An ClochánChapter 71 free porn video

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On the knoll Zoe’s, Alana’s, and Vanessa’s teams described the events since finding the two bodies to Sarah’s, Siobhan’s, and Keriann’s Clans. Briana then told of finding four people near Siobhan’s shuttle, and their camp site. She continued with, “As to the victims by the cave, the forensic team’s initial impression is that they’ve been dead for several months, and perhaps longer. They are certain that the two victims were naked when staked out. What happened between that point and their deaths is still to be sorted but that may not be possible. Based on the animal tracks and the position of their bones they were partially eaten before decay started. Since there isn’t any urgency the team is going over the site very slowly and thoroughly. They’ve requested permission to stay as long as it takes to finish collecting evidence. It was approved a few minutes ago.”

“Any obvious clues regarding the victims?” queried Eileen of Siobhan’s Clan.

“As far as we can tell they weren’t our family, nor were they Atewa or Monque. However, there are breeds in both those worlds that we haven’t interacted with.”


“What about the observers?” asked Sally. “Like, where are they from? Why are they here? Sorry, those weren’t fair questions.”

“I think those are questions that we all have,” commented Conan.

Briana replied, “Well based on an exchange between Ge, Mi, and Cathan, two groups are watching your camp site with cameras. The weapons they have are similar to what we would carry on a recon mission.”

“How are we going to handle this?” queried Niamh.

Emma responded, “Intelligence and Security want to just monitor them for the time being.”

Abaigeal of Briana’s Team added, “Each group we’ve discovered is now infested with our spiders, with controllers to handle the acquired data. We left the four that Cathan’s team met sleeping on the ramp. A search of their bags found what appears to be surveillance equipment. Their camp contained more equipment and what appear to be base communication units.”

“Oh, I forgot to mention,” said Briana, “the observers on the ridge monitoring your camp site aren’t much higher than you. The group further south can see some of the hillsides that lie on the east side of this meadow.”

“So they didn’t see any of our exercises,” responded Chester. “On the other hand they likely saw most of the activities in the training area, which could be informative to their sponsors. That includes how we integrate teams with other worlds for joint exercises. So is this a concern?”

Aoife said, “We know that there are liaison people from other worlds in the Atewa and Monque Intelligence groups. Once we know more about the observers, we should be able to figure out what world they come from.”

Tara added, “If they are from an element of the Alliance, and since we know they are here, it seems like an opportune time to learn how this group is supporting an operation like this. For instance, how do they communicate? And how did they get here? So, because of that, I like what Intelligence has planned.”

“I think we would all like answers to those questions,” said Siobhan. “You realize that our people who visit other worlds will be scrutinized just as carefully.”

Rusty said, “Once we determine who is supporting them we could let them know that we aware of their activities here, and that we see those activities as an invitation to act in the same manner toward them.”

“We should play that card very carefully,” responded Keriann.

“Oh, I definitely agree. I think all of us should keep abreast of this.”

“Agreed,” they replied.

Zoe asked, “How do we record our activity and recent events?”

“Any comments about the observers are to be kept separate and secure,” replied Briana.

“We will need to make some revisions in our log then,” said Alana. “However, that should be easy as they haven’t been filed yet.”

“Did you get all the cameras set up?” queried Kendra of Siobhan’s Clan.

“On that side of the ridge, yes. We plan to do this valley tomorrow morning.”

Amber added, “Since we are now very familiar with this valley why don’t we assist you.”

“That would be great,” responded Zoe. “Since this is an add-on a shuttle is bringing more cameras and transmitters this evening.”

“Are you all hungry?” queried Alison.

“Are you serious? Do you realize how late it is? On top of that we didn’t have very much this morning as we had too many things to do.”

“Well lunch is ready,” responded Claudette as she and Keira lifted the lids off the food trays.

As they began to eat Kelly said, “Briana, what are your plans for this afternoon?”

“We need to check with Cathan, but we will likely head on back. Why?”

“Well you might want to practice your dream-walking skills. Yesterday, we took a dream-walk around the valley. This morning we surveyed the valley using our IPTPs and then compared our dream-walk perceptions to real distances. The differences were significant enough that we think that everyone with dream-walk ability should make the same comparison.”

