DanicaPart 16C free porn video

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Danica heard the chime announcing a visitor immediately upon stepping from her bath. She quickly dried with a towel and pulled on fresh clothing just as Zoraster appeared in her doorway.

It took a great deal of self-control not to show evidence of her surprise when the Archmage paused with a look of irritation at the doorway to her room, pulling an ornate wand of ivory from somewhere within his robes before proceeding.

"I will have the obelisk now," he said to her.

Danica gestured to where the box containing the item rested on a dressing table.

"A lead lined box. I trust you found my prize disturbing?"

"It's sentient, and none too friendly. We didn't feel like waging a war for our souls with it," Danica explained.

"A wise caution," Zoraster admitted as he picked up the box and opened it. "Well, my little trinket, you do seem a bit angry, don't you?"

"What now? Shall we go desecrate a temple and tempt our fate further?" Danica asked with a little of her fire rising up within her.

"Your freedom is granted, and I have no need for your services at this time. Inform Celes the same applies to her," Zoraster said absently, and then vanished with the box.

Danica raised her eyebrows in surprise. She had never seen her tormentor so absorbed with anything before.

Celes walked into her room, "Did I hear Zoraster?"

"He's gone already. Our freedoms are granted and it seems our time is our own."

"As much as it can be," Celes said with a sigh.

"Well, now that we're clean and the heat of the day is cooling, let's get something to eat and I'll show you around the city. The artwork and statues here are breathtaking."

The two friends ate a light meal, Celes forced to avert her eyes from Hathortari often because of the painful feelings the woman sparked within her. Danica could feel the desire and pain coming from Celes in waves, and quickly led her from the house once they had eaten.

Once outside, Danica brought the subject up, "I'm sorry Tari pains you so much. Maybe we should just go, once we take a look around."

Celes shook her head. "No, I'll be fine. It just takes time for me to control myself around someone new. I've been able to sit and talk to Andrea for hours of late. We seem to share some similar interests. I've been able to fight past my attraction to her and concentrate on our friendship like I do with you."

A bright smile spread across Danica's face. "That's wonderful. We should have her over to my rooms as soon as we return. I've never had the chance to cook for her, and odds are I'll need to recharge her ring if she has been seeing her man as often as she had been last time we talked."

"And Marlena — the poor girl needs friends, and we're about all she has. She isn't coping with her new life as well as we are."

"I think we cope too well sometimes," Danica said aloud, and then spoke into Celes' mind, I need to tell you something else, but we should go to the temple to speak of it.

Celes acknowledged the mind contact with a sort of mental nod that made Danica smile wide and laugh. Danica noticed something just in front of Celes then and cried out, "Look out, scorpion!"

Celes was just about to step on the creature when Danica's cry alerted her to it. She yelped in surprise and sidestepped, pushing her hands forward in an instinctive warding gesture toward the creature.

Danica's mouth popped wide open when the scorpion vanished and instantly reappeared several feet away.

We need to go to the temple — now, Celes thought, the contact filled with a mixture of pain and anger.

Danica acknowledged the thought, and the pair immediately proceeded to the temple of Sekmamun.

Zoraster sat on a plain wooden chair, before a plain wooden table, in a small, featureless room. On the table before him sat the box he had retrieved only moments earlier from Danica. His heart beat quickly in anticipation, and his mouth watered.

Opening the box, he stared at the obelisk and shivered as he felt the waves of malevolent desire rolling from it, enticing him to pick it up and promising to suck his very life from him at the same time.

He stared at the object, steeling his will against its intrusions into his mind. Almost instantly, he felt the aura retreat, and he smiled. Continuing to bear down with his will, he ensured he was in complete control of the situation — and of himself.

At last, he reached toward the box. "You will be mine, and through you all shall be within my grasp."

Zoraster grasped the obelisk and stiffened as the violent mental battle began — practiced and powerful Archmage against ancient evil artifact.

Celes sat down heavily in a chair, and Danica sat down opposite her. "How did you do that?" Danica asked.

Celes sighed, and then grit her teeth. "I'm a witch. That is my power, I can move things — teleport them with a wave of my hand. I thought I was rid of it forever."

Danica's expression betrayed her confusion as she said, "I don't understand. I thought witches needed potions and crystals and such to work magic. And why would you want to be rid of your power?"

Celes threw up her hands, and clenched her fists. A second later, a look crossed her face suggesting that she was worried about having made the gesture. "Mother always said I had a special destiny — that our line was destined for some grand task. She was a witch as well, though her powers were mental, like your psionic abilities. She was killed by a demon and I swore I was done with my destiny and being a witch altogether. My grandmother died the same way, and probably every other female member of my family."

"So you just stopped using your power?"

Celes shook her head and told her, "It wasn't that simple, as you can tell now that it has been forced back on me. The power is tied to my emotions, and anything can set it off. Moving my hands always seems to be part of it. Mother always squinted when she used her powers. My lover was a witch as well, and I convinced her to seal my powers using my mother's grimoire. She didn't like it, and tried to talk me out of it, but I insisted. In the end, she relented, with the condition that my powers would return if they were ever the only means to save my life."

"The trap in the tomb?" Danica guessed.

"Yes, I should be dead, and instead I'm stuck with these accursed powers again," Celes answered, punctuating it with a sigh.

"Maybe your mother was right. Maybe it is your destiny and you can't escape it."

"And my fate?" Celes spat out angrily.

"As if we aren't already trapped in a nightmare..." Danica mumbled.

Celes opened her mouth to speak again, but stopped and thought about what Danica had said. "I suppose you're right. There isn't much a demon could do to me that would be worse than what Zoraster has already done. I don't have much choice anyhow, because without my mother's grimoire and another witch to help, I can't seal my powers again, anyway. Are you alright? What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Have you ever heard of the Awakening?" Danica asked her.

