Australian Blonde With Me In Windsor
- 3 years ago
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Tuesday 9-Oct 2007
Chris looked around the classroom quickly. This was it. Time to say good-bye. They probably wouldn't ever be coming back.
He grabbed Shahia's hands. "Get your kit. Get Maria. I'll get Hassan and Alyssa. We'll meet at the station." He squeezed her hands quickly, and jumped up, knocking his desk over. Quick, everything needed to be done quickly.
Everyone was turning to look at him. "Lisa, David. Go with Shahia. RUN!" Lisa, just because. David, because he could think on his feet and could probably keep up with the girls. Shahia was already getting to her feet. She had her escape kit in her hand.
He looked around the room, thinking. "Joe, Geno, Malcolm, come with me." Joe, just because. Geno, because he wanted someone not afraid to cross the law, and Geno could run. Malcolm, because he had balls, and he could run too.
All of them were in the anything club. Now was time to make good on their promise.
He bent down to grab his own kit out of his bag and headed for the door. The others weren't as quick off the blocks as him and Shahia. Lisa was just passing through the door behind Shahia, but David was just standing up with a confused look on his face.
"They're trying to take Shahia's kids. RUN!"
There was no hesitation after that. David almost caught him as he made it through the door himself.
They were nearly together as they reached the end of the drive. Chris had never run like this before ‑ no warm up, not paced, just absolutely flat stick. He was powered by sheer terror that he wouldn't get to the school in time.
At the end of the driveway they parted. Shahia turned towards the daycare centre with Lisa and David close behind. Chris turned towards the primary school. He glanced back and saw that all three of them were within ten metres of him. It was better than he expected.
While he ran, he considered what he needed to do. Hassan and Alyssa were hiding in a place that he'd found a long time ago, back when he was at their school. In the corridor that connected most of the classrooms, there was a storage room that was unlocked during the day. Inside that room was a series of cupboards. At the back, there was a loose wall board, and behind that, through the spider webs, you could slip down to underneath the building, in the caretaker's storage area.
Chris had snuck in there with Hassan and Alyssa during a primary school working bee a few weeks earlier and showed them how it worked. It'd been fixed, so he'd used a jemmy bar to loosen the wall panel again and left them a lever to push the wall panel shut and a little LED light so it wouldn't be pitch black in there. He was carrying that jemmy bar now, it was part of his kit for just this. He would need it to force the lock on the caretaker's door, since that outside door was usually locked during the day. Of course, all this was dependent on whether they stayed hidden long enough ‑ it was a good spot, but it would only last for so long. How long might depend on where Mr Parslow's loyalties lay, and Chris didn't know about that.
What a relief that he hadn't got around to taking his kit out of his bag!
As they approached the school, Chris slowed and considered his options while the others caught up with him. They were approaching on the corner of the staff car park. They had to go round the other side to get to the caretaker's door. Oh damn! There was a police car in the staff car park. Just what he didn't need. Well, he'd have to hope that this was routine, that they weren't expecting trouble.
He stopped and pulled his jemmy bar out of his kit. Fitting the words between his breaths, he said, "Hassan and Alyssa are hiding round the other side. We need a distraction here. Geno, can you disable that cop car and make as much noise as you can for a few minutes?"
Geno looked at the police car and his face creased into a delighted grin. "YES!" he cried. He pulled a flick-knife out of his pocket. Chris's eyes widened ‑ he hadn't known about that. It was a surprisingly large knife to hide in a pocket. Geno looked like all his Christmases had come at once.
"Don't hurt anybody or break more than you have to!"
Geno glanced at Chris, nodding. He ran towards the car park. As he crossed the road, he reached down and picked up a small rock off the verge.
Chris started running along the road round the school. There were a lot of trees around the edge of the school. They might get around the other side without being spotted. As they turned the first corner, the suburban quiet was rent by the distinctive sound of glass smashing and then the wailing of a car alarm. Presumably Geno had attacked the police car.
They reached the gate nearest to the caretaker's door. Chris could see no evidence of anyone around. He stopped and turned to Joe and Malcolm.
