Richie Rich Vaults of Mystery
- 3 years ago
- 44
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A week later, Tyler and Marsha returned from a brief visit to France. Danny and Ashley were invited to dine with them. It had been a few months since it had been just the four, but Irina had a bad cold and Lynn was cramming for an exam. The dinner was nothing special, just a chance to fill each other in on their lives, but Danny used the opportunity to talk about his plans.
“Dad, I’ve been meaning to tell you that for a while, but I’m leaning towards applying to business schools for next year. I know you expect me to become the great mathematician, but I want to do something a little more in the real world.”
Tyler looked at Marsha before he replied. “This comes a bit as a surprise, Daniel. Any reason in particular?”
Danny shrugged. “I just can’t see myself as one more geek with leather patches on his coat sleeves answering questions that nobody’s asking. To be honest, I also don’t think I’m that good, I mean good enough to make a difference, to see something new, find something new. Plus, I’m living off the work of you and of the people working for you. I want to contribute.”
“So you want to become an MBA and tell us what to do?” Tyler asked pointedly.
“Get real, Dad!” Danny snorted. “I’d have to go through the same trainee program as anybody else and prove myself. I know you well enough to see that. I may also start to work somewhere else. Get some perspective, you know?”
Tyler looked at his wife. “I did not talk to him about this.”
Marsha smiled and nodded. “I didn’t see this coming either. Is this what you want, Danny?”
He nodded. “It’s not just that. Helen and I have been talking about staying here in Philly to raise Larissa together. If I choose an academic career, I’ll have to take jobs all over the country.”
“And Helen?”
“She’ll apply for law schools here. We ... we plan to spend more time together and with Larissa, also to see if we can make more of it.”
Marsha nodded to that. “Frankly, that one I have seen this coming for a while. She’s come a long way since her asshole parents kicked her out, but then, so have you.”
“Yeah, we both grew up.”
Tyler looked at his daughter then. “Any surprise announcements from you?”
Ashley shrugged. “Not really. I figure to let Lynn work and be the wifey. She’d love that.” She saw her parents’ faces and laughed. “Gotcha! I’m still exploring. It may be something in the creative sector. You now I’m a visual person...”
“And we all know your favorite vision,” Danny quipped.
“Jerk!” Ashley countered good-naturedly. “Anyway, I’m thinking of studying design, but nothing is really set.”
“Well, if that’s what you want, do it,” Tyler nodded. “We’ll support you any way we can, right, Marsha?”
“Of course. By the way, we’ll need you two to keep the 2nd of February free. Tyler and I are the hosts of this year’s MAD fundraiser gala. We would really appreciate it if you two could come along.”
“MAD” was short for Make A Difference, a local charity that was funding education and health care projects in the inner city. Danny could remember getting a bookstore voucher from them when he was twelve.
“This is some shindig with debutantes and waltzing?” Ashley asked with a frown.
Tyler laughed. “Not for some time. I hear they hired two local bands who play contemporary music.”
“So Danny and I do a Hansel and Gretel act and hold hands at your table?” Ashley probed. “You know I hate that. Every eligible son in the room will be sent over by his mommy to dazzle me with his prospects. Danny’s not going to fare any better.”
“So you don’t want to come along?” Tyler asked, showing a bit of disappointment.
“Tell you what, Dad. I’ll come along if I can bring Lynn as my partner. Tell me what it costs, and I’ll pay it from my pocket. Danny, you bring along Helen!”
Danny thought quickly. “I guess I can ask her, but I don’t know if she’d be willing to go. She’d need a dress for that and...”
“Danny, you’re obtuse! I mean, I love you, but you are the most clueless guy on the face of the earth. Think of it as a reason to buy a beautiful dress; how can she not jump at that chance?”
Marsha chuckled. “I have to side with Ashley here. More importantly however, do you want her to be your partner? This’ll be very public, so it’s sort of an outing. The press and all the gossipers will be out in force. Ashley, darling, are you and Lynn ready for that? Danny, I realize that you and Helen have become closer, but she’ll see it as a sort of commitment.”
Ashley nodded. “I’m ready for it, but I’ll ask Lynn. Just not before her test tomorrow.”
