Tyler Comes to Visit his Little Sister Pt 1
- 3 years ago
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I can still see the wind in her golden hair. I close my eyes for a moment, I’m still there. The bluest eyes in Texas are haunting me tonight, like the stars that fill the midnight sky her memory fills my mind. Where did I go wrong? – Restless Heart
The dream was vivid and as James Cavanaugh awoke he held onto it for a few seconds before trying to push it away. The happy memories it invoked of a spring break from school nine years ago had no place in his life now. Unbidden, he could see his family and recall the nine-hundred mile road trip they had taken in their mother’s new Mercedes SUV south to Palm Springs and back.
On one of those days his mother had introduced them to the Coachella Valley Nature Preserve. For hours they had hiked the desert ridgelines in the wonderful dry heat while their father had played golf with his cronies. It was a time when their mother was still a young vibrant woman with a sense of humor and only a moderate drinker and the twins – younger brother Cameron and sister, Cassandra - were still nice kids at thirteen. Cassandra adored her big brother James and wanted to do what he did. In turn, he doted on her. Cameron was still a kid with great ideas and a winning personality, and a passion for science, especially robots and rocketry. Even then, James realized the day was so much better without their father’s presence.
He shook his head, trying to make that memory go away. “Ow!” That wasn’t a good idea, considering the headache that still lurked at the back of his skull – a remnant of the fever that had felled him a few days before.
He looked around. He was still in the hospital. In his short life he’d already had enough of hospitals. According to the whiteboard on the wall across from his bed, Nurse Anne was his keeper for the day and it was Thursday – so it had been four days. Fortunately, he’d recovered quickly enough that he’d been moved out of intensive care after two days. Feeling better, he was impatient to get out and back to work, and back to his own bed in the quiet of his room above the gun shop. Hospitals were anything but quiet restful places. He looked at the bouquets, balloons, and even Christmas decorations in his room. It was surprising. Did he even know that many people?
And what about Christmas? He’d been deployed somewhere the last four, and truthfully, he’d not missed it. Christmas was about joy and family. He had experienced little of the former, and had none of the latter.
When Ed Bailey had visited yesterday afternoon, he assured James that everything was being covered, but James knew better, especially during this busy time. Ed needed time to care for Melody and not worry about the store. He was touched by Ed’s concern and even his wife Melody, sick as she was, sent her best wishes along with a set of nice pajamas. They were both wonderful people. Why couldn’t he have had them for parents?
He didn’t want to remember his own family, in the good times or bad. They had grown so far apart that by the time he left over four years ago the gulf that separated them was a chasm miles wide and deep. When pressed one time about his family, he told the young woman who asked that he was an orphan by choice, not circumstance.
Another memory jumped in on the heels of the first – this one was of that last hurt-filled day when he left, declaring he would never return. The lingering anger and hurt surprised him as it escaped the sealed box that he had tried to keep it in for the last four and a half years. He closed his eyes and finally quit fighting and let the memory wash over him.
It was the end of June, actually the last Sunday in June, and he was seated at the large dining table in his parent’s home in Atherton California. With a population of seven thousand, Atherton, just south of San Francisco, represented one of the wealthiest areas in the US, and his father had built a home that was a reflection of his ego – oversized and tasteless, only limited by what the zoning commission would allow. James had hated it since they moved in just two years before as he started college a dozen miles up the road at Stanford. He tried to limit his time there as much as possible.
His father, Tom, required the entire family to eat dinner together every other Sunday, beginning at six p.m. sharp, and woe be it to anyone who was late. This family gathering supposedly gave Tom and James’ mother, Pamela (never Pam) information about how their three children were doing. In actuality, it was simply a forum for Tom who spent the time pontificating about the state of the world, or politics, or the economy and the morons in Washington or Sacramento. He was a very successful hedge fund manager who made a lot of money.
He prided himself in being a ‘self-made man, ‘ without any reference to the fact he had married well – ‘well’ meaning Mother had brought a considerable sum to the marriage. He never squandered the money – no, he put it to good use and he and his clients prospered, but he never acknowledged that he’d probably just be another talented broker in the San Francisco Bay Area, without the money Pamela brought to the marriage. He was also a greedy, unscrupulous, narcissistic adulterer.
Those Sunday dinners were a trial and Tom never seemed satisfied unless Mother or Cassandra or one of the staff was reduced to tears. Over dinner he inevitably proved that he was a crashing bore and a jerk.
James sat watching his father pick at his dinner. In recent years he had come to equate his tall thin, fair-haired father with the traitorous Cassius from the play, Julius Caesar. Shakespeare describes him in Act One, when Caesar says to Anthony; I want the men around me to be fat, healthy-looking men who sleep at night. That Cassius over there has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much. Men like him are dangerous.
