Sometimes Life Is Not A Bowl Of CherriesChapter 7 free porn video

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Barry went to the kitchen to put the beer away. Cody went upstairs and came back down a few minutes later. He had changed into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He was carrying a couple of DVDs. We followed him into the family room. While he turned the television on and got one of the DVDs ready I was ordered to strip.

When I was naked Cody informed me that some of the kids from school were going to be stopping by to play soon. I was to keep them entertained until it was time for me to go home.

I wasn't happy about it. But I wasn't surprised. Harris undressed quickly. He pulled me down to the carpet but Cody stopped him. He got a blanket out of a closet and threw it at me. I was ordered to spread it out and in less time than it takes to tell it he was fucking me from behind while I sucked Tim's cock.

The doorbell started ringing before they finished and kids started arriving. By the time Harris and Tim were done with me there were a dozen boys there. By the time Barry and Gary had fucked me there were nearly twice that.

Lisa had come too. If there had been any question I could tell by her face that she didn't want to be here. I heard Cody order her to undress and start serving everyone. She was kept busy for a while, delivering beers to the underage boys and getting groped freely. She was obviously very unhappy about the change in her status from Sunday. She was no longer the cameraman and minor participant. She had been promoted to full victim status. She didn't like it. But the boys got a big kick out of it.

I guess everyone had arrived. Cody started the DVD. Everyone got to watch the degrading things I had been forced to do, and have done to me, on Saturday while they waited for it to be their turn to rape me.

Apparently Cody had told Lisa that she was going to function as a naked waitress. She wasn't happy about it. But at least she thought she wouldn't be forced to have sex with all of these boys from our class.

Unfortunately, as she should have realized by now, Cody was not a man of his word. He decided that there were too many cocks and not enough cunts and it just didn't make sense not to put her to work. They forced her down on her knees beside me. At first they had to hold her down but she gave up after Cody borrowed Barry's leather belt and whipped her ass for a few minutes. After that she knelt beside me, docile, crying quietly, while together we were raped by four boys at a time.

It wasn't so bad at first. But as time wore on and the boys had gulped down a couple of beers they started getting rougher, and nastier. When Toby complained about how messy our pussies were we were forced to clean each other.

Cody ordered Lisa to lie down on her back. She had heard enough of the conversation that she knew what he had in mind. She tried to run from the room but Tim and Barry grabbed her and held her while Cody whipped her tits with the belt a couple of times. Two was all that it took.

She quickly began pleading with him to stop beating her. She promised to do anything if he would stop whipping her tits. Cody ordered his sycophants to let her go. She wrapped her arms around her bruised tits and stretched out on the nasty blanket on her back. She was crying loudly. The boys all seemed to find it amusing.

As soon as she was in position I was ordered to get into a sixty-nine with her. We were forced to eat each other's nasty pussies clean. Lisa kept gagging violently. But she managed to clean me up enough to satisfy them.

I guess I was getting used to it. It was disgusting beyond words. But I didn't gag. I suppose I had swallowed so much cum in the last few days that it didn't matter anymore. That isn't really true. It mattered. It mattered a lot. But I was getting used to it.

They started to order us back up on our hands and knees but Toby still wasn't satisfied. We were forced to lick each other's thighs clean first. Then we were put back into service as cum dumps.

It started again. I wasn't paying any attention to who was doing what to whom. It was best to just turn your mind off and wait for it to end. So I had no idea how many boys and which boys had been raping me. It was just a long parade of hard cocks. I was thankful that no one was fucking my ass. There was at least that to be grateful for.

Except for the steady line of boys fucking us it wasn't as bad this afternoon. Nobody tortured me. They got a little rough, especially the way they squeezed and pulled on our tits. But there were no clothes pins. I wasn't made to suck my rapists clean. I always had a cock in my mouth already when someone finished fucking me. But before very long the cocks being forced in my mouth had already been in either my pussy or Lisa's and they were slimy and nasty.

The next time someone complained about how nasty Lisa and I were, Harris suggested to Cody that he demonstrate the "self cleaning cunt" to the boys.

I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening around me. I found it easier that way. But for some reason when Harris made his suggestion I knew what he meant and I groaned. One of the guys had just come in my mouth and pulled out. I looked up at Cody and whined, "Please Cody. I don't do gymnastics anymore. That hurts. I'm not that limber now."

