Saga of Sam JonesChapter 5
- 4 years ago
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"Yes, I'm the sheriff. Do you need me?"
"I don't, but maybe someone does. I heard a gun battle going on when I come by the Rivers' property out east of town. I didn't stop as t'want any of my business. That was about two hours ago."
"I'll check it out. Thanks." The man turned and climbed into his saddle, going on down the street. I had never seen him before. I was puzzled for the Rivers' property was just a rundown old shack about five miles from town. Nothing to be fighting over. I guessed I better go out and check. My two deputies came strolling up from breakfast at the diner. "Pete, we got something to check into. Get your horse. Tom, you hang out here. It's too damned hot for much trouble to be caused, but you never know."
We put the horses into a fast walk and it was not quite an hour before we reached the Rivers' place. Pete Branch circled around and come in from behind. I didn't see where any horse tracks had turned off the trail and I waited until I figured Pete was close in. I walked the mount up to the shack. There was nothing stirring or any tracks to see. I began to get an uneasy feeling.
"Wild goose chase. I think we better get back to town."
"Let's go then, Sam. I got a feeling someone's been robbed and this was just something to get us away." I didn't say anything and we mounted up, putting our horses into a run.
There were people standing all around as we came down the street. John came rushing up to me. "Sam, go over to the general store. The bank was robbed and Jessie got run down when the bastards were getting away. Cindy and Miss Sylvia are with her. I want in on the posse when you get ready to go after them. Go to Jessie first. We'll get the robbers later."
"Where's Tom? Help him round up some men while I see to Jessie."
"Tom's dead. There is a teller dead too. Cindy also got off a couple of rounds with her pocket pistol and she says she wounded one of them."
"How many robbers?"
"Three, maybe four. Hard to tell." I hurried down to the store at the end of the street. The crowd parted and let me through. Jessie was laying in the back room on a pile of blankets that had been put down for her. Cindy and Miss Sylvia were crying and the doctor was standing by her. He stepped toward me.
"Sam, I can't do anything for her. I gave her some laudanum to ease the pain. She was knocked down by a rider and the next horse trampled her as it came to her. She's got a broken leg and one hoof landed in her middle. I hate to say this, but she's all broken up inside. I'm sorry, but I can't see how she can make it. I don't think she has very long."
"Thanks, Doc. I know you done your best." He let go of my arm and I went to Jessie.
I brushed my hand over her brow and her eyes opened. "Sam, I was in the middle of the street when they came around the corner. They just rode me right down. Now when you get them, don't do anything to bring trouble down on you. You're a good sheriff and I expect you to stay that way." A wan smile fluttered over her features and she stopped talking. I thought I had lost her. I sat there holding her hand.
I looked up when her father came in. He stood there holding Miss Sylvia who was crying. Jessie's eyes opened again. "Daddy and Miss Sylvia, I'm glad you are here." Her eyes traveled to Cindy. "Cindy, I give you Sam to take care of. He's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." Again her eyes closed, or almost. Once in awhile I could see a twitch of pain. I studied my wife's features so I would never forget her. Her face hadn't been damaged and she looked as she always had, except for her color and some dust that hadn't been brushed off one side of her face.
I got a faint, "Sam," when she next looked at me. Her fingers gripped me, and then I could tell she was no more. I leaned down and brushed my lips on hers and turned to go outside. James and Martha were coming in and I met them at the door. I shook my head and that's when I lost it, shuddering with sorrow at my loss. Her father was in worse shape than I was. In his early sixties now, I knew this would hit him very hard. I steadied him outside and got him into a chair on the verandah. He couldn't speak.
The crowd was silent for a bit. I was sheriff and it was up to me to get beyond my personal loss. I addressed the people standing around. "Someone who actually saw what went down here, come over to the jail and tell me what happened. Just those who can tell me what they saw for certain."
"When you going after those sons-of-bitches? They got our gold and they killed people."
"Soon--just as soon as I get the right of it." I remembered that John had told me Cindy had fired at the polecats. I stepped back inside, finding Cindy with my eyes. I motioned for her to come with me. Two men claimed they were on the street and I took them too. It took twenty minutes to piece together what happened. One man who had been lounging on the street gave me what he had seen.
