suck it and see 1
- 3 years ago
- 46
- 0
The week was relatively uneventful -- but only by comparison to the few days prior.
Mark tried to avoid showing any sign of interest in me until Kyra took him aside and told him that was nearly as bad as being all over me; he returned to how he'd been before the weekend.
He did show an interest in a couple of the Sophomore girls, avoiding the one-on-one link up that might have been difficult for him and managing to steer clear of my particular folly with Rosalee and Hailey. I had provided the model -- taking it to an extreme even I hadn't intended -- and Mark was "fitting in".
Kyra managed to get me alone for a chat as well -- and swapped a little saliva in the process, something Mark could not risk. Her father had had a serious talk with her about me and had only chatted (with pleasure) to Mark about the girl he had danced with.
Kyra was under no illusion as to how her family affected her personal life. For "family" read "Father's Business". She had a SERIOUS talk to him that she only made a brief reference to: "I told him not to come down heavy on you" and "Maybe you could get some of the others to come around if we organised something. You are the first who's come for a visit." I wondered if having a wider circle turning up would make things easier or harder; I would have to think it through.
Sports with Mark was interesting; the shower after daunting. This time we stayed at opposite ends, almost ending up alone in there together simply because we both tried to let the other go through first.
Anna showed restraint Monday night -- or else she was sleepy enough in class to decide she couldn't stay up late every night. It would be easier if we could start fucking when we did go to bed rather than waiting for her parents to settle.
Brent was pissed though. Anna had commandeered the computer "for homework" and he had had to watch TV downstairs with his parents. I snuck in to the computer for my own purposes later -- carefully clearing my history -- and saw some of the sites Anna had been visiting. She had been reviewing contraception as well as techniques for giving oral sex (to females as well as males) and various illustrated descriptions of coital positions. I didn't embarrass her but I did clear that history as well to avoid any trouble.
Anna decided to have the talk with her mother that night as well. Since I had invited Rosalee and Hailey out supposedly as camouflage, Anna decided a similar tack might be useful though she didn't go as far as actually making a date.
She arranged for her mother to overhear her on the phone to a friend -- after the call had actually ended -- where a boy's name was mentioned as being cuter than another boy. I wonder if Pete and Simon would appreciate finding out their relative ratings.
She had joined me at lunchtime where those who had witnessed my dating exploits (including the two mentioned) let those who hadn't been there know of my unusual concept of double dating.
Since I had turned up with yet another girl, I got stirred about her as well and my declaration that "Anna is my new sister" fell on deaf ears -- after all, those who had younger brothers or sisters didn't bring them along at lunchtime.
Anna responded with good humour and managed to do a little stirring on her own -- mainly aimed at me but also at some of the others. When they found out Rosalee and Hailey played soccer with Anna she was pumped for more juicy details but insisted she hadn't had a chance to speak to them properly -- but that she would make sure she did.
So Anna met Pete and Simon and the rest and Ma heard her little girl discussing dating and then, with only an hour or so to absorb that information, Anna started discussing her sex life with Elsie, or at least the imaginary "This might happen sometime" version.
I suppose there were parental warnings and advice not to rush into things but Ma must have known any teen is going to know better than his or her parents. I'm guessing she was probably pleased that Anna was thinking before doing -- much better than doing and then regretting.
So Monday finished with Ma agreeing to take Anna to the doctor and Tuesday with Doug agreeing to his daughter's pleading (not too much but apparently enough) to let me drive her and her friends to the lake for a swim.
He had tried to suggest Ma go with us but Ma herself declined; she already had other plans. Anna, who had known this, won points with her father by her ready willingness to include parental supervision. Surely nothing inappropriate was planned if we had wanted Ma there!
Anna then rang Rosalee and Hailey with the good news and left it to them to get their own parental approval. They knew it was no good keeping the excursion secret; one parent talked to another at soccer if not elsewhere. We had taken the two girls because their parents worked most Saturday mornings, but not all of them. It was too risky to say we were going one place and be found to be some place entirely different.