I should have known I was wasting my breath. For this he got the camera out. When he had it ready he ordered Lisa to pay close attention. Then he ordered me to clean up my pussy.

I sat down and did some stretches first. Then I turned over on my back and started to bring my legs up over my head. I tried to tune out the lewd comments of the boys who were crowded around watching in amazement as I stretched and bounced my legs until my pussy was inches from my face once more.

I strained to close the gap but I seemed to be unable to get the last inch. The mess was making me sick and the smell was making it hard to breath. I heard Cody say, "Hand me the belt."

I guess that was the incentive I needed. I managed to get my elbows over the back of my legs and a loud cheer went up as my lips closed down over my red, swollen, cum drenched pussy.

I quickly licked up the mess. But when I thought that I was clean enough to satisfy them and I started to relax from this painful position, Cody snapped, "Keep eating cunt. I want to see you get yourself off."

I gasped, "I can't Cody! It hurts too much!"

He sounded so reasonable when he said, "How do you know, Carin? You've never tried! If you would rather, I'm sure we can find something else you can do with your mouth."

I started licking and sucking on my clit. I was too afraid not to. But I was in far too much pain to enjoy it. They let me keep it up for a few more minutes but they could see that it wasn't going to happen. Cody finally let me straighten out.

He ordered Lisa to try it. I saw the look on her face. I think that everyone knew she couldn't do it. I hated to return Cody's attention to me, but I had to say something.

I nervously said, "Cody, it's dangerous. She could hurt her back, really bad. I could only do it because of the years of gymnastics. If she tries it she could end up in the emergency room."

He looked mad at me for stating the obvious. But he relented. He ordered me to clean her up instead. I started to get into position to obey his disgusting order when Harris said, "I have a better idea. The bitch might not be able to bend over double. But she can still clean her own cunt. Give her a spoon!"

Lisa moaned in dismay, but Cody loved the idea. He went inside and after making sure the camera was running he handed the spoon to Lisa and ordered her to scrape all of the cum from her pussy and her thighs. When she had gathered all that she could from around her crotch he ordered her to squat and catch anything that drained out of her.

Lisa and I both thought it was thoroughly disgusting. But the boys all seemed to find it extremely entertaining.

She squatted down and managed to scrape up a little bit more as it oozed out of her. But there wasn't much and it didn't hold their interest for long.

By the time they got tired of watching her do that it was getting late. Half of the boys had already left, reluctantly. Lisa and I were ordered to clean up the family room. The boys sat around and watched us picking up beer bottles and straightening up in the nude. We folded up the blanket. Cody ordered Lisa to take it home and wash it. It was really gross.

I suggested that he light a few candles before his father got home from work. Just before we were allowed to leave he made me give him my brother's email address. Then he gave Lisa and me more instructions. First, I was to find some way to convince my brother to let me suck his cock or fuck me, but preferably both, in front of my bedroom window at nine tonight.

I almost threw up right then and there. I even opened my mouth to beg him to be reasonable. But I saw the look in his eye and I knew I'd get nowhere. He grinned when he saw my surrender. But even though he knew I was going to obey him he said, "If you would rather, we could arrange to come by with Barry's dog and you can have sex with him instead."

There were a few excited comments from the boys that still remained. Several of the perverts thought that would be fun to watch. I kept my mouth shut and prayed he wouldn't think so. It bothered me that he kept bringing it up though.

Cody told Lisa and me that since I had spent the day without panties and it had gone pretty well, we were no longer allowed to wear them at all. He said that he wanted us to wear sexier bras from now on. He wanted to see a hint of nipple. If he didn't, he would see what happened if we didn't wear a bra to school.

I tried to tell him about the reactions from the teachers today. He didn't give a damn. He wasn't the one that was getting in trouble.

He finally let us leave. As we were getting dressed to leave the house I heard him taking orders for copies of the DVDs that had been playing today. He told them about the one he made Sunday, including the one of me eating Lisa's pussy and they all seemed to want that one too.

Lisa and I walked together to the end of my street. We didn't say anything for a long time. Just before I was about to turn down my street she said, "I'm sorry about Sunday, Carin. I really didn't know."

She sounded so depressed, so sad, that I felt sorry for her. I was in a worse mess. I was the one he was fucking with the most. But as contrary as it sounds, feeling sorry for her made me feel a little better about my own mess. I guess it was true what they say. Misery loves company. I had been nearly suicidal on Saturday. For some reason, knowing that I was sharing my fate with Lisa, at least to some extent, made it easier to take.

