Bus Stop
- 2 years ago
- 26
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As the day progressed, Danica grew more at ease by the moment. Despite being men and women of power, those assembled in the common room proved beyond any doubt that they were not absorbed in the trappings of that power.
A stray thought from Marlena caused Danica to cover her mouth and stifle a laugh. The illusionist was speaking with Vladamir and Cheron, and Danica had little doubt that Marlena would be missing from the room they shared this night. Cheron was very persuasive, and it seemed her paramour was no less so.
Danica walked up to her sister, noticing that Devan was once again sizing up Brandon from across the room. Tapping her sister on the shoulder, Danica whispered, "He's a little difficult to ignore, isn't he?"
Devan actually blushed, something Danica had not seen happen in a very long time. "Sorry, you know how I am. I just can't see a handsome man, or woman, and not wonder."
Danica nodded toward Marlena. "I think she's going to be busy tonight."
Devan looked over to where Marlena chatted with the two clerics and chuckled. "I don't doubt it."
"I think Celes, Andrea, and I might want a little private time tonight. Why don't you distract Brandon for us? I have to warn you, he's enthusiastic."
Devan concentrated on her sister's expression and asked, "It wouldn't bother you?"
Danica shook her head and replied, "He's a big boy." Then she twitched her eyebrows and added, "A very big boy. He can make up his own mind who he wants to be with. I'm not in competition with you any more, Devan. Just don't try to hog him all for yourself."
Devan licked her lips and said, "Well, if you insist."
Danica laughed. "I only have so much endurance. I wouldn't want him to be lonely."
Turning back to her sister, Devan asked, "So, you aren't looking for love anymore?"
Danica shook her head and said — with a bright smile, "No, I've found it."
Camilla entered the room of scrying mirrors, finding it disconcerting to see the enigmatic Ebonar seated there instead of Zoraster. She bowed and said, "You summoned me, Master?" Calling the man Master was even more disquieting to Camilla, who had served Zoraster for so long.
"Summon artisans, men of skill — but expendable. Send them to the council chamber on the morrow at high sun."
Camilla bowed again. "Of course, Master."
"Bring our most accomplished earth wizards to my sitting room immediately, and when I have dismissed them to their duties, bring the Master of the thieves to me."
"It shall be so, Master," Camilla responded, curiosity obvious in her voice.
Ebonar turned to face his servant, smiling broadly. "I hear the question in your voice. The Master would be pleased that you continue to expand your horizons, casting aside the state of stagnant mediocrity in which you lingered during your previous life. I believe it is time for an old wrong to be righted. You will see as things proceed."
The man sounded so much like Zoraster that it caught Camilla off guard, although it did inspire confidence in her new Master. "I eagerly await the results of your designs, Master."
Ebonar laughed — a booming sound that echoed from the walls of the room. "Few will share your eagerness, once I have resurrected the Guild of Murder."
"Your command of magic amazes me. I have some skill, but it is nothing compared to..." Arilee broke off in mid-sentence and let out a little chuckle, looking over Danica's shoulder.
Danica turned to see Cheron leading Marlena out of the common room, Vladamir walking at their side.
"Vladamir and Cheron have made another conquest, I believe," Ari laughed quietly.
"I saw it coming earlier," Danica responded, "I know Cheron, and she's hard to resist."
"I've been tempted too, but we've just never found the time." Nodding toward Brandon and Devan, Ari said, "I think those two will be leaving our company soon, as well."
Danica chuckled. "They both were just shy of asking my permission to sleep together."
Arilee stroked Danica's arm. "They care about you, and they don't want to hurt you."
"It was strange coming from them, though, especially Devan." The touch of Arilee's hand sent a tingle up Danica's spine. The Baroness had an innocent beauty that time could never touch, and Danica's body was responding — strongly.
Ari shivered and whispered, "Oh my, I'm being tempted again," looking into Danica's eyes.
Danica smiled and said, "Sorry, it's the Awakening. There is just a lot of sexual energy in the room. Even the King and Queen look eager to get away to somewhere private. Once I'm even slightly aroused, the Awakening just stokes up everyone else's desires around me."
"I don't think it is that alone, you are a very sensual woman. You need to come to my keep or Blackhawk Hall sometime. Christi loves a woman with red hair, and so do I," Arilee whispered huskily, and then covered her mouth and blushed. "Well, perhaps the magic is affecting me. I don't usually talk like that. I do mean it though."
"It amazes me how many women feel like we do. I thought I was all alone in the world. I even thought terrible things about my sister until I discovered it was in me too," Danica mused.
"We are a unique group, but I think it is a desire all women have — to some small extent. We are, after all, quite a bit prettier than men, and tend to smell better."
The two women laughed, and then Danica noticed Celes and Andrea whispering together on a couch across the room. "I'll have to come visit, certainly," Danica said with mischief in her voice, adding a wink to emphasize it. "There's something that has been waiting too long that I need to attend to tonight, though."
Arilee glanced at Andrea and Celes, "They've never been together, then?"
Danica shook her head. "Celes always desired her, but she was cursed in that old body. As to Andrea, I don't see how anyone could resist Celes."
Arilee's face broke out into a crooked grin. "You should bring them when you visit."
Danica laughed, and then saw Darkniciad approaching from the doorway. He had left the gathering to examine the clones some time earlier, and he wore a pleased smile now as he approached.
"I have broken Zoraster's enchantments upon them. For now, I am leaving them slumbering, because lingering traces of the magic will persist for some days." Darkni sighed then, and looked back over his shoulder, "Would that Zoraster had resisted the temptation of evil. His skill in magic and his mind are nearly without parallel. I am amazed by the advances he made in cloning magic."
Danica asked, "Will they be... What will they be like, now?"