Of course, Rosalee's mother and Hailey's mother got in touch with each other and then with Ma to see if I could be trusted with their daughters -- at least in an automotive sense. The outcome was favourable in most respects and the one cloud did have a silver lining as far as I was concerned.
Rosalee's mother was worried a late night Friday followed by an early morning Saturday and then a full day after that would be too much.
Perhaps too much Roger!
She told Rosalee that, until the end of the semester she would have to concentrate on her studies and include some family time and only then allow for dating. It might have helped if I'd been Catholic.
And of course Rosalee's mother shared her views -- whatever they were -- with Hailey's mother so, with considerable heat and tears and promises to apply themselves studiously that in the end were ineffective, both girls had to eventually inform me that they were unable to go out with me on Friday night. Knowing what Saturday was likely to be like, I felt like a prisoner getting a full pardon.
Tuesday also saw me creeping over the tiles to Anna's room. There I ate her while she ate me until I called a halt and had her kneel forward so I could use my thumb on her as she had asked Sunday night when I had told stories as we had made love.
I didn't make her come in that fashion though I am sure I could have. Instead she changed her mind as her body began responding and insisted that I fuck her properly from behind like I had two days earlier in my bathroom.
She reached between her legs at my instruction -- keeping her motor turning over while I dressed myself for the occasion -- then braced her head on flattened forearms as I entered her from behind and began to work the pair of us into a lusty frenzy.
I came after Anna this time and she was grinning at me when I turned her over.
"I like it when we make love but fucking is fucking great too!"
Day 17, WednesdayWednesday saw Mark seek confirmation that I was coming for dinner on Sunday and suggesting the three of us go out for a drive first. It seemed I was going to be spending much of my weekend in one car or another.
I walked home from school by myself since Ma had picked Anna up for a fictitious shopping expedition. I took the opportunity to make a detour of my own, shaking any likely tails and doubling back to avoid leading anyone to my contact. I did notice my own side monitoring me -- it was a case of points to them if I didn't see them and to me if I did. I had the easier job since their mission was to not be obvious to anyone tracking me.
It was my friendly cab driver -- based inside for the week now I'd introduced him to those I was in contact with. After that he'd rotate to some other job. I reported on what had happened since Saturday night and what was to happen up until the next Sunday. Since it was a time when I was only to consolidate my position I couldn't be blamed for spending it getting laid.
"You're what, screwing five of them?"
"Only four at present but who knows what Saturday will bring."
"Shit! I wish I was young, or at least keeping a telescope on you. Enjoy yourself Roger."
I assured him that I was and would.
Anna proudly showed me the packet and then removed the first month's supply to show me the tablets. "I start next week and then, after a month to get used to them, I can have sex without condoms."
Ah, but after a month I'd be two weeks gone.
Maybe I could arrange something "next week" when Anna wouldn't strictly need protection. I'd have to find out a little more about the rhythm method. What were the web sites she'd been looking at?
Day 18, ThursdayThursday saw me going to meet Doug at his farther store. He wanted to give me the opportunity to earn some "pocket money" which was amusing as I could have bought both stores if I'd wished. Still I didn't want to strain our relationship now he'd agreed to my use of the car so I began my training as a barista. It wasn't as if I had much else to do anyway -- my homework was provided for me with an appropriate amount of misunderstanding and outright careless mistakes and I only had to copy it out which took about a third of the time that the real effort would have required. Of course I could always drag it out to double the normal time to show I didn't have time to work as well.
While there though I did my best and paid careful attention; each skill I picked up could come in useful on later jobs.
There was a message waiting for me when I came home. Al from Welfare had called to check how I was going. He told Ma that he was pleased with my performance at school and made an appointment through her to see me the following evening. Didn't he have anything to do himself on a Friday?
So, two pleasant surprises in addition to Al's message. Doug had praised me as well and put my unofficial wages in my hand as an incentive to agree to continue with the job. Because "I hadn't been there" he was able to give me what he paid his more experienced employees after they had their tax and other deductions taken out. I got more than I would have as a legitimate trainee and he paid no more, as well as avoiding the associated paperwork until I proved my worth and interest.
