted to..."

"You wanted to what?" I asked, calming down.

"I guess I missed you, but now that you're being dictatorial, I'm not so sure."

"Paige, I've been a perfect gentleman. I haven't pried into your personal life and I've let you dictate the pace. Hell, I've only been in the room you occupy that one time when we were listing the furniture for the silent auction. I'm warning you; tonight is going to be different. I'm going to ask the questions for a change."

Other that the roar of the bus in the background, I heard nothing. When she didn't hang up, I asked, "Did you really miss me?"

"Brian, I have something to confess," she said, side-stepping my question.

Her soft voice quieted me. I pictured her lips moving, the wrinkle in her brow, and the way she set her eyes when she was making a point.

"I'll be waiting when the bus arrives," I said, thinking that we were ending the call.


"I'm still here."

"I did miss you," she said before I heard the line fade out.

It was obvious by the way she was dressed that she'd come directly from work. She didn't jump from the steps and run into my arms as I expected. Instead, she walked slowly, her eyes in contact with mine, and she didn't crack a smile until she was within arm's length.

I pulled her to me, and our kiss was intense for a few seconds, until she pulled away. "Take your hands off of my ass. People will talk."

We laughed about her assertion on the way to my truck because my hands had not been near her ass. I took her to an Italian restaurant and was sorry that I hadn't chosen a quieter place.

It was not only noisy, it was crowded, and our table was not in the best location. Although I'd warned her that this was my night to ask the questions, I let her begin.

"I had an affair," she said after the waiter had taken our orders. Naturally, I wanted to know more, when it took place, for how long, and if it was over. She supplied those answers without my having to ask. She had to lean forward to be heard.

"It was a year ago. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself and felt the affair was something I wanted. It only went on for a few weeks. Russell found out about it and broke it up. I wasn't sorry to end it because I had no feelings for the guy."

"Why did you think you had to tell me?" I asked, wondering at that moment if I should tell her about Georgia."

"It's my way of explaining why I've been cautious about ... us."

"I never thought that you were being cautious. Actually, asking me what I was wearing was kind of racy. That will be something to tell our grandchildren."

She was holding a wine glass, but set it down. "Brian, you make me nervous. We're not Mackey and Elsie. This isn't a race. You're not heading off to a Pacific Island."

"That's true, but I'm only here for a limited amount of time."

"How long?" she asked, concern showing in her eyes.

"Once the construction work is completed, we can put the house on the market. We can make decisions via e-mail, and I can make the distributions to the heirs from my home."

"Don't forget about the stock."

"I've been thinking about that. I believe we should give Fred a sample of the stock tomorrow night."

"How did we get off on the estate? Is it the only interest we have in common?"

"God! I hope not," I said, and watched her take a sip of wine.

Our meal was served. The food was delicious, but very filling. We talked very little, but laughed constantly. We got the attention of the people at the next table when we traded bites of food.

"Are you celebrating a wedding anniversary?" one of the ladies asked.

"Yes, how many years do you think we've been married?" Paige asked, winking at me.

"Ten years?" the lady asked.

"That's right. We were married ten years ago," Paige said, and the two couples congratulated us. They offered to buy us a drink, but Paige said that we were going to have coffee and go home, implying that she couldn't wait to get me into bed.

I was bothered by what she'd said about us only having one thing in common.

"We're both widowed with children," I offered as I helped her into my truck.

"We have the letters," she reminded me.

I found myself wanting to add to the list of things we had in common, but couldn't come up with anything else.

Paige went directly to her room and returned a few minutes later with a radio, wanting to dance. She'd changed into short pants, sneakers and a T-shirt. I took my shoes off and danced in my stocking feet.

"I was negotiating a lease with someone on the west coast. He didn't realize how late it was getting," she said, explaining the reason she'd taken a later bus.

"I thought you may have stopped at home," I said.

"I caught the first bus out and called my home. Does that tell you how anxious I was to see you?"

We were dancing at arms length, talking casually. "Do you think we have a physical attraction for each other?"

"You're still hung up on what we have in common, aren't you?"

"I am," I admitted.

"Okay, here's a compatibility test. Rate the following as they apply to a relationship; sex, looks, and common interests."

I stopped dancing and looked at her. "Are you saying to rate them in order of importance?"


"You hope that having sex with an attractive person will be as good as they look to you, but it doesn't always work out that way. The same goes for having sex with someone with common interests. I guess that I would place good sex first, regardless of how the person looks or if they have common interests. However, the lack of common interests could make great sex less important."