Darkniciad's brow furrowed. "My guess is that they will be much like children. I would assume that they will learn more quickly than the average child, however. Zoraster's manipulation of their minds and insertion of memories and feelings provide them with a development reference normal children do not possess."
"Will they be like us — the people they were copied from, I mean?"
"Only to some extent," Darkni replied, "The nature of one's upbringing has as much to do with who we become as what we are born with. I have little doubt that they all will possess some skill in magic, and the clones of you will likely have psionic powers as well. They will all need to be carefully nurtured, because their powers will develop far before their minds. The normal controls nature places upon such abilities has been broken by Zoraster's manipulation, and they could endanger themselves or others unless taught to control their abilities."
Danica asked, "Did I do the right thing, bringing them with me?"
Before the wizard could answer, Arilee interjected, "You followed your heart. There can never be wrong in doing that."
Darkni smiled and said, "I could not have said it any better. I believe there may be means to suppress their abilities until they are prepared to deal with them. It will be fascinating to see how they differ from you as they grow."
"I hope they aren't as much trouble as Devan and I were," Danica sighed.
"Every parent wishes that," Darkniciad noted with amusement.
"I gave up on having children years ago, and now I have a dozen," Danica remarked with equal amusement.
"I offer any aid I may provide. Now, I believe I will join my wife, as I can see irritation in her eyes," Darkniciad said, and then nodded before crossing the room toward the now-smiling woman.
"I will probably be going soon," Arilee said when Danica turned back to her, "Cerebus looks anxious to return to his wife, and I'm having a little difficulty thinking about anything else myself."
Danica asked the Baroness, "How does your husband feel about... You know?"
Arilee smiled. "We are not yet married. He has found some difficulty in asking the question. I'm in the process of pushing him gently in that direction now. Men are so silly and stubborn. As to your question, he understands my needs and shares them." She then added, in an amused tone, "Christi did much to persuade him in the benefits of sharing your love."
"I guess there is some hope, then."
Arilee raised Danica's hand to her lips and kissed it. "True love accepts us for what we are, and does not judge. I think your friends seek your company."
Danica turned and saw Andrea gesturing for her to come join them. She also saw Devan leading Brandon out of the room, as well as the King and Queen rising to leave.
Arilee asked, "If I thought about the teleportation patterns in my Keep and the Hall, could you see them in my mind?"
"Yes, I did that with Devan earlier."
Ari closed her eyes and visualized the pattern to her own keep, and when Danica indicated that she had it, the Baroness thought about the one in Blackhawk Hall. As soon as Danica said that she knew that one as well, Arilee opened her eyes and said, "You will try to come visit?"
Danica's mental connection to the Baroness was still partially there, and so she felt Arilee's desire acutely when the woman spoke. Shivering slightly from the feeling, Danica replied, "I think it will be hard not to."
Arilee smiled and walked to where Ashtar was speaking with Duke Cerebus. Danica went to join Andrea and Celes, feeling the desire from them both washing over her long before she reached them. Danica licked her lips in anticipation, and thought that they would be returning to the privacy of their rooms soon.
Ebonar smiled as he watched the Guildmaster of the thieves leave. Within a few days, the most stealthy and deadly of thieves within the country would arrive to take their place in the new Guild of Murder. As they bowed to pledge their allegiance to the altar of Blorcasir that Ebonar had ordered constructed, the dead god's power would grow. Soon, the deity would regain the power lost in the purge of his servants long before.
Only now, Godsbane enslaved the power of the god, to serve he who held it.
Ebonar's smile grew wider as the servant he had ordered to attend him immediately upon the Guildmaster's exit entered the room. With full pouting lips and a hefty bosom, the woman raised his ardor immediately.
Rising, the evidence of his arousal plainly visible, Ebonar instructed, "Close the door. I believe there is a special service you may perform for me, which you should find most pleasurable to undertake."
The woman seductively leaned against the door as she pushed it closed, raising her arms above her head to enhance the swell of her breasts. "How may I serve you, Master?" She asked suggestively.
Ebonar pulled his shirt off, seeing the woman strutting toward him and licking her lips. She unbuttoned her blouse as she approached, opening the buttons quickly to reveal her breasts.
"I believe you have anticipated my needs," Ebonar growled huskily, and then stepped forward to jerk the blouse from the woman's body, popping off the remaining buttons to clatter on the floor at his feet.
Danica closed the door, the sexual tension between her, Celes, and Andrea almost palatable in the air. Andrea and Celes turned to look at each other, deep desire in their eyes, and Danica moaned approvingly.
"She's so beautiful, isn't she Andrea?"
Andrea smiled and softly said, "I can see why you were both so tortured when she was under Zoraster's curse."
Danica moved in close and kissed Andrea's neck, whispering into her ear, "There's nothing making you wait, though."
"I've wanted to be with you as much as Danica," Celes said breathlessly, and then leaned in to kiss the blonde woman she had admired for so long.
Danica moaned again, her back arching slightly and her body tingling as she watched her friends kiss. She reached out and stroked their bottoms while their lips and tongues met in a carefully restrained dance of mutual need.
They broke from the kiss, their eyes still locked on each other, and their hands still gently roaming over each other's backs. Danica leaned in closer, and they both turned to kiss her in turn, first Andrea, and then Celes. Danica smiled and said, "We're a little overdressed, aren't we?"
Celes pulled her hands from Andrea's back, sliding them slowly around the woman's waist. She then inched her fingertips under Andrea's skirt, pulling up the tail of the blonde's blouse with soft tugs. When the bottom of the blouse hung free, Celes tugged it upward. Andrea raised her arms when the blouse reached the base of her breasts, and Celes sighed in contentment when the cloth slid away from Andrea's firm globes. She quickly pulled the garment away, tossing it negligently to the floor and drinking in the sight of Andrea's bared breasts, flushed rosy with desire.
