Investigating Ravenwood free porn video

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Investigating Ravenwood. By Pinkman100/madcow4321 Kurt was a young detective in his late twenties when the transfer forms were handed to him Kurt was one of the lead detectives at the Middletown PD but due to downsizing, departments were shifting people everywhere to try and hide numbers and bury peoples payrolls in a paperwork trails. Fortunately being a cop meant knowing the law and a surprising amount about paperwork and red tape. Kurt sighed when he realized that his transfer would place him far from his home out in the middle of nowhere. Some city life, some farm life, but Kurt had come to Middletown because it wasn't quite as hectic as Boston or New York, but at least it had a 24 hour pulse that meant around the clock shifts, overtime and some actually challenging assignments! Kurt didn't want to be assigned to cases of lost cars and missing cats. "What are you so upset about? It's not like you got much of a life set up here anyways" his sergeant had grumbled gruffly when Kurt tried to appeal. He was right, his family was a small one and hated the idea of him leaving farm life to become a police officer, and he buried himself so much in his work that he never afforded a social life or a girlfriend. Kurt sighed and ran a hand through his short brown hair before nodding and packing up his desk. "Hey! Hello? Are you paying attention?" Kurt snapped out of his daydream and glanced over at his partner Jenny. She was a firecracker of a woman who had a personality that may have come from years of compensating for her size. Jenny barely made the minimum police force requirements for height as she was barely 5'1" and had a figure that seemed to scream burlesque model more than detective work. Kurt smiled absently at her trying not to glance down at her large chest or overly round hips for the thousandth time since they'd been paired, "yea, sorry, was kinda in another place there for a moment." Jenny frowned between glances at the road as they traveled in the suburban on their way to a crime scene. Her big brown eyes had the capacity to convey amazing (if short) wrath or soft warmth and when his eyes met her briefly he saw legitimate concern. "Dammit Kurt, all you do is work! There isn't even that much crime here! Why are you always pulling overtime? What were you dreaming about this time? A woman I hope?" Kurt chuckled as Jenny knew him all too well. Kurt had continued his old habits even though he was now two years into his new assignment and was constantly either at his desk or in the field. Kurt never bothered to make friends or even meet any of the locals outside of business calls. "No, was back at my old life before this one." he sighed. "Again? Was it any different then? Was it better? I mean jeesh Kurt, it's been almost two years?" Kurt glanced at her again and chuckled slouching down into the seat, "Yea it was different" he paused, "there were less calls about missing cats!" he said with a grin. Jenny chuckled at him as she pulled into the crime scene. Kurt climbed out of the suburban easily, his long legs able to touch the ground without having to slide or climb out of the vehicle. Poor Jenny on the other hand had to jump out of the car. He always wondered why she insisted on driving the bigger company cars when she almost needed a step ladder to get into them. He stifled his chuckle as he walked around the car and glanced up at the building. The back of the building was surrounded by yellow police tape and a small red Toyota Carolla appeared to have been abandoned in the parking lot. Kurt glanced over at Jenny who was putting on her oversized sunglasses and heard her coming with the clicking of her high heeled boots. "So, do we think the driver abandoned the car or did the car drive off and abandon the driver?" Kurt couldn't help but chuckle at his own joke and knew without being able to see his partners eyes that she was rolling them at him. Kurt gestured for her to cross the tape first and took the opportunity to check out her backside as she bent over. She typically liked to dress in tight clothing that showed off that amazing hourglass figure that she had that either attracted or intimidated just about every man she ever met. Fortunately after two years of her attitude, Kurt had become immune to most of her charms, all but some of the more obvious physical ones. "We're here to investigate a missing persons dumbass. Remember?" She shot as she approached the car. "Jim Hathaway hasn't been seen in over two days and his last stop was here." Kurt glanced up at what was quite possibly the tallest building in Ravenwood. The women's center specialized as a sperm bank/fertility center. Kurt has always speculated that this building was the reason why the females in Ravenwood outnumbered all the males almost 3 to one. Supposedly they specialized in what Kurt called "high end" stuff where they were able to get engineers, doctors, lawyers, and athletes to donate on a large scale preventing them from having to clone or reproduce or use the same specimen multiple times. Kurt had never really thought of the place until now as they always appeared to run a tight clean ship, however now it appeared that they may have something to do with Jim's disappearance. Kurt looked around the red Corolla noticing that there were no traces of forced entry and that the car was pulled straight into a spot that was usually designed for shipping trucks or deliveries. To the casual observer it would appear that this person had just taken a poor parking spot behind the building or perhaps was visiting another business locally. Kurt attempted to open the door after the bomb dogs had sniffed away at the vehicle revealing no traces of explosive and