"You left town with Pete and about fifteen minutes later, four men rode up to the bank hitch rail. Three men went into the bank and the fourth held the horses' reins. I saw Tom come out of the office here and look over across the street at the bank. Thinking back, he must have had suspicion something was going on. He started to pull his iron when the man shot him from where he was standing behind the horses. About that time the three men who had entered the bank came out shooting all over the place. I dove behind the water trough. I heard them mount up and ride out. I didn't know they rode your wife down until after I went over and looked at Tom."
"Thanks Bert. It had to have happened just as you have told it. I think when I find these men, one of them will be the one that told me about some gunfire I went chasing after. Cindy, tell me what went on in the bank."
"Sure Sam. Sam, I'm awful sorry about Jessie."
"Yeah." For a minute I couldn't say anything. "Cindy we've just lost one we both loved. Just tell me what happened in the bank and then we'll go after them."
"Okay. These three men came rushing into the bank and immediately drew their guns yelling it was a holdup. Phil Burns started for the gun he had in the till, but one of the men clipped him over the head and he went down. They made old Mr. Cumins empty the two tills into a sack while one held a gun on us. The other robber went into the safe and I could hear him emptying coins into another sack and I guess the paper money as well.
"About that time they heard a shot out in the street and I glanced out the window and saw Tom falling. The three men paused just a second before rushing out. I shot at them and I swear I got lead into the last one out the door. Phil got up and had his gun in his hand. He was standing in the doorway shooting at them when he went down again. He is dead on the floor just inside the bank.
"Ten minutes later someone told me that Jessie had been rode down and wanted to see me. I'm glad she waited to die so you could say good-bye to her. It would have been worse for you if you hadn't that few minutes with her."
I didn't say anything. I was numb about everything at this point. The second man I had asked to come with me looked as if he had information. "I was not more'n twenty feet away from Jessie when them bastards came wheeling round the corner. Jessie never had a chance. The first man clipped her, the second horse was the one that stepped on her and the third man was just hanging on and was way wide. The fourth horse leaped right over her and never touched her at all. God, Sheriff it was awful. We're going to get them and string 'em up ain't we?"
"We'll get them. Did you see what direction they took?"
"They headed right for the reservation. They'll get away when they get up into them hills."
"No, I don't think so, not if they went onto the reservation. Actually if they did, we've got them already. Both of you men are deputized for the posse. I may need you to identify one or all of them. Get grub and canteens for five days. We may be out that long before we get back. Depends how much fight they got in them before we can get them corralled. Cindy, you work with the family and see that Jessie is taken care of. Wire Felicity to come home. I'll break off the hunt and be back the day after tomorrow for her funeral if we haven't captured them by then. They can't get away. The Indians will see to that."
There were ten of us in the posse and we had five hours of daylight left to get on with the hunt. Pete, my deputy, was with me, and James was riding beside me. Never one to say much, he held true by being quiet. It was a comfort to have him at my side and I knew he was hurting as much as I was over the death of his mother.
It was almost an hour before we hit the reservation boundary. Three hours later we were well into the Indian land. We were having a hard time trailing the killers' hoof prints now because they were being obliterated by more horse tracks. The Indians had picked up the trail and were following the robbers. Just before dark, we came upon a dead man beside the trail laying in a ditch. "That's not the man who was riding the horse that killed your wife."
I dismounted and looked him over. I couldn't see much for marks on him except for some blood that had dribbled down his chest from coughing his life away. We stripped off his shirt and he had three small bullet holes in his back. One had bounced off his right shoulder blade and apparently done no damage. The other two though, had gone in and probably punctured a lung on his right side. "Looks as though Cynthia Bellows killed this one. It took awhile but her shooting is what did him in."
We rode awhile longer and then settled in for the night. We built a camp fire and made coffee. We had some beef along with several loaves of bread that Sarah Seldon had put into a set of saddlebags. Not much was said. We were after some killers and only about half the posse had ever shot at a man before. It wasn't a pleasant feeling no matter how much you hated the men you were after. Morning found us saddling up after coffee and a substantial feeding of slab bacon.