Danny nodded. “I’ll talk to Helen and let you know. She’ll need some help with picking a dress. I mean, Trudy is great, but she’s not really interested in fashion. And what she learned from Margaret Gunderson might not be helpful.”
Marsha smiled. “Good point, Danny. Let’s get the okays from Lynn and Helen, and then I’ll take them under my wings. Tyler, dear, neither Lynn nor Helen have the wherewithal for what they’ll need, and it’s basically PR for Westbrook to make a good impression.”
Tyler waved his hand. “Yeah, I get it. I’ll foot the bill for Operation Cinderella and you can be the Good Fairy.”
Ashley grinned smugly. “See, no problems and everybody gets what they want.”
Ashley brought the issue up with Lynn on the next evening. To Danny’s surprise, Lynn was hesitant to agree, claiming that she’d feel out of place.
“Guys, I’m a rube from West Virginia. What business have I at a gala dinner?”
Reluctantly, Danny came to his sister’s aid. “Well, what business do I have?”
“You’re Tyler’s son, for crying out! I’m just...”
“Arm candy? Tell me you’re not still seeing yourself like that,” Danny interrupted her. “You always say you want to leave that place behind. So do it. You’re a senior at Penn, about to enter the work force. You’re also a college athlete. You’re a success. Now act like it.”
Lynn looked at him. “Why are you getting on my case?”
Danny had to grin. “Practice for when I’ll try to convince Helen.”
“That’s another thing. Helen’s gorgeous, and I’m not. I’ll be sitting with Ashley and Marsha and Helen, and I’ll look like a fucking gnome at their sides.”
“You’re fucking kidding me, right? Do you really think I would’ve picked you up back then if you were anything else but gorgeous? Well, maybe not gorgeous, but you are the cutest...”
“Gah! I hate the word. Oh, isn’t she cute? Ah’m gonna stick her in ma pocket an’ never let her go! I hate the word!”
“Okay, how about you have a body to die for? How about you are easily the most honest and straightforward person I know. How about you radiate vitality? How about you are one hell of an attractive and impressive woman?”
Lynn scrunched up her nose and looked, well ... cute. “You think that?”
“I know that. Why do you think Ashley was able to resist Earl Gunderson?” Danny could not help but add, causing both girls to attack him. They tickled him from both sides, but Danny gave back as good as he got, and a few minutes later, they were out of breath but in a fierce three-way hug.
Lynn then looked into Ashley’s eyes. “You really want me to come along with you, do you?”
“It’s either with you or not at all. I’m through with hiding. I’m with you for the long haul. I hope you know that,” Ashley answered calmly.
“Ash, love, I feel the same about you, but one of these days I’ll want to be a mother.”
Ashley shrugged. “You know as well as I do that there are ways for that. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Then she cuffed Danny. “When all else fails, I’ll put Danny out to stud. He’s shown that he’s as fertile as a turtle.”
“Now here’s a thought,” Lynn said, looking Danny over. “Danny, you’re game?”
At this point, Danny thought it best to retreat in good order.
“You two deserve each other. You’re both crazy.”
Their laughter followed him as he went to his room.
Two days later was a Saturday, and Danny picked up Helen and Larissa for a trip to the shopping mall. Larissa needed shoes, but Helen wanted to check out some stores too, so it was convenient to go together. They took the stroller along, not just for Larissa but also for the planned purchases. For two hours, Danny played the dual roles of nanny and pack mule, before they found the food court. While Helen fed their daughter from a glass she had brought along, Danny went to the counter for a few slices of pizza and some Coke.
While both of them were eating companionable, Danny decided to bring up the gala dinner.
“Umh, Helen, there’s something I want to ask you. You know, there is this big charity dinner on February 2, for Make A Difference. Dad and Marsha are the hosts or something this year and they commandeered Ashley and me to attend. I’d hate to go alone, and I thought, you know, if you would like... ?”
Helen’s eyes were wide open. “You’re asking me to attend the MAD gala with you?”
“Yeah, I guess, but if you don’t...”
“Of course I’ll do it, Dummy! Sorry, but are you out of your mind? Why wouldn’t I?”
“I ... look, there’ll be the press and everything, and going there together is making us an item. I didn’t know if you’d be comfortable being put in the spotlight with me like that.”