Yes, his father was dangerous. He was a bully and a spouse abuser – not with physical blows, but with cutting remarks and insinuations. The staff turnover was proof that he didn’t limit his cutting comments to the family.
Of the six people at the large rectangular mahogany table, James had the place of honor at the far end opposite his father, who always presided from his end of the table. To James’ right was his soon to be ex-girlfriend Erica. To his left was his younger brother Cameron. Next to Cameron, on his father’s right was his mother. Across from her was his sister, Cassandra.
He watched his mother, who true to form, was already half in the bag. She would, over the course of the meal, get completely drunk, often to the point where one of the staff had to help her from the table had she not already been forced to leave because of some terrible unpleasantness from her husband. They had not shared a bedroom since they had moved into this house.
His father had made sure James had a summer intern job with a prestigious investment firm in San Francisco, since he had just finished his second year at Stanford. Unbeknownst to his family, James had changed his major from business and accounting to computer science. That was where his interest was, and he could not fathom how the world could be a better place by James Cavanaugh walking, no marching – he pictured Nazi soldiers goose-stepping – in Tom Cavanaugh’s footsteps.
His gaze turned to his pretty blonde sister Cassandra, who was sneaking looks at her iPhone and looking extremely bored. He no longer loved, or even liked his sister, now seventeen. She had turned into a pampered, spoiled and entitled rich girl, who appeared to be extremely jealous of her older brother. He didn’t know why, but these days he simply ignored or avoided her, which of course made her even testier.
Cameron on the other hand, had put away his science and rockets and was doing his best to be a clone of their father. James just considered him a toady. Unlike the ‘lean and hungry’ look of their father, Cameron was trying for the rotund Falstaff look, but of course without the Falstaffian sense of humor.
James felt amazingly calm, considering the news he was going to impart, as he listened to Cameron drone about something he’d read in the weekend Wall Street Journal. He knew his father would be furious, but what was done was done. He just hoped he could get away from the table without giving in to the temptation to tell his father exactly what he thought, but if he burned some bridges tonight, well, no loss.
Next it was Casandra’s turn. She was pretty excited – though it wouldn’t do to show it – about an upcoming school-sponsored trip to Italy. Of course, she was in private school and a beauty in the mold of their mother, but she was also a narcissist and she considered herself one of the Queen Bees. To James she was just another obnoxious bitch like so many of their peers.
And then there was Erica, supposedly James’ girlfriend. She was a tall dark-haired beauty who came from another wealthy Atherton family. In her mind she and James would marry the day after they graduated from Stanford in two years. She had it all planned, and after they were married she would go to law school. Erica was certainly brilliant, but the simple fact James did not love her seemed incidental to her plan – no scheme - to unite the two families.
Actually, it was Erica’s mother who had made that decision, and James doubted the marriage would be anything other than a sort of business merger – a matter of convenience. James had seen enough of the loveless marriage of his parents and wanted nothing to do with it. Tom seemed to heartily approve of the match with Erica. Of course, why shouldn’t he? The way he paid attention to his future daughter-in-law was sickening. Those feelings seemed to be reciprocated by Erica. She was playing all her cards.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his father say, “Well James, what’s new with you?” Show time. That’s what Grandmother Hawthorn would say. She was a gem, and it was after her death two years ago the family really started to go to hell, especially his mother, who had relied more on her mother than she realized until she was gone.
“On Friday, I quit my job at Baker and Baker.” He was actually astonished at how calm he sounded.
His father’s wine glass simply stopped moving about half way to his lips. James had his full attention now. Tom placed the crystal glass carefully back on the spotless white cotton tablecloth, and then said in a voice that equaled James’ for calmness, but with an edge of menace to it, “I’m not going to ask you to repeat what you just said, I heard you clearly. The foolishness of that move borders on insanity and certainly smacks of ingratitude to me and Phillip Baker who gave you that job over any number of equally or more qualified applicants. Was this just a stupid whim, thinking you’ll laze about here all summer, because I won’t allow that to happen, or was some rational thought given to your rash decision?”
The other four at the table just stared at him as if he’d grown another head. Cook, who was just then bringing coffee and dessert, took one look and retreated to the kitchen.
“Avarice, dishonesty, deceit, character assassination, indifference or disdain for others, especially those who are perceived as weaker, and then taking advantage of that weakness ... and that’s the tip of the iceberg at Baker. I made the mistake of showing my contempt for them all, and in one case defending a young woman who was made a scapegoat. They descended like a pack of rabid wolves, so I left. I’m through with them and with the business. In the month I worked there it appeared as if every other firm I had contact with was the same, although Baker appeared to be by far the worst.”
