Losing virginity a loss or gain
- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
Day Fourteen - Sunday
I woke up surrounded by soft pliant flesh. A huge breast was in my face with a massive nipple in my mouth, unreal. When I pulled my mouth off the nipple, Denise groaned, almost a whine. I could see the clock and it read eight fifteen, very late for me.
My bladder would burst if I didn't do something about it so I gently untangled myself from her and slid out of bed keeping her under the covers. I pissed for fifteen or twenty minutes or at least it seemed like it, then contemplated getting back in bed with Miss Juicy. Coffee won out so I started a pot. Someone banged on the door. I looked out the window to see Shawna.
I opened the door and let Shawna in. She was wearing a giant T-shirt and probably nothing else. I was still naked and said I was going to put something on. Shawna came up to me and pressed her body into mine saying that wasn't necessary. With one hand she had hold of my growing dick and with her other hand, she took my hand and put it under the T-shirt to discover the suspected bare pussy.
"I needed some stretching this morning real quick. How about scratching my deep itch real quick and I'll be out of here."
I sat Shawna on the low counter, at a perfect height for me to get at her red hared pussy. She didn't need any prep she was dripping. I slid into her until I was in to the max making her groan and quake on the inside.
"Now fuck me hard, scratch that itch," she moaned.
We fucked hard with out much sound, just the slap slap slap of our belly's making contact. All to soon she stiffened clutching me so tight I couldn't move. But, her insides were moving, milking me of my juices.
Shawna sat up with me still inside her, "That's what I needed, now let me up, I need to go fuck my stump so he knows I love him."
As she got off the counter she said, "Morning D."
Denise was standing at the open bedroom door just as naked as I left her, "You have any left for me or do I have to prime the pump."
Shawna said she would help and dropped to her knees and started sucking. After all the loving I had been getting, I didn't think I would respond so fast but Shawna had me standing up in nothing flat. She turned to Denise, "See, got him back up all ready, enjoy." Shawna left slamming the door.
"Does she do that often?" Denise asked.
"That's the first time," I said as Denise came into my arms for a hug.
"I really enjoyed last night, especially snuggling with you all night. I could really get used to that."
"I liked it too," I said.
"That's my first time too. I've never slept all night with a guy before. I don't know why but I felt like I would be safe with you."
"Thanks D. Wanna go back to bed?"
"Not yet, I want coffee, besides there are no sheets or mattress cover on the bed. I took them off to save the mattress. I don't know what you did to me but I'm squirting every time you touch me."
I got her coffee and suggested we put on some clothes and enjoy coffee on the patio.
We did and we did. While we were sitting there Martin and Glenda came over with a box of donuts. I introduced them to Denise and got up to bring out the pot to fill everyone's cup. I noticed Martin not being able to look away from the massive mounds under the T-shirt I had lent Denise.
I was amazed at how comfortable Denise was meeting new people under these conditions.
I had made another pot and could hear the bubbling going on to tell me it was done when Charlie and Shawna came through the yard carrying cups. They sat in lawn chairs and helped themselves to some donuts.
I made a remark that I was surprised to see Charlie up so early. He grinned and said, "Someone woke me up with something very wet on my face. We had to scuffle around a little before getting out of bed."
Denise had a shocked look on her face then when Charlie winked at her and licked his lips she relaxed and smiled.
I was giving everyone more coffee when Abe and Alice came up. When they came onto the patio, Denise asked, "Is this place always this busy?"
Charlie said, "Yesterday we had at least another fifteen to twenty people for coffee and donuts. Steve here is just a magnet."
I introduced Denise to Abe and Alice. Abe said he had come by to make sure I would stop by the shop and take a look at the two generators and the compressor. The whole time he was talking to me, he was staring at the mounds under Denise's T-shirt.
Alice said, "Down boy. You'll stare a hole through her shirt."
"It's Steve's, he let me borrow it. Next time I'll try to be more revealing."
Shawna almost rolled on the patio floor, "She will, she will, don't dare her."
