Jacob's GranddaughtersChapter 22 free porn video

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Monday September 14, 2015 Chicago

Jessica reached across the seat and touched Natalie’s hand. “Are you okay?”

Natalie turned from the airplane window and looked at her friend as a mix of emotions crossed her face. “Right this moment ... I think I am...” She made a half-hearted attempt at a smile, “but give me five minutes and I might burst into tears.”

Jessica took her hand. “Roller coaster ride of emotions with a whole new experience ahead. Doubts?”

Natalie stared at Jessica. “That pretty well sums it up. This is my second big, life-changing move, in less than a year. At least when we moved from Montana I knew I’d be with Harrison and Jenny so however it turned out I’d have them with me.” She was silent for a few seconds as she gathered her thoughts. “Then I met you...”

Jessica interrupted her with a laugh trying to make her feel better, “And I really upset the apple cart didn’t I? Stealing your brother, making a slave out of you, trying my darndest to steal away Jenny, welcoming every stray that showed up to the point you got turfed out of your bed.”

Natalie reached across and hugged Jessica tightly and then she pulled back just slightly. “Jessica, I don’t know what I would have done without you.” This time her eyes were moist. “You showed me that anything was possible. When I was down and missing the ranch and feeling like such a failure you kicked me in the butt, and even when I was being a brat to you, you wouldn’t let me get away with it. Jessica you are my hero.”

“Now stop.”

“No, I mean it. Early on, sometimes I’d forget how bad it had been for you, losing your parents and then Jacob, but you wouldn’t let it get you down – you just kept going, taking Jacob’s legacy and making it better. Some people would have just taken the money and run, but not you. I never met Jacob, but I feel I know him because of you. I know he was proud of you when he was living, but I can imagine him up in heaven smiling and thinking he has the greatest granddaughter in the world.”

“I hope so Natalie. I try every day. I’d really hate to let him down.”

“You’re a Brandt, Jessica. That’s probably German for never quit.”

“I looked it up once. It’s actually a derivation of the German word for sword.”

“Sword? That’s even better!”

As Natalie settled back into her seat, Jessica asked, “So how come you’re leaving us?”

Natalie was shocked, but then she caught the twinkle in Jessica’s eyes. They had discussed the reasons for leaving a number of times and Jessica and Harrison had both understood that academically she needed a greater challenge. With her grades, and Jessica’s financial help, Natalie could have picked just about anywhere to go to school, but she was drawn to the University of Chicago and to Brendon.

“You know Jessica, even with the academic scholarship I probably wouldn’t be going so far away were it not for Brendon.”

“I know. I’ve seen how he looks at you and his mother and sister adore you. At Dmitri and Aleja’s wedding reception they told me how lucky Brendon was to have attracted a girl like you.”

“They said that?”

“Yes and I’m pretty sure they’ve decided that if you ever split up they’re keeping you!”

Natalie smiled at that knowing how much Brendon’s mother and sister loved him.

“Plus, you need to keep him out of the clutches of that little hacker with the big boobs!”

Natalie let out a laugh. “Damn straight. And all those other bitches who think they can move in on my man!”

“Not to worry Natalie, Brendon really knows he’s your man.”

“He’d better.”

They both laughed - the mood very much lighter.

The First Class flight attendant, a pretty dark-haired twenty-something came by with their lunches and was happy to pour a glass of champagne for the two very attractive and nicely dressed young women in row two. She noticed the blonde sported a very nice diamond engagement ring.

After lunch was cleared she stopped at their row. The first class section was only about half full. “Anything else I can get you ladies?”

Jessica replied, “No thanks.” But Natalie couldn’t help herself, “Not unless you can make the plane go faster.”

“Oh someone special in Chicago?”

Natalie nodded and Jessica deadpanned, “She thinks she’s in love.”

“Well I am in love.” They all laughed.

“Do you live in Chicago?” the flight attendant asked.

“Just moving there.”

“Oh, I hope he’s worth it.” She smiled. “The winters can be brutal. People coming from California sometimes have a hard time adjusting.” She paused and then added, “Like my last boyfriend.”

Natalie replied, “I’m sorry about your boyfriend...” She paused to read the woman’s name tag, “Victoria, but the winters won’t bother me, I grew up in Montana.”

The flight attendant’s eyes got wide. “So did I, what part?”

“On a ranch not far from Missoula.”

“I grew up in Darby, and then about the time I was to start high school we moved to Missoula. I went to Big Sky.”

“So did I.”

“I’m sure I was there before you.” Victoria paused and just looked at her for a couple of seconds remembering her list of first class passengers. “You’re Ms. Willets?”

Natalie nodded.

“Are you related to Harrison?” She thought she saw the blonde woman tense for a second.

“Harrison’s my brother.”

“Oh my God, I was a freshman when he was a senior and I had the biggest crush on him. I wasn’t the only one. He was the captain of the football team and student body president, and of course had a steady girlfriend, but a girl can dream can’t she?”

She seemed to have a hard time suppressing a giggle. Then she turned serious. “Last I heard from my folks, he got divorced and moved to California. I was sorry to hear that ... they seemed so right for each other.” She noticed frowns. “Oh, sorry to bring it up. I hope he’s doing okay.”

“Victoria, let me introduce Harrison’s fiancée, Jessica Brandt.”

Victoria blushed. “Sorry my big mouth got ahead of my brain ... again. Please accept my congratulations.”

Jessica and Natalie laughed and Jessica said, “Thank you.”

Victoria turned serious. “Ms. Brandt...”

“Please call me Jessica.”

“Okay. Jessica ... I’d say you were one lucky woman, but there’s another reason I know what an amazing person Harrison is - my brother Mark played football with him and he was also a sergeant in his unit. He was wounded the same time as Harrison and even though Mark and I are very close, the only thing he would ever tell me was that Harrison saved his life.”