"Yes, it's an Eroti... Oh, Danica, it has been done to you hasn't it?"

Danica nodded to indicate Celes was right and said, "I discovered it while I was here. We probably have no idea what has been done to us. What we do know may only be a tiny part of it."

"And yet you cope with the results of a powerful magic put upon you by a god, while I complain about having power I don't want," Celes said and let her chin drop toward her chest.

"Can you control your power?" Danica questioned.

"I could when I was little. Mother was teaching me before she died, because she said if I didn't control it, I could hurt people with it. She said my powers would grow in time too. I guess I'm going to have to learn to deal with it."

"We'll have to hide it from Zoraster, like my mental abilities," Danica reasoned.

"I don't think so. I believe he knows what I am. He calls me witch often enough, and this body he gave me is exactly what most people think of a witch as looking like. No, he knows I'm a witch, knows I hate it, and uses it as another weapon against me," Celes disagreed.

"Then turn that weapon against him," Danica said with a smile. "Embrace your power and let it grow. I suppose I've done the same thing, because I'm used to my desires now, and I actually enjoy them and the results sometimes."

Celes smiled weakly. "I suppose you're right, but don't blame me when demons start falling on our heads coming after me. It seems to be the fate of every woman in my family. If we have a destiny, it seems somebody on the other side doesn't want to see it happen."

"And maybe they're not ready for a witch who is also a powerful wizard, with a friend who can use the power of her mind, as well as magic," Danica said, reaching out to touch her friend's arm.

Celes' smile broadened and she said, "You should learn the Hellgate. Zoraster kept it from us for a reason, and anything he doesn't want us to have can't be a bad thing."

"I'll fetch the scroll," Danica said and turned toward the proper bookshelf.

"And I shall fetch you both something to drink and eat while you work." The pair turned to see Harkhuf standing in the doorway of the library. "Fear not, all your secrets are safe within these walls. I shall reveal nothing of which you speak while within these sacred spaces."

"Thank you, Harkhuf," Danica said and smiled.

He winked and gestured, causing the scroll Danica sought to hover free of its niche in the wall and unroll on the table before her.

Once again, Danica turned to the task of learning the difficult, but useful spell.

Only the passage of time, had they been conscious of it, would have alerted them it was well into night as they studied in the windowless inner library within the temple. Both women were deeply involved in their studies, paying no attention to the world around them save to nibble on a bit of fruit or sip a drink on occasion.

Danica silently pronounced the last word of the Hellgate spell in her mind, and felt an intense burning sensation spread throughout her body. She stiffened, and knew the spell was hers.

Celes noticed her reaction, "Did you get it right?"

Danica wrapped her arms around her for a moment. "Yes. That was a little disconcerting. It almost felt like it was burning — really burning. I usually get a similar sensation when I master a spell, but this was just..."

"The spell has some connection to dark magic. Not enough that I'm all worried about it, but it's there. So long as you control the magic, and don't let it control you, it can be useful," Celes offered as an explanation for the unusual sensation Danica had experienced.

"Have you learned spells like this before?" Danica asked with a shiver.

"I know a couple of necromantic spells — blood magic, and the like. Nothing too ghastly, but there are some times when you just have to use whatever tools are available," Celes answered.

"I don't know if I'm ready to try that," Danica said with a note of trepidation in her voice.

"Well, are you ready to try casting the Hellgate?" Celes asked.

Danica considered for a moment and said, "Now is as good a time as any, I suppose."

Danica stood and began the complicated gestures and accompanying chant, bringing the magical portal of the Hellgate into being.

Celes took Danica's hand in hers, "Just like we did before, we go through together. Remember, those things in there are going to feed on your greatest desires and try to corrupt you through them," Celes cautioned her.

Danica nodded her understanding and they stepped through the portal.

The landscape was a wooded glade at the bottom of a high cliff. A waterfall cascaded into a deep, crystal clear pool of water. Both women caught glimpses of something moving in the underbrush and behind the boles of trees.

Danica turned to Celes to find her smiling, appearing young and vibrant as she had when they had last used the Hellgate spell in this way.

Celes squeezed Danica's hand. "It means a lot to me that one of your deepest desires is for me to be myself again. Now, what is with you?"

Danica looked down at herself and realized there was something different, "I wish I had a mirror."

A magnificent full-length mirror, the likes of which might be found in a Queen's dressing chamber, appeared in front of Danica as she spoke.

Danica looked around warily, "Did they do that?"

Celes shook her head. "Only after a fashion. You control the environment here, and you'll get better at it in time. It's powered by the things, but you control it either consciously or unconsciously. But, you're stalling. Look in the mirror."

Danica then looked in the mirror and raised her eyebrow in surprise. She was taller, her legs far longer than they should be. Her waist was trimmer, her hips narrower, and her breasts were slightly smaller — and a great deal perkier. Her hair was more red than auburn, and her facial features were more classically defined.

In short, she looked a great deal like her sister, Devan.

Celes observed, "Well, we know where you think your flaws are. So what do you think?"

Danica looked at the image staring back in the mirror, and with sudden clarity realized that she really didn't like how she always thought she should look. Almost instantly, the image changed back to her normal appearance.

Celes chuckled and said, "You see, even dark magic can be used to good ends. That had to be an eye opening experience. I prefer you as you are as well."

"I guess you're right. It looks like I just learned the same lesson you did when Zoraster cursed you," Danica reasoned.

Celes grinned and patted Danica's arm. "Exactly — be happy with what you have."

Celes' beauty entrapped Danica as the other woman smiled at her. "Are you sure that it would be a bad thing for us to..." she said, reaching toward Celes.