We separated and she took off down the street with that smelly blanket. I walked home.

The closer I got to the house the more I found myself thinking the unthinkable. As horrible as everything that had happened to me was, I could not conceive of having sex with my brother. We were not close. In fact, we pretty much just tolerated each other. The only thing we had in common was our last name. We used to fight a lot. Now we just left each other alone. How in the hell was I going to convince him to have sex with me? How was I going to be able to do it without getting sick? And how many people would be outside my house watching me do it?!

I stopped in the kitchen to get a glass of juice. I wanted to get the taste of cum out of my mouth and settle my stomach. I went upstairs and undressed. I could hear Andy in his room, playing one of his damned video games. His life seemed to revolve around those things.

I took a long hot shower. I brushed my teeth until all traces of male slime were gone from my mouth. Then I went to my room and sat at my computer in my robe and checked my email.

Cody had apparently given my email address out to everyone. I was getting all kinds of nasty emails from my classmates. Most of them were from the guys, but some were from the girls. In one day I had become universally despised. But even though they despised me, the boys still wanted to fuck me. My email was full of all the nasty things they planned on doing to me. Knowing Cody as I had come to I was sure that they would all get the chance.

There was a knock at my door and I hurriedly closed my email program. I told Andy to come in. The door opened and he had the strangest look on his face. As soon as I saw him I remembered what had happened today when I left the school parking lot. He must have been hearing from some of his classmates.

He was about to ask me about it. I could see it in his eyes. I could also see when he realized it was true. He could tell from the guilty look on my face.

We stood there in silence for a few minutes. He had been expecting to come in here and hear me deny what his friends had told him on the phone. Now he didn't know what to say. I didn't either.

I waited for him to say what was on his mind. But while I was waiting I thought about what I had to do with him tonight and I still didn't think that I could do it without getting sick.

I had already had sex with about two dozen boys today. And it was horrible. Every disgusting sex act was more horrible than the last. But this! How could I undress in front of my dorky little brother and let him stick his dick in me?!

He finally spoke. "What got into you today? Or should I ask who got into you today? I got half a dozen phone calls about you when I got home. They were saying something about you riding around with four boys in Cody's car. You were just about naked and letting them do anything they wanted to you. Is that where you were for the last couple of hours? Screwing the four kids you left school with?

I almost smiled. I thought, "I wish it had just been four boys."

While I was trying to decide how to answer him he asked, "Would you like to see the cell phone pictures they have been sending me?"

Oh Christ! I didn't even think about that!

I still didn't know what to say. I stuttered, "Andy ... I ... I..."

There was no way to explain. He asked, in a very nasty voice, "Have you always been a slut or is this something new?"

I still didn't answer and he asked, "Did you fuck all four of them?"

He was mad at me! He was mad and getting madder when I couldn't deny the things that his friends were saying about me. But how could I explain without telling him about mom and dad?

On the other hand, why should that be my problem? I could tell him everything. That would clear up all of the little mysteries that had been plaguing him since Friday. It might even get me a little sympathy.

I finally spoke. I said, "Come in and sit down, Andy. We need to talk."

He came in and sat on the side of my bed and waited for me to explain. I could tell by his expression that he didn't think I could explain my behavior this afternoon.

I was trying to figure out what I was going to say and how I was going to say it when I saw the way his eyes kept dropping to my legs. I looked down and saw that my robe had fallen away from my thighs. All that he could see was my thighs. He couldn't see anything that he could not have seen if I was wearing a pair of shorts or a short skirt. He looked like he was waiting to see if my robe was going to part any farther.

I almost yelled at him. But that would be silly. My pussy was, after all, the subject that he had come in here to discuss. And he was a teenage boy. From what I had heard, I gather that the only two things that they think about are cars and pussy.

I tried to ignore his glances at my legs. After all, I was going to have to try to talk him into having sex with me tonight. I started to realize that even though he and I didn't like each other very much, I wasn't going to have much trouble talking him into having sex with me.

I said, "Remember how concerned you were this weekend? Remember how worried you were about mom?"

He nodded. He didn't understand the connection yet and he was a little impatient with me for avoiding the subject he had come in here to discuss.

