RunChapter 17: Oasis free porn video

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Gene's clothes were drenched in sweat. Despite the minimal cool air being kicked out of the vents in the small truck and the dead of night all around, the desert heat was still stifling. Being packed in the rear seats with Holly and Wistin wasn't helping. Sofija drove while Anna dozed in the front.

"What are we going to find there?" Gene asked no one in particular.

Holly replied, "hard to say. I doubt Victor even knew it was there, was never part of M1's assets. Dad worked independently at times, maintained a few places off the radar. This one ... probably not more than a dozen of us even know it exists. Never been there, never had to..."

Gene sweated in silence, watching the endless shadows of sand pass by in the moonlight. They weren't so much on a road as a crease in the dunes which sometimes disappeared in the blowing sand. Sofija seemed to know where they were going, so he tried to relax between the overly-warm bodies to either side of him.

They'd managed to get their supplies together and headed out of Rjim in a hurry. There'd been no sign of any pursuit, but Anna's instincts kept them pressed to move away as fast as possible away from the town.

Gene turned toward Holly. "Your mom, too? Everyone in your family involved somehow?"

"Yeah ... she's ... Haven't seen her in years. She went deep when I was young. No idea what she's been up to. Anna never told me she had surfaced again. Can't be sure where she stands in all this."

"Shitty for all of us. Family and all that..." Thoughts of his own bubbled as the miles passed. He couldn't stop thinking about Tamara and the kids. He wondered if they were dead. Gene tried to prepare himself mentally for that very real possibility, tried hard not to dwell on it. Not easy.

"No word on yours, Gene," Holly said, as if reading his mind. "Anna tried to get intel. Victor's compound is still locked down, M1 still holding out there. No one's come back for a second try. No need, I suppose, it was just Victor's ruse." She laughed softly, "bet it pisses him off that I fucked up his plans for you." She glanced at Gene, saw the pain on his face, ran her hand along his jaw and through his hair. "Don't sweat it, Gene. We're doing what we can."

He glanced out the window past her face, grunted, said, "sweating is the only thing I can do right now. Fucking desert. Fucking Victor."

Lauren shook constantly as she stood in the narrow hallway. The darkness made it difficult to see anything further in the house. Her brothers moved inside and the giant closed the door behind them. The light from the device worn on his head offered just enough to see shadows on shadows.

The man turned toward them, held out the ring. "Panthea doesn't send this lightly. I'm gonna want a full story out of you three." His accent was gone, the menacing growl left outside. His voice was light, gentle, no hint of the tone he'd used only moments before.

Lauren's voice was small, quivering. "what happened to your accent?"

The man smiled a bit, said, "scared the shit out you, right?"

She shivered. "No ... the piss."

He glanced down at her soaked pants, nodded. "Sorry about that. Wait here."

The man disappeared only a few seconds, returned with a couple of plush towels. He dropped one on the floor and pulled Lauren over it, handed her the second, said gently, "take them off and leave them there. Bathroom is just there," he nodded his light toward a door a few feet away. "Clean up, I'll bring you some clothes. Use the candle if you need some light. You boys come with me."

Her brothers followed the man deeper into the house, leaving Lauren alone. She managed to shed her soaked clothes and darted into the bathroom. Overwhelmed and still frightened, it was all she could do to step into the shower once the water was warm.

Finch followed the huge man down a hallway and around a corner. He never slowed, leading them toward a door at the far side of a large room. In the darkness, it was all Finch could do to keep up. Logan just behind him, they continued on, saw the man push his fingers into the device near his ear. A very light click followed, and he pushed aside a tall bookshelf.

He motioned them in, and then pushed the shelf back in place once they were all inside. He flicked a switch and Finch could see a long, deep stairwell. "Follow that down, hang a left. There's food in the fridge, help yourselves." He sounded like a kind old grandfather, though from what Finch saw of the giant man, he looked no older than forty. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Finch did as he was told, descending the stairs, Logan at his heels. They turned left and the hallway opened into a massive windowless room. It looked sterile. Everything was white except a spare few nobs and panels. Finch wasn't really sure what to do. He was frightened, knew his brother was as well. He took Logan's shoulder and led him to the fridge.