Andrea hooked her thumbs under the material of her skirt and pulled it down off her hips, stepping out of the cloth when it pooled at her ankles. Watching with as much rapt attention as Celes, Danica could see the slightly darker spot of dampness on Andrea's panties.
Andrea reached out and grabbed the tie of Celes' robes at her waist, tugging the bowed knot undone with a slow pull. Celes unhooked the closures of her robe from the top, while Andrea worked from the bottom. Celes' robes soon fell to the floor in a whisper of cloth, leaving her nude save for her panties as well. The panties Celes wore had a spot of dampness matching the one between Andrea's legs.
Danica clenched her thighs tight, swearing that the heat rising from her loins was about to ignite her clothing. She pulled at the tie of her own robe, quickly pulling the closures undone and shedding the stifling garment as Andrea and Celes moved together to kiss once more.
Andrea glanced over when her lips parted from Celes', seeing Danica's robe fall to the floor. She smiled at Celes, and then turned to take a step toward Danica. Reaching around behind the redhead, Andrea unhooked the clasp of Danica's brassiere, freeing the heavy breasts it contained. Celes stepped around Danica, dragging her fingertips over the woman's waist as she moved, and then reached up to pull the straps of the brassiere down off Danica's shoulders. Andrea grasped the straps then, and pulled them down Danica's arms when she extended them forward.
Danica leaned her head back, closing her eyes when Celes kissed her neck from behind. She then twitched when Andrea's lips found the soft skin of her neck from the front a moment later.
Still shuddering from the touch of their lips, Danica turned sideways and took one of each of her friends' hands, tugging them toward the nearest bed. When they reached it, Celes glided in behind Andrea and tugged the woman's panties down off her hips. As the cloth fell to Andrea's ankles, Celes reached around and brushed her fingers over the downy-soft blonde curls adorning the woman's mound.
Andrea leaned back with a whimper of pleasure, feeling the hard tips of Celes' breasts pressing against her back. She turned then and pulled down Celes' panties, immediately pulling the dark-haired beauty close and kissing her. Andrea pushed her hips forward, her blonde curls mingling with Celes' dark triangle of hair and sending little tingles of pleasure through them both.
Danica let her panties fall to the floor and stepped out of them. Celes glanced at Danica as she broke from the kiss with Andrea, and then glanced at the blonde's breasts with a smile. Danica took the cue and moved in close, leaning down to swirl her tongue over Andrea's right nipple while Celes suckled the left between her lips.
Andrea moaned in contentment and let her hands glide over both women's backs as they tantalized the pebbled flesh with their lips. Danica put her hand on Andrea's thigh, pushing firmly to indicate that Andrea should sit on the bed. When the blonde moved to follow that instruction, Danica and Celes both released her nipples and guided Andrea to lie down on the bed.
Andrea sighed and whimpered as both Celes and Danica traced kisses all over her skin. Both came tantalizingly close to her nipples and sex, never quite touching them, building Andrea's flames of desire to a red-hot heat, causing her to writhe beneath their touch.
Danica pressed her lips to Andrea's, the younger woman kissing her back hard. Andrea was taking quick, deep breaths, her entire body aflame with need. Danica and Celes were no less impassioned, and the musky, intoxicating scent of their shared arousal hung thick around them.
Andrea groaned, "Oh, please, I feel like I'm going to burst!"
Danica kissed Andrea once more and whispered, "Celes is going to make you feel so good. She knows every little spot that will make you quiver, and exactly how to tease it until you nearly pass out from the pleasure." She then looked down at Celes, who was kissing the crease where Andrea's legs met her hips, "Taste her, Celes. She wants it so bad, and I know you want to feel her come for you."
Danica cupped her hands under Andrea's knees, pulling them up and back, parting the woman's legs to reveal her moist folds. Celes quivered in anticipation, and then slowly lowered her lips to Andrea's labia, looking up into the blonde's eyes the whole time. When her lips were scant inches from Andrea's sex, Celes pulled up Andrea's hood with her finger, and then darted forward to flick it with the tip of her tongue.
Andrea sang out in a quavering yelp of bliss, her back arching up off the bed. Danica's thighs clenched tight and she moaned, her pussy tingling with chilly points of pleasure as she watched Celes' expert tongue roam all over Andrea's nether lips.
Andrea gasped, "Oh, that... That feels so good!"
Celes moaned, her senses overwhelmed by the taste and scent of the quivering woman beneath her. She was so enraptured with tasting Andrea for the first time that her own aching need evaporated before the satisfaction of making the blonde tremble.
Danica's need was not so easy to ignore, and she reached down to rub her thick labia in circles, feeling her wetness coating her fingers as she did so. Seeing Andrea rubbing her nipples in her peripheral vision, Danica moved to engulf one of the pale pink tips in her lips, wetting one finger and rubbing it over the other bud. Her other hand immediately returned to her throbbing heat.
"You taste so good," Celes breathed huskily, immediately stabbing her tongue back between Andrea's folds to gather up the woman's bittersweet nectar.
Releasing Andrea's nipple with a wet pop, Danica said, "Come for her, Andrea," and moved across the woman's body to suckle the other nipple.
"I'm s-so close. Oh make me c—" A loud yelp of surprised pleasure cut off Andrea's words as Celes engulfed her engorged clit, and Danica nibbled sensually on her nipple at almost the same instant.
The air around them heated to an almost uncomfortable level as Andrea's muscles tightened in preparation for release. Her body trembled, perched on the edge of ecstasy for long moments. Even as her orgasm built toward release, so did her inborn power — the one triggered by the arousal. Understanding the feeling now that she knew about it, Andrea threw one hand off to the side, over the edge of the bed, and flames burst forth from it to flicker toward the ceiling even as she came.