found it unlocked. Kurt opened the glove bock and other storage compartments of the vehicle while Jenny was on the phone verifying the VIN and the plate to make sure that the vehicle was authentic and not chopped or a setup to throw off the police. For a small town detective, Jenny seemed to be sharper than most. Kurt sighed as he found nothing unusual in the car and stood up and glanced around. Normally he would assume that perhaps this Jim guy parked his car here to run across the street, or that maybe he parked here to enjoy the long walk to the building, but as he surveyed the area Kurt could clearly see that there was nothing but forest for miles around the compound. The city didn't take to kindly to the idea of a sperm bank being located in central downtown so the owners had placed it off the highway at the town limits. Kurt scratched the stubble on his chin realizing that this may actually be a real detective case. Kurt radioed into the office and got the report that the black and whites that had gone to speak with Ms Hathaway had found no signs of foul play and that she had an air tight alibi. She was emotional and truly invested in recovering her lost husband. She reported that Jim was in his thirties and fairly good looking. he was an up and coming author, but that no one would have any reasons to want him dead, and that he was faithful to his wife. Kurt had met Jim once or twice and never got the sensation that Jim was the kind of guy to sneak and cheat. Jim was to kind of guy that did whatever he wanted and never bothered lying because it was "too much to remember" Jim shrugged at Jenny's report that the VIN and plates did indeed match Jim's car down to a T and that forensics already reported no unusual substances or signs of forced entry. 'Let's head inside and talk to the staff and see what they know?" Kurt suggested. Jenny smiled "Look who's putting on the detective pants!!" Kurt smiled falsely and quickly flashed the middle finger to Jenny who only cackled in response as they made their way to the entrance to the building. Kurt felt strange as soon as he walked into the building. Everything appeared to be very white and sterile, yet there was a very casual atmosphere and decor that didn't seem to match the hospital feeling that the walls and floor gave off. Kurt noticed warmly colored couches and area rugs strewn everywhere that almost seemed like a cafe or a coffee house. Kurt made his way up to the receptions desk where he noticed an amazingly beautiful brunette sitting behind the counter. "may I help you?" she chippered at him in a rather cute voice. Kurt almost forgot what he was doing and seemed to be frozen in time as he just stared at her beauty. "Um, Yes, Detective Filger, Ravenwood PD, I need to speak with your manager and or security if you have it?" he asked showing his badge. She smiled at him and he had to glance away to keep from freezing again. he could sense Jenny stifling giggles behind him as he glanced around as the secretary pushed a button connected to her headset and paged some people tot he front. Kurt glanced at the semi-transparent cubicles that served to house initial interviews and as call centers and noticed that he had yet to see another male since entering the building. He also noticed that all of the women seemed to be all about the same young age and all amazingly beautiful in their own ways. It almost seemed like after winning pageantry competitions from all around the world, the most beautiful young girls of the world simply came here to work. "Hello, My name is Alyssa Flores and I am the administrator here, can I help you?" Kurt was slightly disturbed at the voice that had somehow come from his side and noticed a hidden side door closing behind her. Kurt again had the struggle of keeping his eyes from wondering as he tried to take in everything that was this woman. She looked to be of Spanish or Puerto Rican decent, and he imagined she was almost the same height as Jenny as she came walking up to him wearing what must have been six inch stiletto pumps that did wonders to showcase her long perfectly tan legs into a rather small but curvy body. Her hair was raven black to go with her dark eyes, and her entire outfit seemed designed to intimidate. Her tone wasn't one of warmth or friendliness like the secretaries but she sounded annoyed with him already. "Yes, I'm Detective Filger, this is my partner Jenny Howard. We would like to speak with you about a recent missing persons report? Do you have a security department or any surveillance systems we could review as well?" Alyssa's aura of annoyance only worsened as she listened to Kurt's questions. Jenny seemed actually somewhat impressed that Kurt had managed to stand up to the woman without gawking or babbling as he'd do since he entered. "Yes we have surveillance however we do not have a security department, they are only used to litigation and legal responsibility. Our product is not one that is typically stolen and our outside security company takes care of any vandalism claims that we have. Please, come to my office." With that Alyssa turned sharply to the secretary and barked "No calls" before turning abruptly again and walking back to the hidden door she had just come from. Alyssa continued to lead them through a somewhat confusing series of hallways that again reminded Kurt of a very large doctors office before they were lead to a large executive conference room. Alyssa gestured for them to sit before sitting across from them. Kurt glanced at Jenny who nodded to Kurt signaling she wanted him to take the lead. Kurt subtly rolled his eyes figuring this was a great time for his normally loud mouthed pushy partner to suddenly be the passive observer. "We are here investigating a missing male by the name of Jim Hathaway. He was reported missing about two days ago, and we just recently found his car in your parking lot." Kurt unfolded the piece of paper that the office had faxed to him with Jim's most recent picture and showed it to Alyssa. "Do you recognize him?" Alyssa glanced at the picture momentarily before putting the paper back on the table in front of Kurt. "No, I don't recognize him at all. You were better off asking my secretary these questions as she is the one that greets people face to face. I just run the executive decisions, sales, donations, intake, outtake, publicity. I don't really deal with our clients face to face. But regardless, what do you expect from us? Even if he did come to make a donation it's all strictly confidential anyways." Kurt grumbled at her continued attitude as he was starting to lose his patience with this little girl. 