SamChapter 16C free porn video

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I felt a lot more confident about things when I had the dirt and diesel fumes washed off. We brushed our hair and while Neeka applied her makeup, I adjusted mine to 'party' level, with more color in more places and highlights on the parts of my body that I planned to show.

I clipped on my new charm-chain onto my rings so that it hung in a shallow arc between my breasts, with the tiny silver dragon I had bought right in the middle of it. A blue halter-dress with a wide plunging neckline showed it off very nicely. I even put on the tallest pair of heels I thought I could wear without embarrassing myself, so I would look sophisticated — and taller. If I was going to be standing next to Steve most of the night, I didn't want to look like a munchkin.

After seeing me all decked out, Neeka went to her room to see if she had brought anything suitable to wear. She came back in a slinky form-fitting green dress and matching shoes.

"This was not in that closet before," she said. "I don't have anything as bold as this."

The dress had thin straps and a scoop neck cut so low that she would fall out of it if she bent over too far. In the back the straps crossed to hold the top up and the middle on, but otherwise was low enough to show a pair of dimples that normally couldn't be seen. A green scarf around her neck set off her red hair perfectly.

"I don't think you need three guesses where that came from," I said.

"There is a label in it, but it's in French and I don't recognize the name. Do you think I should wear this? Isn't it too much?"

"No, take it off. It's just too lovely. You'll upstage me terribly and I can't have that."

"You brat! Just for that, I'm wearing it anyway."

We cheated and took the little elevator down to the first floor, so the only stairs we had to negotiate were the ones down to the family room. When we started down, the sound of conversation and laughter floated up the stairs to us. When we arrived at the bottom, there was a very gratifying silence, disrupted after a few seconds by a long wolf-whistle from Bud.

"Sorry," he said, when several heads turned to give him a reproachful look. "That just popped out. But, wow! You two look great!"

"You certainly do," Steve said to me, although I noticed that he gave Neeka a thorough once-over first. I stepped to his side and put my arm in his, some to be stylish and affectionate, but mostly for support. He noticed that he wasn't looking as far down as he was accustomed to and he made a short bow to check out my high-heels.

"Am I tall enough?" I whispered to him as he escorted me to the sofa.

"You are perfect at any height," he replied, and I felt a foot taller right away.

Neeka sat down with Jim and Bud on either side of her, and I wasn't the slightest bit jealous that she had two men to my one. Well, maybe just a little, but I wouldn't have traded with her, anyway.

Mom had drinks poured and she served from a tray what I was grateful to find was ginger-ale and not something alcoholic. She and Mrs. Morgan had real drinks in their hands. I could smell the bourbon from ten feet away.

Everyone got comfortable - Jim and Bud negotiated silently for who got to put his arm around the ravishing redhead — I sacrificed my preferred spot on Steve's lap for a more genteel position at his side — and Mom and Mrs. Morgan cozied up discreetly but comfortably on the love-seat. I noticed that the TV was on, but with the sound turned all the way down. The local news was on and they were running the aerial footage of the battle on Highway 17.

This was the first time I had seen it and I was surprised at how close the long lens on the helicopter's camera made everything look. When Neeka dropped me off in back of the tank, the camera zoomed in tight on my face and stayed there a few seconds before pulling back quickly to a wider shot of me climbing up. It was amazing how effective my animated make-up looked on the TV screen. I looked very carefully, but still could not make out my own features under the Dragon's moving image.

"See?" Steve said, pointing at the screen as the small figure stood still on top of the big vehicle; looking around casually, as though the tank were my personal tour bus. All I needed was a camera around my neck. "That's when I knew it was you. You had me totally fooled up to that point, but one look at that and I said, 'that's Sam'."

The part where I tried to open the hatch, then slapped and stomped on it, looked more heroic than it felt at the time. When I jumped off to land far enough away so if I fell I wouldn't be run over, the TV camera lost me and didn't pick me up again until I was running back to the demolished patrol cars. I looked like I was moving a lot faster on TV than it had felt like I was when I was doing it. The camera jerked a couple of times while trying to track me, so the camera operator widened the shot again and kept it that way while I rooted through the pile, looking for something to use as a clapper for the bell-on-treads.

The image of me hitting the tank was informative. It clearly showed the tank shaking under the force of each blow and jumping back on its springs after the last one. That explained my impression that I had knocked it backwards. It was still very impressive to see me whacking away at the thing and making it stop in its tracks.