His father frowned. “So you don’t have the stomach for it huh? How do you think we got here?” He waved his hand at the ceiling. “I worked with fools just like them and I bested the lot of them. The difference is I enjoyed it!”
Out of the corner of his eye James saw Cameron smirk. His mother just looked sad and took a long drink from her wine glass.
“I will not allow you to take the summer off before school starts in the fall. You are not going to be sitting around, or out playing. If you don’t have a job within a week I’ll terminate the lease on your car, cancel all the credit cards and cut off any access to cash. Do you understand?”
His words were even more menacing because his voice had not been raised.
“I won’t be returning to school in the fall.”
This time the wine glass splashed red wine on the bright white tablecloth as his father slammed it down. It was as if the table had been injured and was bleeding beneath the finely woven cotton.
Before his father could speak, James continued, “I’ve already informed the registrar. They graciously said that since I was in good standing I would be free to return in the future, but I have no intention of returning.”
This time his father’s voice was far from controlled when he finally found his voice. “Then you are no longer welcome in this house and you will leave immediately!”
He heard his mother gasp, and his brother’s shocked look had turned to a smile.
To his right Erica simply stared - the shock on her face was clear.
When he had envisioned this scene earlier he had pictured himself at this point simply getting up from the table and walking out the door, but his father’s anger and bullying had changed things.
James’ voice was calm as he replied, “Gladly. I’ve simply had enough of all of you, Dad.” He knew his father hated being called ‘dad.’ “And you especially. Your bullying, cynicism, scorn for everyone else, and the fact you abuse all of us and especially mother is intolerable to me.”
Before his father could speak, James went on, turning to his mother. “And you Mother, what happened to the young, happy, beautiful woman who used to be our mother? The one who used to have a sense of humor and a spine? In the last couple of years you’ve turned into a disgusting, humorless, weak-willed drunk. Have you no pride? Has he beaten you down to the point where you can no longer figure out what’s best for you? You let him get away with flagrant philandering, and a complete disregard for you while he goes his merry way, impregnating young women and doing whatever he damn well pleases! I find it disgusting and I refuse to be around any longer to watch you kill yourself with booze!”
Red-faced, his father sat, seemingly incapable of speech while James continued his accusations.
It hurt him to see the tears streaming down his mother’s face, but he felt compelled to tell her what he saw.
Next he turned to Erica. “Erica, I know this completely screws up your plans, or should I say your mother’s plans.” James had cloned her cell phone several months before and had also hacked into her parent’s financial accounts. He knew all about them and her. “Erica, you may not know this, although I expect you do. Your parents live on the edge of financial disaster and it’s no wonder they, or at least your mother, believes a merger of our two families will mean financial solvency and will rescue them from their irresponsible ways. Well, that’s not going to happen. You don’t love me ... and I don’t love you - I’m just a means to an end. You might still have a go at ‘Dad, ‘ he seems to prefer girls your age...”
“That’s enough!” James’ father shouted, finally finding his voice and rising from his chair. “I will not be insulted in my own house. Not by a worthless lazy ungrateful bum like you!”
Erica, tears streaming, fled the room. James heard her heels clicking on the parquet on the way to the front door, and then the door slammed.
James also stood. “Sit down Dad, I’m on my way. And if you’re thinking about tossing me out before I’m ready, I’ll knock you on your ass.” He was amazed that he had used the same menacing tone his father usually used. Got it from the source. He had two inches in height and probably thirty pounds on his father and could certainly knock him on his ass.
Cameron was no longer smiling and his sister just sat unmoving, face white with shock.
James removed his light-colored silk twill jacket and draped it over the back of his dining chair, then undid his tie and dropped it on the table and began unbuttoning his tailored light blue Egyptian cotton button-down shirt. As he undressed he said, “Well, Dad, I figured you’d want me out, so I’m not taking anything with me. I really don’t want anything to remind me of any of you, or this place.”
Bare-chested he reached into his pants pocket and took out the keys to his Porsche and dropped them on the table. Next he unstrapped his Breitling Chronograph. He would miss that watch. His mother had presented it to him some months ago on the day he soloed on completion of flight training.
He then reached down and picked up a plain brown grocery bag that he had hidden underneath his chair and placed it on the table. “I did a little shopping at Goodwill in San Francisco and picked out a new wardrobe.” He took out a faded white polo shirt and put it on. He then exchanged his expensive trousers for a pair of well-worn tan chinos and his shoes for a pair of battered running shoes.
Everyone sat as if turned to stone as he changed his clothes. His father had even returned to his seat. Finally he reached into the inside pocket of his silk jacket and pulled out his fine-grain leather wallet and opened it on the table. “As you can see, I’m not taking any money or your credit cards, Dad, only my drivers’ license.” He held up the license before placing it in the pocket of his trousers. “I might need some ID where I’m going.” He then pushed the wallet toward his father’s end of the table.