'Look, YOU are the one responsible for Intake aren't you? So wouldn't YOU be the one to ask if he stopped by for a donation? " Alyssa rolled her eyes "all of our client information is protec" "Either you look in your system and see if he came by" Kurt sternly cut in, "or I will pull EVERY string I have and be back in here with an extensive search warrant and a very very large team of reporters. Does your publicity really want that kind of negative publicity?" For the first time since Kurt had met her, Alyssa smiled. "As you wish Mr. Filger." She stood up and went over to the terminal sitting at the end of the room and worked on it for a moment. "I have no record of him coming here. He would have to present his ID and his credentials to make a deposit so there's no way he was here without being on our records. Now, is there anything else I can help you with Mr. Filger?" Kurt recomposed himself and folded up the piece of paper with Jim's photo and information on it. "No, I believe that will be all for now Ms Flores. thank you." Jenny nodded to Alyssa and stood to leave and just as Kurt was about to pass the doorway Alyssa leaned in "I see you like women that are rather endowed on the back side.. I'll have to remember that for you Mr. Filger." Kurt was about to ask her what in the world she was talking about when Jenny had called him and he chased her down the hall away from the bizarre Alyssa and accompanied her back down to the suburban. "You think they have anything to do with all this?" Jenny asked as they were backing out of the parking lot. "I don't know. Something seems funny about all this. I mean, that place was bizarre. did you notice all the women were almost exactly the same age? And they were all so feminine, and not only that, but there wasn't a SINGLE man there? You would think that there would be at least One? I don't know, it all seems too weird. Do you think they are involved?" Jenny shook her head. "Why would they just leave the car there if they did something to him? Why wouldn't they have it towed or destroyed?" "Because this is a small town, there are a limited amount of tow trucks, and we'd be able to track any explosives that they may have purchased. Their best bet would be to leave the car right where it is and play dumb, and I think that is exactly what they are doing." "What makes you think that?" Jenny asked sounding somewhat confused. "We don't have any evidence, they would have had records of him being there if he showed up, I mean, what do you think, the guy snuck in or something?" Kurt smiled at the road. "did you notice the back door we walked by on the way to the conference room? It had dents and a brand new deadbolt. You know, like someone had just broken the old one? Like maybe someone broke in and they took care of him maybe?" Jenny actually turned to stare at him as they stopped at a stop sign. "do you smoke Pot?" Kurt blinked. "What? No! you know I always piss clean. Why the hell would you even ask that?" "She looked mildly upset, "because that sounds like some crazy paranoid shit." Kurt was back in the office later running system checks on Alyssa and Jim trying to find some correlation. He thought it was a little bizarre that they both seemed to have perfect records. Kurt was also curious how a fertility clinic that was obviously making so much revenue could function in such a small low population town? Especially one with such a low male population? Kurt just couldn't get the idea of the back door out of his head and knew that Jim was in that building somewhere. He tried to sleep however come midnight, he couldn't take it anymore. He'd never get a search warrant anytime soon, and they would easily have any evidence hidden by the time he was able to convince his slow supervisor to let him in there. Time was essential and Kurt had to get in there now. He picked up his cell phone and dialed Jenny's number. "What the fuck Kurt, you so bored you need to bother me in the middle of the night?" she answered rather sluggishly. "I'm going in, tonight. I wanted you to know in case whatever got Jim gets me, and to you know, invite you." He tried not to let his smile be reflected in his voice. "You're enjoying this aren't you Kurt?" Apparently he failed. "Kind of, listen, you in or not?" "You need a fucking girlfriend or to get laid Kurt. This is some bullshit." "See you there in 30?" he said as his smiled broadened knowing he was winning this battle. "Yea asshole, you owe me one." Kurt arrived first and had already taken the liberty of disabling the security sensor on the door and was working on the deadbolt when Jenny arrived. Being a cop taught you all kinds of useful things. Jenny climbed out of her car wearing a pair of skin tight sweatpants and a half shirt with her hair up in a very cute pony tail. If this were any other occasion, Kurt would have hit on her. When she reached her arms up in a yawn and exposed her tight little stomach