I counted the small pile of notes without being obvious and expressed honest thanks. It wasn't the size of the gift that mattered it was the intent. Had I been the seventeen year old orphan I was supposed to be I would have appreciated being given enough money for fuel on Saturday and some left over for entertaining the girls as well. Doug had seen I was provided for but had also pointed out it wasn't a free ride without being blatant.
The fact that I was earning in the order of 10Gs a day for the pleasure of screwing his daughter didn't come into it.
I "finished my homework" and used the shower after everyone had gone to bed; making my point in the silent house. A word to Ma in the morning -- subtle, indirect -- would possibly lead to my hours being my own again after I struggled with my studies after my next night at the coffee house.
She had dropped in to furnish me with one of her coffees and Brent had sat for a few minutes chatting after he had showered. Both were welcome interruptions since I had trouble stretching the work out. I actually read through the text we were supposed to be studying, as well as someone's crib notes, and tried to compare the two.
Finally though I was clean and dry and, after a few more minutes, climbing in through Anna's window. She had dozed off but woke immediately I touched her. Anna didn't want to be screwing every night (which I could appreciate myself) but by the time every second came around she was extra happy to see me.
Tonight I was made to sit on the side of her bed and she knelt in front. Without fanfare she began to show me what she had learned on her own. The internet could be a wonderful source of knowledge!
I had suggested things she might do while blowing me, simple things like kissing, licking, sucking, bobbing and occasionally nipping. Anna had found notes on how to turn those simple exercises into a complex oral dance.
She found parts of me that were entertaining even though not as sensitive as the smooth bald head with its fleshy monk's hood. It was like her clit. If I only stimulated that she would get sore and possibly bored but, by paying attention all around, Anna got to recover a little so the next time I returned she found it even more rewarding.
Having her mouth play the underside of my prick like a harmonica was a pleasure I hadn't been shown. Having my scrotum seized between her pearly whites or feeling her engulf one of my balls and try for two was a new and improved feeling.
Then her fingers massaged the short space of skin behind my balls and in front of my asshole while she puckered up and only allowed the little bump of prick flesh that poked past my foreskin to rest in her lips. Her tongue ground into the piss slit while her other hand held the shaft steady. Overall a very interesting combination of sensations.
That didn't mean she neglected the tried and true methods but now, as she sucked and bobbed, she used her hand to pump on me like a porn star.
Nor, when I warned her, did she let up. I blew like Mount St. Helens and the inside of her cheeks must have been like the surrounding countryside covered in ash.
She kept me in her mouth for ages then slid off me and finally opened her mouth wide with her tongue extended to show the cavern was empty.
"Wow! You have been busy."
"I've been studying."
"With a skill like that you could be very popular at school. It felt absolutely amazing."
"I'm not interested in those at school. That little skill is going to be just for you; my special thank you for fucking me so nicely and making love so sweetly. The notes said guys really enjoy it when they can come."
"Well I don't know about the 'guys' but I certainly did and if it is something special for me I'm doubly thankful. Are you okay doing it though?"
"Well it could taste a bit nicer but I guess I'll get used to it."
"You don't actually have to taste my cum you know. Here..." I reached into my fanny-pack and found a couple of condoms. "See; these are flavoured. That one is mint and this is strawberry or cherry. Something red anyway."
Anna was amused and I asked her why. She went to her drawer -- the bottom one -- and pulled out a pack of a dozen condoms.
"A funny thing happened after Ma too me to the doctor. When we had the script filled she picked these up and we had another little talk. The first item on the agenda was that, 'if and when', the pill wasn't protection against anything other than pregnancy.
"I could still face STDs if I had sex with someone who slept around but condoms would help there and she wanted to make sure that I knew what they were and had my own supply if the 'guy' was careless."
Anna made air quotes to indicate her mother's speech.
"She also emphasised 'I should put off sex for a while if I could' for a number of reasons. We talked of cervical cancer and poor grades -- though I'm not sure of the relationship -- but then she mentioned that there were ways of keeping a boy happy that didn't involve sex and the risk or pregnancy. Hand jobs -- though she didn't call them that -- and then oral sex were suggested. It seemed I had a switch that had flicked from No Sex to Sex and she wasn't going to leave me ignorant.