His cell phone rang and he pulled it out of the grocery bag. “Perfect timing, my ride’s here.” He went to the ‘settings’ app on his phone and then touched ‘erase all content and settings.’ He then turned off the phone and dropped it on the table in front of him. “I think that about covers things. I do have another job starting immediately, and I’m happy to say it’s out of town, and if I’m very lucky it will take me out of the country for long periods of time, so I never have to see any of you again. I will spare all of you by not writing or having anything else to do with this family. In future, if asked, I will tell people I’m an orphan – better an orphan than having any further association with any of you.” He looked at his sister. She was openly crying now, making no attempt to wipe the tears. He found that odd. Why should she care?
“I trust that none of you desires to have anything further to do with me, but if for some strange reason you do, please spare me, do not ever try to contact me by any means, I will not be receptive, so let’s just call any relationship we had, finished.”
He pulled one last article from the bag – a very faded khaki jacket - and as he slipped it on, his father said without looking at him, “Good riddance. Don’t even think of coming back.” The menace in his voice had returned. He picked up his wine glass and drained it.
“Oh, rest assured the thought will never cross my mind.”
“And don’t even think about trying to get money from your trust. It’s only for school and I’ll make sure Mr. Denkins is informed that you have left school.”
James looked at his father and said, “Too late, I’ve already been in touch with him. Of course he reminded me that its mine to do with as I wish when I turn twenty five. If it was money from you I would have nothing to do with it, but Grandmother Hawthorn was kind enough to set it up and if I’m still alive...” He heard his mother gasp. “Then I might find something grossly inappropriate to do with it, like giving it to charity, or using it to help people. By the way, I’ve changed the beneficiaries. None of you,” he looked around the table “will benefit.”
James walked to the wood sliding doors leading to the hallway. At the doorway he paused and turned. He looked at the small pile of possessions on the table. “It’s pretty sad that all that’s left of me after twenty years is a wallet, a watch, car keys and a phone. I plan to do better in my next twenty years.”
Without another word, he turned and left. There was only stunned silence broken by muffled sobs in his wake.
As he walked out the front door he didn’t even bother to look back, but instead of feeling relieved or even victorious about his leave-taking, he only felt sad. It was almost as if he had failed them.
Saddened by the memory, he gazed out the hospital window, oblivious to the December sunshine. He figured they were all better off without contact. He was a failure in his father’s eyes – not that he cared about that at all, it was the other part of the equation that continued to bother him. Not often, but sometimes he had wondered if his mother had yet to drink herself to death, or if his sister had ever grown up and returned to being the loving, caring person he had known when they were younger. It hardly mattered any longer – he was on his own and never going back. He wished all memories of his family could be wiped from his mind. Did he? Perhaps not.
He had never contacted them, and until about six months ago they had made no effort to get in touch. Of course, his disappearance into the Marines was probably inconceivable to his family. He remembered his father’s often expressed opinions about those who served, ‘They’re a bunch of hicks and rednecks who couldn’t find any other kind of work.’ Of course he had never served, nor had any of his friends or for that matter anyone they knew.
James had found out differently. Those rednecks and hicks made up the core of a professional military that was the standard for the world.
He recalled his mother’s attempt to contact him through a congressman. He’d been told to report to his platoon leader, Lieutenant Jenkins. James was just in from a two week op in the mountains. He was tired and filthy and had a bloody bandage on his thigh where Doc Abrams had pulled out a chunk of shrapnel and then stitched up his leg.
“You wanted to see me Sir?” The platoon command post was in an ancient sand-colored mud-brick Afghan-built fort – if you could call it a fort. At least it was on a hilltop and had good fields of fire and observation. Lieutenant Jenkins, a Naval Academy grad but no stickler for spit and polish, sat behind an elderly-looking sand-blasted OD green field desk.
“Sit down Cavanaugh, before you fall down.” He gestured to a battered metal folding chair near the mud-brick wall. “Anyone tell you that you look like shit?” He did smile a bit as he said it.
“Yes Sir, I believe Gunny Rogers mentioned something to that effect...”
“How many times you been dinged, Sergeant?”
“A few times Sir, but Doc says I’ll be good as new in a couple of days.”
“Not keeping score?”
“No Sir. Doesn’t do to complain ... nobody listens anyway.” He smiled at the Lieutenant, still wondering why he wasn’t crashed in his cot by now instead of bantering with the LT.
“Speaking of complaints ... and that’s the reason we’re having this scintillating conversation while we both have better things to do. You haven’t been writing to your congressman about conditions here or anything else, have you?”