I took a deep breath and asked, "Can you keep a secret? It's a big one. It's a bad one. You don't want to hear it. But it's all related. I'll tell you, but you have to give me your solemn word that you won't say anything to anyone. Not even mom and dad."

He looked skeptical and he asked, "What do mom and dad have to do with you sitting naked in a car with four boys?"

I answered, "I'll explain, once I have your word."

He shrugged and said, "Okay, I promise."

I shook my head and said, "Don't shrug and give me an offhand response like that. This is serious shit. When I said solemn I meant it. I'm talking people going to jail and foster homes serious."

That got his attention. He still kept glancing at my legs, but he sounded worried when he said, "Okay! You have my word."

I was getting irritated with the way he kept trying to look under my robe. This was serious shit and he couldn't get his mind off his sister's pussy! I finally said, "Would you stop trying to see my pussy! This is serious!"

He blushed and got all defensive. He said, "I can't help it. You may be a pain in the ass. But you are sexy. And I have just spent two hours looking at fuzzy pictures of you almost naked with a boy's hands all over your ass! I can't just forget that!"

I reached down and grabbed my robe. I am almost positive that I intended to pull it together and try to cover my legs. Somehow that isn't what happened. I gripped the sides and jerked it open violently. I snapped, "Is that what you want to see?! Christ! Can you pay attention now?!"

It was almost worth it just to see the look on his face. I almost didn't care that another boy was seeing my pussy. Even if it was Andy! I pulled my robe back together and covered my thighs. It took a minute for his eyes to look back up. He continued to stare at my pussy as if he could see it through my robe. But finally he swallowed loudly and looked up.

I shook my head in disgust. Boys! I asked, "Can you pay attention now?"

He gave me a cockeyed grin and said, "I don't know. I'll try."

His expression changed when I told him what mom and dad had done. He didn't want to believe it. But their conduct over the last three days was enough to convince him that I was telling the truth.

Then I told him about the evidence that Cody had presented me with, and what I had been forced to do as a result. It would be hard to describe his reaction to that part of the story. I noticed that for most of the time, as I told him about the sexual blackmail, he had a hard on. I glossed over the details and just described what I had been forced to do in generalities. I made it clear that everything I had done, I had done against my will. I told him that until Saturday morning I had been a virgin. I told him about the shows I was being forced to put on every night in my bedroom window. And finally, I told him what I had been ordered to do tonight.

He looked at me as if I was joking. He sounded confused when he asked, "What if I don't go along? He isn't blackmailing me."

Sometimes he is so fucking stupid!

I said, "Andy, we are in the same fucking boat! If you don't go along with what he wants he will make life even more miserable for me. And if you keep fighting him he can just have our parents arrested. Think about it!"

He was quiet for a few moments and then he said, "So you are going to let me have sex with you tonight? And there will probably be a bunch of people outside watching and taking pictures?"

I shrugged helplessly. It isn't like I had a choice.

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Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries

Susannah Morgan pulled up outside the bungalow where she lived with her parents. She took the car key from the ignition. Opening the car boot she took out a bag containing the new dress she had bought for her best friend’s wedding. She closed the boot and put the car ignition key in her handbag and walked along the path leading to the front door of the detached bungalow, where she lived with her parents, and searched in her handbag for the house key. Her handbag was, as ever, full of everything...

First Time
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 77 Less Than a Game of Bowling

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) Robert, Julia, Carol and I were going bowling, but not before Prof had a few words, "Have you driven at night before, Mark?" Not even in the dimension where #3 and #4 had got their license, as they hadn't had it long enough before merging away to be allowed to drive at night. "Not on roads, no. In a parking lot to show Dad I could drive, after dinner here a while ago. I don't expect any problems though." "Let's be safe anyway. Robert, you sit in...

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The Company Bowling League

I was 48 years old and working as a mid-level marketing manager in an oil company in Houston at the time of this story. Our company sponsored a bowling league, and there was enough interest in bowling that there were a total of 10 four-man teams, each representing a different department. One of my good friends and coworker, Jason Fuller, was on the men’s team for our department, but I never had much of an interest in bowling so I never tried out for the team. Jason was my age and a really nice...

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The Company Bowling League

I was forty-eight years old and working as a mid-level marketing manager in an oil company in Houston at the time of this story. Our company sponsored a bowling league, and there was enough interest in bowling that there were a total of ten four-man teams, each representing a different department. One of my good friends and coworker, Jason Fuller, was on the men’s team from our department, but I never had much of an interest in bowling, so I never tried out for the team.Jason is my age and a...