I didn't want to watch the man come out of the driver's hatch and fall to the ground again, but I couldn't help it. The body language of the small figure on the screen was clear. It turned away, visibly bothered by the sight. I expected the camera to zoom in on the tank-jacker on the ground, but it continued to track me and then the two of us on the bike as we sped away. From the high angle, the kiss I blew to the men from the Armory looked more like a salute, which really fit the situation better and I wished I'd thought of doing that instead, especially since the last thing you could see before the bike got too far away and the copter started chasing it, was one of the deputies at the road-block raising his hand to his cap palm-down as we streaked by.

The rest of the footage was just the occasional glimpse of us through the branches of trees and they cut that mercifully short. The talking head that came on after shared the screen with a still frame of me standing on the tank — fortunately looking better than goofy in the freeze-frame they picked — with a banner under it saying, 'She-Dragon Stops Stolen Tank'.

"That's sexist!" I said. "If I were a boy, they wouldn't call me a He-Dragon!"

"You're going to have to get used to that, honey," Mom said. "From these pictures, they can tell just two things about you, that you have the face of a dragon and a female figure."

"A very female figure," Bud said, laughing. Steve smiled at me like he had wanted to say that, but wasn't sure if it would be rude in the present company.

The TV had gone to a screen with a 'Live' banner across the bottom. When I saw Sheriff Foster step up to a podium, I pointed and said, "Turn that up please. I'd like to hear this."

Bud raised the clicker and ran the volume up just in time to catch the obligatory 'please hold your questions until the end' request that would doubtless go unheeded. When the camera flashes subsided and the noise level dropped Sheriff Foster read a short statement from a piece of wrinkled paper.

"By now you all will have seen the footage and heard the reports of the remarkable events that took place just a few hours ago on Highway 17. A man who we are presently trying to identify broke into the National Guard Armory compound at approximately 2:15pm and stole an Abrams M1A1 Main Battle Tank while it was undergoing routine maintenance. We have ascertained that the tank was fully-fueled and that it was carrying live ammunition for its cannon."

A voice from off camera shouted out, "Was he a terrorist?"

The Sheriff frowned at the interruption and said, "The suspect is currently being treated at County General Hospital. As he is unable as yet to answer questions, we are working to identify him through fingerprint records. We have no information at this time about whether he is a terrorist or not. He did drive the tank through the security fence at the Armory as well as causing some damage to the main building. He did try to run over two officers of the State Police who attempted to detain him. While they were able to escape unharmed, he did destroy their vehicles as well as some right-of-way lights on the highway. When it became apparent that there was imminent danger to lives and property, the Sheriff's Office, in conjunction with the Highway Patrol and the National Guard, requested the assistance of an individual who has ably assisted local law enforcement on previous occasions when extreme circumstances have required her unique abilities and skills. Because of considerations of security, I am unable to give you any information about her other than that she is known as The Dragon and that we all owe her our heartfelt thanks for dealing so effectively with this danger to the citizens of our county.

"Thank you for your patience and I will now be happy to answer any questions I can. Yes."

"Sheriff Foster," a voice shouted, drowning out the others, "What we saw today was nothing short of incredible. The strength of this Dragon—person is phenomenal! Surely you can tell us more about her?"

"Sorry, under the agreement this office has with the Agency she works for, I cannot give you any further information about her."

"He knows that's not true," I said.

"But it gets him off the hook for withholding the information," Mom said. "Everyone will assume, just as he did, that you work for some super-secret government agency."

After more shouted demands for details about me, the Sheriff responded, "If there is a breach of secrecy, we might lose her assistance in the future. I don't want to risk that." He pointed to another reported, saying, "Yes — in the seersucker coat."

"Sheriff, is it true that this maniac was driving the stolen tank toward a school when he was stopped by this Dragon girl?"

"He was heading north in the direction of Southside Elementary and Ringling Middle School. Both are along that stretch of road. As are the Grantland and Ricefield subdivisions."

Off camera, a woman's voice could be heard shouting, "My daughter goes to Southside!" At that, a number of people in the room voiced similar exclamations about their connections to the area. It took several seconds to restore order before the next question could be taken,

"You said The Dragon has helped with other situations in the past. Can you tell us about those?"

"No. Sorry. To do so would compromise a valuable asset that we are not prepared to lose. I will say that she has assisted in several cases in a variety of ways. In each situation, she was able to bring about a quick and satisfactory resolution. Although, quite frankly, I was as surprised as any of you when she revealed for the first time that her abilities are far greater than any of us had thought. Now if that's all, you'll have to excuse me..."

Sheriff Foster left the podium under a barrage of questions that he ignored and the screen went back to the news studio, where they started playing the tape again. Bud muted the sound, but left the TV on.

"'Not prepared to lose'," Mrs. Morgan quoted, "That's good to hear. He sounds like he's committed to keeping your identity a secret."