"Did you just change your mind about sex being number one?"

"No, good sex wins out every time."

Paige kissed me, and was halfway to the stairs before I stopped her.

"Hey, how did I do?"

"I don't know. I'll need to think about what you said."

We didn't discuss my rating of sex, looks and common interests again until Sunday night, Monday morning really. We started the day at the kitchen table, scouring the letters for mentions of Mackey helping other wounded veterans in Ward C. It took all morning to transcribe those parts of the letters, but when we were finished, we agreed that there was not enough for a book.

"It's going to take more research to expand on each story, such as what happened to the people Mackey helped," Paige said.

"There's also the love angle. Perhaps we could make it into a romance," I said, and was met with a shake of her head, as if to say that I was making too much of the letters.

After lunch, Paige wanted to go shopping, and while she was selecting the ingredients for the meal she was going to serve that night, I went to the wine shop next door.

Our guests were to arrive at seven PM, and the aroma coming from the kitchen was so appealing that I wondered if I would be able to resist sampling the dinner. Good cooking was running a close second to good sex on my compatibility preference chart.

Nadine wanted to take Fred on a tour of the house as soon as they arrived. His footsteps seemed to make the floors creak more that usual, until he got to Uncle Mackey's room.

"Did a hurricane go through that room?" he asked when they returned to the first floor.

I laughed, and told him that Uncle Mackey had been a writer. "I get the impression that he knew where everything was. I try not to disturb anything."

Fred had brought two bottles of expensive wine, which I opened first. By the time I opened the wine I'd picked out, no one knew the difference.

We all told Paige that the meal was exceptional. She humbly accepted our praise, looking fondly at me as she said that I'd supplied her inspiration.

I don't know if we'd run out of conversation material or if it was the wine, but Paige began talking about the letters between Uncle Mackey and Aunt Elsie. Recalling that she'd specifically cited the letters as something we had in common, I joined in, and we were soon talking about the book we had in mind to write.

Our exuberance about the subject must have bored Fred, but Nadine became caught up in how Mackey had managed to help nearly every other soldier in the ward.

I'll have to give Fred credit though. Not once did he mention the stock that we were going to sell. Even when, at the end of the evening, he accepted the list of twenty stocks that I handed him, pocketing it without a word. The stocks I'd selected represented about twenty percent of the total, and were for companies that I'd scarcely heard of before.

Paige was agreeable to my suggestion that we leave the cleanup until the next morning. I escorted her up the stairs and into her room. She turned, and I took her into my arms.

"Brian," she said, interrupting our kiss. "You have your hand on my butt."

"Oh, sorry, I'll remove it," I said, making no move to lift my hand from her ass.

"No don't, I like having it there, just for a minute, and then you have to leave."

Was this a test? I kept my hand on her ass for exactly sixty seconds before removing it and ending our kiss.

"Goodnight," I said, backing toward the door.

"Goodnight," she said.

I awoke to hear her in the kitchen. She laughed when I apologized for not helping to put things back in order. On the table was a steaming cup of coffee and a piece of paper that contained her cell phone number.

"Don't call me during working hours," she cautioned.

"What if I have an insatiable desire to talk to you?"

Her frown quickly changed to a smile. "Leave a message. I'll call you back as soon as I can."

"How will I know when you're working?"

"You won't. I freelance for three small law firms, and work when they call me. Right now, I'm booked every day but Fridays for the next two weeks. That's the day that I work for a manufacturing company."

"Thank you for clearing that up for me."

"You have every right to know everything about me. I feel that I can ask you anything, right?"

"Right," I answered, wondering when it would be a good time to tell her about Georgia.

We talked about the best way to research the stories we'd extracted from the letters. I came up with the idea of putting Mackey's work experience in chronological order. We took turns surfing the web and discovered that he had worked 38 years for four newspapers between nineteen-forty-nine and nineteen-eighty-seven when he retired. The four newspapers were in addition to the small hometown paper where he'd gotten his start after being discharged from the Army.