She paused biting her lower lip, seemingly trying to keep from choking up and then looked from one to the other. “My family owes Harrison a debt we can never repay.” Jessica and Natalie were stunned. “So Natalie if I give you my card will you please call me when you get settled? If there is anything I can do,” she paused, attempting a smile, “Short of finding you a boyfriend that is, to help you in your transition to, Chicago I would be happy to do so.”

Natalie smiled. “I’d love to Victoria. Montana girls need to stick together.”

Victoria smiled at that and congratulated Jessica one more time joking the good ones didn’t stay on the market long, and then went back to her duties.

“Well Natalie, I think you just made your first Chicago friend, outside the family of course.”

“Outside the family?”

“Yes, other than Brendon, his mom and sister and Dmitri and Aleja.”

“I never thought of it that way. I do have family in Chicago don’t I?”

“Yes, but you’ll make friends at school too.”

Natalie laughed. “I guess so, but who knows how that’ll happen, considering the nerd factor for computer science students.”

“Brendon’s a computer nerd.”

Natalie laughed. “My point exactly. How long did it take before he told me how he felt? We’d been part of the same forum and problem solving group and often talked one on one for a couple of years before he blurted it out by accident!”

Jessica laughed too, but having seen the two of them together over the last few months when Brendon would visit Lodi, she figured they were both making up for lost time.

“Don’t forget you’ll also be taking business classes.”

“As if those people are any better...”

“I give up, you’ll just have to be an unnoticed person ghosting through campus, friendless despite being, what was it Brendon said, a computer nerd who looks like a runway model?”

Natalie smiled. “Okay I’ll try to make friends, girlfriends.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes when Natalie finally asked, “You think Rashmi’s going to be okay?”

“As my assistant?”

“Well partly that.”

“Natalie, she’ll be fine. As you’ve seen that waif we picked up in Chicago has proved to be very tough and resilient and easily inserted herself into the Brandt extended family and into the community. The fact she’s brilliant and beautiful has helped too.”

“True.” Natalie thought for a second. “It’s kind of funny that a girl from London with a Downton Abby accent and roots in India who was considered some sort of exotic creature by the largely Latino community, suddenly became just Rashmi.”

Jessica smiled. “Yes ‘just Rashmi’ the dynamo, who works with Natalie to take care of Jessica Brandt and Three Corners Farm and everything else. I think she’ll be fine.”

“What about the other?”

“Her dad?”

“Yes, her dad, and her mother, and sister and the terrible things that happened to her.”

Jessica took her time answering. “That’s a tough one. It’s been what, three, four weeks now since they found his body in that warehouse in Chicago? She hasn’t said a thing, at least not to me. You?”

“No she hasn’t mentioned it, even though she knows I know.”

“Yes, and Dmitri called me right after, and then flew out to give her the news. Neither has said a thing about what they talked about.”

“Maybe she’s happy he’s dead.”

Jessica thought about that. “With Rashmi it’s impossible to tell. I think with the British stiff upper lip layered on top of her Indian roots she keeps her emotions bottled up. She’s never talked about her kidnapper, or what happened while she was held. All we know is what we’ve read in the papers and seen online and we know the results of the medical exam Aleja gave her the night we brought her to the hotel.”

“Do you think her mother and sister are safe in London?”

“We know she was concerned for her sister’s safety after her father was released on bail and disappeared, but according to Dmitri, whose people are keeping watch, they appear to be fine and settling in with her mother’s brother and family there.”

“That’s a relief. Dmitri really cares about her doesn’t he?”

“He told me she’s his daughter, not like a daughter, but his daughter. As you know he’s been to Lodi almost every month since he carried her onto that jet we hired. He calls her Ahren, which means angel in Russian. And she adores him.”

Natalie nodded. “And I’m pretty sure Aleja feels the same.”

“Yes, she feels a strong bond with her. Rashmi could move in with them tomorrow and they would both welcome it.”

“Considering her life up until we got her out of Chicago she deserves all the love she can get and I’m glad Dmitri is keeping an eye on things.”

“I did offer to reimburse him some of his expenses, especially for the London surveillance but he very politely declined. I’m sure if Matt wasn’t at the Farm Dmitri would have one of his people watching her. Come to think of it he may anyway.”

Natalie thought about that for a couple of seconds. “I’ve not seen anyone lurking about keeping an eye on things, but we probably wouldn’t would we? But you’re right; Dmitri might have someone, especially since Patil disappeared into the witness protection program.”

“Too bad it wasn’t Patil who ended up dead in some south-side warehouse.”

“I agree, and even though I’ve heard the federal marshals have a perfect record of keeping witnesses safe, I’m confident that Dmitri is looking. If he finds Patil the federal marshals will no longer have an unblemished record.”

Natalie nodded. “She has a lot of baggage to tote around. It’s true she keeps things pretty close to the vest and the fact she has a new identity. Maybe that new identity has allowed her to divorce herself from that reality. I think she’s convinced herself that the story fed to the community about her parents being in the diplomatic service is the true one...” Natalie trailed off as she noticed Jessica wasn’t really listening.

“You okay Jessica?”


“You just blanked on me for a couple of seconds.”

“Sorry, I’m easily distracted. What did you say?”

“Are you going to pay attention, or head off to your happy place again?”

Jessica just raised an eyebrow. “What were you saying?”

“I was saying that Rashmi plays it close to the vest except where it comes to Tom Moore.”

“That’s so true. When she’s around Tom, or even Jim and Bonnie Moore she’s a different person. I think in this reality what she really sees them as her parents, not some couple in the diplomatic service. And she’s made it clear that she’s Tom’s woman.”

“She’s pretty young for that kind of commitment.”

Jessica looked at her. “Let’s see, you and Brendon were video-teleconferencing, Skyping and using Facetime and you were crushing on him when you were...”

Natalie cut in, “I was almost eighteen!”

Jessica just gave her a questioning look.

“Okay, seventeen and a half.”