"More importantly," Mom said, "he's telling the other law enforcement people what will happen if they don't go along. Did you notice the part about 'in conjunction with the Highway Patrol and the National Guard'? He's sharing the glory with the State people. They probably asked most of the same questions that the reporters did."

"You mean I might start getting calls from them, too?" I asked.

"Honey, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you get calls from the Governor himself."


"Yes, it's a good thing graduation is coming up. You may have a busy summer ahead of you. Now I think we'd better leave for the restaurant so you kids can be back by bedtime. I think they'll hold the table for us, but it would be rude to be late."

"We'll need to go in two cars," Steve said. "I can take someone in mine."

"You can take me... anytime," I quipped.

"Gladly! Anyone else?"

Neeka wanted to come with us and Jim came along with her. That left Sara and Bud with Mom and Mrs. Morgan. I wondered who would be chaperoning whom.

"Hey, Steve!" Jim said, holding out a familiar package as we climbed the stairs. "I guess you can carry this tonight."

Steve took it and turned the thick pad this way and that. "OK, I give up," he said. "What is it?"

"It's my booster-seat," I said. "I sit on it when we go out so I can sit at the table like an adult, instead of peaking over the edge of the table with my chin in my plate."

"Oh, of course. Sorry, Sam. I just don't think of you as being short."

I wanted to drag Steve down on the couch and have my way with him right then and there. I settled for squeezing his hand, which I would let go of only when forced to do so. I thought of several possible reasons for that comment. One, he was dumb as a post, which I knew wasn't the case. Two, he was making nice and paying me a compliment. Three, he was perfectly serious and the difference in our heights wasn't something that he thought about much, if at all. Either way, it gave me a warm feeling

"Judge me by my size, do you?" Bud squawked, in a poor but recognizable imitation of a famous movie character. He almost messed up my good mood by comparing me to a short, ugly green Muppet and he was about to recite the entire speech when I reached out a hand and mimed choking him. His smile turned into an expression of stark terror when Neeka's hand tightened on his throat from behind at the same instant as I closed my fingers on air.

We all laughed like hyenas at Bud's reaction. When he recovered from being startled, he did too. My good mood returned. Neeka and I had done a perfect illustration of how the speed of thought can make a great team into an unbeatable one. When he quit laughing, Steve looked suitably impressed.

"I see how this works," he said. "Four eyes, four ears, four arms, one brain. Who does the thinking?"

"If it's a tactical situation — me," I said, as we got into his car. "If we're making a plan or trying to work something out, it's whoever has the best idea. It just looks like we're not discussing it, because it happens so fast."

"Also," Neeka said, "we're so in tune that whoever thinks of something first, that's usually what we do. We never argue. Well, almost never. Sometimes Sam will want to do something that I think is way dangerous, but since it's her skin, and she always manages to pull it off, I would have a tough time talking her out of it."

"Like the tank business," I added. "I had an idea, but I didn't know it would work until I had checked out the tank. When I hit it with my hand and heard the sound reverberate inside, I thought I had a chance if I could smack it hard enough with something heavy."

"Getting him to turn and follow us was just luck," she said. "I didn't really expect him to follow the bike, but when he lost sight of Sam, I must have been his most tempting target. Nice car, by the way."

"It's boxy, but it's a classic," Steve said, patting the dashboard. "I got it used, of course. But the resale should still be high when I'm ready to trade up in a couple of years. And it runs good, too."

"You drive it very well," Neeka said, "If a little slowly. You need to speed up if you want to keep up with Mrs. Reynolds."

"Don't listen to her," I said. "She thinks anything under a hundred is poking along."

"Yes, I know. I saw her shoot the gap between those patrol cars. Neeka, you can sure handle a bike." Steve sounded genuinely impressed and I felt a brief flash of jealousy at hearing my boyfriend compliment another girl.

"Thanks!" Neeka replied. "You have no idea how glad I am to hear someone say that. Usually all I hear is 'Oh my God! Slow down!' and some loud screaming from the back of the bike. It's really annoying."

"Careful there," I said. "Next time, I might just take a taxi."

"Ha!" she laughed sharply, "And I'll be there a half hour before you, telling everyone how you were too chicken to ride with me."

"Riding with you is a religious experience. I pray every time. Of course, all I ever pray for is to get there in one piece."

"OK! OK!" Jim shouted us down before we got rolling. I was a little disappointed, to tell the truth. Neeka was giving as good as she got and that was both unusual for her and a good thing, as far as I was concerned.

"Oh, let them go on," Steve said. "Having them slag each other off is better than listening to them complain about my driving."