Finch opened the door, pulled out cheese and bread and cans of soda and settled onto an oversized white couch. He ate quietly while Logan crammed handfuls into his own mouth.

Logan paused long enough to ask, "think he's going to kill us?"

Finch thought, seems like we ask that a lot lately. "Dunno. He really scared Lauren. He's so huge!"

"Didn't scare me." The way his brother's voice broke betrayed the lie.

"Whatever, Logan. Scared me."

The man returned with Lauren in tow, clean clothes fitting fairly well over her teen body. She looked exhausted, settled next to Finch, and refused the food he offered.

The man sat across from them in a small white chair. His smile looked genuine. "Well, out with it. Why are you here?"

No one spoke a moment. Logan broke the silence, "are you going to kill us?"

The man tilted his head, said softly, "no, I'm not going to kill you."

Lauren nearly whispered, "are you Dr. Henderson."


"Panthea sent us. We don't know what to do."

"How about you start with the extraordinary circumstances which would have forced Panthea to call in this favor?"

Over the next while, the three of them told Henderson as much as they knew. Everything from their flight from home to the gun battles, and eventually speeding away from Panthea's as she gave her life to save them.

"Dead, huh. Maybe. She's a wily one."

Lauren looked sick. "Pretty sure. She was bleeding everywhere, they shot her in the neck."

Henderson frowned, said softly, "well ... I hope not. She's one of the few people I trust in the world. Would hate for that circle to grow smaller. Especially in these times." He let out a long breath, smiled again. "Tonight, you stay down here. I'll see what I can find out. You're safe here for now. We'll worry about tomorrow ... tomorrow. You boys can shower in there, help yourselves to the fridge. Bed in there. Sorry, only have the one but it should be big enough for your three. I'll be just in that room if you need anything. Knock first ... don't want any ... misunderstandings, you hear?"

Tamara and Hannigan waited in the dense brush for the traffic to disappear before they made their way down the hill and into the small town just over the Croatian border. They had said little all morning, and no mention was made of the moments they'd spent copulating in the middle of the night. The duo had headed out before dawn and slipped into town before the sun had fully fallen on the town nestled into valley floor.

The moved through a small, quiet neighborhood of small, quiet houses, each looking a hundred years old. Hannigan wanted to find a car quickly, but none were out in driveways or along the roads. He began to grumble to himself, "we're exposed out here, goddamnit, we need transport now!" Tamara was growing used to the man's agitation. She felt the same way, which didn't help either of them keep themselves in check.

They rounded a sharp corner and trekked up a rise where a small laundromat sat nestled against the earthy mound behind it. Two cars were parked out front, though the business did not look open. Hannigan hustled them into the trees nearby and watched a few moments before nodding. "The grey one. The minute I have it fired up, you be there, got it?"

Tamara gave her affirmation and waited. She watched Hannigan open the door and jump back. A shout sent him running back toward her. "Run! Up that way!"

She followed him through the trees and up the steep hill behind the building, several minutes of running uphill had her quickly exhausted. Tamara stumbled, twisted her ankle, and cried out as she fell. Hannigan turned quickly, cursed, and helped her to her feet, bracing her with an arm under her shoulder. "Shit! Ok, this way!"

They moved slower than he liked and he mumbled curses the entire time. Finally, they stopped near where a road cut around the edge of the mountain rising ahead of them. Tamara sat down and massaged her swelling ankle. Through her pain she asked, "what happened?"

"Guy sleeping in the car, pulled a gun when he saw me."


"Yeah. Think we're ok, but we can't go back that way. No idea if he'd call the cops. Fuck! Hate leaving a mark like that behind me. Someone looking for us might notice."

Tamara nursed her ankle a bit, said, "don't think I can walk far on it." She frowned. "Sorry..."

"Ok, no, it's ok." He looked around. "Pretty isolated here. You wait. I'll find a car and come back. You ok with that?"

She nodded.

Hannigan looked to where the road led back down the mountain, then glanced to where it wrapped around and ran up. He seemed to decide on a direction and sprinted through the trees, quickly gone from sight.