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Paige Owens 900 299000

How fucking sexy is Paige Owens? That face. Those lips. That ass. Those titties.Do I need to keep going? No? Then get your ass on over to Twitter.com/PaigeOwensXXX!If you are already a fan, then you’ll appreciate what you find here (mostly – more on that in a moment). If you have no idea who the fuck Paige Owens is, you’re going to become a fan before you close your browser. She’s sexy as fuck, and you’ll be compelled to whip out that cock and start stroking yourself as you look at her images...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 50 Meeting the Family

Joseph found himself standing in the darkness behind his office and remembering the last time he’d taken more than a few steps in these hallways. His father had unlocked the passages for him and the young priest and ordered them to hide. He had watched his parents’ murders and then slipped away like a ghost down this very corridor. He had not dared to light a candle that day for fear of Wilhelm’s soldiers finding him. He had led Father Dervin past the places he and Elena used to create...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 279 Meeting the Families

Never thought of it that way. Mary and Skylar’s fathers had many wives. Did they not come from outside of their family? Without the four girls here, I’m sure there will be other families who encourage their daughters to try to have me impregnate them, just to keep up with the Jones. They are going to be out of luck. To keep from being a distraction from “business,” I went to my room to dress in shorts and a button-up, short-sleeved blue linen shirt, plus sandals. I didn’t know how to call...

4 years ago
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Meeting the Family

Today is the day you finally get to meet Doe's family! For some reason, you have been prevented from seeing them for many years but now you cannot be kept away - you're going to meet them alone, behind Doe's back... What could go wrong? First Name = Your name. Last Name = Your fiance's name.

2 years ago
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Me And My Incested Family3

Hey I remembered when I was 15... Me and my sister 'Trish' had some fun together as well as me and me dad and me brother ! I remember coming home from school one day. I walked him chucked me bags on the floor and went up stairs and I heard a moaning type noise. My sisters door was open a little, I looked in and I saw her magical fingers inside of her! It was such a beautiful sight to watch! Anyway so I slowly sneaked in and crawled by the bed... Heart beating in case she catches...

3 years ago
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Me And My Incested Family2

Anyway one day I came home from seeing a movie and I was sad because I got a text saying something that I don't want to tell u And my father saw me crying and came upstairs, just wearing his boxers, and his abs where AMAZING! I love the way my dad looks. he sat next to me and I saw he bulge (Not erected) but I saw his bulge still and he likes tightish boxers too as me and my brother ;). And he hugged me witch sent a GREAT feeling through my body witch made my penis start to get...

2 years ago
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me and my stepfamily

      he stuck his dick in a little bit, then put it in little by little. it hurt, but felt good at the same time. aqain I matched his pace and he touched my 34c boobs andburied his face in them. he used his thumb to play with my clit and soon I had a qreat orqasm. he went faster and deeper until I had another orqasm. after another ten minutes I felt his dick swell up inside me and I felt a weird sensation in my pussy. he qrunted And kept his dick in my pussy for a little bit. I knew he came in...

2 years ago
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My stepfamily

I was soaping my body in the shower, getting ready for school, when I heard a faint tinkling sound. I peeked out from behind the curtain, and there sat my 260 pound step sister on the toilet relieving herself. “Hey Bro. Sorry to intrude, but I couldn’t hold it back any longer.” I then saw her strain, and heard a plop plop plop. My God, she was pooping right in front of me. For some strange reason, my heart began to beat a little faster, and my 7 inch cock began to get hard. I continued to...

1 year ago
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The Megafamily

My life wasn't supposed to be the life of a Superhero. No, sure not. Just two years ago, in the year 2015, I was a very average teenage boy. Barely 18 years of age at that time, I lived in a small suburb with my parents. My family was no poor family, in fact, we were wealthy, thanks to the work of my father as an genetical engineer and entrepreneur. Although I always saw me as a "normal" boy, mainly interested in sports and girls, receiving good grades, the work of my father was, in contrast,...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 67 Dysfunctional Family

"MEYOW!" Ryo-chan lurched, all but whirling to glare directly down at Ayeka while rubbing her precious derrière. "Well, I'm sorry you keep fidgeting!" The princess snapped mildly, replacing the straight pin into her wrist mounted pincushion looking at Ryo-chan ruefully. "If you'd hold still, I wouldn't have stuck you!" She added tersely. Even angry as she was, standing atop the kitchens borrowed stepping stool, attired resplendently in a flowing white wedding gown, Ryo-Oki was the...

1 year ago
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My Asian Stepfamily

*Just a reminder that these ideas should obviously never be either supported or condoned in any fashion in real life. any of the themes in this story are exactly that, a STORY. this is fictional and it should stay that way. Please don’t actually go out and act on any of the things depicted here. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :) John Doe was like every rich, stereotypical white kid living in California, and although he grew up in an Asian family, his mom had always made sure to tell him he was the...