“That is interesting,” responded Adam. “It might explain some things we’ve experienced and seen.” Looking at his spouses he added, “I suspect we could take a couple of hours this afternoon to do that.”

Lana of Zoe’s Clan said, “Well since we need to wait for supplies we should try it as well, although we don’t have our IPTPs here.”

Claudette said, “Now that is a problem I can easily solve.”

It was late afternoon when Briana’s Clan boarded DBM02 to rejoin Cathan’s Clan on the other side of the ridge. As soon as they left Sarah’s, Siobhan’s, Keriann’s, Zoe’s, Alana’s, and Vanessa’s Clans began walking back to their camp site. They were about half way to camp when they saw Ge and Mi coming down the hill off to their left. When Ge and Mi were clear of the tree line they loped across the meadow toward the group.

“You two look like you are glad to be here,” said Maeve.

“We are.”

“Well we are pleased to have you join us.”

When Ge and Mi reached them, they stopped to be petted before continuing toward the camp.

As they walked Sarah said, “We thought it would take you longer to get here.”

“We went around the south end of the flooded area,” replied Ge. “You all could probably follow our path, but we aren’t sure about anyone else. It is pretty rough. We think you could cross the gaps that we jumped. There are only a few other groups who could do that without having to climb down then back up. Actually walking may be easier closer to the flooded area, but then crossing the stream could be more difficult. We didn’t look for places where it could be crossed.”

“We went on a dream-walked up that way yesterday evening,” said Emma. “From that perspective there seemed to be a few places where you could wade across without too much difficulty, if the water was at a normal level anyway.”

“We saw some places where that looked possible. We jumped across at a narrow spot because it was reasonably clear on both sides. Nearby was a place where we could have made small jumps between big rocks to get across. We chose not to do that because they were wet and looked slick, besides there were better alternatives.”

Mi added, “I’d rather swim than slip off a rock. We likely could have done without running for the jump, but we had the space so...”

“Well we are glad you’ve joined us,” said several of the group.

“Were the predators following you a problem?” asked Mi.

“Not today. Yesterday we were on a different knoll and as we were getting ready to leave they made a run at us. They were surprised when they ran into the shield. We also used our IPTPs to travel both ways. Some of them followed us most of the way back but didn’t attempt to pass the two herds grazing near our camp.”

“We may go check them out later. They look different to others we’ve seen.”

“They are. We suspect they hunt in at least pairs.”

“What did you think of the observers?” queried Terry.

“They apparently have the skill to move without leaving a visual trail, although their trail from near where you’ve exercised before to where they are now is pretty obvious. We think that is because they were on foot and in a hurry to catch up with you. They are not the same as the people who’ve been at Tara Ardchlár or visited our ships.”

“That is very helpful. Thanks,” Terry responded as she scratched their ears.

“What are you going to do about them?”

“Nothing for now. We are curious about their presence.”

“Some of us could monitor them.”

“Good idea, but we like having you near us.”

“We like being near you as well. However it would give us an opportunity to teach the younger ones some additional skills without a great deal of risk.”

“I’ll let Intelligence know that we will be gathering more information on the activity in this area,” responded Sally. “I will assure them that we will share the information with them as it becomes available. They will be very happy when they see it as it won’t need as much analysis as the other sources require.”

“If you transfer us then only a few would know that we are there.”

“Okay. Tomorrow we will arrange it. Who?”

“Well it won’t be us but there will be 2 adults and 4 cubs. We will let you know later who and when they are ready. Depending on food supply they will likely stay more than a week, but no more than two. They will let you know when they are ready to return.”

“That would be fine. Thanks for the idea and for offering assistance.”

The next morning during breakfast Sean of Zoe’s Clan said, “Last night was an experience that I will always remember.”

“What was so special about last night?” queried Oriel of Keriann’s Clan.

“Maybe it is just me but this is the first family camp fire I’ve participated in with you all. Sure we’ve had similar gatherings since arriving here but last night just felt different. Maybe it was the mood I was in, but I would like to think that it is the group I am with. So perhaps I should consider it a blessing, just like it was to be invited into Zoe’s Clan or meeting this extended family.”