Tamara sat stewing, angry that she'd injured herself, angry that they couldn't find a vehicle. Angry that she had no idea if her family was safe, if they were alive, if she'd ever see them again. Angry, too, that she'd twice given into her needs and let Hannigan cum in her. She shuddered as memory of the sensation made her flush. She had to admit to herself that she liked it, like the man, and wondered briefly if they'd have another opportunity to fuck again. She secretly hoped so.

Lauren roused from what felt like a long sleep and sighed. The bed was the most comfortable she'd ever slept in, and despite her brothers to one side, there'd been plenty of room to sink in and fall asleep. She felt a moment of fear after the night before, but Dr. Henderson had been a different man inside the house. The shotgun-killer-giant seemed to have been left outside.

She had no idea what time it was. There were no windows, nor clocks. Lauren stretched, suddenly felt pretty good. Finch's leg was pressed against hers. She instinctively moved away from it, but moments later, she found herself wanting to feel that warmth again. It was reassuring, comforting. They were safe for a moment, despite everything trying to kill them to date.

Lauren had slept in the panties and shirt Dr. Henderson had brought her. They fit her pretty well, high-quality fabrics soft and casual against her body. She let herself drift a moment, felt her clit stirring on its own. Lauren swept her hand idly down to her genitals and gave herself a lazy caress.

Her body tensed. She was more in need of release than she realized. Lauren cast a quick glance beside her, felt certain that Finch and Logan were sleeping, pushed her panties down, and explored her slit with soft touches. She moaned lightly, again, thought to try to stay silent, but she felt too good to hold it in completely.

Her legs moved a bit, rocking slowly as she built. Lauren's pussy grew wet, the sixteen-year old's labia swelling with arousal. She dragged a finger to her hole and penetrated herself, gasped lightly and rocked her hips. She cast down the covers and exposed herself to the cool room air. Her flesh felt warm, and it wasn't just her arousal. Finch's body was closer, perhaps she'd shifted as she masturbated.

She felt his side against hers, his leg hot on hers. Even though it was her brother, that close flesh, that warmth made her feel giddy, excited. She let herself sink into the sensation as her fingers danced between her legs.

Lauren built quickly, rising, breathing heavier, hips rising to meet her hand. She twirled her clit steadily, felt herself ready to let go.

The covers moved down and just as her climax crashed down, she saw Finch's fingers flying along his shaft. He grunted, eyes glued on Lauren's naked flesh. The girl groaned, didn't look away from her brother's spurting penis. She orgasmed, moaning as cum shot into the air, splashing down on his stomach. She cried out softly as several drops of Finch's cum splattered on her arm. She didn't look away even as she felt the full impact of what she was watching. What her brother was watching.

Lauren lay panting, unable to think too hard on what she'd just done. Her eyes locked on the way Finch's cock drooled thick globs of semen out the tip and onto his slowing fingers.

Finch seemed to come to his senses first, covering himself briefly before yanking his underwear back up and jumping out of bed. Lauren's mind raced and before she could do the same, Logan had stirred and was staring at where Lauren's hand still rested, one finger dipped into her drooling pussy.

Lauren squeaked, closed her legs, pulled up her panties, and covered herself completely, then rushed out the door behind Finch.

His brother and sister had made awkward moves out of the room, separately. Logan had seen something amazing. He'd seen his sister's hairy pussy, her hand held there, her body flushed and sweaty. Drops of cum on her arm. Did Finch cum on her?

In all the times he'd seen things which made him horny, that one topped them all.

Alone in the bed, the fourteen-year old stroked himself quickly, the images of Lauren's dark's pubes, her wet fingers, the globs of semen on her arm, were plastered in his mind. The boy shuddered, fist moving quickly. He looked down and watched as his little cock expanded, swelled, and groaned as he saw his sperm shoot up into the air, splashing down all over the bed. He came hard, released his seed wherever it wanted to go.

Logan caught his breath and rolled over toward the middle of the bed. He saw a wet spot near where Lauren had fingered herself. He leaned in and sniffed. The smell was nothing like expected. It wasn't gross or upsetting. It smelled a bit sweet, pungent. Lauren's pussy juice made him hard again and before he left the room, Logan quickly masturbated to another orgasm, this time squirting his smaller load into the wet spot Lauren had left just for him.