We could travel at a gallop now, as the Indians were leaving a clear trail for us to follow. It was one o'clock that afternoon when we knew we had reached our quarry. There was a little box canyon ahead of us. The skyline around the canyon was fringed with thirty or more braves sitting their ponies waiting for us to arrive. One Indian detached himself and rode over to me. This was one I had made captain of the Indian police years before. "Sam, I guess you found one of them back there didn't you?"
"Yeah. He was not the one that killed Jessie. How are we situated here?"
"Just waiting for you. They pulled in here after dark last night and are holed up. We made sure they could see us when they built up their fire this morning. They been here all day and haven't made a move. I think they would talk to someone if he was to go in there."
I turned to my deputy. "Pete, I'm going in. If they should happen to kill me, don't spare them at all."
"Sam, let's just kill them now. No one would blame us or you."
"Can't do it. Jessie told me I was to remember I'm the sheriff. I could do as you say, but ten years down the road it might come back to haunt me. No, I'm going in. James, you look after the family if need be."
I went up to the entrance and shouted. "I'm the sheriff. I want to talk and I'm coming in."
"Come in then, if you're brave enough. You'll be covered."
"I 'spect so." I rode maybe two hundred yards into the canyon. The Indians were clearly visible up on the ridges watching me. I looked the three of them over. The one man under thirty, maybe, was the one who had lured me out of town with his tale of the shooting. There was one youngster about twenty. The other one was my age or a little older. The money sacks were bunched on the ground.
The older man spoke. "Where are we on this, Sheriff?"
"Well, I reckon you are all dead. It is just a matter of when you want to die."
"Figures. When I seen them Indians up there this morning, I figured we was done for. What are you offering up?"
"Drop your weapons and ride out of here with me. You got about three weeks before the law hangs you or stands you up against a wall. That's your choice of how you want it done. You killed a deputy and you killed a teller. The town won't stand for nothing otherwise."
"What about the woman? She went down."
"My wife? She's dead. Her funeral is tomorrow. I'll be there."
"Sorry to hear that Sheriff. Real sorry. We was just scrambling to get out of town." I stepped down from my horse.
I wasn't worried about the two older men now, but that kid was looking mighty brave. He spoke, "What happens if we tell you to ride back out of the canyon? You can't fight us all."
"No I can't, but let me tell you a story. This happened eighteenteen years ago. Three men rode onto my ranch and were going to rob it. There were some Indian squaws there and them men started into doing some raping. Two of the outlaws were killed when a neighbor showed up. The third one threw down his gun and surrendered. I turned him over to the squaws. An hour later when they got done with him, they had cut the hamstrings in his feet and all the cords in his elbows and wrists.
This period was a great time for me. I was sleeping next to a woman whom I loved and who loved me just as much. Our family was growing up. They were all being educated by Kenny who was getting older, but was still just as sharp as ever. Samson was the brightest one of the kids who lived on the ranch. He was ten in February, 1890. On his birthday, Kenny, myself, Mary Eustis, and Jessie withdrew to the living room, banishing all others from listening to what Mary Eustis had to say to my wife...
We received our first letter from Samson. Sam, the Colonel is trying to get us out of this hellhole. Fighting was bad enough, but it seems as if everyone is getting sick. The fighting is over, but we are still dying. So far Buddy and I haven't been sick, Son of Grey Goose comes by every morning to make sure we take a pinch of that powder Mary Eustis gave us. We are getting low and might have only fifteen pinches apiece left. God has to deliver us. The sickness doesn't seem to bother the...
"Kenny, you've been drinking instead of working. Sam, have you broken your pledge? I can smell whisky on you too." "Mary Eustis, I just took a swig. Kenny and I came to an agreement and thought more than a handshake was needed." "What was the agreement?" I looked at Jessie, who had asked a question I had no answer for. Thinking fast, and seeing Hattie and Pete coming across the yard, I came up with, "Kenny has agreed to give Pete and Hattie a deed to the little valley where the...
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Mary Eustis birthed a boy on the fifteenth of February. He was large at 9 pounds, 11 ounces. His hair was black, but not coal black like his mother's. Looking at the baby, you wouldn't put him as either Indian or white. Mary Eustis named the boy Samson Silvercloud Jones Ryeback. A minute alone I had with her, brought forth the reason for his name. "The boy will someday be head of the Silvercloud clan and do great things for my people. He also will be respected among your people. His name...