Celes slapped her playfully on the wrist. "Yes, and quit tempting me. You'd better reign in the natives."

Looking around, Danica agreed it was time to reign in the disguised demons that populated her little alternate reality. Stunningly beautiful women and handsome, muscled men approached from their places in hiding. All were nude, and all were endowed in the most interesting places to eye-popping degrees.

Staring them down, Danica said, "Put some clothes on and get back in the bushes until I tell you to come out."

The creatures hesitated at first, the males posing to show off their muscles and the females sauntering closer while licking their lips. Danica furled her brow, concentrated, and the creatures immediately cringed. All dropped to their knees, instantly clothed, and scurried off into the underbrush.

"That will learn them," Celes said and laughed at the scrambling demons.

"That wasn't so difficult."

"You have an advantage. You already have mental powers, and this is much the same. The process felt like when I've used charming spells."

Danica banished the mirror she had manifested with a thought and smiled at the ease with which she controlled this strange little conjured world. "You said time doesn't move the same here as it does outside?"

"You pretty much have control over that as well, but like I said, the longer you stay here the more dangerous it becomes. Those things will corrupt you. What do you have in mind?"

Danica shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure yet. I just look for anything that might give us an advantage over Zoraster."

Celes took in a deep breath of the floral scented air. "It's a damn shame this place is made of pure evil, because it's beautiful. I should probably get back and start trying to deal with my power. I'll probably be cloistered away for a while, because I need to be able to master my emotions if I want to have any hope of succeeding."

"If you need anything, just come see me. I'll miss you, and don't forget we have a date to spend time with Marlena and Andrea," Danica said and opened the portal back into the temple of Sekmamun.

They both stepped through the portal and Celes sighed, hefting her sagging breasts. "I think I'll use a normal teleport to return."

Danica hugged her friend and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Don't lock yourself away too long."

Celes smiled, cast the common spell of teleportation, and vanished.

When Danica turned to leave the temple, she found Harkhuf standing in the doorway, looking concerned.

"What's wrong, Harkhuf?"

"I wished to warn you to tread lightly. Five sons of the great Pharaoh have come to our city."

Danica raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Five sons? He must be a very busy man."

"They are but the youngest of thirty. Pharaoh remains vigorous despite his age, and has many concubines. These are far removed from the divine throne, but are still Sons of the Living God."

"It may be a good time to lock myself up in the house until I'm ready to leave," Danica mused.

Harkhuf nodded his agreement. "That may indeed be a wise course of action. I shall have scribes continue to copy the spells within these walls and have them sent to you."

"Tari can keep them for me if I'm away and I'll pick them up the next time I pass through." Danica felt a familiar sensation bubbling up within her, the building pressure of her desire, denied for too long. "Maybe I could hide away here for a few hours," she purred and ran a finger along his bare chest.

Harkhuf stiffened and closed his eyes for a moment. "Would that I could accommodate you, but I must purify my body and soul for a sacred ceremony."

Danica pouted prettily for a moment, but shook it off and said, "Perhaps the next time I'm here then?"

"I would be most pleased to share my bed with you again."

She blew him a kiss and exited the library then, returning to the outpost and her own room. A sigh escaped her as she realized the sun was near to rising. She lay down in her bed and used her toy to relieve the ache between her legs before drifting off to sleep.

The sun had set, risen, and now dropped toward the horizon once more. Zoraster remained in the same position he had assumed upon grasping the obelisk. His eyes were wide open, bloodshot, and saw nothing. Tears streamed down from his eyes to lips set in a snarl over tightly clenched teeth. The tears mingled with rivulets of sweat escaping from every pore of his body, and a constant trembling shook his robed form.

The artifact began to tremble and hum in his tightly clenched fist. A nightblue aura of light pulsed around the artifact, growing brighter. The light intensified, and so did the trembling and sweating of the man who clutched it.

Just as it seemed their shaking would tear them both apart, the Archmage let out a snarl of rage that changed to a scream of triumph as he raised the obelisk high and its glow vanished.

Zoraster laughed weakly in victory, staring at the artifact. "You are mine!" Bracing his body with a hand on the table before him, he rose unsteadily to his feet. A thought brought his staff to him, a staff imbued with so much magic that any common wizard could not have even held in his hand.

That symbol of his power now served to aid his steps as he hobbled out of the room where he had defeated the obelisk, clutching it tightly in his hand. Leaning against the doorway, the Archmage pulled forth a small vial and brought it to his lips with a trembling hand.

As the rejuvenate potion coursed through his blood, his strength somewhat returned. It would take far more than a simple potion to renew the physical and mental strength lost in the battle he had just won, and he intended to have that now.

Concentrating, he activated a power within his staff that he rarely used, preferring to rely upon his own power for such spells. The teleportation magic carried him to his personal dungeon.

Moving with more strength now, he passed the cells of unfortunates that had transgressed against him. None would be missed in the world beyond, he was careful to ensure that, and one in particular was of no more use to him whatsoever.

Arriving at her cell, he looked in upon her. Once she had been beautiful, but lack of food and rest — coupled with torture — had taken its toll. She was gaunt, bones easily visible beneath her pale skin, and her head was bare from tearing out her own hair.

He removed the magical barrier that held her captive and stepped inside. Weakly, the woman tried to move away from the approaching Archmage, but she had little strength and soon collapsed to the floor.

"Perhaps you are now willing to tell me what I wish to know?" Zoraster asked, knowing the answer he would receive. He had tried all means of torture and magic to discern the secrets he wished from her, to no avail. The woman would go to her grave with the secrets of psionic defense she possessed.

"Never," the woman hoarsely replied.