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Super Bowl Sunday

It was the week before the Super Bowl, Eagles vs. Patriots when I mentioned to my wife that I would be having a friend, Mike, over to watch the game on Sunday. He was passing thru and wanted to get caught up before getting back on the road. He would be able to watch the game then he was going to drive a few hours before stopping for the night. We hadn’t seen each other for a several years since he moved off, but we had been staying in touch. I asked my wife to set up something so that his short...

1 year ago
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Super Bowl Sunday

What a wild day! It was, without doubt, the best Super Bowl Sunday I have ever had. Shit, it might just be one of the best days of my life. I know; you want details. So, here we go. Kelly and I woke up late the morning of the first. We’d stayed out late the night before. It was Kelly’s best friend’s twenty-third birthday so naturally we hit several clubs. We didn’t get home until sometime after 4 AM. We weren’t really tired, but we knew we were supposed to be over at Ken & Brenda’s well before...

Group Sex
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 8 Impaled by the Minotaur

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Eight: Impaled by the Minotaur By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room,...

1 year ago
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Mysterious Hypnotic Spiral Hypnotizes Mom

Susanne Butler was settling in for the night in her house, she was Caucasian, she was 62-years-old, she was 5'8, shoulder length long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing underwear, a long satin silk nightgown, she was also a loving divorcee mother to her 18-year-old teenage Daughter named Katherine, she's also Caucasian, she's 5'7, brunette hair, hazel eyes, her 16-year-old son named Peter, he was also Caucasian, he was 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes, her 3-year-old Toddler son named Mark, and...

Mind Control
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 32 Bowling The Qualifying Part One

We all crowded around lanes twenty to twenty eight (not on the lanes or the approaches of course) while the potential audience, or curious onlookers, and there was plenty of them, stood where they could (again not on lanes or the approaches). I looked around and saw that what Sarah had told my father was true, I saw both of our male and female qualifiers for the recent world cup in Jakarta, and not only that it also looked as though they were a couple. And standing near them were another...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 8 Impaled by the Minotaur

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room, fingers twisted in agony, one of the beast’s victims. My heart hammered fast. We were at the heart of the...

3 years ago
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Blonde in the Bowling Alley

It was an old bowling alley, probably built in the early 1950's when the freeways were just starting to make their way this far out of the city. It contained 30 lanes, a counter where the shoes were stored and the games where paid for, a snack bar, and a separate bar/restaurant. Oh, it had all the other "usuals," a trophy case and a ball cleaner. In short, it looked just like a bowling alley from the 1950's in the suburbs of a large East Coast city. I married her right before I was...

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The Minotaur

The MinotaurI polished the story a bit and finally finished it. This was written as a present to a very special (in a good way) girl here on xhamster. You know who you are. Enjoy ;-)Setting: Warhammer Fantasy, Dark Elf Kingdom of Naggaroth...Part 1: The AmbushThe coach was rumbling along the road going from the city of Ghrond, the northern seat of Morathi's cabal of Sorceresses, to one of the Witch King's Watchtowers in the far north, guarding the Dark Elf kingdom of Naggaroth from incursions...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
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Sometimes a Great Notion

Sometimes a Good Notion... Cecil Barnes loved the flea market. There was just something about slowly meandering through the tables and seeing what people had put out there. It could literally be anything. There were the regulars that basically used their booths to run small businesses out of and sometimes he got quite a few good deals there. There were people who were having a yard sale, people with their perennial craft booths and even sometimes someone there just wanting to find a...

3 years ago
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Sometimes A Great Notion Prologue The Black Lotus

Sometimes a Good Notion... Prologue: The Black Lotus Cecil Barnes loved the flea market. There was just something about slowly meandering through the tables and seeing what people had put out there. It could literally be anything. There were the regulars that basically used their booths to run small businesses out of that were there every day; sometimes he got quite a few good deals there. There were people who were there for a day or two having a yard sale. People with their...

4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 3

The Minotaur got up off the bed, leaving the dazed Ariadne laying there, cum still oozing from her abused slit, too weak and wobbly to get up. He moved over to his chair by the fireplace, but looked over at her from time to time to check on her.Gradually, Ariadne came to her senses. Her moaning diminished and her breathing and heart rate slowed. She stirred, catching his attention and he watched, interested, as she rose to a sitting position. When she felt strong enough, she slipped off the bed...