"If a hand job or a blow job put off the day when I started fucking then she must have felt it was worth the mutual discomfort of us actually talking about the various types of sexual activity rather than limiting things to the birds and the bees. She also implied without saying so in as many words that Dad might not appreciate hearing about the condoms or our talk of alternatives."
"Well you are still his little girl and guys are only after one thing."
"But Ma says you can be bought off with hand jobs and blow jobs. You certainly don't seem to rush into my pussy when we're together."
"Maybe I'm interested in more than just the one thing -- like seeing you feel good too."
"Only good? Well you're an over-achiever then -- except for tonight."
"Oh sorry. Shall we swap places then?"
Anna was even sweeter for the lack of attention. Her own mind was enough to excite her and I benefited as much as she did. Tonight there were no stories, no fantasies; there was just some creative love making and I guess that was what was happening -- we were making the love grow between us. It was inevitable really; you either use someone or you respect them and if there is respect it can easily lead to deeper feelings.
If Anna had surprised me by extending her technique, I guess my finger massaging her asshole did the same to her. When she realised that it was intentional rather than accidental, and that I knew what I was doing she relaxed which made it possible to do even more.
Her little ring kissed the pad of my finger, clamping down on the soft flesh I had pressed against her. I wasn't trying for penetration; dry, it wouldn't have been pleasant for her but just teasing like this was fine. Or more than fine perhaps. Anna responded, trying to increase the pressure as I hoped she would.
She came and was dangerously vocal.
Once more we lay together and drifted off to sleep, though on Anna's bed this time. It was warm enough to stay above the covers and it was only the stirring of her body next to me that woke me this time. I returned to my room without waking her and resumed my sleep.
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Gay MaleHello all, this is Saif back again from Chennai. Long time no see just because my father fell sick and I had to take care of him so didn’t get much time to spend in ISS. This is a continuation story from where I left. Please read my previous story here for a better understanding. This story will also of more foreplay as I feel it turns the people ON than the full sex. It was around 9 pm and my hot neighbor milf Fareen created a scene as if she was not feeling well. Then my mother came,...
Introduction: Ty and Maries Adventure continues My name is Marie and Im not your typical kind of girl. I work in the automotive industry selling parts. Im actually the commercial sales manager, Ive been with the company about 5 years now. I came out as a lesbian after a 10 year relationship with a man. It ended in a failed marriage and 2 wonderful children. I am now in a wonderful relationship with another woman. Her name is Ty and we met online over two years ago and have been going strong...
Please read chapters one and two first as it wont make sense or I might post them all as one story ? Please leave comments as to my mistakes etc but remember this isn't an English exam paper It had been a month into the relationship now and all was going well. John spent more time at Janet's than at home. Meaning plenty of sex for John in fact he was more than happy at seeing Janet 5 nights a week as this meant he got as much sex as he wanted and she wasn't exactly shy she would...
Hello And Welcome Guys 2500+ view that's any achievement to celebrate so viewers after reading this go my gallery and check out some hot pics.well after that day my chachi was not the same way as she was or she used to be now let be describe you how my chachi look she was in her mid 30's as Indian housewife are from lower middle class she is about 4.11' and little lumpy not that great boobs but an awesome ass so lets come back to story her weird behaviour made me little upset so i thought let's...
Hiii This is GAGAN from delhi and aaj mai apko apna ek sachha incident btanna chahta hu. Phle mai apne bare me bta du meri age 21 hai mai ek healthy, tagdda aur thodda bhot smart ladka hu but my hieght is only 5″ foot and my dick kabhi measure nhi kia but jisse chodda tha usne kha tha ki tera bhoot bda lund hai. So hua kuj aise ki mai delhi me apnne dosto ke sath rhta tha flat leke ek din mujje call ayi meri neighbour ki jo ki mere home town panipat me meri neighbour hai unka nam ankita hai age...