“Well we are glad that our paths crossed, and that you opted to join us. I am certain that your spouses are also pleased with the outcome of those events.”

“You better believe it,” responded the women of Zoe’s Clan.

Melody added, “Last night I felt more relaxed than I usually do.”

Ge rubbed up against Melody as she said, “Thank you, we are glad that our presence permitted you to relax.” She then licked Melody’s cheek.

“You’re welcome. We are always glad to have you around.”

“Very true,” added Sean.

Sean’s comment prompted an exchange of thoughts about the camp fire the previous night from the others. As the conversation began to peter out Aoife said, “It has been a long time since a group of us have sat around and shared like we have this morning.”

Emma added, “That is because it seems as though there is always a task pending that needs our attention. I like this because I get to know each of you a bit more in-depth. There are aspects of our personalities that aren’t very clear in our mind-link making it easy to overlook them.”

“I agree,” responded Amber of Siobhan’s Clan.

Sarah said, “I’ve always found enjoying a camp fire with my friends and family to be very relaxing. Well the day is moving on so Zoe, Alana, Vanessa, what is your plan for putting out the cameras?”

Zoe said, “Let’s pack up and head south with the shuttles. Each shuttle has a map showing approximately where we think the cameras should be placed. As we progress toward the south end of the valley each shuttle will stop at intervals to put out the cameras and relay-stations. Most likely the first one to stop will be the first one to move to a new position, that way we leap-frog our way up the valley. We think we should be done in an hour or two doing it that way ... well maybe a bit longer but not much.”

“Leap-frog?” queried Casidhe.

“It is a children’s game and it refers to when the one at the end of the line jumps to the head of the line.”

“Now I understand. Thanks.”

It was late morning when the Órarduine finished setting up the cameras. The three shuttles began their return trip with a climb out of the valley. As they rose to about 500 meters they moved into formation. They then turned east to reach a heading that would take them over Carey FOB. As they passed along the east side of the valley they watched the terrain below. The meadow west of their camp site was no longer flooded but it still had large patches of standing water. As they continued north they saw indications that other areas downstream had also flooded but those didn’t appear to be as severe as the flooded areas upstream.

Melissa said, “Did anyone take aerial photos of the flooding?”

“Yes,” replied Oriel.

Eleánóir said to the Security teams, “Can you give us more background on the purpose of the cameras?”

Vanessa and Alana both said, “Zoe?”

Chuckling Zoe said to the other teams, “You all can answer this as well as I can.”

She continued with, “We understand that it is a pilot project. The purpose is to see if a camera matrix, along with a weather station, is an effective means of gathering wildlife data and general information about an area. It is hoped that this will reduce the need for people to explore uncharted areas. The goal is to add more depth to what we know about the various places we are interested in.

“On Earth this was done by explorers then settlers, it also took place over a very long time and some of the information was wrong. If the information gathered provides our biologists with a good understanding of a location then it will be easier to select optimal sites for future settlements. The obvious goal of this is to avoid establishing a settlement in a poor location. Monitoring an area over a period of time should give us an understanding of the biosphere at that location.”

“Okay. Someone should get a pat on the back for thinking so far ahead.”

Kelly said, “They did. I think all of us realize that our presence will result in changes to the biosphere. Ideally we would like those changes to be minimal, and not negative.”

“Which will be impacted by how we structure our economy,” added Tiff of Siobhan’s Clan.

After the three shuttles passed the FOB at Carey, they turned and headed into space toward the clan’s ships. Siobhan said to the other clans, “What are your plans for this evening?”

“Well,” said Alana, “I suspect we will spend the afternoon with Intelligence reviewing our observations.”

“Sounds about right,” added Zoe and Vanessa.

Keriann said with a smile, “Do you have a proposal?”

“Yes,” replied Emma. “How about all of you joining us for dinner at Tara, followed by a little dancing?”

Erin said, “I think we could do that although I don’t think we will stay very late.”

“We aren’t planning a late night but this commitment will push Zoe’s, Alana’s, and Vanessa’s Clans to finish their activity review.”