The flash of light and heat startled Danica, but Celes was drowning in the taste of Andrea's nectar flowing over her tongue like a river and didn't even appear to notice. She lapped hungrily, keeping Andrea climaxing in rolling waves, the flame erupting from Andrea's hand surging with each spike of pleasure. Andrea screamed in release, her hips bucking upward rhythmically into Celes' lapping mouth.
At last, Andrea settled to the bed, the flames summoned by her power flickering one last time and dying out. Celes rose up, her lips and chin coated in Andrea's glistening wetness, just in time to see the fire in Andrea's palm dance for a final second.
Danica kissed the trembling woman's nipple and let out a little chuckle. "I've heard of being inflamed with passion, but that was a bit literal."
"I didn't... Didn't burn anything did I?" Andrea gasped, and then let out a long, satisfied moan.
Danica shook her head in the negative. "No, but you certainly surprised me."
"I don't know how I controlled it," Andrea said, and then threw her head back, cupping her sex in her hand as an aftershock surged through her body. "That was incredible, Celes. Thank you so much."
Drawing Andrea's wetness to her lips with a finger, Celes smiled and responded, "I loved it. I was lost in you. I didn't even notice the flames until they flickered out."
Danica leaned in and kissed Celes, moaning from the taste of Andrea's wetness on the woman's face. Andrea then tugged on Celes' arm and pulled her into a kiss, lapping up her juices from Celes' chin.
Danica stroked Celes' rounded bottom, letting her finger trail in the cleft with a feather light touch before she said to Andrea, "You should return the favor. Celes has been waiting for so long to feel you there for real."
Andrea quivered, moaned, and sat up. Staring into Celes' eyes with mischievous desire, she licked her lips and moved out of the way so Celes could lie down.
Several hours later, all three women drifted off into utterly spent slumber, each having come so many times they couldn't hope to count the number of orgasms they had given each other.
Danica awoke with a puzzled expression on her face. She had dreamed of a beautiful valley, surrounded by majestic mountains and a blanket of mist. The image had been so real, and so detailed, she could remember every tiny element as if she had truly walked through the valley, exploring it as she did in her dream. She remembered the babbling brooks, flowing through fields full of flowers, and pools stirred by gentle waterfalls cascading from the rocks above.
Feeling a little knotted up — the bed certainly not large enough for three to sleep in comfortably — Danica tried to stretch a little and slide out of the bed. Celes and Andrea stirred as she rose, awakening to smile at each other for a moment before the aches in their own muscles had them stretching out the kinks as well.
They all started when the door opened, grabbing for the coverings on the bed. The three-way tug of war only succeeded in partially covering any of them, and they relaxed when they saw it was Marlena.
The woman's hair was disheveled, her robes wrinkled and obviously tossed on with haste. Danica laughed and said, "You look like you had a fun night."
Marlena's face filled with color, and she grinned. "Look who's talking," she countered, raising her eyebrows at the three nude women partially hidden by a sheet covered in wet spots.
Andrea giggled, stuck out her tongue, and then said, "I really need a bath. I had the strangest dream."
Celes looked at her and said, "So did I — a valley full of flowers, surrounded in mists."
Marlena and Danica both stared at the women in surprise. Danica said, "I had the same dream."
"So did I," Marlena revealed.
"Okay, this can't be a coincidence. Let's go get in the bath, and we'll compare notes while we get cleaned up," Danica suggested.
They all sank into the bath, discussing the dream and discovering that they had all indeed dreamed the exact same thing. After a short while, they heard a call from the other room, "Danica, it's me."
"Come in, Devan, we're in the bath."
Devan was just as rumpled as Marlena had been when she arrived. The women laughed and Devan smiled, twitching her eyebrows. "Gods, Danica, does that man ever stop? I'm going to be bowlegged for a week after last night, and he was rock hard this morning and looking for more." Untying her robe, the only thing holding it closed, she let it drop to the floor and said, "Make some room, I need a bath too."
Danica asked, "Did you have an odd dream last night?"
Devan shook her head and sank into the bath with a sigh of relief. "No, I don't even remember passing out. I just remember coming and coming, and then waking up lying on a hard cock. You're going to have to show me where you find your men, Danica."
Danica chuckled, "Well, maybe it was just us then."
"You know, I almost feel like I know where that place is," Celes said, smoothing water out of her hair.
Danica looked at her and agreed, "So do I."
Nods and surprised expressions from Andrea and Marlena confirmed that they had experienced the same feeling.
"We should try to see if we can find it with the Hellgate later," Danica suggested.
"That spell is dangerous, Danica," Devan warned. "The demons are sneaky. They can get to you over time.
Celes laughed and countered, "Not Danica's. They cower like kicked dogs every time she's there. They won't even show their faces unless she gives them leave."
Devan looked at her sister and said, "You summoned up a Soul Blade, didn't you?"
"I had a sword appear in my hand, if that's what you mean," Danica replied.
Devan blew out a long whistling breath and said, "That isn't even mentioned most places the spell is written down, because so few people accomplish it. Maybe I need to experiment with that spell more often and see if I can do it. The spell is really useful, despite the dangers it presents."
"I was really, really angry with those imps when it happened," Danica explained.
"Strong emotions they're not trying to cause are supposed to be what makes it happen, so that makes sense," Devan affirmed, and then dunked her head in the water to wet it. "Darkniciad and Ashtar can do it, and so could Zoraster, but I don't know anybody else offhand that has managed it. There are all sorts of rumors about what you can do once you've summoned the Soul Blade. I know Darkni has been able to expand the size of his personal realm, and even link his realm with others. He and Ashtar have done that. Darkni has summoned it up outside the Hellgate before too. Demons are really afraid of Soul Blades."