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Quickie SexA week after our first encounter, Tyler came around to clean again, only this time my wife Tanya was in. Tyler was wearing blue jeans that sat on her hips and gripped her firm ass just right. Her grey zipped top was baggy with the zip down slightly, showing just the faintest glimpse of her young breasts to really tease. I was desperate to touch her, kiss her, caress her smooth tight flesh, but the risk was just too much. My desire for her however took control, and I seized the first opportunity...
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His name is Tyler. We have met a few times before at a local club (it was gay club, so Tyler is fully aware of what's contained between my legs). Until now we have only ever met there by chance, when we happened to be there on the same night. I find him irresistible. He is a little over 6 ft tall with brown, slightly untamed hair that I just want to run my fingers through. He isn't muscular by any means, but certainly looks after himself. He has piercing blue eyes and a little stubble around...
TransI met a new young man at work, and took a quick liking to him. Tyler had just started a week earlier and I needed assistance in the lab that day, so his boss sent him over. I was really getting to like him and could see my wife liking him also. I continued to work with him for several days and when Friday came I thought about our garage and mentioned to Tyler that I could use some help reorganizing the garage. He agreed and I gave him our address and we set a time for 5 PM. He arrived and we...
The neighbourhood hadn’t changed much during the 2 years I’d been away. Everything seemed to be exactly the way I had left it as I guided my old wreck of a car through the familiar maze of streets that led home. I would be 22 years old in a couple of weeks and had just finished college. I was an only child of a single Mom who couldn’t afford to send me to college. That had won me a small scholarship for a 2 year course from a far flung school a year after I’d graduated highschool....
Tyler was a run of the mill kind of guy he was always attracted to the swimsuit babes on sports illustrated loved huge breasts and the female form he loves women and all kinds of them he was what he thought a sexually adventurous guy. He had an appetite for new things well one night thats exactly what he got little did he know what waited for him one sleepless night. It honestly was no night out of the ordinary his beautiful girlfriend usually pestered him to come sleep with him almost every...
A week after our first encounter, Tyler came around to clean again, only this time my wife Tanya was in. Tyler was wearing blue jeans that sat on her hips and gripped her firm ass just right. Her grey zipped top was baggy with the zip down slightly, showing just the faintest glimpse of her young breasts to really tease. I was desperate to touch her, kiss her, caress her smooth tight flesh, but the risk was just too much. My desire for her however took control, and I seized the first...
Tyler… a friends daughter is a very sexy 17yr old, (and she knows it!) with short dyed blonde hair, lovely looks and a gorgeous body. With sparkling blue eyes and full lips, she’s developing nicely! Tyler helps to clean our house sometimes. It was on such a day , with the rest of the family out and me working from home that she came round to do the cleaning. As usual Tyler just walked straight in to the house shouting ‘Hiya’ as she closed the door. One of these days that sort of abrupt entry is...
Introduction: I received many great comments about part 1 of this series and I am pleased to say that Tyler and Jenny Part 1 reached a very solid rating. That was before it was deleted by the site. From the notice posted, I can only assume it was deleted because it was deemed to be a pedophile story. I am a little confused because the definition of pedophilia as I know it is anyone over the age of 16 engaging in sexual acts with anyone age 13 or younger. In the original story, Tyler was 13 and...
Introduction: Again, in the original story, Tyler was 13, Curt was 12, Jenny was 11, and Allie was 10. But, to avoid further censorship and this story being deleted, I will say that all involved are 18 (Wink, wink) When I got inside my house, my sister, Allie, was sitting on the couch. I thought about immediately approaching her about what I was thinking, but I couldnt bring myself to do it, especially with my parents still in the house. I went to my room to think. I knew I had to eventually do...
It wasn't bad. They had classes that would get you a high school diploma and they taught several trades. I took the classes and got my diploma from the local high school and I was learning to be a welder when my eighteenth birthday rolled around. Only one to go was the thought I gave myself as a birthday present that day. Three weeks after that birthday I passed the test for bridge certification as a welder. I had a high school diploma and a trade, but still had eleven months to go until I...
I thought about what Jenny told me as she rested her head on my chest in between our sex romps. Was she telling me the truth? Did Allie really talk before about wanting to have sex with Curt? Maybe Jenny was bullshitting me, but if she was telling the truth, the task would be much easier. I heard a knock at my door. It was mom. “Hey sweetie. Whatcha doing?” “Nothing mom. What’s up?” She stepped into my room. “Your dad and I are going in town for a few minutes. Can you look after...
I had tried to think back to the three weeks we had of sex-ed in Health class this past school year. I knew how it was supposed to work and what all would happen. In addition, having seen many of Curt’s stashed porn DVD’s, I knew what moves I could put on to make it a great experience for both Jenny and myself. I had been waiting close to the phone for the past half hour so I could answer before one of my parents. Finally, the phone rang and Jenny, the young girl that had rocked my world,...