“Hey, we don’t drag them out,” responded Belinda.

“We know you don’t, but now you have an excuse to speed things up.”

“With that kind of a benefit we’ll have to go out with you all more often,” laughed Elyse of Alana’s Clan.

“It was nice to have you all along,” responded Sarah’s, Siobhan’s, and Keriann’s Clans.

Erin and Alison were walking toward the Intelligence group’s conference room on Tara when they saw Kaitlin, Eileen, and Emma waving. They paused so that the trio could join them as they were also attending the morning meeting. When they were close Erin and Alison said, “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” replied the other three before exchanging hugs.

“Have you seen Katia?” queried Kaitlin.

“I’m already in the conference room.”

“Okay. We’ll be there in a few minutes. Are we late?”

“Nope. I am early. Besides, they are still setting up.”

“Good morning,” said the group with Erin when they entered the conference room.

“Good morning,” came the reply. Greetings were interspersed with preparations for the meeting.

Muireann said, “There are refreshments and snacks along the back counter.”

Entering Erica said, “Oh goody, I won’t miss breakfast. Good morning everyone.”

“You missed breakfast?” queried Katia. “I didn’t think anyone did that.”

“I wish. Fortunately it is not often.”


“We think the gremlins are on the loose this morning. Since the discovery of the people on Carey, we’ve been a bit more paranoid with regard to faulty sensors. Faulty sensors are a problem we’ve had for some time. While some of the issues are due to them being used in an environment they weren’t designed for, many are due to wildlife taking an interest in them. However, from what our engineering staff have told us they are close to having a solution.”

“It shouldn’t take a lot of effort to check them out, so I must be missing something.”

“Well if they need to be physically checked we have to send 2 technicians and 2 security staff. The security is needed due to our people being stalked when out alone or in pairs. No one has been attacked, but why take the risk.”


“Several who have hunting experience think that the predators are using our presence to aid their hunting. To put it another way, our presence distracts their prey.”

“Muireann, sorry for sidetracking your meeting,” said Katia.

“Well I think it was productive, just not in the direction we intended. Our goal this morning is to bring you up to date on the groups recently discovered on Carey. First a bit of housekeeping since this is the first time we’ve had an incident like this. This incident has been labeled UKV-Carey-06-01. UKV indicates unknown visitor. Obviously Carey is the place. Zero six is the year and the last number is the incident number. Although there are multiple groups it is being viewed as a single incident.

“The first logged notice of these people was by PSTA01 AI. However, the Spec Ops teams thought they were being watched several times after arriving with the three Command Staffs at Carey. The sensation did not have a predatory aspect to it thus they chose to reduce their sensitivity to it. Three of our Command Staffs were in our special practice area.” Muireann then reviewed the details of how the people’s presence was discovered and the initial data collected. She then outlined the assets deployed to monitor the various groups. “Yesterday, we found their support base. It is in a narrow valley 40 km south and slightly west of the training area. There appear to be 6 people there. They are resupplying their teams using drones. This conclusion is based on the presence of several drones on the ground there. They have done a very good job of hiding their presence.”

“So how did you locate them so quickly?” queried Katia of Kathryn’s Clan.

“Luck and timing played a large role. Early yesterday morning aerial surveillance noticed some small objects flying near tree top level. Their first thought was that they were birds but after paying closer attention to their movements they decided to focus on where they went. One of the objects ended up near where Cathan’s Clan encountered the first group before disappearing. A short time later it reappeared and headed toward where we now know they are based. We have not detected any long distance communication either between the groups, or off planet. It could be technology that we are not familiar with. This morning a delivery to a different location was detected.”

“Do you know what prompted Cathan’s Team to approach them the way they did?”

“In their words, instinct, but it was a little more than that.” Several chuckled. “A better answer is that PSTA01 AI had determined that they were biological entities. The team did not sense any hostility or similar intent as they approached them, which fit with the way the four had investigated PSTA01. Putting them to sleep gave the team an opportunity to assess these people without them knowing they had been discovered. Besides, the UKV people apparently didn’t want to be seen by us so we obliged them. While the four slept on the ramp, with the assistance of the lions, we searched and photographed their gear. During this two team members and the lions went to check out the group’s camp site, which they also photographed and searched. Once their activity at the site was complete the lions rooted through it to make it look like animals had been there. They even marked it in several locations.”