Helen smiled and put her hand on his arm. “Danny, it’s just dinner and a few dances. I’ll be happy to accompany you. I don’t know any other guy I’d rather be with.”
Danny could not hide the happy smile that split his face.
“Relieved?” Helen asked him, and he exhaled and nodded. “February 2, huh? I’m gonna need some fancy dress, right? Shoes too, and a matching purse. Will Ashley bring Lynn to the ball?”
“Yeah. She said, with Lynn or not at all. That’ll make a splash, but it’s what she wants.”
“Think they’ll let me tag along when they shop for dresses?”
“Better. Marsha will take all three of you on a shopping spree, with Dad eating the costs as PR expenses.”
Helen’s eyes got wide again. “With Marsha involved, that’ll be a fortune!”
Danny shrugged. “What’s a little money compared with getting Marsha pissed off at him?”
“So true,” Helen giggled. “She’s good for him, though, and for you. Okay, should I call her?”
Danny nodded. “That’s the easiest, and please don’t tell her how I stammered and bungled up the invitation.”
Helen simply leaned over and kissed Danny on the mouth.
“I believe discretion will be in order. I’ll tell her how suave you were.”
“Then she’ll know you’re lying and that I was a complete klutz.”
Helen kissed him again with feeling. “How about I say you were sweet?”
“Only if you can do that without blushing.”
In the following weeks, Danny, and for that matter Tyler too, were kept in the dark about the preparations of the four women. That suited both of them just fine. Of course, Tyler could read his credit card statement, but all he could contribute was that he had been charged for four Amtrak tickets to New York and that things must have mushroomed after that. Since Tyler took it with humor, Danny assumed that he had no problems with the spending spree.
In the week before the charity event, things became a bit crazy. The girls were mostly over at the Westbrooks’ penthouse. Fortunately, both Irina and Trudy chipped in their time to watch over Larissa, giving Danny at least a little bit of time for himself.
His own needs were easily taken care of with just a single, rather brief visit to his father’s tailor. His tux, bought three years ago needed only a few corrections. He was also fitted with shirts, a formal bowtie, the right type of underwear, and two fine pairs of black wool socks. His shiny black shoes had seen only minimal use over the last three years and were deemed appropriate.
Finally, Saturday came. Danny made it a point to take Larissa on a trip to the zoo, then drop her off at Irina’s. He made use of the opportunity to spend a few hours with his mother and to get updated on her life. Irina was steadily collecting credits at the community college and even attended a few evening classes at Drexel. She had also acquired a few friends at work and at college with whom she often had dinner or visited the movies. She seemed happy.
When Danny invited her to join Helen, Larissa and him on one of their weekend excursions, she smiled and agreed. She admitted how much she liked Helen, giving him a speculative look. Danny laughed then and assured her that he liked Helen quite a lot himself.
From Irina, he drove to the penthouse apartment. They had agreed to assemble there for the evening, but Danny did not see hide or hair of the women until it was time to leave. He and Tyler were talking easily in the living room, both dressed to the nines in their tuxedos, until Tyler looked at his watch.
“We should really leave now if we don’t want to be late,” he sighed.
As if on cue, Marsha showed in the door. “We’re ready to roll, Darling,” she announced cheerfully, looking her gorgeous self.
Danny and Tyler rose from their chairs, both looking expectantly at the door. Ashley entered first dragging along a shell-shocked Lynn. Both looked spectacular in their respective ways. Ashley’s tall and slender body was displayed to perfection in a tight fitting creme-colored silk dress with a long slit on the left side that showed off a long, toned leg. Lynn was wearing a tux that accentuated her perfect, miniature female body, with a lacy top underneath. She wore her dark blonde hair in a severe bun, enhancing the effect of the tux and showing off a two-tiered pearl necklace and matching pearl earrings that Danny had not seen before on her.
Danny nodded appreciatively at them, but then they stepped aside and he stared. There stood Helen, her straw blonde hair open and brushed to a shine, wearing a burgundy-red dream of a dress. The front covered her all the way to her slender neck, but when she pirouetted for him, Danny’s mouth fell open, for the neckline plunged all the way to her waist in the back, showing a toned back worthy of a Greek statue.
“You like?” she asked shyly.