This (likely ongoing) story is original, but definitely not for everyone. It’s a fantasy/borderline-horror novel through and through, but the role of the sex act is FAR more than one of character development. Characters find certain things attractive from a cultural viewpoint, and come from nations and cultures that sport decidedly strange tastes from some of our own viewpoints. Constructive criticism would be appreciated. * Prologue Adara was getting desperate. Already on the ground, she...
Ruth was sad and angry. “He’s dumped me for a French girl!” she said, looking up from her screen. “After I’ve been waiting for him for six months!” I sat down next to my friend and put my arm around her shoulders. “I’m so sorry, Ruth.” I said. “I bet she does some French things to him.” she fumed, “Probably sucks his cock and everything. Six months, Jerri! Wasted! I feel like going out and finding some guy to have meaningless sex with.” I laughed, but she didn’t. “Maybe even suck his...
Hi ISS readers, this is my first time sharing an experience online. I have been reading stories on ISS for years and I am excited to be sharing one now. First, a little about me. My name is Akshit (I sometimes go by the name ‘Akshita’), 22 years old. I have been living in Pune for college for the last two years. I am not very tall, just 5’6″ and I work out a lot so I have good thick thighs and round girly hips. I often try on tight leggings, panties and crop tops when I am alone. This incident...
Gay MaleJessica let out a high-pitched bark of pleasure with every powerful thrust of Matthew’s hips. She looked over her shoulder at his sweaty body, blotched red with exertion, and they shared a mischievous grin as he caught her eye. The headboard thudded against the bedroom wall each time he drove his cock deep into her from behind, steady and deliberate, and the ripple of her round ass as his thighs collided with them was utterly hypnotic. Matthew could tell he was close to bringing his gorgeous...
Strap-On SexHello everyone this is maciver again from bangalore, I am glad to see feedbacks in my mails about my 1st story elder sister was my sexual queen. I am happy that people have liked my real story. I will be now telling you the 2nd part of the story on how I had sex with my elder sister. For people who have not read my 1st story I suggest you to read that first and then read this. And yes I welcome everyone’s feedback, do write me to About my intro again for those who don’t know. I live in...
IncestIntroduction: Please leave comments. Thats her there. Jake said to his brother Jeremy as they watched a sixteen year old with long hair so blonde that it was almost white come out of the door of a small ranch house set back from the road through a pair of binoculars. Wow. Jeremy said admiring the long slim legs clad in fitted jeans, slim waist and the suggestion of nice sized breasts under the white tee shirt and denim jacket. Look at that tan. I wonder if it is all over. Just wait. We are...
"Oh, there is the woman," I mumbled, peeking at her walking down the hall. "Rebecca Moore, the sexiest woman in school."She failed to look at me, but I watched her sexy figure walk right past me."And once again, it seems like you don't know I exist, we're in different worlds. Well, she is a sexy popular girl staying late for basketball practice. I'm just a guy completely out of her league, rummaging through my locker right now because I had detention," I whispered, just before my eyes...
VoyeurBrian arrived Tuesday morning, and was surprised to have been met at the airport by Mike. Mike began to explain to him, that he was there because he was being given an opportunity to "win" Lisa back, as he explained it. Brian tried to get more information from Mike, as they headed to the meeting, but Mike remained silent, not telling his friend anything more. Carl stood at the airport terminal, dressed in a fine suit and tie. Holding up a sign saying, "Terri Daniels", having never seen...
"Zeus? You said you wanted to wake up at 0200." Io's voice was quiet in the darkness, but it was loud enough to bring me to wakefulness. "I think we are all still here, so let us drive home now." "Io, can you still hear Martinez? Or was that another figment of my imagination?" "I do not know, Zeus. I have not heard from him in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Correction. I have not heard from him in about 2 hours." "He said he wanted to sleep, so I've been quiet. Can you hear me, Io?"...
Tommy was always low on the totem pole. He was shy, peaceful, and had an unimpressive build, making him the perfect target for bullies. He ended up spending most of his time in the library as a kid to hide from them. He hit puberty late, and it wasn't kind to him. Other kids seemed to get ripped overnight, but all Tommy got was acne and a massive penis. Tommy's penis was truly something to behold, when it was fully hard it was over a foot long and as thick as his wrist. His testicles were also...
