- 2 years ago
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Carolyn watched in grim despair as Jason Benson wrestled the enormous Great Dane out of his cage and into the sturdy choke chain which afforded only a meager means of control as he jumped and pawed and slid on the slick tile floor.
She strained frantically at the wide straps which buckled her body immobile upon the molded contours of the dog stanchion, but it was hopeless. The tight bands held her motionless. She raised her head and looked down. One strap crossed her chest and pulled firmly under her arms, a second strap was cinched tight across her lower abdomen and buckled down over her hips. With every ounce of strength in her frightened body, Carolyn strained to free herself. Nothing moved except the bulge of muscles across her stomach and shoulders, pulling until they screamed She was totally helpless... unless... if her hands were free?... again she tensed and tried desperately to pull her wrists free but the snare held firm. Was there no way to stop this awful man, this human beast whose monstrous appetites matched those of the animals he served? No way. No way. Carolyn closed her eyes and let her head fall back on the table with a thump. She could hear the scratching of the dog's paws upon the tile and knew he was coming nearer and nearer. Her head rolled from side to side hopelessly. No, oh dear God, NO! "Now don't you go to frettin' over there."
Through the blue haze of near shock, Carolyn heard Mario's teasing voice above the sound of running water.
"I'll come hold your hand just as soon as I get my little friend here washed off." Mario called to her across the room. "Bravo's got a damn good mouth on him but he gets a little messy sometimes."
Mario chuckled lewdly from his place at the low sink.
"He's not neat like you were the other night. Why, it was a real pleasure to service you seein' as how you cleaned it all up after your dinner."
Carolyn squeezed her eyes tighter shut as if shutting out the sound of his obscene comments. How could he, how could anyone be so ugly?
"Now, the King... you remember the King, don't cha baby?... he cleans up real well after himself." His comments came across the room loud and clear as he turned off the faucet and rolled his wet penis in the towel. "Mannnn, you two were something else!"
"Oh, shut up, SHUT UP!" Carolyn screamed at the loathsome little man. "Just... shut up... OHHHH!"
Carolyn gasped suddenly. Her eyes snapped open. She lifted her head up as high as the restraining bonds permitted and stared in horror between her splayed legs. Bound to the stanchion stirrups, her legs were forced as far apart as the stretched tendons would allow and bent almost double like a grasshopper ready to spring away in retreat. Only Carolyn couldn't retreat from the massive head which peered down at her through the V- spread of her legs.
His cold wet nose poked first at one bare thigh and then the other, sniffing at the man-scented dots where Mario's leaking penis had bounced only moments before. The Dane licked speculatively at her thighs. Carolyn pressed her knees outward until the muscles ached. It was the only part of her pinioned body that she could move... her knees... and she strove frantically to press them away from the cold probing nose of the beast at her loins. The effort was a vain one for the dog's head followed the scant inches of her move with little effort. She fluttered her knees back and forth, hoping to discourage his eager sniffing, but the movement only caused her splayed lips to part and the hot scent of her woman hole rose to the dog's snuffling nose. Instantly, he stopped the inspection of the faint scented flesh and licked his muzzle and whined softly.
Carolyn winced beneath his warm breath as the dog panted over her open body. The muscles in her neck had begun to cramp. The strain of holding up her head was too great and she finally let it fall back against the plastic table. She knew it was better that she didn't watch the beastly rape of her tender body, but it was like not watching the executioner's ax. She closed her eyes tight and clamped her teeth and waited.
Jason stood at the great dog's side, loosely holding the choke chain, his eyes glued to the exquisite expressions of horror which distorted her pretty face. The dog's cold nose poked at the brown curls and Carolyn's face contorted pitifully. Jason could feel the thrill streaks rushing through his body as he watched the mental anguish twist the girl's face into ugly caricatures. He dropped the slack chain from his hand and slowly rubbed both palms up and down over his groin. One hand passed back and forth over the growing lump of his awakening organ. He pressed down with his hands, encouraging the growth of the reluctant beast in his britches. It was slow to come, but he didn't mind. As the dog warmed up the bitch, he too would warm with need. There was plenty of time, plenty of time. He let his eyes slide slowly down over her plastic prison and paused to watch the burly animal which hunkered over her trembling cunt. The dog was poking at the open hole now with his wet snuffling noise. Jason could see the girl wince each time the animal prodded at the opening. Wait till he began to lick that exposed little button. He couldn't wait to see the expression on her face then. He rubbed harder at the tingling bump in his pants... and waited.