“And like you were, Rashmi’s not a typical seventeen year old girl. You’re both amazing. I’m glad Rashmi’s taking your place.”

Jessica turned to her friend and took her hand. “Natalie, since December you’ve been my Rock of Gibraltar and my closest friend. I’ve tried hard not to think about what happens once you’re gone.” She paused to retrieve a tissue from her bag. “My emotions are all over the place too. I want you to be happy, and I know you’ll be in Chicago with Brendon and a whole new world at the University of Chicago, but my selfish side wants you always close to me.”

Tears in her eyes, Natalie hugged her. Softly she said. “We make a pretty good team don’t we?”

Jessica could only nod.

They both sat back wiping tears, lost in thought for several minutes. Natalie looked out the window.

Finally Natalie turned and looked at her. “Jessica, I’ve been so fortunate to have found you and have you as a friend. Those were pretty dark days for me.”

“I know. I remember the day you arrived. You’d hardly look at me.”

Natalie sighed remembering that December day. “I hated you on sight.”

“I know. You told me. I was just some California rich bitch who was ogling your brother.”

“You forgot, blonde airhead, rich bitch with a BMW convertible with the top down in December.”

“Not judgmental at all.”

“I was a mess. And despite all, you made friends with Jenny, got Maria to put soup and sandwiches together and got Tomás and his crew to get us unloaded and unpacked. And then you offered me a job.”

“One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

“Without doubt.”

They both smiled.

Natalie looked out the window. The day was sunny and clear from horizon to horizon. They had left the mountains behind as they flew north and east and now were over the middle of the country populated by what snobbish coast people called the ‘flyover people.’ Thirty thousand feet below were ranches and farms which make up the heartland of America.

She turned back to her friend, “Jessica, I’m so lucky. I guess Father Xavier would call it ‘blessed.’ A year ago I was just this girl in Montana trying to be a mother to Jenny and helpmate to Harrison while trying to hold onto a ranch that was sliding under. Now look at me. I’m flying with my best friend Jessica in first class. Did you know I’d never even been on a plane until we went to Chicago back in February?”

Jessica smiled, and shook her head.

“When we went in February I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want you to think I was just some cowgirl from the sticks.”

“You were, and still are, some cowgirl from the sticks!”

Natalie stifled a laugh, “Right. Guess you can take the girl out of the country and all that.”

“And your point is?”

“Well, now this is my third trip to Chicago and I’ve never even been past row four on a commercial airliner. In February we flew home on a private jet, and in July we had the same private jet service take us to Chicago for Dmitri and Aleja’s wedding, which by the way is my preferred mode of jet travel.”

“Didn’t take you long to get spoiled. Maybe from now on I should make you fly in the back with the peasants. Wait, didn’t you and Rashmi fly coach in early May when you flew to San Diego, so she could see Tom between deployments?”

Natalie smirked. “Nope. Since I’m the one who makes the plane reservations, and you have a zillion award miles from all your trips with Jacob, I just cashed in some miles and got two first class tickets.”

“So my guess is that these seats are also compliments of Jessica Brandt’s deep well of mileage points.”

“You got it boss.”

“Stop! Thankfully you haven’t been able to convince Rashmi to call me boss.”

Natalie tried unsuccessfully to look contrite. “One of my many failings when trying to train a new assistant.”

“So Natalie, was there somewhere you were going with this conversation?”

She paused getting herself to focus. “Jessica, I was just thinking about all those girls down there,” She pointed at the window. “Just like me - the ones on ranches and farms, and other girls working away, especially in small towns that don’t have the opportunities I’ve been given. I was wondering if there was something we could do for them.”

Natalie held up her hand to stop the reply that was on Jessica’s lips as she went on. “I know you’ve got those scholarships at the college in Indian Wells that Jacob and his brother set up, and the Jacob Brandt scholarships at San Joaquin College, and you’re paying directly for Rashmi, Sofía, and Anya Netrebko to go to school, but maybe we could do something more.”

“So scholarships for girls just like you? We could even call it ‘the girls just like me scholarship!’”

Natalie laughed. “No.”

“Natalie’s List?”

Natalie rolled her eyes. “Hardly. This isn’t about me!” She thought for a few seconds, then her face brightened. “How about ‘Jacob’s Granddaughters?’”

Jessica thought about the name and then smiled. “Natalie, that’s perfect. So how would you do it?”

Natalie seemed a little surprised to be put on the spot, but she should have known better. She had an idea, but Jessica wasn’t going to let her off the hook with just throwing ideas around. She sat back and closed her eyes, going over her idea and what it might take to put things in motion.

“Okay, unlike the scholarships which are pretty much administered by the colleges with your input as to selectees, this would probably have to be a stand-alone charitable organization.”

Jessica nodded. “And?”

“We get Joe Foss to recommend someone who specializes in working with the tax code to get non-profits recognized.”


“We, I mean you, would have to hire some staff to get the ball rolling. You certainly don’t have the time to be CEO.”

“You’re right about that, nor would I want to. So what’s that all going to cost?”

Natalie shook her head.

“Geographic area? US?”

Natalie thought for a second. “How about Montana and the Central Valley of California to start?”

“Who’s going to fund it ... besides me of course?”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay, I’m on board so far, but here’s what I want you to do. The University of Chicago has one of the top business schools in the country. You’ll probably be taking some, if not all of your undergrad business courses there. So maybe you could get with one of your business professors and make this your class assignment or maybe an independent study course. You’d have to create a business plan for ‘Jacob’s Granddaughters.’ And you would most likely get academic credit. What do you think?”

Natalie just stared at her friend for a few seconds and then grinned. “You know boss you’re pretty smart for a blonde airhead. Sometimes I forget you’ve already got a degree in business.”

“That’s why I’m the CEO, and you’re just one of the minions!”

“Thanks for the reminder.” Natalie tried to keep a straight face.

“And Natalie, I know a young woman in Chicago who might just be interested in helping to fund your non-profit.”