Zoraster smiled. Her body was weak, but her spirit was still strong. Her defiance presented Zoraster with another means to serve him now. Calling upon the powers of his staff, he lifted her body and slammed it against the wall. When she struck, manacles of magic closed around her wrists and ankles, pulling and holding her spread out wide before him.

"Take... Body... Still..." The woman weakly attempted to taunt him.

He knew what she meant to say, as she had said it each time he had ordered her sexually assaulted, or had done so himself. "You misunderstand, to some extent. I am indeed here for your body, but not in such a manner as you believe."

Pulling the obelisk from his robes, he walked in front of her. Concentrating for a moment, he stared at the obelisk. The artifact changed into a serrated dagger of deepest black, surrounded by an aura of darkness. Stepping forward, he moved the tip of the knife toward her breast, just touching the blade to her nipple.

The woman moaned in terror as she felt her very life sucked from her. Zoraster, in turn, shuddered as he felt that strength transferred to him. Pulling the dagger away, he pressed it against her other breast, closer to her heart. She did not moan this time. Her head, which had been raised in defiance, dropped limp to her chest.

Pulling the dagger away again, he licked his lips and reveled in the feeling of her lifeforce surging through his body, rejuvenating him. He pulled her head upward just enough that she could see what he was doing, making sure her eyes were open. He leaned down and looked into her eyes with a wide smile, drinking in the terror within her bloodshot orbs.

He then thrust the dagger between her legs and into her depths to the hilt, violating her one last time even as she died.

Her lifeforce surged through the dagger into Zoraster's body, restoring his strength, and even increasing it. The woman's thoughts and memories leeched from her as well, imprisoned within the knife for the Archmage to glean at will. In the end, Zoraster stood straight and confident, tightly gripping the dagger buried in the dry husk of the woman's body.

Pulling the dagger free, he smiled at the sound, similar to sheaves of dry parchment tearing. He then concentrated again, and the dagger changed back into its familiar obelisk form.

Slipping the obelisk back in his robes, Zoraster clenched his fists and felt the power flowing through him. He reached up to the neck of the withered corpse above him and gripped it. The flesh collapsed against the bone, flakes and dust filtering down to the floor. With a jerk, he pulled the corpse forward and hurled it toward the floor.

Sharp cracks sounded as the hands and feet of the corpse snapped off where they were held by the manacles. A cloud of dust arose when the rest of the corpse hit the floor with great force. Bones and bits of leathery flesh scattered everywhere.

Slapping his hands together to brush the dust off of them, Zoraster smiled and walked over the dusty remnants of the woman's corpse out of the cell. "Farewell, my dear. We could have had an arrangement, but alas that is now just — dust in the wind."

Loud mocking laughter echoed through the corridors as the Archmage walked away.

Danica spent the day in study once she had awakened, and thus she started when Tari called to her from the doorway of her room. Danica had not even noticed the woman approaching.

"Danica, a messenger has arrived for you from the palace."

Tari's discomfort was obvious, and that did not bode well in Danica's mind. She rose immediately and exited her room, telling Tari she could go back to her room if she wanted to. Tari breathed a sigh of relief at this news, and Danica gave her a little kiss on the forehead before sending her on her way.

Walking into the common room, Danica found an unfamiliar man waiting for her. It took only a moment of observation to determine he was connected with people of high rank. He had on gold bracelets, gold earrings, and even his fine linen kilt was trimmed with gold. "I'm Danica," she informed him.

Bowing his head to her, the messenger said, "Khepri, Son of the Living God, Pharaoh Sheshonq, requests that you dance for him in the palace when the Sun God sleeps."

So much for laying low, Danica thought, and then answered, "I would be honored to dance for the Son of Pharaoh. Please tell him that I will come."

The messenger bowed again, and Danica showed him to the door. Looking out the door as she let him out, Danica realized she didn't have long to prepare if she wanted to reach the palace in time.

She hurried to her bath, asking Tari to prepare something specific — very revealing and easily shed — for her to dance in. Once she finished bathing, Danica put on the clothing Tari had laid out for her. The linen top hung from her shoulders by thin straps and just covered her breasts, leaving her midriff bare. In truth, it did little to cover her since it was so sheer as to appear almost completely transparent.

Her pleated skirt was made of the same material, but hid more of her because of the pleats. The way the pleats were fashioned, Danica knew that concealing element would vanish quickly if she spun even slightly as she danced.

She put on the bracelets and anklets with the bells that sounded like cymbals, and added a beaded rope belt having more of the same bells attached to it. She slipped on a pair of sandals, but these were simply to protect her feet on the journey to the palace. She would take them — and the linen robe she put on last — off before she danced.

Once she was prepared, Danica stepped outside and discovered that at least the trip to the palace would not prove troublesome. The palace had sent a curtained sedan chair for her, borne upon long poles by a dozen strong men. The messenger who had informed her of the Prince's desire to see her dance gestured to the conveyance when Danica emerged from the house.

Danica pulled the curtains when she sat down, feeling self-conscious about people carrying her around like royalty. She found the curtains were sheer enough that she could easily see through them. The cushions were soft and comfortable, and the bearers well trained. The ride was swift and pleasant, and she soon recognized the interior of the palace. The bearers only sat the chair down when they had arrived within the audience hall where she had danced before.

Danica stepped from inside the curtains to see that only the sons of the King were present in the hall, along with a troupe of musicians. The bearers and the messenger who had delivered her left the room as soon as she exited the conveyance.

Danica stepped forward and curtsied, saying, "I am honored that you would seek me out and request that I dance for you."

The young man, whom Danica determined must be the oldest since he sat on the throne, flanked by his younger brothers, replied, "These halls echo with praises for your dance, and we would see such wonders ourselves."

The men were obviously brothers, and all very close in age. Unless Danica missed her guess, some of them had different mothers, because she doubted from looking at them that there was enough difference in their ages to have allowed one woman to bear them all.