“Yes. The team had a pair of lions with them. They indicated that without the lions’ assistance searching the camp site would have either taken longer, or not been as effective. As it was everything was completed well before the sedative wore off.”

“I guess they could make a mess of things, and their foot prints would provide evidence leading to a reasonable conclusion.”

“Based on later observations and the spider data, it was very effective. This group moved their camp site later that day.”

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The shower

Joe had been a janitor at Wickman School For Girls for about three years, and while the pay wasn't the greatest, being a young single guy he didn't have many needs. Besides, the scenery at the school was nothing short of spectacular! The little bitches who attended the exclusive private school never even gave him a second glance, and as far as they were concerned he didn't even exist, but that was O.K. with him because it gave him the perfect cover for his one and only hobby, trying to see...

3 years ago
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Mini Ko Sardar Se Chudhuvayi Part 8211 2

Iss ki safi readers ko meri namaskar.Mem kumari fir ek kahani lekar aayi hum.Bahuth lok ki demand dhe mini ko sardar se chuthuwayi uski agale part likhne ko.Agar koi pahli part nahi pade ho tho wo padne bad hi ye part 2 pade. Usi dhin subedar saheb aur mini khane ke bad fi lage rahe.Ek bar meri samne saheb uski gand fi mara.Uske bad muje neend aane lagi.Mem sofa me letke soyi.Light off nahi ki dhi.Ek do ghande bad meri neendh khuli tho sardar nange lete hue dhe.Mini ko udhar kahi dhikhayi nahi...

1 year ago
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"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a white lace garter belt holding up a...

2 years ago
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My First Big Cock

My first black cock, as it happened by accidentnot so very long ago.Trina, a beautiful lite skinned woman who had been my best friend for several years and I were hanging out.She stood about 5'7" sporting a ceremonious pair of 38 dd breasts with the biggest areolas I have ever seen. She was hot looking, no matter what she wore, her well defined assets managed to get everybody's attention including mine.Her waist long jet black coarse hair swayed in the summer breeze as we lounged topless around...

2 years ago
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Peeping Tom Rewrite of version by Aansky0

My step-sister and I are nearly a year apart in age but in the same grade at school. So we were both ready to graduate this year. One of the benefits of being in the same grade is that we are taking most of the same classes, so we were studying the same things. We also had the tendency to study at the same time in the evening at our dining room table instead of in each of our respective rooms. Our parents are pretty conservative and very religious, and school is very important to them, and to...

2 years ago
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Widow Aunty

Hi everybody, welcome to you all. Read my real sex story and enjoy. I’m not that good in English. If any thing wrong please forgive me. I’m Hemant 28 yrs guy, 5.9 in height. Brownish skin with good physic. Live in Delhi. This is my first experiences. This happened last month. Next to my house stays a good looking Aunt by name Neha who is 40 yrs old and she is a widow and she has two twin daughters. . She is white skin have sexy milk boobs and well shaped body. Approx weigh is 59 kgs. Was...

1 year ago
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The Cyber SeriesCyber 002

Slowly stepping up behind your chair, I lean down and softly brush my lips across your hair as my face lowers towards your neck. Nostrils flaring as I inhale deeply the scent of your shampoo, the touch of cologne that still lingers on your robe from when you wore it before showering the other day. My arms move forward and the tips of my fingers come to rest on the tops of your shoulders and slowly begin to slide back and forth across the tops of them. My lips pass across the hair that covers...

3 years ago
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Rebas TranceChapter 7

Three days later... “I have to admit ... Eugene’s heart was the tastiest part of him. He took a little longer to finish off, but then he was a porker, wasn’t he? A nice, hearty Riesling and a rice pilaf go well with long pig, I dare say. We’ll definitely have to do this again, won’t we? With some other prick, that is,” Reba commented as she patted her belly in satiation. “Always grab the porkers, though. We can live well off the likes of them. Always mean, nasty guys who are also porkers,...