“Now it’s my non-profit?”

“Well it was your idea.”

“Okay, but you think she might be willing to put some money in?

“I think she might be convinced. Once you get the business plan complete I’ll talk to her. It’s just a wild guess, but I think to do what you’re proposing you’ll be looking for at least a million to get up and running. Perhaps, I’ll ask her to put up the first million, and then you could ask donors to match it.”

“A million? I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Probably not going to happen. She’s pretty reclusive. I met her at the Ryan Firm. She’s one of their clients.”

“And why do you think she might part with a million for some start up non-profit?”

“She’s had some rough times...”

“Poor little rich girl?”

Jessica looked at Natalie, her disappointment clear. “Natalie, sometimes I worry about you - the girl who’s never flown in coach and who prefers a private jet, making a snarky comment about someone for being rich.”

The smile disappeared from Natalie’s face.

“I know we joked about the day you first saw me, but Natalie you know very well all rich people aren’t robber barons or Beverly Hills bimbos. Jacob was rich compared to most, but he still lived in an apartment above his garage. He employed over fifty people, all of whom had health benefits, good pay, and the agricultural workers were kept on during the off season and he continued to pay their health insurance. He was wounded twice in Vietnam. He never splurged on himself, never went Hollywood. Ten years ago when my grandmother Alena died he could have just sold out and retired, but he didn’t, he kept working and investing in the community and then after my parents died he came and got me. He saved me. Now I’m a rich girl who employs sixty people and doing my damndest to continue his legacy.”

Natalie was taken aback by the passion and disapproval in Jessica’s voice. She had rarely incurred Jessica’s displeasure. But she knew she was right.

“I’m sorry Jessica. Sometimes I’m just stupid.”

“Natalie you’re not stupid but sometimes, actually very rarely, you say something thoughtless. The young woman I’m talking about is my age and when she was in high school her parents, and little brother, were murdered by a drunk driver.”

Shamefaced, Natalie just nodded.

“Then her uncle and aunt swooped in and drugged and kidnapped her and kept her confined at their home while they looted her parent’s estate. The night she graduated from high school she escaped and she spent the next few years running and living in terrible places, working at menial jobs and often she’d go to bed hungry. Despite all that she persevered and she grew up and with the help of the Ryan Firm she’s been able to recoup her financial losses, except there is nothing that can replace parents, as you know.”

Natalie brushed a tear.

“She’s worked with the girls you’re talking about – those in dead end jobs or who had the bad luck to be born poor.” Natalie squirmed under her gaze. “I’m sure she’d be interested in helping you get Jacob’s Granddaughters up and running. Like me, she’s a person interested in investing in people.”

“I’m sorry Jessica.”

“I’m sorry too Natalie. I didn’t mean to come down so hard on you. You had no way of knowing her background, but in the future don’t be so quick to judge.”

Natalie took Jessica’s hand. “I’m glad you’re my best friend, and you’re not afraid to kick my butt when it’s still needed.”

That got her a smile. The storm was over, gone as quickly as it had come.

Jessica was glad she’d not mentioned the fact that Brendon, even though now just twenty-six, was well on his way to being very wealthy. She had asked Dmitri for some background on him and what she got took her by surprise. It was mostly from public records, but the picture painted was of a young man and entrepreneur who already had a very successful business with millions in contracts for computer services and thirty six employees. He owned of a real estate portfolio and carried no debt. If Natalie ended up with Brendon, she mused, she might never have to fly coach with him either. Of course Natalie would bring her own brilliance and work-ethic to the marriage and the business.

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Jessica asked, “So what’s on the agenda for the next few days?”

As soon as the plane landed Natalie sent a text to Brendon and Jessica sent one to Harrison. Noticing Natalie was sending a long text to someone she asked, “Who’s that to?” She thought she knew.

“Oh, I just thought of a few things I needed to remind Rashmi about.”

Jessica reached across and covered Natalie’s phone. “Natalie, she’s fine.”


“Natalie, let it go.”

“But, what about...”

“Natalie, she really can handle it, whatever it is.”

“I know, but there’s always something that can slip through the cracks.”

“Yes there is, and as I recall that happened to you too, but you learned from it and always managed to stay ahead of things or make it so those few things didn’t matter. Right?”

Natalie let out a breath, “Yes.”

“And let’s not start her first full day on the job having her think I don’t have faith in her.”

“Why would she think that?”

“Think about it.”

“Oh I see. She would think you’re worried about her as my replacement and asked me to remind her about things.”

“Yes, not a great show of confidence by the boss on the first day. Besides, it is important that she figure things out by herself, even to the point of asking for my help.”

“I get it.” Chagrinned, Natalie deleted the text and put her phone away.

As they walked through the endless terminal concourses at O’Hare, Natalie called Jenny. They chatted for a few minutes, Jessica hearing snippets of conversation amidst the noise of the overhead announcing arrivals and departures and gate changes and the general hubbub of the crowded airport. Eventually she turned the phone over to Jessica.

“Hi Jenny!”

Jenny went on for a couple of minutes about her day in school, her weekend plans with her friends at the pool at ‘Mommy’s house, ‘ an upcoming swim meet, and a host of topics that had Jessica marveling at the child’s manic schedule. When they ended the call she smiled as she handed the phone back to Natalie. “I don’t know if I should be glad or sad she never said she missed me.”

Natalie tried to smile. “I know, but it’s really hard being away from her. I know she’s being taken care of and loved by lots of people - my little free-range girl, but it’s still hard. She’s really more my daughter than niece. We’ve been through a lot.”

“I don’t think she considers you gone...”

“With everyone else around, you, Harrison, Cindy and Matt and Maria and Tomás, and Sofía, Bonnie and Jim Moore, and La Banda Sage she might not notice.” Natalie wiped a tear.

Jessica stopped in the middle of the concourse and turned to face her friend. “Natalie, Jenny is luckier than most with the people she has around her, but that doesn’t mean she’ll forget you. She told me that you were going to be with Brendon, and you know how she feels about him?”