"You drive just fine, sweetie," I told him.

"Yeah," Neeka said, giving Jim a poke in the ribs to keep him quiet. "If we run too late, we can always order a pizza to be delivered at the next intersection."

Steve fell far enough behind Mom so that I thought for sure we had been left behind. It was a surprise to me when he pulled into the parking lot at The Olive Grove. Apparently he had known where we were headed. I guess that was just one more thing that had gone on without me knowing about it.

By chance, Steve parked the car very close to the spot where I had taken down the guy who tried to kidnap Sheriff Foster. I was looking at the car parked in that spot, remembering that night when Steve surprised me by running around and opening my door for me. I was briefly embarrassed at the possibility that he thought I was waiting on him to do that. I was certainly capable of opening my own door and I wasn't one of those girls who get huffy if a guy doesn't try to anticipate every little thing I want them to do for me. When he reached out a hand to assist me in getting out of the car, I tried to be gracious about it and took it, leaning on it as though I needed the help. It cost me nothing, but to Steve it meant his courtesy and assistance was appreciated.

I was learning that in a relationship, it isn't how you feel about each other, but how you make each other feel. Not in the big obvious ways, like making love, or telling someone you love them, but in little ways. Sometimes, the small things matter the most. One moment of unthinking pettiness can undo ten moments of tenderness. Rudeness and discourtesy are corrosive. They eat away at relationships until they fall apart.

As soon as I stepped out of the car, I found that all my philosophizing was beside the point. Walking across a gravel parking-lot in heels while trying to look sophisticated is impossible. I held onto Steve's arm and gratefully accepted all the support he could provide. We strolled casually across to the front door and you would never have guessed that he was carrying most of my weight. By the time we got onto firm footing again, I had retracted any bad things I may have made about big lunks with bulging muscles. They can sure come in handy when you need them.

Once inside, I found that Connie had been reassigned from Waitress to Hostess duty. She was holding the door and welcoming everyone as they came in. I was the next to last in line and she spared the hunk behind me only the briefest flirty smile before she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me like I was her long-lost sister.

"Sam! How are you? Oh, I'm so glad to see you!"

The 'Mr. Morton' dress I was wearing was more drape-and-hang than cinch-to-fit. It wasn't designed for enthusiastic hugs. When she let go, I had to check to see if anything had popped out.

"I'm great, Connie. How have you been?"

"Wonderful! I'm so glad you came tonight. I've been wanting to call you, but I've been so busy I just haven't had time. After that fantastic party and the pep talk you gave me, I was so excited, I couldn't wait. I checked with the college first thing Monday and they have a summer session that will be starting in a few weeks, so I enrolled in it. It's remedial stuff, mostly. Designed for borderline students like me, I'm afraid. But I can use it to get my average up and get back up to speed before the Fall semester starts."

"So if the summer session hasn't started, what have you been doing to stay so busy for the last three days?"

"Studying! I went back to the textbooks I didn't read before, and I sat down to read them without thinking of them as coursework. It's made a world of difference! I keep finding out interesting things that I want to know more about. I've been haunting the library like Banquo's ghost."

"Like who?"

"A product of a guilty conscience. That and a new interest in freshman-level Shakespeare. But nevermind that. I'm so glad to see you again. Thank you for getting my head turned around. I feel like a new person."

"You're welcome, but you're the one doing all the work. Is this why you're not waiting tables?"

"Indirectly. Uncle Sergio got mad when I was late for my shift, but when he found out where I had been and what I had been doing, he made me the Hostess. It's easier and I get to leave early so I can go home and study some more after work."

"But no tips?"

"Oh, we don't get to keep our own tips. They go into a pot and everyone gets a cut. This is a family business, remember. None of us is going to starve."

"Well, I might, if I don't get some food pretty quick."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're in the back room. It's this way. I'm just so glad to see you. I had to tell you all about it. I've been so into my books that I even missed the excitement this afternoon. Did you get to see any of it?"

"You mean The Dragon and Ace fighting the stolen tank? I missed seeing it on TV until just a little while ago. I must have caught the umpteenth rerun." The media didn't know Neeka's nom de guerre, as she put it, but I figured it would do no harm to drop it. If it spread as I hoped, it would become something that 'everyone knew', but no one knew how they knew. If anyone traced it back to me, I could always claim to just have heard it somewhere else.

"I had no idea people like that even existed, never mind one living here! Everyone who's come in tonight has been talking about it. It's the most exciting thing to happen around here that I can remember."

"Really! Does anyone think they know who she is?"