Upon hearing that, Danica raised her hand up out of the water and willed the blade to appear. Even she was a little startled when the gleaming sword appeared in her hand. Looking at it with a smile, she said, "That's good to know."
Devan pursed her lips as she washed her hair. "Okay, that's about enough of showing me up. I need to stop playing around so much and get back to studying regularly. I can't have my little sister outdoing me all the time."
"That will probably come in handy when hellspawn start breathing down our necks," Celes noted, nodding toward Andrea.
"As long as I'm feeling humbled... I may as well ask if you'd be willing to sit down and talk to me for a while too, Marlena. I consider myself to be a fair expert in illusions, but anybody who can call up the Discordance obviously has me far outstripped." Turning to look at Danica and Celes, Devan added, "And the two of you still owe me some instruction in that fast spell casting technique you learned at the Forge."
Marlena rinsed the soap from her face and responded, "Of course I will."
"I have some unique spells I've created that you might like, too. Maybe even a few that Zoraster hadn't stolen." She issued the last few words in a low growl.
Andrea was struggling to wash her back, and Devan moved over to take the cloth, doing it for her.
"Thank you," Andrea said, and then added, "I don't know any wizard magic, so I guess I'll be a little left out."
Devan leaned in and purred, "I can think of a few things we could learn together."
Andrea blushed a bright red and covered her face, drawing a laugh from the other women in the bath. She splashed water at them, saying, "Oh, stop teasing."
Danica looked at her sister with a mock expression of irritation and chided, "You keep trying to seduce all my friends."
"We're sisters, we should share," Devan responded with a sweet smile.
Danica laughed and said, "Well, we'll all find a nice quiet spot in one of the study rooms and get down to business as soon as we have something to eat. Marlena and I will show Devan what we know. Celes and Andrea have those nice thick books to look through and learn from."
"I'll send for one of the less reclusive witches here on the isle and see if they'll be willing to show you two what they know," Devan offered. "I bet they'll be more than willing once they hear about those tomes."
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My father and I have been living together and having sex on a regular basis for almost two years now. He is a sexy senior citizen, and I am a single, 30-something woman who never found anyone my age to be appealling. Daddy and I have a wonderful sex life. He's getting on in years, but we still manage to have wild sex, including anal (which is our favorite!) sometimes with the benefit of viagra. While prescribing, Dr. Simmons looked at him, over his hornrimmed glasses, pretty strangely. Daddy...
IncestI had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing. “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...
Gay MaleAfter much consideration I've decided to continue this story/diary of events. Hope you enjoy reading it, I've thoroughly enjoyed writing it. 6 Months Later...Its Friday morning around 8am, my hubby (Dave) has already left for work when I wake to a message on my phone from Mark (The black guy) saying "Morning Gorgous, I'm back in the UK and want to see you, pack things for a few days and my driver will pick you up at 11am" I quickly reply then bounce out of bed feeling so excited to see him. I...
Dating didn’t work out. All we really did was fuck each other then go on dates. And when her brother saw us fucking once we knew we had to stop. Her brother was in my graduation class and just didn’t seem to know that his baby sister was a lesbian slut magnet. I didn’t think he ever saw Megan as anything but an angel. So when he happened to walk in on us fucking each other he flipped out and took her away. Now, with the school year starting to come to an end all I wanted for my spring break...
John was cursing. He had been caught putting a thumbtack on his teachers chair, and now he had to clean the library. The oldest part of it, the one in the cellar to be precise. So now he was handling books and dusting them off. He did it without much care. Suddenly he stumbled and dropped a book. It crashed on the floor, opening itself. John cursed and started to recover it, but then stopped. What was that? A magical "Word of control"? What nonsense. "Xotzil". And such a book is in a school...
Mind ControlHai to all regular readers of ISS.this is moin from baroda.this is my first story in ISS,so i will tell in hindi about my real incidents. Mera naam moin,26years old.mai barodamein mba studies karta hun,obhi mere close friend ke sister ke ghar mein rehkar,kyun ki mai unka family ka bahut close friend hun aur mera friend(vijay)se meri bahut saal se achhi dosthi hai,itna close hun ki mai bhi usske ghar ka ladka jaisa hi hun,tho uss ki ek sister hai,woh baroda mein rehti hai,aur mere friend ki...
Husband has the worst day of his life."If anything can go wrong-It will."Not only that, "Everything goes wrong all at once."************************************************************When I woke up this morning, I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to be anything but another good day in this wonderful life of mine. Boy was I ever wrong.By the end of the day, it would turn out to be the worst day of my life.My name is Stony Adams. I am a 48 year old engineer with an electrical design...
The shrill sound of the tea kettle shattered Max’s reverie. He was remembering when he and Rosie met thirty-eight years ago. Sighing deeply, he looked down at the yellow mug and remembered the vision of the two of them rowing down the Charles River that May morning, the night after their first date, the first of many, before shocking everyone they knew by getting married one April weekend while still in their senior year of college. He had been attending Harvard and she was at Radcliffe, a few...
Love StoriesThere were many things that ran through Carl’s mind, a large portion of it being his work at the office. Another part of it laid out plans about what they could do to the house and how he was to go about doing it. However, both highly distracting thoughts were hugely overshadowed by the thoughts of his beautiful high school teacher of a wife, Jessie. That was the kind of distraction that he absolutely did not mind having, no matter where he was or what he was doing, an inspiration of moments...
I recall the first time my wife had another man bareback and I had my first taste of sloppy seconds - yes, I know we all want safe sex but in the ideal world, we all love the feel of a naked cock sliding in and out of a delicious wet warm pussy. In addition, when it comes to sharing a horny woman in an MFM scenario I will never forget that wonderful feeling of sliding into my wife's exquisite, hot and slippery hole just after another man has fucked her hard and pumped his cum deep inside her! I...