Chapter 1 If you've read my earlier stories on here, you know I'm very taken with Katarina Witt's sexiness and her awesome hotness both as a young woman and as a world class and Olympic gold medal figure skater. In my opinion, Katarina is probably the sexiest woman ever to strap on a pair of ice skates and skate competitively in the history of the sport. If you never had the privilege of actually seeing Katarina skate, I wish you get the chance. She was extremely talented, extremely...
Looking back at some of the crazy shit we used to do when we were younger, I'm amazed that most of us are still alive and have maintained our sanity, what little we had to begin with anyway. Thirty some years ago, several friends and I threw what turned out to be one crazy Halloween party at which I was bewitched. Although parts of this story are based upon what happened at several different real parties, a large part of this story is completely fictitious and a product of my over active...
Lena’s turn: I consider it proof of God’s sense of humor that I can remember a few unfortunate girls in high school who swear that they got pregnant the first week they started having sex. Oh sure, some of that could be pure lying to cover the fact that unprotected sex is stupid in so many ways both physical and moral, but still – Jay and I have been banging away happily for three months and – nothing. I’ve been checked out. So has Jay. We’ve done it in every conceivable (HAH!) position,...
Monday, Labor Day, September 6, 2027 Riley found me down at the dock sitting on a lawn chair and drowning worms, trying to catch dinner. It was early afternoon, Labor Day, and if a nice bass didn’t jump into my lap, I was contemplating finding a soft spot in the grass and taking a nap. Neither turned out to be in the works. I figured that out when I saw a tennis ball fly past me and land in the lake. I heard Barney give a happy bark and tear past me, launching himself into the water to...
When I was in my senior year of high school I was doing great. My grades were good, I was good looking, had friends, a steady girlfriend, and was good at most sports I tried. My girlfriend and I didn't have to start classes until about noon so I would usually head over to her house around ten in the morning and we would relax for a while befor we had to leave. One morning I got there and she answered the door, gave me a kiss and invited me in. I just looked at her for a minute. She was...
‘Coramandel’, Grantham, Lincolnshire. June 7th 1832. Madam Julianna Hainaut, or Mrs Julianna Chamberlain to give her correct, new, title, was as good as her word. Even with the fuss and commotion of preparing for her wedding she had tutored John, Jean-Woodrow, six hours a day during the nine days before the ceremony. She would continue tutoring Jean-Woodrow at Blanchards when he arrived there in late July after completing his last term at the King’s School. However, there was a problem....
The Taking of Rebecca, Chapter 6 Lilith is dressed to the nines today. It is an outfit that Rebecca has only seen her wear when she has a hot date. Perhaps something exciting is happening today. The outfit is composed of a rather short form-fitting black skirt with a low-cut white blouse that barely covers her bra. She is wearing an exquisite pair of spike heeled platform pumps, and stockings with a garterbelt instead of pantyhose. The truth is that Lilith is closing a huge deal today...
As the train pulled into each new station, David looked excitedly out of the window wondering if this was his stop. All the station boards had been taken down to stop the Germans finding their way around when they invaded and he had to rely on announcements on the train so he listened carefully. Suddenly he heard the name of his stop and quickly dragged his suitcase down from the rack and peered out of the window. The train pulled in and he quickly alighted, looking both ways up and down...
It all started when my wife and I were going to go to a wedding back in my old college town. My wife, April, attended college there with me and knew a lot of the locals. With the added company of our old college buddies, it was too much like old times to pass up. When April and I were packing for the trip I noticed she packed the dress that she knew I loved. It was a VERY tight fitting strapless dress that stopped about 2 inches from her knees. The material was so tight that she could...
VoyeurI gave him a ten minute wait, before I called him into my office. Darrell Atkinson was a freshman, the same age as Olivia, with a lean, athletic build, short brown hair, a square, almost manly face and a sad preference for baggy skater clothes. He was waiting on account of me giving him a stern warning to show up in my office on undisclosed charges. I made sure he was plenty nervous before I opened the door for him.When he finally was allowed to enter, he did the best he could to look cool and...