"No! No one has a clue about either of them. They're just a mysterious pair of superheroes who appeared out of nowhere and vanished before anyone could talk to them. We had to move Sheriff Foster into the same private room as your party to keep people from pestering him."

"Foster is here?"

"Yes, I hope you don't mind. There is plenty of room. The room seats twenty. He and his wife came in about forty-five minutes ago. They should be on their dessert by now."

"No, that's fine. I'd like to say hello to him."

I got my chance right away. When Connie showed us in, Sheriff Foster was standing by his table holding his napkin in his hand and chatting with Mom. A cup of coffee and an untouched dish of tiramisu sat at his place on the table. He must have been asking after me because Mom gestured at me and I walked right over.

"Good evening Sheriff," I said. "How are you tonight?"

"Just fine, Sam. Just great. You remember the Mrs?"

"Yes. How do you do, Mrs. Foster?"

"I'm doing very well, thank you. It's good to see you again." She reached out her right hand to me and I clasped it with my left. She held on well beyond the brief grasp and release that usually passes for a handshake between women in polite society. I got the impression she wanted to tell me something, but not here and now.

Her slight emphasis on 'again' could have meant 'since this afternoon' or it could have referred to our earlier encounter in the parking lot. I couldn't tell which. I smiled and nodded, trying to acknowledge whichever she meant, as well as her familiarity. I broke her gaze and she released my hand at that. I turned to her husband, whose normal down-home charm seemed to be worn thin by all the attention he must have received. I felt sorry for him, but he chose public service, and the public life that went with it. I just wanted to remain anonymous.

Same as Sam
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Its was late and my daughter called saying her boyfriend would have to stay with me cause she was stranding due to the snow and ice. I went on to bed and he stayed up and got on the computer in the livingroom. I laying there thinking about what he was doing and looking up, getting hornier by the second. I go up and slid on my silky night gown on and eased down the hall towards the livingroom. I slowly peeked around the corner and saw him watching a video jacking off. His back was towards me so...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 65

I really hate when they misfile things. According to the computer, the book I wanted was in the library, but it sure wasn't on the shelf it was supposed to be. Which meant either a brain dead library aide had misfiled it or somebody had picked it up, then put it back in the wrong place. The book had a four hundred number, I wondered if somebody might have read it as a nine hundred. I moved over to that book case. "... just is." I heard Tami say from the other side. "How can you defend...

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After the Picnic part 8 of the Business

Sunday was a day of rest, so Carla and Stephanie did not work the brothel. Instead they had a day of fun fucking at church and on the way. The picnic after services was the social meeting for the congregation and a few trysts were resumed or begun after the serious worship was over. The dishes were retrieved and the donkey was delivered. Inside the church, the minister's son Darby had fucked Stephanie, the hottest dancer at University of Nevada Reno. She moonlighted at the brothel in...

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Hot for a Computer Geek

I wasn’t looking for a fling. I had never even entertained the idea. However, there was something about the young man that came to fix our family’s home computer that put naughty ideas in my head. The family computer crashed and I decided to call that popular company that sent a computer geek to your home in a tricked out little car. I had heard that they were good and reasonably priced, allowing the luxury of the customer never having to leave the home. I made the appointment and due to...

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I was picked up last night by the police while working as a whore The new laws are tough on street whores I was taken back to the station Striped completed naked and tossed in a cell and told you will appear before a judge in the morning you can expect to go to the whore disapline prison where you will be dealt with like the whore that you are I had heard of this place and didnt want to end up there it was hell humiliation beatings total control you have no rights there and I heard the...

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Second ChanceChapter 22

We slept late the next morning. Though I was feeling better each day, my strength hadn't fully returned and I found myself quite tired by ten o'clock most nights. Beth Ann seemed to go with the flow as far as my needs were concerned. She was trying out retirement and discovering whether or not she was going to like it. Our pillow talk in the mornings was all over the board. Beth Ann wanted to talk about our houseboat trip and I wanted to talk about Beth Ann's beautiful nipples. We...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 311

Deep Space Almost certain of the answer, Dave asked the AI, anyway, "Surely, there's some way to track them? Some way to determine which way they went?" "As you know, we can detect the ascension to warp and the breakout for a normally functioning warp drive out to approximately one light minute, but there is no known way to determine direction once a ship has achieved warp. However, I did detect an abnormality to their warp signature. As expected, their drive appears to be badly out of...

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Sissy Boy

Sissy boy By Princess Panty boy Characters: Sandy: 8-year old son/brother Lauryn: twin/she calls herself my big sister Beth: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Meg: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom Hi everyone, it is me Sandy. I am kind of bored so I thought I would write this down and ask your opinion after you hear what has been going on in my life. Let me start out...