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Cindy and Judy were pretty subdued for the next three days. Christmas was almost here and the sadness was on them. I was trying to build the girls a room in the loft so they could be by themselves. I caught them at breakfast. "Tonight you will be sleeping on robes in front of the fireplace. I'll be lying with you. We have to talk." They looked at each other. Judy spoke, but I knew it was really Cindy speaking, "Sam, Jessie ain't going to like that at all." "I told you we were a mixed...
Five days later we had a terse wire. Arrived safely. Have new rifle. Shoots good at 500, still good at 700. Possible at 1000. Working on 1200. Busy, Sams'n. Felicity cried when there was no message for her. She whined to Mary Eustis and got back little sympathy. "He loves you child. Be satisfied. He said he would come back to you and he will. For now though, he is a warrior and must learn to fight if he is to survive." This made Felicity cry all the more. She came to me as I was settled...
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Bisexual[A little background for this, Sam was born with male genitalia, which is one of the reasons why she doesn't like the word panties, something she can't technically wear because of her 'extra' friend. The only four people who know about Sam having male genitalia are her doctor, her mom, her s*ster, and Carly. Carly found out because the two secretly dated for a while and lost their virginities to each other prior the finale of 'iCarly', and after Sam broke up with Freddie. When she was younger,...
"Sam do you know where I put my ducky at? I need him to go to the beach with me. Sam are you listening to me?""Yes k*d, I am," said Sam. "Look you left him over there on counter." "Oh yeah," Cat said. "Sam look at my bathing suit, what do you think?""It’s pink," Sam replied, "and a bikini.""Well of course it’s pink, I love pink," Cat said all happy. "And Jade said if I wore a bikini I would get lucky tonight, whatever that means. Jade is always saying weird things like my br*ther does."Jade is...
Mike and Sam Part 1 -Now and forever- Mike sat at the dressing table he was looking closely at his freshly shaven face, and Sam was laying on the bed just watching. Mike was already dressed in a padded panty girdle, waist cincher, panty hose, and a pretty bra with breast forms, all this gave him a nice feminine figure. He had the padding added to the panty girdle, and it gave him a nice rounded rear with feminine looking hips. Sam smiled knowing what they were going to do...
My Daughter-in-law Sam By Pappy27 Copyright© 2008 by Pappy27 Many thanks to Sharon for editing this story without her love and support this story would never have been published. An older man who had lost his sexuality through mental castration by his sick spouse, his sexual identity is restored through the loving kindness of his daughter-in-law. Note: This story is fictional and is written for the enjoyment of adult readers only; it is strictly the...
IncestI appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota. Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I...
Sam was sixteen and lot more mature than most young men of his age. He had very few friends in the school he attended, most of his friends were already out and had jobs. Sam was a tall muscular boy with a dark tan from having worked on construction that previous summer. His black hair was trimmed much shorter than his other classmates. Sam had been shaving several years. A stranger would guess Sam's age at twenty or twenty one. He had been thrifty with the money he made on summer jobs and...
SAM & CAT: #ROLE-PLAY "Cat, I'm bored!" Sam groaned as she collapsed on the couch of their shared apartment."Why are you bored?" Cat asked from the kitchen as she was checking on the roast beef in the oven."There's nothing to do," Sam said as she laid there, bored out of her skull.Cat came in with the placemats and set them on the table along with the cutlery, moving Sam's head so she could sit down, then putting her head in her lap once she was comfortable. "Come on, Sammie," Cat said as...
Saturday, February 27, 1993, 2:50 pm. Two figures trudged along a dusty trail leading to a side entrance of the Mount Carmel Center. The middle-aged man wore a pair of dusty Levis and a black tee shirt emblazoned with the word ‘Apocalypse’ in red and white. On his head was a red and blue bandanna, tied at the back in a knot. He sported a chemically induced, two-week growth of salt and pepper beard. An earring that wasn’t an earring gleamed in his left earlobe. His worn rawhide boots with...