. Patience came swirling in, her green gown billowing out as she spun from foot to foot. Arms around an imaginary partner Patience circled each table and chair as she danced across the room. Patience’s humming of the last piece rousted Annest from her corner. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Annest quickly followed her mistress... Patience stationed herself in front of her dressing mirrors, still swaying, as she admired her reflection. Just out of view, Annest also admired Patience. ...
As I stepped through the door at Rumps, I stopped and stared. I was virtually alone with her.I found myself appreciating the highlights coming off her tawny skin. She had been firmly fixed in place so she couldn’t budge, and there were marks from her earlier use by others, each one a kind of badge of honor.But before I started in on her, I stopped to survey the wreckage left by last night's party here at Rumps. Not only were there empty bottles, glasses, leftover food and plates strewn...
HumorHi dosto mera naam SAMIR PATEL hai aur main ahmedabad ka rahne vala hu. Main our kisi ke bare main nahi janta lekin main aaj ko apni sachhi kahani batane ja raha hu.Aap padh ke mujhe reply kar sakte hai mere mail id hai aur main aap ko batadu ki main PUSSY AUR ASS LEAKING bahut hi achha karta hu jaisa ki bhabhi ne mujhe bataya tha.agar koi aunty aur bhabhi jo ki moti ho aur satisfaction chato ho ya pussy leaking chahti ho to mujhe mail kar sakti hai main ahmedabad ka rehne vala hoo. To main...
Halloween Pool Party, Chapter 4 by Brenda Monday morning I was awakened early by Miss Annie releasing the air from my plug and swiftly pulling it from my bottom. I cried out from being so crudely awakened from my slumber and that got me a quick but hard smack on my already bruised bottom. "Good morning Brenda, time to shower and get ready for a big day," she informed me. "Thank you Mistress," I answered reaching down to try to alleviate the pain from by morning wood being punished...
LISA and I is a long story of love from far - which started well over two years ago!LISA and I is a story already partly written, you will find my directions here belowLISA Love and I, we hope to live long together but we do not know when it will startLISA Love and I, we know we love each other although I even never saw her photo yet!LISA and I, it will be my longest series ever - unless I change the title once more!LISA and I, I found my main muse - I hope I will write the rest of my life...
Eliza has been babysitting with Mr. London for just about a day and she already wants a raise! She has good reason for it though. She saw some checks for his previous babysitters and they were doubleeven triple what she was making. When she asks what she has to do to earn it, Mr. London places her hand on his cock and tells her she might not be ready. Eliza begs to differ, and opens her mouth wide. Eliza has had sex before, but never with some motivationshe has now. She made it her goal to earn...
xmoviesforyouHi there! My name is JessiKa Harley. Spelled exactly how it looks. This sex story is based on one of my many sexual fantasies. Gangbang in the RainBy JessiKa HarleyI just got done doing a private lap dance at the strip club that I work at. I walked into the dressing room to change back into my normal clothes but it looks like I forgot to bring my clothes. All I had to wear was my trench coat. So I put on my trench coat and clocked out of work. I walked outside of the strip club. Its pouring...
——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...
The house wouldn’t look odd at all in the suburb of an American city. In a suburb of Paris, it did. As would the others around it. Three story clapboard with a garage part of its structure. Joe rented a Citroen, and had the limo driver, who had been approved by those that had given them the information about the place, drive them to the location. A limousine would be far too obvious in the neighborhood. The house’s owners didn’t need that. They had waited for the car’s arrival and opened the...
I walked in, turned, and locked the door, I expected the little room to be dark, but a bulb above and the light of the big video screen lit up the tiny space. The room itself was small, so small that I could touch both sides to my right and left without stretching at all. There was a single plastic chair in front of the screen. I looked at the walls and sure enough there were holes on both sides of me. They were the size of a small volleyball. It looked to me, that it was big enough to pass...
When I got remarried two years ago my new wife Jane came with two daughters, Sally is now eighteen and Mary nineteen, they moved in with me, as there was enough room for each of them to have their own room in my house. Both girls had long blonde hair, just like their mum and a figure to match, Sally had a trim body, flat stomach with 32b tits, a nice handful, and Mary a little plumper, like her mum, and her tits were a nice 36b, in fact, they were both very fuckable. I started to...
The Coed By Alyssa Anderson Bridget had never spend more time in front of a mirror in my life, but then, this was going to be about the most important day of her life! At first she just let her hair kind of dry naturally, and put on minimal makeup, and wore a pair of low rise jeans and this cute pink top her roommate let her borrow. It's low cut and kind of gathers her boobies and pushes them together, but , well, it's kind of predictable. Her hair is thick and like medium brown,...
Nala & Tyler You have been anticipating seeing me for a week now, and you know as well as I do you can wait no longer. I come to our home, and open the door ever so gracefully; your eyes go from glancing at the ground to gazing into mine. You are taken by my stare, and nearly quiver at the sight of me, as I do you. No words are said, for you and I know exactly what one another is thinking. In the background, tantalizing music is playing, music that seems to set the scene ever so perfectly. Just...
Erotic"Boy, look what you done to your mama!" While Mama stood there sobbing, Daddy stomped towards me and grabbed a fistful of my shirt, yanking me towards him. "You and me gonna go spend some time in the shed," he spat in my face. But, I wasn't a little boy anymore. I twisted his hand away and stood my ground, but my feet struggled not to run."Daddy, in case you haven't noticed, I'm quite a bit bigger than you now and I ain't going to the woodshed ever again." I put my palm on his chest and gave...