Mario watched Jason's distorted leer. What a weirdo, he thought. Hell, everybody likes a piece of wet tail. Most everybody wants the musky lingering taste of pussy in their mouth after the screwin' is done. But not this guy. He shook his head and watched his employer's growing excitement. He's gotta scratch his kicks out of the dirt. Just look at him, Mario thought, he ain't interested in watching the dog lick her pussy. He ain't watching the dog's big prick oozing out of its hole and getting itself ready. Hell, he ain't even looking at her tits. Got a couple of bolts loose somewhere. Gotta be. All he cares about is watching the girl's face and seeing her suffer. He's fuckin' the kid's soul, that's what he's doing, fuckin' her goddamn soul! Mario shook his head and walked to the side of the stanchion where he could look down at the girl. To each their own, but he'd rather get in on the action.
"Feel good, baby?" he asked, the faint smile of perversity flicking up the corners of his mouth. "Feel good yet? It won't take long once he starts licking that pretty little pussy of yours."
Mario looked down at the breadth of the dog's great head nuzzling between the girl's legs and watched as the wide pink tongue lapped out and over his dark muzzle.
"Lick the pretty lady, Nero, lick, lick," he crooned quietly to the dog. "Get 'er turned on like old King did and you'll have yourself hung up on a real bitching screw!"
He laughed at his joke a real 'bitch-ing' screw - that's all the women were to Jason's dogs, just another bitch in heat. They all smelled like fuckin'. What the hell difference did it make to an animal? If they smelled right and had a hole to fit around their dog-knot, they got it buried in 'em clear up to the gonads. He watched as the dog licked experimentally at the ragged pink hole. Absentmindedly he rested one hand on Carolyn's breast and began to roll the small pink nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His eyes were on the dog's thick tongue as it explored the outer crevices of her succulent body. Now and then, his own tongue poked out of its cave and darted back and forth between his lips. He seemed oblivious to the nipple which grew firm and tight between his rolling fingers. Mario's eyes were on the furry tongue which lapped relentlessly at the woman's open crotch. It was heating up despite her mental damnations. He knew because he could catch the subtle scent of her juices. He knew the odor well. Mario breathed deep and patted the near- limp penis which still hung from his open fly, washed clean, but resting from Bravo's canine ministrations. His time would come again. No hurry. He enjoyed the sensual sight of a woman licked into the furies of passion- whether it was one of Jason's dogs doing the honors or a man at her crotch-it was a sexy sight that could stir up a dead man's dong. Specially when the gal wasn't willing.
There was something about the dogs raping a woman and making her like it that bloody well set off his alarm. He leaned over a little to get a better view of the girl's stubby little clitoris. Yeah, it WAS standin' up already. Goddamn, ya had to give the dogs credit where credit was due - they could sure fuzzy up a cold cunt with those rough tongues of theirs. Mario abstractly ran his tongue flat against the roof of his mouth, trying to feel its texture. Too bad he didn't have a sandpaper tongue the way he liked to eat hot pussy. He'd drive 'em out of their everlovin' gourds! He glanced at Jason. His eyes were still on the girl's face, and he was panting in short gasps of air. Mario grinned and looked at the girl.
Carolyn's eyes were closed. Her head no longer rocked from side to side. She was motionless except for an occasional contraction of swallowing in her throat and the incessant chewing on her lower lip. There were small pearls of cold sweat dancing on her forehead. Beneath the plastic nest of the table, her fingers knotted into tight white fists and laid tense in their prison bonds.
She could feel the repeated flurries of hot breath against the tender flesh of her exposed body. The wet cold nose poked in and around the upper edge of her slit, prodding the unwilling nubbin to life. How do you stop the idiot thing from getting hard? How, she screamed silently in her mind, how? It was beginning to swell. The rough tongue was forcing life into the susceptible slit no matter how hard she tried to control it. She clamped her jaw tight and prayed the dog wouldn't get carried away with himself and bite. She would bleed to death. The pain... and the pain would be unbearable. It would start any minute, she was certain, and it would be unbearable. But there was no pain. The long thick abrasive tongue rubbed at her private parts and the soft full lips of her vagina purred happily in response.
Little by little, the muscles became less tense. If anyone had been watching, they would have seen her straining body sink slowly, slowly, into the molded depths of the plastic stanchion. The grasshopper legs softened their rigid discipline and gradually, hardly noticeably, opened to admit the width of the animal's massive skull. The heavy muzzle pressed against the soft pink blossom of her body and let the long supple tongue work at the open slit, sliding in to taste the first wines of her growing need. Carolyn sucked in a deep breath as the tongue searched deeper, twisting and turning in her woman hole as it would search for the last marrow in a bone. The rough surface seemed to adhere and cling to her. It felt like the educated tongue of the great dog was coaxing her insides to come out and play where he could get to them and massage them into passionate submission. She breathed heavily, her full lips parted and damp, her tongue licking now and then around her moist lips.