2 years ago
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Best Time Spend With Mami

Hi I m rock (name changed) 21 years old from Punjab. I am a huge fan of iss; reading a lot of stories on this site. This site was introduced by my friend 3 years ago. And there’s hardly a day without iss. The main category of iss I like is incest. I read all the stories of incest and here’s what I am posting for. This is my first story on iss so please forgive me for my mistakes. This story is of me and my mami. She is 34 years old with figure 36-28-32 and normal boobs (not so much big) she is...

3 years ago
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My walking talking Hard on Richard Fits Well

Back in the early 80s I went one of them all male party for Bi guys a lot of sucking no fucking unless you sneaked into the bathroom, I meet one of my fuck buddy, mostly at the book store loved my BB. he was married said he had to leave soon, begging me for some ass? He finally got me in the bathroom no cloths on so it easy but no lube? wait he has carmex lip balm it worked fine, all the knocks on the door kinda distracting, but 10min shot his big load in me. he got up left me, full of cum no...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 562

This is compliments of Joe George, an elderly man from Michigan, was going up to bed when his wife told him that he’d left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. George opened the back door to go turnoff the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things. He phoned the police, who asked “Is someone in your house?” He said “No, but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me.” Then the police dispatcher said...

3 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood5

Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood (called Red for short) was a young girl who had just turned fourteen years old. Her father was a lumberjack, so their family lived in a snug little cottage buried deep in a forest. Red was the only child and so she often got bored and lonely. All she did all day was do the chores in the morning, give the family donkey food and water (and sometimes stare at its penis, since it was a male) and clean out its pen. She would then help her mother...

3 years ago
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Me And My Cuz Pt 1

The next hour went by slowly… relatives I’d forgotten about coming up to me for a chat... buying me drinks, and eventually I felt confident enough to go speak to Ashleigh. She was leaning against the wall looking around at the guests and as I approached her she looked me up and down… ‘I can do this, she still wants me.’ I told myself. ‘Hey Ash,’ I said, ‘Long time no see, how’s things?’ She smiled and replied ‘Not too bad thanx… your looking good.’ ‘Thanx, you too…..’ We began to chat...

1 year ago
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I Can Turn Your GF or Wife Lesbian

Patti was eighteen and had just graduated high school and was enjoying a sleepover at a school friend's house. Patti was of medium build with brown eyes, short brown hair, small breasts, about 5 feet 6 inches., and knew for most of her life that she was a lesbian but only had a few experiences with her friends but all that was about to change quickly. Patti had managed to seduce her blonde friend and was happily licking the girl's pussy when the girl's mother walked into the room and screamed....

3 years ago
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Monster Lab Outbreak Incident

The helicopter was mostly drowned out by her headset. Her eyes were shut as she breathed deep. She worked for the corporation that made the monster labs and sell the creatures or rent them, to people, and businesses. Emily finally had to lift her eye lids when the new guy opened his mouth. “So… what are we, like, dealing with here?” Codename Trooper asked, “Some war lord bought a virus, a zombie one. The company told him that it was only meant for human beings, and if it spreads to wildlife...

2 years ago
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Muslim whore takes two black cocks

Hafsah had been preparing herself for becoming Cornell's whore. She had started to go to a female only gym and she began to exercise to get her body ready to be in an impeccable condition. Along with this Hafsah had also started to cut down on the unhealthy foods and she began to have a body that was even more beautiful than previously seen by either Cornell or Patrick. Cornell called Hafsah and said 'I have two clients who want to see you next Monday, get ready I will drive you to them.'...

4 years ago
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After office hours

This is an incident in which I was a participant. I have changed the names as she still works with us and we have great fun once in a while. I hope she doesn't read this! Those of you who are familiar with India and it's style of dressing will know what a 'saree' is - as for the others, go look it up in the dictionary! It took only a moment for the pill to react. As Reema sipped her Coke, she felt her world beginning to spin around her, gathering momentum, till the can slipped out of her hands...