Natalie grinned. “Sure, if she was ten years older she’d give me a run for my money!”

Jessica chuckled. “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but close enough. And she knows you’ll be with Dmitri and Aleja, plus you’ll call her every day. She loves you Natalie and that’s never going to change.”

Natalie hugged her. “Thanks.”

At that point Jessica dragged her into one of the airline premier lounges where they could make themselves presentable before meeting Brendon.

Brendon met them in baggage claim. He looked very much like the successful businessman he was, dressed in an expensive-looking blue silk twill sport coat over a white Oxford button down. He carried two large bouquets.

Brendon was accompanied by Anton, one of Dmitri’s employees.

“Good afternoon Ms. Brandt. Welcome back to Chicago.” Anton was a little over six feet tall and looked very fit. Dmitri’s expected all his employees to stay in shape – his clients lives might just depend on it. Dmitri also required his employees to dress in what he considered the uniform of his business, a dark conservative suit, white shirt and tie.

“Thank you Anton, it’s nice to see you again.” Anton had been their escort while they had been visiting Chicago in July for Dmitri and Aleja’s wedding. Jessica pointed out Natalie’s large suitcase and Anton lifted it effortlessly from the carousel.

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Jacob and MJs Story Pt 02

Chapter 3 Mary Jane woke up Thursday morning in a great mood. Here she was in a new town for only a couple of weeks and yesterday a nice gentleman gave her a tip on a job that wasn’t even in the papers yet. She was very grateful but a little worried also since she really had no idea who Jacob was or why she stayed with him and had the picnic lunch with him. All she could think of was his eyes, how thoughtful they were and how they also had a look of determination about them. Every time she...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 5 Friday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 9 am, October 28th 2006. The hospital room I was in was rather quiet. The machines did their subdued beeping as they did what they were supposed to. But like any place there was quiet, it was about to be shattered. I woke up muttering. "The fluctuations in the density drives adjustments are causing the changes in the effective simulations of reality. Those fluctuations are caused by frequency adjustments. So what would...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 3B Wednesday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 7:50pm, October 27th 2006. I was singing to myself as the Flying Dutchman flew along. "It's Pinky and the brain. It's Pinky and the Brain. One is a genius, the other is insane..." I changed my voice slightly. "So what are we going to do tonight?" Then I spoke in my normal voice. "The same thing we do every night. Try to take over the world!" Now why would anybody want to take over the world? Have they no idea the...

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Jacob Elena

It all had started innocently enough. Your typical “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” thing. But it was apparent that things would get out of hand quickly the desire we had for each other was taboo, but that made us want the other even more. My brother is two years older than me; when all this started he was twenty I was eighteen. I had been rather sheltered and had just discovered my vagina and had realized how good it felt to rub the top of the mound. I’d hide in my room and study my...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 54

Adam Stone 11:31 pm, November 4th, 2006 4:31 pm November 5th, 2006 (local time) The table was set up perfectly. There were two cups of tea with the rest of the tea set off to the side. The cups were positioned in front of the chairs. Condiments were close by. A small plate held crackers and cheese. All was indeed in readiness, I saw Jacob arrive. Jacob paused at the entrance to the mess hall. He clapped once. A member of the Density Force ran over to help him stand for a moment. Jacob...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 1B Monday

Science class went as it usually did. Jacob and Mr. Schuman got into a deep argument again on the fundamental interactions of density as it related to forces within reality. They went at it for ten minutes again, losing the rest of us 3 minutes into the argument. I did sit next to him though. I didn't do anything else to get his attention. I just watched him scribble the answers to the science experiments in the lab book before Mr. Shuman finished explaining. In other words science class...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 3A Wednesday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 12:30am October 27th 2006. Scotty was finally content. He had discovered that sharing a bed with two passionate humans was not the best way to get an undisturbed night's sleep. His owner usually tossed and turned for about 20 minutes before he got comfortable. Scotty thought his owner acted much like a cat. Then he would curl up next to him and start purring contentedly. But not last night. Last night Scotty's owner...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 43

View of Sgt. Matthew Lane 5:45 am, November 4th, 2006 11 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) I met Major Stone at the door to the private ward. "Thank you for coming." Stone told me. "I got the message. However, I'm surprised that Jacob wants to see me enough to send for me." "He doesn't know. My wife and I decided to send for you." "What do you expect to happen?" "We don't know. But something happened that night in the mess hall. His mother and I expected him to take you...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 2A Tuesday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 1204 EST October 27th 2006. It was 12:04am. That is what my alarm clock said in those bright neon numbers the nearly blind could read at twenty paces. With my vision, I could not see them from further away than three feet. These thoughts I should not have running in my head. I should be having my post midnight fantasy about now. The noise that interrupted my sleep sounded again. I turned over and looked. There was a new...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 51

Diane 6:43 pm, November 4th, 2006 11:43 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) I watched the map roll on my screen. It was programmed apparently to keep pace with the Flying Dutchman's current location. Right now it showed us crossing over the Eastern Shore. I sooo liked this craft. There are times when girls wish they could be invisible so that they could hear more about what others thought or noticed. Right now I was effectively invisible. I know this because the Flying Dutchman just flew...

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Jacob Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson One I had come to Richmond Hill because though it is a very small town out in the middle of no where, they had an excellent computer-programming course. And it was free. My Grandmother died about three years ago, and she left me a small amount of money, that was tied up in a trust account at the community college in Richmond Hill. I have no idea of what her involvement was with the college, but none the less, if I wanted the...