Martin perked up, "Well I think I can come up with a dare."
Glenda and Shawna both punched him. Shawna added, "Denise is very sweet and usually more reserved than this."
"I don't know what it is about Steve, but I feel really free around him. He is really nice."
After a bit, Denise said, "I have to work today so someone needs to take me home so I can get ready. Jim's opens at noon so I should be there by eleven-thirty. Who's going to take me?"
"Bike or car?" I asked.
Denise looked around, "I don't see any cars."
"I mean pickup, babe, which one?"
"I really would like the bike but it's kind of cool and I'm not dressed for it so how about the pickup."
I nodded and said I would get my keys and wallet. Glenda said she would clean up if I didn't get back before they went in. Denise didn't have a purse so she just walked out to my truck and got in the seat without waiting for me to open the door for her.
I walked up to her door and opened it, "Get out of there, right now. Come on, get out."
Denise looked scared. I put my hands on her arms and stood her away from the truck and pushed the door closed. Then I turned completely around and took her hand then with my other hand opened the trucks door, "Please would you enter mylady."
Denise still looking puzzled got into the truck and I shut the door quietly. She finally realized what happened and burst out laughing. The folks on the patio were laughing as well.
While I was starting the truck and backing out, Denise said she had never had a man other than her father open a door for her. She said she would remember how to act around me.
I dropped her off at her house that was about a half block from Jim's. She said she had to hurry to get ready and I couldn't help, as if I came in she would be at least an hour late. She gave me a kiss then ran for the door yelling for me to come by later.
Back home, the only person remaining was Glenda who was finishing cleaning up. I told her that I should probably look for a bigger table. She said not to as she thought that the traffic would slow down as the hot summer approached. I thought about that and looked around at the patio.
First was laundry. I gathered my sheets and all my dirty clothes and headed to the wash house. It was empty so I filled all the washers so I could do my stuff all at once. I went back to the trailer to get a pen and pad to make a list of what I wanted at what store.
I made a grocery list, a Wal-Mart list and a Home Depot list. My stuff was in the dryers when Shawna came in carrying a laundry basket saying her washer wasn't fast enough and she wanted to get more done at a time. We chatted as my stuff dried and I folded the clothes, towels and the bed linens. I said bye to Shawna then went back to the trailer.
It didn't take me long to make the bed. I could still smell the wonderful fragrance Denise gave off. That could be addicting. When I was done, I hauled the TV out to the dumpster and came back to lock up and go on my errands. First was Home Depot. I bought some filling compound and industrial tape to fill the holes in the shed and trailer. I bought some stain so I could match the wall-paneling inside. Last, I bought a half-gallon of paint to repaint the shed. I picked out an overhead fan and added a bunch of materials so I could put it up hoping the roof of the patio was strong enough to hold it.
Next was Wal-Mart. I bought another TV and looked at larger tables. There was a set with six chairs that was really cheap. It had been marked down several times so I bought it thinking that it might be perfect. I bought a large coffee maker. One that would make twelve cups instead of only six.
Next was the grocery store. I really loaded up with ready to eat stuff, stuff for the oven, and even more microwave stuff. I was going to have enough food if I needed it. Coffee was on sale so I bought four three pound cans and filters for both coffee makers. I added in paper plates, napkins, plastic forks, plastic and Styrofoam cups and some more toilet paper. The meat department was tough. I bought a set of steaks for four, enough chicken for four, and pork chops for four. If we didn't have a forth, then I'm sure Charlie or I would finish the meat. Finally I bought four cases of beer. I was going to have to look for a liquor store with cheaper beer prices.
At home, I put everything away then set up the TV and unwrapped the coffee maker. Next I took the filler and put it in all the bullet holes, everywhere smoothing the stuff out. I had to use the industrial tape as backing on the shed as it was just thin metal. When I was done, the filler had dried so I went around sanding off all the holes. The paint was already stirred so I got one of the paintbrushes that had been left in the shed and painted the shed. It wasn't that big and only took a little over an hour. I cleaned all that up then went inside to color the filler to match the paneling.