1 year ago
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Family Porn HD? Ah, it’s an age-old story of taboo lust. Your single dad hooks up with a 20-year-old dimepiece with wide hips, thick thighs, and tits to die for who becomes your new stepmom, but you just can’t help getting hard every time she walks by in a tight tank top with no bra and a slim pair of black booty shorts. I can’t blame you, man. But some people take it even further. Ever dream of your hot older sister slipping into your room at night and letting you fuck her brains out? Or maybe...

Incest Porn Sites
1 year ago
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My Family One hot summer day, many years ago, I had to go spend an afternoon at my grandma’s house. She was supposed to pass down the family pie recipe to me. I’ve never been one for baking unless you count the blunts I smoked when she wasn’t looking. The pie ended up full of my semen, but that wasn’t actually one of the ingredients. It fills me full of sticky joy to see that MyFamilyPies sticks to a sexier recipe.In case she couldn’t figure it out from the name and the fact that your old pal...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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The Family Sex Tube! If you ever felt like taking your porn game a step further, then TheFamilySexTube.com will be of great help since this page right here has all the taboo porn that you never saw on the internet. There are simply tons and tons of movies that will show you things that would be considered by some to be unspeakable horrors, and of course, sex addicts such as yourself will enjoy these videos, and you will beg for more if you allow this desire of this flesh to take control of you....

Incest Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 9 Saturday February 5 Welcoming Anne To The Family

My eyes were closed but I was awake. I sensed Anne look from me to my father, felt her disengage herself from the hands we had on her breasts and sit up. Suddenly a vision came into my mind and that could only mean one thing, my brother was back. It was just after six-o-clock on Saturday morning, she was resting against the soft backboard. 'She's considering what to do next little brother, and she's thinking about what happened. About how you changed your mind on Thursday night and...

2 years ago
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The first meeting2

I am admittedly bisexual from boyhood. I had some experience with another male but nothing I am going into detail about here. I have never lost my excitement over watching male porn or reading bisexual stories. My wife has made it very clear that she doesn't like my sexual fantasy of having a male encounter again. But the need to be with another man is like an itch I can't reach. So I started chatting with people with like urges and found our electronic home away from home, here. We...

3 years ago
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The Meeting0

Anyone who knows me, even a little, will know that I used to be a regular member of a sex forum and would get very involved with writing sex stories, posting naughty pictures and join in with extremely contentious and lively debates. Despite my diminutive stature, my attitude was not of a meek and mild person. That was the public persona and it was a good escape from my real life. Anyone who knew me better on that site knew another part of me, the real me and I could count on my fingers,...

1 year ago
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Our First Meeting3

“I am not missing out on the big dick for anyone" The day of the flight arrived. I made my way to the airport. It was 3 am hear. My flight was at 6 am. I hard a good 12 hour flight to get so given there was not delays I should be state side round 6 pm UK time round 1 PM in the states. Nice time of day to arrive. The flight left with out any delays, that was a good thing as i didn't fancy sitting round the airport longer than I needed to. On the flight all I could think about was her and...

3 years ago
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first meeting4

5' 4" small petite figure with long brown hair and dark eyes, small pert breasts and a small ass. She was surprised to see me, I held out my hand. " Hold on. I want to talk to you." She is alone with me and very uncomfortable. Facing her, no more than two feet from her. I grin, looking her up and down and she gulps nervously. Out of habit, she has clasped her hands behind her back, something she had been taught growing up in Egypt. This had the effect of pulling her shoulders back, and...

3 years ago
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Chance Meeting1

who everytime she goes to a club has to show an ID because she looks like a 17 year old. Although it bothers her, she is reminded by friends that the older she gets and people still think she is 17 then the luckier she will be. She figures her friends are right and has come to accept it. Rachel walked into the club with some friends. Rob,35 year-old club manager, noticed her right away and went to the doorman to ask if he had carded her. When the doorman saw who he was referring to...

1 year ago
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first meeting0

He had come in her second day working there and couldn't get her out of his mind, he felt like a dirty old man the way he always seemed to think about her and none of his thoughts were ever clean when it came to her. He wanted to see that young girl with out her form fitting uniform on, her red hair let loose from the tight pony tail she always had it in whenever he came into the store. He would always take any extra time he had to to just be able to not have to be rushed through his...

1 year ago
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Our First Meeting2

We have often fantasized about how hot it would be to meet up and the scenes we played flooded through my mind. The flight down was nothing special, just your plain old average flight but I must have looked strange sitting there against the window pondering the coming week. My eyes would close and there would be the image of you, so beautiful and that inviting look on your face. God I almost pursed my lips to kiss you. “Sir, Sir do you want a drink?” I am brought back to reality...