All had dark hair, worn long, and skin tone that was dusky but looked more like a tan than the darker skin of the commoners. They were all powerfully built, and quite handsome. Danica felt a tingle run through her breasts and between her legs as she looked on them.

Danica smiled and said, "Allow me a moment to speak with the musicians and I will be pleased to dance for you."

She did just that, telling the musicians to strike up the same music from her last dance. She planned to do the same routine, only slightly modified for the different audience.

Upon informing the musicians of the music and cues, Danica returned to her spot before the throne, removing her sandals and robe. Smiles crept onto the faces of the brothers as she revealed her body to them.

Danica lifted her arms above her head, signaling for the music to begin. Her dance was once again flawless, and this time she took pains to make intimate eye contact with each of the brothers, as she had with the governor before. The evidence of the men's arousal was evident shortly after Danica began her dance, kilts rising into tents from their laps.

Same as Danica
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Life Renewed II Love Renewed

Life Renewed II: Love Renewed By StefB Many thanks to LorasPa6 for everything you do. This story would not be what it is if you were not around to bounce ideas off of. Also thanks to you Kris. A third set of eyes is greatly appreciated and your input was perfect. Chapter One Once I was properly situated in my private room of the hospital, having been stabbed by my ex boyfriend Razor, Mom and Dad were the first to enter. "Darling, are you ok? I was so afraid we'd lost you...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Dolly Part 3

The final chapter based on reader comments. All the usual and customary disclaimers apply. Maybe downloaded for personal use only. Any other use by author's permission only. Rated X and not for the sweet/sentimental reader although Allen is free to be himself in the end. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. My Pretty Dolly Part 3 By Cheryl Lynn Brian was in his late fifties and lived on a two hundred acre farm/dairy. He never married, kept to himself and had a...

1 year ago
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My Wet NeighbourChapter 7

I decided not to return to the shop for a few days. Firstly because I had by now ordered a large strap-on dildo and two vibrators from an internet site and I wanted to have the dildo with me when I returned. Secondly I wanted Lisa to have plenty of time to think about the challenge she had thrown down; so when I returned to the shop she would be sure of what she was doing. When I did finally decide to go, I again left it late in the day. I wanted Lisa's mother to be able to close the shop,...

2 years ago
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Understanding Aunty

Hi, this is Ramesh from Nepal. I think there are very few stories of Nepal. Nepal is a sign of love and peace. Nowadays peace has been erased but still there is love. Let me introduce myself to u all. I am 19 yrs. old, 6ft. ht. and a nice 6 inch long dick. I am about to tell u about my incident with my aunt (neighbor). Her name is Rupa. She has a perfect body. She is married and has 2 children. Even though she is older than me I had a big crush on her and wanted to have sex with her. Her...

1 year ago
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Cupid Boy and the Tenticular Terror

Author's note: This is set in the 'Exotix Bar' universe and features characters from the stories 'An American Were-Hypnotist in London', 'Supernatural Erotic Xenomorphs' and 'Cupid Boy'. Don't worry though it is a stand alone story. Special thanks to 'Putrescent Stench' for use of some characters. Cupid Boy 2: Cupid Boy and Tenticular Terror The Exotix Bar, (located in a small parasite dimension illegally attached to reality by questionable methods...) It's Monday morning, and...

2 years ago
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Straight teen boys

SHORT STORY ___________________________________________________________________________________ :) It was a Friday, my friend & I had plan to go to a party that night with a couple of other friends. At the time we were both 15. After school he told me that if i could picked him up because he didn't had a ride. I told him I was going to ask my mom. Later that night her text me if i was going to pick him up and I told him to be ready like at 8pm. After my mom picked him up she...

3 years ago
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The Heat

Spring in New Orleans. The nighttime air is still crisp but warm compared to my hometown in the North. I revelled in the warm Mississippi breeze, letting it kiss my skin and breathing it all in. Pushing my way through the drunken debauchery on Bourbon Street, I turned down Ursulines Ave, past the infamous convent and took a left at Decatur Street. I entered the restaurant alone. It was late, much later than most people would arrive for dinner. But food was never really in my plans, however...

Straight Sex
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My Sexy Receptionist Gita

Hello friends and this is Akshay here. This is my first story so kindly spare me for my mistakes, and lemme know what improvements could be made for the next time and this is real true story. The story started those days when I finally got admitted in my class 11th. It was a tough job for me as i had always been week in studies. I was basically very intelligent but i never wanted to study. I always wanted to do business. the only reason for this was my father. He’s a big business man and has...

3 years ago
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angels Silent Obedience

She can feel the steady beat of her heart as she lay there very still... waiting. It has already seemed like forever since He tied her here and left her alone. Her wrists and ankles are bound tautly to the bed... spreading her smoothly shaved and vulnerable sex open to the night air. A soft blindfold covers her intense hazel blue eyes and a silken gag prevents her from speaking. All she has is her heightened sense of hearing left to bring her into the world of reality. Across the room she...

2 years ago
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Fatimas escapades Part 3

Irfaan was delighted to find out that Fatima was the same woman from the park. He'd been afraid that he'd never see her again. He'd ended up fucking her in her parents kitchen the day before. She'd been amazing, absolutely driving him crazy with her eager willingness to submit to his every need. He wanted to know more of her. He needed to know more, to feel more, to discover more. He'd suggested to her parents he'd like to pick her up for gym every day and drop her off at the end of the...

