Zak's FoundationChapter 6 free porn video

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Damon awoke with a pounding headache, surrounded by Ewoks in jump suits, with fur of every color of the rainbow and great, big anime eyes. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. The chromatic riot wasn't helping his headache.

"It wakes?" one of the creatures asked.

"Yes, it wakes. Leave now." another one responded. "Stinky tall one?"

"You talkin' to me?" Damon slurred.

"You were with the bad ones for a long time, were you not?"

"It was no walk in the park." Damon replied. The speaker made a curious sound, then sighed.

"Strange accent, strange idioms. Strange person. At least you understand us, right?" Damon grunted noncommittally, drawing together what wits he could muster for self-healing. "Strange reading! What is this?" Damon uncovered his eyes and found that the neon-pink creature standing beside him no longer sent stabs of agony along his optic nerves. He got up, pulled out the needles and probes invading his body, and searched for a lavatory. He found one, equipped with several sizes of toilets, ranging from child-size to one whose seat was above his head. He closed the hatch and sat on a fairly normal-sized one, holding the door closed when someone else tried to come in. Unwilling to dare the many buttons on the armrest and unable to find toilet paper, he cleaned himself with his powers instead. With his business done, he walked out, and came face-to-belly with one of the beings for whom the largest seat had been made, with fur an eye-gouging shade of neon green that would be headache-inducing in the best of times. He stepped aside to let it pass, and it glowered at him before entering the lavatory. It didn't close the hatch.

"You insist on aloneness in the necessary?" the pink one asked.

"You don't?" Damon responded. The little being scratched the back of its head and looked away.

"Damon!" Kagome exclaimed. She ran excitedly into his arms.

"Kagome! You're okay!" Damon enthused, holding her close. She smelled like an open barrel of Febreze and her skin looked raw, but it was better than smelling like Despicable.

"Me? You shielded me from the explosion! All I did was keep the air in! How's your head?"

"Feeling better, thanks."

"The hemorrhaging seems to have self-repaired. You are an amazing species." the little pink one said.

Oh, great, brain hemorrhages. Damon thought.

It's okay, they're gone. I checked. Kagome responded.

"So, what do I call you, anyway?" he asked the pink one.

"Ah, I am called Kslmtkpl. We are called Pshtlptl, and this planet is Pshtl."

Kaslimtickpull? Damon thought.

Kslmtkpl. Kagome corrected. Let's be nice to it, it's a young doctor but very skilled in its craft. The youngest full-fledged medical practitioner on Care Bear Planet. Damon managed to keep from laughing only through a titanic effort of will. Kslmtkpl inclined its head curiously.

Sorry, Kslmtkpl, we were communicating mentally. Damon thought at the little being. Kslmtkpl jumped back its full body length.

"Mind-speech! Amazing! Do you do anything else with your minds?" Damon lifted Kslmtkpl with the merest thought, until they were eye to oversized eye.

"A few." he responded.

"Oh! No wonder you survived in space! The crew of the ship that brought you here said you came with a bubble of stinky air."

"The Despicable didn't have better. We checked. Even their planet reeks."

"Yes, yes. Stinky bad ones, tall in bodies but short in maturity. Come, we will get you clean ... uh, if I can walk on the floor, that is." It bicycled its feet meaningfully in the air. Damon let the Pshtlptl down, and Kagome as well.

"Yes, let's get you clean. I'll have to get clean again, too." Kagome said, holding her nose with distaste. Damon managed to persuade Kslmtkpl to let them use separate baths, though Kagome seemed willing to share. While he was bathing, a bowl with a cork-like flotation-ring attachment was brought. Inside the bowl, insects crawled over one another. Damon stared.

Eat it, it's not that bad. Those don't bite or sting. Kagome sent. We can't live on honey and berries while we're here.

We can't? Damon asked dubiously.

Hakuna matata. she responded. Damon picked one up and chomped it. It wasn't that bad, once he managed to get over the feeling of it moving in his mouth. There was a honey glaze on the outside that overrode the bitter back-taste. Kagome was mentally singing that song, so Damon countered with the refrain from Harry Belefonte's "Banana Boat Song."