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Jacob what a wonderful brother

I'm 19 and Jacob is 23. He's my half brother. We never really met or knew each other well until about a year ago and from that time on, I knew we were going to get along great. His dad and our mom moved in together after a long time of separation and Jacob and I have our own wing of the house basically. Our mom and his dad decided they would need their privacy and that we got along well enough to share a side of the house. Our side of the house consist of 1 HUGE ass bathroom, a kitchen, a small...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 4B Thursday

Chapter 78: Tiffany Ship's log, Acting Capitan Tiffany French. 8:40am, October 28th 2006 I had put the Major and his Marines in the various chairs. They were demonstrating curiosity levels usually reserved for small children. So I told them they could be as curious as they liked but not to touch anything. So they sat and watched like tourists at a planetarium. Suddenly one of the Marines pointed to the holographic display. "Is that a carrier?" "Joe, put the thing that Marine is...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 53

Vice Admiral Bright 10:20 pm, November 4th, 2006 3:20 pm November 5th, 2006 (local time) I found him precisely where she told me he'd be. He did not react. That meant he already knew I was here. I know I made the trip quickly, but I also knew enough not to think that I moved faster then the high school kids could gossip. Jacob Stone sat at the lake side watching the birds along the shore. In his lap was a load of papers. They looked about a foot high. He was reviewing them....

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Jacob Told Me He Was Gay And His Brother Joined I

Jacob Told Me He Was Gay (And His Brother Joined In)He began to scream and moan; I heard every curse in the book! He bucked his hips deeper into my throat, and I swallowed. Not even half way into his orgasm, the door opened, Jacob’s eyes were still closed, but I took my head off his cock, and turned around, Jacob’s brother was standing right there in the doorway, and there we were, me on my knees with a mouth over flowing with Jacob’s cum, and Jacob with cock out, glistening with my saliva....

Gay Male
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Jacob made me a sissy

All this was going on for a few weeks. I particularly liked gay older men specially those who are hairy. I mostly sexted with men, i never met anyone. I was still a virgin. Now i never revealed my identity or shared any pics. One day i received a message from a hunky bear. He was hairy in his 50s. I really felt attracted to his body. He even had a monster cock. He had a veiny 9 inch cock. Now we talked and we sexted, like sexted alot. I was really into him. He would often send me pics of his...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 19

Lance Corporal Flack 1 pm, October 31st, 2006 (4 am the next day, local time) I sat there staring at my chicken. It was all very nice and good. But I would have killed for a slice of old english pizza. I went and got some dessert. After this I was going back to my tent. As I reached my table again I overheard an interesting conversation at the table next to me. The conversation got far more interesting when somebody came up to the table. I'm not sure what assignment the Special Forces...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 52

Lou 9:24 pm, November 4th, 2006 2:24 pm November 5th, 2006 (local time) I watched as he was wheeled in. Jacob Jehosophat Stone. I'm betting he never expected this. Truth be told, neither did any of us. But now he's back. The problems will soon be fixed. Soon we will all be able to go home. Then again I'm not sure I want to try explaining all that's happened recently to my parents either. Johann wheeled Jacob in. Jacob stood up briefly. He looked around. Somebody came to talk to...

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Based on true events I awoke to the sound of my cell phone vibrating impatiently, I rolled over and snaked my hand out just enough to grab my phone and retreat back into the warm cocoon of covers. I answered the vibrating phone, my mind still hazy with sleep. “Hello?” I said not fully comprehending the name I had read on the caller id. “Hey babe” said Jacob. His musical voice cleared my foggy mind and put a smile on my face. “Hi” I said, “What made you call?” Half hoping and half knowing his...

Straight Sex
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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 4A Thursday

Chapter 64: Jacob's father's view. 3am, Thursday, October 28th, 2006 Jerusalem was supposed to be the city of God. And it was acting very godlike at the moment. Old Testament God, that is. There was fighting and feuding, bickering and betrayal. A lot of people thought it was odd that all three religions that claimed Jerusalem as a holy place and also claimed mercy and honorable treatment of fellow human beings would not practice it here. The very God each of them claims to worship is...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 45

Vice Admiral Bright 9:50 am, November 4th, 2006 3:50 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) The view from the jet reminded me of one of the bad things about being promoted to Admiralty rank. I can no longer enjoy the thrills of being a fighter pilot. "Incoming signal." my pilot let me know. "American source?" "No. Somehow however, they matched our signal codes exactly. Whoever they are, they are damn clever, Sir." "The Stones." I muttered. "Put it though the headphone...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 27

Lt. Anna Cork 3:30 pm, November 2nd, 2006 (8:30 am November 3rd, local time) I was doing something my job as a fighter pilot didn't give me enough time to do. I was waiting outside the guest barracks to pounce on Ashley. It wasn't that I expected her to be up to no good or anything like that. I just needed some mother-daughter time with Ashley. Ashley walked by a few minutes later. She was carrying her gym bag. "Where are you going?" She patted her gym bag. "I'm off to practice my...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 29

Lt. Anna 'Thunderfeet' Cork 9 pm November 2nd, 2006 2 pm November 3rd, 2006 (local time) I caught up with Ashley as she was leaving the gym. "Did you think any more about what I said about Jacob?" "No!" Ashley snapped. "No? Why not?" "Because I've bigger issues to deal with than some guy." she said with some anger. I finally turned to look at her. Ashley had a look on her face that reminded me of the time I had to tell my husband I smashed the Trans Am into a china shop. It...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 61

Partial transcript, America over All 7:04 pm November 5th, 2006 12:04 pm November 6th, 2006 (local time) Many events happened recently that are of great interest to all pure Americans. First, our hero, General Colt was recently appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by the God Given President. Second, the Association For An Almighty America went public. Let me strongly recommend that every person listening to this broadcast join this blessed organization. They, more than any...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 8

Captain Amy 'Rolling Stone' Stone, USAF Sunday, 12:20pm I banged my fist on the computer desk in frustration. "Six times I've checked now and still no response." I muttered in disgust about the situation. "Six times! This should not be possible." I seriously wanted to shove the computer through the bulkhead. "What's wrong?" Anna 'Thunderfeet' Cork asked. She had a concerned look on her face. "Is the stress of the routine finally getting to you?" "I can't reach Jacob to...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 12

Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Hades, 12:33am, October 30th 2006. I just keep doing stupid things. Anybody with an ounce of sense would still be in bed. A full ounce of sense isn't even required to know that. A tenth of an ounce would do. But that fucking military once again involved themselves in my life. I don't want to hate them. Really, I do not. But how can I respect them when every behavior they show ranges from the tactless to tonight's attempt of...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 41

General Smith 12:10 am, November 4th, 2006 6:10 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) I was just thinking how I was so lucky it was Jacob's father who was assigned to run things. He was a Marine who had been under my command. He knew me and I knew him. Furthermore he respected me. All that and he was a Marine too. Then my luck changed. I saw a woman walk in. She started whispering to Major Stone. Then Major Stone handed her the school jacket he was wearing. She put it on. Another student...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 62

Reverend Black 9:09 pm, November 5th, 2006 2:09 pm, November 6th, 2006 (local time) Lou and Carl assisted Jacob to the ground. Jacob slowly worked his way down to the place his family told him was right. I really hope they were not getting my hopes up about that weird treatment they did. Lazy people might not like walking, but they'd miss it too after too long in a wheelchair. The next design change I will make will make Density Force handicapped assessable. His parents split up. His...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 2

Kevin 10:30am, October 28th, 2006. I watched Jacob's ship land at the side of the school field. He got out and came over. As he limped my way, I saw he was dressed in his normal outfit. That was going to have to change. Then again, I really wasn't comfortable with what was going down here anyway. Jacob had little sports experience outside of watching the Olympics. It was true he was the manager of the soccer team. Sports wise, that's mainly a social job. He didn't need any sports...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 3

Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 2:34 pm, October 28th 2006. I sat on the bench watching Kevin do incomprehensible things with the game. We were nearing the end of the second half and I think the opposing team just received some sort of penalty. That meant Fred got to kick the football. It went through the goal posts. Even I know that meant we got 6 points. Touchdown I think that move is called. When I remarked on this, I was informed that a penalty...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 7

Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 11:30 am, October 29th 2006. The Hades was the second of the Dutchman class vessels to be launched under the command of Jacob Jehosophat Stone. It was the first of it's kind to circle the earth at 45 miles altitude. It was also, as far as I knew, the only manned craft to fly comfortably at that height. Everybody aboard the Hades was in position. Since this was a simple flight, they were mainly here for window...

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Jacob His Jinniyah

Jacob Schwartz, college sophmore, was taking a walk. It had taken him a few weeks, but he'd finally found a time and place where he could walk in perfect solitude. As he walked, he daydreamed. Or more precisely, he fantasized. This particular fantasy was one he kept returning too, combining all his favorite fetishes. He fantasized about dozens of beautiful women, of every age, race, and body-type. All were clad in either harem outfits or Nazi uniforms (his most secret fetish, given his Jewish...

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Jacob Told Me He Was Gay His Brother Joined In T

A James Johnson StoryI Claim This Story as my own, and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced of copied. Jacob Told Me He Was Gay, His Brother Joined In, Then We All FuckedI was rewarded with a massive flood of cum and a load moan and a variety of curses. It was hot to say the least, his dick had become sensitive and he tried to pull out but I wouldn’t let him. I sucked his dick until he came again in my mouth. He was drenched in sweat and Jacob was rock hard again. He asked me if I...

Gay Male
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Jacob Told Me He Was Gay

A James Johnson StoryI Claim This Story as my own, and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced of copied. Jacob Told Me He Was GayAll I could do was just sit there. I could not believe what I had just heard. He had told me those few little words that I had waited to hear for what felt like all of my life. Jacob had told me he was gay! My heart stopped, my dick began to swell, and my mouth went dry. My best friend, whom I had dreamed countless wet dreams about, had just told me the few...

Gay Male
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 55

Saturday Chapter 236 Ashley 12:20 am, November 5th, 2006 5:20 pm, November 5th, 2006 (local time) And here I thought my workouts were harsh. He's been at it for the last twenty minutes and I've barely heard him complain. He really must have some demons he's trying to forget. Jacob grabbed a drink from a table at the side of the room. "You might want to slow down a bit. You don't have to do the whole week's regimen in one go." the trainer told him. Jacob did not so much as...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 63

Ali Alibaba 10:49 pm, November 5th, 2006 3:49 pm, November 6th, 2006 (local time) "Praise to Allah!" cried our leader. "Allah akbar!!" I shouted back gleefully. "Have you acquired the craft?" "Yes." "Are the items placed where they should be?" "Indeed. The infidels have no clue." "Excellent." "Have we all the information we need?" "That and more." "Allah is merciful. Our day of destiny in soon to be upon us." Chapter 278 Ashley 11:10 pm, November 5th,...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 14

Jacob. Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Hades, 3:50 am, October 31st, 2006 (1:50 pm local time) I felt my pulse starting to speed up again. Odd. Why should a simple recounting of the story cause this? My mother spoke as I paused for more tea. "You never told me you planned something this advanced." "You never asked." I told her. "To finish the report. The missile hit the outermost shields and exploded. Harmlessly as far as we were concerned. Not so for the other...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 24

Karl 5 pm, Tuesday, November 1st, 2006 I closed my geology textbook as the mantle clock chimed five o'clock. It was time. They say we nerds are clever plotters. Tonight I was going to prove them right. If what I'm thinking works out, let's just say that I'll be very happy. I went upstairs to take a quick shower. Afterwards I looked through clothes for something that would not provoke Julia. I was going to take a big risk tonight. Selecting clothes that would not upset her was the...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 25

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2006 Chapter 76 Military reporter for the Stars and Stripes 12:04 am November 2nd, 2006 (5:04 pm local time, Palestine) This was the strangest trial I ever attended. The Commandant on the Parris Island Marine Base Training Camp is not the sort of defendant I expected to meet on my beat in the Middle East. And he was on trial for piracy. Not even in my most drunk and drugged party state in college would I have thought this would happen. The defendant looked...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 30