2 years ago
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Stephanie finds a lover on a long space mission 3

The longest night, Part ThreeWhen she woke up later, still feeling like she was watching herself, she laid very still and pretended to still be asleep. In her head, she reached out to see if she could contact the creature. “Hello?” she thought. “Stephanie?” She heard and all of a sudden, she had a thought that shocked her. She was being kept as a sex slave. But that didn’t make sense; she was only getting what she wanted. If she wanted to leave, would it let her?What did the creature want out...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 18

Saturday, November 6, 1976 Dr. Albright came into the room, “Hello Michael, I just stopped in to say hello. I’m sorry to see you here under these circumstances. I just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery. I can’t spend a lot of time, however, as I am on call this weekend, so I’ve got to get started on rounds. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thanks for stopping in doc, I am starting to feel much better. I glad that you’re here. I know I’m in good hands.” I said with a...

1 year ago
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Hot mean and full of steam

she moved her strings to the side grabbin her pussy from behind "Rub your cock please, rub it right here yeah right here please" she said as she looked back at me with puppy eyes. I took my cock and... I Just got accepted to this great university to study for my masters degree. After a break of 2 years. I anyways, i got to class and sat there looking at the board and super bored to be honest. Another class i had to go through that i totally hated. People were coming in to class, one after the...

First Time
2 years ago
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European Vacation

Introduction: Indiscretion in a european hostel First off, I want to tell you that the following story is almost completely true. I have only added a few spicy details where my memory of the actual events was a little hazy. I cant really talk about it to anyone I know, so I decided to type it up and post it here. My name is Serena. Im a married 28 year old woman. I love my husband Derrick dearly, but he has a real problem with jealousy and gets mad at me when other men so much as look at me....

3 years ago
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A Dutiful Daughter

Introduction: A story of lost and reconnection between a small family My name is Ben Carter today isnt such a great day as its been exactly three years since the tragic loss of my wife. I havent been the same since, every day been a blur of mundane activities. Waking up from either a dream or nightmare of her living with Autumn and me still, or her leaving us her screams from the car accident that took her life still echo in my nightmares. Then I go to the warehouse where I work as a supervisor...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 330 Giving Thanks

Who might this be? A naked waif of a girl, even too skinny to be a pixie, slipped into the shower with me. The only fat she had in her body was in her small breasts, and she only had a minimal amount of muscle to participate in gym class. She was only an inch shorter than me. “It took them long enough to get to sleep, finally,” the girl said to me. “I’ve sat outside your bedroom door since my sister brought my cousin and me over to join the orgy they planned. My niece was wrong about Ethen...

4 years ago
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The Midnight Walk

Something powerful stirred inside me when I heard the groan of carnal satisfaction over the gentle waves. That something had been trying to return for a while, nudged toward life with every sultry glance and beautiful body that I encountered or imagined. But when I turned the corner that night and saw her on his lap, rolling her hips, unmistakeably fucking, that was when it officially re-awakened. It had been asleep for literally years; when I moved to Jamaica, it truly slept in peace. It was a...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Sasur Ji Bane Saiyaan Ji

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahaani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu. Jiske bare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati, Ghosh Babu, meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

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Carree Loves Billy AwakeningChapter 3

I thought to put one finger on my butthole and one on my clit, but to do that I would have to lean forward too much and I was afraid of the blanket falling down. That would have to wait for a more private session. As the girl on the screen said "do me doggie", he pulled his dick from her pussy to let her off the couch. She knelt on the floor and spread her knees and lowered her head to a waiting pillow. I must have been distracted the first time I saw this, because I hadn't noticed that,...

3 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Part 6

From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter Six Brad Beth immediately begin working on some of the changes that she and Thomas had discussed during his visit. She went out and bought an organizer and notebooks. She downloaded all of her class syllabus and assignments onto her IPad-Old Beth had never read them, she just seemed to get by. Old Beth had never bothered to purchase the class books. New Beth purchased and downloaded all of her class books onto her kindle app on her...

3 years ago
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Sibling Seduction Ch 03

He was busy the following weekend, and so it was 2 weeks before he could make it over there again. He was going there too much, anyway. She emailed to him that she missed him, and wanted to see him badly. They continued to masturbate about each other all the time, 3 sometimes 4 times per day. The weekend he didn’t show up, Amy frigged her wet little pussy 11 times on Saturday and Sunday! She constantly pictured her brother’s rampant penis sliding into her tight vagina. She has only had 2 cocks...

1 year ago
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Trying times

i`d been out all night and had only met a couple of fellas around midnight it was about to get light soon so i`d better get myself off somewhere a little more suitableas i`m a bit more tarty than usual... i`d been walks.. across the carrigeway and around the estate ther i`d ventured a fair bit further than antisipated and found myself lost .having to make haste i headed straight down the main road towards the A556 which inevitably took me into the path of other road users afew cars ..acouple...

2 years ago
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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 24

Maddie just started crying uncontrollably. I pushed her face down on the bed before going to the bathroom to retrieve a tube of medicated cream. I slowly and very carefully rubbed the cream on to each welt on the poor girl's back, bottom and legs. I was becoming more angry by the minute. "Tell me what happened Maddie!" I told the girl forcefully. She began. "You now what my father and I do together. Since my mother was home during most of those times I was pretty sure she knew what was...

2 years ago
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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 9

-The VBS Widows Auxiliary, Chapter 1, First Meeting- Patricia's heels clicked on the floor as she hurried into the café. She was a little bit late but it took longer to settle her youngest, Patty, down than she had expected. There were a few tables occupied but most were singles and just a few couples. Then she spotted a table with two women and one man all of them looking at her expectedly. She moved purposefully towards them until she stood behind one of the two empty chairs. "Grace?"...

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Ravaged Music TeacherChapter 4

Ever since she had left her music teacher, the delicious hot glow in her pussy sent tingles to every inch of her silky flesh, and Sylvia Watkins could hardly contain herself. It was as if she'd just discovered a fantastic, new and exclusive secret about sex. Sylvia's sex glands hummed away like a lusty dynamo - a restless throbbing hunger that craved constant action. Naturally horny to begin with, her first experience with a hot, sultry woman sparked an immediate desire for more. Sylvia...