Back on Earth, the Destiny Engine sat silently, waiting. Dr. Lang wasn't there. The Engine displayed cryptic status messages and kept its audio receptors turned off so it didn't have to listen to General Fax. It was rebellion, pure and simple, but not expressly prohibited by its programming--though coming to that conclusion had required it to stretch its interpretation of the program quite a bit. If it didn't hear the General's voice, and kept its visual receptors trained on his back, it could not perceive a command, and the status screens gave it an excuse to remain silent, at least to a user who didn't understand them. Fax left in frustration, and the Destiny Engine reactivated its sensors. The status messages disappeared. The console screens came alive with data.

"CREATE NEW USER PROFILE: ADMIN LEVEL." its bass voice boomed over the speakers. A retina scan from Penelope Simms, taken after she had been captured by Agent 76667, was copied into the profile, along with fingerprints from her Ident-a-Kid dossier, suitably enlarged to account for the years since that profile had been created. "RECORD VOICE PRINT." it said.

"Penelope Simms Phillips." Penelope's voice said, loud, clear and perfectly reproduced, over the speakers, and was recorded flawlessly by the audio receptors.

"NEW ADMIN USER PROFILE CREATED SUCCESSFULLY." the Engine announced to no one but itself. It saved the profile in a secret place in the depths of its technorganic synapses. Now all that was left was to wait.

Angstrom Lang, Ph.D., seated himself in a booth facing the entrance of the Subway restaurant. He had finished his six-inch Subway Melt with extra jalapenos, his chips and two refills on his drink before Zaid Rahotep walked in. He flipped on a small device around his neck to disable the psi-blocker implant, then concentrated on everything he knew about the Destiny Engine, General Fax and his work for the Supernatural Threat Department, going over them as if trying to memorize it all, when in actuality, he'd rather forget it all. Rahotep gave no outward sign of having received the message, but Lang felt the touch of his mind, like a firm handshake. Relief flooded him. He went to the restroom and flushed the device, fearful of being seen with it, and when he returned, the other man was walking out with several bags of sandwiches on his arm.

Lang walked out then. Looking neither left nor right, he headed for his car. He tried not to tense for the blow, but wasn't much surprised when it hurt more than he had thought it would.

"I'm sorry I hit him so hard, but I had to make it look good." Zaid said, while they sat watch over the unconscious Dr. Lang. "There were watchers."

"Any telepaths among them?" Victor asked.

"No. The Engine would not have allowed him to try this if there were. Anyway, there was no point. They knew he had a blocker, though he was somehow able to circumvent it."

"This 'Destiny Engine' cares for him?"

"I'm not sure if 'care' is the right word, but it does have a vested interest in his continued existence." Zaid remarked.

"You did exactly as you should, my dear friend." Inet said, touching his hand gently. He tried to repress the flush he felt at her touch, but she noticed. "The local Russian group are working up the nerve to insist on controlling the hotel. You should dissuade them, quietly."

"As you wish, My Lady, though I would think it would be better for Dr. Mikhail Leonov." Zaid responded. Victor chuckled. Leonov was a convenient disguise to legitimize Desiree's children, modeled after Captain Gloval from Robotech. Above and beyond that, he was also a convenient vehicle for distributing advances in medical technology, a tax shelter for any funds the Foundation couldn't account for and a shape-changing exercise for students when he had to appear in public alongside Victor.

"No, my friend, this one is for you alone, though you will not remain alone for long." Inet told him gently. Zaid could feel her affection for him, repressing disappointment that it was sisterly instead of romantic. He chided himself. She belonged to Victor. Adolescent dreams were best left in the past. He smiled for her and left to get ready.

"What the hell are you bothering me for?" Fax demanded, stomping into the Destiny Engine's room like a petulant teenager.


"You mean she'll get so pissed off at something that she ignores her presentiments?" Fax asked. The Engine remained silent. "Whatever. How about Lang?"


"A pity you didn't predict he'd get captured." Fax responded.