Kurt almost dropped the pin holding the lock open. "You look hot." Kurt figured the best sarcasm was usually based in truth. "Thanks princess, you look wonderful yourself." Kurt smiled despite himself. and with one last twist of his wrist and they were in. Kurt pulled the flashlight from his belt and turned it on into the darkness. The hallway was lit by some ambient lighting but the office was still dark. Kurt crept down the hallway a little ways before spotting a motion sensor in the corner. "Shit, should have known they'd have something more than door and window trips." Kurt backtracked down the hallway and opened the only door that was available to him to reveal steps that lead downstairs. Kurt smiled at himself realizing that there probably wasn't any security measures downstairs as there were no windows to get down there. He slowly crept down the steps hearing jenny's breath behind him when he came to another door that seemed completely out of place. Kurt shined his flashlight on the solid steel security door and glanced at the security panel that required either a pass code or a keycard and cursed his miserable luck. "Fuck" he cursed allowed and Jenny followed his glance down to the keypad. "I might be able to do something with that. Believe it or not, I'm pretty good with electronics. After about 10 minutes of Jenny playing with her smart phone and playing with the keypad as Kurt sat there on the steps bored with his designated job of "flashlight bitch" the keypad finally blinked green and an audible click indicated that the door was now open. Jenny stood aside "After you big man" she said with a grin. Kurt just stared at her for a moment before passing by her in the tight stairway and failing at his attempt to not look down her shirt at her amazing cleavage. Kurt was amazed to see that the basement seemed very bare and open accept for what looked like a giant glass grid on the ceiling and a few walls breaking up the vastness of the basement for separate offices, perhaps for different procedures he wondered. Kurt looked around figuring this is probably exactly what Jim had done when he had broken in and looked around. The only thing that grabbed Kurt's attention was a bizarre machine that appeared to be coming down from the ceiling. Kurt approached it slowly, looking around and scanning the walls for motion sensors, but with how big this basement was, no motion sensor would ever be able to cover that amount of space. Kurt raised an eyebrow as he got closer and inspected the strange machine. The glass in the ceiling was pulled back and there was a big robotic arm coming down. At the end of the arm there appeared to be some kind of sphere that was sitting open with a hinge on one side that would allow it to close. Kurt carefully inspected the front of it and back before looking around inside it. it was hard to make out the details because it seemed as though the entire inside of it was coated with some kind of black rubber or plastic. Kurt was able to make out two small holes in the front and the imprint of what looked to be legs or thighs indented in the rubber. "having trouble figuring it out Einstein?" Jenny giggled. It's obviously some kind of machine that they use for the umm, male Donors?" Kurt was confused for a moment before he looked closer at the front and figured that the male probably entered into it and the machine assisted him with his donation. "Try it" Jenny said with a playful push on his back. "What? Are you kidding?" Kurt turned and stared at her as if she had nine heads. "I've been telling you that you need to get laid, and here it is! The lay-o- matic 9000!" she giggled more intensely. "What's the worst that'll happen?" "Jenny, I am not going to have sex with that machine!" Kurt grumbled in frustration, but it was hard to stay frustrated as jenny arched her back almost as if to specifically push her impressive breasts higher and further. "Do you need a little motivation? You know, I could use an adventurous man in my life Kurty" she said with a mock pout. The male side of Kurt immediately took over "what kind of motivation are you offering? So, what, if I do the machine, you and me can maybe go home and try the real deal?" Jenny grinned like a cat at a bird and took his hand and placed it firmly on her breast. "Yes cutie, that is Exactly what I am saying" Kurt's hand caressed her breast as she leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him hard. Kurt could immediately feel himself getting excited as her hands reached down and undid his belt and dropped his pants." With his pants and underwear around his ankles Jenny continued to kiss Kurt frantically as she backed up bit by bit. Kurt felt like a bit of an idiot shuffling along after her but each kiss only served to poor more gas on a fire that had been ignored for far too long. Kurt savored every moment as his hands actively fondled and played with the things he looked and dreamed about daily when suddenly he felt her kiss stop for a moment, he opened up his eyes and she was sitting on top of the machine with her shirt off beckoning for him. Kurt grinned like an idiot at the pink satin bra she wore under her shirt and immediately marched on to his prize. When he was within reach she reached her arms around him and kissed him hard enough to bruise his lips. He moaned into her and felt her hands reaching down to his backside, and once they got there she felt her pull very hard and he suddenly felt a rubber mold forcing his legs to a more narrow stance as he suddenly felt a strong suction feeling coming from his penis and balls. jenny's pull had forced him to comply with the sucking force and suddenly he felt his penis go into one hole and his balls into another. Kelly giggled and hopped off the back of the machine as Kurt