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The party piece a fantasy

I was asked to write down one of my fantasies by someone.I thought I'd share it with you all too.Having read it back, not sure if it's really a fantasy/story. It could be read as a detailed description for a play scenario.It concerns being paraded and used at a party, just a ‘play toy’ to be taken advantage of. I suspect this is not an uncommon fantasy.=====In my mind, I am dressed in a corset, breast forms, bra, suspender belt and stockings. Heels would be locked on – not that I would be in a...

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Coincidental Meeting And A Intimate Session In Theatre 8211 Part 1

Hi, mera naam sunil h.. I have written 2-3 stories which many girls liked. Bahut ladkiyon (married and unmarried) ne mujhe email bheja and hangout pe message bhi kiya. I use to sex chat with them whenever possible. One of them was Riya (name changed). She is 19 years old from Delhi. Usne mujhe kuch din pehle message kiya and we started chatting. Since she knew about me, very quickly we came to topic of sex and started sharing our experiences. We use to exchange pics and almost everyday we...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 6 Command performance

By the time another fifteen minutes had passed with no more sign of life, I felt that some action was necessary. I still had things to do. But what about Connie? I could hardly leave her back at the college in a post-orgasmic trance and reeking of sex; nor for the same reason could I put her on a train for her home on the other side of London. Somewhere she had to be cleaned up and made presentable. I could think of nothing for it but to take her back to my place; with any luck by the time we...

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a cum tribute Story for a lady here on xhamster

A fantasy Tribute story for a lady here , we both were newbies here the first time we exchanged short meessages here and both went our seperate ways exploreing all the pics stories and vidieos here on Xhamster each of us making friends here in the safty of online chat , it had been close to a year since we first exchanged messages and commmented on eachothers stories and pics , as we enjoyed our time here and different times checking my friends news would see that she had made new friends and...

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Strict Owners Daughter part 2

My name is Angie and I worked in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, ruled the place. A few weeks ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. When he came into work the following Saturday he looked down when he saw me and was clearly embarrassed so I did my best to put him at ease. I reassured him that...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 14

The students were in unusually high spirits as they began to file into the Great Hall for dinner that evening, for all those in third year and up were permitted to visit Hogsmeade the next day - except for the few who lacked parental permission slips or who were denied permission as a particularly cruel form of detention, the misery of these unfortunates increased by their friends' cheerful and rowdy banter about the fun they'd have the next day. Imogen entered the Great Hall along with the...

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my black teacher or his friends

hello my friends i m from india my name monika i m 19 years old very sexy slim and i m 5.7 inch tall last year me america me mere massi g ke pass gai thi 6 month ke vaste america bahot hi sunder desh hai me los angles me gai thi hum ne ek mahina gumma to me ghar me boor hone lagi sabhi log kam me chalay jate the to me ghar me ekeli raheti thi mene mosi ko kaha k mera ab man nai kar raha me boor ho rahi hu to masi ne kaha k tun school me admissions le lo eglish sekhne k liye mene b socha ke j...

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The Trade

"A fair exchange is no robbery." Old proverb. Orzad hauled on the reins of his lathered pony, bringing it to an abrupt halt as a whistling shriek echoed against the valley walls from farther up the trail. "Tiger Lizard!" He gave a worried glance at his back trail where the King's soldiers were hunting for his tracks. "On the prowl, too. Wonder what it's after." His question was quickly answered as another whistling scream was echoed by the bass honking of a gronch. Orzad guided his...

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Sniper in the TreelineChapter 2

The Regional Force/Popular Force base was isolated and in a certain sense that was a good thing because it meant nobody from higher headquarters would be fucking with us anytime soon. Things were still a little chaotic after the Tet Debacle, and it seemed like there was a whole new line-up of high-ranking chiefs making decisions back in Danang. I know it probably sounds strange to be thinking of the head shed being in Danang but that is because the combat elements of the Marine Corps were...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 32 A Strike

Swallowing, Ted turned to look at the man standing behind him. Then he looked up to see the man’s face. This was the largest man he had ever seen in his life. With a weak smile, he said, “Hello, Sir.” The man looked down at Ted and asked, “Who are you?” “I’m Ted Brown and this is my friend Harry Anders,” Ted answered with a slight quiver in his voice. Seeing the large man frown, he added, “We’re in the class here, with your daughter.” That the two boys were in the martial arts class with...