Same as Run
Chapter 17: Oasis Videos

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Apni sister ko choda

Hi all iss users.main apni fist storie liek reha hoon. Mera name raja aaj se saal phely ki baat hy main our mara our mari sister ka fist sex tha.mari sister bohat hi sexy hy our us ko movies our computer ka bohet shoke hy movies to wo cd ya pher cable per dhake leti thi mager us ko computer celana nahi ata tha main un dino fareg hi tha our sara time gher main hi rehta tha.germi ky din thy baji bohat barik kepry pehan ti thi.jes main us jisem saf nezar ata ka figer 32d-28-30 ka...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Jane Wilde Family Holiday

After realizing that he was a little hard on his new stepsister, Jane for trying to sabotage his engagement to Scarlit, Aaron shows up to apologize at her apartment. It’s clear that neither of them will be able to deny their obvious attraction and before they know it – they’re both naked and all over each other on her bed. It’s everything they’d dreamt it would be – finally acknowledging that as wrong as this is – they were meant to be together, in every god damn sense of the...

2 years ago
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Making the MILF List P04

Mother's FridayThe whole week things had been weird. Mom and I could not look at each other. I am not sure what her issue was but when I did look at her, I tended to stare which led to sorting through the files of my memory; Kyla, Laura, my naked mother, all of which made me hard and I would have to retreat from public view till my pussy rocket followed the gantry back into seclusion where it belonged. I kept waiting for some sign that mother was weakening, that she needed hard cock and would...

3 years ago
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The Sitter

My name is Lori Thomas; I’m twenty-eight and have been married for six years to my college sweetheart, Drew. Two years ago I gave birth to a boy, Tommy, and became a stay at home mom. I’m a short woman, barely five-foot tall and have to admit that I have some of the baby weight still on me. My tits, though, have retained their size, a full double “D”. I guess it might have something to do with the little bit of weight I have retained. Drew is five-foot-ten and weighs in about 180. Drew looks...

Wife Lovers
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Dagmars DiaryChapter 3

After reading a half dozen more of Dagmar’s conquests (The one about her and Denis Leary was a masterpiece!), and succumbing to a strong compulsion to abuse myself (shame on me), I had to grudgingly admit that she was one of the better porn writers I’ve run across, and the imagery she created was just that much more titillating in that the stories were non-fiction. Once I got back to thinking with my brain instead of my dick, I knew that the basic issue here wasn’t her fucking those boys....

2 years ago
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Bade Boobswali Sexy Padosan Ko Choda 8211 Part 4

Hi guys I’m Manoj and back with 4th part of this story, jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ke kaise maine apni padosan pallavi ko choda agar aapne wo story nahi padhi h to pahele usko padhe. toh main ab sidhe kahani pe aata hoon. Wo nahane gayi tabhi meine bathroom ka door nock Kiya to wo andar se boli kya hua? To mein bola saboon chahiye to wo boli 1 min rukho aur usne bathroom ka darwaja halka sa kholke apna hath bahar nikalte hue saboon meri or badha diya lekin mujhe Sabon nahi mujhe uske sath nahna...

1 year ago
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4 sum fun

This story begins with a month of endless emails and conversations to which I can never say were ever a waste of time. Without them I could not produce a story or memory as amazing as this one. No one wants to here about emails but to catch you up, It all started when myself David, and my fiance Kara starting talking about 3 sums and how she would love to watch me fuck a stranger and then abuse her with my cock. Her sweet shaved pussy drips at the thought and she love telling me when we are...

1 year ago
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Saving My Marriage part 5

**************************** My eyes felt like large iron doors as I tried to pry them open. My mind slowly slipped out of a dreamless sleep and fought its way out of the fog. With a groan I slowly rolled on my side and eventually made my eyes open. There was an orange glow to the room as the sunlight crept past the thin curtains across the large glass doors leading out to the balcony. The crazy events of last night flooded my mind when I realized that I had slipped off into slumber as...