tentatively tried to pull out of the machine but found that the suction had now created a seal with his skin and that he was starting to feel an intense pressure building on his testicles as he felt a soft stroking sensation along his penis. Kurt was trying to decide weather to be scared or aroused at his predicament but couldn't help succumb to the mounting pleasure he was starting to receive as the machine expertly stimulated him. Jenny shook her head and stared at him "I cannot believe you actually fell for that. Well, Enjoy your night cutie! I'll see you at work tomorrow if you aren't too worn out from your passionate night!" jenny tossed her shirt on over her and cupped her breasts teasingly before heading for the door. "jenny! Jenny you can't be serious!" Kurt furiously tried to remove himself from the machine however it's grip on him was unbreakable. "Jenny!" Kurt called one last time however she was now out the door. Kurt cursed his luck and realized he might be in for a long night. Kurt tried furiously to remove himself from the machine despite the mounting pleasure it was giving him however the mechanism had a death grip on both his penis and his balls and to pull any harder would likely cause some very severe damage. The machine stroked and suckled slowly and softly at first however it gradually built up in pressure and speed until Kurt couldn't stand it anymore and finally felt himself release into the machine The machine expertly extracted every drop of semen from Kurt's penis with its powerful suction while the machine also gently milked his balls encouraging greater sperm production. Kurt Moaned as he came and was tempted to let his knees go weak if not for the fact that the machine still had an incredible grip on his equipment and didn't seem to want to let go. Kurt tentatively tried while the machine was docile only to verify his earlier results of being completely stuck in the machine. Kurt looked over the front console looking for a button or a switch however there was nothing but smooth metal and plastic. Taking stock of his surroundings Kurt noticed that there appeared to be another part of the machine and from further examination it looked as thought it was supposed to close into one solid piece completely covering the persons pelvic area. Kurt struggled again and again trying to escape and tried to reach the phone in his pants but the angle that the machine forced him to prevented him from reaching his pants that were around his ankles Kurt sighed and figured it wouldn't be so bad standing in place for the next 4 or 5 hours until suddenly the machine's protocol seemed to repeat and the sucking and stroking began again. Kurt squirmed a little as he had never been one of those lovers that went more than once or twice a night and realized that if the machine repeated every 10 minutes he was going to be very sore in the morning.. Alyssa came into the office the next morning wearing her favorite sleeveless turtleneck top and her skin tight dress slacks. Her black stiletto's clicked as she angrily made her way to the basement knowing full well what to expect but being mildly surprised that the trap had worked. She walked down the steps and smiled a little to see Kurt Filger stuck in one of her donation booths looking rather pained and tired. "Good morning Mr. Filger! if you wanted to make a donation, you only had to ask! All this breaking and entering wasn't necessary." Kurt squirmed in his machine trying to find a more comfortable position. She smiled at him knowing that the machines cycle repeated every 10 minutes unless programmed otherwise and would continue to milk the subject until the determined donation amount had been reached. This model wasn't programmed yet and was still running in test mode and would continue to do so until ordered to stop. "Just let me out of here" he moaned half in exhaustion half in pleasure filled pain. "I am not so sure I should do that Mr. Filger. It seems that your sperm is quite healthy and you possess several highly desirable traits for seeking mothers. Free of STD's, disease or defects, good work ethic, and apparently some considerable sexual stamina. and besides, whets to keep me from leaving you here and getting some more samples?" Kurt grinned his teeth trying to concentrate. "My partner knows I am here and she will come looking for me. I know you're hiding something from me Alyssa. I will find it." Alyssa only chucked at his determination. "You poor thing. You're only using half the machine." she said as she gestured to the other half. "Why don't I attach the rest so you can get the full effect.?" She grinned at Kurt and withdrew a bottle of clear geol from the supply bin on the wall. Kurt watched in horror as she began to lube up the plug in the back of the machine which Kurt now realized would line up perfectly with his exposed back side. "No! Stop this! I swear I will talk you down!" He yelled as she gently pushed the machine closed slowly forcing Kurt's back side to be invaded. he grunted as the plug slowly made it's way into his anus and relaxed at bit once the widest part of the plug had passed and the machine clocked closed squeezing him even tighter. The machine seemed to realize it was closed and the cycle started over again, however this time in addition to the suckling and stroking Kurt felt a vibrating in his ass that seemed to be inflating and pushing harder and harder as the stimulation on his dick increased. Alyssa watched as Kurt seemed unable to talk and was panting and groaning more and more. Kurt squirmed and tried to get away from the plug swelling and swelling inside him however before long it started to pulsate against his prostate. Kurt couldn't resist anymore and came loud long and hard into the machine and slumped over the front in