Next I went out and looked at the patio roof real hard. I had an idea so I measured across the center then took off for Home depot again. I bought two long pieces of angle aluminum. I went by the shop and picked a hacksaw and some more tools that I thought I might need.
I measured and cut two pieces of the angle aluminum. I cut, then bent down the ends. I stood on the shed to make sure that the pieces would fit. Then in the center of the pieces, I put two short pieces across and screwed them together. I put the pieces up on the ceiling and marked spots for holes then put the pieces on top of the roof and screwed them down on both sides to make it stable.
Next I put the fan motor mount up to the ceiling at the marks I had made and used a power screwdriver with some very long self-tapping screws. I luckily hit the carefully measured pieces of aluminum angle iron and seated the motor holder with the rod sticking out. Next I ran wire mold to the side of the patio then down to the end where I could get it to the electrical box on the outside. I wired it to the motor end then mounted the motor and the blades. I shut off the power to the house then connected the romex from the wire mold to the electrical box.
I went out under the fan and pulled the chain for the light. It came on really too bright. I turned if off then pulled the chain for the fan. It was nice on slow as it gave a gentle breeze across the patio. On a hot day, I could make it go faster to cool us down.
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FantasyGuns are blazing. Loud explosions are heard from the distant horizon. Tanks and aircraft are flying to reinforce the frontline of a Kaiju. One can see her from miles away, and from here, she appears beautiful. A large, anthromorphic lizard, feminine in shape, with tits around a hundred feet in diameter. She pushes forward, and she lets out a primal cry as missiles shower down on her. It barely tingles, but it's working. The planes are shooting at her most sensitive areas, and she's brought to a...
The next morning when I woke up I was still in the same position I fell asleep in! And so was April! I was pleasantly surprised the she wasn't just a really good wet dream! With my hand still on her tit, I squeezed it and kissed her on her shoulder. I felt her nipple get hard and her ass wiggle a little against my normal morning hard on! I started kissing her shoulder working my way down her side nibbling her side as she flinched away because it tickled. I continued kissing and nibbling down...
Yithu mattoru anubhavam: yithil Kunj-aunty kku koottu yathra yum Malayattoor Punnya Mala kayattam/yirakkam vivarikkunnu. Mammi yude yeattavum ilaya aniyathi Mollyaunty; jhangal ellam Kunjaunty ennu vilikkunnu, annu oru 24 vayassu prayam, 5’ 3”, 32-28-30,(un-married); yenikku 19 vayas (Mary aunty yude shishanathil thilachu nilkunna samayam, nearil aruthaaiyma onnum cheythillilla yirunegilum ullil palapposhum chalanangal undaakkiyittundu. Kunjaunty Kozhencherryil ninnum General Nursing passayi,...
IncestCoco Lovelock is getting ready, putting on a wedding dress and checking her makeup. It appears as if she is about to get married. Her stepmom Katie Morgan checks on her from the other side of the door, asking Coco if she’s okay. Coco says she’s nervous, but good. Katie leaves Coco alone, and a moment later, Coco exits the room while holding a bouquet of flowers. Coco steps into the living room, revealing that Katie is waiting for her there. Katie is also wearing a wedding dress and...
xmoviesforyouHi Readers, My name is Luther from Bengaluru. I am Back with my second story to my readers who took the time to share their feedback about my first story“Dream Of Every Teenager Queen Of Bangalore” This encouraged me to share my next real experience, It’s been long to find time to pen down the incident finally managed to do it. I hope my fellow readers who can relive the moments which I cherish. About Me: I am 6’1 and 80 kg. Very active in sports as it keeps me fully fit & fine. Fun loving,...
"Toys" Saturday, December 23rd, Evening Molly was on her way back to the living room from her bedroom. She was walking quickly but came to a sudden stop when Olivia emerged from Dave's room and grabbed her arm. Olivia had Dave's shoes in her hand. Olivia turned Molly to face her and looked in her eyes. Olivia nodded when she saw the blank expression. "Molly, I am going to give you orders and you are going to follow them. If you do not, I will torture you with both pain and pleasure...