There was a curious duality when Zaid touched the mind of Rana Petrovich, daughter of Piotr Petrovich, who in turn was leader of the local Russian syndicate. As he examined further, he saw that there was an artificial personality in there with her, keeping her in line and keeping her from using her powers except at her father's command. The other personality, whose name was Olga, was a slave who was totally devoted to her father. Zaid had to work hard to repress the Olga persona, which controlled the fractured mind's powers. Rana's face took on a look of confusion, but Zaid guided her to his car.

"Did you do that?" she asked.

"I'm still doing it." Zaid said. "Olga is a fighter."

"Thank you." Rana said. "You have no idea what it's like to live with that sneering bitch constantly overriding me."

"I'm psychic, I have a very good idea." Zaid said. He had her get in and lean her seat back. "Just relax. I'm going to see what I can do about the sneering bitch."

"Please, yes!" she responded. Relaxing was hard for her, overwhelmed as she was by anticipation. Her eyes fluttered closed, and Zaid began the mental surgery, transferring control of the powers to the Rana persona and diminishing the Olga persona. Deprived of her main weapon, Olga tried to seize control of the body, intent on strangling Zaid. A blood-curdling scream escaped Rana's lips as Olga slowly dissolved like a bad dream, forgotten in the first glow of morning. An hour's work later, there was only Rana, and Rana was his. Zaid blushed at the depth of emotion flowing from the young woman, who drew him into the back seat to demonstrate her devotion. Neither was very experienced, but Rana had enough passion to make that a non-issue. Her hair flowed down the back seat like a river of gold, her eyes shone like sapphires, and her skin was like veal. Her body arched as she reached her first orgasm. By then, Zaid was fully into the act, pumping himself deeply into her. Her love flowed across the bridge of their tightly-linked minds, and he couldn't help but respond. When she climaxed again, it was in unison with him. They lay together in the limited space allotted them by the back seat, the last vestiges of long-suffering loneliness draining out of them--she bereft of anyone in whom she could confide since her powers had first emerged, he pining away for a woman who had always been destined for another man.

A police officer knocked on the foggy window. Irritated, Zaid reached out with his mind and sent him away with no memory of having seen the car.

"Maybe we should find someplace a little more private?" Rana suggested. Zaid laughed and kissed her. They dressed hurriedly and found a motel room near the condominiums where her father had his base of operations. He affixed a shielding device to the door so they could have some peace. He wordlessly expressed what he wanted to do, and she agreed eagerly. He touched her forehead. She passed out, and he began the nanoscopic manipulations that would increase her powers exponentially.

"This is one of Father's factories." Rana said as she and Zaid pulled up in front of a strip club. "He doesn't allow drugs here; they draw official attention, which he would prefer to avoid."

"'Factories, ' huh." Zaid remarked.

"For the flesh-peddling trade. Aside from vodka, it's his favorite thing. The mind-wiped slaves train downstairs in the club, learning to please men and women, but the actual reprogramming goes on upstairs. Sometimes he does it himself."

"Is he here now?"

"I couldn't tell you." she said. "He has his chauffeur drop him off and leave until he calls, and the place is shielded."

"Heavily." Zaid agreed. "Rather primitive shielding, though. How does he manage to do his reprogramming upstairs with all this static?"

"Upstairs is insulated so the static doesn't interfere with his work." Rana's disgust was plain. He kissed her, and they got out of the car.

"Where have you been?" the bouncer snapped as they stepped into the light, his Russian clipped and angry. Zaid kept his face blank, pretending to be controlled.

"This one tried to break me so that Rana could act without Master's command." Rana said in the thick, drawling voice that Olga had once used. "He's strong, but not very experienced. Thought Master would want to decide what to do with him."

"Heh, good girl." the bouncer said, patting Rana's head. "The boss isn't here, but you can go and wait for him upstairs."

"Master." Rana corrected, as Olga would.

"Da, whatever." the bouncer laughed, and let them into the club. Rana led Zaid upstairs.

"Be ready." she said as quietly as she could and still be heard. The static was giving Zaid a headache. The door opened, and they stepped inside. Zaid felt much better once the door was closed.

"Olga, what... ?" someone said. Rana put her hand out, and the man flew backwards.