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Today is the day that Britt’s first sex on camera is released. So if you love seeing little 18 year-old newbies take cock up their asses then this video’s not it. But if you are then you’ll want to go check out Backroomcastingcouch.com and watch Britt take it up the ass because that’s what they do over there. It’s a good one and like I said this is Britt’s first sex on camera and if you know anything about ExCoGi or our sister sites then you know we’re not any of those other sites [and...
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История абсолютно реальна, имена героев изменены. Может, ты прочтёшь это, вспомнишь, как всё было, и тебе станет так же тепло, как и мне от воспоминаний, ведь я тебе желаю только самого доброго и хорошего, Хаски...Где-то на нулевом километре, в точке отсчёта, когда каждая душа выбирает себе путь, мы уже знали, что именно на этой планете мы сотворим эксперимент, продуктом которого будет бесценный опыт...Обычный апрельский день, уже практически полностью сошёл снег с промёрзшей земли, солнце...
?It's nine a.m. and this is Dougie the Dog here at WKGC, and we're back with ClaudiaLeary, better known as Claudia Canary. You're amazing, Claudia! Sixty millionalbums, four Grammy's and seven American Music Awards, and recently you werenamed best pop female vocalist at ToneFest!? ?Thanks, Dougie, you're too kind, and I couldn't have done it without thepeople who work behind me?? ?Oh, no you're remarkable. My daughter has the poster for your movie, as well.But what I wanted to talk about...
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Wife Lovers“GOD BRYAN FUCK ME! PUT THAT BIG BEAUTIFUL COCK INSIDE ME! PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU, RAM THAT COCK INSIDE ME AND MAKE ME YOURS!” Abby screamed into the night. Bryan far from being stupid did just what Abby had begged him to do. He slipped is cock deep inside her causing her the chirp when he bottomed out. He had to be careful at first for she was extremely tight and Abby felt like she was losing her virginity all over again. Now her vocals changed and she howled as Bryan slide in and out of her....
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Brooke’s shoes barely touched her parent’s, Athens Texas, ranch soil, when a German Shepard sprinted from the front veranda towards her. Barks, high chirps, and furiously tail wagging announced his eagerness and excitement, recognizing his love. A cloud of dust greeted her as his paws dug into the hard ground, skidding to a stop. “Hi Tex, hi my boy, I’ve missed you so much!” Brooke cooed as her faithful four-legged partner fussed over the arrival of his beloved master. “How’s my boy?” She...
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Daniel shot her a grin and whispered in her ear. "It's okay, babe, I know she's your best friend. We'll let her tag along for now." A gorgeous blonde walked a few strides behind the young couple, her slender figure rushing to keep up. "Guys...slow it down!" Aubrey whined. Kayla rolled her eyes so that only Daniel could see. The truth was that she had been looking forward to spending a little alone time with Daniel in his dorm room. Opportunity knocked - how else could one...
Yes, in case you're wondering, I was able to get hard again while washing my plump, cheating wife Lisa under the hot water jets of the shower, my hands caressing her soft, pampered flesh as I did so. I found my hands wandering all over her skin, just as hers did on mine. She went out of her way to arouse me, too. She knew the nature of her charms where I was concerned: her curves, her ass, her hips, and her fine breasts. I caught her biting her bottom lip when I started fingering her freshly...
A week after moving to live with the Williams’, Skye received a call from the State Department. The Official said Skye and a companion of her choice had been invited to visit China for seven days on a cultural exchange next month, a visit that had been approved by both Governments. ‘But why?’ ‘Because you have significant impact as a writer in parts of China and you will visit four areas where your popularity is significant and at the first of those centers you have been invited to open a...
The timing of Bud's plan for enslaving Kim was excellent. Unfortunately, events conspired to make him move sooner than the plan. The Friday before his planned intervention, Kevin caught Bud on the phone just before Bud arrived at the high school for his afternoon classes. "Bud, there are rumors buzzing around campus about a party the Tri-Zeds are having tonight. It's supposed to be a BDSM theme. After our talk, I had a girl I know in some of Dawn's classes keep an eye on her. My friend...