Monster Sex
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 2

Ariadne felt the odd sensation of being whisked through the air. In her dazed semi-conscious state, she heard a thunderous beating. She could hear it through the soft fur under her ear. Pounding... rhythmic... strangely soothing. As she began to return to consciousness, she slowly opened her eyes. She was being cradled in the strong powerful human arms of the Minotaur. Carried across the room towards the bed she first noticed in the room. She could smell its musky animal scent strongly now - it...

Monster Sex
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A night at the bowling ally I will never forget

Well I had come into contact with an old fling I had when I was much younger, before I was married the first time, but anyways we've been talking again and it's been couple of weeks now and believe me the conversations got more sexual in content every day leading up to tonite. We first started talking about our family's, our jobs and stuff like that. I changed that pretty quick because I remember how crazy this girl was back in the day, oh yeah I took her vaginity and they say u never forget...

4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 1

The Lottery had taken place and the name had been drawn. Only in this Lottery, if your name was drawn you were far from the winner. Ariadne, the youngest daughter of Aegidios, a simple shopkeeper in the village was the name drawn this time.The town drew the name of a virgin girl every three months in this Lottery. You see, this was Pelatrea, and this town was cursed.Long long ago, there was a young woman in the town, an extremely lovely woman, who caught the eye of Zeus, the most powerful of...

Monster Sex
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Tales from the Sugar Bowl 3

She was right…I took some time to develop my profile…I wanted to make sure I didn’t sound wounded nor did I want to create the impression that I was looking for a wife…My profile stated two things clearly…I was looking for a “friends with benefits” situation and would be willing to pay the right woman a monthly allowance…I included a picture that was more casual …and was surprised at the number of women who contacted me. I struggled a bit in engaging with the women who messaged me…it’s been a...

2 years ago
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Super Bowl XXXIII With Kelly

It was Super Bowl Sunday, January of 1999. It was Super Bowl XXXIII. My Packers had been in the previous two games and split the difference by winning one and losing one. I had no skin in this game though. We had a party at our house with a dozen people over. Most were people that Kelly and I knew through our jobs, including our good friends Bob and Lisa.The game wasn’t all that exciting and everyone headed home after the halftime show except for Bob and Lisa. Kelly and Lisa had both been...

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Super Bowl 50 with Queen B

I want to say in advance that english is not my first language so I’m sorry for any error .Enjoy it! It was the halftime show at Super Bowl 50, I was one of the lucky few to be on the field under the stage .I was dreaming of seeing Beyonce live for ages, I was kind of obsessed with her .I didn’t like her song much but for sure I liked her body and especially her big ass .Seeing her shaking it at like 15 ft from me was absolutely incredible .I was there with a boner just for seeing here dancing...

1 year ago
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Super Bowl Fun Denver in Super Bowl again Yeah

This story happened during Super Bowl XXII 1988 Washington vs Denver I was a big Denver fan and my husband and his two friends (Gerry and Carl) were rooting for Washington. Gerry and Carl were both divorced so it was just the four of us eating, drinking and watching the pre game. Hubby had always told me that his friends thought I was sexy. So we made a bet that if Denver won they would have to strip for me, and if Washington won I would strip for them. No problem in my mind, I had faith in...

4 years ago
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Super Bowl Afterparty Turns Wild Part 1

Over the years I've had several loving relationships, many of them spanning several years. Luckily I've been able to maintain strong friendships with most of them. My current girlfriend, Megan, is very secure with our relationship and welcoming to anyone wanting to be a part of our inner circle, including my ex-girlfriends. The other factor that's helpful is that Megan and my exes are very similar regarding their interests, and I’m not referring to their sexual interests.For Super Bowl LI...

Wife Lovers
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Super Bowl Party

This story takes place a few weeks after the events in "Birthday Party."Chaz and I were still fucking. And sucking. Every opportunity we got. Weekends were spent at his place or mine, making the bedsheets filthy. We hardly spent any time at our favorite watering hole any more. We were too busy getting each other off.We did get an invite to a Super Bowl party. And while we didn't really want to go, we figured we hadn't seen some of our friends in a while. And it might be nice to do something...