Danny had to swallow while he whipped his brain for an adequate answer.
“You look stunning. I mean, I knew that you are beautiful, but this? Wow!”
Tyler had to clear his throat too as he tapped his wristwatch. “If I may ask the beautiful ladies to put on their coats? Much as I would like to spend the evening just looking at you all, we have a dinner to attend.”
Danny helped Helen into her coat before he put on a trench coat over his tux. She stepped close to him. “Stay close to me, Danny. I’m nervous as hell.”
“You bet I will,” Danny smiled.
The company-owned limo was waiting out in front of the building. Danny and Helen climbed in first, sitting with their backs to the driver and Lynn joined them. Marsha, Tyler and Ashley took the rear seat and their security man for the evening closed the door and then sat in the passengers seat. The limo left the curb and merged neatly into the traffic.
Arriving at the venue twenty minutes later, they only had to wait for two other limos to disgorge their passengers, before a hotel doorman opened their door. Tyler and Marsha alighted first and some flashlights went off from behind the security cordon on either side of a red carpet. Lynn exited next, helping Ashley to alight in her tight dress. Then it was Danny’s turn to help Helen, trying to see beyond the flashing lights. Jeez! This was crazy!
He led a trembling Helen along the carpet until they were safely inside the hotel. They dropped their coats at the hat check and an usher led them to a large door in the back of the foyer where he made them stop, looking at a printed piece of paper. The four young people had to wait while Tyler and Marsha stepped through the door.
“Mr. Tyler Westbrook! Mrs. Marsha Westbrook!” the usher intoned, his voice magnified by the sound system in the banquet hall.
Consulting his list, the usher then beckoned Danny and Helen to step through the door.
“Mr. Daniel Westbrook, Miss Helen Melville!”
Helen’s legal name change had been completed only a week before, and she giggled softly hearing the name. Together they walked along the aisle following a lesser usher to a table right at the stage. Helen was trembling again. “God! They’re all staring at us,” she whispered.
“Nah, they’re staring at you. You’re the gorgeous one,” Danny whispered back. He must have said something right, for Helen pressed his arm.
Arriving at the table, Danny held the chair for Helen for her to sit down, before he took the seat at her side.
“Miss Ashley Westbrook, Miss Caitlyn Keel!” came the booming voice of the chief usher over the speaker system, and Danny watched his sister walk proudly at the side of Lynn. His heart went out to them in this moment. Of course, Lynn held Ashley’s chair for her before she sat down, grinning impishly.
“Quite an entrance, my dears,” Tyler smiled. “I can see at least two press guys falling over themselves to get out the news first.”
Ashley beamed at Lynn. “This is it, Sweetie. We’re officially an item.”
Lynn smiled back at her. “There’s got to be quite a few long faces right now. By the way, Helen, some guys were literally tripping over their tongues when you guys walked down here. Better block her dance card, Danny-Boy!”
Danny made a face, but Helen shook her head. “I’m here with Danny. I’ll dance with him and his father. That’s it.”
Marsha laughed brightly. “Oh, dear, Tyler! There’s no way for you to get out of that now!”
Tyler grinned. “And just how’s that bad? The way I see it, I can dance with four beautiful women tonight and claim it’s an obligation.”
Ashley grinned. “I’ll bet that you dancing with Lynn will make it to the front pages.”
“I’ll take that chance,” Tyler smiled back at his daughter.
Just then the lights were dimmed and a local celebrity, a news anchor for Channel 7, came on the stage and welcomed the guests. He quickly introduced them to the evening’s program before he asked Tyler and Marsha up to the stage. In spite of his age, Tyler was in good shape and a commanding figure. He welcomed the guests and thanked them for their generosity before he stepped aside for Marsha. She took the microphone and then explained the mission and the aims of the charity and how important it was for those children who were not blessed with educated and prosperous parents. She then told them about her own grandparents, Polish immigrants, who had scraped and scratched to get her a good education, helped by state programs for gifted children. She also spoke of Tyler, not the retail magnate, but the young man who had started as a lowly shop helper and who got a break when his boss sent him to evening classes on his dime.
It was a good speech and to the point, and Marsha received a round of applause. They stepped down from the stage and sat down at the table again.