"That's the door there. I'm going to bust through there, bring them out, and run. If anyone comes, you hold them off. You don't have to fight them, just keep them away from us. If you can, lay a false trail towards Shahia's home."
They nodded. Joe said, "Good luck, Chris." Malcolm just smiled at him.
"Thanks." It was a simple plan. Hopefully not much would go wrong with it.
He ran down the path and up to the door. He'd checked the door when he'd shown them this hiding spot in the first place. It had a single bolt with a padlock on it. He'd decided that the weakest spot was between the bolt and the door.
He jammed the jemmy bar down hard between the bolt and the door. Bracing himself, he pulled the jemmy bar up as hard as he could. The bolt ripped out of the door. Because he was pushing hard against the door itself, the door slammed open, smashing against a hollow wall. Chris fell to the ground. The noise reverberated up the building, loud even compared to the car alarm.
Chris picked himself up and wasted a few seconds searching for the light switch. Once the light was on, he made his way into the storage area. Left, behind the first set of alcoves. He turned and found himself blocked by a huge mess of steel wire netting. Behind it, he could see Hassan and Alyssa, holding each other tight, clearly scared out their wits.
Saturday 22-Sept 2007 The first hint Chris had of just how unusual his day was going to be was when he turned up before dawn to find Jerry already there with his uncle, Tom, backing their truck into Shahia's driveway. Chris spent the next hour or so helping them rip the floor off the bathroom, and pull the shower basin out. By the time they'd done that, they'd taken the toilet out and had to turn the water off. Of course, that was a bit of a problem for everyone else ‑ all those workers...
Monday 12-Mar 2004 Chris had wondered whether that muttered comment about immigrants had something to do with the way Butthead Hanson treated Shahia. He was definitely picking on her. If Chris had any doubts before, there was no doubt that he was, and why, after Shahia's impromptu talk. Everyone in the class had to do one. And everyone hated it. At the beginning of each period, Butthead Hanson would pick someone in the class, give them a subject, and then give them a few minutes to...
Monday 27-Aug 2007 Shahia stopped at the letterbox to get the mail when they arrived home for their weekly housework session. Chris waited at the door, concerned; she was walking up her path with the strangest expression on her face. When she got to the door, she said, "Chris, there's a letter from Lebanon here." Oh. That could not be good. He relieved her of her bag, took Maria out of the stroller, and then turned to go and sit with Shahia as she read the letter. She was already...
Wed 10-Oct 2007 Chris awoke to see Alyssa, still in her underwear, standing over Maria. He dragged himself upright and went and sat at the little table, stiff all over. Alyssa came over holding Maria, and they sat in his lap. She'd obviously gotten used to what she was wearing. He noticed that Hassan was awake, and smiled at him. This was nice. Not long after that, Shahia woke up. She looked at him and smiled, then hopped out of bed and squeezed into the tiny toilet. Her undies had...
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Friday 1-June 2007 Hassan was a lot better by Friday. Not well enough to go to school, but well enough for Shahia to go back at school, with a huge smile on her face, and well enough for them all to come to Chris's place like usual, though Chris's mum went around and picked him up to meet the rest of them after school. They were all nicely settled when Lisa arrived with her mum in tow. Since Chris hadn't told her why he had asked her to pop over, she was astounded when both Chris and...
Thursday 11-Oct 2007 They arrived a little early at Joe's coffee shop. The first thing Chris did was pick up the paper. The headline was real simple: "AWESOME". Splashed across the front page was huge photo of Lisa with Andrew beside her. She was directing something with her arm, her expression focused and happy. In the background there were students sitting on the road studying. And she did look awesome. Beside the picture, in big obvious text, was the email that they'd drafted last...
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As I enter the shop I notice her bending down behind the counter, her arse encased in tight jeans and is firm and neat. Black high heels complete the view as I travel down the back of her thighs and calf muscles, to the end of her very tight leg jeans. Good shape I think to myself, and those heels look wickedly high. She looks up and brushes hair out of her eyes. Mature clear skin, secretary glasses and full lips, mouth slightly open and the hint of a tongue over your white teeth. She stands...