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Emilys Christmas

Those of you who have been following my diary know that things haven't been going too well since I split up from my husband. I've had some good times and have learned a few things about life and love, but no guy has lasted more than a few weeks. So I was kind of dreading Christmas. I knew my younger sister, Melody, was getting close with her new boyfriend as I've found cum stains on her knickers and t-shirts, and so I knew my sister would be having a good time: in fact in the run up to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e13 Casey Howard 24 dog fun fan

Series 8, Episode 13: Casey Howard (24) from Reading We open with an establishing shot – standing in a quarter full car park, panning around to look at a two-level, brick and glass building. A sign above the main entrance reads, “TRAVELODGE – READING” Business is slow, no cars coming or going, no customers entering or exiting. The only person moving is ... Our hostess... The dimpled former pornstar – and self-titled ‘best looking dogfucker in the world’ – squeezed into a white PVC...

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Adventures of City Girl

It would be the perfect seduction I thought to myself, he wouldn’t know what had hit him. He certainly wouldn’t be able to resist. I lay in my bath and started to plot the details. As I did so I could already feel my body respond to my desire. I watched as my nipples hardened, the firm pink centre slowly rising out of the water, pushing the last of the bubbles aside. My hand moved slowly to rest between my legs. I had first met James many years ago as newly qualified grads, fresh and shiny...

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It was the summer before my 15th birthday. My body had just started the change into womanhood and I was relieved that it finally had. I only looked about twelve but I no longer felt self conscious about being the only girl my age that hadn't started to develop. I know about boys, but had never even kissed one. I had spoken with other girls about sex; most had merely heard stories; yet a few had actually "done it." One day I was walking home from my friend Amy's house after having just...

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Minding my Business

MINDING MY BUSINESS By Geneva A young man has been changed to a woman in a special government facility to divert him from a life of trouble. The new woman takes to a new life successfully, and helps a young businessman avoid a potential swindle. This story is set in England in the 1960's. The same government facility mentioned here also appears in my earlier stories, "A Dirty Night Out' and 'Subterfuge'. START A loud pounding and shouting at his door eventually penetrated into...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 17

Chapter 17 – Career Paths Suzanne started the first Fall semester of her life without having any classes to prepare for. This point was driven home when Amy arrived at the apartment loaded down with new textbooks, and Suzanne realized that this semester she had no reason to visit the university bookstore. As Amy laid out her textbooks on the coffee table for the Fall, Suzanne suddenly felt a longing for the security and structure that had been part of her life ever since she was six years old....

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

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The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf

The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf A magical tale set in the Etz Chaim universe A message from the author. Words of warning: Because I'm a nerd: I like to world build I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions of what I am, or how I should act: I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people's opinions of me. I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and...

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Friend8217s Friend Is My Bed Partner

Hi, this is Raj from Delhi (Gurgaon). I’m a regular reader of ISS. This is a real life incident that happened a month ago, so I thought of sharing it. Something about myself: I’m 31 years old, 5’10”, with an normal build, decently looking & have an attractive personality. I’m married & work with an leading private telco. I am known to be friendly guy with intelligence at work. I and akki shares a good and healthy relationship in office as a close pals , we use to hang around together during...

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A Painful Test

A Painful Test Copyright 2012 Christopher D.B.Previous stories in this series:  Off-Road Goddess, Paddled in the Boondocks, Lunch With A DominatrixIt was late on a Saturday afternoon that I drove to the east side of the city, following directions that had been given to me by Miss Julia.  Near the industrial park where she worked, I turned onto a state highway and continued east just until signs of civilization began to fade.  Making several turns down side roads and back roads, I found the...

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BetrayedChapter 2 Shop Til You Pop

The sex was torrid and went all night. I worshipped every inch of her magnificent body with my lips, tongue, and fingertips. She did the same to me. I took her from behind, entered her doggy-style. I fucked her pussy with long, languid strokes even as I was stroking her meaty clitty with one hand. I willed her to cum, dared her not to, challenged her to hold out against the sensual assault that always drove Susan crazy. Dianna did cum; loudly, passionately, and more than once. Throughout the...

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cum slut

I met Sophie at a party, and, to say the least, we got along very well - but that is another story.I had gotten her number, although we hadn't hung out or even texted since. The other night, however, she texted me at 2 in the morning:"ive been thinkin bout ur cum. can i have more?"Coincidentally I was up late at the time wanking so my reply was prompt and positive."can u cum now?" read her next text.Well, seeing as it was a Friday night, I didn't see why not. She sent me her address, which...

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Unfinished Business

It took a whole day to prepare.I wanted it to be a special day in lots of different ways, one that would create strong memories, the kind that stays with you for life.Earlier, I had gone shopping for ingredients to make a good chicken stirfry, free-range chicken, fresh vegetables, and cashew nuts. Also, fruit so we could make a fruit salad together.I finished the photograph I mounted for you of a Madagascar ring-tailed lemur looking you right in the eye, that I took in Nosy Be, and placed it on...