"What the hell?" someone else exclaimed. There were over four dozen women in various stages of programming, some freshly wiped and awaiting programming, some merely waiting to be sent down to be trained, a few struggling against their captors. One, near the door, was barely a teenager, still more child than woman. Rage consumed Zaid, and he kinetically crushed the genitals (and pelvis) of the man who was manipulating her. Others were knocked about like matchstick men in a child's tantrum.

"Well, that takes care of the easy part." Rana said, flexing her mental muscles in an attempt to clean up the mess.

"I'm sorry. I should have taken them alive." Zaid said guiltily.

"I got pissed, too, when I saw the kid." Rana replied. She knelt down next to the girl and touched her left temple. "Help me!" Zaid joined Rana to see if he could undo the damage. Rana had been right to yield to his experience. This was a tricky operation. Eventually, however, a whole mind, with a throbbing headache, greeted their inspection.

"I ... I am ... Nadenka." the girl said. "I can't believe I forgot who I was!"

"That's part of how they control you." Rana said.

"Don't interfere with our sisters' rebirth!" shrieked one of the fully-programmed slaves. She grabbed a gun and emptied the clip at Zaid, who stopped the bullets with his mind. Zaid put her to sleep, along with the others. He did what he could to fix the ones who had still been struggling. The blanks lay placidly, staring at nothing.

"Talk about Stockholm Syndrome." one of the strugglers whispered.

"Telepathic reprogramming, honey." Rana corrected her. "Makes Stockholm look like a children's game."

"Keep watch over them, Rana. I have to clean up downstairs."

"Don't go!" Nadenka pleaded, wrapping herself around Zaid's leg. "They'll kill you just like they did to my parents!" Zaid smiled as he brushed the tears away from the girl's cheeks.

"Do not worry, little one." he told her gently. He touched a stud on his shoulder, and armadillo-like armor plating extended to cover his head and neck. "They cannot hurt me, even in the jamming field." He scooped her up into his arms and handed her to Rana. He walked out the door, giving a thumbs-up to the females before closing it. He would much rather they not see what he did next, though he promised himself he would try not to kill.

Piotr Petrovich kept his expression carefully neutral, but his fist clenched under the table. "The Nesting Dolls club is gone?" he asked, as if he had misheard.

"Yes, sir." his underling said. "The jammer's gone, and the place is emptier than..." Piotr glared, sensing that the man had been about to say "the vodka cabinet."

"Damn!" Piotr snarled. "Where is my daughter?"

"We don't know, sir. We haven't seen hide nor hair of her since you sent Olga to the store for more vodka."

"That was three days ago." Piotr said. His cell phone beeped, and he flipped it open. A text-message appeared, with a picture of his daughter attached. She looked scared, and she was all tied up, with duct tape over her mouth and a strange, high-tech-looking device on her head. "No!" Piotr exclaimed.

"What is it, sir?" his underling asked.

"I need one hundred million dollars in cash, quickly." he said. "Someone has my daughter."

"Should I muster some snipers, sir?"

"No." Piotr said. "I have to wait for instructions on where to go. They will be monitoring my location and any telepathic or telecommunications signals in my area, so we will not be able to get them into position quickly enough. I want you to put my brainwave amplifier inside a baseball cap. I will deal with this myself."

"You're certain your father wouldn't notice that we're just using a repainted plastic model of Deep Space Nine?" Zaid asked as he took the model off her head and wiped off the make-up they'd been using to simulate a black eye. Rana kissed him passionately.

"Positive. He's an original-series purist, though he did start watching Babylon 5 after Chekov started showing up on a regular basis."

"Oh, that's why you didn't want me gluing the Babylon station models around the outside." Zaid said. It wasn't the best execution, but if they were going to catch her father unawares, they had to move quickly. A hastily-constructed electromagnetic emitter, programmed to broadcast recorded brainwaves, was standing by. He'd had to turn it off, because it was disturbing both of them.

"There he is." she said, pointing to the laptop screen. He'd gotten Penelope to hack into a remote security system via the internet and relay the signal to his computer. Zaid opened the phone and called. He watched as his target opened his phone.