exhaustion. Alyssa smiled knowing that this was the first time Kurt had ever been properly milked. She quickly reached forward and took his hands and stick them in the manacles at the side of the machine locking them to his side. Kurt tried to fight her but was too tired and too sore and for the last hour been blacking out during the 10 minute reset periods. Alyssa smiled as Kurt jerked back to consciousness when the machines cycle started over again and found his hands now bound to the front of the machine. Kurt feebly tugged and squirmed but knew he was completely trapped. "Let me out of here NOW bitch!" he growled. "O my, I am not going to tolerate that kind of abuse. Not from one of my little pets." Alyssa walked behind Kurt and pushed a button on the back revealing a touch screen panel. Kurt heard beeping but could not turn around to see what she was doing. Suddenly a long tube with a harness came down in front of Kurt's Face. His heart raced as he realized it appeared to be some kind of feeding tube designed to go into someone's stomach and be harnessed to the face so the person can't remove it. He had seen them in the ICU before on duty. Kurt thrashed his head as he saw Alyssa's hands reach from behind him and grab the tube. He struggled as much as he could but heard a beep and felt a pinch on his butt cheek as the machine administered a shot to calm him down. His arms became heavy and his legs gave out from underneath him driving the plug even further inside of him. He was barely able to remain conscious as Alyssa expertly fed the tube down his throat and secured the harness to his face. "You want to know Mr. Filger? I won't hide it from you anymore. In fact, I'll show you everything first hand!" Kurt heard echoing clicking as Alyssa circled the machine to face him. his vision was blurry and he felt like he was underwater. "You want to know why there are so few men here in Ravenwood? Why sometimes they seem to come here to disappear? Well, Mr. Filger. Men are in short supply around here because they simply aren't useful. Outside of some menial manual labor and all that sperm you are so anxious to share, men serve no purpose to society. You are a pig like violent breed that needs to be controlled. And that is exactly what we do here. We use you for what you're worth, primarily your sperm and then release you as a... " She paused, lost in thought for a moment. "more productive member of society." She smiled at him and gently stroked his face. "You could have just walked away Kurt, but you didn't. You really have left me with no choice here. I'm afraid I'm going to have o enter you into our rehabilitation program." With a sinking feeling, Kurt finally realized what had happened to Jim. "You see, our program forces men to donate more than they are comfortable with. That tube will kept you fed with nothing but fluids viagra and hormones to keep you at your sexual peak as you will be milked constantly. Obviously this constant sexual assault on your prostate and gentiles is very taxing and damaging and unfortunately, after some time, men start to become less and less productive. Once they've passed their peak we shift the hormone delivery from testosterone to estrogen and begin a very extreme training regiment where the subject is hypnotized and drugged and trained for her new life. Obviously we can't just release you back into society even if you are sterile. Think of the trouble that would cause? No, you'll be wiped, given a new identity, a new role in a life, a new personality, and you will be a servant to society instead of a violent pig like you are now! And since your only useful trait, your dick will be used up and broken, we might as well convert you into a more attractive form anyways. So, just a few minor surgical procedures and you'll be the pretty girl you've always wanted! So you see Mr. Filger, no more big mean manlyness for you! Oh, and I wouldn't worry about your partner coming to find you either. Goodbye Kurt." Alyssa glanced down at the front console and flipped a switch. Kurt felt himself being lifted off the ground and up in the cubicle spaces in the ceiling. All that remained was Kurtz pants and boxers which Alyssa scooped up and threw away. Kurt felt the machine suddenly jerk to a halt and was able to see the floor close underneath him enclosing him completely in a dark box. Kurt suddenly felt something enveloping his head and inflating, squeezing his head tightly. He tried to move but it was too late and his head was completely stuck. Kurt couldn't see or hear anything and was in complete sensory deprivation. Kurt started to winder if the machine was giving him a break when suddenly he saw images. He tried to look away but couldn't. The mask on his face had small screens directly in front of his eyes that were playing a pornographic movie. Kurt turned his head and tried to get away but the mask was so snug on his head it kept him, from closing his eyes somehow, and made him feel as if he was there in the movie. Kurt began to hear groans and moans of the pretty girl that was laid out underneath a grunting man and realized that there were now ear buds in his ears. Kurt couldn't help but sit there and watch the movie unfold as he felt his stomach start to fill with what he knew to be his first dose of hormones, fluids and probably some nutritional fluid to keep him alive. Alyssa made her way back to the control room where she glanced at the countless monitors all focused on a man in the exact same situation as Kurt. All of them stuck in the machine, looking lifeless as their mask played film after film to stimulate their sex drive or teach them their new lives. "Which one is Kurt?" Alyssa turned to see Jenny standing in the corner looking somewhat concerned. "Don't worry love, He's okay." Alyssa