It felt like I hadnt slept in weeks. My job was hectic, my boyfriend left me and now it seemed I had a ghost in my apartment. Everytime I laid down and shut my eyes, I would feel something touch me and I would jerk away, I would see someone standing over my bed but but by the time I rolled over and turned on my light he was gone. Just like that, too fast for a human...had to be. Besides, how would he have gotten in? My doors were always locked and I lived on the second story. It also didnt make...
I'm probably the biggest fan of milf porn you'll ever fucking meet. Over the past few years, I've spent too much time jerking off to milf porn; it's all I've watched today. I started with some of my favorites, like Sara Jay and Jodi West. I follow this newer milf on Twitter, and I'm sure you heard of her, but she interrupted my fap of Jodi West. She's a newer milf that I'm sure we've all fapped to once or a million times; her name is Britney Amber.She's probably my favorite milf right now, and...
Twitter Porn AccountsPart 3 : Training Classes. In the morning after she’d served the madam sexually and as furniture the previous evening, as well as having been fucked and sodomized by the warden during the night she was led out of his office for the first time in five days, except for the photo shoot and short session in the madam’s office as live furniture. After going through some tunnels, she was led into a large gym and then to an adjoining room for a psychical fitness assessment. She was weighed and every...
Erotic FictionI was tall for my age at 5’6” and pretty thin, but was definitely a late bloomer when it came to sexual characteristics. I could count the number of dark brown hairs just above my circumcised penis, probably less than 20, had no hair under my arms at all, and only a few short dark hairs at the base of my legs. I had only started masturbating a few months previously, and was somewhat concerned that I seemed to be mostly interested in fantasizing about other boys. That evening my sisters...
She paid for the room and got back into the car. The excitement was almost unbearable . She’d been planning on this night for a week now. She’d called him several times that day to make sure that their plans were still a go. He’d met her outside work with all the things they needed. She re-parked her car as planned and he’d driven her to the motel. As she moved toward the room the excitement and nervousness got worse and worse. She couldn’t believe she was actually going through with...
InterracialGamelin stared at the ruin that the other patrol had suffered, shaken to his core. Not even a finger-width. In less than a finger-width, his patrol had destroyed a Zarthani patrol, larger than his own. Gamelin glanced at his own dead trooper, sprawled on the ground a few feet away. It wasn't the first dead man he'd seen, but it was the first man to die that he, personally, had been responsible for. It was hard to say which was more sobering: the ruin on the hillside in front of him, or the...
When I was eighteen years old I was arrested for a curfew violation and spent the night in a juvenile facility. It was supposed to teach me a lesson and ensure I never crossed paths with the local constabulary again and it worked. I have remained a law abiding citizen ever since…for the most part. I was taken to a holding cell for overnight keeping, where three other boys, perhaps a bit older than me, were also being held. There were only two bunks in the room and they were already taken so...
If any one has any sexy lesbian Selena Gomez stories feel free to post them Selena wasn’t worried about the Teen Choice Awards. Years ago, before her career had taken off, before Wizards of Waverly Place, maybe walking the red carpet might have made her nervous. But she’d been different then–less confident, less sure of herself. Now, she stepped out of her limo, flashed the reporters and the crowd her famous smile, and strutted toward the theater. This was going to be the perfect night. A...
Comfortably Numb is a French-built 44’ aluminum sailboat that serves as my retirement home. I had her built as a (late) mid-life crisis and moved aboard when I stopped working. My wife decided that my reversion to what she viewed as a teenage mentality and the relative primitiveness of boat life were inconsistent with her lifestyle and she found herself a rich banker. I sail the boat mostly in the eastern Aegean Sea, hopping between Greek islands with an occasional foray into Turkey. Previous...
SeductionAlex Harper is at work and is naked. As she puts on her black and red lingerie, her milky white skin shines in the light. Alex is hot as fuck and she knows it. She prepares the room as she pours the Nuru oil into the wooden bowl and gets ready for her next client. When Dereck Pierce walks into the salon for his appointment, he finds the receptionist desk empty. When he calls out wondering if anyone’s there, Alex rushes in apologizing. When they make eye contact, Dereck realizes that...
xmoviesforyouA few months had passed and I was almost done with my senior year. The only thing I had left to do was graduate, and my graduation ceremony was tonight. I couldn’t believe how quickly the past four years of high school had passed by. Mr. Patterson and I continued to fuck regularly, except now, we would do it outside of school as well. I had been to his apartment a few times, and he to my house when my parents weren’t home. We took advantage of every single moment we had. Stole kisses before...