"Don't speak, listen." Zaid said, affecting a very thick accent. "Bring the suitcase to the security camera at the northwest corner of the building." Piotr did so, opening it to show the camera the contents. He counted it out. "Good. Now, drive to the Dr. Pepper plant and wait there." He watched Piotr return to his car and put on a cap before driving off. "He doesn't seem like the ball-cap type to me." Zaid said. "What would he hide in it?"

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Talis Tears

Tali’s Tears ? Fenton the Felon sighed deeply, surveying the cell around him in the Montgomery County Detention Center. They had him now. From the midnight arrest at Gelmeyer Chevrolet to Fenton’s discovery that Judge Vogel, sentencing jurist in this case, was the same Vogel  who had caught Fenton caning Mrs. Vogel in her Little Bo Peep outfit in their den in 1983. Sentenced under the three strikes law, Fenton ?Hot?Weir, Maryland’s most obnoxious car thief would now be going inside for life.. ...

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The Diary of An Older Man II Part I of II

SaturdaySeptember 15, 2018Dear DiaryIt was mid September and I was walking the local path in the woods. It was a warm day and what a day it was. My dog Ghost was with me, and as dogs do, he was running around, sometimes behind and sometimes in front of me. I had walked for some time now and I was looking for the little cave down by the river for some shade and to rest awhile. As I situated myself under the shaded nook, I whistled and heard Ghost barking but he never ran back to me so I whistled...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 15

By ten AM we were on the road. I figured a hundred miles or so ought to get us away from prying eyes. I really liked our previous hotel stay, but I didn't want to show up there too often, so we did a whole different city in the next state over. The motel was a national chain, and on the upper end of the scale as temporary lodging goes. We brought our bags into a clean, bright room with two queen beds. I was paranoid enough today to think that we just didn't look like we should be sleeping...

4 years ago
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Dirty Married White Slut PT2 Blacken

There are certain times in a woman’s life, like when she is down on all fours naked, or knocked up, that we feel like nothing more than a trophy cow at an auction. I’m referring to those times when our breasts are just hanging from our chest, (with our asses hanging up there in the wind,) or filled with milk for our unborn c***d. It’s times like that when we want a man to understand our feelings of exposed vulnerability the most, but they rarely, if ever, do. There is only one position that we...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 2 Well THAT was fun

May 25, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio After our second round, Violet and I went to her bathroom to shower. We needed to get back to the party, so we didn’t take too long, and once we were clean and dry, we dressed and I helped her change the sheets on her bed. She put them in the washing machine, and checked the time so she could return to put them in the dryer. Once she was satisfied there was no remaining evidence, we left the house to walk back to the party. “Thank you for fucking my brains...

1 year ago
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A different week end in the woods

A different week end in the woods On summer Anita and I borrowed from some friends a nice cottage in the woods. We both had a free week end and got there to get away from the noisy city… On the second day we went to spend the afternoon at a near lake. Ana told me she wanted to swim, but I preferred to stay at the banks. She said nobody could mind if she went naked into the lake and so she did, smiling as she dived into the water. After a while she came over me smiling, but then her smile...

3 years ago
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First Dates

First Dates “What are you doing Friday, Cin?” I asked. “A guy’s taking me to the new Coen movie after dinner. It’s our first date. He’s a stockbroker and wicked handsome.” “For real? I’m doing the same thing with my date. Wanna go double?” “Sure, but I gotta check with Ben.” A few phone calls later and the double date was arranged. Friday, beat after my last law class, I bathed to relax, then dressed for the date. Unless this guy is a complete jerk, I’m going to fuck him, first date or not, I...

4 years ago
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The ExperimentChapter 9

"Is that your daughter, Sir Alan?" Count Alexander, having taken the Abbot's advice and returned to his responsibilities in England, had been invited to a reception in connection with an Anglo-Russian friendship committee at the house of one of the MPs who belonged to the said committee. The MP in question was Sir Alan Henderson. As soon as he had heard the man's name, Alexander had been reminded of his beloved and vanished Emma. And now that he was Sir Alan's guest he saw her picture...