2 years ago
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A Chance Meeting1

My husband died in a tragic work accident 23 years ago. My children were small at the time just 6 and 8 years old. Since my husband had passed, I devoted my full attention to my boys, never dating, never even allowing the opportunity. I was so determined about making sure my boys were taken care of that emotionally, I forgot all about myself. While I never let myself slip physically, which is to say I regularly kept up with hair, make up, and nails...it was, in the beginning, an emotional...

3 years ago
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The first meeting3

‘She’s lookin’ for me,’ I thought with an inward glow. You turned when you heard me approach. ‘Tessa?” “Brett?” “Hi.” I said offering my hand in greeting. You took my offer and reciprocated with a half hug. I felt your tits against me. You hadn’t lied. They WERE big. I didn’t want the hug to end. “It’s kind of crowded in there. Do you want to take a drive and talk instead?” After a momentary pause you agreed and I navigated us over to my vehicle. The parking spots were...

3 years ago
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Their First Meeting1

His son’s hockey schedule would soon take him to the metropolis, nearby to where she lived. From there it would only be about a 30 minute drive to finally meet. He at age 45 and she in her 30s were old enough to know what they were missing in their lives. They had no intentions of leaving their spouses, they loved them, but the sex....oh the sex... was frustrating at best. For her, she was married to a selfish lover. Not having felt a climax from love making in months, and even those...

2 years ago
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first meeting3

I was divorced and 9 years older than her and she knew me and always wanted to date me. Our first time together was the night we met at a party. She was in my way all night until we introduced ourselves, both got a bit drunk and me being the cad I was led her upstairs to a bedroom where we began to make out hot and heavy. I opened her blouse to reveal some very adorable 36C’s with ½” hard nipples. God I loved sucking on them and she actually came while I was doing it. I was amazed...

1 year ago
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first meeting1

They stroll hand in hand along the path, passing by benches and alcoves bearing statues until they find a small clearing surrounded by trees, dappled by the moonlight from the full moon above. He takes her in his arms for the first kiss that he has been wanting since first seeing her full lips smiling at him in greeting. It is sweet at first, her mouth, lips and tongue meet his eagerly and the kiss deepens and becomes more passionate as they press the lengths of their bodies closely together....

3 years ago
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first meeting2

Judy Tsang was in no doubt that she was taking chances by not telling anyone about where she was going. Over the previous two months she had built up a friendship over the internet with a supposedly nice guy. She had felt at ease with John Thompson right from the very start. Even so all trust was just on his word. At the very start it had been an innocent chat as she already had a boyfriend and John knew this. He had in no way tried to undermine her relationship. The fact that the...

2 years ago
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Their First Meeting0

A Novel By: S. Stevenson This is a reproduction of the first story I have ever written. It was written especial for the woman that has inspired the character of Angel. I hope you enjoy it. As always, I encourage you to vote and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. ***** Seated in her foyer waiting, with all the patients that Angel’s nerves would allow her to muster, for her daughter to take her to the airport. ...

3 years ago
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AOB How To Conclude A Meeting

Part 1 It wasn’t that the firm was sexist or a bunch of misogynist dinosaurs (of a porcine persuasion): she just rubbed them up the wrong way. Lynda was tall, blond and frighteningly efficient. Perhaps the men felt threatened: perhaps she just rubbed them up the wrong way. She always dressed well, neatly pressed clothes and tidy hair, though invariably in trousers. Perhaps it was this that annoyed the men in their rather crumpled suits, the result of hurried dressing after a shower and...

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CHAPTER 8: THE STAFF MEETING “Good morning, Abby.” I was bent over small piles of sorted documents for Mr. C’s staff meeting at 10:00. I glanced over my shoulder while remaining in position. I gave him a big smile. I had hoped this would time out like this. “Good morning, sir.” He came around the side of my desk as I sorted the last of the documents in the piles. He pressed on the jeweled end of the butt-plug I decided to add today. “Love your outfit, as always.” I stood and turned,...

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PalimpsestChapter 47 Meeting Pussycats Family

"Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet my new friends, Mary and L." Denise's mom standing at the stove in the huge kitchen had a most convincing smile, seemingly sincere. However Denise knew her mother too well and L had an expertise in interviewing that spotted the lie. Mary thought the woman genuinely pleased to meet her. She happily approached her and shook her hand. "Your daughter is a bright and beautiful woman. I see where she got it from." "That's sweet my dear," said the lovely...

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