3 years ago
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Waking up to Her Part II

I woke up to her in my arms cuddling on the couch. We were watching One Missed Call together – she scared easily so I liked watching scary movies with her, it just gave me an excuse to hold her. She was like a dream. Her hair was in a mess due to not brushing it today (it was 5:00 p.m.), she was wearing her college tee shirt which was way too big for her, and her eyes looked simply magical. I rubbed her back and sighed as I woke up. With that, considering she was on top of me, she woke up. I...

3 years ago
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The Promotion1

Her boss, Jack, asked her how things were going and Maureen said that some things were just fine but other items were not. When questioned she replied that she really wanted to be an engineer, and then she could be happy. Jack told her that even if she did not make the grade this time, she should not get discouraged as there would be future oppertunities. Maureen said that she wanted to make the most of her present opportunities and stood up. She then stunned Jack by removing her blouse and...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Husband A Hypno Sissywife Story

Carla-Jean took another drag of her cigarette, savoring the sensations of the exhale for as long as she could. She'd been off cigs for a couple of years, up until she had that first fight with Mason. The moment he threw the first bottle, and then the first slap, well... She'd been through a pack every few days for a while now. She glanced over to the woman in the driver's seat, Shannon. Carla-Jean had known Shannon since they were best friends all the way back in first grade. Despite...

1 year ago
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Sexploits vol4

My first steady girlfriend and i used to enjoy alot of alfresco sex, as we both still lived with our parents. she was the same age as me and a virgin before i had my way with her. i was a bit of a c**t in those days though and didnt care if i fkd around i had a string of little teeny boppers who i dipped my cock in, but the best had to be with her younger sister. we had an arguement 1 night while i was staying over hers and she went downstairs to sleep on the sofa. half way through the night i...

2 years ago
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Do you

"Do you? Well, do you?" Brandi stared at Jack in shock, and he stared right back at her intently. The circle of teens around her waited expectantly for her answer. He was a senior, but she was just 16. She could barely stand to look at him. "Come on Brandi, this is one of the easy ones. You're not even drunk yet, and when they get drunk you know that's when they're gonna start playing hard ball." Her friend Candace coached her from her right, but all Brandi could think about was Jack staring at...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Perversion Chapter 6 Meeting Mary Again

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Getting up at seven and having a quick shower, I prepared to start the new day. It was virtually the same as every other day though sometimes the number of c***dren changed. Dressing I went down to the kitchen and looked at the meal request sheet. I had just over an hour so put out the toast,...

3 years ago
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Deal with a Horny Devil A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

1 year ago
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Winter Wonders

Howling and creaking filled the room as the cold winter wind played hide and seek around the snow covered forest cottage. He was glad he had a full supply of food on hand because the odds of freezing while he was on his own was high. He lit a match and started a blazing fire to cook his supper. He basked in the light of the fire and listened for the pops and crackles of the wood which almost covered the soft crunching of footsteps in the snow. At first he thought it was the familiar padding of...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Perfect Husband

The Perfect Husband My name is David and I'm writing this as a testimony to how a man can change. I was a typical man two years ago, with a pretty wife named Cathy, a great job in real estate, a house you would probably envy and good looks that meant I could pretty much have any woman I wanted -- which I did, even after I was married. Now Cathy suspected I slept around (calling them affairs would make them sound more important to me than they were), but she basically towed the line...

3 years ago
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Flight Fantasy part 2

Flight Fantasy -FinaleI awoke slowly that Saturday morning after a long night of passion. Cheryl had been insistent in her desire, not only urging me to take her to higher and higher places of sexual pleasure but in her seeing that I was equally pleased. There was nothing of herself that she held back and she demanded everything from me in return. It was the most incredible sex I have ever had. It was almost as if she thought there would never be another time for us. That thought gave me a...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 4 Trying some gay incest

Linda Parker, Julie's twin sister, was not like Julie. First, both girls were beautiful, but they were not identical. Both had dark hair, blue eyes, big tits and a fantastic ass, but that was all. The truth must be told, and Julie was the most beautiful. But that didn't mean that Linda was not something to see. And kiss. And lick, and... You know! Linda was beautiful, too. And, like her sister, Linda loved sex. Since her second time, Linda knew it. Her first time, when she was fifteen,...