2 years ago
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The HomestandersChapter 17

As it turned out, it didn't matter that they were running late, since Emily had said only that they'd get to Scott and Sonja's "after noon sometime." But that hadn't been all she'd been vague on; she'd only said she and Vicky were going to "drop by for a bit" and with malice aforethought didn't mention motorcycles. So, it wasn't surprising to see Scott, Sonja, and their kids pour out the side door of the house when the rumble of the Harley invaded their driveway; but it was a...

3 years ago
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Mom daughter and girlfriend

This may sound completely unbelievable but it’s the solid cock was was a typical evening. I came home from college to my girlfriend Marina’s place, she let me stay with her at her moms place in Burbank for the last couple months. Marina was 23, mom Peppi was 40 something and her younger sister Andrea was 18... so I come home a bit horny and tired after school and plop myself into bed. Marina lays down next to me in her normal evening ware of g string panties and t-shirt slightly...

2 years ago
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A Humiliated Tomboy

Alex sat on her bed, playing video games. She was a cute high school senior in a baggy hoodie and basketball shorts, her orange hair cropped at her shoulders. She was sucking at her braces in concentration when she was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door.

4 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 29 Am I Safe Now

Dec .18th, 2018 Have you ever done full contact sparring without the pads? That’s how me and my buddies trained. We pulled our punches a bit. Head shots, Neck shots, Joint breaks, and the ever famous groin shots had to be pulled completely and stop just close enough so you both knew the defender could not have prevented them. Even with those areas protected you would wake up the next day so sore sometimes. Or imagine that you’re a piece of paper that someone has crumpled up in a tight ball...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 113 Ambivalence

How long she was unaware Nagi never precisely discovered, even in the intervening years since. Remembering only her next sensations were that of hands moving along her skin. Large hands, undeniably masculine yet deft and gentle as they messaged and soothed tracing the gentle flair of her adolescent hips, sliding under lifting and firmly cupping before kneading the muscles of her posterior. Extracting a gasp from her at such contact with her most intimate of areas. 'Naked.' Nagi thoughts...

1 year ago
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Kate First girl I cheated with

Sex with my girlfriend at the time was great. True love making and the one thing she did let me do was cum inside her. I needed more so i went searching. My GF had a sexy thin body. Cute butt and nice small perky tits. Gorgeous face. Butt... I had an appetite for a big ass thick girl (pun intended). I remember in high school this girl I would always flirt with but of course had no courage to make any sort of move. She was a thick girl. Nice giant booty with awesome perky tits. I had her number...

3 years ago
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The Postulants Tale Chapter Five Impending Departure

The next morning, Abigail arrived at the infirmary to find the Abbess already there, examining Peter’s hands.“You have done well, Sister Abigail,” she said with a smile. “The boy’s hands are very nearly healed. I think that he will soon be able to leave us.”Abigail lowered her head. “Thank you, Mother Clare,” she murmured, but in truth she felt tears welling into her eyes. She spoke barely a word as she cleansed Peter’s hands, which were indeed much improved, with only a few patches of raw...

1 year ago
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Consent 4

This chapter starts where the prior chapters left off.I slowly wake up, stretch and roll over, Karen is gone, but Celeste is quietly sleeping. I try to be quiet, but Celeste begins to stir. I lightly kiss her cheek and pull the sheet over her. "Go back to sleep dear, you were wonderful, but rest.I leave for my place, shower, and go to bed again. I wake the next morning about 11. Well, I guess two pussies can wear out a guy!Karen calls and asks me to meet at her place tonight at 7 to talk. So I...

4 years ago
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The Contest Day 02

DAY 2 Julie was the first out of bed. ‘So are you ready for the underwear only rule?’ I asked her. ‘Don’t get to excited, You won’t be seeing much.’ ‘Well I have the shower with you tomorrow to look forward to.’ ‘If you make it through today. I can only imagine what Ashley has planned, and I know how much you like to stare at Alexa’s ass at work. Now you get to stare at her bare ass for an hour.’ ‘Yes I do. Now I think it’s time for you to strip down, so we can leave the room.’ I was...

3 years ago
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Ex Daughter Grown Up Part 10 Prelude to Return

(Introduction: if you have read parts 1-9, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter, Yen, from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others…lots of them, and now I am flying back from the Company’s Hanoi office where my ex-wife, Ha, surprised me by being at the same hotel….again, and amongst several others she and I made love, but I left her when she ‘claimed’ me – like an...