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Saturday 31-Mar 2007 On Saturday night, Chris sat down and looked at the notes that he'd made the night before, the list of things he knew about Shahia. It was painfully short. - Shahia's family used to have lots of money, now they don't have enough He was pretty sure that he was right about that. She used to go to St Joseph's. He had nosed around on the net and found that it cost about $15,000 a year to go there. It didn't matter how you looked at it; that was a lot of money. But...
Sunday 15-Apr 2007 It was his mother's idea. He should have known better; he knew how tricksy she was. All he had to do was think back to his New Year's resolution ... yet he couldn't really regret that. Anyhow, she'd come up with the idea in the car on the way back from his Uncle's farm where they'd been staying over Easter, and Chris had been too worn down from seven hard days working on the farm to even think of resisting. All he'd said was that it sounded like a good idea, and it...
Saturday 21-April 2007 At the end of a long day, Chris collapsed into his bed groaning. He'd got up at six a.m. on a Saturday to do his parent stuff early, so he could go to play soccer with his mates, a Saturday morning practice for the trials. They'd practised twice during the week, but he'd only been able to make one of them, and then only by getting up early and going to bed late. What a relief! The parent thing was over. He had no idea how Shahia did it. He couldn't imagine looking...
Thursday 26-Apr 2007 As Chris walked towards Shahia, he thought about what he should say, and how she might respond. In his plan, he needed to be smooth and confident, and finish with impeccable timing. Now was the time. He had one chance up front to say enough that she'd know he was well-informed, and also to show her that she didn't need to be afraid. As for how she might respond, he figured there were three possibilities. She might explode, rip into him. If she did, well, he'd wear...
Thursday 26-Apr 2007 After school, Chris had a second round of trials for the First Eleven soccer team. With everything else that was going on, he'd almost forgotten, but David reminded him, since they both looked like they had a real chance of getting into the team. As he made his way to the trial, he was suddenly confronted by a rather aggressive looking Lisa. She poked her finger into his chest, and pushed him back. "What are you thinking, going after Shahia like that?" Chris looked...
Friday 4-May 2007 Chris was relieved when the weather was better on Friday. Not great, but probably good enough that they could go swimming; he'd had his heart set on that after what Shahia had said. Chris and Shahia had agreed that he'd walk with Shahia to pick up her family, and then they'd all walk to Chris's home. He was ready with his bag packed before the siren went, and then he was up and out the door like a rocket, following Shahia. She power walked down the drive, and then as...
Thursday May-10 2007 Thursday started with a surprise snap test in maths. Chris had faced the test with dread; maths tests were his worst fear. But the real surprise about this test was that he actually knew how to solve the problems, knew that he wasn't just guessing. It came from taking notes for Shahia on the Monday. The first subject he'd had to do this for was maths, and he'd bent all his energies on getting a good set of notes for her; her words ringing in his head: 'if I stop...
Wednesday 16-May 2007 Chris glanced behind him to check on Shahia. She was standing right behind him, her eyes wide open in fear. There were few kids close around them, and he could see more coming, drawn to a fight like moths to a light. He turned back to Jerry. "You leave her alone. What a coward, picking on a girl." "So what are you going to do about it?" Jerry growled back at him. Chris swallowed. Jerry was a lot bigger than him, and he'd heard about Jerry's fighting ability —...
Thursday 17-May 2007 Knock knock. Chris looked up towards the door. Who would be visiting at this time of the morning? His mum hopped up and hurried to the door. "Good Morning, Eric." He heard from the entrance. Eric? Chris was still trying to figure out who that was when his mum led Mr Cartwright into the room. Mr Cartwright was carrying his bag that contained most of his books and his phone. "Ahh, Chris. Good morning. How are you?" "I'm okay, thank you sir. Actually it looks...