Gay MaleWe got off the plane in Pittsburgh and headed to the rental kiosk to get the keys to our rental car. Both Sydnee and Sam were excited to be here. They have always wanted to come to visit but never had the chance. We were changing that today. We were going to get our hotel room and grab a quick dinner then drive around and let them see the city all lit up. Then, in the morning we could spend all day sightseeing, shopping or whatever else came to mind. I did have some shopping planned, so that...
Group SexThe next morning I was sitting on my backyard deck, sipping my coffee, reading my morning paper and trying to get up the ambition to tackle mowing the grass. When I bought this house it came with a larger than normal property line and most of my property was the backyard.I had a riding lawnmower, but at the time it was in the shop for some driveline issues. So I was relegated to my old walk-behind mower. It was self-propelled so I didn't have to push it, but I did have to walk along behind it...
Fetish??????????? Adele looked out the window of the train and sighed. The rain was still falling, and the scenery had not changed over night. The whistle blew, and echoed over the expanse of grey open plains. Occasionally she thought she saw bluffs off in the distance, but the fog was too thick to tell. It was always foggy in The City, but nothing like this bleak countryside. She had always fantasized as a child what the world looked like outside the city walls and now found herself...
One might consider me a connoisseur. I am a connoisseur of cock: hard cocks, soft cocks, cut cocks, uncut cocks, male sex organs, I like life very spicy. I like to look at, feel, smell, and taste well formed, animated, responsive cock. When attracted, I will be solicitous, affectionate, and pandering toward the cock, balls, bush, and ass of any man who meets my fancy. In the following account, I will confess more about my narcotic predilection toward the most vital part of those of my own...
GayLeana Lovings is the ideal nerdy girl next door. Until she takes off her glasses – and then bam – she’s elegant, graceful and totally natural. Little Leana is nervous, but excited to get oiled up & dicked down with Jay Bangher’s big, black cock. Jay drenches her perfect tits. Then he moves on to her lacy, transparent panties. Jay fingers Leana’s tight little pussy from behind while she strokes his fat dick. She gets eager and takes him in her mouth. Her pussy...
xmoviesforyouHello all, this is Prav again from Bangalore. Thanks for your comments and encouragement for my previous stories. This time I have come with a story of a reader with whom I have been… [email protected] I hope you all liked my story. I will look forward to your emails and feedback.
IndianTHE TEACHERS PET By Lewis Chappelle ?Go, stand facing the corner back there you pathetic child,? yelled Renee Roberts. Suzy Deerfield knew she was in for another hard day at the Buckman School for Girls. Suzy?s parents had sent her to BSG a few years earlier; now she was almost seventeenyears old and was nearing her final exams at the end of her junior year. She was very smart, very cute and, had a nice figure which could be detected despite her frumpy fitting clothes.She was the only...
The Hard Sell By Old Timer I should first introduce myself. I'm Lauren Stone and I'm a woman's activewear model and sales person who stands almost five foot six. My head shot description notes 25 years old with light blonde hair and 34DD-21-34 measurements. I owe it all to my life mate, Raven, whom I met during a sales trip almost a year ago when I was a slightly built man named Loren Stone who sold ball bearings. It began innocently enough at a hotel bar when the most...
Got a present for us she said, standing essentially naked in the hall way. Reaching down to her bag and extracting an envelope. Opening it revealed 2 air tickets to Rio. 2nd prize in the raffle the wife said.What the fuck was first I asked. £20K’s worth of surgery she said. Her phone rang again it was Madge.Longer conversation this time, the wife saying “all good, bah bah thanks for a great time looking forward to Rio etc etc No no details yet, have friend coming over do both at same time. Yes...
If you’ve read our stories, you know about our unique family. All of the stories posted have been written by my husband Donny, but after the birthday gift I just received, he is allowing me to tell my own story.I recently turned 29. To celebrate, Donny said that he and I were going away for the weekend (sorry, the city must remain anonymous). He booked a very exclusive hotel and told me that my birthday gift would arrive later that evening. I guess it was the word “arrive” that made me...
Toronto, Ontario, late evening Sienna was cold. She pulled the scarf tighter about her head as she ran from building to building. Why didn't she wait at the Moslem culture centre until her brother picked her up? She knew why. When her three hour class was cancelled, she did not want to set outside the building, and she did not have money for a bus. She knew the way home. What she did not know was what kind of neighbourhood the way home took her into. She heard the men behind her and could...
Mature couple Peter and Helen Stephens were married in name only as they had not had sex for three years. Although living in the same house, they slept in different bedrooms. Neither of them had anyone else but basically Peter had lost interest in Helen and she assumed that he had lost interest in sex altogether although she herself still felt urges.They were both in their late fifties and had been married close to thirty five years.Helen had informed Peter that she was going to visit her...
FemdomHey buddies this is my first story here !! Forgive me for my grammar mistakes if any !! Any aunties or gals interested in sex in Bangalore contact me….my email ID is I am doing my second year MBBS in a med college in Bangalore !! This is my first sex encounter !! We have a cultural function yearly once in our college along with medical exhibition !! About me : I am good looking with an average muscular physique !! Department days : I was posted to a department for this medical...
After my encounter with Kevin at his office I knew that I wanted more. I had my own place and had started to build up a nice collection of lingerie which I would often wear while wanking to my slowly built up collection of porn. This was before the age of internet so it was sometimes hard to get porn, mainly from friends, nearly always straight. I would always imagine I was the female when watching my tapes and always cum straight away when the woman would take the guy up her ass.After the...
After Nate had left for his shift at the pub, I pulled Kevin and Paul to one side so i could talk to them. "Guys, we need to talk. I am so sorry about this hole situation, and I'm sorry that it has dragged out this far, and so you guys know Im looking for a new place to live." I say feeling slightly realived. "No you are not moving out Rox, you are part of this family, and to be honest, things would be strange with out you." Paul says. "Im sorry Paul, but I have to go, it is just so...