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Road Trip

ROAD TRIP By Miss Anonna It had been a long three hours and there was no doubt she needed to stop, if at least for a cup of coffee.. Kelly pulls off the interstate onto a small country road and rolls down the windows to let in a nice summer breeze. Her hand moves towards the dashboard and she turns off the A/C and radio. She notices how quiet and pretty it is outside while the air rushes through her long brown hair and ruffles her blouse just enough to taunt her nipples into the upright...

Oral Sex
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The House that Jo Built Chapter Two The Devil Wears Satin

"Well, we all went to Ant's house like usual because both his parents work and don't get home until after six. Usually we play some PlayStation first but today everybody was sort of on a mission so we went straight to their basement where we all usually hang out. Blake got a tape out of his bookbag and put it in the VCR while Anthony slid the Hustler out from his science book-cover. Blake had to reset the counter on the VCR so he could rewind it to where it was last so his dad wouldn't...

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BurningAngel Kenzie Reeves Bratty Teens

Sexy blonde Kenzie Reeves is in the mood to play – and by play we mean she wants her boyfriend to slap her around a little and fuck her tight teen pussy. She put on a striped pair of panties, a crop top and fuzzy kitty cat ears hoping to catch his interest.. When she didn’t, she resorted to relentlessly hounding him for selfies – like, why can’t he ever just play with her and have fun for once?! She got so wet when she managed to get a rise out of him.. because rough...

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Sex Therapy Bhai Ke Saath

Hi everyone, this is Ranjita from Delhi. We are a family of four people my dad, mom, me and my young brother and we belong to a middle class business family. This is my first story on ISS and thought of sharing my personal experience with you all. My story is about how I cured my brother’s skin disease with a secret medicine. It all happened when one fine day I went to my distant home town to meet my grandparents and I came across a dusty bookrack filled with old books, one of the books which...

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A Stroll to the Shops

A stroll to the local shops lead to excitement beyond my wildest dreams.It was a nice sunny day, my wife Hannah was dressed in a lace top and very short pink cotton mini skirt. I'd been horny all morning watching her around the house and garden, showing of her ample cleavage from her 34D tits and shapely legs. I was about to suggest a bit afternoon fun when Hannah announced she wanted to pop to the local shops," we need some milk and i could do with a birtday card for Tiffany she offered "....

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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 2

About an hour later my phone vibrated once again. It was from Carol. This time she had send me a picture of a shemale. The text read "do you think she's hot?" I responded with a YES! And I meant it. This shemale had beautiful big tits and a pretty big dick. In fact it may have been a bit bigger then mine. This was really starting to get interesting, just like Carol had promised. She was texting me dirty pictures and being really naughty. I loved it. I wanted to be naughty just...

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Queens Inspector

I was the youngest son of a duke. I was not even close to being in the line to inherit. I did get a very good education and training with the new modern weapons. I studied the queen’s law and the common law. When I left home at eighteen I had a commission as one of the queen’s inspectors. That meant I over saw constables and investigated crimes. Depending on where I was sent I could have anywhere from a half dozen men to fifty or a hundred. In my case I went further south to a port city called...

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Everyone Wishes Part I

He was trying his best to leave her alone, but she was sitting at his desk working on his laptop, a position Abel Edwards had never allowed anyone to occupy before Summer.  It was like watching someone go for a hike in your shoes, whether they fit or not.  But the improbably slender twenty-six-year-old was sitting there like she owned the place, square shoulders and straight spine, head lowered to the screen as she went line by line through the nineteenth chapter of Edwards’ latest novel.There...

Straight Sex
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PetiteHDPorn Molly Mae Hot Yoga

Petite teen Molly Mae keeps her slender body fit and fuckable by going to the gym. Her short shorts ride up for some serious camel toe and her tank top lets her big all naturals create a perfect eyeful of cleavage. She has just completed her workout routine when she is joined by her gym partner and friend with sprinkles, Logan Long. Logan is quick to whip out his stiffie so Molly can get her fill of something just as energetic but way hotter than a good workout. Opening her mouth wide, Molly...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 3 The Hunter Soars

That same night in Los Angeles, Lisa got home from work at the Denny's at ten. It was raining, though it was not even cloudy when she had gone to work at eight that morning. She was wet and exhausted. All she wanted was to sleep and forget the bills that needed to be paid with the pennies she got paid from her two jobs. She opened the door, threw her purse at the kitchen slash living room slash dining room table, and locked the door behind her. Kicking off her shoes, she began taking off her...

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