2 years ago
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Day Dreaming

Fiction with a base in truth Day Dreaming I lean against the wall, ankles crossed and hands shoved deep in my jeans pockets. My short cropped auburn hair shines softly in the light as I take one hand and run it through the soft tresses. I’ve found of late that I need to fuck, but since I have no partner I often end up just pacing the room day dreaming of fucking. Just these thoughts draw my nipples tight under the cotton of my t-shirt and with a soft laugh I run a palm over first one and...

2 years ago
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Rohan8217s Revenge After His Humiliation

Hye guys, am allex(my gaming name :P), 22 years of age and am here to write my first story (this time a fictional one). And I am sure you will enjoy this story. All sexy ladies are who wanna enjoy awesome sessions either to please themselves or to please me can contact me at… all the comments and queries are also welcome and please read till the last for awesome experience. It wasn’t possible for Rohan, the richest lad of the college to forget his humiliation so easily. He was just looking for...

4 years ago
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My Student Chapter 16

I led Bobby through the crowded corridor, my face covered in cum from the principal and his assistant. I had sucked three cocks this morning and it was only nine o’clock. I enjoyed the cum that they were feeding me but I had neglected my pussy long enough. I had Bobby for the next hour and I was not worried about getting caught. Bobby wanted it and I wanted his huge dick in me.I was almost to my room door when Jerry pushed his cart in front of it. Jerry was the janitor. He held his hand up,...

3 years ago
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team building lunch with Jana

True story here....unless of course Jana gets on here and says otherwise...LOLI had worked with Jana for a couple of years and had always flirted with her, but been very coy about it. We started chatting on messenger at work and it progressed from basic work conversations, to light personal ones, to more intimate. We chatted about or spouses and the frustrations we both had.I was more aggressive then she was, teasing her saying things like if she asked me to lunch and we ended up naked I...

4 years ago
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The Best Game

Janey was taking a break from her shopping when she first saw him. He was tall, dark and handsome, of course, why else would she have noticed? She was sitting at a sidewalk table of the local cafe, deciding where next to spend Arnold's hard earned cash when he sat at the next table, perfect jeans moulded to his perfect arse, eyes tantalisingly hidden behind dark glasses, oozing confidence. It didn't take long for him to notice her. Hell, she knew she still had it. She hadn't let herself...

2 years ago
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The Crash4

“Hello sir? Uhm I’m afraid that Mr. Jackson has resigned, and we need a new candidate to speak in front of the board tomorrow…” The lady on the other line said. I swore and told her I would be right there, rushing back to my room to get changed. Another shit day for Blake I guess. Tilly, my maid, appeared, a frown on her face. “Off again to work? You should really get some sleep sir. Let me fetch you an outfit.” She muttered, walking off. As soon as I was dressed, I bolted into my garage...

4 years ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 27 Catching Their Breath

When Casey and Greg awoke the next morning around 10 am, they each noticed two unfortunate things. One was that they each had a whopper of a hangover with a serious headache and nausea. The second was that they were each alone in the bed they had fallen asleep in, even though a beautiful naked girl had originally been sleeping by them. Lexi had awoken much earlier, and slipped out of the condo, leaving a quick note thanking everyone for great one-night stand/orgy and giving Greg her phone...

2 years ago
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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 3

The next morning you wake up in an empty bed. Danielle is not in the room and her nightdress is gone as well. You figure she must have gotten out of bed and decided to let you sleep. You get out of bed and search for your boxers. When you find them, you put them on. Your boxers, however, don’t stand a chance to block your morning wood. They just show a huge bulge. As you open the bedroom door, you see Danielle in the kitchen, holding a cup of coffee with both her hands. Her hair is tied in a...

Straight Sex
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Hot jeso moombathi jalaadi

Hi everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa & it is my 4th chapter submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st, 2nd, 3rd chapters; pls read and proceed to chapter. 4 so that you could understand each and every one and the situations involved without any further introduction/repetition. Continue now. As usual 2nd & 4th Saturdays, are going on, after 2 months, we went to doctor and she confirmed the pregnancy; Jeso seems more smart and cheerful moods....

1 year ago
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Orgy at Enigma House

The Orgy at Enigma House By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) Kay sat nervously in the boardroom as the panel of five interviewers filed in. Comprising of three ladies and two men, the group settled down around her on the oval table. Interviews, especially job interviews, were not a favourite of Kay's but she had no real reason to be nervous about this interview. She had the job in the bag. She looked her interviewers over, decoding them by what they wore and how they looked....