I woke up with a hot mouth on my cock and in no time at all I was pounding Marla's pussy and she had her hands on my ass trying to pull me deeper in to her. Once I'd gotten the both of us off she noticed the beside clock and exclaimed: "Oh shit! I've got to get home and get dressed for work. I don't dare be late again." She jumped out of bed and dressed as I got my pants and shirt on. Driving her back to her place I probably looked like I was concentrating on my driving and Marla...
“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend. She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again. “How are you?” she asked. She couldn’t believe he was back in town. Stepping out on to the...
Before leaving, Tyler quickly stopped to comb his hair at the mirror. He took a moment to look at himself. He stood just below six feet tall and had a slender build. Straight brown hair came down from his head, and rested slightly above his blue eyes. Tyler took a deep breath. He couldn’t help to feel nervous as he started his first day of college. People always seemed to love him, but that was high school. This is a whole new world. As he walked down his hallway, Tyler fished his schedule...
“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend. She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again. “How are you?” she asked. She couldn’t believe he was back in town. Stepping out on to the...
MatureHeather (Olive Glass) is minding her own business in a cafe when she spots a stranger, Dawn (Alexis Tae), getting unwanted attention from a male patron (Mo Reese). Dawn tries to get the patron to go away but isn’t confident enough, so Heather steps in and pretends to be Dawn’s girlfriend. Dawn quickly plays along and the male patron begrudgingly backs off. Dawn is thankful for Heather’s help and they have a friendly bonding moment while complaining about men. There’s a...
xmoviesforyouMatt had always disliked the term 'geek', but he had to admit that it fit him. Oh, not the acne and horn-rimmed glasses and pocket protectors of the movie nerds. He had been blessed with better than average looks and enough athletic ability to be a tough competitor at the recreational level. If being a geek meant being totally absorbed in technology to the frequent exclusion of other normal human activity, that was Matt Conroy. As the youngest of three children in a family that he would...
Please Read pt. 1 or you may be confused in the story. Thanks SSA…. One other thing you will read about is a car that is Murdered out, what that means is everything is blacked out. I took a shower and put on some extremely baggy shorts and a shirt you could use as a tent, luckily we had the same shoe size so they fit perfectly. Couldn’t wear any boxers Because they were too big. We walked outside and I saw the piece of shit car I drove for the first time and laughed at myself and mumbled...
Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...
"Daddy . . . get with it! We aren't kids anymore. Just leave us alone and we'll play our own games," she protested. "Ohhhhhhhhhh, I see . . . you think you guys are ready for some ADULT games huh?" "Now you're talking," said Brad eager to hear what Mr. Johnson was going to suggest. "Ok . . . anyone have any problems with that?" he asked looking around. On cue, Marissa brought in a new batch of the "special" punch that he had tweaked upstairs and made sure all of the guests...
Interested in Voyeur-House TV aka VoyeurHouseTV? It’s hard to explain the thrill of voyeurism to somebody who just doesn’t get it. You get to peek in on people’s lives, learn their dirty little secrets and hopefully see them naked and getting their cunt stuffed or salad tossed. The only risk is getting arrested by the police or beaten up by angry husbands and fathers if you get caught. Spy porn sites like Voyeur-House.tv let you experience all the thrill of peeking in where your eyes don’t...
Live Voyeur Cams“Are you already drunk? You normally aren’t that direct when talking about sex in front of a stranger.” “No, I’m only drunk on my love for you. I guess I was a little explicit with my comments. Karen and Wendy are teaching me well. At least I didn’t offer her a threesome with us. He does have a nice looking body,” she teased. Andrew soon returned with their meals. Tina removed Dan’s fingers from her pussy and boldly licked the slick moisture from his digits. He placed their plates on the...
I spent the hottest day of the summer sitting by my pool with my friend Kate. We spent the afternoon working on our tans and talking about nothing in particular. At some point, I had noticed the curtains in one of the windows was pulled back slightly. Dont look now Kate, but I think my brother is watching you. She raised her eyebrows slightly and peered up at the window. Oh my God! Whats with him? Not only is he weird, but hes a total perv! Hey thats my brother! Hes not a perv, and I love...
It wasn’t long before it dawned upon Kate, as the notion crystallized in her clouded mind, that she really had no decision to make. No, she was under Jack’s spell. If he wanted her to suck his cock, she would suck his cock. If he wanted to fuck her again, she would be his for the taking. Hell, in this lustful intoxication, she’d beg him for it if he wanted.This situation didn’t come from any timidity or insecurity, mind you. To the contrary, Kate was an intelligent, strong and independent...