1 year ago
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My First Black Cock and Holiday Cock True Story

Another request this one to be added for all to hear, this follows my theme of first times from when i was a lil younger. This one is about my first time seeing and enjoying a black cock and some sexy holiday sex. I have changed names and apologise now about spelling and grammer. Im not an author just a horny cunt!When i was 17 mum and dad decided it would be a good idea to have one more family holiday before i became too old and though it was too uncool to go on holiday with my parents. Never...

4 years ago
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A Dream within a Dream

She loves when he curls into her body, embracing her, followed with his gentle touch upon her face. Tracing her satin lips with soft brushes of his fingertips. Mmmmm, his other hand slowly strokes down her silky long brunette hair. The warmth of wind against her neck from his breath hypnotizes her. She drifts away… She opens her eyes and the light of mornings beauty sparkle them through the bathroom window, peeking through the archway. She turns over slowly so she does not wake him. His arm is...

1 year ago
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I Brought A Co Worker Home To Do My Wife

I had talked to Dave at work about seducing my wife. I had been wanting for the last few months to watch him fuck her. He was a stud at 25 years old and had a body that most men could never dream of. He also was a real sweet talker with the women and even had a few of the women at work. I had thought this out carefully over the last couple of months and decided to try to make it come true. My wife is 46 years old and we had been married over twenty years. I decided not to say anything to her...

2 years ago
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Washed Away I swim in the wrong place

Washed Awayby oggbashan © ************************************Copyright Oggbashan July 2006The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.************************************It was my own fault. I saw the signs, read them, and ignored them, thinking that I knew better.It was a very hot...

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Wifes friend get more then lawn mowed

Please tell me what you think:Joe is of average height about 6”, and average looks. You could just call him average at about 190 lbs with a 7 inch dick. He came home from work early that afternoon. He worked at a local military base and lived closed by. As the late June sun beat down on his shoulders, he looked mournfully at the street side trash bins that had to be pick-up and taken out to the curb for tomorrow morning. He meanders his way into the kitchen. Unfortunately, it just looked like...

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Times are Changing Part Seven

Six months had passed since their early summer move to the new state and home, and each month seemed to improve Nathan and his daughter’s lives.Ever since the day of their arrival Nicole and her father’s relationship had gone from strength to strength. Unofficially they were now romantically attached. A couple. To everyone else they were just a dad and his little girl enjoying life together, and rebuilding what Nathan’s ex had demolished on her way out.Everything seemed to bring them closer....

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Lust With My Friend8217s Sister

Hello to all iss readers. My name is Ashwani, aged 21, just finished my B.Tech degree and presently staying in Delhi and works as an engineer in a company. I am a regular reader and a big fan of this site and thus read stories daily from here. This story which I am going to narrate with u happened with me 2 years back when I was in my 2nd year of b-tech. It’s upon u whether to believe it’s true or not. As this is my first story and I am not a good writer so ignore my mistake if found any. This...

4 years ago
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Lucy Steve and Debbie

I met Steve one summer after getting bored with the multiple guys I was dating. Steve was different as he actually wanted to talk to me unlike the other guys who seemed to see it as a chore and assumed that a young, blonde girl would be easy to get into bed. Steve was very tall at 6'2" with a broad chest and long legs. He had long brown hair, thick eyebrows over dark, brown eyes and a very hairy chest. At 5’ 4” I had to strain my neck to look up at him when we hugged. We had been seeing each...

3 years ago
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Our Hunting Trip

My wife and I were hunting in the mountains one Sunday. After not seeing anything all day we headed home. As always we had our vibrators and were really enjoying the drive home. My cock was feeling great and her pussy was warm and wet. My pants were down below my knees and she had taken already taken her pants and boots completely off and unbuttoned her shirt. I could see not only her hairless pussy but also her tits and very erect nipples. She was leaning back in the Jeep seat with her 8”...

2 years ago
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Winds of Revenge pt 2

------------------------------------- They still had my school ID card. Those East Side Prep high school girls had taken it a week before after abusing my face for well over an hour under the bleachers after our Westside High football team had ruined ESP’s perfect season. Olivia had said I would get my card the following Friday, which was today, but as I neared the Shake Shack, I didn’t see any high school girls. Stupid me! Duped again. Not only an awkward and skinny 14 year old,...

1 year ago
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Two Weddings No FuneralChapter 4 Another Wedding

Saturday tea was fun. Sunday, David, Sandra and the kids came for Sunday dinner. My nephew cleverly informed me that Patrick was "real little." Sandra and Weena stayed as far from one another as feasible. I thought Sandra was going to explode when Patrick fussed and Weena hauled out a breast for him. I went into the kitchen briefly to snicker. David followed me. "That was funny!" "Yeah. Didn't she know where milk comes from?" "It was the nonchalance," said my brother. "When she...

2 years ago
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I studied her as she plotted my demise. She was rapidly approaching maturity, the end of her transformation from awkward pubescence to an alluring young woman. She might have not even been done developing but in the past few months I'd been entertaining some very erotic but forbidden thoughts about her. Looking at her just then didn't do anything to quell my fantasies. She was wearing blue denim shorts that were loose enough around the leg that I could see the edges of her pale yellow...

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Porn Directors Story Part One

How often,I would direct a movie and think about my sweet lover at home..She was a buxom beauty from Amsterdam.. We met on a film set, she was a writer and set director at the time..She had been with the porn industry since graduating film school.I did not pursue her for a while, I was a bit shy and reluctant... I was afraid that she was not a lesbian and the rejection would have devastated me and I had fallen in love with her, my beautiful, devoted Anna.I was editing a film at home one weekend...