Tuesday 29-May 2007 Chris hadn't been working on his homework for very long when his mind once again turned to Shahia — how was she doing? He pulled out his phone and sent her an SMS message: A & m in bed asleep. All ok. Hope h is all right Hopefully that would reduce her worries. A few minutes later, his phone rang. "Hi." "Yeah, it's me. Thanks for the message." "How's it going there?" "Yeah, okay." He could hear her weariness. "It looks like he's going to be all...
Friday 15-June 2007 Tonight was the big night, the Year-Eleven dance. It was hardly worth trying to do any schoolwork; it seemed that no one could focus. It kind of struck Chris as funny; somehow he seemed to be a little out of touch with all the excitement. Yes, he was looking forward to it, but no, it wasn't the end of the world. He listened to them all talking about it: the boys discussing who might get laid or who might take booze or drugs along, the girls talking about who was going to...
Saturday 7-Jul 2007 Chris watched the embers of the old log burning in the fire. It was just his parents and him left; everyone else had gone to bed. Shahia had gone early, both because she was exhausted from getting everyone ready to drive up to the farm with his Dad that morning, and because Maria wasn't settling too well. Bec and Alyssa had been sent to bed over their loud protests when it got too late, and Jay and Hassan had sat out by the fire playing their guitars and entertaining...
Friday 13-Jul 2007 Chris leaned back on his horse, looking back down the trail to check on Shahia. She smiled up at him and leaned forward on the horse, spurring it to a canter so she could catch up to Chris. "There, see." Chris gestured in front of them, and Shahia saw what he meant. "Oh, Chris, that's amazing." They had just reached the highest point of his uncle's farm. From here, you could look out east, tracing the contours of the land as it gradually fell towards the coast,...
Saturday 18-Aug 2007 Chris woke early in the morning; he had no time for sleeping in on this day: it was entirely focused on his mum's birthday ‑ he didn't even have soccer until the next day. He jumped out of bed, eager to confront the day. Jay was already up, and the two of them listened to the radio as they started moving the furniture around in the lounge and dining area. Midway through the process, Chris suddenly stopped, listening the news. It was a news item about a couple who'd...
Wednesday 12-Sept 2007 They came to the school gate just a little before lunch. Chris was surprised to see a bunch of year-seven students hanging around the gate, even though it was still in period. He shrugged, and they passed through the gate. Chris took a deep breath. The first battle was about to commence. Lisa had arrived within minutes, out of breath. He'd shown her the letter, and she'd gone berserk. Once she'd settled, he'd explained his plan, and she'd signed on immediately....
Tuesday 18-Sept 2007 Chris was blown away by the response to his working bee proposal. In fact, on the Saturday that had just gone by, there'd been an impromptu working bee. His family, Lisa and Janine, Joe and a couple of others had popped by to look over the work that was required, and they'd ended up spending a couple of hours cleaning and investigating. Without question, the biggest problem was the floor in the bathroom. At least the shower base was leaking, if not the taps as well,...
Saturday 22-Sept 2007 Around midday, he was in the bathroom watching Tom and Jerry putting tiles in the shower. They knew what they were doing. The power was off while for a few minutes while one of the girls worked on the main power board with her dad, so he grabbed the chance to eat a hot dog. He heard a chainsaw. A chainsaw? This he had to see. He wandered outside and discovered that the chainsaw was in the hands of another person he'd never have expected to see. Andrew Johnson from St...
Tuesday 25 Sept 2007 This time, Chris made sure that he was there when the inspector came for his return visit. His uncle had really wanted him to go to the farm for holidays, since Spring was a busy time on the farm, and Chris had been sorely tempted — but no, and he'd spent some tears on the phone making it clear to his uncle just how sorry he was. But being with Shahia was far more important than that. It was kind of fun seeing the inspector's eyes boggle as he looked around the house....
Tuesday 9-Oct 2007 As the train pulled away from the station, Shahia said, "Chris, I'm worried about our friends. Do you think they'll be okay?" Chris was jolted into action by that. He needed to make some phone calls, and then they needed to disappear. He looked around. There was no one near; fortunately the midmorning train was very empty. He turned his phone on. As soon as it had signal, he called his mum. She answered immediately. "Chris, are Shahia and the kids okay?" So,...