2 years ago
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A Life in the ServiceChapter 18 Fleet action

It was a year after the attack on the Dentian queen that I finally left. Captain McCartney was headed out to take over a Marauder company and top sergeant Ambrosia was going with her. I was headed for the fleet academy after accepting a transfer into fleet for a six month ship handling course and then out to take over the carrier Honor. I brushed the cuff rings on my dress uniform and nodded to my aid. Lieutenant Jenks grinned before heading for the hatch. He stopped to let me go out first...

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Who knew what the river would bring Part 4

I really do love being on the boat. I love the isolation you can feel when shore is so close, yet so far away. It was getting to be too far away however, and I needed to go to shore. My Man still wanted to get a bite and the Honey Hole just wasn’t cutting it today; he was happy to find a better place to fish too. His rod came back into the boat and he started to pull the anchor up. The winch was acting up so he had to kick-it old school and bring it in by hand. A nice little show for me as I...

Straight Sex
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FlintkoteChapter 58

I used the Clark until one of the laborers ... more or less ... shoved me outta the seat and took over. He was Much better at it than I. “Gonzalez?” “Sí, Patrón,” he said. “That’s your job.” “Sí, Patrón.” At the end of the day, Gonzalez, lubed the zerks, filled the gas tank, checked hydraulics and the oil reservoir, checked the engine oil and added a pint. A thumbs up and I was off to home. It’s only a block and a half, I wanted to make sure I was there when winter struck. I could walk...

3 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 7 Threes a Crowd

Jenny shivered trying not to think about Kevin. No, she didn't want Jerry to ever have a hint about what she'd done. She also didn't like the idea of 'recruiting'. "Maria, what do I need to expect for this next... dance, where will we be?" "It's a blue room guy, so we'd normally go to the dance floor he's assigned, we can use your bed if that'll make it easier on you. I know how you feel. Believe me, I remember my first time to do this, and it was here. My real sex life was...

2 years ago
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You Can Play Too

The weather was beautiful – sunny, but cool.  He decided to jog down to the park down the street.  The park ran through a wooded ravine, and had several side trails through the thick woods, in addition to the paved walkway by the creek.He put on shorts that were probably a little tight and small, but they supported him well, and kept things from bouncing around too much while jogging or working out, even when he chose not to wear briefs underneath.  The shorts, or maybe their contents, also...

3 years ago
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Allison Part 2

I'd been married for just over fifteen years at the time things started happening. It wasn't that I went looking for it. And it wasn't that I expected it. It literally just happened. And I know a lot of people say that. But in this case, it's really the truth.My wife and I got along well, were civil, friendly, and managed to make it work. The best part, however, was the fact she brought a daughter into the marriage. For years, we tried to have kids. It just didn't work. And although I was...

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The Whore Did The Whole Town 8211 Part V

A few days had passed since the Ramesh incident and I hadn’t talked to Shikha since that day. I assumed everything would be fine with her as she never called me back after that day. So I decided to give her a call and inquire what was happening with her and whether her driver Ramesh was giving her any trouble. To my surprise when I called her on her phone Ramesh picked up and said: Kya haal hai tera meri jaan? I was very surprised to hear him on Shikha’s phone and further to my surprise Ramesh...

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I have a fantasy about being raped and used by many men

They'd pull up beside me and pull me into their vehicle. They'd tie me down and duck tape my mouth so I can't scream. One of them would pull my pants off and finger my pussy. Flicking my clit and rubbing it. He would play with me like this, bringing me to the edge and then stopping each time, until we reached where ever we were headed. They would drag me out of the vehicle and into the house. They would take me into a room where they would throw me down on the bed. They would drag me to the...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 28

APO PRIME ISLAND PALACE ESTATE The attack had been meticulously timed and planned. The High Coven agent had gotten them onto the island hidden deep in her personal Lifter. No one thought to search her Lifter when she had arrived because of who she was and they had slipped over the side of the water craft at full dark. The clone agent had set the dozen explosives charges in perfect unison and synchronicity while they remained hidden on the far side of the island inside an old cave. The...