“Great speeches, both of you,” Danny told them, meaning it. “I got a book voucher from MAD, back in eighth grade. It was nice.”
“You should have told me that,” Tyler said, but then he shook his head. “Come to think of it, some tales are better left untold.”
The dinner that was served then was truly excellent. It was not for nothing that the restaurant was listed in the Guide Michelin. A total of five courses, each of them just a few morsels of divine delicacies, did not sate them physically, but left them dazzled and satisfied. The gala was $1,500 a plate, but they agreed that they did not feel cheated. Marsha, who had picked the venue and the menu, smiled smugly.
Since each course was accompanied by a matching wine, the young people relaxed noticeably and lost their self-consciousness. Lynn in particular entertained them all with droll comments about some of the other guests. Knowing that his own brand of sarcastic remarks did not meet with everybody’s approval, Danny held back and just bantered with Ashley and Helen.
The band that had assembled on the stage was indeed playing covers of contemporary hits, but in an unobtrusive way, allowing the conversations at the tables to flow. They would play dance pieces later, Marsha informed them, but the dinner music was strictly background.
When the waiters finally cleared the tables of the china and silverwares, Lynn was suddenly getting excited.
“Helen, look! There’s Grant Taylor!”
Danny was just taking a sip from his wineglass and had a hard time not to spill any of it. Looking at Helen, he saw her look curiously across the hall.
“Yeah, that’s him.” Then she said something infinitely comforting for Danny. “Let’s hope he hasn’t seen me. Oops, too late! Oh my God, look! He’s escorting that older lady.”
Marsha looked as well. “That’s Blanche Danning. She’s the heiress to the Danning fortune. Oh, my! She’s had her face done again. Helen, better not call her an ‘older lady’. You’ll never hear the end of it.”
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Hi friends I am Akshay age 22 years old. This is my real story. I am goanna tell you about my sex story with my aunt Richa. She is 36 years old with figure 36b-34-35 and 5.3 all. She is married and mostly she wears saree. My scene with her begins when I used to go her house to teach her 12 year old daughter. So apart from fess I used to do my evening breakfast in her, as my place was far from hers. Hence after I teach her daughter she used to spend time with me from 5-7, as her husband is...
The old butler and his rich bitches. Part 1 Los Angeles, California….. Hammond residence. “Edgar I have a business partner meeting me here for lunch. Make us a spread of food would you.” “Yes sir” a short old man of sixty years old replied, putting on his fake smile as he walked slowly to the house he was INS kitchen. This old man was none other than Edgar Johnson. This man stood at the short height of five foot six, weighed at least sixteen stone. His belly stuck out quite far, he had...
The Road to Jericho By Scott Ramsey Author's Note: This story deals with topics relating to Christianity in a respectful way. If the idea of God offends you, read no further (I will pray for you though). If you are not, I invite you to take a journey down the road to Jericho.... Lightning split the night sky as the rain came down in sheets, obscuring the two lane black top. Jerry Harris strained to see the road ahead, the wipers of his Dodge Ram pickup struggling vainly to...
Hi this is Amit again. I’m sharing another true encounter which happened a few months back. I’m 36, 5’10”, well-built and very adventurous. I live in the western suburbs of Mumbai where the sea breeze blows throughout the day, being on the 12th floor. You can reach me at My society is dominated by working individuals, most of whom come home only to sleep. They are so engrossed in work that I hardly have interacted with most of them. Amongst them was a woman who lived on the 10th floor. I...
The governor's daughters' Cynthia and Stacy knew that their wealth and social status came with certain responsibilities and obligations, whether they wanted to oblige or not. If the truth be known, they didn't give a rat's ass about the immigrant workers, legal or not. They thought minimum wage and access to health benefits (although expensive) was more than fair compensation for allowing the mexican immigrants to work for them. But with all of the uproar in the media of abuse with...
As I've said previous, one of my businesses customizes things, from cars & homes to yachts & night clubs focusing on cool & security - this brings me in contact with what i call the ultra rich, the kinda rich that my rich or your rich dont compare to. These people are just as you would expect them to be if you met them - pushy, snide, demanding, dominating and as CHEAP as they can possibly get when asking for the moon and paying for an astroid. I love their money and despise their...