General Colt, USMC 1050 pm November 2nd, 2006 3:50 pm November 3rd, 2006 (local time) I watched two burly MPS came in. They were the same ones who arrested me a few days back. I stood happily to one side as they grabbed General Smith and dragged him out as if he had never been their commander. I stood there for a few moments enjoying the memory. Then I called my secretary in. He came in and stood in front of my desk. He didn't even come to attention. I could see that I was going to...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 48

White House Spokesman 1:27 pm, November 4th, 2006 7:27 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) "Can you do this, Mr. Speaks?" I thought about it for a moment. The question is not whether I could do this. The question running through my mind is whether I should do this. The President just asked me to schedule a press conference and make an announcement. That's nothing new. That's why I'm his press spokesman. What was new was the fact that he wants to me say that he was going to apologize...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 49

Krissy 2:58 pm, November 4th, 2006 8:58 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) "Are you sure?" my boyfriend asked. He had an unsure look on his face. It was so cute. "Yes. It's better for me to do it. Remember what you said in the hallway?" "Yes. But moments ago I realized that I was more concerned about you." "That's sweet. Don't worry. I can handle it." "What could possibly have happened that was so bad?" the annoying visitor asked, his attitude up there with nails on...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 1

Personal log (voice), Tiffany French, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 9 am, October 28th 2006. I sat in the command chair of the Flying Dutchman. Karen was right about one thing. With this ship, I can do anything. Anything at all. The only request Jacob had of me is that I flew no higher than 25 miles until after Jacob made his orbital flight. I had no problem with that. It was time to begin. "Joe, activate mission log." "Activated." "Let the record show that I, Tiffany Mary...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 4

Fred 9:50pm Jacob watched everybody from the chair he was sitting on. He finished his beer and looked at it for a moment. Then he put it down. I grabbed Dave as he passed by. "Can I get another Killiens?" "Sure. I never knew you were into the imported stuff." "I'm not. But Jacob likes it." "Not the Jacob?" "Yep. He's in the chair in the corner." "Will wonders never cease. Take as many as you want. Nobody will ever believe I provided beer for Jacob Stone." I went over to...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 6

Megan 10:30am I drove to the Stone farm as fast as I could. This morning I didn't care if I got ticketed. Hell, this morning I wouldn't cared if I had to run barefoot over shattered glass with a broken leg. There was just no way I was going to miss this appointment. It just wasn't going to happen. It wasn't every day that people got an invitation to become part of Stone's project. But that was not what had my mother thrilled. I was being given an exclusive. I was to be the first...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 26

Bill 11:45 am, November 2nd, 2006 "Bill? Do you have a moment?" I checked my watch. "Sure. I'm not in any rush, given what's on the menu." "What, they let the Home Ec class cook lunch?" "I wish they did. It would at least be looking better than what I'm seeing over there. What can I help you with?" "Come outside with me." I followed him curiously. "Rumor has it, you can give students advice almost as good as your father." "True. But if it's that important, you should...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 11

Monday Chapter 27 Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Hades, 12:03am, October 30th 2006. Somebody was once reported to have said, 'I'm going to bed now. Someone please wake me if there's any other way we can screw up tonight.' The bed part was excellent advice. The problem was that moving made me feel really sick. My stomach was queasy and it felt like there was a gang of rioting musicians playing poorly on purpose in my head. If this was the result of getting...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 18

Valerie Dash Noon If that West Point recruiter had any idea in hell what I'd been left alone with, he'd join the Peace Core. It would be that dramatic a shock to his world view. I picked up the West Point recruiting materials again. With this barn's security systems running, I might be the safest person in the area. Of course the phone rang then. I hit the speaker phone button. "Speak to me." "Is this the Stone farm?" "Who wants to know?" "Staff Sergeant Rogers. I'm trying...

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Jacob Told Me He Was Gay

A James Johnson Story I Claim This Story as my own, and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced of copied. Jacob Told Me He Was Gay All I could do was just sit there. I could not believe what I had just heard. He had told me those few little words that I had waited to hear for what felt like all of my life. Jacob had told me he was gay! My heart stopped, my dick began to swell, and my mouth went dry. My best friend, whom I had dreamed countless wet dreams about, had just told me the...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 10

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Hades, 9:19pm, October 29th 2006. I must be seriously insane. Crazier than anybody has yet accused me of being. There can be no other reason for what I'm doing tonight. I hit a few more keystrokes. I had another problem. I was once invited to this party. However I was not sure the guest of honor wanted me there today. Good thing it was a costume party. I had already changed into my costume. A wooden leg encasing my bad leg and some makeup...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 21

Tiffany Personal log (voice), Tiffany French, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 12:10am, November 1st, 2006 I grabbed my coke and slice of pizza and sat down on the sofa. "Did you see the way those tough guys ran when they saw that headless horseman image?" Lucy asked. "Did I?" Debbie laughed. "I saw them running past the gate. It was soooooo cool." "I bet." Mr. Mason added. "Ok everybody, you can enjoy the laughs later. Time to see how well we did. Karen, have you finished...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 37

Major Daniel Stone, 6:42 pm, November 3rd, 2006 12:42 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) I turned and thought about what else I should be doing about the situation. Then I remembered that I better make sure the surrender took hold and that Colt had no more fanatics on the base. "Get me the Flying Dutchman." "This is the Flying Dutchman, Mister Mason speaking." "This is Major Stone. Stand by for new orders." I hit the mute and asked the crew if the Hades had been recovered...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 44

Ms. Q. 8:54 am, November 4th, 2006 2:54 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) I finished filling out my current report. I put the report in its correct folder and reached for the next folder. Nobody told me back in college just how much paperwork a career in education contained. Sigh. And I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with the Program. This week seemed too quiet. I do not need all the excitement of last week, but a week with no problems is just unnatural in a high school. There...

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