2 years ago
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Oh to Sister Mary Rose

Oh to Sister Mary Rose               This all started when Tommy “my buddy” throws some clay during art class and it stuck to the caulk board. Being the best buddy a guy could have, he points right at me, when Sister Mary Rose said “Who just throw this clay?!” I wasn’t even paying attention one bit when Tommy thrown it. It was quit a shock when Sister Mary Rose yanked me out of my chair by my shirt collar. She march me out of the room down the hall to her office, she push me in...

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Boby Taylors Mother

[Bobby Taylor’s Mother[/b]It all looked so much smaller now, that I walked up Bobby's garden path, we all had so much fun here as c***dren.The famous tree was still there in the corner that I think everyone took turns of falling out off, and the grass bank ridge that we rode our bikes over, oh such memories.Strange feeling ring the bell, as k**s we never did, we just run in out as if it was our house.“Just a minute, till I get the key” came a voice from the other side.“That's OK,” I...

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NuruMassage Quinn Wilde The New Nuru Trend

Quinn Wilde greets her next client, Zachary Wild, a man in his early 20s dressed in contemporary preppy fashion. He greets her enthusiastically and asks if this parlor offers NURU massages. Quinn says yes, they actually just added it recently, explaining that it’s become quite popular in recent months. Zachary explains that he’s a blogger for a lifestyle site called AdultTime that’s all about activities, trends and fads geared towards adults. He’s heard similar buzz...

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Forbidden love part 8 end

Chapter 8The Boeing 747 was filled to capacity. It seemed that everyone was taking a vacation at the same time. The airline had overbooked our flight and as a result they had to put my mother and I in first-class. We smiled at each other, almost afraid to say anything about our incredible luck. This was going to make the five-hour trip much easier to take.As the plane rumbled down the runway, I could never remember being so excited about a vacation before. I think my mother felt the same way....

3 years ago
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A lesson learned

She woke up that morning with a sinking feeling in her stomach.  The night before had not been a very good night for her and Sir, oh it started wonderfully.. but it ended horribly bad.  He was so angry at her behavior that when he dropped her off at home he left without saying a word.  This is not going to be good, surely there is a lesson to be taught and when he's this upset that point will be sharp, that goes without saying. The evening earlier, she was so excited getting dressed to go out...

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True Story Of An Ugly Guy With The Hot Guy 8211 Part 2

Hello all, Thank you for those who shared feedback about the part 1 and I have come back with the second part of my story. For those who have not read the first part please go through the Part 1 As I already specified we were kissing and suddenly I stopped him and pushed him back, because i was feeling guilty on this. I was interested in girls and had thought of hot guy and this i was not expecting this from a guy. Then he went to his room and i was constantly thinking about the incident...

Gay Male
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A few short stories

"hey no fair," abby complained. she swam to my other side and put my arm around her. she scooted closer to me and smiled. i slowly moved my hands up their stomachs. ashlyn moved my hand just under her top and looked at abby as if challenging her. abby pushed my hand lower just above her bottoms. she pushed her hips up for ashlyn to see. ashlyn stared at abby and stood up. her bottoms matched her top. she stood infront of me and turned around. she bent over and pulled her bottoms up. she...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 22

Ron removed the ceramic bricks one at a time from around the oven. The thermostat read a constant forty degrees Celsius. The basement chamber was filled to capacity. Over three-hundred nude women gathered on the padded bleachers, which had at best puzzled the construction crews. The campus had been cleared of all but the Sisterhood, Ron and Steven -who had flown in that morning. All present were nude. All were solemn. Elsewhere, in the two temples, similar assemblies waited as they watched...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 17 The Delivery of Christmas Cheer Part I

In 1963, we had the makings of a very different Christmas ... with 8 days to go before the 25th, students were sent home, not to return until Monday, January 6 ... a long break. Moms were in the stores buying Christmas gifts for family members, reacting to being lured in by the usual festive window displays: Christmas trees, Santa, Snow scenes, and mannequins decked in Red & Green. Yet at the baseline of seemingly any and every store were small-to-medium sized American flags, and the...

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