ExhibitionismApril 16, 2007 9pm PST ‘This is basically a rape story of a girl who couldn’t fight back. How could you write this?’ That’s the question that started this response. A few years ago I wrote an FAQ and now this comes along so I figure we’re due for an update. I’m not going to rehash ‘Milestones’ – if you haven’t read it, go read it now and then get back to me. Did you read it? Okay, now go read my original FAQ. Did you read that, too? Great. Where was I? Oh, yes. How can I write this...
My first week at university was confusing,frustrating and quite over whelming.I was so lost and very much alone so the student adviser assigned me a upper class man to help me and guide me through the next couple of weeks til I became accustomed to college life, I was told to meet "Sam" in front of the student union monday morning.I arrived dressed in some tight shorts that showed off my tanned legs and a tiny thin top that really highlighted my tiny 32A titties and rock hard pierced nipples,it...
Ember Snow’s husband is out of town and she’s all alone in the house with her stepson. He’s a big gym rat and says he’ll help get Ember in shape. They decide to have a workout session, but Ember shows up in her sexiest gym clothes and it’s a bit too much for her stepson to handle! After awhile he just has to take her hand and guide it to his cock. Ember is stunned! It seems like she’s upset with him at first, but she finally reveals that she’s only...
xmoviesforyou100% fiction! 18yo Sachu woke up that morning in a happy mood as his vacation is on and he is going to mom. He do not forget what john had said about his vacation. He said he is going to impregnate his mom this vacation. Sachu also wants to do the same with his mom too. His mom is a lady at 42 with huge melons in front and back. Sachu when thought about his mom's grey black lips and red tongue got an erection. Here is the bus had given a sudden break to wake him from his dream. Sachu got off at...
IncestWhen they return from the lake, while Emma is freshening up, Donald calls the minister. He explains some about Emma’s concerns but assures him that after their visit, he and Emma had openly talked with each other. They know they are ready to be married. And would like to do so on May fourth.The minister has known Emma since he came to the church when she was a teen in the youth group. He has watched her blossom over the last year from the shy, unconfident, girl, to this new amazing woman....
Love StoriesPam was ready to fuck again, but Derek pulled her up off the bed. He didn't carry her over the threshold this time, but marched her through the bedroom door and back into the living room. Jeff was sitting on the couch with his legs spread wide while Cissy, kneeling in front of him on the floor, licked his hairy balls as he masturbated. He grinned up at Derek. "She's just like a kitten, man. She licks and licks and licks." "Check the time," Derek said. Jeff glanced at the clock on the...
“We need to clear out of here quickly, Doc,” I told Dr. Beaufort a second or two later, my voice taking on a hint of urgency as I spoke to her. “It’s not safe to stay here.” We’d all been just standing there looking about and taking in the death of Jenkins and the four hunters, who’d all been alive, just a moment ago. I think we were all simply stunned. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for us to recover. “Agreed, Mr. Ryerson,” Dr. Beaufort replied without giving it any thought. “What do you...
Chapter 4 Giselle floated down the oak stairs, her chin tilted up at an angle as she noted her father and uncle’s careful regard of her appearance. She knew the ivory and gold gown was fashionable – in the wide skirts and indecent neckline – heaven forbid an inch of her ankle show but her breasts were almost laid out on a golden platter for any man to suckle at a buffet. Her father, Alexander, the Duke and Lord of Falconsridge, appraised her as a potential source of income – for he would...
Daddy wanted me to move in.I woke up to a new day, I have had a rough night where I had been tight up. Daddy love to have my hands on my back most of the time, so I can`t resist or fight back to whatever daddy does to me.This night had been rough because daddy wanted to serve him most of the night. It started with daddy slapping my butt with his hands, over and over again, and when I opened my eye and looked at daddy, he was all naked and really in the mood for some action, again. A cock ring...
I was kind of excited. I was going to a Frat party. My friend Julie had invited me. Who cares if I was still in High school? I was 17 years old and about to get hit on by cute college boys. I made up the lie to my dad really easily. I just told him I was going to Julie’s house. I was going to stay with her. It wasn’t even really a lie…I was going to be with Julie, but if he knew I was going to a Frat party he would have forbidden it. As we got dressed, I put on my favorite skirt and a tank...
Gwenda was a tall and strikingly beautiful young woman, even dressed up in the plain leathers of a guards-woman. Even this, Lady Ayleth had to grudgingly admit. She was also quite smart and had grown up in a northern barony that was always on the pointed edge of danger, even in more relatively peaceful days. Her sharp green eyes missed little and her generously wide red lips stayed tightly shut when they needed to be, all the better to hear and listen, and react, to what was happening around...