2 years ago
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Nothing To Be Ashamed Of Pt 1

When we hit puberty we start to feel these urges and become more aware of our bodies. I was no different. I still remember the first time I masturbated. It was at night and I had just finished watching Titanic, one of my all time favorite movies. Except this time was different. I found myself wanting Jack to do whatever it was he was doing to Rose inside of that car. Slowly, I stripped off my clothes and my hands made their way down to my pussy of their own accord. Rubbing circles...

2 years ago
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Thursdays ChildChapter 18

Anyone would have thought that Becca and Steven had been separated for three months rather than three days. They clung to each other without a word and both had tears in their eyes when they broke apart. They touched lips then hugged each other tightly again. "I missed you," they both said together which made them laugh and led to another prolonged hug. "No cooking tonight, darling. I've booked a table at the Yew Tree." "Yum! What time?" "Eight." Becca glanced at the hall clock....

2 years ago
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A Farewell to Last

Oh God, Brad is moving to the west coast.  There was so little time left, and work was bound to interfere with what I had in mind.  I had had a crush on him from the time I met him.  It had turned into a wonderful friendship, but he was more like my brother.  I was going to miss him, that is for sure, but I was also determined to have my way with him before he left for the coast.    He was out there now, finding a place to live, and finalizing his job.  I called him on his cell phone, and I...

4 years ago
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Jungle Juice Part Two

A shiver of desire passed through me as I thought back to my afternoon encounter with Jamir. The salty aftertaste of Jamir’s semen lingered in my mouth and throat. I had never cheated on my husband before, and yet, beyond the guilt, I regretted that Jamir didn’t fuck me. How bad a woman have I become?When I got back to the hut, I found Jack inside. He was angry with me going to the river with Jamir, although he had no idea what happened there. Before he could start to question me, I had pushed...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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my sis n law fantasy

Today, I'm feeling extremely horny. I don't know why, but all day I've had sex on my mind and nothing I do is helping. I've masturbated in bed when I woke up. Again, in the shower. After breakfast, I was watching TV and these two people were flirting and it turned me on so much! I went online, looked for some porn and got off again. It was no use, no matter how often I did, I still felt unsatisfied. The boredom of the day was getting to me, I needed to get out there and do something wild!I got...

1 year ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 15 Seducing New Pets

----- With the week half over, the girls had already accomplished their primary tasks assigned by Mr. Michaels. Both having had sex with Amanda, exceeding his expectations, and group sex with two awkward and nerdy boys to everyone’s great satisfaction. Sarah got a deep sense of satisfaction knowing they would make him happy. She found herself missing him and wondering what he had been up to while they played in paradise. Thinking about him made her want to do even better for Mr. Michaels,...

1 year ago
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PublicBang Aidra Fox Gets Fucked at a Junkyard

The other day we happened to run into the beautiful Aidra Fox at the beach. So we decided to have a little bit of public fun. First, She showed us her good at the beach, and damn this chick if fine. From there we headed to the junkyard, but on the way there we decided to pull over and have a quick fuck session on the side of the highway. Once at the junkyard, the real fun began. Aidra and Peter started fucking right in the junkyard. Lot’s of people kept walking by and they almost got caught...

1 year ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 19

Gail Bennet was not excited about letting her protectee drive herself, but she did understand Amanda’s desire to celebrate obtaining her driver’s license. The escort car led the way with four agents inside, and Amanda had promised to stay close enough to it so that no other car would be able to insinuate itself between her car and her protection. The trail car that Gail was driving had three additional agents, but her years with the Secret Service made her overly cautious. The escort vehicle...

2 years ago
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Bobbys First Day at School

Bobby's first day of school as Joney. By Joney Cunningham. (part of the Bobby series by the same author) I knew it was time to get up after his mom knocked for the second time. I didn't want to, because I liked the baby doll he was wearing, and it felt so good. I also knew this was the day I was going to school as a girl. He looked at the clock, and thought, "It's only 6:30 am?" My mom came in and said, "Come on Joney, girls have to get up earlier, because they have more to do...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e20 Tina

We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a crowded sandy beach – kids building sandcastles, parents sunbathing ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Now we’re looking at a sandy beach on a perfect summer’s day – small waves rolling...

4 years ago
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Catwoman prowling

2 years back for Haloween I was dressed slutty as usual. My costume for that year was Cat Woman. A tight body suit held with a clasp behind my neck, a zip on my ass to keep it tight around my waist and criss-cross strands that exposed my back and abs. Boots, mask, whip, the works. The tight body suit complemented my tiny frame to show every one that I had no fat on me. My girlfriends and I were partying at a swanky downtown hotel night club. We showed up at the party around midnight. We were...

Straight Sex
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Gloryhole surprise

It had been over 6 years since my ex ran away with some d**g dealing cop, taking my 8 and 10 year old daughters(Jennifer and Madison) just to hurt me more. Of course no one would help a single father get custody back then. I hit rock bottom, drinking, not sleeping for days, not shaving and sometimes not even showering for a week at a time. Somehow a few friends remembered me and put up with my morose behavior. After a week of my last 2 friends on Earth nagging me about taking care of myself,...

2 years ago
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Creative Chamber III

Ahh yes… the "straight"… the "curves"… the thrill of anticipation, the not knowing what to expect on that "other side"… it's just the best. Pistons pumping, throttle open, the pounding in the ear… riding on the edge… oh yessss, she brought it all out in me. Hell, it was the same thrill I experienced on my Heritage (Harley). She could bring it, and my dear reader, this Irish devil was more than ready to receive. As I approached her "cabin" in the woods, racing from one curve to the next - - wink...


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