2 years ago
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Truckers Slut

Well my Master has instructed me to write this for our one year anniversary and I am suppose to tell everything to you so you all will know how much of a cumslut I really am. It all started one year ago today when I was in my fem attire and doing housework and laundry. I should explain that I am a male crossdresser and on this occasion I wasn't dressed real slutty at all. I was wearing stockings and garders with my black heels and a mid-thigh skirt with my falsies firmly glued to my...

2 years ago
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Paying the Price for Crime

As he turned out the light, a deep sleep soon overtook him. It was not for several hours that he was stirred from his slumber by Champ, his Doberman Pinscher. Tom tried to clear the fog of being awaken. He heard the low pitched growl and could tell from the sound that Champ was now in a state of high alert. After grabbing his bedside pistol he quietly opened his bedroom door as Champ bolted through the opening. It did not take the K-9 long to find the source of the alarm. Tom could tell...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Aspen Romanoff Babysitters Birthday Surprise

Mr. Mason loves his hot babysitter Aspen Romanoff so much that he bought her a brand new car for her 18th birthday! Aspen was beyond excited and couldn’t wait to show off her pretty new car to all her friends, but before she could do that Mr. Mason had one more surprise for her. He had Aspen close her eyes, and when she opened them he presented her with his huge throbbing cock! Aspen was so grateful for the car that she had no choice but to suck it. Aspen also figured she might as well lose her...

2 years ago
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The Present..."So, who's this guy that got you to go to a library," my Dad asked. We were munching down a late Sunday brunch after my Mom and I had finished weeding her flower beds. My Mom looked way too interested as she waited for my answer. I was surprised she'd waited this long to begin her interrogation."He's a junior at the college and lives in my building," I answered. I tried to give as much truth to my lies as I could. "I volunteered to do some research for a boss and since Danny was...

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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 21

Summary – Teasing day two of the daring, naughty, sleepover. Previous Chapter – Cindy and Stacy have a sleepover. Note - This is a work of fiction. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any sexual activity with persons under 18 in real life. ***...

3 years ago
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One Night In The South

The first rays of the sun came through the open window waking him. His eyes popped open and he looked around the empty room. He wondered where he was and how he came to be here. The pounding in his head didn't seem to help him any. Lets see he thought, I stopped at that club down the street called the "All Niter's" started talking to this really gorgeous woman we left and... Then his hands went to his wallet, opening it he found it still held all of his money. So I wasn't robbed, but damn...

1 year ago
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Virgin Tuition Waali Didi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto, mera naam Ankit hai aur main Punjab mein rehta hu. Ye story uss samay ki hai jabb main 12th mein parts tha aur ache marks ke liye mujhe tuitions leni parti thi. Meri tuition waali didi ka naam Seema tha aur wo tab 24 saal ki thi.Seema didi bahut intelligent aur sundar thi. Kyunki wo pdayi jyda krti thi to unka koi bf nhi tha aur wo 24 saal ki umar mein bhi virgin hi thi. Seems didi kaafi sexy aur hot thi and fir bhi mujhe unhe didi bolna parta tha. Seema didi ke father nahi the aur...

2 years ago
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Knowing Your Neighbors

As a lover of the beach, I always look forward to our summer vacation in South Carolina. We started going to Sullivan's Island several years after we were married, mostly because we wanted to go to a residential beach but also because we wanted to tour Charleston. Hayley and I went about every other year, rationing our vacation time between pleasure and family commitments, enjoying the intimacy of small house a block off the beach that was quite affordable. And as the kids came along, our...

3 years ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 26 Three Ring Circus

Friday, September 01st, 2006, Paris, France Violet and I stepped out of the stretched limo, hearing my mother’s, sisters’, Sheila’s, Angie’s, and even Aimee’s nervous concerns echoing back from behind us. They were reminding us to be careful, to come out in one piece, basically saying all of the various sentiments told to loved ones everywhere that were heading into danger. Even Billy had said, ‘Tanty Eyelet, be safe! ‘Ake, be safe too!’ in a copycat fashion. I’d had to use my power on the...

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