There I was texting my cousin from SC. He was telling me to open my front door. I knew he was in the area because thats the only time he text me. He walked in an said he we had a little reunion but I knew what was coming. Wewere in my room an he was textin me as I listened to my ipod. Both of us being 18 and bi was kinda kool because we could tlk about girls and guys we had fucked. ME and him had past sexual expirences. Since we were 13 we were having it. So he ws telling me about this guy bck...
My name is Rakeshvarma and I’m an M.Tech graduate in a reputed college of Andhra (Bhimavaram). This story happened with my neighbour aunt Vijayalakshmi (around 33) when I’m doing my UG. I don’t want 2 waste your time, I’ll be going to the story. She is a married woman living next 2 our house having 2 kids. She used to talk more with my mother and occasionally have a glance and smile at me. As days passed by, my intentions towards her increased and I used to stare at her round shaped boobs and...
Sorry this has taken so long to get posted. Life, the holidays, and a new lady kept interfering. Deon gets a lesson in making love, has some fun with Mary, his sister’s friend, and teaches Kyle it’s not nice to cheat. Hope you all enjoy it. No. 5 coming soon. Jb7 * Deon had just finished setting the table for dinner when the doorbell rang. He smiled, anticipating the evening. He went to the front door and opened it, to welcome Bertie. She was dressed informally in slacks and a short sleeved...
"Did Sir have a hard day at work?" I ask as You walk through the door. Receiving a nod in answer I take Your lunch pale and hard hat placing them on the side table. I watch you ease off Your work boots and shrug off Your over shirt. Leaning in for a hug and kiss, wrapping my arms around Your neck and pressing my body firmly against You. A moan escapes my lips so You grasp me tighter before pulling away to sit and relax.I decide to grab You a cold beer from the fridge. I crack it open while...
Hi I am Roy (name changed), I am fan of Indian sex stories. I read it regularly & I liked the most of the stories of the writers. I am new, please pardon me for any mistakes I made. :) You can give the feedback to my story on Note : Story is divided in two parts Part 2 is very erotic. Now story is about 4 years back I was in 12 th. At that time I was average looking guy. I was not that open to public and I used to avoid an eye contact with beautiful girls because I didn’t felt gold to stare...
Brad stood dumb struck for a few moments staring at the sheets of paper on the table, he recognised them as copies of police arrest and charge sheets. He realised with a sinking feeling that either Adam or Janey’s brother had been digging in ‘Tanaya’s past, apparently somewhere back in her teenage years according to the age stated on one of the sheets. Drugs. He had seen no evidence of drugs or drug use in the time he had known ‘Tanaya, hadn’t even heard any whispers of drugs all the times he...
It had been a few weeks since Carmen had moved out, and things were getting easier. Her thoughts of Matt were more infrequent, and in fact, other men were starting to take Matt’s place in her dreams and fantasies, people whom she had not really thought of in years: old boyfriends, flings, lovers. Perhaps, briefly, they had entered her thoughts while she was with Matt, but she had always felt guilty thinking about them. Now she could close her eyes and let her imagination run wild. Carmen opened...
At the dentist office My husband has had a tremendous obsession since a long time: he likes to show me off around in the city so everyone will stare at how I shake my ass cheeks in the open. He claims this will make him having an instantaneous hard on and then we go back home to fuck and nail me with his hard shaft. Each day I try or do my best to make an impression on people. That’s why that morning I put on my new black winter dress, well, it actually was a mini skirt with round low...
Namskar mera nam neel hai , main shadisuda hu aur online shopping sites ke liye modeling karta hu, is modeling judi kafi sari bate hoti hai jo fir kabhi batauga, kyuki typing ki aalas ke karan woh bat batauga jo sexy hai, Ab kahani pe aate hai, Meri wife ka nam kirti hai, wo 25 sal ki (ham dono same age couple hai), me 6.5″ lamba hu aur woh 6″ lambi hai, lambi aur gori hone ke karan woh bahut sexy lagti hai, Jaha pe kam karta tha, us office ke pas canting thi jab me chai naste ke liye jata...
(Could the mature, attractive wife be tempted)But I do love him, Bert. We have a comfortable life, lovely c***dren, a nice home and I know he works hard, but........!' and Mary tailed off from what she was really wanting to say.Mary was 49 and had spent her whole life living in the little village in Hampshire, down a tiny, leafy lane that led to a small bay by the sea. She had been married for nearly 30 years, and had inherited the little bungalow from her parents when they had died, so she had...
"Are you okay?" Kameron asked. I'd been thinking about Angela's panties since Elizabeth and I came to an accord at our too-long lunch. At least, it would have been too long if Kameron and Elizabeth didn't need to know everything I did. They wanted to clear my plate in the next month so I could start being their personal at-work bitch. I put Kameron at the top of the female list at work. Elizabeth was more my type so for blondes she now had the number one spot. Angela held the title in...