2 years ago
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Summer in the UK Pt 2 Fun in the States

Even though all of these girls were smoking hot, Caroline and Jenna were dating Matthew and Jon, respectively and Dylan was already putting the moves on Lexi, so we knew to back off. Which left Rachel and even though she was smoking hot, she would never get with me because she had put me in the friend zone long ago. A week before we were about to leave I got a long-distance call and when I answered, I found the sweet voice of Kerry, talking back to me. I couldn’t believe how she got in...

2 years ago
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Another Punishment Another Essay

  Today I was punished in front of others. I know this isn't unusual but when it happens to you it seems like you're the first one ever. It was the most humiliating thing I ever had happen to me.   A gathering was going on at our house. I did have a few drinks and was looking cute. I was supposed to look cute. But Miss thought I was acting not cute but "Slutty". She told me and everyone else what she thought.   Although all there knew something about our relationship a lot had no idea what...

3 years ago
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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part One

Jenny Howe dreaded today. The 42 year old mother was going to be given twelve strokes of the cane and that realisation made her shiver with panic. She looked again at the Parent Discipline Slip and the instruction to see Mrs. Denver at the Academy together with her 17 year old daughter Olivia who had gone AWOL the previous week when she had a test. Having been caught Olivia had to pay the penalty by being excluded for 2 days. At least that was the easy part of the penalty. Olivia’s return to...

3 years ago
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Memories Of My Late Cousin Sister Punita

Hi. Friend. This is Deepak again with a new hot story first let me introduce myself. I am 28 years old with good height and body this incident has been taken place at the same time when I had an encounter with my aunty in my village. I am going to tell the story of cousin sister who is no more in this world. Her name was Punita and she used to call my brother and was just 18 years old. She was very beautiful and had a sexy figure. I used to see her body whenever I get a chance to see. This...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 234 Pros

"Oh! Wow! This is it!" Elaine said as we applauded. "My own television show. I am so excited. I'm Elaine Frost. Welcome to Chick Chat, the show where girls talk." ELAINE: Look! I have new chairs and a new table. We have new lights. I have a new hairdo. I even have a new dress! Like it? My producer warned me that the camera adds ten pounds, so I asked Leonard to make my dress ten pounds smaller. And I love it. It makes me feel so sexy. Girls love to feel sexy. Guys don't understand...

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Comet Q

Comet Quetzalcoatl—technically Comet C-2014/UN271, but called Comet Q because of some inane conspiracy theory connecting it to the gods of the Aztec calendar—curled across half the sky, visible even in the daytime, looking to Lena like the arched eyebrow of a disapproving parent.Surely the end of the world was at hand.It meant nothing of course; the comet was just another dead space rock from the Oort Cloud, unfortunate enough to be visiting Earth’s neighborhood at a time when science was...

1 year ago
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Jaya my friend8217s mom 2

Continue…. Once when me and jyothi aunty was discussing various things, I noticed a big photo album. And when I asked what it was she told it was her cousin sister’s wedding reception photos. She then opened it and showed me all the photos in the album. I saw aunty in saree in well make up, she looked very hot in the saree. An orange colored saree in make up with nice lipstick. She looked hot. No one would say even she looked like a mother of a 12 yr. Old. The next day, when I and she were...

4 years ago
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Dannys Mom Part 3 of 6

Danny's Mom - Part 3 of 6 In which the changes to Danny's chest continue, he notices that his voice has shifted higher, he has an embarrassing moment when playing basketball with his buddies, becomes close friends with Emma and Eric, is ogled by a waiter at a restaurant, begins wearing makeup, wears pantyhose for the first time, and learns that Eric has a 'crush' on him. July My cooking ability was like zero. I could pour milk on cereal, or make a cold cut or PB&J sandwich,...

2 years ago
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CindyChapter 32

We were home, in our own little nest, the door closed behind us. I touched her shoulder to wrap my arms around her and she beat me to it, pressing her jeans and sweatshirt-clad self against me. Long kiss. "You know what time of the month it is, don't you?" "Yeah, I kind of thought so. You taste a little different right before, ' I said. "So just starting?" "Yep. Darnit!" "Uh-huh. Like THAT'S the only thing I love about you." Another kiss, green eyes sparkling. "Lemme get my...

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