I grew up in a small Midwestern American farming community. When something happened, EVERYONE heard about it! One Monday, the talk around our Junior High School was that Lenn had some friends spend the night on Friday, and among other things, they all fucked some young calves! Well, I hadn’t been invited, but I had to hear more. It was late in the day when I finally had a chance to talk to Lenn. “Hey Lenn! Did you guys REALLY fuck calves in your barn last weekend?” Lenn looked...
It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...
Like many middle age married men, I absolutely love to hear about my wife's past lovers. That may be odd to some people, but to many men, it is so damn hot. Below are some real, true conversations we've had. These take place when we're fucking or I'm jacking off or we are mutually masturbating.A little about my wife: she is early 50s, we've been married 25 years. She was married young (age 17) and had two c***dren and was divorced when we met. Julie is 5-5, brown hair down to her shoulders and...
The College of Satin and Lace II By Missy Satinpanties Note: Sorry, for not doing any "recap" for this story. I've had a hard time writing it, and I think I'm just tired, So, I'm, just jumping into the second (and final) installment. Want to know what the heck is going on? Please read the first chapter. Thanks! As the morning sun filtered in through the lace curtains, I woke up with a fuzzy head, thinking that I had had a wild dream last night. It took only a moment to...
My name is Lisa Kincaid-Mancuso. I’m what you’d call a freelance problem solver. No, I’m not a hit woman or anything like that. I’m just the one person people can turn to if they need answers on anything from changing their corporate image, to restructuring an inefficient production line. Don’t think badly about me. I’m not what you’d call a traditional efficiency expert. I show people how to do things better and faster. I don’t try and eliminate hard working people from their jobs. You’d be...
Matty is enjoying some naked sunbathing on the beach when her girlfriend, Lana Grand, makes her way across the rocks to join her. Spreading out her towel, Lana gets cozy and then begins peeling off her clothes. She gets down to her bikini as Matty watches with hungry eyes, then lets Matty help her out of her bra and bottom. As soon as Lana has been stripped down to her tan lines, Matty is there to capture her lips in a voracious kiss. She is in charge of the trajectory of their make out...
xmoviesforyouJames just laid in bed naked letting himself get used to his new dark powers his 11 inch cock still completely hard because he can make it hard whenever he feels like it . His sister laurien laid next to him also naked breathing deeply from the fucking she just got cum stil spilling out of her pussy with a smile on her face knowing her brother is now her master . James turned to laurien and says " alright let's make some rules " he stands up infront of her his cock pointing at her " you...
Sidney Green wasn't really planning on stopping in the BRANDY-WINE for a drink after work, but he'd had such a hard day that he didn't feel like going straight home. Sidney was the senior partner in Green, Blaum, Kettle & Fish, the law firm only three doors from the bar. Actually it wasn't Sidney's work that had gotten him down today. It was the conversation he'd overheard among his junior partners. "Old Sid's really a stick in the mud," Keith Blaum had said, not knowing that...
continued from my first part – As the film started after break, I found a pleasing change in the back row of the hall. I couldn’t find the two people that where sitting on the last rows of the hall. Probably they might have left finding the cinema uninteresting, or may be they have moved some rows to the front for better AC. Whatever, that to me means more privacy for us and our actions. In the darkness I found my seat and sat next to her. This time we exchanged a more relaxed smile. This time...
Today is Nadia Noja and this little submissive doesn’t disappoint. And by doesn’t disappoint we mean doesn’t disappoint in all the ways that we care about and we only care about sexual ways. So Jay the “Director” sets the ambush out in the living room getting our newbie, who’s fresh off her first sex on camera over at Backroom and Excogi, naked so she can show us what curves she has. We find out that Nadia hasn’t had sex very much and she’s really horny today. Well so is Jay along with the huge...