Author: slaveboyusa Date: 1/3/09 Send comments to: [email protected] Title: How to marry a rich woman. Part 1. Summary: Adam is a cable guy. He always wanted more out of life, but he never got a lucky break. One of his clients is a snobby bitch. Is this opportunity knocking? This story is not related to the movie "Cable Guy". Knock Knock. "It's the cable guy". Said Adam as he stood outside the door.Adam is a 24-year-old cable guy. He does not like the job, but can't afford to...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 Studying the new Calculus course (Calc' 252) went well, which was a considerable relief because of two worries I'd had: I'd feared college courses would get progressively harder, and Calc' 252 was the second course in a sequence, after Calc' 251. All four of my minds were now doing Calc' 252, including the two minds that had done Algebra instead of Calc' 251. Their frequently having to access the memories of #3 and #4 did slow them down quite a lot, but not...
The world had changed diversity had broken down, there was only the rich people and the poor people, the rich ruled and the poor suffered at the hands of the rich. There was a gang of chavs who fought against the rich and they were feared. A chav was a teenager who wore a hooded top track suite trousers called trackies training shoes called trainers and no under ware, they were lawless roamed in gangs and people avoided them if they could even the police stayed clear of them, it was only poor...
Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. A Rich Man’s World There is something pretty special about being rich! I found this out rather later in life than I would have liked when I happened to buy a lottery ticket with the last £2 I had in the world. My wife was at home and we were living on our wits worried about bills coming through...
Divya -heroine Ramu – father old servant Priya -his daughter same age as Divya Roshan – ramu son at village Padma -Ramu kaka ugly sister Chapter 1(Divya humiliation during childhood) Hi, I am Divya, I am a very beautiful girl, I am 18 years old, I am a reporter and my father is a very rich man. Let me define stats I am 32,28,36. My friends say to me that I kind of look like South Indian actress Hansika. Divya (during childhood no sex scenes, only humiliation/head shave) I am 18 years old From...
My name is Pradeep after completing my degree I got offer letter into private sector through campus selection but unfortunately I have to go to Delhi to work and all my friends got placement in Bengaluru itself. One of my friends is in Delhi and he running gym in one of best cities in Delhi and when I reached there he (nazir) took to his place, the area he selected for living and working is same so I liked him and his living style so I decided to stay with him as paying guest. He was also happy...
I thought about what I was about to do all Saturday morning. I was a little nervous but I was also Rich Mann now, not Richard Manning, so my money made me feel more confident. Money could get people to do many things. I planned for my new wealth to benefit me greatly. In the afternoon I headed to the mall which by now would be populated with delightful high school girls. I wandered around for an hour with a big camera around my neck taking in all the pleasing shapes and sizes of girls....
His powerful sense of smell allows him to pick up and track the unmistakable scent of a perverse young woman. Her sexual fluids and sweat giving away to Richter, her insatiable lust and the demented fantasies her mind concocts, draw Richter in with potency. His prey was 23-year-old Elaina. An athletic and pretty blonde girl who was comfortably in her bed, staring at a computer screen. Wearing nought but a night tee, she softly moaned as she stroked her exposed clitoris and buried available...
Hi guys I am Raj from Pune. I am here to share part 2 of my story ‘Lost My Virginity To Richa Bhabhi’ As you all know how I was seduced and laid by Richa bhabhi. Now I had started enjoying my secret life with Richa bhabhi. I had started getting used to Richa bhabhi and we used to chat a lot. Often we would exchange our nude pics with each other. She was a very horny lady. Whenever we would be alone she would ask me for sexual favors. I never used to deny those as I too liked her a lot. She had...
IncestBy : Yadavankit2011 Hi mera name Ankit hai main Delhi se hoon and meri age 25 yr hai. Main married hoon and crazy about sex with privacy because m also a married ye meri 1st story hai main apna exp aapke saath share karna chahta hoon main mahipalpur main ek company main job karta hoon yahn per customer care main ek girl hai jiska name richa hai uski age 22 yr, hight 5.2 and figure 34,28,36 hoga wo jyadater salwaar suit and kabhi kabhi jenas and t shir pahanti hai. She is very beautiful and...