A bus pulled up, and I could see Pat sat near the back. Sam began waving her arms frantically, jumping up and down and with a large smile on her face. Pat made it to the platform and Sam rushed over, they hugged each other for an eternity, and when they broke, they both had tears in their eyes.Pat looked over at me and smiled, then held her arms out to greet me, “Come here you,” she said.I walked over to them, and we had a group hug, and as we did I let my hands slip and held both of them by...
Group SexThey were only twenty yards away when Sam held up his hand. "Unless you wish to seriously piss me off? I advise against you using those weapons. You see I am immune to them. Several of the men started to laugh as they advance further, a look of supreme confidence on their faces. "You're nothing but a savage that we will expunge from the universe!" Laughing at least twenty started to fire at Sam. Standing for a few moments Sam wondered just how long these idiots would stand there when...
Sam and Jill pt 1By x wayStorycodes: bound; breathplay; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind her head...
Chapter 23 Let's Spent The Night Together No need for an alarm this morning. Saturday had finally arrived. Based on everything I'd already done, I had no idea why I was so excited about getting my hair styled. I guess in a sense it expressed my commitment to being Joan. I made my way to the bathroom and showered carefully. The razor quickly removed the bit of stubble from my legs and the few stray hairs in my arm pits. Thankfully, I still had my beautiful baby...
Me and Sam by Darla Raspberry Just throw the damned ball" Sam shouted... I stood on the pitcher's mound and stared at the target. The field was built to big league specifications and the pitcher's mound was exactly 60'6" away from home plate. I went into my wind up and released what I thought was a powerful pitch. Where is the radar gun when you need one? Sam laughed as she caught the ball, it made a soft "plop" in...
Driving to pick up her car left at Abbie and Tim’s the night before, Sam tells Grace about the game the day before and how awesome everything had been. But more than the food, drinks, and great football game; the talk between Luke, Tim, Brian, and him about his construction business. His concerns about meeting all the requests at the level he wants.Brian offered terrific suggestions on the financial side and Luke on managing higher volumes of supplies and staff. Tim was just supportive and...
TransSurprised Sam replied, {I'd have thought you faster with as many of the minds that you have making up the triad.} Sam replied still wondering what in the hell Triot was up to. Queen Triada shook her head, {we have to gather before we act. We had detected Triot approaching, were almost ready when you struck out.} Sam nodded that he understood though again he felt a little foolish, knowing that the queen couldn't see him. Sam walked out heading toward where his parents were. A smile slowly...
He was thankful that he could accommodate all of them. As he thought, the more they used it the better and stronger they became. Another look at those with him he could see that no matter what, his sister Thantas and Mellos were a force to reckon with. He knew that Drivas and Thellus weren't completely ready though they were a hell of a lot stronger than they looked. The last, here Sam shook his head, they weren't here in corporeal form, so he wasn't all that sure. Another look at the...
Chapter 17 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? I awoke late on Sunday morning. Not a sound came from Mom's bedroom. I opened her door and peeked inside just to make sure everything was all right. She seemed lost to the world. I went back to my room and put on the clothes that I'd worn yesterday. It was time to mow the lawn. Thinking in some insane way that it might garner Sam's attention, I mowed the lawn using a different pattern yet again. I missed her more than...
Sam and Jill pt 1By Way2BdgStorycodes: bound; breathplay; plastic bag; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind...
Everyone knew of the Savoy Hotel in London, after all it was one of the most prestigious hotels in the world. What people didn’t know is the sort of things that happened once you were inside. But as the night manager I knew all too well, and it seemed to me that you might like to hear the stories.Where to begin, well I think Sam would be a good start, he was my receptionist; he had worked alongside me since I started. We had learnt the way things worked together. Let me explain, in our...
planetary time unit = day ---------------------------- Sam stood there looking over the scene, they needed to move if they had any chance to stop the Tetricons. He had three full Cliverstones, himself, Thantas whom he'd just discovered was his sister then Mellos. A slight gasp from the only occupied bed, had Triann and Drivas rushing to Thellus's side. "God I am so hot." She said as she like Drivas tried to rise from the bed, only to fall back. "It should pass soon, I am reading that,...