reached forward and Jenny came forward and kissed her softly." I feel kind of bad, trapping him like that." Alyssa glanced down at jenny and smiled at her staring into her beautiful brown eyes. "Jenny, remember, even though hw as nice, he is still a MAN, a filthy rapist pig Man. You know he has the potential to turn into another one, just like your ex husband. another abusive drunken idiot. We're making the world a better safer place." Jenny smiled softly and kissed Alyssa again. "You're right hun. You're always right." Alyssa smiled and hugged Jenny close. "Why don't you head back to the office and tell the lieutenant that you still can't find him." Jenny nodded and stole one last quick kiss before heading out the door. Alyssa watched with a smile admiring her ass in those skin tight pants she loved to wear. Time blurred for Kurt as all the movies seem to blend one into another. He fell into a trance where he no longer knew time or place, all he knew was movie after movie, some with multiple men, some with multiple girls, some kinky, some gay. He seemed to be exposed to every kind of pornography there was, and if there was one that he particularly liked, a similar one would play next. Kurt began to get lost in the pornography, not knowing if he was the man or the woman. He couldn't tell what were his real thoughts and what were the whispers that started to come through the ear buds. He thought that blonde was really cute, he wished he had her hair as his scalp tingled. That brunette has the cutest voice in the world despite his sore throat. That red head had amazingly perfect breasts despite his sore sensitive chest. Oh how he loved cheer leaders and maids. He felt himself wishing he could have them, or be them as the voices whispered in his ears. Wishing for the feeling of soft silky fabrics against his perfect curvy legs as his skin tingled from head to toe. He thought of Jenny at times and knew that if he had her body, he would dress so much cuter, so much hotter. He would be such a prettier girl. Kurt suddenly jerked awake on the bed and glanced around his pink room. He felt very strange and ran a hand through his long blonde hair. He had the strangest dream about police and machines. He glanced down at his large breasts wrapped tightly in the skin tight tank top and straightened his matching panties. He took a second to glance down at his pretty pink nails before looking at his clock and remembering that his shift started in about two hours. He got up and made his way to the shower, peeling off his panties and tank top and glancing at the full length mirror admiring his large breasts, pert pink nipples, slender waste and then smiling slightly as he turned to the side showing off his nice round ass and hips. He considered spending a little more time at the gym to tone up his legs a little bit more and then examined his cute little feet for any chips in his nail polish. Chloe giggled to herself loving how cute she sounded as she thought of how lucky she was to be so much prettier than all the other girls in the office were and how lucky she was that she never needed to worry about shaving, waxing or plucking due to Mistress Alyssa's present to her of laser hair removal. Chloe knew that she was perfect in every way and even though it may sound strange, just thinking of how pretty she was sometimes turned her on! Chloe went about her morning routine, showering, blow drying her hair and styling it to perfection. She didn't really need makeup because her lips were already naturally the perfect shade of pink and her skin already perfect. Chloe went over to her pink dresser and opened up the underwear drawer and pulled out her favorite pink pushup bra that helped her amazing D cup breasts look even bigger. She then stepped into the matching satin thong and savored the feeling of the soft satin against her so large and sensitive nipples and her clean shaven hairless pussy. She swore sometimes if she just squeezed her legs together hard enough or wore a tight pair of tights that she would be able to cum. The idea of tights excited her as she opened the next drawer and took out a pair of ultra shimmery white satin tights. She couldn't help but rub her legs together savoring the softness of her skin and the silkiness of the tights. Tights were her favorite thing to wear, and even when she wasn't on duty or was wearing pants (which were all skin tight to show off her amazing ass) she still wore tights underneath them. Stepping over to her closet, Chloe knew what was coming next. She slid the pink spandex dress over her hair and adjusted it until the neck line fit just perfectly revealing her giant valley of cleavage. The dress was so tight it showed all of her curves and just had to be worn with a thong. She tugged the dress down until it stopped half way down her thighs and stepped into the pink stilettos that she always wore with this outfit. She went back to her mirror and admired herself. Stunning as always. All the other girls called her the office flirt, but she knew it was just because they were jealous of her amazing looks. Outfit completed Chloe left her room and walked down the long hallway from the dorms to the main office building and took her seat at the front desk glancing at the clock on her desk knowing that the doors would unlock in just a few minutes and the phones would start. Chloe sighed but knew if she was a good girl at the receptionist desk, she would get promoted! Chloe heard the door locks click and sat up extra straight, pushing her boobs in front and ass out back looking Her outfit showing off her amazing curves from head to toe, like the perfectly obedient, spunky girl. Just the girl Kurt would have loved. One less man to investigate Ravenwood. Hope you enjoyed! Feedback appreciated!