Wife flirt inside house while husband wait outsideI keep roaming in that area to find saloon, but I didn’t find any saloon in area. I was angry why I didn’t shave myself that way I would have got opportunity to stay around bungalow. I have to go 7 km back to find saloon. I go in saloon & one guy shaves me, He was watching one romantic & bold songs on his TV, It was song “zara zara behakta hai aaj to mera tan badan” from RHTDM movie. I was imagining my wife Meenakshi & Vijendra in...
This is Vinay working in a software company and staying in Hyderabad. I have athletic body and very good experience and a pro in pleasuring rich hot aunties. Hot rich Aunties and girls from Hyd Reply to my mail for such experiences. After my graduation in Tamilnadu, I got placed in a software company in Hyderabad as developer. I was staying with my friend based out of Hyderabad in a 2 bhk where the apartment has two floors. We were staying in the ground floor and his aunty was in the first...
Hi, guys, I am Raj age 22 from Delhi. I am a big fan Of ISS and often used to read stories here. I was a virgin till now and used to fantasize about girls, bhabhis, and aunties a lot. So I will come to the story directly. I got admission in a college in Pune and started staying in Pune in a rented flat. My cousin’s brother Prakash used to stay in Pune along with my aunt. Her wife Richa and 6-year old son Vedansh. I was quite close to him since my childhood. So I used to visit their place a lot....
IncestLet me tell you first that is the exact thing which happened with me and nothing is made up except if there are any names which are changed!!I am a doctor myself and 28 years old!! I am of athletic build but not average height of 5’7!! I am not a huge guy but yes I can charm people with my looks and sense of humor. This is the story about the girl named Dr.Richa who was an MBBS doc in the same hospital I worked and the hottest lady around.She was of the same height as mine but was very cute and...
Time: October 23, 8235 4:27 PM When we arrived at Jizari's airport, I was given some unexpected information. A high ranking Royal was in the city and wanted to travel immediately to Aleppo. He had commandeered my Guild's ramjet. Abigail and I had few minutes and we went to find a quiet place to sit in Security's VIP lounge. I pulled out my scheduler and typed in a few queries. I looked up and gave Abigail a small smile. "It's not so bad. There's a non-stop rail connection from Aleppo...
Try as they might, there were no opportunities for Danny and Rosalind to deepen their acquaintance beyond kissing and some clandestine petting on the beach. Mrs. Crawler might approve of Danny as a person, but she was very adept at preventing them from being alone somewhere. Twice, Danny asked Rosalind to go out with him to a restaurant, and both times Mrs. Crawler countered with a dinner invitation of her own. It was a little frustrating. Still, Danny enjoyed being with Rosalind and he kept...
Hi, I am Aman meri age 25 years hai aur mein smart hoon mein aaj apko apni real sex story ke bare mein batata hoon. Ek baar mein yahoo messenger pe chat kar raha tha to ek ladki jiska name richa aur who hissar mein rehti hai. Usne mujhe apni photo dikhayi. Who married thi aur bahut hi sexy thi. Uske boobs bahut ache the. Maine usey phone sex karne ke liye kaha aur who ready ho gayi. Kuch der sex ke bare mein chat karne ke baad usne mera number manga aur maine usey de diya. Usne kaha who raat...
Introduction: A married couple with all the money they could want seek out whatever pleasures they desire. If this is popular, more will follow. Yellow sunlight seeped through the thin curtains as Miriam Hargreaves sat at the antique vanity table in the corner of the grand bedroom, delicately applying her make-up. Wrapped in a fluffy bath robe and with her long, chestnut hair still wet from the shower, she applied the make-up deliberately and precisely. She was tall and slim, her skin...
Elizabeth Jamieson and her son James, were far from being poor, when James was 10 his father a very prominent businessman had died in a freak auto accident. Leaving both James and his mother well over $30 million in insurance as well as numerous estates and titles.Still living in the lavish home James had decided to take a year off his studies to further his martial arts training, as well as he put it to develop his mind.His mother, Elizabeth enjoyed the rich and lavish lifestyle her self often...
Hi, I am Amit, living in an amazing society in city Meerut, UP. I am a tall, handsome and very very sarcastic, 6 feet 5, fit body and have a serious look on my face most of the time. I have been living here since 1999, completed all my education here and went to another city in southern India for work. I worked for 4 years and saved a little money. I got back to the city in May 2019 for higher education which I am still taking in 2 fields from distance mode. I was not very fit in my student...