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Super Bowl 50 with Queen B

I want to say in advance that english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any error .Enjoy it!It was the halftime show at Super Bowl 50, I was one of the lucky few to be on the field under the stage .I was dreaming of seeing Beyonce live for ages, I was kind of obsessed with her .I didn't like her song much but for sure I liked her body and especially her big ass .Seeing her shaking it at like 15 ft from me was absolutely incredible .I was there with a boner just for seeing here dancing...

1 year ago
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Super Bowl Fun Denver in Super Bowl again Yeah

This story happened during Super Bowl XXII 1988 Washington vs DenverI was a big Denver fan and my husband and his two friends (Gerry and Carl) were rooting for Washington. Gerry and Carl were both divorced so it was just the four of us eating, drinking and watching the pre game. Hubby had always told me that his friends thought I was sexy.So we made a bet that if Denver won they would have to strip for me, and if Washington won I would strip for them. No problem in my mind, I had faith in...

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The Bowl

What first attracts me to all women is the vibrancy of life I see in their eyes. There is where a woman tells you so very much without ever saying one word, and for those men who are aware of the enormously varied ways women communicate, there is an abundance to be discovered from eye contact. Usually I won't hold the gaze of most women. I see all I want in the slightest glance, and immediately know there is nothing worth pursuing. My predator nature instinctively tells me who is and who...

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The Making of a Super Bowl Champion

The Making of a Super Bowl Champion                                7 Apr 2011 12:15 pmChapter 1My pet is such a sweet boy.  Entirely oblivious to his own worth.  I do try to instill a higher sense of self-esteem in him, but I temper it with some humility.  It just wouldn’t do for him to realize how very special he is.  There are enough egotistical men in the world, without adding to the supply.  So I am, perhaps, overly harsh with him on occasion.  I also keep him at arm’s length as much as...

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Losing the Super Bowl

1F/F Humiliation / Spank / BondageOK, it was a stupid bet, I know it was a stupid bet, but we were at a Super Bowl party and I had a little too much to drink and everyone was egging me on all the way.  My name is Shelly and I work in a data processing center in Minneapolis with 22 other women.  The office Super Bowl party is a tradition that goes back to before I started working there 6 years ago.  Every year the entire office gets together for a ?girls only? Super Bowl party, and every year...

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Moms Accidental Super Bowl Orgasm

I had just completed training and certified in Swedish Massage using my hands and a Swedish Massage that fit the back of my hand.. I was at my Moms house to watch super bowl on her then what seemed to be large 55" Flat-screen TV.. as part of the deal was I was to give her a nice massage..So I show up at my Moms with folding massage table and I asked where she wanted me to set up.. She asked if I could do it in the living room so I could watch the game at the same time.. I said sure and figured...

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Moms Massage Super Bowl Orgasm Accidental

I had just completed training and certified in Swedish Massage using my hands and a Swedish Massage that fit the back of my hand.. I was at my Moms house to watch super bowl on her then what seemed to be large 55" Flat-screen TV.. as part of the deal was I was to give her a nice massage..So I show up at my Moms with folding massage table and I asked where she wanted me to set up.. She asked if I could do it in the living room so I could watch the game at the same time.. I said sure and figured...

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Sexual Acts Drawn From A Bowl

Jade stood at the floor-to-ceiling windows of the condominium, looking down on the people passing by on the sidewalk below heading to the pool, the beach, or town. Never in a million years would she have thought that a girl from the wrong side of the tracks would be living in a million-dollar condominium…all from selling her body to the highest bidders. When she arrived in Florida all those years ago, broke, with just a backpack and the clothes on her back, Jade never dreamed at thirty, she...

Group Sex
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Super Bowl Sexparty

The goddamn Super Bowl. My husband makes such a big deal out it. Three or four of his buddies show up hours before the game to drink beer and juice up their testosterone so they can yell at the TV. I’ve always been bored. This year I decided to spice things up as only a woman can. “I’ll make you a deal,” I told my husband Bill. “Instead of betting on the game, bet on me.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well,” I said, “Give me the four hundred dollars you guys always put in your football pool...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 54 Preparing for the Super Bowl

I let everyone know about the reappearance of my brother. No one was very worried about him. Mike had proved to be a coward. The only worry was that he might try to catch one of the girls alone. Morgan used some contacts he had through his construction work and a week later gave everyone in our group pepper spray canisters. School continued. The teachers were increasingly distracted though, and the lessons suffered. Some of the teachers spent most of their time trying to chat up the students...

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