This is a true incident that happened with me when I was 19. It was the first time I cheated on my boyfriend, the first time I had anal sex and that too with a stranger. So here it goes… One night I was at a dance club with my boyfriend and some of our friends. I was a little drunk and my boyfriend isn't much into dancing and he let me dance by myself. While I was dancing, swaying my hips to the sexy trance music, I was approached by a guy and he asked if I would like to dance with him. I...
Cheating WifesEk na din ek din apni college life sab yaad karte h.Me bhi us din ko yaad karti hu jis din meri mulakat ek ladke se hue thi.Woh ladka dekhne me bahut gora aur lamba tha. Sayad woh kisi ka entezar kar rha tha.Me wahi se gujar rhi thi ki achanak woh bola resmi tum riya ko dekhi ho.Me thodi socked thi usko mera naam kaise pata h.Lekin us waqt me ignore kar k boli riya to aaj college nhi aae h.Woh bola kya college nhi aae h lekin me to usko lene aaya hu.Me boli kon ho tum.Woh bola me riya ka bhai...
Pulled Over By: Blmorticia *Renee's thoughts ###Dream sequence Seemingly, it took all night for the lights to go dim. I had sat through three bands I didn’t much care about waiting for the "boys" from Soul Metal to come on. Unfortunately, I was the only one out of my circle of friends that attended the show. The other ladies were tied down with baby issues and work. So here I am, the same age as them, acting like a teenage groupie. The lead singer caught my glimpse and winked. He looked to...
ExhibitionismSummer was over ... We were scheduled to attend Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in two weeks. We packed. We had much more going home than we had coming up. Lucy Lou drove Grace's Speedster, Candy drove the Bel Air and daddy drove the Continental. The fifty sixes were now out and Grace agreed with me... 1956 was a bad styling year for Chevrolet. Before we left, Mike Clotitier assisted me in pulling the mast of the K5. I planned on putting her in the boathouse....
You are a 23yr chem. major on the verge of making a incredible find. Your father sent you a rare plant from the Amazon Jungle and it's sap's chemical compound is nothing like you have ever seen. For all reason it should not be. As you test the sap in numerous test you find some strange affects.
Danielle Harris was enjoying the annual convention for Fangoria, it was a group of horror fans not unlike herself that loved showing their appreciation of all things horror. She tried to make it to one every chance she could get. She was flattered at the girls that would dress like her character of Jamie Lloyd from Halloween 4 & 5, and a little creeped out by the guys that would dress like Michael Myers/The Shape. She was signing autographs and talking to the fans in the Halloween area of...
Tommy Gunn is an elder stud who can’t get much done on his own; luckily, he has Vanessa come over and help out; she aids this kinky senior get a nap and then begins practicing her salsa. When the music awakens Tommy, he decides to come down and show this babe the moves that made him famous in the past. Not long after, he injures himself, so, filled with a wild desire for this vixen’s hot, tight body, he convinces Vanessa that there is only one way she can truly help; she soon...
xmoviesforyouWhile we were walking back to the shop with everything we had bought, Eric told me “Guns aren’t allowed here on Chaos. I told you that. People have tried to make gunpowder, but it didn’t work. No one knows why, but it didn’t. It’d be nice to have guns, or even just gunpowder bombs, but they don’t work here.” “I got that, but I wasn’t asking about guns. I asked Minter about artillery. Large crew-served weapons with area effect. Catapults or torsion engines. Arrow-engines. Trebuchets or...
Lynne reined in her horse at the barn and dismounted. She stroked his neck. "We're gonna have a ball," she said, opening up the barn. She led him inside and closed the door. "A real ball." Blazer bobbed his head, his mane swishing. He snorted, then nuzzled his mouth against the crook of Lynne's neck. "You just relax," she purred. She stepped back and looked at Abdul locked in his stall. "You'll get your turn tomorrow." She swooned, thinking excitedly about the plan she had come...
He was nervous, and she liked it.He was so cute. But of course he was not just cute; he had a hard young body that her husband no longer had… or ever had, really. Actually, it had been a long while since she knew her husband's body in any detail. The last time they had “sex” was on their anniversary last year, but it was in the dark, and more of a yearly traditional bedtime ritual than a romantic encounter. Her husband’s body was probably flopped onto that hussy presently for all she knew....
CheatingWhen I stepped out of the shower after a good half hour with my skin all wrinkly, I still had the smell of pee linger in my nose, but I was quite sure that it was only in my head by now. Anne was waiting for me, sitting on the toilet lid, one of my socks dangling from her fingers. I saw her wince the moment she spotted my body and couldn’t keep myself from feeling a twinge of satisfaction. I even turned around and closed the shower stall to give her a good view of my equally decorated...
Why is the first engagement with a stranger always accompanied with that strange feeling on your stomach? I woke up early on the arranged meeting morning with that flutter already present on my stomach, more of excitement than fear. This was not the first time in my life that I have made such an appointment and I was actually looking forward to this one. This girl has made me work for the privilege to meet her and I felt honoured to have pulled it off. I took the normal early shower and...
Louise: Heavily pregnant former next door neighbour.Lisa: Louise's busybody friend.Larry: Me!Italics: my thoughts/memories.I grunted as I slowly thrust my glistening shaft deep into Lisa's rectum! She let out a low moan as she gradually felt my girth push into her. Louise stood at my side and gasped as my shaft slowly disappeared into her friends arse. "That's it, Daddy - make her have it - give her that big, fat cock of yours! Mmm"! She kissed me passionately and I slowly began to fuck Lisa -...