Tuesday 9-Oct 2007 "Good evening. Shocking news from Melbourne's eastern suburbs where two young children were snatched from a school under the very noses of police who had been sent to keep them safe." The face of the news reader was sombre, conveying his concern at this terrible news. "We cross now to our reporter on the scene." The picture changed to show a reporter standing outside the primary school, its name and number clearly visible on the sign behind him. Since it was bright...
Tuesday 9-Oct 2007 They left the TV on with the sound down for the rest of the evening, turning it up for any news bulletins, but there was nothing new for a while. They sat on the bed, talking, holding each other, and decompressing. It had been a momentous day. Alyssa was the first one to start crying, and then Maria and Hassan followed her. Eventually Shahia followed them, though she managed to hold herself off until they'd largely settled. Again, she was wrapped up in her envelope of...
Wed 10-Oct 2007 Chris stared at the policewoman in shock and despair. He turned to Shahia to see the same expression on her face. He sighed. It was all over. NO. No way. He wouldn't accept it. He turned to the Hassan and Alyssa. "Put your stuff away." He started gently inching towards the edge of this seat. Maybe he could take out this policewoman long enough for Shahia and the kids to get away. But he remembered Mr Cartwright's advice well — he would talk first, as long as he...
Friday 12-Oct 2007 It was fun on the train with Mandy and Greg. They were nice people, and everyone was getting on real well. In fact, he reckoned his parents would like them. It was also nice because Shahia was leaning hard against him, unwilling to let him stop touching her. Very nice. He liked that. He was a bit surprised when Alyssa came to him and asked him to help her find the toilet. When they found it, instead of going in, she dragged him over to the nearest empty seat, and pushed...
Friday 19-Oct 2007 "You're going to score tonight!" Chris looked at Geno. Yeah, he probably was. In fact, given the way Shahia had been looking at him all day, it was almost certain. No. He recalled her comment about the kiss; she planned for it to be tonight. But still, he was annoyed by the way Geno had put it. So what that everyone knew that they were going to Phantom tonight. Shahia was excited beyond measure, and now she was certainly that exuberant outgoing life-of-the-party...
Friday 19-Oct 2007 Chris tried to watch the show; it was an awesome performance, the story line was even relevant to Shahia's life, and the music was spectacular. On the other hand, so was the girl next to him. She leant forward, absorbed in the show, and her dress fell forward from her chest a little; he could almost see her nipples. If she leaned just a little bit more forward — she was looking at him, the minx; she was doing it deliberately! During the interval, she asked in an innocent...
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Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 5. HOME RUN My ongoing investigation of how to prove Harry's conjecture felt like it was paying off. While I had yet to figure out a proof, I could see that pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. I dropped in on Professor Oppenheim again and discussed what I was thinking about. "That's not at all the direction I thought we ought to go. I'll be amazed if that turns out to lead to a proof. It seems like you've chosen a path...
On the Run By Morpheus I sat up straight in my chair and stared at my enemy across the table. Neither of us said a word as we just stared each other in the eyes, waiting for the next move, waiting to see who would flinch and look away first. Finally it was Jack who blinked and looked away first, while I laughed out, "I win!" "Darn," Jack sighed as he rubbed at his eyes, "I almost had you too..." "Did not," I grinned. Jack just grinned back, "Did too..." For a moment I...
I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Early morning runs are always refreshing. Specially during fall when the air has a bit of nip and the senses are heightened a bit. My mom lives up in Wisconsin area and fall can get a little nippy. Lets not even talk about Wisconsin winter Thanksgiving, a few years back was a different story. It was a remarkably warm that year. I could run in shorts and light...
I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Early morning runs are always refreshing. Specially during fall when the air has a bit of nip and the senses are heightened a bit. My mom lives up in Wisconsin area and fall can get a little nippy. Lets not even talk about Wisconsin winter Thanksgiving, a few years back was a different story. It was a remarkably warm that year. I could run in shorts and light...
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