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Catfighting Sorority Sluts

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The Other Side Of My Manager

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DONNALosing my virginity to 3 older workers

I was 17 and had been kissed and had my 44DD tits felt by boys at school but nothing else, I was a chubby girl and boys didn’t seem to like that, they all seem to go for the stereotype of long blonde hair and slim figured girls, this was in the 1970s, 1978 in fact.I’d just got out of the shower and was in my white bra and panties with my dressing gown on, I went downstairs for a coffee, my mum was out at work, and the two lads I had been having a laugh with all week were stood outside smoking....

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Colleague Fucked While Talking To Her Husband On Phone 8211 Pt 2

It had been a while since that fateful rainy night. And I had left very unceremoniously without a trace of gratitude towards her. But what else could I have said to my colleague? The events of that night were unnatural and unexpected for me and I was ill-equipped to handle this situation. While I left, I did glance at her lying naked on the floor just covered in a bed sheet, hair dishevelled, and watching me sneak out like a thief. My colleague looked drop dead gorgeous and I was finding it...

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Depth of FieldChapter 1 Splash a Little Water on It

The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead - R.E. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me all day?” I raised an eyebrow at my sister and smiled slightly. “Is that what you want me to do?” Lara grinned impishly before turning back toward the lively river, stepping onto the larger rocks that jutted out from the rapids. The sudden lift of her fishing rod gave away the fact that she’d settled too quickly on an unsteady stone. Her toned leg muscles twitched as they tried to make...

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Note Found In The Principals Office

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work NOTE FOUND IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE By Wyrdey Hello, Mr. Principal sir. You probably have some questions. That would be only natural: after all, you returned to your office after lunch to find this note sitting on your chair. You probably think that this is some kind of romantic gesture - maybe your wife is doing something special. You wouldn't be totally wrong. I mean, this note...

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Shadi Suda Didi Ki Chudai

Mera naam main yaha paar nahi bataunga lekin main kolkata ka rehene wala hu mera age hain 20 years.Main aplogo ka jayada time nahi lunga main sidha point pe ata hu toh mera ghar main papa mummy bhaiya rehete hai ekdin mera uncle ki beti humare ghar main rehene aayi kyuki mera rishtedar ki ghar pe shadi thi.Mera papa business man hain aur mummy housewife aur bhaiya nokri karte hain toh papa aur bhaiya subha subha nikal jate the main mummy aur meri uncle ki beti rehete the ghar pe. Jab mera...

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Hannah G Marketing Back To Work Part 3

I was dreading going back to work after two days of playing with Hannah’s feet. Just the thought of seeing her dressed in office attire, with her gorgeous high heels and succulent toes got me engorged. I knew she wouldn’t have kept our weekend quiet and to herself, as hoped.Amy was Hannah’s best friend; they would tell each other everything. She was also Hannah’s right-hand person and would manage the office and sales teams if Hannah was away. Amy was a bit off a ditz but, oh my god, was she...

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Illicit Affair Chapter 1Collide

The high-rise building stood tall and luminescent in the darkness. Constructed in the heart of New York City, it was surrounded by other concrete towers that unrivaled the size of the law firm that was famously known as Alistair & King. It was as if the architecture of the building itself symbolized the large staff of powerful lawyers that diligently worked demanding schedules, hidden away in their glass boxed offices, day in, and day out. A beautiful brunette sat at her desk that Friday...

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Sophie and Her Mother Part 9

Sophie and Pippa hardly said a word as they walked back to Sophie’sflat. Turning the key and opening the door with her freshly tawsed hands made Sophie wince. Pippa knew that she would have the same problem so didn’t offer to help. Sophie flopped down on the settee and threw her head back with a sigh. Pippa decided that kneeling would be more comfortable for her well-strapped bottom. They compared hands, Sophie was no stranger to the tawse but she never found it easy and the soft pads at the...

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22YearOld Guy Becomes Gigolo 8211 Part 2 The Good And The Bad

So as I had told you guys, the Malayali girl who auditioned to become an escort with me, I was about to get her twat. But there was the good and the bad part in this profession. Sharon – Big boobed colleague in need, should be fucked indeed. Suddenly, one evening in August, I got a call from Sharon. I was amazed. She seemed needy now and asked me what am I doing. Whether I’m still doing that job, to which I replied as yes. She wanted to meet me. I wondered whether why she...

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Meeting My School Mate Getting Fucked By Him

I am from a rich background and a single father who never gave a shit about me. Naturally, I am blessed with a great body (36-26-36). You can imagine Shruthi Hassan. It happened when I was 21 and I planned a Goa trip with my boyfriend.Everything went as planned. Our travel was as expected with blowjobs and handjobs from Bangalore to Goa. We reached Goa at night. We both were tired as hell and I slept as soon as I reached the room. The next day morning my boyfriend got a call from his parents...

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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 7 Bratty Sister Gets Spanked

A hand shook my shoulder as I slept. I didn’t want to wake up. I was still so tired from yesterday. So much had happened yesterday. I went on a roller coaster of emotions. It started off with Daddy taking me to a private dungeon to show off how much of a good girl I was. My fourteen-year-old body was on display for the other Master’s and their submissive sex slaves, some as young as me, others older. There were even mother/daughter teams of submissives. That should have been a clue for what...

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