Mark Merrick's store was located in one of the older buildings of Peace River. Although the construction date indicated the building had been build over 100 years ago, it's condition made it appear to be less then a year old. Over the door was a sign with the words 'Mercury Connections' printed in big, bold letters. It was my first time to Mark's shop, at least the one in Peace River, and I peered through the large storefront window with mild interest. Lining the display case...
Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...
Authors note: I wrote this right after reading "The cheerleader transform" and "The Cheerleader Transform part 2," I like them so much it made me want to write my own. I hope everyone enjoy my first project. I promise you are going to love it. Pre-chapter: Thomas droved to his college to talk to his professor about getting a C in a class. He really wanted a B instead. He walked into the science room, and saw his Professor "Mr. Walker, Mr. Walker. Hey I um wanted to ask why I got a C...
Hi guys & gals I am construction Engineer my name is Shaam, my email is after my graduation I join a building repair work company in Mumbai, which was carrying out repair work in posh locality in Bandra. You know people are staying in the buildings and we need to do the repair works from outside its pretty tough job to handle these rich nuts. On the second day I got a complaint stating that you can’t tie the scaffoldings to the window, I got to know this from our labor. What the hell without...
Rich Girls' Hobbies by TGCodes: F/m; nc, mc, BDSM, CBT, torture, extreme, violent.Synopsis: A short novella that follows a Femdom when she discovers a potential sub and brings him under her control. It's a character study of what she enjoys in the scene, and her power to control her world and manipulate others. Chapter 1 Who is Who and...
You'll never believe what happened to me today. I was outside of the drug store and headed towards my car, when a large scruffy tabby cat suddenly appeared in front of me and said, "You should have gotten more condoms, you're not going to want to go out later, and you know one box won't last the whole night." I looked down at the plastic bag I held in my hand. Not even thinking I replied, "You're probably right. I should have gotten two boxes." I turned around and was on my way back...
Monday, July 31th, 2006, Arlington, Virginia I slowly awoke, feeling pretty great. I was well fucked and well-rested. I realized that when my magic levels were full to the brim. I seemed happier than when they weren’t; it wasn’t a massive difference, pretty small actually but noticeable. Maybe it was the magic’s way of adding a little extra incentive for me to fuck as often as I could. Not that I needed it. Mmm, I also just realized that I had my face buried in a luxurious pile of soft hair...
Jerome Washington checked his image in the glass door ahead. He was wearing his best suit for the occasion and he made sure that his tie was centered. Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door and entered the foyer of the Westbrook Tower. He strode over to the reception. The receptionist looked up. “How can I help you, sir?” she asked politely. Jerome liked that. Receptionists were not always polite when they saw a black man. This girl had manners. “Jerome Washington, attorney at law....
Daniel Berusov dropped on his bed with a groan. The games played here at Triple-P – Peter Parker Preparatory – were alien to him. Who the hell would play Lacrosse? Soccer was more to his liking, but being tall and slender he was not ideally built for that sport. Basketball was not bad, but the way Danny had learned the game — in a neighborhood court ruled by the bros — was not like Mr. Jeremies, the gym teacher, thought it should be played. The only good thing was that once he’d become a...
Five weeks later, it was time for Danny to saddle up and drive up to Triple-P for his last hurrah. With Ashley’s okay, Lynn had given him a torrid good-bye night and he felt wrung out. This time, he could check back in quickly and move to the senior wing. He roomed with Jimmy Crenshaw, a quiet studious kid who had been sent to Triple-P to be out of his mother’s way. Danny planned to finish his applications for several colleges, Penn being his true wish. They had an excellent undergraduate...
Two weeks after their date, Helen called Danny at 3 in the morning. “I’m having contractions,” she told him matter of factly. “I think I should go to the hospital.” Danny was awake in a second and almost bolted from his bed. “I’ll be picking you up in 10 minutes,” he promised, but Helen protested. “Easy! Give me time to shower and brush my teeth. Get a shower yourself! This may take a day or more. You know that.” “I’ll be with you in twenty minutes then, and we’ll go when you’re ready to...